Kosovo Mafia threatening Kai Vittrup
The head of the international police in Kosovo, Kai Vittrup, confirmed in an interview for Danish television's channel one that the Kosovo Albanian mafia is threatening him with death and that as a result his security has been reinforced. "One gets used to threats and if I was afraid of them, I would not still be in Kosovo. A threat against me represents a general threat to UN staff, and we are conducting an investigation and undertaking increased security measures as a result," he said.
"My wife has left Kosovo and we made the decision together. No threat can be allowed to lead to a situation where the police chief leaves Kosovo," added Vittrup.
The UNMIK police chief pointed out that the types of crime in Kosovo are diverse - from classic forms such as looting and disregard for the law, including murder, to organized smuggling of drugs and arms. "What we have is a mafia run by families according to the clan system. It's a very closed system that's difficult to reveal but there has been progress," said Vittrup.
This entry was posted by rodoyf, on
Friday, July 21, 2006.
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