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Russian tanks in Kosovo (1999) Part 3


  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:32 AM |  

    We have all heard statements that are made by people who manage to get a University Degree, and THE title of “expert”. There are many “experts” who know that God created all things. These unprincipled people deliberately lie because they are Secret Devil Worshippers. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). “Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:42-44).

    “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:18-22).

    “Let no one deceive himself. If anyone thinks that he is wise among you in this world, let him become a fool, that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He has taken the wise in their craftiness. And again, The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise, that it is worthless (1 Corinthians 3:18-20).

    If you hear “experts” say that man has been on earth for millions of years or that we came from monkeys, then you can be certain that they are lying. I present evidence that humans have not and could not have been on earth for more than a few thousand years. Three thousand years ago, there the Chinese conducted a census and there were 13,000,000 people in China. Today, there are 100 times as many as there was three thousand years ago. Today, there are over 1,300,000,000 Chinese people, and they are in countries other than China. Sixty years ago, there were approximately 300, 000, 000 Indians, and today there are over 1,000,000,000 Indians. It is obvious that after God put 2 people on the earth, they would fill the earth very quickly. I have provided a series of numbers that starts with 2 and doubles as it progresses. This clearly proves that people could not have been here long, and that we did not come from monkeys, but that God created humans. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100:3).

    people created by God,
    Adam and Eve.

    people after the 1st doubling.

    people after the 2nd doubling.

    people after the 3rd doubling.

    people after the 4th doubling.

    people after the 5th doubling.

    people after the 6th doubling.

    people after the 7th doubling.

    people after the 8th doubling.

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    people after the 20th doubling.

    people after the 21st doubling.

    people after the 22nd doubling.

    people after the 23rd doubling.

    people after the 24th doubling.

    people after the 25th doubling.

    people after the 26th doubling.

    people after the 27th doubling.

    people after the 28th doubling.

    people after the 29th doubling.

    people after the 30th doubling.

    people after the 31st doubling.

    people after the 32nd doubling.

    people after the 33rd doubling.

    33 doublings x 200 years for each doubling=6,600 years

    Today, there are approximately 6,600,000,000 people. Sixty years ago, there were over 3,000,000,000 people. In 1830, there were 1,000,000,000 people. In 1650, there were 500,000,000 people. Two thousand years ago, there were 250,000,000 people. There were fewer and fewer people on the earth the further back in time we go, and we do come back very quickly to the first 2 people. The first man could not have been his own father; and the first woman could not have been her own mother. This is why I believe that God created the first 2 people. If someone said that a house made itself all by chance; would you believe that? Do you really think that the first man could have made himself all by chance without even knowing what the first woman would be like biologically? Do you really think that at the same time first woman could have made herself all by chance without even knowing what the first man would be like biologically; so that they ended up being compatible to each other, and this all by chance? It could never happen by chance; it was deliberately designed and created by God! (Hebrews 3:4).

    The first 2 people were brown people who had all the genetic information to become any colour. Black people have lost the genetic information to become white, and white people have lost the genetic information to become black. For many centuries, all humans were only one race of brown people, and they spoke only the one God given language. God replaced the one and only language of those people of the ancient City of Babel with many different languages. He did this because they refused to obey His command to spread out over the earth. “And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth” (Genesis 1:28; 9:1, 7; 11:1-9).

    That one race of brown people had the genetic information to become black, or white, or any colour, or to stay brown. After one God given language those disobedient people was miraculously changed to many different languages, they reluctantly began to spread out over the earth. They stayed only with their own language group because these were the only people they could understand and work with. With the passage of time, many other dialects, and even completely new languages appeared purely by human means. With time, many new races have appeared, and some races have become extinct. Physical differences began increasing, and as a result, we now have all the many different races today.

    Every race has similar features because they began as a small group of people, and then increased in numbers. Different races did not begin as billions of people and then decreased in numbers. Obviously, then the entire human race began as a small group of people, and then increased in numbers. The smallest group needed is 2 people; one man and one woman. Black people did not come from black monkeys, yellow people did not come from yellow monkeys, and white people did not come from white monkeys. All the evidence proves the Bible is correct in saying that we all came from 2 created people. (Genesis 5:4; Acts 17:26; Romans 3:4).

    The best gardener can never get apples from peaches; and the best scientists can never get humans from monkeys. All breeds of domestic dogs with their different sizes, shapes, and colours came from the wolf, which is itself a dog. Any breed of domestic dog can breed with any other breed of domestic dog because they have the same origin; namely the wolf. Dogs have only ever come from other dogs, and will only ever be dogs. They can never become cats or horses no matter how long you give them. If hypothetically, the first male that supposedly “happened by chance” was a horse, and the first female that “happened by chance” was a cow, then that would have been of no use, even if it occurred on the same acre of land (Genesis 1:11, 12, 20-25). The story of one human male (Adam) and of one human female (Eve) being created by God in the same locality (Garden of Eden) is a true story (Genesis 2:7-9; 15-24).

    Obviously, the first 2 people had many sons and daughters, and all the different races came from them (Genesis 5:4: Acts 17:26). Starting with the first 2 people; all that is needed is for the population to double 33 times, and we would have 17,177,869,184 people. Despite massive wars, massive famines, massive disease epidemics, and the widespread use of modern contraception, the population has doubled in the last 60 years. Even after using a much larger doubling rate of 200 years, what we have is 33 x 200 = 6,600 years. The first 2 people would become hundreds of people in the first 200 years, which is far more than just doubling in numbers. Mathematics proves that people have not been here long; and the Bible says it has been just a little over 6,000 years.

    Adam and Eve were created perfect DNA, and it only became damaged after they sinned against their Creator. This is because God was no longer maintaining their DNA in perfect condition as punishment for their sins (Genesis 2:16, 17). As a consequence of their disobedience they began to slowly grow old and eventually died (Genesis 3:6; 5:5). They could only pass on to their descendents what they had, and that was sin, and imperfect DNA that would lead to sickness, old age, and death (Romans 5:12; 6:23). Human DNA remained sufficiently healthy for many generations, even for some time after the days of Moses. God knew that some time after the days of Moses, incest would produce defects in a minority of people. This is because human DNA was becoming more imperfect to the point that it would become a problem. It had not been a problem in the days of Moses, and that is why God did not have to deal with this issue until well before it would become a problem. This issue was dealt with after Israel left Egypt and incest was forbidden from the time that God gave the Law to ancient Israel by means of Moses.

    We all know that an engineer can create a car that has never existed; he can repair it when it breaks down, and he can replace it when it is wrecked. We should all know that Almighty God has created people who at one time never existed. Obviously, God can heal the sick and bring the dead back to life when and only when He wants to, because He knows all things much better than we do. God created the first man Adam from the dust or chemical elements of the earth. Adam was in the ground and non-existent until God created him from the dust of the ground. (Genesis 2:7). God will resurrect (bring back to life) dead people at a future time because He has promised to do this (John 5:28, 29; Titus 1:2). The first woman, Eve, was created from one of Adam’s ribs (Genesis 2:21, 22). This is an example of God’s ability to heal, because if you were just a rib you would be ‘very sick’ (Matthew 4:23). Creation is a proven miracle, and is proof that all miracles in the Bible are true. God is All-Powerful and All-Wise and does predict and does control the future. We cannot see gravity, or the earth’s magnetic field, or even radio waves, yet we all know that they exist. We cannot see God because He is an Invisible Spirit. (1 Timothy 1:17) You cannot get something from nothing; therefore, either Someone or something must have always existed. Things cannot create themselves; therefore, it must be a Someone who has always existed. The Creator could not be created, because the One who created Him would be the Creator. The Creator could not create Himself, because nothing creates itself. God certainly does exist, and because He could not have been created by anyone else, or created Himself, He must have always existed, and will always exist (1 Timothy 1:17; Isaiah 43:10-13).

    God would speak to all of us only by means of a Book, because in this way all people at any time in history can know the truth. By providing a Book to everyone, it shows that God is impartial and loves us all equally. This is not only because of giving all of us the same amount of information (the Bible), but by allowing us to refresh our poor memories by consulting the Scriptures. If God spoke to all of us at the same time, then by the end of the day, we would have many different versions of what people would claim He said. These many versions would be in every language, and it would be distressing to some people to hear God speaking (Exodus 20:18-22). All of us have poor memories, others do not hear correctly, and others will deliberately lie about what God said. People would write down what they thought God said and the variations in every language would be enormous. If God was asked by each generation to speak again to clarify matters, the same thing would happen, and we only have more uncertainty. This situation would only create debates and even students have textbooks that they use to learn (John 21:24, 25). The purpose of communication is to make your message known, and any writing can be checked to see if it stands the test of time, which the Bible does. Obviously, the best way for God to communicate to all humans would be a Book. Yes, God chose faithful and honest people to write down what God wanted us to know. To live forever, you will have to learn about the God of the Bible, and you will have to learn about His Son Jesus Christ. (John 8:32; 17:3) Only those people who use their God given free will wisely and properly to love and obey our Creator, and who speak the truth will gain everlasting life (Psalms 5:6; 119:160; 1 John 2:17).

    Christ is coming back to judge the earth and no human can prevent that, so the wise thing is to be prepared by serving God, and that means doing all the things the Bible says we should be doing (Proverbs 21:30; 2 Thessalonians 1: 5-10). “There will be great earthquakes, famines, and plagues in various places. There will be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:11). The Bible uses the word heaven to describe the sky, and we have seen terrors in the sky in the form of warplanes. The Bible uses the word heaven to describe space, and we have seen great signs in the sky and space. These include passenger planes, satellites, man landing on the moon, probes landing on Mars, and other space exploration (Genesis 1:14, 20). If this is a sign that Christ will soon return, then the most important thing for us to be doing is to obey our Creator (1 John 2:17). Even as the entire human race cannot stop the world from rotating on its axis, the entire human race cannot prevent the inevitable Coming of Christ.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    We have seen that the former Governor of Illinois has been impeached at the insane dictatorial Illinois Inquisition by a unanimous vote.

    The reason for this is that they can always say what they want about him if lies need to be made up.

    The American politicians can say that they were keeping things secret from the public for the time being. The American law agencies will want to tell any lie that is insisted on by the Establishment. This is if they do not want to be the subject of investigation, or to be tortured in the invisible realm by the invisible demons, or get a ‘friendly’ visit from the CIA.

    The Illinois Senate now has the luxury of saying that they kept silent the fact of the former Governor’s child pornography, the drugs, and whatever other lie they need.

    The insane dictatorial Illinois Inquisition did prove to be a monumental fraud, a travesty of justice, and a shameful and brazen mockery of democracy. It is obvious that the Illinois politicians are trying to cover something up.

    If I was writing a novel I would have a main character that was perhaps a journalist or an independent politician. This main character would say to the other politician of this ancient and far away land that liars and hypocrites have no right to live. I would then use this that statement to say that because liars and hypocrites have no right even to live, then they have no right to even be a politician and to sit in judgement of others.

    If I were the former Governor of Illinois, I would not have attend the Illinois Inquisition even if the American Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful conviction. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced Inquisition to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book to the American Federal Government for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that I would have to attend the insane Illinois Inquisition and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    This is why America has many NGO’s in every country so that they can transfer the money in Swiss Bank Accounts from that country and blame whoever they want. This is why every country should tell all of America’s NGO’s that are nationals to leave their country and never come back again. All the countries of the world should pass a law saying that all nationals who are making good money as Secret CIA agents should leave the CIA.

    There could be some American citizens who think that the Illinois Senators unanimously voted put on the public record that all the American politicians have no right to live.

    If I had to vote on the matter of convicting the Governor after all this has happened I would vote against conviction even if he was guilty. If I was an Illinoisan Senator I would know that I was guilty of the same offence, and as such my conscience would not allow me to convict others for what I have done, am doing, and will continue to do. I would know that I would continue to be guilty of that offence even after I had convicted someone else, and I would consider it hypocritical and unjust. I would let the voters decide at the next election, if the Governor decided to run as an independent candidate.

    I think that if it is discovered by bank records that the former Governor of Illinois has a Secret Swiss Account, we should first of all suspect the Clinton’s and they the White Supremacist Racists of America.

    I do not know if the former Governor was given U.S. 30 million Dollars that was placed in a Swiss Bank Account to attend the Inquisition. I do not know if the former Governor sold the rights to his book to the American Federal Government so that the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I am sure that many Americans would like to read how to have American politics that does not work on bribery and pay to play.

    I want to say that I am not the former Governor’s agent, and I will not be collecting 10% of U.S. 30 Million Dollars because I neither know him, and I do not know if he made a deal with the American Federal Government to not write a book on democratic reforms. If the former Governor has sold the rights to his book to the American Federal Government on how to prevent bribe taking in American politics, then it may either be a legal transaction, or it could be a type of pay to play.

    It is good that the Swiss Banks get everything secret so that we will never know how much money the former Governor has, even if he pretends to be poor for a few years.

    It really does not matter at all to the American Media or to the corrupt bribe taking American politicians what you think, because they know for a proven fact, that most of you are not intelligent enough to remember any of their schemes in a week’s time.

    The putrid puppet Media who will be paid in cash will tell that the former Governor was grandstanding by wanting a fair trial, and that Senator Burris had an ego problem because he wanted what belongs to him.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year. The world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and with only a few honest ones. It should be kept in mind that even people who have no intention of deliberately lying are fallible, and even what they say is not always correct.

    The Illinios Media will receive their money from Patrick Quinn and the Democrats and the Republicans after they raise State taxes because they worked together as a team for the love of money.

    The new Governor dictator Patrick Quinn has asked that the former Governor not have any security because the Chicago mafia ordered Quinn to do that. This is because of what the Chicago mafia heard the Governor say that he did not want to raise taxes. Obama who has Chicago links knows that dead men tell no tales, and Fitzgerald can ‘find’ all the ‘evidence’ to smear the former Governor to help the Clinton’s impeach Obama. It is now easier to intimidate the former Governor into confessing to something that he has not done because of saying that he will be safe in jail.

    I would have been equally happy with whatever person the former Governor of Illinois chose for Senator because it would have been a legal appointment. I congratulate Senator Roland Burris for his appointment to the U.S. Senate, and I am happy that he is a Senator because he is a decent person. I want to say that I just that little bit more happier for Mr. Roland Burris because he had to earn what he was in fact entitled to.

    Plantation owner Harry Reid sent a strong message that the White Democrats do not want any black Senators. He spoke to the former Governor and told him that he did not want any black males in the Senate. He has done this by dictating that the former Governor be impeached for appointing a black Senator to the Whites Only Plantation House. Reid has also done this by refusing to immediately resign his Senate seat to let a black Senator take his Senate seat to better represent Multi Ethnic America.

    We have seen Plantation owner Harry Reid abuse his power by saying that he did not want black people in the Senate. Even the black politicians in America know what is going on and they know that they need the Racist Europeans as allies, and just like with other friendly dictators they look the other way.

    The major European allies of America are Nazi Racists, and they wanted to show the world that the Serbian people are an inferior dog race by way of the former Governor of Illinois.

    The European Nazi allies of America were happy that Plantation owner Harry Reid agrees with them, as they both do not view blacks as equals. These are the things that we can conclude if we read or more accurately Reid between the lines.

    If there is Racism in America, them the racist will be backed by the Media, even if a few Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas are put there for deception. Bill Clinton knows that the white women all go to the Media, and he thinks that there is more discretion in Africa. He thinks that his charity money will be needed for the 2012 election because Obama will be impeached and will not run for re-election.

    The dictators of America will fabricate any ‘evidence’ they want to further their evil purposes and to cover up. It just seems that if Fitzgerald had anything he would not have needed extra time for a supposed ‘investigation’ that was going on for years of a supposed corruption crime spree.

    It has been said to me that I should never make up my mind over a dispute until I have heard both sides of the story, and then given myself a reasonably sufficient time to decide. I have found that this was very sensible advice for those who want to be honest, and I am glad that I always follow that just principle.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If you have been paying attention or you could check for yourself, the word rod was used in my comment before the current Governor Rod Blagojevich matter.

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4)

    “A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey, and a rod is for the backs of fools” (Proverbs 26:3).

    I quoted the first Scripture at comment 23, and the second Scripture at comment 24, and I started commenting on Illinios at comment 25 in the thread above this one.

    There are those who think that it is a coincidence, but if they do not have sufficient wisdom that is their problem.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    What can be known to be true is that God always speaks the truth, and what He wants us to know He had recorded for us in the Bible.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there are many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world.

    It is possible that the politicians of Illinois were trying to help you to understand the truth because many of them are decent people to some extent, even though they are Secret Devil worshippers.

    It could be that the invisible Satan the Devil made them vote unanimously against the former Governor because they would have been tortured in the invisible realm otherwise.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to attack me on a few occasions, and I believe that this was so I could tell others my story. I do understand what those politicians who do not have God’s protection, or who have been seduced to serve Satan like Bush, Clinton, Solana, and Tadic can expect if they refuse to be puppets.

    The invisible demons are very vicious, and it was like being tortured by people when the invisible demons attacked me and I suffered great physical pain.

    What is known to be a fact is that every American politician is a secret Devil worshipper and is fully puppetized to do want Satan wants, even if it Satan wants that politician to commit suicide or even a crime.

    “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me! ”For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area”. (Mark 5:1-10)

    It was interesting to see the unanimous Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The wise thing to do to waste no time getting to know the Bible properly, because your life depends on it.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

    “For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marvelled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed. To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfil every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-12)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:21 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich made a uniquely honest speech to the Illinois Senate last week before the Senators voted unanimously to be hypocritical and self-righteous.

    The former Governor of Illinois said that he had a great ally in clearing his name of any wrongdoing and was the truth.

    We all know that he has been honest and has mentioned things that remind some of us of the Stanford University experiment.

    We will see if he tells the rest of the truth at his trial, and that is that he was under the control of the invisible demons, because all of America’s politicians are the puppets of the invisible demons.

    That is what I would do, and perhaps the jury would find that I was both guilty and innocent. The jury could not pronounce me both guilty and innocent, and they may just pronounce me innocent.

    There is a possible problem with, and that is that if the invisible demons torture the jurors, then it will not be a fair trial, just like the Senate Inquisition was a sham, and a foregone conclusion.

    If someone were asking for my advice, I would say that the America politicians should give the former Governor of Illinois U.S. 30 million Dollars. The former Governor would have to write a book on democratic reforms, and it would be compensation to help the American politicians to introduce democratic reforms.

    I suspect that they will not listen because they want a scapegoat approach instead of democratic reforms. This is because the bribes they are receiving are just too lucrative to want democratic reforms because they are greedy unprincipled thieves.

    The Inquisition was disturbing as only selected comments with no context of Mr. Blagojevich’s conversation were made public.

    Mr. Blagojevich asserted several times that he had done nothing illegal, and his duty was to serve the urgent needs of the citizens of Illinois.

    The issues the former Governor was ‘judged’ on were the things that the Illinois Senators supported him on, but they decided that they were not to be held to the same level of accountability.

    Mr. Blagojevich was honest enough to confess that all the American politicians need to be creative in raising campaign money, and he wished there was a better system for collecting campaign funds. Perhaps he favours 100% public funding for elections so that there would be less corruption in American politics.

    There is a lot of horse-trading going on in American politics, and the Governor was looking for the best deal for Illinois. The negotiating discussions would need to have a certain flexibility to explore the parameters to give the best choice for Illinois. It is a proven fact that if you take your time over an issue that is not urgent, then your final decision will be better. There is no evidence that the former Governor would not have made a decision that would not only be best for Illinois, but would be both legal and ethical.

    The former Governor truthfully said that his conversations were typical of every American politicians does in order to run campaigns and try to win elections and that they all knew it.

    The former Governor’s assertion that it is the first and only consideration of every politician is demonstrably true, and is an indictment not of any American politician, but rather than the system.

    America has many NGO’s in every country so that they can transfer the money in Swiss Bank Accounts from that country or any other country and blame whomever they want.

    This is why every country should tell all of America’s NGO’s who are not nationals to leave their country and never come back again.

    All the countries of the world should pass a law saying that all nationals who are making good money as Secret CIA agents should leave the CIA.

    I think that if it is discovered by bank records that the former Governor of Illinois has a Secret Swiss Account, we should first of all suspect the Clinton’s, and then the White Supremacist Racists of America.

    It is good that the Swiss Banks keep everything secret so that we will never know how much money the former Governor has, even if he pretends to be poor for a few years.

    The major European allies of America are Nazi Racists who are of Germanic and Nordic Master Race. These European Nazis want to show the world that the Serbian people are an inferior dog race by means of the former Governor of Illinois.

    We have seen Plantation owner Harry Reid abuse his power by saying that he did not want black people in the Senate. Even the black politicians in America know what is really going on, and they know that they need the Racist European Master Race as allies. The attitude of American politicians to this just like their attitude to America’s friendly dictators, and so the American politicians both white and black just look the other way, and make excuses.

    The European Nazi allies of America were happy that Plantation owner Harry Reid agrees with them, as they both do not view blacks as equals. These are the things that we can conclude if we read or more accurately Reid between the lines.

    There is Racism in America, and the racists are backed by the Media, even if a few Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas are put there as journalists for deception. Bill Clinton knows that the white women all go to the Media, and he thinks that there is more discretion in Africa. He thinks that his charity money will be needed for the 2012 election because Obama will be impeached and will not run for re-election.

    The dictators of America will fabricate any ‘evidence’ they want to further their evil purposes and to cover up. It just seems that if Fitzgerald had anything he would not have needed extra time for a supposed ‘investigation’ that was going on for years of a supposed corruption crime spree.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    What can be known to be true is that God always speaks the truth, and what He wants us to know He had recorded for us in the Bible.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there are many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world.

    It is possible that the politicians of Illinois were trying to help you to understand the truth because many of them are decent people to some extent, even though they are Secret Devil worshippers.

    It could be that the invisible Satan the Devil made them vote unanimously against the former Governor because they would have been tortured in the invisible realm otherwise.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to attack me on a few occasions, and I believe that this was so I could tell others my story. I do understand what those politicians who do not have God’s protection, or who have been seduced to serve Satan like Bush, Clinton, Solana, and Tadic can expect if they refuse to be puppets.

    The invisible demons are very vicious, and it was like being tortured by people when the invisible demons attacked me and I suffered great physical pain.

    What is known to be a fact is that every American politician is a secret Devil worshipper and is fully puppetized to do want Satan wants, even if it Satan wants that politician to commit suicide or even to commit a crime.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The very wise thing to do is to waste no time getting to know the Bible properly, because your life depends on it.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

    “For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marvelled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed. To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfil every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-12)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    Even though much of this is similar to what I have already written, there is some new information here, and I will give some of the new information first.

    There is a lot of horse-trading going on in American politics, and the Governor was looking for the best deal for Illinois. The negotiating discussions would need to have a certain flexibility to explore the parameters to give the best results for Illinois. It is a proven fact that if you take your time over an issue that is not urgent, explore different possibilities, and discuss it with many advisors, then your final decision will be better.

    People who know how to negotiate know that they need to bluff a bit, and to maximize their potential deal.

    There is a technique where if a person could not convince another face to face, then he sends a friend to negotiate an exaggerated claim as the starting position. The friend is easy to convince because he will naturally believe that you are not putting on an act, and he will sound convincing to the other party. If you had to have direct negotiations with the other party, you would not sound as convincing, The friend that negotiates for you is not in a position to answer the tricky questions from the person that you are really negotiating with. This give you time to know how better to respond as you have the time, and can discuss those tricky questions with your friend or with others.

    Is there any evidence that the former Governor would not have made a decision that would not only have been best for Illinois, but would be both legal and ethical at the same time?

    We need to understand that just like everyone abused their power against the former Governor of Illinois, even the Democrat Media because he is Serbian and was to be useful to the Clintons.

    In America, you cannot have Government Media, and so if the Media is biased against a Governor, he cannot use legislation against them. The only way to restore justice is to change the attitude of the editors. However, if the editors are being bribed by the Clinton’s Charity Fund, then there is not much a Governor can do.

    I noticed a situation at a workplace where there were several different businesses in the same large building. One person from one of the companies did something wrong, and a certain person told the matter to his supervisor. The person who did the wrong thing lost his job that day, and the next day the person who told the matter visited the business next door. After speaking with the people of the other business, he asked where is that person who did something that is wrong. He was told that he had lost his job moments after the incident came to the attention of the supervisor. The person who had told the matter was unhappy with the situation, and gradually was able to persuade the supervisor to call the former employee and give him back his job. The person who lost his job knew that he deserved to lose his job because of what he had done. After the person who had lost his job came back to work, he was grateful to the man who had persuaded his supervisor to give him back his job.

    If I were a Governor who had to deal with biased and bribed editors of a Newspaper, I would pretend to want those editors to lose their job to get a better understanding of what was going on.

    If the editors decide to be more objective, then I would know that they are not being bribed by unknown vested interests who are working against Illinois. If I suspected that they were working for unknown vested interests, and against the interests of Illinois, then I would be in a position to make my concerns known to the owners of the Newspapers. If the Newspaper owners would not be reasonable, then perhaps they too were working for unknown vested interests. I would not be able to know any of these things unless I was allowed a certain flexibility to discover potential facts.

    If the editors were not being bribed and thought that I could make them loose their jobs, they may have a change of attitude. After they discover that I pleaded for them to keep their jobs, or even suggested a possible pay rise, they would be totally objective in future, or even slightly biased in my favour.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    The job of the Governor has been made difficult by those who abused their power and then blamed the victim.

    I do not say that I know the entire story, and people’s opinions will change with new information.

    Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich made a uniquely honest speech to the Illinois Senate last week before the Senators voted unanimously to be hypocritical and self-righteous.

    The former Governor of Illinois said that he had a great ally in clearing his name of any wrongdoing and was the truth.

    We all know that he has been honest and has mentioned things that remind some of us of the Stanford University experiment. It was because of this honesty that the insane Illinois Inquisition voted unanimously against him as a desperate type of ‘proof’. They were hoping to ‘prove’ that they, their families and friends, and employees are ‘pure’. The Illinois Inquisition were trying to say that they are pure, even though they are just like him or even worse.

    We will see if he tells the rest of the truth at his trial, if it goes to trial’ and that is that he was under the control of the invisible demons. He was under the control of the invisible demons because all of America’s politicians are the puppets of the invisible demons.

    That is what I would do, and perhaps the jury would find that I was both guilty and innocent. The jury could not pronounce me both guilty and innocent, and they may just pronounce me innocent.

    There is a possible problem with that approach, and that is that if the invisible demons torture the jurors, then it will not be a fair trial, just like the Senate Inquisition was a sham, and a foregone conclusion. I would not care, as I would know that honesty is the best policy, and I would put my trust in God.

    If the former Governor does not use this method, then we will all know that he is not being honest, and remains a Secret Devil worshipper even after leaving politics. If you are not honest, then God will not help you, but if you lie, then the invisible demons might help their own depending on the situation.

    The Inquisition was disturbing as only selected comments with no context of Mr. Blagojevich’s conversation were made public. I think that words of any of us were quote selectively with no regards to context, then we would look guilty.

    The issues the former Governor was ‘judged’ on were the things that the Illinois Senators and Federal politicians supported him on, but they decided that they were not to be held to the same level of accountability.

    Is there any evidence that the former Governor would not have made a decision that would not only have been best for Illinois, but would be both legal and ethical at the same time?

    The former Governor truthfully said that his conversations were typical of every American politician, his family, friends, and team do in order to run campaigns and try to win elections and that they all know this to be true.

    The former Governor’s assertion that it is the first and only consideration of every politician is demonstrably true, and is an indictment not of any American politician, but rather the current political system.

    If some American politicians change their attitude by the time the Governor’s case come to Court, then that does not change the fact that they were the unwritten rules that everyone played by.

    America has many NGO’s in every country so that they can transfer the money in Swiss Bank Accounts from that country or any other country and blame whomever they want.

    This is why every country should tell all of America’s NGO’s who are not nationals to leave their country and never come back again. The term NGO does not really mean Non-Government Organization but they are Noxious Government Organizations.

    All the countries of the world should pass a law saying that all nationals who are making good money as Secret CIA agents should leave the CIA.

    I think that if it is discovered by bank records that the former Governor of Illinois has a Secret Swiss Account, we should first of all suspect the Clinton’s, and then the White Supremacist Racists of America.

    It is good that the Swiss Banks keep everything secret so that we will never know how much money the former Governor has, even if he pretends to be poor for a few years.

    The major European allies of America are Evil Nazi Racists who are of Germanic and Nordic Master Race. America and their European Nazis allies want to show the world that the Serbian people are an inferior dog race by means of the former Governor of Illinois.

    We have seen Plantation owner Harry Reid abuse his power by saying that he did not want black people in the Senate. Even the black politicians in America know what is really going on, and they know that they need the Racist European Master Race as allies. The attitude of American politicians to this just like their attitude to America’s friendly dictators, and so the American politicians both white and black just look the other way, and make excuses.

    The European Nazi allies of America were happy that Plantation owner Harry Reid agrees with them, as they both do not view blacks as equals. These are the things that we can conclude if we read or more accurately Reid between the lines.

    There is Racism in America, and the racists are backed by the Media, even if a few Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas are put there as journalists for deception. Bill Clinton knows that the white women all go to the Media, and he thinks that there is more discretion in Africa. He thinks that his charity money will be needed for the 2012 election because Obama will be impeached and will not run for re-election.

    It naturally follows that whomever the Racist Main Stream Media support will be the Racist party, and the Main Stream Media supports the Democrats.

    The dictators of America will fabricate any ‘evidence’ they want to further their evil purposes and to cover up. It just seems that if Fitzgerald had anything he would not have needed extra time for a supposed ‘investigation’ that was going on for years of a supposed corruption crime spree.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:31 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    I remember years ago when the was currency speculation by hedge funds that Malaysia successfully prevent devaluation of their currency while allowing proper money transactions.

    To be the Governor of an American state you would have to play detective at times, and be an actor at times to fulfil your duties to your State.

    People who know how to negotiate know that they need to bluff a bit to maximize their potential deal. There is information on this on the internet if you type the words how to negotiate in a search engine.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    The job of the Governor has been made difficult by those who abused their power and then blamed the victim.

    I do not say that I know the entire story, and people’s opinions will change with new information.

    If the former Governor of Illinois is working for the Clinton’s to have Obama impeached, then the payment may have already been made to a secret Bank account. It could be that an agreement to pay to a secret Bank Account by the Clinton’s to the former Governor was to be within 30 days of conviction by the Illinois Senate.

    We will see if the former Governor of Illinois tells the truth at his trial, if it goes to trial, and that is that he was under the control of the invisible demons. He was under the control of the invisible demons because all of America’s politicians are the puppets of the invisible demons.

    That is what I would do, and perhaps the jury would find that I was both guilty and innocent. The jury could not pronounce me both guilty and innocent, and they may just pronounce me innocent.

    There is a possible problem with that approach, and that is that if the invisible demons torture the jurors, then it will not be a fair trial, just like the Senate Inquisition was a sham, and a foregone conclusion. I would not care, as I would know that honesty is the best policy, and I would put my trust in God.

    I know that God is more powerful than all the invisible demons, and the proof is that I can write this comment.

    If the former Governor does not use this method, then we will all know that he is not being honest, and remains a Secret Devil worshipper even after leaving politics. If you are not honest, then God will not help you, but if you lie, then the invisible demons might help their own depending on if they need to deceive people.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    I remember years ago when there was currency speculation by hedge funds that Malaysia successfully prevented devaluation of their currency while allowing proper money transactions. For those economists who are interested, they should study the details of that successful policy, as it will add to their knowledge of economics.

    There is a fully accepted culture of horse-trading going on in American politics for hundreds of years. Any responsible Illinoisan Governor would try to maximize the benefits they can get for the people of Illinois. The negotiating discussions would need to have a certain flexibility to explore the parameters to give the best results for Illinois. It is a proven fact that if you take your time over an issue that is not urgent, explore different possibilities, and discuss it with many advisors, then your final decision will be better.

    What is interesting about this case is that no one is quoted as saying to the former Governor; it is your responsibility to appoint someone to the U.S. Senate, just make the appointment, because it is none of my business.

    The fact that politicians have flexible speech is a practice and culture that is totally accepted and acceptable, but this does not prove that the final decision would be unethical or illegal. American politicians like to joke with each other and people should be allowed to have private conversations.

    If the former Governor of Illinois had tried to sell me that Senate seat, then I would have gone to the authorities and made my allegations. The fact that phones had to be tapped, and that people had to carry a wire proves that the FBI consider that every American politician is a criminal. By such behaviour, the U.S. Attorneys are saying that every American politician does deals for money, and that not even one of them has the honesty to tell the authorities.

    Even though a person says the words, I want this for myself, it does not always mean that that person would gain financially. I will give the example that even many American citizens wanted to see the end of the Marcos Dictatorship. Such a desire would not have been for any monetary gain for those American citizens. There were many American citizens who wanted to contribute to the Hurricane Katrina tragedy, and they were not looking for any monetary gain.

    There is a true saying that there are many people who believe that virtue is its own reward.

    I know that most of the American public have become overly cynical of all American politicians. They truly are not aware of how difficult the job can be, but there are many genuine public officials.

    This is the stated attitude of many American politicians who decide to dedicate themselves to public service. I am truly in no position to sit in judgement on another person motives, and so I always give the benefit of the doubt.

    I would not consider a person wanting to further their career or wanting financial security as being evil, but necessary and proper if it is done morally and legally.

    I just do not believe that American State politicians are that bad, even though most of the Federal America Politicians are very bad people.

    We cannot even know a person’s motives if we go by their words and the tones of the words. This is why we need to ask the person involved what they meant by what they said, and even if they really meant it.

    We have all had moments that we did not mean what we said, and wished we had not said what we said.

    The American Media keep talking about freedom of the Press is necessary, but they never speak about the freedom of American citizens being necessary.

    The Media has said that because the former Governor of Illinois has a low approval rating, and they are trying to say that this is a reason for disregarding due process and the presumption of innocence.

    A Media in a democratic country should act responsibly and democratically and instruct the citizens to obey the Constitution, and to follow due process and the presumption of innocence.

    It is extremely unlikely the Founders of America would recognize what became of the Republic they created, if they could see it today. Here is how Thomas Jefferson articulated the Founders' sentiment in drafting the document adopted in 1787:

    “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution”.

    We have seen by the actions of the insane Illinois Inquisition how the unprincipled dictators of America and their Media ally considers the Constitution to be just an inconvenient piece of paper.

    The former Governor of Illinois is doing the right thing by appearing on the isolated honest Media even though some commentators think he may be guilty of a criminal offence. The fact that many people think this way is a testimony to the power of the Media.

    The Media has a lot of power, and it has been observed that power corrupts, and so we should not be surprised to discover that the Media should behave responsibly.

    The Main Stream Media think that they can do whatever they want to line their pockets at the expense of the public, and the freedom and good image of Americans. They believe that they can do this without even a word of correction because they cloak themselves with the need for freedom of the Press. A Democracy does need a free Press, but it needs a responsible Press at the same time.

    There is one thing the Media does not wish to discuss, and that is their responsibility before the American people.

    People who know how to negotiate know that they need to bluff a bit, and to maximize their potential deal.

    There is a technique where if a person could not convince another face to face, then he sends a friend to negotiate an exaggerated claim as the starting position. The friend is easy to convince because he will naturally believe that you are not putting on an act, and he will sound convincing to the other party. If you had to have direct negotiations with the other party, you would not sound as convincing. The friend that negotiates for you is not in a position to answer the tricky questions from the person that you are really negotiating with. This gives you time to know how better to respond, because you can discuss those tricky questions with your friend or with others.

    Is there any evidence that the former Governor would not have made a decision that would not only have been best for Illinois, but would be both legal and ethical at the same time?

    In America, you cannot have Government Media, and so if the Media is biased against a Governor, he cannot use legislation against them. The only way to restore justice is to change the attitude of the editors. However, if the editors are being bribed by the Clinton’s Charity Fund, then there is not much a Governor can do.

    I noticed a situation at a workplace where there were several different businesses in the same large building. One person from one of the companies did something wrong, and a person from another company told the matter to his supervisor. The person who did the wrong thing lost his job that day, and the next day the person who told the matter visited the business next door. After speaking with the people of the other business, he asked where is that person who did something that is wrong. He was told that he had lost his job moments after the incident came to the attention of the supervisor. The person who had told the matter was unhappy with the situation, and gradually was able to persuade the supervisor to call the former employee and give him back his job. The person who lost his job knew that he deserved to lose his job because of what he had done. After the person who had lost his job came back to work, he was grateful to the man who had persuaded his supervisor to give him back his job.

    Any responsible Governor who had to deal with biased and bribed editors of a Newspaper would pretend to want those editors to lose their job to get a better understanding of what was going on.

    If the editors decide to be more objective, then the Governor would know that they are not being bribed by unknown vested interests who are working against his State. If a responsible Governor suspected that they were working for unknown vested interests, and against the interests of his State, then he would be in a position to make his concerns known to the owners of the Newspapers. If the Newspaper owners would not be reasonable, then perhaps they too were working for unknown vested interests. A responsibly Governor would not be able to know any of these things unless he was allowed a certain flexibility to discover what unknown agents are working against the interests of his State.

    If the editors were not being bribed and the Governor thought that he could make them loose their jobs, they may have a change of attitude. After they discover that I pleaded for them to keep their jobs, or even suggested a possible pay rise, they would be totally objective in future, or even slightly biased in my favour.

    If a State is to maximize its economic potential, then they need an unbiased Media to keep all the politicians working at their best potential.

    There is nothing wrong with wanting to win an election in a proper manner, because loosing an election is the easy thing. If every political party wanted to loose elections, then that State would have a poor economy.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    The job of the Governor has been made difficult by those who abused their power and then blamed the victim.

    I do not say that I know the entire story, and people’s opinions will change with new information.

    The former Governor of Illinois said that he had a great ally in clearing his name of any wrongdoing and was the truth.

    To be an effective Governor of an American state you would have to play detective at times, and be an actor at times to fulfil your duties to your State.

    People who know how to negotiate know that they need to bluff a bit to maximize their potential deal. There is information on this on the internet if you type the words how to negotiate in a search engine.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    The job of the Governor has been made difficult by those who abused their power, and then blamed the victim because they need to cover up for themselves.

    I do not say that I know the entire story, and people’s opinions will change with new information.

    We will see if the former Governor of Illinois tells the truth at his trial, if it goes to trial, and that is that he was under the control of the very powerful and evil invisible demons. He definitely was under the control of the invisible demons, because all of America’s politicians are the puppets of the invisible demons.

    This is what I would say at my trial, and perhaps the jury would find that I was both guilty and innocent. The jury could not pronounce me both guilty and innocent, and perhaps, just possibly they may pronounce me innocent.

    There is a possible problem with that approach, and that is that if the invisible demons torture the jurors, then it will not be a fair trial. The invisible demons threatened the Illinois Senators to be puppets because the demons want people to think of the Serbian people as an inferior dog race. That is why most people knew that the Senate Inquisition was a sham, and a foregone conclusion. I would not care about that potential problem, as I know that honesty is the best policy, and I would put my trust in God.

    I know that God is more powerful than all the invisible demons, and the proof is that I can write this type of truthful comment that the invisible Devil and his invisible demons hate and would want to stop saying. It should be kept in mind that while I am confident that God will not allow me to be tortured by the invisible demons again, this does not mean that God will necessarily protect me from physical harm or discomfort.

    If the former Governor does not use this method, then we will all know that he is not being honest, and remains a Secret Devil worshipper even after leaving politics. If you are not honest, then God will not help you, but if you lie, then the invisible demons might help their own depending on if it will deceive people, because they love deceiving people.

    If I were the former Governor of Illinois, I would write a 50-page paperback booklet in parable form in the setting of an ancient nation that pretended to be a democracy. I would publish this as a summary of the main book that I would write. I would publish this 50-page document on the internet one month before my trial begins, and use it as the final argument of my lawyer at the trial. The 50-page book and the 50 page document would ideally be identical, but the booklet would be published first, and the internet document could be changed to make it updated. The following paragraph would definitely be close to the starting and finishing paragraphs of that 50-page summary that would be on the internet as soon as practicable.

    It is the responsibility of the Jury selection process the former Governor’s lawyers to make certain truths known to any potential stupid jurors. The members of the jury need to understand one thing very, very, clearly, and so therefore please listen properly. That is if they do not find the former Governor guilty, then they will pay for at a discreet and quiet time. This should be repeated for any stupid people so that this charade can all go smoothly. They need to lie and say that they are totally objective, but they need to understand that the Establishment is not playing games here. The Establishment does not care that thousands of American soldiers died in Iraq or anywhere else. The Establishment cares even less for 12 jurors, and the jurors need to know that the American dictators have said that the former Governor is guilty. There will be a million dollars from the taxpayers for every juror that votes that the former Governor is guilty as a pay to play. Every juror who follows the wishes of the corrupt America politicians will also get a reasonable job on top of the money.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:52 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    The following are news items and it shows a definite conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by the American Establishment.

    Sure, he is lined up to appear on Late Night with David Letterman tonight. But that doesn't mean that former Governor Rod Blagojevich is no longer the butt of a national joke. But now sports has gotten in on the act, namely a minor league hockey team in Las Vegas which recently held its “Gov. Rod Blagojevich Prison Jersey Night” in which the Las Vegas Wranglers donned old school black-and-white striped uniforms while their opponents, the Bakersfield Condors, wore the more modern orange jumpsuits (the referees naturally wore prison guard-styles outfits). While this all ignores the fact that Blago hasn't been on trial yet, let alone been sent to prison (remember, we said “yet”), it proved to be pretty popular.

    He we see the American commitment to Americans values which is not much after it is properly analysed.

    SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has fired the state’s conservation chief just weeks after he started work. Former state Rep. Kurt Granberg took over the Department of Natural Resources Jan. 22 after former Gov. Rod Blagojevich appointed him a week earlier. But Quinn told The Associated Press he didn't want the beleaguered agency's head to be another in a "parade of political appointments." Granberg is a 55-year-old Democrat from Carlyle who spent 22 years in the General Assembly advocating for environmental and conservation issues.

    Here we see the new Illinois Governor replacing the Environment Chief so that with this pay to play scheme the new Environment Chief can be bribed to say that the former Governor was unjust in not allowing the Mell family landfill on environmental grounds. The other strong message that Dictators Quinn is sending is all those on jury service should know that you will suffer for not following the script, and you would benefit by following the American Dictators Inquisition script.

    SPRINGFIELD -- Nearly a week after he was removed from office, the process of erasing former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s name from state signs, brochures, web sites and letterhead is progressing. On Wednesday, road crews were dispatched to cover up signs featuring Blagojevich’s name on various highways across the state. Workers also are trying to erase Blagojevich’s presence on state Web sites. Some Web pages still have Blagojevich’s name because some links contain old reports compiled during Blagojevich’s six years in office.

    The Illinois Mafia Government want to make it look like the former Governor did nothing good for Illinois.

    CHICAGO (Reuters) - The removal from office of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on Thursday will not change the fact the state faces serious fiscal challenges, but may allow the state to begin dealing with its problems, ratings agency analysts said. On Monday, a spokeswoman for the governor's management and budget office estimated he fiscal 2009 budget deficit at $2.5 billion.

    That was the budget deficit before the unanimous Illinois Inquisition vote took place, and now they are making up these lies to say to justify their own criminality.

    Springfield — Illinois’ budget deficit could hit an astounding $9 billion next year, massively complicating efforts to bring state spending in line with revenue.

    This is now the new figure that the Illinois Mafia Government has invented for the sake of convenience, and now they are making up these lies to say to justify their own criminality.

    There is a situation where even though you refer to yourself or others, it is not literally true, but it is not a lie either. It is like a Mayor saying that he built that Road, or a newspaper saying that the Mayor built that Road. It is similar with someone using the language of I want this for myself, but really wanting it for others. It is the same as saying that I want something for a friend, but they friend really wants it for others. What is happening here are private conversations, and because people think that there is no nitpicking going to happen, then they engage in less than formal and articulate language.

    What is concerning for many American citizens is that the Media can say that the more the former Governor says that he is innocent, then it makes them believe that he is guilty.

    My reaction to that would be to say that all the tapes should have been made available to the public before the Illinois Inquisition. I think that everyone who is on those tapes has had long enough to go to the Media and tell what they said.

    I thought that the honest and responsible thing for the Media to do is to say that they want due process and to give the presumption of innocence.

    The Media and the most of the public would think that this was the sensible approach even if they knew that they really did not want that. I am not advocating that people lie about this, but I would have though that the unjust Media and American Dictators would have enough cunning to lie about it.

    The investigators have said that they needed more time, and if they do not use that time that they claimed they truly needed, then it does look like a conspiracy.

    What is interesting about this case is that no one is quoted as saying to the former Governor the following words. It is your responsibility to appoint someone to the U.S. Senate, take enough time to make the appointment, because it is none of my business.

    The fact that politicians have flexible speech is a practice and culture that is totally accepted and acceptable, but this does not mean that the final decision would be unethical or illegal. American politicians like to joke with each other, and people should be allowed to have private conversations.

    If the former Governor of Illinois had tried to sell me that Senate seat, then I would have gone to the authorities and made my allegations. The fact that phones had to be tapped, and that people had to carry a wire proves that the FBI considers that every American politician is a criminal. By such behaviour, the U.S. Attorneys are saying that every American politician does deals for money, and that not even one of them has the honesty to tell the authorities of pay to play.

    Even though a person says the words, I want this for myself, it does not always mean that that person would gain financially. I will give the example that even many American citizens wanted to see the end of the Marcos Dictatorship. Such a desire would not have been for any monetary gain for those American citizens. There were many American citizens who wanted to contribute to the Hurricane Katrina tragedy, and they were not looking for any monetary gain.

    There is a true saying that there are many people who believe that virtue is its own reward.

    I know that most of the American public have become overly cynical of all American politicians. They truly are not aware of how difficult the job can be because of the subtle complexities involved with the job. but there are many genuine public officials.

    This is the stated attitude of many American politicians who decide to dedicate themselves to public service. I am truly in no position to sit in judgement on another person motives, and so I always give the benefit of the doubt.

    I would not consider a person wanting to further their career or wanting financial security as being evil, but necessary and proper if it is done morally and legally.

    I just do not believe that American State politicians are that bad, even though most of the Federal America Politicians are very bad people. I need to say that Illinois is suspect as many people have come to realize.

    We cannot even know a person’s motives if we go by their words and the tones of the words. This is why we need to ask the person involved what they meant by what they said, and even if they really meant it at all after they said it.

    We have all had moments when we did not mean what we said, and wished we had not said what we said.

    The American Media keep talking about how freedom of the Press is vital in a democracy, but they never speak about the freedom of American citizens as being necessary.

    The Media has said that because the former Governor of Illinois has a low approval rating that this is a reason for disregarding due process and the presumption of innocence.

    A Media in a democratic country should act responsibly and democratically and instruct the citizens to obey the Constitution, and to follow due process, and the presumption of innocence.

    It is extremely unlikely the Founders of America would recognize what became of the Republic they created, if they could see it today. Here is how Thomas Jefferson articulated the Founders’ sentiment in drafting the American Constitution in 1787.

    “In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution”.

    We have seen by the actions of the insane Illinois Inquisition how the unprincipled dictators of America and their Media ally consider the Constitution to be just an inconvenient piece of paper.

    The former Governor of Illinois is doing the right thing by appearing on the isolated honest Media even though some commentators think he may be guilty of a criminal offence. The fact that many people think this way is a testimony to the power of the Media.

    The Media has a lot of power, and it has been observed that power corrupts, and so we should not be surprised to discover that in a free and democratic society the Media should behave responsibly.

    The Main Stream Media think that they can do whatever they want to line their pockets at the expense of the public, even at the expense of the freedom and good image of Americans. They believe that they can do this without even a word of correction because they cloak themselves with the need for freedom of the Press. A Democracy does need a free Press, but it needs a responsible Press at the same time.

    There is one thing the Media does not wish to discuss, and that is their responsibility before the American people.

    I wrote that I noticed a situation in a workplace where there were different business, and I meant to write are different businesses. I just copied and pasted what I wrote, and I will change that sentence to how I wanted to originally write it.

    I noticed a situation at a workplace where there are several different businesses in the same large building. One person from one of the companies did something wrong, and a person from another company told the matter to his supervisor. The person who did the wrong thing lost his job that day. The next day the person who told the matter visited the business next door. After speaking with people of the other business, he asked where is that person who did something that is wrong. He was told that the person who had done something wrong had lost his job moments after the incident came to the attention of the supervisor. The person who had told the matter was unhappy with the situation, and gradually persuaded the supervisor to call the former employee and give him back his job. The person who lost his job knew that he deserved to lose his job because of what he had done. After the person who had lost his job came back to work, he was grateful to the man who had persuaded his supervisor to give him back his job.

    If a State is to maximize its economic potential, then they need an unbiased Media to keep all the politicians working at their best potential.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    The job of the Governor has been made difficult by those who irresponsibly abused their power, and then used the victim as the scapegoat.

    I do not say that I know the entire story, and people’s opinions will change with new information.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the former Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, U.S. Attorney, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    If I were the former Governor of Illinois, I would write a 50-page paperback book in parable form in the setting of an ancient nation that pretended to be a democracy. I would publish this as a summary of the main book that I would write. I would publish this 50-page document on the internet one month before my trial begins, and use it as the final argument of my lawyer at the trial. The 50-page book and the 50-page document would ideally be identical. However, the book in reasonably large format would be published first with reasonably large print so that elderly women with telephones could read it. The book would contain the official web page that would give commentary possibly daily as the trial progresses. The internet document could and more than likely should be changed to make it updated. The following paragraph would definitely be close to the starting and finishing paragraphs of that 50-page summary that would be on the internet as soon as practicable.

    It is the responsibility of the Jury selection process and the former Governor’s lawyers to make certain truths known to any potential stupid jurors. The members of the jury need to understand one thing very, very, clearly, and so therefore please listen properly. If the ‘jury’ do not find the former Governor guilty, then they will pay for their stupidity at a discreet and quiet time. This should be repeated for any stupid people so that this charade can all go smoothly. The ‘jurors’ need to lie and say that they are totally objective, but they need to understand that the American Establishment is not playing games here. The American Establishment does not care that thousands of American soldiers died in Iraq or anywhere else. The American Establishment cares even less for 12 jurors, and the ‘jurors’ need to know that the American dictators have said that the former Governor is guilty. There will be a million dollars from the taxpayers for every ‘juror’ that votes that the former Governor is guilty as a pay to play. Every ‘juror’ who follows the wishes of the corrupt America politicians will also get a reasonable job on top of the money.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    I think it might be wise not to say America, but an ancient and faraway land that needs democratic reforms.

    There is a potential problem for the ‘jurors’, and that is that if they are not anonymous they may be murdered by foreign agents or by American politicians after the ‘trial’. These could be anyone; even the American politicians, and they could blame anyone for it for further their evil plans.

    The trial result is that the former Governor must be found guilty, because the cover up is needed. I only hope that the former Governor did a bit of recording himself, but he has a family to consider.

    The company that supplies the technology for a unanimous ‘jury’ should be called Dog Race Technologies. This is because the former Governor is of Serbian origin, and as the American dictators and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global decree that the Serbian people are a Dog Race.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:20 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    The following are news items and it shows a definite conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by the American Establishment.

    I should have made unambiguous comments, even though most people will be able to build on, and improve on some aspects of some opinions that were written. It would help to have a proofreader, and others to discuss this with because other people have goods opinions to make. I did not think of some of the points at the time, and the comment needs to be read again to know the new information that is mixed with the old information.

    Here we see the American commitment to Americans values which is not much after it is properly analysed.

    SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn has fired the state’s conservation chief just weeks after he started work. Former state Rep. Kurt Granberg took over the Department of Natural Resources Jan. 22 after former Gov. Rod Blagojevich appointed him a week earlier. But Quinn told The Associated Press he didn't want the beleaguered agency's head to be another in a "parade of political appointments." Granberg is a 55-year-old Democrat from Carlyle who spent 22 years in the General Assembly advocating for environmental and conservation issues.

    Here we see the new Illinois Governor replacing the Environment Chief so that the new Environment Chief can be bribed to say that the former Governor was unjust in not allowing the Mell family landfill on environmental grounds. The other strong message that Dictator Quinn is sending to all those on ‘jury’ service should know that they will loose your jobs for not following the script. These ‘jurors’ and even anyone in America who does not follow the carefully planned script of the American Dictatorial Inquisition will not escape punishment of one type or another.

    CHICAGO (Reuters) - The removal from office of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on Thursday will not change the fact the state faces serious fiscal challenges, but may allow the state to begin dealing with its problems, ratings agency analysts said. On Monday, a spokeswoman for the governor's management and budget office estimated he fiscal 2009 budget deficit at $2.5 billion.

    Springfield — Illinois’ budget deficit could hit an astounding $9 billion next year, massively complicating efforts to bring state spending in line with revenue.

    That was the budget deficit before and after the unanimous Illinois Inquisition vote took place, and now they are making up these lies to say to justify their own criminality. The Media is quiet because they want the money that the Illinois Mafia Government will give them from the taxpayers. The Illinois Mafia Government knows that they could not have impeached and convicted the former Governor without the help of the Media. Had the Media really wanted to, they could have used their powers of manipulation to make the former Governor appear to be a Saint. If the former Governor would give the Media more money, then the Media would support the highest bidder. There are many Americans who think that Lisa Madigan will be able to give the Media more money than Quinn can and so Madigan is likely to be the next Governor of Illinois.

    This is now the new inflated figure that the Illinois Mafia Government has invented for the sake of convenience. They are making up these lies to steal money from the taxpayers, and to justify their own criminal and unconstitutional impeachment of a Governor. The Media will praise the new Dictator and say that he has a tough job because he must get money from the taxpayers and pay the Media because the Media really are, yes, really and truly are the Kingmakers.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:34 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    There is a situation where even though you refer to yourself or others, it is not literally true, but it is not a lie either. It is like a Governor saying that he built that Road, or a newspaper saying that the Governor built that Road. We all know that the Road was built by many other people, but at the same time, it is true to say that the Governor built the Road. It is similar with someone using the language of I want this or that, but you really want it to help others. It is the same as saying that I want something for a friend, but you and that friend really want it to help others. What is happening here are private informal conversations and negotiations, and as such, people think that there will no nitpicking. In this setting the people will naturally engage in less than formal and less than articulate language.

    What is concerning for many American citizens is that the Media can say that the more the former Governor says that he is innocent, then it makes them believe that he is guilty.

    My reaction to that would be to say that all the tapes should have been made available to the public before the Illinois Inquisition. I think that everyone who is on those tapes has had long enough to go to the Media and tell what they said.

    I thought that the honest and responsible thing for the Media to do is to say that they want all the facts, they want due process, and they want the presumption of innocence.

    The Media and the most of the public would think that this was the sensible things to say even if they knew that they really did not want that. I am not advocating that people lie about this, but I know that the Media and American Dictators who are unjust and hardened liars since a long time ago do have enough cunning to lie about it.

    The investigators have said that they needed more time, and if they do not use that time that they claimed they truly needed, then it does look like a conspiracy.

    What is interesting about this case is that no one is quoted as saying to the former Governor the following words. It is your responsibility to appoint someone to the U.S. Senate, take enough time to make the appointment, because it is none of my business.

    The fact that politicians have flexible speech is a practice and culture that is totally accepted and acceptable to every American politician, but this does not mean that the final decision would be unethical or illegal. American politicians like to joke with each other, and people should be allowed to have private conversations.

    If the former Governor of Illinois had tried to sell me that Senate seat, then I would have gone to the authorities and made my allegations. The fact that phones had to be tapped, and that people had to carry a wire proves that the FBI considers that every American politician is a criminal. By such behaviour, the U.S. Attorneys are saying that every American politician does deals for money, and that not even one of them has the honesty to tell the authorities of pay to play.

    There is a true saying that there are many people who believe that virtue is its own reward.

    This is the stated attitude of many American politicians who decide to dedicate themselves to public service. I am truly in no position to sit in judgement on another person motives, and so I always give the benefit of the doubt.

    I know that most of the American public have become overly cynical of all American politicians. They truly are not aware of how difficult the job is, because of the subtle complexities involved with the job, but there are many genuine public officials.

    This difficulty is compounded by the need to raise campaign funds to give to the corrupt and putrid Media.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar and I will give some new information in THE comment.

    I do not consider a person wanting to further their career or wanting financial security as being evil, but necessary and proper if it is done morally and legally. It is only natural and sensible to plan for your future. Many American politicians who are committed to public service want to be in a better position to help more of their citizens. What would America be like if no one wanted to be the Governor of a State, or no one wanted to be a Federal politician?

    I just do not believe that American State politicians are that bad, even though most of the Federal America Politicians are very bad people. To put it kindly, most of politicians of Illinois are very suspect, as many have come to realize.

    The American Media keeps talking about how freedom of the Press is vital in a democracy, but they never speak about the freedom of American citizens as being necessary.

    We need to keep in mind that the Media hypocritically engineered the Governor’s low approval ratings, and then used that injustice as ‘proof’ that other injustices can now be ‘justified’.

    The Media has said that because the former Governor of Illinois has a low approval rating that this is a reason for disregarding due process and the presumption of innocence.

    A Media in a democratic country should act responsibly and democratically and instruct the citizens to obey the Constitution, and to follow due process, and the presumption of innocence.

    The Media has a lot of power, and it has been observed that power corrupts, and so we should not be surprised to discover that in a free and democratic society the Media should behave impartially and responsibly.

    I do not say that I know the entire story, and people’s opinions will change with new information.

    We have seen a pattern of abuse of power against the former Governor of Illinois by many groups. They are the Media, the FBI, the Illinois Attorney-General, the U.S. Senate, U.S. Attorney, the Illinois Inquisition, and probably others.

    It is the responsibility of the Jury selection process, the former Governor’s lawyers, and the Prosecution to make certain truths known to any potential stupid jurors. The members of the ‘jury’ need to understand one thing very, very, clearly, and so therefore please listen properly. If the ‘jury’ do not find the former Governor guilty, then they will pay for their stupidity at a discreet and quiet time.

    This should be repeated for any stupid people so that this blatant pretence and deception can all go smoothly. The ‘jurors’ need to lie, and lie good by saying that they are totally objective, fair, and impartial. Those ‘jurors’ will know that the American Establishment who are dictators and bullies are not playing games here. The American dictators do not care that thousands of American soldiers died in Iraq or anywhere else. The dictators of America cares even less for 12 American jurors, and the ‘jurors’ know that the American dictators have said that the former Governor is guilty. There will be a million dollars from the taxpayers for every ‘juror’ that votes that the former Governor is guilty as a pay to play for the ‘jurors’. Every ‘juror’ who follows the wishes of the corrupt America politicians will also get a reasonable job on top of the money.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    I think it might be wise not to say America, but an ancient and faraway land that needs democratic reforms in that 50-page document. These paragraphs about the dictators of America and the ‘jurors’ should not be in the booklet, but should be in the 50-page document on the internet one month before the ‘jury’ is ‘selected’.

    There is a potential problem for the ‘jurors’, and that is that if they are not anonymous they may be murdered by foreign agents, or by American politicians after the ‘trial’. These conspirators could be anyone; even the American politicians, and they could blame anyone for it to further their evil plans.

    The ‘trial’ result is that the former Governor must be found guilty, because the cover up is needed. I only hope that the former Governor did a bit of recording himself, but he has a family to consider. The dictators of America know that they can pressure the former Governor of Illinois to admit to things he did not do.

    To have an anonymous ‘jury’, a committee is needed to recommend how to do it, and a business is needed to provide the technology for it.

    The ‘jurors’ could were masks like those of wolves so that the public will not recognize them. The problem here is that the Court officials and the family and friends of the ‘jurors’ could tell others to get reward money. I know that if I think on it long enough, I will think of some suggestions on how to keep the ‘jurors’ anonymous. This is why I think that a committee of technological experts will be better placed to come up with recommendations.

    The company that supplies the technology for the anonymous ‘jury’ should be called Dog Race Technologies. This is fitting and proper because the former Governor is of Serbian origin. The American dictators and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global decree that the Serbian people are a Dog Race.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    Here is a comment on how even one State in America could become a democracy, that one day make rest of America THE Democracy it claims to be.

    If I were the new Governor of Illinois, I would say that I just want to be as ceremonial a Governor as possible, and be a rubber stamp for the two Houses of Legislature. I would say that I want to make Illinois a Westminster Parliamentary System, and would campaign at the next election for such a referendum.

    I would not do it to make the Legislatures take the blame for the tax increases, or for the fact that it would increase my chances of winning the next election. I would say that if the Westminster Parliamentary System had been in place in Illinois even a decade ago, then it would have avoided a lot of problems. I would say that I would find alternative employment, and that it would provide better Government for Illinois. The term Governor would continue to be used in Illinois, but he or she would be the Majority Leader of the Illinois Legislature. I would hire the services of a former politician from a Westminster Parliament to explain the advantages to the State of Illinois.

    I do not think that the new Governor will be impeached, because the Illinoisans would not want that for a Governor who wanted democratic reforms.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    This comment is to show that the culture of bribery and corruption has increased in recent American politics, and THE trend is for it to increase. We have seen how the American politicians wanted a scapegoat approach with the former Governor of Illinois, rather than using it an enlightened approach.

    The former Governor of Illinois maintains his innocence, and I give everyone the presumption of innocence, and hope that he gets a fair trial. I do not think that it is possible for him to get a fair trial now, and if he decided to lie to lesser charge I would not approve, but I could understand it. There will be a lot of pressure on the jury and then especially on the Judge to follow the carefully scripted conspiracy of the Dictators of America.

    The former Governor of Illinois has made serous allegations against the Illinois politicians that come as no surprise to any of us. I know that he cannot discuss any cash in brown paper bags that he might have seen other American politicians take home with them. This is because he would be asked to explain why he did not tell the authorities even though others were taking the bribes. The American people should know that he cannot prove it unless he did some taping like Nixon did.

    The American politicians know that his office was like a bunker, and that he was secretive, and so they are after him and he will not talk because he has others to consider. They see there opportunity to put him on the spot, and they realize that he will only comment on matters other than pay to play. I think that they have every reason to believe that they can blackmail him emotionally. This is why they went to great lengths to discredit him and put him in jail so that they can continue business as usual.

    The American dictators know that they can blackmail the Judge and jury in the same way to get a guilty verdict, so that they can continue with business as usual.

    I were on the jury, I would find him innocent on the condition that he gave me no reason to believe he committed a criminal offence. I would do this more to clean up American politics rather than for him personally. It can clearly be shown that if there was no corruption in American politics, then America would have full employment, lower rates of crime, and lower taxes. There may be some jurors who think that every American politician is on trial here. They may think that even if the former Governor is guilty, they would nevertheless say that they find the defendant to be innocent. They might do this so that others speak up to stop the corrupt practices American politicians. They may say that they want full employment, lower rates of crime, better health care and lower taxes for all American citizens. This can only happen if the enlightened reform approach is chosen, rather than the set up scapegoat approach. This would be a good and possibly essential point to make in the novel on an ancient far away land that needed democratic reforms. We can see that the former Governor can avoid emotional blackmail by writing a novel of an ancient land that needed democratic reforms.

    The next paragraph is what I found on the internet and I have put those words in one paragraph.

    You can call this comment "Let me understand this." Rod Blagojevich tried pulling political strings to get the best, most advantageous Democratic Senate replacement for Illinois, and he gets impeached; while Republicans in Washington pull political strings to make sure a Republican gets appointed in New Hampshire to replace a vacant Senate seat. And no one asks a single question about a backroom deal being made. Why do these Washington Republicans continue to get away with crooked politics? It's simply biased media coverage. But few were outraged when they learned of the supposed deal between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton where she would drop out of the Democratic presidential primary in return for Obama asking his donors to retire some of her campaign debt. Regardless of whether or not such a deal was actually struck, no one in the media seemed to suggest that this was at all improper when speculating about it. And how often do we hear of political bargains where one politician will exit a presidential primary in return for some position in the victor's cabinet should they get elected? Or, alternatively, a prime speaking slot at the party convention? Now, sure, the allegations are that Blago took this sort of thing to the next level. I think, though, we should keep in mind it is not altogether different from the type of political deal-making previously mentioned. This is not to say that such activity is right. I'm just asking for consistency.

    The following few paragraph were found on the internet, and they are from one of many books that deal with the pay to play politics in America.

    The Money Culture.

    Excerpted from the book: The Corruption of American Politics.

    Indisputably, the greatest change in Washington over the last twenty-five years-in its culture, in the way it does business, and the ever-burgeoning amount of business transactions that go on here-has been in the preoccupation with money.

    Striving for and obtaining money has become the predominant activity-and not just in electoral politics-and its effects are pernicious. The culture of money dominates Washington as never before; money now rivals or even exceeds power as the pre-eminent goal. It affects the issues raised and their outcome, it has changed employment patterns in Washington; it has transformed politics; and it has subverted values. It has led good people to do things that are morally questionable, if not reprehensible.

    Private interests have tried to influence legislative and administrative outcomes through the use of money for a long time. The great Daniel Webster was on retainer from the Bank of the United States and at the same time was one of its greatest defenders in the Congress. But never before in the modern age has political money played the pervasive role that it does now By comparison, the Watergate period seems almost quaint.

    There was a time when people came to Washington out of a spirit of public service and idealism. Engendering this spirit was one of John F. Kennedy's most important contributions. Then Richard Nixon, picking up from George Wallace, and then Ronald Reagan, in particular, derided "federal bureaucrats." The spirit of public service was stepped on, but not entirely extinguished.

    But more than ever, Washington has become a place where people come or remain in order to benefit financially from their government service.

    In 1998, according to the requirements of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, there were close to 11,500 lobbyists wandering the halls of Congress. (Until the act went into effect, there were no real figures on how many lobbyists populated Washington.) However, this number isn't inclusive. A lot of people say they don't lobby-but they do something that seems a lot like it. Mega fixer Clark Clifford solemnly maintained that he didn't lobby. Super lawyer Robert Strauss made the same claim. Perhaps these eminences were above betaking themselves to Capitol Hill to navigate the marble floors or to wait outside the Senate or House chamber, or a committee room, with the riffraff, hoping to nab a target, but they knew the power of their names and their phone calls and their social connections. And they could always send minions to do their bidding with the lawmakers or important staff members, who knew who sent them.

    In the past, law firms didn't engage in lobbying to the extent they do now, and sometimes the firms hired non-lawyers to do their influencing. And now there are small firms established for the purpose of lobbying just one member, or one Congressional committee; they're usually staffed by people who had been close to the member, in one case by a powerful congressman's reputed mistress.

    More than ever, corporations or other interests that want to influence the Congress hire former Members of Congress or their aides as lobbyists, in order to ingratiate themselves with the current members. The former members have distinct advantages: they can go on the floor of the House or Senate and use their chambers' official dining rooms; even better, former House members can use the House gym, where a lot of business gets done. (A study by the New York Times found that in the 1970s only three percent of members who left Congress for one reason or another went to K Street-the downtown corridor that has come to symbolize the lawyer-lobbyist complex-and in the nineties twenty-three percent did so.)

    The Buying of the Congress, a book by Charles Lewis of the Center for Public Integrity, published in 1998, said that from 1991 to 1996 at least fifteen percent of former Senate aides and at least fourteen percent of former senior House aides became registered lobbyists. The main sources of this pool of access-sharks were the "money committees," such as the House and Senate Commerce Committees, which handle such issues as banking and telecommunications. Sometimes the former aides so draw on their expertise and are so drawn into the legislative considerations that they in effect still act as staff members, writing legislation, except for a lot more money.

    Sometimes a geographic region is spotted as an opportunity. In recent years, Latin America-with a growing economy increased privatization, need for expensive "infrastructure" projects, and increased demand for U.S. goods (the second-largest market after Canada)-has become more and more attractive to Washington's lawyers and lobbyists. According to the National Journal, in the spring of 1998 former Clinton National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, who had supposedly returned to an academic life, and a former Commerce Department official, David Rothkopf, who had specialized in "emerging markets," formed their own consulting firm, which charged clients at least $250,000 a year for "strategic and political advice about investments in Latin America."

    When she left the White House, Wexler, who had been in charge of "outreach"-working with outside groups in support of Carter's objectives-took with her what was believed to be the biggest Rolodex in town. She now has twenty-five lobbyists working with her, and in 1997 recruited as president former Representative Bob Walker, who had just retired from Congress and was one of Newt Gingrich's closest associates.

    "This whole thing blew apart in the eighties, when congressmen could raise all this money," Wexler told me. "Before, they'd attend twenty-five-dollar barbecues.

    "It was the development of PACs in the eighties-when people figured out that if they gave money through the PACs they could get access, they could get their phone calls returned. Just as the unions used dues for political activity, businesses began to use salary deductions for PACs. [Wexler's firm, like similar lobbying and law firms around town, has its own PAC.] The Hill figured it out. If you're a committee chairman, you could raise fifty thousand even one hundred thousand dollars. Then they started leadership PACs-that's another extortion. Then the leader uses the money to try to gain higher office."

    Rivals within the same party for a higher leadership post compete to be the more beneficent. In 1998, Republican leaders raised a great deal more money than their Democratic counterparts did; they were the ones in power. Over the two-year election cycle Republican leaders raised more than nineteen million dollars for fifty leadership PACs, while Democratic leaders raised a mere $328,000.

    Wexler said, "We're dealing with a system where the members don't feel they can raise the money where they live. There's a panic among members. I get calls for money from people I've never heard of. The system's out of control."

    But there was another force behind the approval of NATO expansion: defense contractors. The enlarging of NATO promised a lucrative new market, a welcome boon after business had fallen off with the end of the cold war. Even the Contract with America, the Republican agenda presented by Newt Gingrich and others after they took over the House in the 1994 election, called for NATO expansion and encouraged greater "inter-operability of military equipment." Translated, that meant that the new NATO members would have to buy sophisticated weapons from American defense companies. But since these countries couldn't afford them, according to Lars-Erik Nelson in the New York Daily News, the Pentagon had established a $15 billion fund to guarantee loans to these countries to buy the weapons.

    This approach, pioneered by the lobbyist Ann Wexler, has spawned another new industry in Washington: whole companies whose sole reason for being is to stir up grass-roots support for their client's position. Professional political operatives are hired to mobilize the local citizenry around an issue-economic, environmental-that affects, directly or indirectly, the client's business. Such groups are often organized to counter environmentalists who are objecting to a new plant or supporting a certain regulation.

    The people, organized from outside, are encouraged to call on their representative in Washington or in his home district; to write letters, send faxes, make phone calls, organize town meetings, get someone in the area to write a letter to the editor, or even an op-ed piece-all to create the illusion of "grass-roots support." Even the National Association of Broadcasters, which ostensibly represents local stations but is dominated by the networks and their owned-and-operated stations, has retained a Washington company specializing in "grass roots."

    But despite the importance of this relatively new form of influence/pressure, another lobbyist told me, it has to be paired with money. Pat Griffin said, "You can do money alone, but it helps to have grass-roots support. You can have money without grass roots, but not the other way around."

    Of course, organizing and executing such a campaign is expensive in itself. So these "grass roots" efforts, sown and nurtured from Washington, are another, indirect, and sometimes deceptive, way for interests to spend money to further their agenda.
    As the "grass roots" method became widely used, a still newer approach was added, as was a new term in the lobbyists' liturgy, "grass tops."

    "Grass tops" are the opinion-makers in a town or an area who are called on to help the cause of a lobbyist or local company. A lobbyist said, "Sometimes they have to be induced, and sometimes they're paid-that's not uncommon." These "grass roots" and "grass tops" efforts, in which Washington pros stir up, and even pay, people who might not be motivated to take action on their own are sometimes referred to by the more honest-or cynical-lobbyists as "Astroturf."

    A lobbyist explained, "New techniques get invented as old ones get discounted."

    Given its combined money and power and ability to create ostensible grass-roots activity, the broadcast industry has become, in the words of Senator John McCain, "the most powerful industry in Washington." The broadcasters have been able to resist McCain's efforts to get them to provide free airtime for political campaigns or to pay anything at all for their ultra-valuable use of the traditional broadcast spectrum, making the United States one of the few countries that gives away the broadcast spectrum-a public asset-for nothing. (Parts of the spectrum for more specialized uses, such as cell phones and paging systems, are now auctioned off in order to bring in government revenue.) The broadcasters have also been able to fend off any serious impositions on the money they make off political advertising-even though they are required to offer such advertising at a reduced fee.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    This comment is needed to clarify some of my statements that I made, and I will give new information in THE comment.

    I am not a professional journalist, but just an ordinary person, and that is why I need to re-write my most of my comments at least once to correct the grammar, and to give clarifications.

    The culture of bribery and corruption has increased in recent years in American politics, and the trend is for it to increase. This is because the Strongly Entrenched Corruption Octopus has spread its tentacles to nearly every areas of American Administration.

    This American Administration includes Politics, Business, Media, Police, Lawyers, and regrettably the Judiciary. We should not forget to mention that ordinary American citizens are also those who have succumbed to intimidation, bribery, and corruption.

    The former Governor of Illinois maintains his innocence, and I give everyone the presumption of innocence, and hope that he gets a fair trial.

    I do not think that it is possible for him to get a fair trial now, and if he was intimidated to lie by admitting to something he never did, I would not approve, but I could sympathize with his predicament. We know that the former Governor of Illinois is a family man, and there will be a lot of pressure on the jury and then especially the Judge to follow the carefully scripted conspiracy of the Dictators of America.

    It is good that the former Governor of Illinois is a lawyer, because legal costs are expensive.

    The former Governor of Illinois has made serious allegations against the Illinois politicians that come as no surprise to any of us, as this is a bad side of human nature.

    Corruption in America effects politics, administration, and institutions, and poses a serious economic challenge. In the political realm, it undermines democracy and good governance by flouting or even subverting formal processes. Corruption in elections and in legislative bodies reduces accountability and distorts representation in policymaking. Corruption in the judiciary compromises the rule of law; and corruption in public administration results in the unfair provision of services.

    More generally, corruption erodes the institutional capacity of Government as procedures are disregarded, resources are siphoned off, and public offices are bought and sold. At the same time, corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and such democratic values as trust and tolerance.

    We have seen how the Clintons put there lust for power and money above the economics welfare of their citizens. We all know that they created the situation where banks loaned money to those who should have been given public housing, or rent assistance. I have heard that Bill Clinton said to American companies that they should buy overseas companies, and that America will print the money for it. This is why American jobs have gone overseas because these companies went there to make money.

    The former President Bill Clinton earned nearly $6 million in speaking fees last year, almost all of it from foreign companies, according to financial documents filed by his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. There would be some American citizens who think that these ‘lectures’ are merely a front for bribing and ‘lobbying’.

    I know that the former Governor would be afraid to discuss any cash in brief cases on the State level, or suitcases of cash on the Federal level that he might have seen other American politicians take home with them. This is because he would be asked to explain why he did not tell the authorities even though others were taking the bribes. The American people should know that his reluctance to talk is because he knows what the Dictators of America would do to him or to others if he did talk.

    If the former Governor had to defend himself because his lawyer to frightened away, then we would all know why.

    The Dictators of America will say after they have jailed the former Governor, that perhaps this unfortunate situation was a bit strict, and that the ‘rules’ should now be relaxed.

    The bribe taking American dictators will use their ally the conscienceless Media to sell this ‘reform’ to the gullible public.

    The American Dictators have calculated and probably correctly that the former Governor will only comment on matters other than pay to play. I think that they have every reason to believe that they can blackmail him because he is a family man. This is why they were confident that they could impeach him, and why they could intimidate and bribe every Illinois Senator to go along with the script of the Dictators of America.

    We should remember that every U.S. Democrat Senator ordered him not to appoint a Senator because the Senator could be black. We know that the President of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid had conversations with the former Governor of Illinois. Those conversations reveal that Harry Reid did not want a black person to be appointed to the U.S. Senate, because he said that black people cannot be elected to the U.S. Senate. These things happened before the unnecessary and Un-American manner in which the arrest and trial by the U.S. Attorney, the FBI, and the Media was conducted.

    The several factors why the Illinois Senators were unanimous were, fear, being bribed, and needing to cover up the U.S. Senate’s racism.

    The American dictators know that they can ‘persuade’ the Judge and jury in the same way to get a guilty verdict, so that they can cover up their racism, and continue with pay to play politics as usual.

    There is a potential problem for the ‘Judge’, the ‘Lawyers’, and the ‘Jurors’. If these people are not anonymous, they may be murdered by foreign agents, or by American politicians after the ‘trial’. These conspirators could be anyone; even the American politicians, and they could blame anyone for it to further their evil plans.

    The ‘trial’ result is that the former Governor must be found guilty, because the cover up is desperately needed. Perhaps we should hope that the former Governor did a bit of tape recording himself, but he has a family to consider. The dictators of America know that they can intimidate the former Governor of Illinois to admit to things he did not do.

    To have an anonymous ‘Judge’, ‘Lawyers’, and ‘Jury’ a committee is needed to recommend how to do it, and a business is needed to provide the technology for it.

    The ‘Judge’, the ‘Lawyers’, and the ‘Jurors’ could ware masks like those of wolves so that the public will not recognize them. The problem here is that the Court officials and the family and friends of the ‘Judge’, the ‘Lawyers’, and the ‘Jurors’ could tell others to get reward money. I think that a committee of technological experts will be best placed to come up with recommendations.

    The company that supplies the technology for the anonymous ‘Judge’, the ‘Lawyers’, and the ‘Jury’ should be called Dog Race Technologies. This is only fitting and proper because the former Governor is of Serbian origin. The American dictators and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global decree that the Serbian people are a Dog Race.

    I were on the jury, I would find him innocent on the condition that he gave me no reason to believe he ever had ever any intention to commit a criminal offence after the negotiating phase.

    I do not claim to know the motives of others until I have proof, and so I give everyone the presumption of innocence.

    It can clearly be shown that if there were no corruption in American politics, then America would have full employment, lower rates of crime, and lower taxes.

    There may be some jurors who think that every American politician is on trial here. They may think that even if the former Governor is guilty, they would nevertheless say that they find the defendant to be innocent. They might do this for America’s future rather than allowing themselves to be intimidated or bribed by the Dictators of America.

    They might do this so that others can be free to speak up to stop the corrupt practices of American politicians. They may say that they want full employment, lower rates of crime, proper health care, and lower taxes for all American citizens.

    The Judge and jury will be in the same position as the bribe taking American politicians. That is, will they put themselves first by accepting the millions dollars each from the American Establishment or will they want democratic reforms to benefit their fellow citizens?

    This can only happen if the enlightened reform approach is chosen, rather than the set up scapegoat approach. This would be a good and possibly essential point to make in the novel on an ancient far away land that needed democratic reforms. We can see that the former Governor can avoid blackmail by the Dictators of America by writing a novel of an ancient land that needed democratic reforms.

    The next paragraph is what I found on the internet and I have put those words in one paragraph. I tried to find it at the newspaper, but I could not find it. I did not spend much time looking for it, and so it may not be a genuine story, or the Dictators of America and their Media allies are covering up.

    HOW BIG HAS DONATION CORRUPTION GONE? This article appeared in the Los Angeles Times on March 15th 2007. Let’s ask ourselves this question: If you were donating $250,000 to meet the Governor what in return would you expect to get, a handshake? The answer is really simple; a lot more than $250,000 possibly in return in the form of concessions for everything from public land favors, permits that can’t be easily obtained through normal channels, favors in general that might return the donor a lot more than his token investment. And who in the end pays for these favors, you and I the tax- payers. What really comes to mind, as a resident of California is how much of these funds slip into nothingness possibly to show up a decade from now in a brand new Bentley Azure, a chateau in the South of France even his own island or how about all of the above. I’m not stating categorically the Terminator would do this just suggesting the possibility it could happen. After all how did Richard Nixon who had almost nothing prior to his Presidency end up a multi millionaire? Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, are selling admission to private cocktail receptions and dinner at their Brentwood house to donors who give as much as $250,000 to the governor's main political fund. The highest level, the Executive Committee, costs donors $100,000 or $250,000 and includes the two receptions, the dinner, four private meetings and "regular" conference calls. A lower-level Advisory Committee designation costs $25,000 or $50,000, and includes the April 25 reception at the Brentwood home, conference calls and meetings with Schwarzenegger. In return for a $250,000 donation, so-called Founding Members "will be given the opportunity to host" Schwarzenegger at the location of their choice for a private meeting with other donors, according to the invitation. Another event in the fall is being planned for the biggest donors and will include an unnamed "VIP guest."

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:29 AM |  

    This comment is how the ‘Judges’ at the ICJ have be bribed or intimidated to say whatever THE Dictators of America want them to say.

    I think that the reason the EU made Romania and Bulgaria members of the EU was to prevent regions of the EU was to stop regions of the EU becoming countries that were EU members.

    The Nazis of Europe wanted make Kosovo independent, but they did not want Scotland to become independent and be in the EU. That is why the quota is full, and will remain full regardless of the act that the EU officials put on for the gullible.

    The only thing keeping Britain together is the fact that the other counties of the United Kingdom want to be in the EU, and that is why the number is full and will not be increased.

    A country will be found to veto Scotland by saying that borders do not matter any more as you are in Greater Germany or the Fourth Reich.

    This means that all the promises about EU membership for Serbia and for any other country should be considered a worthless lie.

    The matter of autonomy for Vojvodina, it should be remembered that Kosovo is being offered more than autonomy, less than independence. This means the smaller the autonomy for Vojvodina, the greater will the autonomy for Kosovo be, as the Albanians are offered more than autonomy, but less than independence.

    It looks like intellectuals may debate what type of race would have autonomy with people of their own race.

    The EU do not want more problems, and their vote will be rigged to be a NO vote, even if it is a YES vote in reality.

    If Croatia and Albania join NATO, then they will veto NATO to get concessions or money because what else can they get from the EU. The bigger NATO is, the clumsier, the less manageable, and the costlier it will be, as Albania will want Kosovo independence or money for every NATO decision.

    Croatia will want something from the EU with regards to Slovenia or money to avoid the Croatian veto.

    Perhaps NATO might ask Albania to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s Illegal Independence before being allowed to join NATO.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:49 AM |  

    This comment is needed to clarify some of my statements that I made, and I will give new information in THE comment.

    I am not a professional journalist, but just an ordinary person, and that is why I need to re-write most of my comments, and probably all of my comments at least once to correct the grammar, and to give clarifications.

    We have seen how the Clintons put their treacherous lust for power and money above the economic welfare of the American people. We all know that they created the situation where banks loaned money to those who should have been given public housing, or rent assistance. I have heard that Bill Clinton said to American companies that they should buy overseas companies, and that America will print the money for it. This is why American jobs have gone overseas because these companies went there to make money.

    The former President Bill Clinton has claimed to have only earned nearly $6 million in speaking fees last year, almost all of it from foreign companies, according to financial documents filed by his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    There would be some American citizens who think that these ‘lectures’ are merely a front for having secret affairs, for taking bribes, and for commission paid lobbying. There would be other American citizens who think that Bill Clinton earned more than that, but it is cash that has been deposited in Secret Bank Accounts. There are some American citizens who think that Bill Clinton has given some of his undisclosed earning to American politicians as a pay to play so that he could get his commission money.

    If the former Governor had to defend himself because his lawyers were frightened away by the Dictators of America, then we would all know why.

    The ‘Judge’, the ‘Lawyers’, and the ‘Jurors’ could all ware masks like those of wolves, so that the public will not recognize them. The problem here is that the Court officials and the family and friends of the ‘Judge’, the ‘Lawyers’, and the ‘Jurors’ could tell others to get the reward money.

    The 50-page book and the 50-page document would ideally be identical. However, the book in reasonably large format would be published first with reasonably large print so that elderly women with telephones could read it. The book would contain the official web page that would give commentary possibly daily as the trial progresses. The internet document could, and more than likely should be changed to make it updated.

    The 50-page summary document that would be on the internet as soon as practicable, and it does not matter how many times it is updated. This is because the more updates there are, the more discussion there will be about the updates, and the entire topic in general. It should be kept in mind that there should not be too few updated versions, and there should not be too many updated versions of that 50-page document.

    Elderly women who have telephones are known to call their family, friends, neighbours, and even talk back radio stations where they sometimes share knowledge with other community-minded citizens.

    The Dictators of America do not want the former Governor to have a lawyer representing him because they only want him to answer questions from the prosecutor.

    The Dictators of America do not want the former Governor to plead the Fifth Amendment at his trial on several occasions to the questioning of his own lawyer. He could be asked if he has seen other American politicians receive briefcases of money at a State level and suitcases of money on a Federal level. The former Governor might be asked this by his lawyer, and he might answer that he effuses to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate him. It is a regrettable fact that even though you do not engage in bribery, there is a strong peer pressure to keep silent about the bribe taking of other American politicians. It would only be proper to mention that you do not accept bribes, and that you plead the Fifth Amendment because it would be better for others.

    The Dictators of American can intimidate or bribe the former Governor’s lawyers to do a bad job, and to secret say to the ‘jury’ that the Governor is guilty even if he is in fact innocent.

    The Dictators of America were able to get the Illinois Senate to unanimously convict the former Governor by means of intimidation, bribery, and the collective need to cover up the U.S. Senate’s racism.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:16 AM |  

    I found this on the internet, and I am sure that many people in Government have been aware of THE things in this comment.

    I have changed it slightly to give a more objective and truthful commentary on the situation. I have translated a few French words that the author uses so that you do not have look it up in a French dictionary. I hope that the Dictators of America and the Nazis of Europe have not taken the original article off the internet to try to make me look dishonest, or to cover up what an analyst wrote concerning England, Scotland, Wales, and the EU.

    My commentary will be kept in separate paragraphs, and those paragraphs of mine will have one word that is all in capitals letters in that paragraph. The entire article is lengthy, and that is why I have given a condensed version of that article.

    EU Reactions to Kosovo’s Independence: The Lessons for Scotland
    Simon James Honorary Senior Research Fellow, The Constitution Unit August 2008.

    Kosovo’s declaration of independence on 17 February 2008 was an encouraging precedent for the Scottish National Party. Certainly the SNP members of the European Parliament were in no doubt, issuing a joint declaration with Plaid Cymru and with Basque and Catalan separatists that hailed Kosovo’s independence as an “historic event which underlines the rights of all European nations to decide freely their own futures, and which demonstrates that this right is an essential democratic principle of the European Union”.

    However, the diplomatic manoeuvrings between European Union members over recognition of the new state have more ominous implications for nations that break away from larger states. Put simply, the issue is this. If Scotland leaves the United Kingdom, it automatically leaves the European Union. It can immediately apply to rejoin. However, the Kosovo episode has shown that five EU states, most of them in the Balkans, who have significant ethnic minorities within their borders, are scared of the precedent that might be set.

    They have refused to recognise the independence of Kosovo, and in some cases are lobbying other countries to withhold recognition as well. For the same reason they might seriously contemplate blocking Scotland's re-admission to the European Union.

    This paper is most definitely not a comparison of Scotland and Kosovo, whose circumstances are profoundly different. Rather, it is a study of how some EU member states have reacted to Kosovo’s declaration of independence, and the implications that might have for the aspirations of the Scottish National Party to lead Scotland to independence within the EU. Scotland's membership of the EU: the legal position (and the Quebec parallel).

    The Scottish National Party does not accept the premise of this paper and asserts that, if Scotland becomes independent, it will automatically remain part of the European Union. So does the Scottish Government, now that the SNP is in power. Their argument is that under the Vienna Convention on State Accession in Respect of Treaties, adopted in 1978 and ratified by the necessary 15 states in 1996, Scotland would in effect automatically become a member of the European Union

    This paper is based on the view that the SNP’s assertions are wrong, and that Scotland would cease to be an EU member, on the following grounds: First, the claim was analysed and fairly convincingly disproved in an analysis published by the Constitution Unit in 2002 (Scottish independence: a practical guide, Jo Eric Murkens, Edinburgh University Press, 2002, especially pages 115 to 120).

    The key point in the argument is that the Vienna Convention does not apply if its application "would be incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty [ in this case, the Treaty of Rome ] or would radically change the conditions for its operation”. As the analysis puts it: “…independence would be adding a new member state to the EU and this would require formal treaty changes according to the specific rules of EU accession rather than the general and vague rules of international law of succession to multilateral treaties”. The analysis cites as examples of the requirements for the Treaty to be amended the need to allocate to the new state voting rights in the Council of Ministers and seats in the European Parliament.

    Second, the Vienna Convention, drafted primarily if belatedly to deal with post-colonial problems, seems not generally to be accepted as " customary law" in the international field. By mid 2008 it had been approved by only 21 parties, none of them major states, and only five of which belong to the EU. It should be noted that two of the signatories are Cyprus and Slovakia who refuse to recognise Kosovo.

    Third, in an area in which international law is uncertain, nations are far more likely to be guided by national interest. As argued below, to judge by the experience of Kosovo’s bid for independence, at least five EU countries are likely to be hostile to admitting an independent Scotland to the EU. Cyprus and Slovakia have signed the Convention but, on the evidence of their reaction to Kosovo, look likely to respond to any Scottish appeal to the Convention by adopting the argument, outlined above, that the Convention does not apply in these circumstances.

    Fourth, even if the Scottish Government's argument about the Vienna Convention were legally correct, in practice it would find it extremely difficult to force its way into the European Union against the wish of a sizeable number of its members (and possibly of the Commission, which may also prove hostile to the precedent set, and disruption caused, by admitting a secessionist state). This is more a matter of power politics than law, and a newly independent Scotland would have a weak hand to play.

    The same territory has been trodden in the past in Canada. A recurring issue in the long wrangle over the desire of many Quebecers to secede from Canada has been an independent Quebec’s position vis a vis the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), continued membership of which would be of considerable economic importance.

    Section 15 of ‘An Act Respecting the Future of Quebec’ enacted by the Quebec legislature in1995 stated: "In accordance with the rules of international law, Quebec shall assume the obligations and enjoy the rights set forth in the relevant treaties and international conventions and agreements to which Canada or Quebec is a party on the date on which Quebec becomes a sovereign country, in particular in the North American Free Trade Agreement."

    Implicitly, the Scottish Government seems to have started to recognise the problems. Its 2007 White Paper says: "An independent Scotland would continue in the European Union and bear the burdens and fulfil the responsibilities of membership.” But it continues: “Following negotiations on the detailed terms of membership, Scotland would be in a similar position to other European Union member states of a similar size." Implicitly, this recognises the problems. First, if Scottish membership of the EU were to continue unbroken, it would not need to renegotiate the terms of membership. Second, themed to negotiate must accept the possibility of those negotiations failing. Other EU countries have no obvious incentive to agree to granting Scotland a more generous budget rebate, a more generous fisheries deal, or a better deal from structural funds. Indeed, countries hostile to secessionist states would have a strong incentive to offer Scotland worse deal. Beyond question, Scotland fulfils the criteria required of countries seeking to join the EU. These have been explicitly set out in the course of the EU’s recent expansion eastwards: fulfilment of the normal requirements of a democratic state (the “Copenhagen criteria"), adoption of EU law and the existence of administrative and judicial capacities to implement it (the “Madrid criteria”). Scotland meets these already -- indeed, the UK applies EU law more conscientiously than many other EU countries. Certain new structures and procedures would be needed – for instance, creation of a Scottish Central Bank – but as the Constitution Unit’s study referred to earlier has found, there seems to be no substantial technical barrier to Scotland’s admission to the EU.

    Therefore, any obstacles to Scotland’s admission are purely political. Under article 237 of the Treaty of Rome, admission of a new member state requires unanimous agreement by the Council of Ministers and separate ratification by each member state, and during the eastwards expansion of the EU this requirement has been scrupulously observed. It is also this requirement that has put the brakes on the EU’s further expansion eastwards in the past few years. The reluctance of certain member states to take into membership more Balkan states, let alone Turkey or Ukraine, shows that article 237 is no mere formality. Here lies Scotland's problem. For the first time, a constituent part of an EU member state would be breaking away from a member state and seeking to remain within the Union. This could set an encouraging precedent to nationalist minorities within other EU countries.

    One of the greatest obstacles faced by separatist movements is their electorates’ fear of becoming a small, isolated state unable to make its economic way. If a place in the EU can be assured, independence becomes far more attractive to the voters.

    Hence the Scottish Nationalist Party’s progression from opposition to EU membership in the 1970s to embracing the concept of " Scotland in Europe" in more recent times. Consequently, any EU member state fearing an internal secessionist movement will be wary of allowing Scotland to set a precedent.

    The relevance of Kosovo The circumstances leading to Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence in February2008 are not relevant to this paper. The key point is that, under the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution, Kosovo was not one of the six constituent republics of the federal state of Yugoslavia, but an autonomous province within one of those republics, Serbia. And so it remained after the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991.

    The Yugoslav authorities responded to the terrorist separatists, and America saw THE opportunity to establish a Military Base in Kosovo. It needs to be understood that the problem is not with the overwhelming majority of Serbia’s citizens of Albanian ethnicity, but with the Criminal Terrorist Mafia Albanian leaders. After the illegal, immoral, and criminal aggression by NATO, Kosovo became and remains a UN protectorate, governed under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and under International Law is a part of Serbia. The pretend negotiations between Serbia and the provisional government of Kosovo was ordered to fail by both the American and the Albanian leadership. The UN ‘mediator’ Martti Ahtisaari in 2007 who is a willing Nazi was also bribed to make Kosovo a NATO Puppet State and there would have been no guarantees for the Serbian or other minorities in a Mafia Terrorist State. Serbia offered, and keeps offering the Albanians more than autonomy and less than independence.

    Kosovo declared its independence in February 2008, and was recognised by most EU member states. But not all. A significant group of EU member states were strongly opposed in principle to recognizing any secessionist state. It is important to understand their motivation.

    Five countries objected outright: Spain is the one declared opponent in Western Europe. The obvious reason is the active separatist movement in the Basque region (where an extreme fringe appears recently to have resumed sporadic violence). Certainly, in a statement released to the newspaper Gara in January 2008, the Basque separatist group ETA cited the examples of Kosovo and Scotland to argue that its aspiration “is not Utopia” (ETA to follow Kosovo example, B92 [Serbia], 5 January 2008). Many Spaniards also worry about the precedent that secession in other countries will have upon the overall unity of Spain. The pattern of asymmetric devolution created in the post-Franco democracy is now under strain, with demands for ever-greater devolution from certain of the autonomous regions -- notably Catalonia and Andalusia, with Galicia and Valencia not far behind (E.g. "The Spanish centrifuge", The Economist, 3 March2007).

    Trying hard to be politely diplomatic, the Spanish government for a long while was notably reluctant to state its opposition openly, relying instead on behind the scenes diplomacy within the European Union – for example, a strong private warning at an EU Council of Ministers in 2006 (Spain: we will block Kosovo’s independence, EU Observer, 15 November 2006). Only in early 2008, after a year’s fruitless pressure behind closed doors, did Prime Minister Zapatero break cover to express openly his government’s strong reservations about independence for Kosovo, alluding explicitly to the precedent for the Spanish regions and saying "whatever happens Spain will maintain its position…. on the future of Kosovo".

    On the day of Kosovo’s UDI, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos telling reporters attending a meeting of European Union foreign ministers “We will not recognise because we consider ... this does not respect international law".

    As if to justify Zapatero’s fears, Basque and Catalan parties united with the Scottish and Welsh Nationalist MEPs in the joint declaration mentioned at the start of this paper, which welcomed Kosovo’s independence as a precedent for their demands. Spain has since lobbied governments in Latin America, where it retains considerable influence, to withhold recognition - seemingly with success.

    In contrast to Spain, Cyprus never made any secret of its opposition. In this context we are speaking effectively of the (Greek Cypriot) Republic of Cyprus, as opposed to the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, which has not been recognized by any country except Turkey since the de facto partition of the island in 1974. It is hyper-sensitive to any political move that might be seen as conferring legitimacy or statehood upon institutions in the North, where one-eighth of the island’s population lives.

    Europe was therefore not surprised when Cypriot Foreign Minister Erato Kozaku-Marcoulis stated bluntly that Cyprus would never recognise Kosovo, like other opponents making a point of appealing to a wider legal principle: "We are not just afraid of setting a precedent for the island but the much wider issue of setting a precedent in international relations in general". The heading of the policy statement on the website of the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs says it all: “Kosovo UDI legally invalid”.

    The opposition of Romania is attributable to the numerous minorities living within the country, notably the substantial Hungarian minority (over 6% of its total population) in Transylvania. The Romanian President, Traian Basescu, put it bluntly to a NATO meeting in January 2008: acceding to Kosovo's independence from Serbia could "create a risky precedent…. a signal which unfortunately cannot be legally justified…. what message are we sending to multi-ethnic societies, or to others that are facing ethnic issues?”

    Slovakia is moved by the same fears. According to the 2001 census some 13% of its population come from minorities, notably Hungarians who make up almost one tenth of the population. The Slovak Parliament in October 2007 adopted a resolution opposing Kosovo’s independence (supported by 123 out of 142 members present) with some deputies openly stating their fear that the Hungarian minority hoped to profit by Kosovo’s example (e.g. Slovak politicians wrestle with domestic ‘Kosovo’, Slovak Spectator, Vol 13, No 8, February 26 2007). The Slovak President has made no bones about his opposition, and Prime Minister Robert Fico told press in Athens "It is a violation of International Law that can lead other countries with minorities to imbalance as well".

    The opposition of Greece is based partly on solidarity with Greek Cypriots, but principally because of its concerns over minorities. Five months after Kosovo’s UDI, Greece had still not recognised the new state, although its statements were diplomatically guarded: for example the statement of Foreign Minister Ms. Bakoyannis in April 2008 that ‘a new state of affairs had been created in Kosovo, and that there was ‘a long road ahead in resolving Kosovo’s status.

    Two other countries with severe reservations on the issue have, however, granted recognition. Defying expectations, Bulgaria, solicitous about relations with its neighbour Serbia, and with sizeable Turkish and other minorities, wavered initially but eventually accorded recognition under pressure from other EU countries. And the Government of the Czech Republic granted recognition, but had to overcome unexpectedly vehement opposition from the country’s President and opposition parties. In short, there is a core of counties in the EU for whom this kind of secession is objectionable, for the inter-related reasons that it would encourage secessionist tendencies amongst their own minorities, and is contrary to international law. The second of these arguments requires examination.

    The following paragraph is from Wikpedia, and it is the ruling that THE ICJ has already given. If the Dictators of America intimidated or bribed THE ICJ that laws, principles, treaties, contracts, and agreements only apply to humans, and not to dogs, then it would explain a lot.

    Uti possidetis (Latin for "as you possess") is a principle in international law that territory and other property remains with its possessor at the end of a conflict, unless provided for by treaty. Originating in Roman law, this principle enables a belligerent party to claim territory that it has acquired by war. The term has historically been used to legally formalize territorial conquests, such as the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine by the German Empire in 1871. In the early 17th century, the term was used by England's James I to state that while he recognized the existence of Spanish authority in those regions of the Western Hemisphere where Spain exercised effective control, he refused to recognize Spanish claims to exclusive control of all territory west of longitude 46° 37' W under the Treaty of Tordesillas. More recently, the principle has been used to establish the frontiers of newly independent states following decolonization, by ensuring that the frontiers followed the boundaries of the old colonial territories from which they emerged. This use originated in South America in the 19th century with the withdrawal of the Spanish Empire. By declaring that uti possidetis applied, the new states sought to ensure that there was no terra nullius in Spanish America when the Spanish withdrew and to reduce the likelihood of border wars between the newly independent states. The same principle was applied to Africa and Asia following the withdrawal of European powers from those continents, and in locations such as the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union where former centralized governments fell, and constituent states gained independence. In 1964 the Organisation of African Unity passed a resolution stating that the principle of stability of borders – the key principle of uti possidetis – would be applied across Africa. Most of Africa was already independent by this time, so the resolution was principally a political directive to settle disputes by treaty based on pre-existing borders rather than by resorting to force. The principle was affirmed by the International Court of Justice in the 1986 Case Burkina-Faso v Mali: [Uti possidetis] is a general principle, which is logically connected with the phenomenon of obtaining independence, wherever it occurs. Its obvious purpose is to prevent the independence and stability of new states being endangered by fratricidal struggles provoked by the changing of frontiers following the withdrawal of the administering power.

    The sanctity of frontiers:

    These countries are invoking a principle to which the European Union has shown itself very much attached over the past two decades: the principle of ‘uti possidetis’ which has been recognized by the International Court of Justice as a general principle of international law, and which in essence holds that the existing frontiers of states remain valid unless changed by agreement between relevant parties. EU states’ attachment to this principle manifested itself clearly when the EU was confronted with the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and the former USSR. There was, initially, great reluctance amongst EU states to recognise the new states emerging from the fragmentation of the USSR, to the point where there were vociferous domestic protests in many EU states at the slowness to recognise Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Eventually there was agreement on a significant statement of principle in the ‘Declaration on Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union’, adopted by the European Community Foreign Ministers at an Extraordinary EPC Ministerial Meeting at Brussels in December 1991. Amongst the criteria for recognition of new countries was’ respect for the indivisibility of all frontiers which can only be changed by legal means and by common agreement’. EU states showed similar reluctance to recognize the states that emerged from the break-up of Yugoslavia. An international arbitration commission - the Badinter Commission – was established by the EC to formulate principles to deal with the situation. The Commission’s Opinion No. 2, issued on 11 January 1992, while recognizing the imprecision of international law in the area of recognition of new states, stated: It is well established that, whatever the circumstances, the right to self-determination must not involve changes to existing frontiers at the time of the independence (uti possidetis juris) except where the States concerned agree otherwise.

    The Commission’s Opinion No 3 of the same date stated that the boundaries of the constituent republics of Yugoslavia might: not be altered except by agreement freely arrived at…… Except when otherwise agreed, the former boundaries become frontiers protected by international law. This conclusion follows from the principle of respect for the territorial status quo and, in particular, from the principle of uti possidetis.

    As a result, EC countries recognized Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Slovenia as separate states. However, they put pressure on the fifth republic, Montenegro, to remain in a refashioned federal union with the sixth and last republic, Serbia.

    It was great joy and hubris that in 2006, America and the Nazis of Europe engineered Montenegro’s secession from THE Serbs who are their own brothers. America and the Nazis of Europe put great economic pressure on Montenegro to hold a referendum that was rigged to give the Nazis the desired result. They say it not who votes that matters, but who gets to count the votes in a fraudulently manner for the desired result that matters.

    In the interim, however, EU states had firmly drawn a line by insisting that the boundaries of the six ex-Yugoslav republics were sacrosanct, and by refusing to accept any secessionist tendencies within them. Therefore, the EU countries firmly rejected the sovereignty claims put forward be Republic of Serbian Krajina within Croatia, and at the 1999 Rambouillet peace talks on Kosovo EU countries rejected Kosovo's attempts to break away from the sovereignty of Serbia. This explains the otherwise incomprehensible fact that all of the EU countries that denied recognition to Kosovo in 2008 had granted it to the Republic of Montenegro two years earlier, despite the fact that Montenegro is geographically no larger than Kosovo, and has a quarter of its population.

    This attitude has strong resonance far beyond Europe. The doctrine of ‘uti possedetis’originated in Latin America, where it was invoked after Spanish decolonisation by newly emergent countries to reduce the likelihood of border wars between them. The same principle was applied as colonial powers withdrew from Asia and Africa; a resolution of the Organisation of African Unity in 1964 asserting the principle of the stability of borders was a recognition of the dangers of war inherent in the arbitrary borders drawn by colonial powers. EU countries individually and as a body have a strong attachment to the principle of the stability of borders and are most reluctant to do anything to disrupt it. Yet the recognition by most EU states of Kosovo’s independence was a highly significant breach of that principle as the EU had interpreted it since 1991, and set a glaring precedent upon which the SNP can justifiably call when demanding recognition for an independent Scotland – especially since until 1603 Scotland was incontestably an independent state with a well established international frontier.

    The truth is that the United States of America and the majority of THE EU countries recognized Kosovo’s illegal independence entirely for selfish reasons.

    The Americans wanted a NATO Puppet State where they could put their black criminals who would slowly but surely drive the Kosovo Albanian back to Albania with the help of a highway from Kosovo to Albania. The Americans and the Nazis of Europe want a military base from which they can steal the Muslims Oil and Land.

    There was every possibility a negotiated solution with the 90% Albanian ethnic population for more than autonomy and less than independence. America and the Nazis of Europe wanted their puppet countries to think that they were not creating a precedent that could be cited elsewhere. They squared this circle by resorting to the lie that the circumstances of Kosovo were so unique that Kosovo could provide no precedent. The Albanians threaten renewed violence if their 130-year criminal goal to steal other people’s land does not happen. They forgot to mention that Albanian blackmail for International Law to be a whim thing that could result in the law of unintended consequences would set that precedent. It may indeed be unique that the entire leadership of a race would plot and scheme to steal territory, as was the Albanians stated goal at the League of Prizren 130 years ago. It may indeed be a unique case if too many countries in the world wanted to reward such attitudes and behaviour.

    A number of EU countries to accept this. After Ahtisaari submitted his proposals for Kosovo’s supervised independence in mid 2007, there was a profound division of opinion within the EU. Quite apart from the known opponents listed above, a group of countries including Germany and Sweden were unhappy. It took a further fruitless round of diplomatic negotiations, and warnings of trouble from the head of the UN mission in Kosovo, before the bulk of EU members accepted what seemed to have become inevitable.

    However, it is uncertain whether the ‘no precedent’ argument will stand up in practice. As a shrewd analysis published by the American Society for International Law has pointed out: Despite the declarations and best intentions, just saying something is "unique" may not be enough. States and commentators may need to ask why one claim of independence is purportedly unique and then consider its downstream political and legal effects. In the end, we need to keep in mind that sometimes the most effective law in politically-charged situations may be the law of unintended consequences.

    As Russia has repeatedly pointed out, would-be separatist territories around the world will treat it as a precedent if it suits them. That beyond question the future of Kosovo was being watched with deep interest by separatist movements in, amongst other places, Kurdish northern Iraq, Trans-Dniester in northern Moldova, and Aceh and West Papua in Indonesia.

    An article on the BBC website at the time of Kosovo’s UDI carried a whole series of statements: Regions with aspirations of independence of their own are using the Kosovo declaration as a potential precedent for them. “I salute the independence of Kosovo. No people can be forced to live under the rule of another,” said Mehmet Ali Talat, leader of the Turkish Cypriots. Kosovo is “a lesson in how to resolve conflicts of identity and membership, peacefully and democratically,” said Miren Askarate, spokeswoman for the Basque regional government in northern Spain. The chairman of the breakaway Transdniester region of Moldova, Yevgeny Shevchuk, said: “We believe that a new era started and a new system of international relations was formed the moment part of a country, based on a series of historical developments, decided to live independently, and this country can gain recognition.

    Particularly ominous were the appeals from the leaders of two provinces seeking independence from Georgia, Abkhazia President Sergei Bagapsh and South Ossetia President Eduard Kokoity, who used Kosovo’s example to seek Russia’s recognition of their provinces' independence, which was supported by a March 2008 resolution of both houses of the Russian Parliament, passed with the tacit support of the Kremlin.

    In legal terms, a respectable incontestable legal argument can be made that Scotland falls within the ‘uti possidetis’ doctrine. However, countries like Spain and Slovakia are more likely to be swayed by the real-life observation that, once one part of a country breaks away, others elsewhere will be encouraged to follow suit, with ominous implications for their own ethnic minorities. The problem of uncertainty The upshot is that, if Scotland declares independence and seeks re-admission to the EU, minimum of five member states may well oppose its admission as a separate state. Some other countries that accepted the necessity of recognising Kosovo might well be reluctant to see the example replicated. In particular, France and Belgium accepted the inevitability of Kosovo's independence to avoid unrest in the Balkans, but might well be hostile to Scottish independence because of the encouragement it would offer to their own separatist movements in Corsica and Flanders respectively.

    The easy answer from the Scottish Government would be that, for EU governments to block Scottish membership would be irrational. However, seen from the point of view of Bratislava or Nicosia, such action may appear to be very rational indeed. Moreover, appeals to rationality may be beside the point, because matters of national sentiment often have a higher emotional than rational content. Living in the milder political culture of northwest Europe, it is easy to under-rate the strength of fear and feeling in the opponent countries.

    For the Cypriots, the Turkish army’s presence in the north of the island since 1974 pervades every aspect of politics. Many Spaniards equate ‘separatist’ with ‘violent’ – deeply unfair to the SNP, but that is the way they see it. The attitudes of Slovakia or Romania may be more difficult to appreciate from the British Isles, because they are rooted in the drawing of boundaries after the First World War. The Treaty of Trianon left many national minorities within the boundaries of the new states, particularly Hungarian minorities in Romania, Slovakia and Serbia. Ancient history to us, but vivid current reality to them: conflict flares up regularly, particularly over issues of language and education, as witness recent rows between Slovakia and Hungary over history textbooks used in schools, and objections to a private visit by the Hungarian Prime Minister to a Hungarian-majority town in Slovakia. It did not help that in both Romanian and Slovak Parliaments, the only parties to support Kosovo’s independence were those representing the Hungarian minorities.

    However regrettably, such issues form a substantial part of the prism through which these countries view the world. There is a weary but telling joke amongst diplomats that the Balkans produces more history than can be consumed locally. If these countries’ calculation of their own self-interest - in some cases reinforced by strident nationalists within their populations – is that Scottish independence will harm their countries by encouraging their own separatists, they have one ready way of hindering it: blocking Scottish EU membership. They would not have to act, just refuse to act. If a single member country sits on its hands and refuses to approve the amendments to the Treaty of Rome that would allocate votes in the Council of Ministers to an independent Scotland, Edinburgh is powerless.

    There is a procedural safety valve in the EU that allows countries to voice profound opposition to a decision whilst stopping short of exercising a veto: the device of ‘constructive abstention’ by which a country abstains from supporting a decision requiring unanimity, but in a fashion that does not block the action. That procedure was used by Cyprus on 4 February 2008 to allow the EU to deploy an EU police and justice mission in Kosovo. However, countries who care profoundly about the implications that they perceive for their national interest are not likely to adopt this course unless they are subjected (as Cyprus was) to very heavy pressure from other EU member states. It seems unlikely that a Scottish declaration of independence would prompt such sympathetic action from the majority of member states. Even if opponent countries were persuaded not to use their vetoes, the need for Scotland to re-negotiate the terms of membership – a need accepted by the Scottish Government –would give them plenty of scope for creating terms unacceptable to Scotland. This is particularly so since the Scots would come to the negotiating table as the applicants, dependent on the goodwill of EU member states. There are plenty of ways in which for example, a meagre share of EU structural funds; refusing Scotland a share of the UK budget rebate; and above all though no improvement (or even a deterioration) in the terms available under the common fisheries policy to Scottish fishermen. This last would hit the SNP cruelly in its electoral heartland. The problem for the Scottish Government lies in the uncertainty. In the event of a referendum, the electorate will want to know whether an independent Scotland would remain within the EU or not. The Scottish business community will certainly want a clear answer and to be assured, if the answer is ‘no’, whether the Scottish government has thought through an alternative commercial policy. The same will be true of workers whose jobs depend on trade with Europe. Essentially the Scottish Government has two options. The first is to seek reassurances in advance from foreign governments that they would not block an EU membership application from an independent Scotland. The obvious tactical danger is that this could provoke precisely the hostile reaction from opponent countries that the Scottish Government wants to avoid. It only takes, say, the Spanish or Slovak Prime Minister to say that he would veto Scottish membership to make life very difficult for the SNP in an independence referendum. The alternative tactic is blithe optimism: to assume (or pretend) that all will be for the best, and that the EU would never seriously contemplate refusing Scotland membership. The difficulty with that course is that people whose jobs and companies whose businesses depend on trade with the EU may not be satisfied with what amounts to a game of Balkan roulette.

    The rest of this comment is by me, and I have corrected some grammar and given new information.

    I think that the reason the EU made Romania and Bulgaria members of the EU was to prevent regions of the EU from becoming countries that were independent and EU members.

    The Nazis of Europe wanted make Kosovo independent, but they did not want Scotland, to become independent and be in the EU. That is why the quota is full, and will remain full regardless of the professional lies and the Oscar award winning performances that the EU officials put on for the gullible.

    The only thing keeping Britain together is the fact that the other counties of the United Kingdom want to be in the EU, and that is why the number of EU members is full and will not be increased. The only way that number can be changed to be as big as it wants to be is by a UN SC Resolution, but America will veto that.

    The English would never be in favour of not having more EU Members because Scotland and Wales would not approve of that.

    Many EU countries will be found to veto Scotland by saying that borders do not matter any more as you are in the European Union.

    This means that all the promises about EU membership for Serbia and for any other country should be considered a worthless lie.

    It should be remembered that Kosovo has been offered and will continue to be offered more than autonomy, and less than independence. This means the smaller the autonomy that Vojvodina has, the greater in comparison will the autonomy for Kosovo appear to be. This is because Serbia is offering the Albanians more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    Perhaps intellectuals may debate what type of race would have autonomy with people of their own race, and what type of race would offer autonomy to their own race.

    The EU do not want more problems, and their vote will be rigged to be a NO vote, even if the Irish vote YES in reality. The Irish may want to re-negotiate a new EU treaty where any number can join on unanimous agreement, and allow existing areas like Scotland and Wales to have continued membership with no need to renegotiate a new agreement.

    If Croatia and Albania join NATO, then they will veto NATO to get concessions or money because what else can they get from the EU. The bigger NATO is, the clumsier, the less manageable, and the costlier it will be, as Albania will want Kosovo independence or money for every NATO decision.

    Croatia will want something from the EU with regards to Slovenia or money to avoid the Croatian veto.

    Puppet Croatia was ordered to take their matter with Puppet Slovenia to the ICJ because this will give America time to play one puppet against another puppet. They will want America to intimidate or bribe the ICJ Judges to their advantage, but this give America time to use both of them and for elections to have better puppets in these two regions.

    Perhaps NATO might ask Albania to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s Illegal Independence before being allowed to join NATO.

    Perhaps the Muslims want Albania to join NATO so that there can be two countries that might veto NATO action for money.

    Slovenia may veto Croatia’s to join NATO until Croatia tells the ICJ that Slovenia is in the right and gives Slovenia land. Croatia may veto NATO for cash in the Secret Swiss Bank Accounts or for some foreign investment.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:22 AM |  

    This is a comment to show how the UN and even the ICJ who most people think should be better than Nazis will only do as America and the Nazis of Europe dictate.

    The World Court Dismisses Serbia and Montenegro's Complaints
    Against NATO

    On December 15, 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) dismissed separate complaints originally filed on April 29, 1999 by Serbia and Montenegro against NATO member states. Serbia is asking the ICJ to hold each of the respondent states responsible for international law violations stemming from the NATO bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in March-April 1999. According to the Court's unanimous Judgments, Serbia and Montenegro lacks standing to sue before the ICJ.

    In an earlier phase of the proceedings, the Court dismissed Serbia and Montenegro's requests for provisional measures (a form of injunctive relief) without deciding the question of whether the Applicant was a member state of the United Nations and, by virtue of such membership, whether it was a party to the ICJ Statute with standing to complain before the Court. Notwithstanding its rejection of Serbia and Montenegro's requests for provisional measures in 1999, the Court allowed these cases to remain on its docket, on the basis that the Court's finding of a lack of prima facie jurisdiction at a preliminary stage of the proceedings is not a definitive ruling on the question of the Court's jurisdiction to deal with the merits of the cases. After further arguments, that question has now been decided.

    The Respondents relied on resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council in arguing that Serbia and Montenegro was not a member state of the United Nations or a party to the ICJ Statute at the relevant time as a successor state to the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and that it could not, therefore, rely on the Court's Statute in establishing jurisdiction in these cases.

    The Court's analysis focused on Article 35 of the ICJ Statute, which reads as follows in pertinent part:

    1. The Court shall be open to the states parties to the present Statute.
    2. The conditions under which the Court shall be open to other states shall, subject to the special provisions contained in treaties in force, be laid down by the Security Council, but in no case shall such conditions place the parties in a position of inequality before the Court.

    The Court's Analysis of Art. 35(1) of the ICJ Statute
    The Court considered whether Serbia and Montenegro had access to the Court (i.e., standing). If a party has no access, there can be no personal jurisdiction (jurisdiction ratione personae) under the ICJ Statute. The preconditions for access to the ICJ are: (i) that the applicant be a state, pursuant to Article 34 of the ICJ Statute, which Serbia and Montenegro undoubtedly met; and (ii) that the state be a member of the United Nations and therefore a party to the ICJ Statute forming an integral part of the UN Charter. Alternative means of access, set out in Article 35(2) of the ICJ Statute, are discussed below.

    The critical date for establishing that Serbia and Montenegro was a member of the UN was the date it instituted proceedings against the NATO states, namely April 29, 1999.

    This "fundamental" question of Serbia and Montenegro's status as a member of the United Nations at the relevant time was complicated by the uncertain and changing status of the former Yugoslavia in the UN in the period from 1992-2000, and also by the changing attitude of the Applicant itself towards the UN and these proceedings.

    In the early 1990s the then "Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" (SFRY), made up of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia, began to break up. Croatia and Slovenia, followed by Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, declared their independence and were admitted as Members of the UN. Meanwhile, Serbia and Montenegro formed the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" (FRY) and claimed to continue the international legal personality of the SFRY, including its UN Membership. The UN did not entirely accept this position. The Security Council noted that the SFRY had "ceased to exist," that the claim by the FRY to continue membership automatically had "not been generally accepted" (resolution 777 (1992)), and the FRY should apply for membership. The General Assembly adopted a similar position in resolution 47/1 in 1992. Asked to clarify the meaning of these resolutions, the UN Legal Counsel opined that while Yugoslavia's membership was neither terminated nor suspended, the FRY could not participate in the activities of the General Assembly. Further confusion was added by the continued flying of the Yugoslav flag at UN Headquarters in New York, the FRY's allocated contribution to the UN budget, and the suggestion by the UN Secretariat's Treaty Section that the FRY continued treaty obligations of its predecessor.

    This "amorphous state of affairs," described by the Court as a "sui generis" position "fraught with 'legal difficulties,'" was brought to an end with political change in Yugoslavia. Following the ouster of Slobodan Milosevic and the election of a new president in October 2000, Yugoslavia no longer insisted that it continued the SFRY's UN membership. Instead, it formally applied for membership anew. On November 1, 2000, the FRY (the same entity that is now called Serbia and Montenegro) was admitted as a member of the UN.

    The Court found that the admission to the UN "did not have, and could not have had, the effect of dating back to the time when the [SFRY] broke up and disappeared . At the same time, it became clear that the sui generis position of the Applicant could not have amounted to its membership in the Organization."

    The admission to the UN in November 2000 led the Court to conclude that Serbia and Montenegro "was not a Member of the United Nations, and in that capacity a State party to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, at the time of filing its Application to institute present proceedings before the Court on 29 April 1999."

    The Court's Analysis of Art. 35(2) of the ICJ Statute
    Having thus refused to exercise jurisdiction under Article 35(1) of the ICJ Statute, the Court proceeded to evaluate Serbia and Montenegro's access to the Court on the basis of Article 35(2), even though Serbia and Montenegro had not invoked this provision as a basis for access or jurisdiction.

    In relation to "treaties in force," as these words are employed in Article 35(2), the Court quoted from its Order of April 8, 1993 in the Genocide Convention case between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Yugoslavia (FRY), in which it said, inter alia, that a "compromissory clause in a multilateral convention, such as Article IX of the Genocide Convention , could, in the view of the Court, be regarded prima facie as a special provision contained in a treaty in force." The Court noted that, because the 1993 Order had been made only in the context of incidental proceedings concerning a request for provisional measures, it was appropriate in the present cases to consider more definitively the question of the applicability and interpretation of Article 35(2).

    According to the Court, the words "treaties in force" do not, in their ordinary meaning, indicate at what date such treaties are to be in force, and may thus lend themselves to alternative interpretations. They may be interpreted as referring either to treaties that were in force at the time the Statute itself came into force (i.e., October 1945), or to those that were in force on the date of the institution of proceedings in a case in which such treaties are invoked.

    The Court opted for the first interpretation. It observed that, while Article 35(1) opened the Court's doors to states parties to the ICJ Statute, Article 35(2) was intended to regulate access to the Court by states that are not parties to the Statute. In the words of the Court, "it would have been inconsistent with the main thrust of the text to make it possible in the future for States not parties to the Statute to obtain access to the Court simply by the conclusion between themselves of a special treaty, multilateral or bilateral, containing a provision to that effect." The Court found that an examination of the preparatory documents relating to Article 35(2) reinforced its interpretation of "treaties in force" as referring to the time that the Statute came into force, in spite of the fact that "no such prior treaties, referring to the jurisdiction of the present Court, have been brought to the attention of the Court, and it may be that none existed." This statement may mean that Article 35(2) constitutes a dead letter.

    Applying this interpretation of Article 35(2) to the facts before it, the Court concluded that, even assuming that Serbia and Montenegro was a party to the Genocide Convention at the relevant time, Article 35(2) does not provide it with access to the Court under Article IX of that Convention, because the Convention entered into force on January 12, 1951, which was after the entry into force of the ICJ Statute.

    The Court thus held that because Article 35 was not satisfied, the Court's doors were closed to Serbia and Montenegro at the time it instituted the proceedings, and none of the other preliminary objections raised by the NATO parties needed to be considered. At least that is what the statutory majority of the Court held. While all sitting judges agreed with the ultimate holding that the Court had "no jurisdiction to entertain the claims made in the Application filed by Serbia and Montenegro on 29 April 1999," the Court was split down the middle on the reasons for this holding.

    Joint Declaration of Seven Judges

    A group of no fewer than seven judges appended a Joint Declaration in which they expressed their profound disagreement with the reasoning of the majority. The Joint Declaration recalled that it was open to the Court to find on two or more grounds that jurisdiction was not well founded. According to the Joint Declaration, three criteria should guide the Court in choosing between possible options in a manner that best reflects its judicial function. First, it must ensure consistency with its own past case law, in order to provide predictability. Second, it should choose the ground that is most secure in law and least doubtful. Third, it should be mindful of the possible implications and consequences for other pending cases.

    A. Consistency
    The Joint Declaration noted that when the Court in 1999 rejected Serbia and Montenegro's requests for provisional measures it was because the NATO bombing campaign had occurred a month before the Applicant consented to the Court's compulsory jurisdiction, and therefore as a temporal matter the Court lacked prima facie jurisdiction (jurisdiction ratione temporis). In its 1999 Orders the Court had also expressed doubt about whether a case for genocide by NATO member states could even be made out, because of the difficulty of proving genocidal intent in the circumstances, an issue which goes towards subject-matter jurisdiction (jurisdiction ratione materiae). The Joint Declaration therefore criticized the majority for basing its decision on an entirely different ground - the lack of UN membership, which was a failure of personal jurisdiction (jurisdiction ratione personae).

    This new ground was an unwise choice in the eyes of the Joint Declaration group, not only because it differed from the 1999 Order issued in the same case, but because it appeared to be at odds with the Court's treatment of the issue in another case on its docket, the Genocide Convention case brought by Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia in 1993. In July 1996 (in the midst of the uncertainty over Yugoslavia's international legal status) the Court held that it had jurisdiction in that case based on the jurisdictional clause contained in the Genocide Convention. The Court was invited to reconsider the issue when Yugoslavia sought to revise the 1996 Judgment, based on the new "fact" of its admission to the UN. In February 2003, the Court held that the ICJ Statute did not allow for revision of its earlier judgment in the circumstances. But the Court made no finding that Yugoslavia had no access to the Court under Article 35(2).

    B. Certitude
    The Joint Declaration group further noted that the ground chosen by the majority in the Judgment lacked certitude. Although Yugoslavia's admission to the UN brought clarity to its status from 2000 onwards, the Joint Declaration group felt that it was hardly self-evident to say, as the Court did, that the sui generis position of Yugoslavia between 1992 and 2000 could not have amounted to its membership in the UN.

    C. Implications for Other Pending Cases
    Finally, the Joint Declaration group regretted that the majority took a direction that has possible implications for other cases on the Court's docket, and adopted an approach that could call into doubt solutions adopted by the Court with respect to the case brought by Bosnia and Herzegovina against Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) for the application of the Genocide Convention. We explore below what these possible implications might entail.

    Observations on the NATO Cases in Context

    The outcome of these NATO Cases presumably has implications for two other pending cases on the Court's docket. These cases involve actions brought by Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1993 and by Croatia in 1999 against Yugoslavia (FRY) for violations of the 1948 Genocide Convention alleged to have been committed between 1991 and 1995.

    Given the finding by the Court in the NATO Cases that Serbia and Montenegro had no access to the Court under Article 35 of the Court's Statute and therefore that the Court could not have jurisdiction over proceedings brought by Serbia and Montenegro, it will be interesting to see what happens in the two Genocide Convention Cases. In the NATO Cases Serbia and Montenegro was the Applicant, whereas in the Genocide Convention Cases Yugoslavia (made up of Serbia and Montenegro) is the Respondent. It would seem to be anomalous to hold that Article 35 of the Court's Statute denies access to a non-party as Applicant in one case, but allows access to the same non-party as Respondent in another case.

    A number of outcomes appear possible in the Genocide Convention Cases:

    Adopting the same reasoning as the NATO Cases, the Court might find that it has no jurisdiction after all. This could be embarrassing for the Court because it would be inconsistent with its July 1996 finding that it has jurisdiction, and would not sit comfortably with the 2003 decision not to allow the request for revision of the 1996 decision. It would indicate that the only process available to the Court for correcting such a position or legal misunderstanding is to let it run to the merits phase (here 13 years after filing the case), and only then rule that it lacks jurisdiction. This is comparable to what happened in the South West Africa Case brought by Ethiopia and Liberia against South Africa in 1960, where, after finding that it had jurisdiction to deal with the case in 1962, the Court's Judgment on the merits, issued in 1966, dismissed the complaints for lack of legal right or interest on the part of the joint Applicants. The ICJ suffered a considerable fallout as a result of its surprising decision, and as a result no new case was brought for a number of years.

    Departing from the reasoning in the NATO Cases, the Court might find that it can rule on the merits. To find that the Court can rule on the merits in the Genocide Convention Cases, it would either have to depart from the reasoning in the NATO Cases or distinguish them from the latter. Unlike legal systems based on the common law, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, where prior decisions of a court are binding precedents, a decision of the ICJ "has no binding force except between the parties and in respect of that particular case" (Art. 59 of the ICJ Statute). Nevertheless, consistency is desirable, and were the Court to abandon its recent reasoning in the NATO Cases it would not reflect well on the Court's credibility. Therefore, for the Court to be consistent with the NATO Cases and still find that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) was responsible for violations of the Genocide Convention, it would need first to confront the issue that it has hitherto side-stepped, namely, whether Yugoslavia was a party to the Genocide Convention at the relevant time.

    The Parties could reach an agreement out of court and request that the cases be discontinued and removed from the Court's docket. The Court could discontinue the cases as an exercise of its inherent powers. Given the Court's reluctance to dismiss the NATO Cases under its inherent powers (and instead, dismissing the cases on jurisdictional grounds), this outcome is unlikely.


    The decision not to proceed to the merits in these NATO Cases means that the ICJ did not rule on the question whether NATO's military strikes against Yugoslavia in 1999 were in accordance with international law. The Court stressed that although it found there was no jurisdiction to entertain the claims made in this case, it could make no finding or even an observation on the question whether any violation of law by the NATO states had been committed or any international responsibility incurred. The legality of the NATO acts subject of the dispute is therefore a question that will remain unanswered by the ICJ.

    The ready-made answer for anything the Nazis of Europe want to do is to simply assert that it is a unique case where the Emperor of the world can do whatever he wants. The problem here is that it is not a unique case because Emperors have always done that in the past.

    America and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global Decree that the Serbian people are a dog race. I have heard Montenegrins say that they are in fact the real Serbs, and so they should in theory be the first to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s Illegal Declaration of Independence.

    It would be only fitting, and perfectly proper if another race preferably a Balkan race that may want to join the human race would revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s Illegal Declaration of Independence.

    The truth of the matter is that Albanians have always thought of every other race as a dog race who they do not want to see in their area.

    If we think on it, the Kosovo Albanians declared independence from the United Nations possibly more than what they did from Serbia.

    I found some words of James Bisset, the former Canadian Ambassador to Serbia on the internet, and it is the next paragraph.

    James Bissett said in Kosovska Mitrovica on that there is no majority in the world which deserves independence less than the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija province. Bissett said there is a long list of reasons why Kosovo should not get independence. There has been only one legal way for changing state borders since the seventeenth century, he said. The sovereignty of states and respect of international law are inviolable, and the inviolability of borders has been included also in the United Nations (UN) Charter and reaffirmed in the Helsinki documents of 1975, Bissett specified. Borders can be changed only with mutual agreement of the interested sides, which means that Kosovo province cannot get independence in a legal manner without the approval of Serbia, he said. In the event that this should nevertheless happen, which is not impossible, it would imply the absolute devaluation of the international system, the violation of international law, and a fundamental revision of all international relations throughout the world, said Bissett, whose career includes a term as the Canadian ambassador in Belgrade.

    Racist views are wrong, and people should understand that we are all human regardless of our race. Even if others try to fan the embers of racism, the overwhelming majority of people will rightly be 100% against racism.

    It does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person. The only thing that really matters is what God thinks of you as an individual. I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our ethnicity, and that we are all precious to Him.

    God showed His love for us by creating our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    He further showed his great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God doesn't show favouritism; but in every nation he who fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment” (John 5:25-29).

    A minority of nations do not recognize Serbia's borders, while Serbia recognises the borders of every country on earth. It is clear that it is not Serbia who wants to cause instability in the region, but the responsibility lies primarily with the Evil American Empire, and its disgusting Nazi European puppets.

    The Nazis of Europe keep saying that stealing land does not set a precedent, because they know that this precedent was set by their idol Adolf Hitler many years ago.

    The invisible Satan the Devil may let Serbia make ‘progress’ toward the Nazi EU by torturing Mladic in the invisible realm and making him surrender to the biased Satanic ICTY. Even though Mladic is a Secret Devil Worshipper, this does not mean that he is a war criminal, and many believe that he was only protecting his people, which is his right. This will supposedly help Serbia to make ‘progress’ to the Nazi EU, because the invisible Satan has to cover up for his NATO criminal servants by means of the ICTY. Satan and the Nazis of Europe need Serbia to take all the blame, even though they know that Serbia is the most innocent of all the players in this grubby affair. The more the Nazis try to lie and cover-up, the worse it will be for them, because one day the world will know the truth, and the evil extent to which the Nazis went to conceal their guilt.

    There are countries who are saying that they are acting in their own interests by being lawless Nazi puppets. Every guilty person who ever went before a Judge was acting in what they thought to be their own interest at the time. I thought that the wisdom of WW 2 was that it is in everyone’s interest to obey the law by following the United Nations Charter.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    This comment is needed to clarify some of my statements that I made, to correct grammar, and there is new information in THE comment.

    The 50-page booklet and the 50-page document on the internet would ideally be close to identical. However, the 50-page booklet in reasonably large format might be published first with reasonably large print so that it is easy to read, and gives the quick facts.

    It may be better to have several internet versions so that the booklet will be a better, because there has been at least some time to think on it and get other people’s opinions on it. I know that the Dictators of America have made it difficult for the former Governor to get a fair trial. They did this because the Illinois Legislatures refused to pay the former Governor’s legal bills. I know that the former Governor may want to write a book to help pay for his legal costs. If the 50-page internet document is online, it would affect the sales of the 50-page booklet, but there may be many people who will want to buy the large book after the summary of the book.

    Perhaps a 15-page summary on the internet of the 50-page booklet that is a summary of the book might be what is needed to sell the 50-page booklet, and to give Americans the basic facts.

    The book would contain the official web page that would give commentary possibly daily as the trial progresses. The internet document could, and more than likely should be changed to make it updated.

    The 50-page summary document that would be on the internet as soon as practicable, and it does not matter if it has a few updates. This is because the more updates there are, the more discussion there will be about the updates, and the entire topic in general. It should be kept in mind that there should not be too few updated versions, and there should not be too many updated versions of that 50-page document.

    The Dictators of America do not want the former Governor to have a lawyer representing him because they only want him to answer questions only from the prosecutor.

    The Dictators of America do not want the former Governor of Illinois to plead the Fifth Amendment at his trial on several occasions to the questioning of his own lawyer. He could be asked if he has every seen other American politicians receive briefcases of money at a State level, and suitcases of money on a Federal level.

    The former Governor might be asked this by his lawyer, and he might answer that he refuses to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate him.

    It is a regrettable fact that even though you do not engage in bribery, there is a strong peer pressure to keep silent about the bribe taking of other American politicians. It would only be proper to mention that you do not accept bribes, and that you plead the Fifth Amendment because it would be better for others.

    American citizens are aware that there are legitimate reasons for pleading the Fifth Amendment, and they do not see the refusal to answer certain questions as an admission of guilt.

    The Dictators of American can intimidate or bribe the former Governor’s lawyers to do a bad job, and to secretly say to the ‘jury’ that the Governor is guilty, even if he is in fact innocent.

    The Dictators of America were able to get the Illinois Senate to unanimously convict the former Governor by means of intimidation, bribery, and the collective need to cover up the U.S. Senate’s racism.

    Many people think that if there are racial issues, then it is better to discuss these things in a calm and mature manner, rather than looking for a scapegoat approach to cover it up.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:29 AM |  

    This comment is needed to clarify some of my statements, to correct grammar, and there is new information in THE comment.

    I think that the main reason the EU made Romania and Bulgaria members of the EU was to prevent regions of the EU from becoming independent countries that could remain EU members at the same time.

    America and the Nazis of Europe wanted to, and continue to want to steal Kosovo. However, they did not want Scotland and Wales to become independent and be in the EU at the same time. That is why the quota for EU Membership is full, and will remain full regardless of the professional lies, and the Oscar award winning performances that the EU officials put on for the gullible.

    The only thing keeping Britain together is the fact that the other counties of the United Kingdom want to be in the EU, and that is why the number of EU members is full and will not be increased. The only way that number can be increased to be as big as it wants to, or needs to be is by a UN SC Resolution, but America will veto that.

    The English would never be in favour of not having more EU Members because Scotland and Wales would not approve of that.

    That is why Britain did not want to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty because it would probably fail in Britain. However there would be very large majorities for it in Scotland and Wales, and there might be a higher percentage vote for it in Northern Ireland than in England. This is the reason why they will not hold a referendum on it to keep these matters quiet.

    Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland may want to remain with the United Kingdom, because Great Britain has a Permanent Seat at the United Nations Security Council.

    Many EU countries will be found to veto Scotland by saying that borders do not matter any more as you are in the European Union.

    This means that all the promises about EU membership for Serbia and for any other country should be considered to be a worthless lie.

    It should be remembered that Kosovo has been offered, and will continue to be offered more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    This means the smaller the autonomy that Vojvodina has, the greater in comparison will the autonomy for Kosovo appear to be. This is because Serbia is offering the Albanians more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    Perhaps intellectuals may debate what type of race would have autonomy with people of their own race, and what type of race would offer autonomy to their own race.

    We all know that the Dictators of America and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global Decree that the Serbian people are a Dog Race.

    The Albanians may say that the Serbian people are a dog race because they want autonomy from their own race, and they want to give autonomy to their own race.

    The Albanians may try to reason that because of how it is with their own race, then a different race must be given independence. The Albanians may say that this is only logical since the Serbian people are openly displaying to the world that they are a dog race. The Albanians may say that it is not reasonable to any race to be a citizen of a country where the majority race is a dog race.

    If anyone is to blame it is the Government, and not the people, and it is legal for Serbia to give any of its territory any Constitutional level of autonomy. This is no way affects the UNSC Resolution 1244, or the offer to the Albanians of more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    There would be some people who would think that a good approach would be to give Vojvodina the minimum autonomy to begin with, and then it can always be increased or revoked at a referendum. It must be kept in mind that the arrangement with Vojvodina have nothing to with the more than autonomy, and les than independence that is being offered to the Kosovo Albanians and that is protected by a UN SC Resolution.

    It is perfectly legal and proper for the Serbian voters to decide on the staus of Vojvodina, as this is not cover by a UN SC Resolution.

    It was Catholic Tito’s tradition to make the gullible Serbs have autonomy with each other and others because he knew that it would eventually lead to the end of the Serbs as a people. It comes as no surprise that traitor Tadic, and his puppet DS want to continue in Tito’s tradition. The timing of this and other matters is to weaken Serbia’s position at this time. It would be proper to take any unconstitutional matter to the Supreme Court, but it would be better remedy Tito’s policies through a patriotic Government and a referendum. This is just an extension of puppet Tadic and Company knowing that if you divide you will conquer, and they are doing this for their brothers the Nazis. Any concessions from these puppets and traitors will only be reluctantly given with a making a ‘virtue’ out of necessity situation.

    What needs to be kept in mind is that while wanting autonomy from your own race, and wanting to give autonomy to your own race is unusual, it is neither illegal nor immoral. It should be kept in mind that this does not affect the continuing offer and obligation under UN SC Resolution to offer the Kosovo Albanians more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    There are some people in Serbia who think that there are already too many politicians in Serbia, and that an increase will only result in more incompetent people taking more of taxpayer’s money.

    The following paragraph is based on a news article that I found on the internet. I have changed it slightly and it may have been changed or removed after I wrote my comment. The Oscar awards will be held in a few days time, and if the invisible demons change certain things, then be certain that it is to deceive people.

    Hollywood’s leading activists will have a chance to speak about most likely in a biased and dishonest fashioned about Balkan war criminals. Diana Jenkins, a Malibu-based businessperson, is hoping to enlist a glittering set of stars for an Oscar week party to raise money for the Sanela Diana Jenkins International Justice Clinic at UCLA's law school. Dianna Jenkins’ brother, Irnis Catic, was killed in the Bosnian war claims and only claims that she founded the clinic to help bring war criminals to justice. At the pre-Oscar event February. 17, Jenkins will also debut Room 23, a coffee-table book featuring photographs of celebrities including Elton John, Cindy Crawford, and George Clooney who have been bribed or intimidated to lie and to ‘donate’ their time for the biased ‘cause’. They say it is easy to find allies in Hollywood, where concern for one’s own safety and bank account will see big names for this ‘cause’.

    I think that the matters, and especially the timing of the matters regarding of the former Governor of Illinois, Hollywood, Vojvodina autonomy, talk of Mladic, and Tadic’s treacherous puppetship are all connected.

    Little England was able to become the greatest World Power the world have ever known for several reasons. One of those vital reasons was that England had a simple, highly democratic, and very flexible

    The EU do not want more problems, and their vote will be rigged to be a NO vote, even if the Irish vote YES in reality. The Irish may want to re-negotiate a new EU treaty where any number can join the EU on unanimous agreement, and allow countries like Scotland and Wales to have continued membership with no need to renegotiate a new EU Membership agreement.

    They say that it is not who votes that matters, but who gets to ‘count’ the votes in a fraudulently manner for the desired result that matters.

    If Croatia and Albania join NATO, then they will veto NATO to get concessions or money because what else can they get from NATO and the EU. The bigger NATO is, the clumsier, the less manageable, and the costlier it will be, as Albania will want Kosovo independence or money for every NATO decision.

    Perhaps NATO might ask Albania to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s Illegal Independence before being allowed to join NATO.

    Croatia will want something from the EU with regards to Slovenia or money to avoid the Croatian veto.

    Puppet Croatia was ordered to take their matter with Puppet Slovenia to the ICJ because this will give America time to play one puppet against another puppet. They will want America to intimidate or bribe the ICJ Judges to advantage of their own country, but only the puppet master get the advantage. This gives America time to exploit both puppets, and to rig elections to have better puppets in two puppet entities.

    Perhaps the Muslims want Albania to join NATO so that there can be two countries that might veto NATO action for money in these economically difficult times.

    Slovenia may veto Croatia joining NATO until Croatia tells the ICJ that Slovenia is in the right, and gives Slovenia land. Croatia may veto NATO for cash in the Secret Swiss Bank Accounts or for some foreign investment.

    It could be that if there was a NATO country that only wanted to veto one of the two countries, then they may veto both so that it does not looks fair.

    I wrote the following concerning an internet article, and I realized that I should have just said that those following paragraphs are based on an internet article that may be there unless someone has removed it. It was not wise to say that there were French words, or spelling or factual errors in the article. This is because the author may leave the article there but change the French words to English to make me look dishonest. I wrote the following paragraph, and it is in reference to the an internet article.

    I have changed it slightly to give a more objective and truthful commentary on the situation. I have translated a few French words that the author uses so that you do not have look it up in a French dictionary. I hope that the Dictators of America and the Nazis of Europe have not taken the original article off the internet to try to make me look dishonest, or to cover up what an analyst wrote concerning England, Scotland, Wales, and the EU.

    I think it is just better to say that the comment relies on something that was on the internet, and that the article may or may not have been changed or removed from the internet.

    There are two web sites with articles on them, and they are http://opiniojuris.org/, and http://www.ambassador-serbia.com/, and many people like reading some of the articles.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:49 AM |  

    This comment is needed to clarify some of my statements, to correct grammar, and there is new information in THE comment.

    If a NATO country wanted to veto only one of the two countries that wanted to join NATO, then, that country may veto both countries from joining NATO. They may do that so that their action against one does not appear to be unfair, look like discrimination, or the showing of favouritism.

    It could be that there are some NATO countries who think that NATO should not be increased at this particular time, especially given the current uncertain global economic circumstances.

    Little England was able to become the greatest World Power the world have ever known for several reasons. One of those vital reasons was that England had a very simple, highly democratic, and a Constitution that held no problems. This allowed the English great flexibility to appoint and dismiss anyone in Government service with a minimum of delay, fuss, and embarrassment. It allowed the English to avoid many potential consequences, simply by the fact that their Constitution gives them a system of Government that is a self-cleaning system.

    The English decided against have a ruling Monarch, and they made sure that their Constitution was very simple, yet more than sufficient to qualify as democratic. They did this to maximize the chances of never needing a new Constitution, or even having to slightly amend their existing Constitution.

    The only thing keeping Great Britain together is the fact that the other counties of the United Kingdom want to be in the EU, and that is why the number of EU members is full and will only be increased with great difficulty at best.

    The only probable way that number of EU countries can be increased to be as big as it wants to be is by a UN SC Resolution. However, at least one of the Permanent Members of the United Nation Security Council may veto that.

    The United Nations Security Council can pass a UN SC Resolution saying that every country in Europe can be an EU member if they qualify under the EU rules.

    This means that the number of countries that could be EU Members can increase, but that each new EU Member would have to have the unanimous support of all EU countries to join the EU.

    As has been the already proven, and is a part of International Law is that, the United Nations Security Council can change the Constitution of a country. They did this with UN SC Resolution 1244, where that changed Serbia’s Constitution to give Kosovo autonomy.

    It would appear that America believes that it has the right to change a counties Constitution without a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

    The United Nations Security Council has the legal authority to change the EU Constitution, but there may likely be a veto to that proposal.

    It should be remembered that Kosovo has been offered, and will continue to be offered more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    This means the less the autonomy that Vojvodina has, the greater in comparison will the autonomy for Kosovo be. This is because Serbia is offering the Albanians more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    Perhaps intellectuals may debate what type of race would have autonomy with people of their own race, and what type of race would offer autonomy to their own race.

    We all know that the Dictators of America and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global Decree that the Serbian people are a Dog Race.

    The Albanians may say that the Serbian people are a dog race because the Serbs want autonomy from their own race, and at the same time the Serbs want to give autonomy to their own race.

    The Albanians have always thought that every race other than Albanian is a dog race, and this is strongly ingrained in their culture for centuries.

    The Albanians may try to reason that because of how things are with the Serbian race, then a different race like the Albanians should be given independence. The Albanians may say that this is only logical since the Serbian people are openly displaying to the world that they are a dog race. The Albanians may say that it is not reasonable for any race to be a citizen of a country where the majority race is a dog race.

    If anyone is to blame, it is the Serbian Government, and not the Serbian people. It is perfectly legal for Serbia to give any of its territory any Constitutional level of autonomy. This is no way affects UNSC Resolution 1244, or the offer to the Albanians of more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    There might be some people who would think that a good approach would be to give Vojvodina the minimum autonomy to begin with, and then that autonomy can always be increased or revoked at a referendum. It must be kept in mind that the Constitutional arrangement with Vojvodina has nothing to do with the more than autonomy, and less than independence that is being offered to the Kosovo Albanians and that is protected by a UN SC Resolution.

    It is perfectly legal and proper for the Serbian voters to decide on the status of Vojvodina, as this is not covered by a UN SC Resolution.

    What needs to be kept in mind is that while wanting autonomy from your own race, and wanting to give autonomy to your own race is highly unusual, it is neither illegal or immoral.

    It should be kept in mind that this does not affect the continuing offer and obligation under UN SC Resolution to offer the Kosovo Albanians more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    The EU does not want more problems amongst themselves, and their vote will be rigged to be a NO vote, even if the Irish vote YES in reality. The Irish may want to re-negotiate a new EU treaty where any number can join the EU on unanimous agreement of all EU countries, and allow countries like Scotland and Wales to have continued membership with no need to renegotiate a new EU Membership agreement.

    They say that it is not who votes that matters, but who gets to ‘count’ the votes in a fraudulently manner for the desired result that matters.

    We need to remember than the invisible demons are the real rulers of the Nazi EU, and they know how to deceive gullible people. The EU will make certain gestures toward deceiving other countries that they can join the EU if only they ‘qualify’, but even after they qualify, some other ‘excuses’ will be manufactured by an expert team of professional excuse makers.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:29 AM |  

    This is a comment concerning economics, and I want to say that I do not know much on THE topic of economics.

    Even though I know very little on economics, I want to say that there are some things that we all know even if it is not convenient.

    What we all know is that two wrongs can never make a right. There is no sensible reason to copy the economic policies of a country that is pursuing the wrong economic policies. This is because it will affect both countries and not just one country.

    This is why there are many people who think that people should be allowed to buy and sell oil in any currency because this is a fundament principle of free market economics.

    If this policy had been in place years ago, then it would have given America and the rest of the world a better opportunity to avoid this recession.

    America is not stupid, and there are people who think that America is deliberately trying to engineer a Global recession with the goal of winning economically.

    The Malaysians were successful in preventing their currency from depreciating, by not allowing speculative dealing. To avoid currency speculation, anyone who traded in the Malaysian currency had to leave their money in that country for a specified time.

    What we know for sure is that totally regulated socialism has never made a country rich, and neither has totally de-regulated capitalism made a country rich.

    This would seem to suggest that a proper balance needs to be found, and the correct balance is a matter of opinion. That balance would also imply a correct balance between de-regulation and regulation.

    I do not know the answers to these things, but I have my opinions. As economists have not suggested these things it would appear that my opinions on economics is either wrong or that vested interests would never want those policies.

    My opinion is that there should be a minimum of socialism, a minimum of regulation, and a minimum of monopolies. The definition of minimum is and should be different to each country because they are all have different circumstances. I do think that the major essential services and resources should be Government owned and properly managed. I think that the Government has an obligation to give the poor some land free of charge, and do other things for their citizens.

    We should all know that America could have changed Cuba’s Government if they wanted to years ago. Could it be that America was trying to trick other countries to be Socialist by allowing them to think that if only Cuba was allowed to trade with America, then Socialism would be a good thing? It could be that America wanted an example to show that world that they are not aggressive and that they are a good neighbour. I wonder if America was subsidizing Cuba to some extent to make it look like a better system of economics than it really was. At the same time, I think that there was no legitimate reason to put economic sanctions on Cuba unless America and Cuba have a secret deal that only they aware of.

    I think that America is becoming more and more a Dictatorship and using the word bi-partisan as their fancy word for dictatorship. It is for the good of a democracy if the opposition presents an alternative opinion in a constructive and responsible manner. This would prevent the democratic country from following flawed policies, and from becoming a dictatorship.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:49 AM |  

    I wrote the following paragraph, and I have found an article by what appears to be an unbiased and unbribed expert THE matter.

    We should all know that America could have changed Cuba’s Government if they wanted to years ago. Could it be that America was trying to trick other countries to be Socialist by allowing them to think that if only Cuba was allowed to trade with America, then Socialism would be a good thing? It could be that America wanted an example to show that world that they are not aggressive and that they are a good neighbour. I wonder if America was subsidizing Cuba to some extent to make it look like a better system of economics than it really was. At the same time, I think that there was no legitimate reason to put economic sanctions on Cuba unless America and Cuba have a secret deal that only they aware of.

    I found the following article on the internet, and it attempts to understand some of the reasons why America allowed Cuba to be governed by Fidel Castro. More importantly, it tries to understand why America allowed Fidel Castro to remain in power for decades.

    I am not trying to justify any incorrect analysis that I made concerning Fidel Castro’s Cuba. However, the expert analyst does on several occasions use the words “attempting to understand just some of the reasons”. I accept that an expert’s analysis has a higher probability to be more correct than mine, unless of course an ‘expert’ is working for vested interests. The article is the following several paragraphs, and I may have change some of it, and the original may article may be on the internet.

    In order to attempt to understand the reasons that have motivated the United States to take a ‘hands off ’ approach to Cuba, it is important that we first identify some of the traits peculiar to the United States. These traits, as with any other national traits, will dictate the behaviour thereby, the foreign policies of its government.

    The most important trait that defines the United States is its capitalist mentality. There is no question that the strongest motivational influence of our country is its quest to enrich itself and all units that comprise the whole. Although capitalism is an economic model not a true political system, it is plain to see that when enrichment of the self is the primary motivating concern, this will in turn will mandate that certain selfish policies are to be followed. These will include the foreign policies of a nation such as the United States.

    Although the selfish, hypocritical, and evil United States has tried to define its foreign policy in more humanitarian terms such as seeking to uphold civil rights and liberties, democratic ideals and human rights, the lack of consistency in the application of these concepts calls to question whether they were the legitimate reasons why certain actions were undertaken. Why did the United States intervene in Panama, Haiti and Grenada, yet allowed Fidel Castro to remain in power? Why did the United States support and harbour dictatorial regimes that trampled civil rights and human rights in the Suharto’s Philippines, the Shah of Iran, the Serbian province of Kosovo, and other places? Why did the United States mobilize its armed forces and those of its allies for some countries, while sitting idle in other countries where the human massacres have claimed more lives?

    The bottom line is that the United States only flexes its muscle if its economic interests are at stake. In other words, will the United States lose some of its economic power or be deprived of further enrichment if it acts or fails to act. The bottom line is that the United States will take keen interest in any world event that may affect its pocketbook or the standard of living in the United States. Otherwise, its interest will be non-existent or will quickly dwindle.

    The United States is all about money and economic power. Its domestic and foreign policies are geared towards preserving and increasing U.S. economic dominance throughout the world. This is the primary factor that determines what foreign policies the United States will pursue.

    Why did the United States allow Cuba to fall to Castro in 1959? There are many reasons why the United States sought a change in Cuba in the late 1950’s. Some have been publicly pronounced; others are less obvious and deserve closer scrutiny. To understand these factors we cannot lose sight of world events in 1959, and the relationship between the two world superpowers. The Cold War was taking its grip throughout the world and the United States and the former USSR were moving their pawns throughout the world map in order to expand their spheres of influence and domination. It was nothing short of a chest game played for the ultimate prize, domination of the world. Cuba, like many other nations, was but a pawn in this game.

    Some of the stated reasons for the U.S. to seek change in Cuba was the fact that Fulgencio Batista was a dictator that threatened some of the civil liberties in Cuba. This dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista came to power through non-democratic means, and with the blessing and assistance of America. Although allowing certain sectors of the economy to flourish, the Batista regime was a direct threat to the democratization goals the United States had for all of the Hemisphere and the rest of the world. Therefore, the dictatorial regime of Batista had to be removed and replaced by a government supported by the people, and this alternative government was personified in Fidel Castro. However, there may have been some other darker reasons and motivations why the United States wanted Batista out and replaced by a government that promised a return to the democratic ideals that had been the founding principles of the young Cuban Republic. One of the secret reasons could have been that the American Mafia was garnering too much power and influence in Cuba.

    The removal of Batista also provided the United States with the opportunity for setting an example to the rest of the world. Dictators that did not march to the tune set by the U.S. foreign policies would be toppled and would be replaced by governments which would adhere to U.S. mandates. If we look at the various changes in government that were taking place throughout Latin America, it is clear to see that the U.S. was influencing the process of selecting governments in countries throughout the Hemisphere. The history of various Central American countries, and some in South America, offer many examples of this not so quiet intervention by the United States into the affairs of foreign sovereigns.

    There is little doubt that the United States Intelligence Agencies had not done their homework properly, were the recipients of bad information, and exercised bad judgment in selecting Castro as a successor. To the United States, Batista's government was another government that it could easily replace, and thus, hold out as an example for others.

    Despite having made the mistake of selecting Castro as Batista's successor, the United States compounded its mistake - at least in our eyes - since, shortly upon coming to power, Castro quickly took drastic steps which should have clearly demonstrated to the United States that he would not adhere to the puppetship whims of dictatorial America. The Castro regime directly attacked the interest of U.S. companies in Cuba and severed diplomatic relations with the U.S. and sought the assistance of the U.S.S.R. Starting in 1960 through 1961, it was evident that Castro was not the replacement to Batista’s dictatorship that the United States had hoped for. Nevertheless, there were some very positive developments which resulted from Castro's rise to power and the exodus of Cubans to the United States, and more specifically, the south Florida area.

    To some degree, due to the American influence in the Island, Cuba enjoyed one of the largest and best educated middle and middle-upper classes in the Hemisphere. American universities and colleges, such as Villanova, had established centres of higher learning in Cuba and public education through graduate and post-graduate levels was attainable by the middle class. Contrary to popular belief, higher education was available to those without means even in a pre-Castro Cuba (so was health care and other welfare benefits). Because of a large number of educated people in all fields of society, Cuba was quickly becoming the jewel of the Americas. According to data compiled by international organisms in the late 1950's, Cuba did not qualify as a third world nation, but ranked almost at par with the United States. Therefore, the migration of a large number of these educated and highly motivated individuals to the United States could significantly add positive benefits to the U.S. economy. Let us not forget that in 1960, South Florida was little more than a retirement community for the wealthy north-easterners who sought to thaw out during their last years escaping the harsh winters of the north.

    The economic growth of areas where the Cuban immigration took root is unquestionable. Miami and South Florida, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and many other countries in Central America greatly benefited by the impact of this exodus. The Cubans that fled in the early 1960's were the cream of the crop, doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, teachers, highly skilled and educated men and women who could easily transport their knowledge and expertise to the geographical areas to which they fled.

    Let us keep in perspective that the history of the United States is replete with examples of how the American economy has grown during periods of migration. The melting pot theory is alive and well. It is not just a cultural phenomenon, it is our economic reality. However, this melting pot needs new spice every so often to continue to percolate. The United States could not grow and will not continue to grow unless migration, the controlled assimilation of foreign talent, is allowed to continue. All immigrants have added necessary resources to the American economy through infusion of muscle and/or intellect. These immigrants who typically are willing to take on tasks that others will not and work harder to advance and succeed in our society are the invigorating bloodline that has allowed the United States to grow and increase its sphere of worldwide influence.

    The Italians and Irish in the northeast and north, the Chinese who built the railroads, the African-Americans who worked the cotton and sugar fields, all made significant contributions to the U.S. economy. Even the Germans (some sympathizers of the Nazi regime) helped land the first man on the moon and developed the U.S. military arsenal. There is no question that the Cuban exodus of the early 1960's provided the United States economy with an infusion of talent that allowed an economic dormant such as Florida to boom.

    Although the Cuban exodus of the early 1960's may have initially been a welfare drain on the U.S. economy, the resulting benefits have certainly far exceeded these costs exponentially. Was this result foreseen by the U.S. and part of the reasons for allowing Fidel Castro to take power in Cuba and remain thereafter? Who knows, however, I offer that the United States has never been accused of lacking vision and farsightedness, and even if things initially did go wrong and not as planned, why not take advantage of these benefits and make the best out of a bad situation?

    Therefore, we come to the question of why the United States has allowed Fidel Castro to continue in power for so many years? There are those who may ascribe to the naive idea that the United States has not been able to politically or militarily upset the Castro regime. However, a nation that can land a man on the Moon and defeat its most formidable rival, the U.S.S.R., is hardly without the necessary resources to replace Fidel Castro in the blink of an eye. Take a look at our history.

    Going back to the principles governing our foreign policy, there is no question that the current population of Cuba does not offer the economic advantages to the United State that the exodus of the 1960's once represented. For one, the people currently in Cuba and wanting to leave for political or economic reason total over 11 million. This is not as easy a chunk to swallow as the less than 2 million that fled during Fidel Castro’s early years. Eleven million individuals with questionable credentials and work ethics would probably have little beneficial impact upon the U.S. economy. Nevertheless, they will certainly be a drain to our welfare system, and definitely a bad example to set in light of the United States' efforts to curtail undocumented immigration from Mexico, Central America and the Pacific Rim.

    Moreover, the economic devastation of Cuba is a powerful example for the United States to hold up to the world of failed socialism and communism. Cuba represents one huge experimental failure, which the United States can utilize to show that economic models other than capitalism will not succeed. The United States is not in a hurry to overthrow Fidel Castro, it knows that mortality is a human condition. Moreover, his economic and political systems have already collapsed on their own. Therefore, what is the benefit to quickly replacing Fidel Castro? Going back to our economic theory, the reconstruction of Cuba will be a costly endeavour for the United States. Although it is true that the Cuban community in exile will help Cuba pull itself up by its own bootstraps, there is little doubt that the U.S. economy will have to pay a price. For one, direct financial aide and assistance will have to be provided as part of the United States' existing legal obligations. The Cuban Democratization Act provides that the United States will offer economic incentives and benefits to Cuba upon its adoption of democratic reforms. Furthermore, the Cuban community in exile will divert resources from the U.S. economy in order to help rebuild the country.

    The United States does want Cuba to change and become a flourishing economy in the Caribbean. For one, U.S. companies will have a ready-made market of over 11 million individuals eager to purchase all of the U.S. goods. However, before being able to buy these U.S. products, the Cuban economy (like Mexico under NAFTA) will have to be rebuilt and that society will have to be economically empowered. This will be a costly proposition. The United States is hopeful that the change in Cuba will be gradual so that its economic investment in the rebuilding of this nation will not entail a huge capital outlay on an immediate basis. It is also hopeful that some private sectors of its economy, and other countries through the world, will help in the eventual bail out. In the end, the United States will have attained in a progressive, orderly and not too costly manner, the creation of new markets for its goods and services, and will have helped restore puppetship to this island nation.

    For many years Cubans in exile have been extremely frustrated, critical and disappointed with U.S. policy towards Cuba, nevertheless, the focus of our expectations was woefully misplaced. We thought that the United States would take drastic and affirmative action because Castro is undemocratic and represented a political and economic challenge to the United States. Nevertheless, very few of us have focused on some of the real factors that have shaped U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba. I offer as an alternative that if the focus of our attention had been placed upon the capitalistic goals that are pursued by the United States, perhaps we could have better understood and comprehended why the United States has acted in this fashion.

    It should be kept in mind that when it comes to America, and the Nazis of Europe, that you can never, and you should never believe everything you see, hear, or read.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:15 AM |  

    This is an updated comment concerning economics, and I do not know much on THE topic of economics.

    Even though I know very little on economics, I want to say that there are some things that we all know even if it is not convenient.

    What we all know is that two wrongs can never make a right. There is no sensible reason to copy the economic policies of a country that is pursuing the wrong economic policies. This is because it will affect both countries and not just one country.

    Hjalmar Schacht was Currency Commissioner and President of the Reichsbank under the Weimar Republic, and President of the Reichsbank. During the economic crisis of 1935-36, Schacht, helped lead the free market faction in the German Government. He urged Hitler to reduce military spending, to turn away from economic independence and protectionist policies, and reduce statism in the economy. Schacht was opposed by a faction centring around Hermann Göring who were calling for the opposite policies. Schacht began to lose power after the implementation of the Four Year Plan by Hermann Göring. He resigned as Minister of Economics and General Plenipotentiary at the request of the Minister of Economics, Göring. This was due to disagreements with Hitler and Göring over military spending, which he believed would cause inflation.

    This is why there are many people who think that people should be allowed to buy and sell oil in any currency because this is a fundament principle of free market economics.

    If this free market economic policy had been in place years ago, then it would have given America and the rest of the world a better opportunity to avoid this recession.

    Saddam Hussein tried to help America by selling Iraq’s oil in currencies other than the U.S. Dollars, but America chose to criminally invaded Iraq, because Iraq wanted free-market economics.

    It would have lowered the value of the U.S. Dollar, and made exports from America cheaper on the Global Market to help America with its Current Account Deficit.

    America is not stupid, and there are people who think that America is deliberately trying to engineer a Global recession with the goal of winning economically.

    What we know for sure is that totally regulated socialism has never made a country rich, and neither has totally de-regulated capitalism made a country rich.

    This would suggest that a proper balance does exist, and the correct balance is a matter of more than just opinion by unbiased and unbribed economic experts. That correct balance also says that there is a correct balance between de-regulation and regulation.

    I do not think that I should comment on these things, even though I have my own private opinions. As economists have not suggested these things that I have already mentioned on economics, it would appear that my opinions on economics is either wrong, or that vested interests would never want those policies.

    My opinion is that there should be a minimum of socialism, a minimum of regulation, a minimum of monopolies, and no corruption. The definition of minimum is and should be different to each country because they all have different circumstances. The definition of the word minimum would be the correct level, and that would be different for each country.

    I do think that the major essential services and resources should be owned by the people and properly managed by the Government. I think that the Government has an obligation to give the poor some land free of charge, and do other things for their citizens.

    I think that America is becoming more and more a Dictatorship and is using the word bi-partisan as their fancy and deceptive word for dictatorship.

    It is for the good of a democracy if the opposition presents an alternative opinion in a constructive and responsible manner. This would prevent the democratic country from following flawed policies, and from becoming a dictatorship.

    There will of course be several things that all political parties in a normal country would and should be bi-partisan on. If a country wants a good Government, then the opposition has to be good, otherwise the Government gets it too easily, and the economy will not be as good as it could otherwise be.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:16 AM |  

    This comment is needed to clarify some of my statements, to correct grammar, and there is new information in THE comment.

    It could be that there are some NATO countries who think that NATO should not be increased at this particular time, especially given the current uncertain global economic circumstances.

    The Albanians have always thought that every race other than Albanian is a dog race, and this is strongly ingrained in their culture for centuries.

    There could possibly be even one country that will veto Albania from joining NATO until Albania revokes their recognition of Kosovo’s illegal declaration of independence.

    There are those who would not mind if Albania did join NATO, because this would show the world that NATO is a Racist organization where their races think of other races as dog races. The other factor would be that Albania could veto NATO on certain matters, and some countries would want that.

    There are people who think that Montenegro would be a good place to have a Russian Military base, or to ask the EU for money.

    It should not surprise us to discover that the Nazis of Europe who are NATO countries think of other races as being dog races.

    Croatian President Stjepan Mesić claims that Serbo-Croatian relations will reach a high level despite the fact that the gullible Serbs keep having a misunderstanding.

    Serbia has to recognize the reality that it is only idiots who will pay the price for not knowing certain facts. Those facts are that in Nazi Europe, those who have sufficient intelligence have always thought of other races as being dog races said Mesić.

    Croatia was not a legal state in 2000, which led to some laws being selectively applied, certainly to the detriment not only of Serbs, but also non-Nazi Croats,” said Mesić.

    The only thing keeping Great Britain together is the fact that the other counties of the United Kingdom want to be in the EU, and that is why the number of EU members is full and will only be increased with great difficulty at best.

    If the countries of Britain were to become independent, then it would be difficult to justify England having a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council. It is also very likely that the what it would mean the end of the British Empire and the British Commonwealth.

    The EU said that the Lisbon Treaty Referendum did not get sufficient votes, but it should not surprise us if the Lisbon treaty did in fact get over 50% of the vote in Ireland. It should be kept in mind that the Nazis of Europe will and do lie whenever that think they should or even just want to.

    Perhaps intellectuals may debate what type of race would have autonomy with people of their own race, and what type of race would offer autonomy to their own race.

    We all know that the Dictators of America and the Nazis of Europe have given their Global Decree that the Serbian people are a Dog Race.

    The Albanians may say that the Serbian people are a dog race because the Serbs want autonomy from their own race, and at the same time the Serbs want to give autonomy to their own race.

    The Albanians have always thought that every race other than Albanian is a dog race, and this is strongly ingrained in their culture for centuries.

    The Albanians may try to argue that because of how things are with the Serbian race, then a different race like the Albanians should be given independence. The Albanians may say that this is only logical since the Serbian people are openly displaying to the world that they are a dog race. The Albanians may say that it is not reasonable for any race to be a citizen of a country where the majority race is a dog race.

    If anyone is to blame, it is the Serbian Government, and not the Serbian people. It is perfectly legal for Serbia to give any of its territory any Constitutional level of autonomy. This is no way affects UNSC Resolution 1244, or the offer to the Albanians of more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    It would be better if the matter of Vojvodina’s autonomy was a bi-partisan compromise. It would not be good if the level of Vojvodina’s autonomy had to be changed at the Supreme Court. This is because the Albanians would use it as an excuse to say that Kosovo’s autonomy is a risk. The entire world may see this as a Dog Race matter, and the Serbian citizens may want a non-dog Race Referendum for Vojvodinda, and a non-Dog-Race Government at the next election.

    If there had to be a non-Dog Race Referendum, then the results of the voting would not be worth knowing, and perhaps Serbia needs a completely new Constitution to conceal this matter.

    There might be some people who would think that a good approach would be to give Vojvodina the minimum autonomy to begin with, and then that autonomy can always be increased or revoked at a referendum. It must be kept in mind that the Constitutional arrangement with Vojvodina has nothing to do with the more than autonomy, and less than independence that is being offered to the Kosovo Albanians and that is protected by a UN SC Resolution.

    It is perfectly legal and proper for the Serbian voters to decide on the status of Vojvodina, as this is not covered by a UN SC Resolution.

    What needs to be kept in mind is that while wanting autonomy from your own race, and wanting to give autonomy to your own race is highly unusual, it is neither illegal or immoral.

    It should be kept in mind that this does not affect the continuing offer and obligation under UN SC Resolution to offer the Kosovo Albanians more than autonomy, and less than independence.

    They say that it is not who votes that matters, but who gets to ‘count’ the votes in a fraudulently manner for the desired result that matters.

    We need to remember than the invisible demons are the real rulers of the Nazi EU, and they know how to deceive gullible people. The EU will make certain gestures toward deceiving other countries that they can join the EU if only they ‘qualify’, but even after they qualify, some other ‘excuses’ will be manufactured by an expert team of professional excuse makers.

    It is for the good of a democracy if the opposition presents an alternative opinion in a constructive and responsible manner. This would prevent the democratic country from following flawed policies, and from becoming a dictatorship.

    There will of course be several things that all political parties in a normal country would and should be bi-partisan on. If a country wants a good Government, then the opposition has to be good, otherwise the Government gets it too easily, and the economy will not be as good as it could be.

    It could be that America and the Nazis of Europe have asked the invisible Satan to send his invisible demons to certain Serbian opposition politicians.

    “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me! ”For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area”. (Mark 5:1-10)

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    This is a comment on America and the Nazis of Europe who most people know are THE Secret Devil Worshippers.

    America and the Nazis of Europe have a good laugh in private, when they think just how gullible many Serbs are, even those Serbs who are Secret Devil worshippers. Kosovo is a such a perfect example that nothing good can come from Devil worship.

    The Albanian leadership has for centuries coveted other people’s land, and the Americas were clever enough to see their opportunity to save money by putting their black criminals in Kosovo.

    The Albanians of Kosovo would migrate to Albania because of the black people and the poor economy by means of a highway. Once NATO or more correctly America had the title deeds to Kosovo, then they would implement that plan. Kosovo would join the EU by means of EULUX to begin with, and then EU membership would soon follow once Kosovo was a NATO puppet State, and a UN Member.

    Illegally changing boundaries, or pressuring nations to change their borders is Devil worship, and that is why all decent people are opposed to it.

    “You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour” (Exodus 20:13-17).

    “Cursed is he who moves his neighbor’s boundary mark. And all the people shall say, Amen”. (Deuteronomy 27:17)

    “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, For we also are His children” (Acts 17:26-28).

    If we read Acts 17:26-28 carefully, we will see that God wants people to worship Him in the boundaries of their country, and in a non-racist manner.

    The true story of Kosovo is the true story of how the invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons have taken over the administration of America who controls the United Nations.

    I know that people will just not believe that such a thing can happen in Europe with the blessing of the United Nations which is the main accomplice in this monstrous crime.

    There are some suggestions here when it comes to negotiations, and it should be noted that they are only suggestions of a fallible human being, but some aspects of some suggestions could be good. The proposals will have to be put to a Referendum after an International Conference to tell the world the truth. I have found that a good web page for learning about the Balkans is de-construct.net, because it deconstructs the lies about the Serbian people.

    It is the true story of how lethal racism is ever present in the majority of all races, but it is especially true with the Albanians. Albanians are disgusted and revolted when they see a person who is not Albanian. They hate the identity of other races and this has nothing to do with the character of a person of another race even if their character were perfect.

    I know only a very little about all the parties in Serbia, but I do not need to know anything more about the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP to know that many people cannot in good conscience endorse these parties to the voters. Tadic and company gain ground in Parliament every time there is an election. This is because the voters believe the false promises that the EU keeps making to help their puppets.

    It is more than likely that these political parties are involved in other forms of Devil Worship, but I have only commented with regards to illegally or coercively changing borders of countries.

    I would like to think that I was wrong, and I know that I could possible be wrong about TAdic and company when it comes to Kosovo. However, I do not trust the DS and the G-17-Plus, because I believe that they are just the same as the LDP when it comes to Kosovo. There are other political parties that can be trusted on Kosovo, and the voters will keep this in mind at the next election.

    Tadic and company went to the ICJ for the legal opinion of the ICJ Judges, but they will only say what America orders them to say.

    America wanted to steal land and puppetize the Serbian nation to steal their land and resources. America wanted Kosovo for a NATO puppet State, and a place to put their black criminals.

    They made unreasonably and undemocratic demands on Serbia and Montenegro and claimed that this was a peace plan. They could not just take Kosovo after Serbia surrendered because this would have obligated the Americans and the Nazis of Europe to rebuild Serbia and Montenegro, and most importantly they could not steal Kosovo.

    It could be debated that it was a mistake to have Resolution 1244, because the Serbs could have said that you build and govern the country and look like incompetent thieves until you leave the country.

    If Serbia and Montenegro had the British System of Parliament, then it would have helped the situation. Slobodan Milosevic could have admitted to being the sole mastermind who brilliantly deceived every Serb, and he may even be alive today.

    Serbia and Montenegro may have been a better position politically and economically, but that is debatable, and it should be debated if only to gain knowledge.

    The ICTY is a biased ‘court’ and a sham set up to cover up and shift the blame on to the victims rather than on America and the Nazis of Europe.

    The British have said that Kosovo is a done deal, and Athisaari who was disgracefully awarded a Nobel Peace prize by those who have no shame said that Serbia lost Kosovo.

    This means that the ‘Judges’ of the ICJ know what they have to say, and are now looking for excuses because they do not want to say a word on the matter. This should be obvious because they need to be a bit more ‘honest’ than just that corrupt old ICTY, and basically only America and Albania voted against having the ‘judges’ making fools of and liars of themselves.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:32 AM |  

    This is a comment on democracy, and the need to be on guard over the lies that America spreads, because THE American Government are liars.

    I think that a copy British system of Parliament, with local candidates, and an elected Senate would be preferable.

    I think that my writings on democracy prove that I could not possibly be a Secret CIA agent because America hates democracy. They had to make Germany and Japan democratic after WW 2, but it was just making a ‘virtue’ out of necessity. I have not studied the matter, but I would like to know what other country has America made into a real rather than pretend democracy other than Germany and Japan who are puppet ‘democracies’ of America.

    I think that America has threatened the rulers countries not to become true democracies, and to keep America’s threats secret if they love their country. I think that America has threatened Fidel Castro that if he loves Cuba, then he should never make Cuba a democracy, and should keep that a secret.

    If Cuba became a democracy, then America has promised to lift economic embargo on Cuba. Perhaps other countries should give Cuba the money to get the democratic Constitution that I mention in this comment.

    We all know that America has been reading my comment on democracy, and that they continue to despise real democracy, and that tells us their attitude.

    America is cunning enough to pretend to be a democracy, but if any America politician was against Project America over the major things, as President Kennedy must have been, then he or she would not get re-elected. This is because America does not have 100% public funding for elections, and if you do not have money, you will not get re-elected.

    We know that the CIA has plans on how to replace most of the Governments of the world if they need to. The Americans hire people to make random phone calls to spread their propaganda, or to send letters to spread their propaganda.

    If America wanted to destabilize Cuba, then they may spread lies that Fidel Castro was and is a Secret CIA agent, and is pay was and is being the ruler of a country. I think that is the lie that America would spread, and Cuba needs to be ready to counter these lies. I think that Cuba would benefit from becoming a democracy because America would spend money on the Cuban economy and lift the economic sanctions. It may not be the right time for Cuba to become a democracy because America needs to spend money on their own people, and not divert resources away from America.

    I have written a sample Constitution to make it simple, practical, and as democratic as possible. Those that are knowledgeable wise know the necessity of keeping things very simple. I will repeat that for the benefit those who have difficulty understanding this.

    Those that are knowledgeable wise know the necessity of keeping certain things very simple.

    I do believe that the majority of people do have more than sufficient intelligence, but most people are very busy these days. If you make things lengthy or hard to understand, then they will lose interest, and this will make it more difficult to promote true democracy. The following democratic Constitution that I provide as a guide is only a few words, and is all that is needed. The Constitution only needs to be a few words, so that every friend of democracy can quickly and easily read it and certainly know that Democracyland has the highest form of democracy in the world.

    It would be good for a country that wants the highest form of democracy in the world to advertise that they want experts from all over the world to supply a democratic Constitution. The competition should be advertised in Newspapers all over the world, and only University experts from any country other than Democracyland will be eligible to be contestants.

    There should be a team of at least two people to write the Constitution, and one must be a lawyer, and the other one must be a political scientist specializing in democracy. The countries where the advertisements are placed would where the languages of Russian, Greek, Spanish, German, French, and English are the official language of that country.

    The guide Constitution is not provided so that the team copies it exactly to collect the prize money, but to improve on the sample Constitution, and to promote democracy and Democracyland.

    The money spent will be an investment, because it will promote business investment and tourism.

    The Constitution needs to be very simple, highly democratic, and a Constitution that holds no problems. It must have the flexibility to appoint and dismiss anyone in Government service with a minimum of delay, fuss, and embarrassment. It must avoid many potential consequences, simply by the fact that their Constitution gives Democracyland a system of Government that is a self-cleaning system.

    The winning Constitution needs to maximize the chances of never needing a new Constitution, or even having to slightly amend the existing Constitution.

    There will be prize money of 3 million Dollars for the winning Constitution, and the Newspaper advertisement should give the sample Constitution as a guide so that ordinary people can read it.

    The Constitution needs to be easy and quick to read, and should be a document that is not too lengthy. Democracyland should have a web site where a rough but close guide to what is needed will be posted. If I were doing it, then I would use the Constitution that I provide as a guide for University experts in democracy and law should improve on.

    I know that I have written many version of this Constitution, and this Constitution is yet another version that I think is better than the others are.

    The preamble is up to the country of Democracyland to write but it should not be lengthy, as you want to get straight to the topic. I have provided a sample preamble, and then a sample very democratic Constitution.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

    The constitution of democracyland

    1) The electoral voting system will always be free, fair, and unbiased for all political parties and the voting public.

    2) Any group that adheres to Constitutional principles will always be permitted the right to form a political party, and to contest any election they wish.

    3) Parliament will decide on the type of democratic voting system for electing Parliamentarians. The democratic voting system itself must not advantage or disadvantage any Political Party.

    4) The military and other democratically unaccountable actors are to be subordinate to the authority of elected civilian officials.

    5) Citizens have multiple channels for expression and representation, such as diverse independent associations and movements, which the citizens have the freedom to form and join.

    6) Citizens have the right to own property, substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, assembly. Citizens have the right to due process, a fair trial, privacy, peaceful demonstration, and polite petition.

    7) There will be independent media to which citizens have lawful access to political material. There will be a certain level of Parliamentary control and public ownership of all types of media as a vital balance. This is because many journalists are easily bribed, and many journalists are compulsive liars by nature. Publicly owned media cannot be under the effective control of a foreign country, or the effective control of foreign or national corporations or organizations. All publicly owned media must have sufficient safeguards to ensure impartiality and honesty. Any employee of a publicly owned media who is found guilty of deliberately lying or accepts bribes will cease to be an employee of the publicly owned media.

    8) Executive power will be constrained by an independent Judiciary, and an independent Parliament. An independent Ombudsperson, and independent Complaints Tribunals are governed by Mechanisms of highest standards and accountability.

    9) Civil liberties as provided by the Constitution and Parliament are protected by an independent non-discriminatory Judiciary whose decisions are respected.

    10) All citizens are politically equal under the law, and minority groups are not to be oppressed. The Parliament will not provide for every whim of any group, but it will protect citizens from human right abuses.

    11) Citizens have responsibilities to the nation and to other people, and these responsibilities will override any individual rights. The Parliament will determine what is the appropriate balance of individual rights and individual responsibilities. For example, an individual who has been convicted of a serious enough crime has lost the right to freedom of movement, because of not fulfilling the responsibility of not be a danger to others.

    12) The Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land, and an election can be held whenever a majority of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament want. There must be an election no later than four years after the last election.

    13) Democracyland strictly adheres to the United Nations Charter, to International Law, and to the Democracyland’s Constitution.

    14) All procedures of Parliament and all laws are to be made by and only by a majority vote of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament. All Members of Parliament are free to vote how they wish on any procedure of Parliament or any legislation, or any amendment to any legislation, or withdrawal of any legislation. The Members of Parliament are not bound by how their party or anyone else wants them to vote. There will be an immediate replacement of any Member of Parliament who is found to have disobeyed any provision of the Constitution.

    15) All elections and referendums are to be funded only by 100% public funding. All major media, both truly independent media, corrupt puppet media, and publicly owned will give free space and time in a fair manner to all political parties that have representation in Parliament.

    16) If any unbribed or unbiased experts on democracy can give proof on how to make the Constitution of Democracyland even more democratic, then that suggestion will be made the subject of a referendum as soon as possible.

    That was the sample Constitution, and it is quick and easy to read, and is very democratic.

    I have to correct some of my comments on what I have already written because I do not know much on the subject of economics.

    Even though I know very little on economics, I want to say that there are some things that we all know even if it is not convenient.

    What we all know is that two wrongs can never make a right. There is no sensible reason to copy the economic policies of a country that is pursuing the wrong economic policies. This is because it will affect both countries and not just one country.

    If you want to have a monopoly on currency trade, then you and the entire world may end up with worthless monopoly money.

    This is why there are many people who think that people should be allowed to buy and sell oil in any currency because this is a fundament principle of free market economics.

    If this free market economic policy had been in place years ago, then it would have given America and the rest of the world a better opportunity to avoid this recession.

    Saddam Hussein tried to help America by selling Iraq’s oil in currencies other than the U.S. Dollars, but America chose to criminally invaded Iraq, because Iraq wanted free-market economics.

    It would have lowered the value of the U.S. Dollar, and made exports from America cheaper on the Global Market to help America with its Trade Deficit.

    What we know for sure is that totally regulated socialism has never made a country rich, and neither has totally de-regulated capitalism made a country rich.

    A proper balance does exist, and the correct balance is a matter of more than just opinion by unbiased and unbribed economic experts. That correct balance also says that there is a correct balance between de-regulation and regulation.

    My opinion is that there should be the correct balance of socialism, the correct balance of regulation, a minimum of monopolies, and no corruption. The definition of correct balance is and should be different to each country because they all have different circumstances.

    I do think that the major essential services and resources should be owned by the people and properly managed by the Government. I think that the Government has an obligation to give the poor some land free of charge, and do other things for their citizens.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    This comment is on the allegation that was made in an American newspaper that President Milosevic’s Intelligence chief was a Secret agent of THE CIA.

    I know that wise people will reserve judgement on this matter until they hear from all sides of the matter. There are only a few possibilities, and they are that the allegation is true, or it is false, or they may be a grey area.

    In these situations, I always allow myself a minimum of a few days to come to an opinion on a matter. There are times when I need more than a few days to come to an opinion. Even then, that does not always guarantee that my opinion is correct, because an opinion is just that, an opinion.

    I have read that the accused has denied the allegation, and the SPS has said that at this stage it appears to be just another in a long line of CIA lies, or even just another in a long line of American ‘journalistic’ lies.

    I have not come to an opinion yet, because I need to read more on this matter from journalists, and those to write comments at B92 and other web sites.

    I remember when I was young, my father told me not to trust any human being, but only to trust God. I told him that I trusted him, and his answer to me was that I should not even trust him. I know that he was using exaggerated language to make a point, but sadly, this is the reality with some families.

    Another exaggerated saying is that you should give every human the benefit of the doubt, and if you doubt every human, you will get the benefit because of that.

    After I read the allegation, I thought to myself imagine a world where every politician, ruler, and ambassador is a Secret CIA agent.

    I know that there cannot be any Secret CIA agents in the Russian Parliament, but there are Secret CIA agents in the Parliaments of Eastern Europe and the Balkans, especially in Montenegro.

    These people are vile traitors and putrid thieves who take taxpayers hard earned money. To show their ‘appreciation’ for the trust and privilege that the voters have conferred on them, these dogs say ‘thanks’ by betraying their own people. These traitors are given extra money by the CIA that is placed in Secret Swiss Bank Accounts to satisfy their lust for power, money, and for vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    Tadic and company say that to protect Serbia’s territory, Serbia needs to join the EU. This is a blatant lie, or it is blatant intellectual retardation by these traitors.

    Those EU countries that have recognized Kosovo will not let Serbia join the EU until Serbia recognizes Kosovo. Those EU countries that have not recognized Kosovo are hoping that Serbia puts Kosovo above the EU. This means that any looking to the EU as a complete entity to help Serbia with Kosovo is not only a waste of time, but also counterproductive.

    I think that Serbia could have attracted more investment and created more jobs by not pursuing the EU.

    It might be better if Albania did join NATO because then the Albanians would not mind if the destruction of Camp Bondsteel is part of the compromise. Albania would have their veto in NATO, and they may not want Camp Bonsteel after a compromise deal, unless of course they want more territory.

    If we look at Kosovo today, we can see that the Americans have left certain areas where they can firstly ethnically cleanse the Serbs and put heavily armed freed black prisoners in those houses. After that, the Americans will drive out the Kosovo Albanians to Albania to put more freed black prisoners there to save money in America. The Albanian will not be able to stop the Americans because the Americans are much more powerful.

    This is why Serbia will not recognize Kosovo until Camp Bondsteel is destroyed or ever because the Albanians who love puppetship will invite the Americans back. The Americans and the Nazis of Europe are falsely claiming that the entire Serbian people are evil maniacs while the truth is that it is the leaders Americans, and the leaders Nazis of Europe who are evil criminal filth. Serbia will never recognize Kosovo until the record is set straight, and there is an international conference of experts to verify that truth for all time.

    If the Kosovo Albanians want any hope of Serbia, Russia, China and many other countries recognizing Kosovo, then the will have to tell the world the truth about themselves, America, and the other Nazis of Europe.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true liberal democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:22 AM |  

    This is the opinion of others on how a country can help create the jobs that people need, and the tax revenues that can protect THE environment at the same time.

    I think that a country should greatly restrict the power and influence of the Trade Unions. There should of course be the maximum safety conditions possible. At the same time, there should also be no reduced hourly rate of pay, and increased hours of work per week, and so the workers would have more money per week.

    I think that Serbia should have people work for six days a week in the first two years, and then half a day on Saturday for the next two years. After those four years, the pay should start to increase rapidly to what is fair wages.

    The government needs to get rid of as much useless office workers and bureaucrats as possible, and reduce their pay. There are those who could be given a redundancy package that will pay off any mortgage, and then they can live on the pension. Jobs need to be created in such ventures as building roads, footpaths, bridges, parks, etc.

    If I was a democratic politician of a country, then I would propose that the Parliament reduce the number of prisoners in my jails and use the money to employ the honest, and the less dishonest. I would not release all those who were found guilty of murder, rape, or kidnap. Then I would beat those, but not too severely who were guilty of other crimes, and make them pay back as much as what they stole or the damage they caused by giving them work on building roads etc. If any of these refuse to work, then they will go back to jail and work there.

    Hitler made the following quote: "Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money."

    I think that competition where many companies sell the same products is a better way to prevent too much inflation. The government should buy up shopping centres and give leases on lottery for free to lower prices.

    “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:6-11).

    The American Politicians want the public to finance 700 Billion Dollars of money with the impoverished to pay interest on the loans. There are over 3 million millionaires in America that could have easily given 1,000 Billion Dollars to the Government. The incompetent managing or was it deliberate mismanagement of the loans to cause a worldwide recession has wiped trillions of Dollars of America’s Stock Market causing further unemployment.

    “They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them” (Matthew 23:4).
    a million dollars will pay off 4 mortgages in American and 700 Billion dollars would pay off 3 million mortgages. I wonder if there is even 3 million home mortgages in America. I would have proposed that if the banks needed 700 Billion dollars then, they could get that money it would paid off all those home mortgages.

    I know that what I proposed is the other end of the spectrum to what has happened, but I would have mentioned that a balance is needed. It is not my job to think what that balance should be.

    The banks would have got money to lend to others, and the people with their homes paid off could spend money on consumer goods to create employment.

    Serbia should think about economic policies that are good for Serbia and not for the EU or anyone else.

    Here is an item that I found on the internet, and it is up to professional economist to know the facts, because we cannot always believe everything that we read that is written by journalists.


    Federal obligations exceed world GDP
    Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?

    As the Obama administration pushes through Congress its $800 billion deficit-spending economic stimulus plan, the American public is largely unaware that the true deficit of the federal government already is measured in trillions of dollars, and in fact, its $65.5 trillion in total obligations exceeds the gross domestic product of the world.

    The total U.S. obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits to be paid in the future, effectively have placed the U.S. government in bankruptcy, even before new continuing social welfare obligation embedded in the massive spending plan are taken into account.

    The real 2008 federal budget deficit was $5.1 trillion, not the $455 billion previously reported by the Congressional Budget Office, according to the "2008 Financial Report of the United States Government" as released by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

    The difference between the $455 billion "official" budget deficit numbers and the $5.1 trillion budget deficit cited by "2008 Financial Report of the United States Government" is that the official budget deficit is calculated on a cash basis, where all tax receipts, including Social Security tax receipts, are used to pay government liabilities as they occur.

    But the numbers in the 2008 report are calculated on a GAAP basis ("Generally Accepted Accounting Practices") that include year-for-year changes in the net present value of unfunded liabilities in social insurance programs such as Social Security and Medicare.
    Under cash accounting, the government makes no provision for future Social Security and Medicare benefits in the year in which those benefits accrue.

    "As bad as 2008 was, the $455 billion budget deficit on a cash basis and the $5.1 trillion federal budget deficit on a GAAP accounting basis does not reflect any significant money [from] the financial bailout or Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, which was approved after the close of the fiscal year," economist John Williams, who publishes the Internet website Shadow Government Statistics, told WND.

    "The Congressional Budget Office estimated the fiscal year 2009 budget deficit as being $1.2 trillion on a cash basis and that was before taking into consideration the full costs of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, before the cost of the Obama nearly $800 billion economic stimulus plan, or the cost of the second $350 billion in TARP funds, as well as all current bailouts being contemplated by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve," he said.

    "The federal government's deficit is hemorrhaging at a pace which threatens the viability of the financial system," Williams added. "The popularly reported 2009 [deficit] will clearly exceed $2 trillion on a cash basis and that full amount has to be funded by Treasury borrowing.

    "It's not likely this will happen without the Federal Reserve acting as lender of last resort for the Treasury by buying Treasury debt and monetizing the debt," he said.

    "Monetizing the debt" is a term used to signify that the Federal Reserve will be required simply to print cash to meet the Treasury debt obligations, acting in this capacity only because the Treasury cannot sell the huge of amount debt elsewhere.

    The Treasury has been largely dependent upon foreign buyers, principally China and Japan and other major holders of U.S. dollar foreign exchange reserves, including OPEC buyers purchasing U.S. debt through London.

    "The appetite of foreign buyers to purchase continued trillions of U.S. debt has become more questionable as the world has witnessed the rapid deterioration of the U.S. fiscal condition in the current financial crisis," Williams noted.

    "Truthfully," Williams pointed out, "there is no Social Security 'lock-box.' There are no funds held in reserve today for Social Security and Medicare obligations that are earned each year. It's only a matter of time until the public realizes that the government is truly bankrupt and no taxes are being held in reserve to pay in the future the Social Security and Medicare benefits taxpayers are earning today."

    Calculations from the "2008 Financial Report of the United States Government" also show that the GAAP negative net worth of the federal government has increased to $59.3 trillion while the total federal obligations under GAAP accounting now total $65.5 trillion.

    The $65.5 trillion total federal obligations under GAAP accounting not only now exceed four times the U.S. gross domestic product, or GDP, the $65.5 trillion deficit exceeds total world GDP.

    "In the seven years of GAAP reporting, we have seen an annual average deficit in excess of $4 trillion, which could not be possibly covered by any form of taxation," Williams argued.

    "Shy of the government severely slashing social welfare programs, federal deficits of this magnitude are beyond any hope of containment, government or otherwise," he said.

    "Put simply, there is no way the government can possibly pay for the level of social welfare benefits the federal government has promised unless the government simply prints cash and debases the currency, which the government will increasingly be doing this year," Williams said, explaining in more detail why he feels the government is now in the process of monetizing the federal debt.

    "Social Security and Medicare must be shown as liabilities on the federal balance sheet in the year they accrue according to GAAP accounting," Williams argues. "To do otherwise is irresponsible, nothing more than an attempt to hide the painful truth from the American public. The public has a right to know just how bad off the federal government budget deficit situation really is, especially since the situation is rapidly spinning out of control.

    "The federal government is bankrupt," Williams told WND. "In a post-Enron world, if the federal government were a corporation such as General Motors, the president and senior Treasury officers would be in federal penitentiary."

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:29 AM |  

    This comment is concerning the different political parties, and their real policy or pretend policy that THE parties have on Kosovo.

    The SRS, the SNS, and the DSS-NS are honest when they say that they will never sign over even a square metre of Serbian Soil.

    The LDP are honest when they say that they would sign over all of Kosovo, and it is only traitors who lie.

    The DS and G-17 Plus say that independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, but they are puppets of the Nazis, and will follow orders of their foreign Masters.

    The SPS have been honest up until now when they say that independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, but this does not mean that they cannot or should not change their minds for the next election.

    I think that there are 30 easy seats and possibly up to 50 seats in Parliament for any party that is in Parliament now, or for a completely new party that is formed for the next election if they are a party of compromise, but only if they wait until July of 2010 for that election.

    That compromise means similar things to what I have already mentioned such as total racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. That comprise means all the recent comments I have made on the Balkans Conference and billions of Euros compensation.

    It means have a competition with 3 million Euros prize money to see how Southern Serbia which means by definition Kosovo can be partitioned on purely racial segregation grounds. It means that after Serbia has the average income per person of all EU countries, that Serbia holds a referendum for the few thousand square kilometres of Kosovo.

    My opinions were just a guide, and the policy does not have to follow strictly every point I suggested.

    The maps would have to be drawn to have as minimal displacement of people while keeping culturally significant areas in mind, and it would be paid for by the EU or from Serbia defaulting on its loans.

    We see that after 100 years that President Abraham Lincoln made the law that all people are equal, Martin Luther King spoke the reality. There has been very little change since then, and people should be realistic.

    If the Albanians will not negotiate on total racial segregation, then there should be no independence negotiations whatsoever.

    An approach that is used by some is for the other side to renounce violence before negotiations can commence.

    Even though the SPS has had their policy on Kosovo, this does not mean that they cannot change their minds for the next election as long as they are honest about it.

    The SPS can say that if they do not have this policy, then America and the Nazis of Europe will find stooges to will get those votes and they will just like the LDP.

    This has nothing to do with traitors, because in a democracy they are allowed to have their policies. If you are not willing to live under those circumstances of the Non-Albanians in Kosovo, then the right thing to do is to keep silent.

    The SPS should learn from the mistakes of the DSS-NS and not cause an early election. The voters do not appreciate early elections, and Tadic with the traitors could easily get the advantage.

    The reason I call the DS traitors is because they lie to the people over Kosovo. The LDP are not traitors as such, but are merely puppets, and they are honest about their intentions.

    If the SPS does not fill this void, then a DS partner party will pretend to have this policy and they with the DS, G-17 Plus, and the LDP might get a majority.

    The Serbian people will not be ready for this policy in any large enough numbers until July of 2010 in my opinion.

    The SPS has approximately up until July 2010 before they can cause a fresh election or join up with the other parties, or stay with Tadic and company. It would be better to let the DS cause a fresh election, by showing their true colours. There is no need for a fresh election, because the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS have a majority in Parliament.

    Let the DS keep on saying how independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, and let the SPS get the votes of those who think that the SPS will get a better deal for Serbia than the DS or others.

    If there are new maps, they will have to take into consideration the South Stream Project.

    The way to do it is called flying a kite, and it consists of one SPS Parliamentarian proposing this, and the others ‘rejecting’ or rejecting such a proposal.

    This gives the public a chance to react and for political parties to see how public support there is for such a proposal.

    I could be wrong, but I think that there must be at least 15% of voters would want a better deal for Serbia than being totally betrayed by the traitor puppets. Like I said if the SPS does not want these votes, then a traitor in disguise puppet partner party of the DS will want them.

    It would be better if a party that can be trusted had a change of policy, rather than a new stooge party stealing the votes for Tadic’s DS, or even the DS and company pretending to want a compromise.

    The SPS should know that even though they saw advantages in join the DS, the DS also saw advantage of the SPS joining the DS. The SPS wants votes from the DS, but at the same time, the DS wants votes from the SPS.

    There could be such a compromise party at the next election, and it could be made up of either liars or honest people. Voters may think that the SPS are irrelevant and may vote for other parties unless they have a new Kosovo policy.

    There is no conflict over the SPS having a new policy and being in the Government at the same time.

    There is no problem for the SPS to say that they will keep the current policy for the duration of this parliamentary term, but will go to the next election with their new compromise policy.

    The SPS with this new policy or a dishonest or honest completely new party at the next election should want the British Parliamentary System. This will give them votes from across the political spectrum, and give them more seats in Parliament.

    The coalition agreement that the SPS made with the DS liars, traitors, and puppets will be honoured and such an agreement is only for this term of this of Parliament. This does not mean that the SPS has to, or should have every policy the same as the DS.

    There is no need for a fresh election as the ruling coalition can govern Serbia because of the coalition agreement. What the SPS guaranteed is that they would always vote in the Parliament with the DS and company on the agreed policies. There is nothing undemocratic, treacherous, or unconstitutional with having a change of policy and by putting up a Referendum to the voters.

    If the SPS does not fill this void, then a DS partner party will pretend to have this policy and they with the DS, G-17 Plus, and the LDP might get a majority.

    There is only one party honest enough to say that they do not want to compromise, but they what to give the Albanians all of Kosovo. That party is the LDP, and because they are honest about their intentions, I would not describe them as traitors.

    If the LDP managed to get a majority of votes, would you describe them as traitors? There is a case to be made that the reason the world is the way it is, is because the majority of people, or a majority of politicians are traitors to the human race and the planet.

    I do class the DS and the G-17 Plus as traitors to Serbia because they lie about their true intentions. This is why people should not vote for the DS or the G-17 Plus but these voters should vote for the LDP.

    Those who do not want to give up even one square metre of Serbian Land should vote for the SRS, the SNS, and the DSS-NS.

    I think that either America or Russia or both should fund a party or parties that follow basically what I have suggested.

    The American party will do this to get a majority in Parliament and steal all of Kosovo. The Russian party will do this to get a majority in Parliament to have Russian Military Bases in Serbia.

    This leaves the SPS, and they seem to be a possible alternative and Gazprom might give the SPS 150 million Rubbles because there is no independent media in Serbia. This is because there is not 100% public funding of elections in Serbia because they refused my democratic Constitution.

    The money will be paid to a Serbian ‘employee’ of Gazprom who will ‘donate’ the 150 million Rubbles to the SPS for the next election. The ‘employee’ will be an ‘adviser’ and he will say to Gazprom that they should work hard and pay their taxes and he will be ‘paid’ 150 million Rubbles for this sensible advice.

    The bosses of failed banks in America end up with hundreds of millions of dollars, and then the taxpayers give those ‘businessmen’ more money for being incompetent and corrupt.

    The SPS will not want Russian military Bases in Serbia, but they would want to sign an energy deal will Russia that will create jobs in Serbia.

    We saw how the last election was in reality caused by the DS because they would not allow the DSS-NS and the SRS access to Parliament to debate a motion on Kosovo.

    The DS are cunning and determined, and there does come a point where gullible people are beyond help. If that does not tell you all you need to know, then others may try to offer you a more concise explanation.

    The thing to understand concerning this Kosovo affair is that after the signing of UN SC Resolution 1244, China was always going to be reluctant to agree to non-negotiated independence of Kosovo. China has been the silent country here because they were always going to veto any independence for Kosovo. The following paragraph is what an analyst who knows what is going on wrote on this matter, and that was before the fake it for real ‘negotiations’ took place.

    The fact that Ahtisaari felt compelled to move the deadline, long set for the end of this year, has tremendous psychological and political significance: the surest means of denial is delay. Many proponents of Kosovo’s independence now realize that setting a firm deadline was a grave mistake. We are witnessing a shift in momentum that does not work to their advantage. The shift would not have been possible without Russia’s firm and unambiguous commitment not to support any Security Council resolution that is not acceptable to Serbia. We can only speculate whether Moscow’s stand would be so solid had the United States promised to treat Kosovo as a valid precedent for Transdnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh; but having rejected any such possibility out of hand, Washington has ensured that Putin has no incentive to play ball. As for China, the danger works in the opposite direction: had Peking supported Kosovo’s independence, it could have facilitated the creation of a precedent that could be and therefore would be used against it vis-à-vis Taiwan (or even Tibet) at some future date.

    The fact that there were no negotiations except for the faking it for real ‘negotiations’ made China even more reluctant to agree to independence for Kosovo. America tried to trick Russia by getting their puppet in Georgia to invade South Ossetia at China’s Olympic Games. This should prove that the Nazis have no standards, but are clever enough to insist on 200% of the law and as much illegality that they can get away with. Even though real negotiations did not take place because of Camp Bondsteel does not mean that a Balkans negotiations conference cannot take place.

    America was hoping that Russia would think with their emotions, and America wanted Russia to claim those near territories in exchange for Kosovo. At the same time, America wanted to make China look bad over Tibet during the Olympic Games, because America has always wanted to steal Tibet and Taiwan. This Georgian aggression only convinced China even more to veto independence for Kosovo, because with all these territories claiming independence for reasons of persecution or ‘persecution’. As far as China is concerned they have a responsibility to look after their own citizens first, but this does not mean that they are indifferent to the plight of others. If China’s position can teach the world something it would be that crime does not pay.

    China knows that if it were to agree to ‘unique’ or even unique cases, then a precedent would be set, and America by means of the CIA will scheme to get Taiwan and Tibet using the plans they have long had. The CIA has plans for every country, but they will only use it if they think it is in their interest. Yugoslavia is a perfect example of this, and the world knows of many such examples.

    A Balkans conference that is chaired by Russia and involves Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Hungry, Romania, and all the territories of the former Yugoslavia.

    The countries are there because they are neighbours, or have and interest such as Greece over the name Macedonia, and because of the Greek Albanians. There are a few countries at the conference that do not have as much interest, but should attempt be a source of impartial suggestions.

    There are Serbs who think that there could be a Natural Albania that includes areas of Montenegro, Serbia and FYROM. There could be a new Yugoslavia that will just be called Yugoslavia and not new Yugoslavia. The world will know that America destroyed the old Yugoslavia, and the name Yugoslavia will be a constant reminder to the world. Having said that, America may oppose the name Yugoslavia for this very reason. It would include what is left of Montenegro, the Republika Srpska, and what is left of Serbia. It may include what is left of FYROM, but Bulgaria might get that or it can be shared by Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. FYROM could join the EU via Bulgaria, and the name could be Bulgarian Macedonia, and Greece may agree with this. Russia would have to have access to Serbia by existing Bulgarian roads though Bulgaria and then to Serbia. A greater Croatia and a smaller Bosnia will be discussed and any other border disputes or negotiations. Any agreement would have to be put all in one UN SC Resolution, even regarding Camp Bonsteel and that Russia would join the world Trade Organization if they want to.

    I think that the negotiating teams should not need a Referendum, but just legislation. These countries should put all there proposals up for discussion and negotiations even if they are not totally agreed to after negotiations.

    Every country should present their proposal, and other countries should mind their own business, because they created this situation. The horse trading should not take longer than a few months, and it can be sent to the UN SC for approval.

    Kosova should be only for 100% Albanians, and since racism is Devil Worship Kosova must have no religion. The Americans and the EU may want the 100% racist Kosova be a failure to prove that God will not bless racism because of their own concerns. America and the EU may want to get away from the Kosova black hole and spend their money and use their troops elsewhere, and forget about Camp Bondsteel.

    I think that if an impartial country like Russia was to chair this Balkans conference, then there could be an agreement that will save the EU money. The countries should bring their wish list so that they cannot say that there was some thing else that needed to be negotiated. If the Nazis did not want this Balkans conference to take place, then they should keep sending lots of money. It is not necessary that all the countries are there at first as others may join after when they learn of the bribe money. I think that at first it should just be Russia and Serbia, but the more the better it will be. A Balkans truth and reconciliation commission may be suggested where the ICTY is disbanded, and all prisoners are released.

    According to the Scholar and Historian, Tito who was Catholic placed Secret Catholics in positions of authority and influence in the former Yugoslavia. The Scholar and Historian said that anytime is a good time to be wise, and anytime is a good time to do the right thing.

    I do not think that it is good to sign anything with the Nazis, because they will only use whatever they can against you where they can or want to. The Nazis will not keep their word, because they never, and that means never do they have any intention of keeping their word.

    The Nazis will use all the leverage that their corrupt and puppet ‘courts’ can extract. They will keep promising you a lot, but they will give you nothing because that is the type of people they are and will always want to be. If by chance you mange to get something, it will only be because they had no alternative and had to reluctantly make a ‘virtue’ out of necessity, and not because of their ‘values’.

    I would never sign anything with the Nazis of Europe, because I know that they just cannot be trusted.

    This time please remember not to pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side of the river.

    This is why Camp Bonsteel has to be destroyed because it is a sign of hubristic dictatorship by America where they insist on the entire world being their puppet. Even if the Albanians get the land where Camp Bondsteel is built on, the same applies, and the UN SC should ensure that there is dignity for Albanians and for all people of the world.

    United Nations Charter is a legal contract, and any country should be able to demand that every clause and every Resolution be upheld and respected. It is also the right under the United Nations Charter of every country that has a Permanent Seat at the United Nations Security Council to veto any proposal for any reason they want.

    This is why I think that there should be total racial segregation, and do not care what people think if both parties want this.

    I have the right to argue against globalization that is spreading the contaminated food and drink products to all the poor and non-Nazis of the world. I would like Tadic and company to say that these tests are being properly conducted, and I would like to be able to believe him. I think that if he got rid of the office of President, then he might be honest. The term Tadic and company means the DS, and it does not include the SPS or any other party.

    There is a good web page that I found some time back for learning about the Balkans and it is de-construct.net, because it deconstructs the lies about the Serbian people.

    It is the true story of how lethal racism is ever present in the majority of all races, but it is especially true with the Albanians. Albanians are disgusted and revolted when they see a person who is not Albanian. They hate the identity of other races and this has nothing to do with the character of a person of another race even if their character were perfect. This is why I suggest 5,000 square kilometres be set aside to separate all those who are racially 100% Albanian in Serbia, and who do not have an exemption from all other races.

    I suggest that there be two provinces of Serbia, and one is called Kosova, and the other is called Kosovo. Kosova would be 5,000 square kilometres, and would be approximately half of Kosovo and some of Southern Serbia where Albanians reside like Preševo Valley, etc. There may even have to be two or more Kosovos and two or more Kosovas.

    It is a fact that anyone who is even 1% black, or any percentage black, is classified as black. This is why I think that those who go to Kosova or Kosovas should be 100% Albanian. The term Albanian represents those who are 100% Albanian for the purposes of this classification. This will mean that they are 100% white, and certain exemptions will apply for those that the Parliament shall deem fit. These exceptions would include such things as being married to someone who is not 100% Albanian. It is good to take public submissions of what these exemptions will be, and everyone should be allowed to appeal a decision at least three times to different agencies and different review officers, and finally to the Minister in charge of these matters.

    After, and only after the people of Serbia and Kosovo or Kosovos have the average income per person of the EU countries would a Referendum be held to see if Kosova or Kosovas could become independent. The average income per person in Kosova or Kosovas will not be a factor as to when the Referendum will take place, but only the average income per person of those in Serbia and Kosovo or Kosovos.

    The deal would involve that Krajina would become Serbian in exchange for the Croat part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia would have to have Republika Srpska and Montenegro join Serbia.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:31 AM |  

    This comment is an update of a comment I already made I have provided some new information in THE comment.

    It might be better if Albania did join NATO because then the Albanians would not mind if the destruction of Camp Bondsteel is part of the compromise. Albania would have their veto in NATO, and they may not want Camp Bondsteel after a compromise deal, unless of course they want more territory.

    If we look at Kosovo today, we can see that the Americans have left certain areas to justify their presence and where they can firstly ethnically cleanse the Serbs and put heavily armed freed black prisoners in those houses.

    After that, the Americans will drive out the Kosovo Albanians to Albania to put more freed black prisoners there to save money in America, and to fight American wars. The Albanian will not be able to stop the Americans because the Americans are much more powerful.

    America has enough evidence on Albanian terrorism and EULUX is gathering more evidence so that when the Americans want to they can justify their war on terror against the Kosovo Albanians and drive the Albanians back to Albania, and so have all of Kosovo to themselves.

    The Albanians will want Camp Bondsteel until they get all of the Balkans that they want. America will use the Albanians until the Americans want all of Kosovo that they hope will be a NATO puppet State with NATO or America as the legal Title holder of Kosovo. Americans never leave a place once they are there, and they certainly will not leave if they own Kosovo.

    This is why Serbia will not recognize Kosovo until Camp Bondsteel is destroyed or ever because the Albanians who love puppetship will invite the Americans back even if Camp Bondsteel is destroyed. The Americans and the Nazis of Europe are falsely claiming that the entire Serbian people are evil maniacs while the truth is that it is the leaders of America, and the Nazi leaders of Europe who are evil criminal filth. Serbia would never recognize Kosovo until the record is set straight, and there is an international conference of experts to verify that truth for all time.

    If the Kosovo Albanians want any hope of Serbia, Russia, China and many other countries recognizing Kosovo, then the will first have to tell the world the truth about themselves, America, and the other Nazis of Europe.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    This comment is written to re-write some of my comments, and there is some new information in THE comment.

    I want to say that I know only the basics of the topic of economics. That hardly qualifies me to be an economic expert, but I read what economists have to say, and some of it is just common sense.

    I want to say that the things God says about economics, and that are recorded in the Bible, is always correct.

    After I read the allegation that Milosevic’s Intelligence chief was a Secret CIA agent, I imagined an imaginary world where every politician, ruler, ambassador, journalist, and analyst is a Secret CIA agent.

    I think that a country should greatly restrict the power and influence of the Trade Unions. There should of course be the maximum safety conditions possible at the work place.

    The workplace should provide good facilities like shoers at work, and child minding facilities to save the workers money.

    At the same time, there should also be a slightly reduced hourly rate of pay, and increased hours of work per week, but overall the workers will have more money per week.

    I think that Serbia should have people work for six days a week in the first two years, and then half a day on Saturday for the next two years. That is the way to attract business to Serbia, because business does not want to pay more money. After those four years, the pay should start to increase rapidly to what is close to fair wages.

    I think that competition where many companies sell the same products is a better way to prevent too much inflation. The government should buy up shopping centres and give free leases to shop owners on a lottery basis to lower prices.

    “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:6-11).

    The American Politicians want the public to finance 700 Billion Dollars of money with the impoverished to pay interest on the loans. There are over 3 million millionaires in America that could have easily given 1,000 Billion Dollars to the Government. The incompetent managing or was it deliberate mismanagement of the loans to cause a worldwide recession has wiped trillions of Dollars of America’s Stock Market causing further unemployment.

    “They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them” (Matthew 23:4).

    A million dollars will pay off four home mortgages in America, and 700 Billion dollars would pay off 3 million mortgages. I wonder if there are even 3 million home mortgages in America. I would have proposed that if the banks needed 700 Billion dollars then, they could get that money it would paid off all those home mortgages.

    I would have proposed that every American Home mortgage payments be made in advance for a certain number of years. I think that a means test is needed so that only those who really need this provision qualify for the money.

    This would help property prices, and would even allow those with home mortgages who are likely to be able to repay the possibility to get a further loan.

    It would be hoped that the economy would recover, and that jobs would be created. After those few years, the people with mortgages could find work and continue their mortgage repayments.

    The banks would have got the money to lend to others, and the people would not have to worry about the mortgage payments for several years, and could spend money on consumer goods to create employment.

    I think that a group of at least 15 economic advisors for the Government should even have at least two economists who are democratic communists so that they can provide some interesting perspectives to debate, even if their suggestions will be ignored most times.

    Serbia should think about economic policies that are good for Serbia and not for the EU or anyone else. This is because the EU is overly regulated, and business does not like too much regulation. I think that Serbia should let the EU come to Serbia with an offer, and forget about trying to join the EU.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:31 AM |  

    This is a comment on democracy, and the need to be on guard over the lies that America spreads, because THE American Government are liars.

    I will give a different yet similar democratic Constitution first, and have other material after the democratic Constitution. This Constitution has a Senate, and does not have a President, and the Parliament with ordinary legislation will decide how and who will perform any purely ceremonial functions. The Parliament could use Supreme Court Judges, the Speakers of the Houses of Parliament, or a High Official of the Electoral Commission to perform any needed ceremonies. The point is that anything that can be supplied by legislation should not be in the Constitution as it is a waffle free teaching document. We have seen with the Western Media that the terms of some journalists being compulsive liars by nature must be in this teaching document. This educational document really should contain that the explanation of rights and responsibilities that is in this democratic educational document.

    This following paragraph is a sample preamble that is followed by the only democratic Constitution there is on this planet.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracaryland will take the lead in saving the planet by being a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by having no foreign military bases on any of its soil, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, by having 100% renewable energy, and by having 100% recycling.

    The Constitution of Democracyland

    1) The electoral voting system will always be free, fair, and unbiased for all political parties. This will apply to the House of Representatives that forms the Government, and for the Senate that functions as a House of Review. There is no President in Democracyland, because Democracyland is a Parliamentary Democracy where Parliament decides who will perform any purely ceremonial functions of State.

    2) Any group that adheres to Constitutional law will always be permitted the right to form a political party and contest any election they wish.

    3) The voting system will not be biased for or against any group, and Parliament can change the voting system to any democratic electoral system, but the system itself must not advantage or disadvantage any Political Party.

    4) The military and other democratically unaccountable actors are to be subordinate to the authority of elected civilian officials. The military of Democraryland will be purely a self-defence military, and at can be used if and only if the United Nations Security Council gives authorization. Democrayland will have no military alliances with any nation, and no foreign military bases on any of its territory.

    5) Citizens have multiple channels for expression and representation such as diverse independent associations and movements, which the citizens have the freedom to form and join.

    6) Individuals have the right to own property, substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, and assembly. Citizens have the right to due process, a fair trial, privacy, peaceful demonstration, and polite petition. Democracyland is not allowed to extradite any citizen to another country, but a trial can take place in Democracyland. This is because if dictatorial USA does not allow this, then it is more than appropriate for Democracyland.

    7) There will be independent media to which citizens have a Parliamentary determined level of access to political material. There will be a certain level of public control of media as a vital balance. This is because many journalists are easily bribed and many journalists are compulsive liars by nature. Any publicly owned media cannot be under the effective control of any other national organization or corporation, and of any foreign country, foreign organization, or foreign corporation. All publicly owned media must have sufficient safeguards to ensure impartiality and honesty. Any employee of a publicly owned media who deliberately lies at work will lose their job immediately, and never be allowed to work again for any publicly owned media.

    8) Executive power is constrained by an independent Judiciary, Parliament, and mechanisms of highest standards and accountability, such as an independent Ombudsperson, and other independent complaints commissions for each Government Department.

    9) Civil liberties of all citizens are definitely protected by an independent non-discriminatory Judiciary whose decisions are respected.

    10) All citizens are politically equal under the law, and no group either majority or minority are to be oppressed. The Parliament will not provide for every whim of any group, but it will protect citizens from human right abuses. Democracyland will have the highest level of freedom of unclassified information that the Parliament can give to its citizens. An Independent Enforcement Agency will guarantee this Constitutional provision to all citizens.

    11) Citizens have responsibilities to the nation and to other people, and these responsibilities override any provisions of individual rights. The Parliament will determine what is the correct balance of individual rights and individual responsibilities. An example is that of an individual who has been convicted of serious crime has lost the right to freedom of movement, because of not fulfilling the responsibility of not being a danger to others.

    12) Democracyland will have an independent Supreme Court that will have the final say on interpreting the Constitution, and all citizens will be able to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Constitution is supreme law of the land, and can only be changed by a majority of voters at a Referendum. An election can be called whenever a majority of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament see fit, but there must be an election no later than four years after the last election.

    13) Democracyland strictly adheres to the United Nations Charter, to International Law, and to the Democratic Constitution.

    14) All procedures of Parliament and all laws are to be made by and only by a majority vote of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament. All Members of Parliament are free to vote or not vote in whatever manner they wish on any procedure of Parliament or any legislation, or any amendment to any legislation, or withdrawal of any legislation. They are not bound by how their party or anyone else wants them to vote. There will be an immediate replacement of any MP who disobeys any provision of the Constitution, and that MP will never be allowed to stand for Parliament again. To become law a bill has to pass both House of Parliament by an absolute majority of votes of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    15) Elections are to be funded only by 100% public funding, and all major media both truly independent media, corrupt puppet media, and publicly owned will give free coverage and provide it to all political parties that have representation in Parliament in a fair manner.

    16) Democracyland recognizes the vital need for any country that claims to be a democracy to not interfere in the legitimate business of other countries. Democracyland will not interfere in the legitimate business of any country, and will only act against other countries with United Nations authorization. If any unbribed or unbiased experts on democracy can give proof on how to make the Constitution of Democracyland even more democratic, then that suggestion will be made the subject of a referendum as soon as possible.

    I think that a very close copy of British system of Parliament, with their system of single member electorates, and an elected Senate would be preferable.

    We all know that America has been reading my comments on democracy, and that they continue to despise real democracy, and that tells us their attitude. I have written a sample Constitution to make it simple, practical, and as democratic as possible.

    It would be good for a country that wants the highest form of democracy in the world to advertise that they want experts from all over the world to supply a democratic Constitution. The competition should be advertised in Newspapers all over the world, and only University experts from certain countries other than Democracyland will be eligible to be contestants.

    There should be a team of at least two people to write the Constitution, and one must be a lawyer, and the other one must be a political scientist specializing in democracy. The countries where the advertisements are placed would where the languages of Russian, Greek, Spanish, German, French, and English are the official language of that country.

    The guide Constitution is not provided so that the team copies it exactly to collect the prize money, but to improve on the sample Constitution, and to promote democracy and Democracyland.

    The sample Constitution that I provided should be improved on by Democracyland before they ask for it to be improved on by a team of experts.

    The money spent will be an investment, because it will promote business investment and tourism. The Constitution needs to be very simple, highly democratic, and a Constitution that holds no problems. It must have the flexibility to appoint and dismiss anyone in Government service with a minimum of delay, fuss, and embarrassment. It must avoid many potential consequences, simply by the fact that their Constitution gives Democracyland a system of Government that is a self-cleaning system.

    The winning Constitution needs to maximize the chances of never needing a new Constitution, or even having to slightly amend the existing Constitution.

    There will be prize money of 3 million Dollars for the winning Constitution, and the Newspaper advertisement should give the sample Constitution as a guide so that ordinary people can read it.

    The Constitution needs to be easy and quick to read, and should be a document that is not too lengthy. Democracyland should have a web site where a rough but close guide to what is needed will be posted. If I were doing it, then I would use the Constitution that I provide as a guide for University experts in democracy and law should improve on.

    I know that I have written many version of this Constitution, and this Constitution is yet another version that I think is better than the others are.

    The preamble is up to the country of Democracyland to write but it should not be lengthy, as you want to get straight to the topic. I have provided a sample preamble, and then a sample very democratic Constitution.

    I think that many countries should have such a Constitution even in their files because they may just want to move away from dictatorship one day.

    I believe that a Senate is needed for country to be considered democratic. The Senate provides the possibility for that vital component where it just may have a different majority to the Government, and will not be a rubber stamp for the Government. This is because it slows down bad decisions by governments that lead the country on the road to nowhere like Hitler did.

    Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. The same voters, the same undemocratic Constitution, the same corrupt political parties, the same political leaders, the same socio-economic environment, the same international Nazis, and yet some people hope for different outcome and results.

    The Americans are saying that they are exporting democracy, and that is why they are in other counties for all this time. America cannot export a commodity that they themselves do not posses. The Americans are quick to act in their own interest, and the time that has passed should be more than enough for even a moron to understand that America despises democracy, because democracy is not in America’s interest. America love pretend democracies that are puppets to America so much that they will lie, murder, and steal to create these ‘democracies’.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:22 AM |  

    This comment is written to re-write some of my comments, and there is some new information in THE comment.

    I have copied and pasted some of my other comments, and I have only changed them very slightly to mainly correct grammar, and there is some updating of those comments.

    I want to say that I know only the basics of the topic of economics. That hardly qualifies me to be an economic expert, but I read what economists have to say, and some, but only some of what I write on business investment and economics is just common sense.

    I want to say that the things God says about economics, and that are recorded in the Bible, is always correct.

    After I read the allegation that Milosevic’s Intelligence chief was a Secret CIA agent, I imagined an imaginary world where every politician, ruler, ambassador, journalist, analyst, and NGO worker is a paid Secret CIA agent.

    I think that a country should greatly restrict the power and influence of the Trade Unions. There should of course be the maximum safety conditions possible at the work place.

    The workplace should provide good facilities like showers at work, but only where the work place where it would be needed like at mining, or construction sites.

    To attract business investment especially in these difficult economic times, it is best not to ask for too many conditions, but the highest safety measures must be provided.

    There should be a slightly reduced hourly rate of pay, but increased hours of work per week, thus giving the workers more money per week.

    I think that Serbia should have people work for six days a week in the first two years, and then half a day on Saturday for the next two years. That is the way to attract business to Serbia, because business can not pay more money in these difficult times. After those four years, the pay should start to increase rapidly to what is close to fair wages.

    I think that competition where many companies sell the same products is a better way to prevent too much inflation. The government should buy up shopping centres and give free leases to shop owners on a lottery basis to lower prices.

    There are over 3 million millionaires in America that could have easily given 1,000 Billion Dollars to the Government.

    A million dollars will pay off four home mortgages in America, and 700 Billion dollars would pay off 3 million mortgages.

    Even though I would make two the proposals concerning home mortgages, I would not be able to have an opinion on which one was better because I do not have any data on the matter.

    I would have proposed that if the banks needed 700 Billion dollars then, they could get that money it would paid off all those home mortgages.

    I would have proposed that every American Home mortgage payments be made in advance with that Government money for a certain number of years. I think that a means test is needed so that only those who really need this provision qualify for the money.

    This would help property prices, and would even allow those with home mortgages who are likely to be able to repay the possibility to get a further loan.

    It would be hoped that the economy would recover, and that jobs would be created. After those few years, the people with mortgages could find work and continue their mortgage repayments.

    The banks would have got the money to lend to others, and the people would not have to worry about the mortgage payments for several years, and could spend money on consumer goods to create employment.

    I think that a group of at least 15 economic advisors for the Government should even have at least two economists who are democratic communists so that they can provide some interesting perspectives to debate, even if their suggestions will be ignored most times.

    I think that it might be better to kept the fact that communist economists were employed a secret, and they could provide their economic opinions anonymously.

    Serbia should think about economic policies that are good for Serbia and not for the EU or anyone else. This is because the EU is overly regulated, and business does not like too much regulation. I think that Serbia should let the EU come to Serbia with an offer, and forget about trying to join the EU.

    The rest of these paragraphs are what I wrote some time ago, and it has been slightly modified.

    The economies of some countries seem to be having problems, and I think that professional economists could provide some solutions. I think that corrupt politicians who are lining their pockets are not listening to these professional economists. The thing to keep in mind is that if you ask two economists a question, they will give you four opinions.

    I am not an economist, and as such my opinions on economics is just that, opinions.

    I think that new houses should be built to a certain type and that already built houses can be renovated to this type. The house should have the main bedroom that is in fact a self-contained one-bedroom apartment should have the least number of walls and doors. This one bedroom apartment has to have a separate entrance to the house that the rest of the house has, and must have a door that connects to the rest of the house. This apartment has to have everything that a house has, but only smaller of course, and is the main bedroom of the house.

    There are many plans that architects have for small one-bedroom apartments. This can be used as the main bedroom, and it can be used by a teenager who wants to be ‘independent’ of home, and yet at ‘home’. It can be used by one of the spouses if there is a divorce or a separation. It can even be used to collect rent if the situation arises. A couple can rent the apartment to an elderly person at a certain rate, or a single person can use the one bedroom apartment himself, and rent the rest of the house at a higher rate. This could help pay of the mortgage or it could increase spending or savings, and it will help alleviate any housing shortage. This will lower the rents, which will make the wages of workers go further. The government may even pay for the renovations and then own that percentage of the house that they will collect a small rent for it.

    I think that if any government has surplus money, then they should buy up the share of those people who have a mortgage on their house. This means that if someone owes X % of the total money they owe the bank, and if they voluntarily sell at least X % of their house to the government, then they no longer have house repayments. They can sell more than X % that we will refer to as Y %, and Y % can even be up to 100% of their house to the government if the money is there.

    They will have to pay rent to the government of X % of say 20% of the entire household income. The percentage could be varied depending on the ability to pay, and homeowners can buy back as much of their house that the government owes at regulated percentages and regulated times.

    If a householder sells 50% his house to the Government, then the government will charge him 50% of 20% of his or her after tax income, which is 10% of his or her after tax income. If the government owes 10% of a house, then the householder will pay 10% of 20% which is 2% of his or her after tax income as rent to the Government. If the Government owes 100% of the house, then the tenant will pay 100% of 20% which is 20% of their after tax income.

    I think that the Government should pay off the loans that major Serbian companies owe to banks. I think that Serbia should put heavy tariffs on many imports, and get foreign or Government owned companies to manufacture those goods there in Serbia. They will have a good customer base because of the tariffs, and this will ensure profits for those companies. This is a temporary measure only needed to address the balance of payments problem. I think Serbia should wait many years before joining the EU, because this is an organization designed for Devil worship.

    Tadic and company are the ones that have reduced tariffs for the EU, but the EU have kept their tariffs on Serbia. Tadic and company have done this to weaken Serbia because they are Secret Devil Worshipping traitors.

    The important thing to know is that if you serve God, then he will help you gain employment.

    “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:30-34).

    I think that with climate change and the decrease in rainfall that big machinery should create artificial lakes to store water. Windmills can be used to irrigate crops and to create electricity for the farm. These farms are a way to get the unemployed to feed themselves and to make extra money, and to alleviate the housing shortages. The farmers will be able to collect unemployment benefits for several years or until they can earn enough so as not to be eligible for social security. They can grow most of their own food, and make alcohol and sell the surplus.

    I think that the unemployed should go and work with tradesmen or at factories and get the unemployment money and some more money and learn a trade. This would be good in the housing trade, as this could provide much employment for people.

    Of the original group, there will be those who are better suited and can acquire more land from those who are less suited to the land. The farms will become more mechanized as time goes on, and they will produce more and make more money. Those people who are not suited to farming will be able to go back to the city or town where a job may await them.

    All house loans are to be of the best and cheapest type that is most advantageous for the borrower. This should be for house loans for only, and legislation can convert all house loans to these and the banks need to readjust. Loans for other purposes can be any of the other types of loans. There should be tax deductions for the interest paid on home loans. I think that socialism is good where it is needed, and free enterprise is good where it is needed. Free enterprise is not socialism, and it is different from capitalism, and capitalism should be banned, or greatly curtailed and regulated.

    God gave Adam and Eve not only the basics, but also everything for free.

    The invisible Devil uses greedy and unprincipled capitalists to make the basics as expensive as possible. The basics should always be as cheap as possible, and housing is one of those basics. I think that Serbia should give people free land to build houses, and they should do this by building a few new cities and towns. These new cities and towns should learn from the mistakes of the old cities. The new cities and towns should have underpasses only on major roads so that there is no need for traffic lights on the major roads. They should have underpasses only at major roads so that the traffic does not waste fuel or time. There should be just enough parks, bicycle lanes and walkways for the people.

    The unemployed can be given free land and grow mainly organic crops that can be sold on the world market. They should employ conventional farming methods for the local market as these foods are cheaper, and people in Serbia have less money than some countries. On this land, they would be obliged to grow many trees, as timber is money, and can be used for carbon credits, which is money.

    If the Government invests in citizens’ mortgages, then the banks will have more money to lend at lower interest rates. If higher interest rates are needed to lower inflation, then the Government and not the banks should get this money. This only encourages the evil exploiters to create inflation so that they can put interest rates up and pocket the money. The Government should keep that money and pay off more mortgages and increase the revenue they get from rents. If there is a need for repairs and renovations, then this will be done by mutual consent, and at a percentage share of costs agreed to by both parties.

    This could be a good opportunity for the Government to increase its percentage ownership of the property and earn more revenue. I think that people should be encouraged to save a minimum of 10% of their income and deposit this with the Government owned Bank possibly the Reserve Bank. It could that if there is isolation of Serbia, because of the Nazis, then the Government can use this money to establish farms and pay off home loans.

    The very least the Nazi EU needs to do is to confess to the world that they are Nazi filth and garbage, and then Serbia can speak of the SAA. This is why I think that Serbia should just default on money owed to Nazi Nations as compensation for Nazis interfering in Serbia’s legitimate business. I think that after Serbia defaults on money owed to Nazi Nations, then they should borrow from friendly honest non- Nazi countries and the Government should buy peoples houses and get rent money as I have already mentioned.

    The SAA money is the equivalent of everyone working 3 minutes a day extra, and does Serbia really want to risk so much business investment for this?

    If Serbia does not want to put tariffs on goods, then they should subsidize strategic industries and companies to help with the balance of payments.

    I think that Serbia should just default on money owed to Nazi Nations as partial compensation for Nazis interfering in Serbia’s legitimate business. This is because their talk of isolating Serbia is discouraging investment, and the Nazis are responsible for this. Serbia can do the Capitalist Nazis an undeserved favour by keeping the fact of the loan defaults a secret.

    It is also in Serbia’s interest to keep it a secret because of future credit ratings. Another legitimate reason to default to Nazi Nations is because they have publicly stated that they will keep Serbia poor if they insist on Democracy, and if Serbia is poor, then Serbia has no choice other than to default on any money they need to. If those banks want their money then they must tell the world that America and the EU are Nazi filth and garbage. I think that after Serbia defaults on money owed to Nazi Nations, then they should borrow from non-Nazi sources and the Government should buy peoples houses and get rent money as I have already mentioned. If Serbia does not want to put tariffs on goods, then they should subsidize strategic industries and companies to help with the balance of payments problem. The state policy of the economy should have the title of Whatever It Takes. This is such a good policy when it comes to jobs and wealth creation. This means private enterprise where it is need, socialism where it is needed, regulation or deregulation where it is needed, free land where it is needed, etc. I think that Serbs should have a Jubilee, because this will help the economy.

    “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” (Proverbs 14:23).

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:45 AM |  

    This is a comment concerning what some people claim to be needed for Serbia to get free visa to the Nazi EU.

    I have made a slight but important change to the world’s most democratic Constitution.

    It is interesting how this is said to be anti-discrimination legislation, and some of it may be that. I have not read the legislation, and so I cannot say if it is what it claims to be. Does this legislation would include anti-discrimination by have a Public media and 100% public funding for election campaigns? Have the EU signed the agreement before the legislation is passed, and what will be the next act of puppetship that will be demanded by the EU? It should not surprise us to discover that this is nothing more than the Government thinking that they can gain votes, and make this look like Serbia will join the EU. Serbia will never join the EU even if everyone Serb wanted to, because the number is full, and it will not be increased.

    The Government hopes to get the Muslims and the minorities to vote for the Government parties mainly the DS as this is a more Nazi oriented party than the SPS.

    Firstly, let me say that there are only 5 countries in the EU that Serbia needs to travel to and have business investment from, and they are Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Spain, and Slovakia. There is Russian and the rest of the non-Nazi world to trade with, and Serbia could get visa free travel from these EU countries.

    The following is Romans Chapter 1, and it shows how God thinks on this subject of those who do not believe in God, and who do not obey God.

    1) Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, an Apostle by the selection of God, given authority as a preacher of the good news, 2) Of which God had given word before by his prophets in the holy Writings, 3) About his Son who, in the flesh, came from the family of David, 4) But was marked out as Son of God in power by the Holy Spirit through the coming to life again of the dead; Jesus Christ our Lord, 5) Through whom grace has been given to us, sending us out to make disciples to the faith among all nations, for his name: 6) Among whom you in the same way have been marked out to be disciples of Jesus Christ:

    7) To all those who are in Rome, loved by God, marked out as saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 8) First of all, I give praise to my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because news of your faith has gone into all the world. 9) For God is my witness, whose servant I am in spirit in the good news of his Son, that you are at all times in my memory and in my prayers, 10) And that I am ever making prayers that God will give me a good journey to you. 11) For I have a strong desire to see you, and to give you some grace of the spirit, so that you may be made strong; 12) That is to say, that all of us may be comforted together by the faith which is in you and in me. 13) You may be certain, my brothers, that it has frequently been in my mind to come to you (but till now I was kept from it), so that I might have some fruit from you in the same way as I have had it from the other nations. 14) I have a debt to Greeks and to the nations outside; to the wise and to those who have no learning. 15) For which reason I have the desire, as far as I am able, to give the knowledge of the good news to you who are in Rome.

    16) For I have no feeling of shame about the good news, because it is the power of God giving salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first, and then to the Greek. 17) For in it there is the revelation of the righteousness of God from faith to faith: as it is said in the holy Writings, The man who does righteousness will be living by his faith. 18) For there is a revelation of the wrath of God from heaven against all the wrongdoing and evil thoughts of men who keep down what is true by wrongdoing; 19) Because the knowledge of God may be seen in them, God having made it clear to them.

    20) For from the first making of the world, those things of God which the eye is unable to see, that is, his eternal power and existence, are fully made clear, he having given the knowledge of them through the things which he has made, so that men have no reason for wrongdoing: 21) Because, having the knowledge of God, they did not give glory to God as God, and did not give praise, but their minds were full of foolish things, and their hearts, being without sense, were made dark. 22) Seeming to be wise, they were in fact foolish, 23) And by them the glory of the eternal God was changed and made into the image of man who is not eternal, and of birds and beasts and things which go on the earth. 24) For this reason God gave them up to the evil desires of their hearts, working shame in their bodies with one another: 25) Because by them the true word of God was changed into that which is false, and they gave worship and honour to the thing which is made, and not to him who made it, to whom be blessing for ever. So be it.

    26) For this reason God gave them up to evil passions, and their women were changing the natural use into one which is unnatural: 27) And in the same way the men gave up the natural use of the woman and were burning in their desire for one another, men doing shame with men, and getting in their bodies the right reward of their evil-doing.

    28) And because they had not the mind to keep God in their knowledge, God gave them up to an evil mind, to do those things which are not right; 29) Being full of all wrongdoing, evil, desire for the goods of others, hate, envy, putting to death, fighting, deceit, cruel ways, evil talk, and false statements about others; 30) Haters of God, full of pride, without respect, full of loud talk, given to evil inventions, not honouring father or mother, 31) Without knowledge, not true to their undertakings, unkind, having no mercy: 32) Who, though they have knowledge of the law of God, that the fate of those who do these things is death, not only go on doing these things themselves, but give approval to those who do them.

    It needs to be kept in mind that no one should be ill-treated, and there are much worse sins than homosexuality. Those who do not want to serve God come under the control of the invisible demons, and this should be a constant reminder to study the Bible obey God because this is a clear sign that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

    We need to know for a fact that the invisible demons are powerful, and they control Tadic and the Government, and they want Serbia to come to an end.

    I am not really in a position to say that Tadic is doing it deliberately because regardless of show some politicians cannot get God’s protection against these invisible, powerful, and evil demons.

    “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me! ”For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area”. (Mark 5:1-10)

    We see how the invisible demons were able to overpower all the males of Sodom, both young and old, and make them homosexual, and even eventually enjoy their homosexuality.

    1) Now the two angels came to Sodom in the evening as Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2) And he said, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside into your servant’s house, and spend the night, and wash your feet; then you may rise early and go on your way.” They said however, “No, but we shall spend the night in the square.” 3) Yet he urged them strongly, so they turned aside to him and entered his house; and he prepared a feast for them, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate. 4) Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; 5) and they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them.” (Genesis 19:1-5).

    I have across certain homosexuals who are hate God and the Bible, and some of these would more than likely be under the control of the invisible demons.

    I have been discriminated against by certain homosexuals, who even slandered and told lies about me. I want to say that the same thing has happened to me by some heterosexuals, because some of them are under the control of the invisible demons and hate God and the Bible.

    If Serbia did ever join the EU, then the Nazis would bribe the professional workers with money to leave Serbia, and the invisible demons would get the Devil Worshipping professionals to leave Serbia.

    That is why autonomy for Vojvodina will lead to independence for Vojvodina given enough time. The example is Kosovo, and the ethnic Nazi minorities in Vojvodinda can only be encouraged to change the demographics of Vojvodina by putting contraceptives and cancer causing chemicals in the food and drink products of the Serbs.

    I think that Serbia should change their Constitution to say that if Serbia ever became less than 52% Serbian ethnicity, then Serbia automatically becomes Russian territory.

    There might be some Serbs who may think that the 52% Serbian ethnicity must only be non-religious Serbs and Christian Serbs.

    “For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marvelled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed. To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfil every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-12)

    Intelligent people believe only half of what they see, hear, and read in any year.

    There could be a compromise where Serbia keeps the north of Kosovo, and the east of Kosovo is connected to Serbia by a reasonably thick corridor, and three new countries are created, and the Repbulika Srpska joins Serbia. I think that it would only be proper and wise for all Albanians never to be able to be Serbian citizens again, and all Albanians should be resettled to Kosovo or Albania at EU expense.

    The three new countries will be the west of Kosovo that will have a border with Montenegro, the south of Kosovo that will have a border with FYROM, and the NATO puppet state of Kosovo, where America can put their black criminals, and from where NATO can launch their Crusade against the Muslims to steal their land and oil.

    With the American economy the way it is, the Americans are now even more eager to replace the Albanians of Kosovo with their freed black criminals to save money.

    There would be compensation of 50 billion Euros to be paid to Serbia’s Reserve Bank before the deal became legal. If this deal is to be a possibility, then the Nazi Nations must first reverse their illegal recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

    This has to be done first if any negotiations can take place. It could be that it would be proper for Nazi Germany to be the first to reverse their illegal recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence, because Nazism is very strong in Germany.

    The Nazis, along with Tadic and company will lie about the size of the compensation money, and that is why there should be no independence for Kosovo.

    The fact that the ICJ is now involved has complicated matters for Kosovo’s independence. If the ICJ follows America’s orders and says that United Nations Security Council Resolutions are illegal, then Serbia will have to ignore that.

    Serbia would then insist that the Albanians must tell the world the truth, because the impoverished Albanians will sue Serbia once they become a United Nations member country, unless the record has been set straight.

    If the Albanians were the most wealthiest people on earth they would sue Serbia even if Serbia is innocent because that is the type of people they are.

    I think that the Serbs and the Albanians should try to blackmail these Nazis for money before asking the Americans to leave Kosovo and never come back again.

    That will not please America, or the Nazis of Europe, or even the Albanians, but the Albanians may not care what America and the Nazis of Europe think, or they could blackmail them for money until the Americans and the Nazis of Europe abandon the Albanians.

    The land for Camp Bondsteel was ‘purchased’ in 1999, and since that time, America was always going to want Serbia to lose Kosovo, regardless of their many lies. If you do not know that much, then all I can say is that you must really and truly be stupid.

    The Nazis have read the Bible and they know that the army to conquer a nation is right there in that nation itself if they can break the unity of the people. This does not necessarily mean that the army is a foreign army like NATO. This army are people who are citizen of the country and the citizens of the former Yugoslavia were this army. The Nazis want to use the citizens of Serbia to be this army.

    “On that day men will be stricken by the Lord with great panic. Each man will seize the hand of another, and they will attack each other.” (Zechariah 14:13) This is why if Serbia wants to survive, they need to be totally united.

    “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).

    We see from this Scripture that if we love God, then we will obey his Laws.

    The invisible Devil and his invisible demons see and hear everything, and they know if you love God. If they see that you are reading the Bible too much and obeying God, they will try to sidetrack you in some way, and I have seen many sidetracked from reading the Bible and obeying God because they found work.

    The invisible Devil does not want people to gain everlasting life, and they are very quick to sidetrack people who read the Bible with genuine motives.

    The important thing to know is that if you serve God, then he will help you gain employment.

    I am speaking to a minority of individuals here, because it has already been established that the majority in Serbia are Secret Devil Worshippers.

    “If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:30-34).

    We have seen several earthquakes recently, and Jesus said that this would one sign that He is coming to judge the people of the earth very soon.

    I will say that whatever anyone thinks of me, this should not influence what they think of the Bible. All you have to do is study the many Bible characters like Saint Paul to know that he was speaking the truth.

    “I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie” (Galatians 1:20).

    I know that if you do your best by obeying God, then he will do the rest.

    It should be kept in mind that only some aspects of some of my opinions are good opinions. In a democracy, I am entitled to my opinion even if I am wrong, and people do not need to agree with me, even if I am right on a few occasions.

    I want people to understand that no human being today has 100% flawless opinions. What I have discovered is that when put together, the sum of God’s word is always true. “I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws……………Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path……………All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal” (Psalm 119:30, 105, 160).

    With Serbia’s Constitution and electoral system, traitors, spies, and smooth talking professional deceivers can more readily infiltrate the parties and stay there a long time, because the voters must go for the party rather than the candidate. With single member electorates, the people vote for someone that is well known in their electorate, and hope can be trusted. This system maximizes the chances that the traitors will always be a minority, and that politicians will be answerable to the voters in his or her constituency at the next election. It is common practice in advanced democracies for the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament to sometimes listen to the views of the voters.

    If the Nazis want to help Tadic and his Devil worshipping puppets, then they should help Serbia’s economy, and see to it that Serbia has the average wealth of all EU countries before Serbia would allow a referendum to see if Kosovo should be independent. After Serbia has achieved the average wealth per person of the EU, then, and only then Serbia can hold a referendum to see if Kosovo should be independent.

    The Albanians worldwide would have to demonstrate that they have permanently joined the human race before there can be any referendum on Kosovo.

    After the Albanians worldwide have demonstrated that they have permanently joined the human race, then the Nazi EU must confess to the world that they are Nazi filth and garbage.

    This will provide some assurance that the Nazis will not put economic sanctions on Serbia if the Serbian people continue with their democracy. There could be another election in a few months time, and the Nazis need to show their ‘commitment’ to their puppets in Belgrade, or Serbia will sell 1,000 square kilometres of land to Russia. This is code for keep those Euros coming, as the world wants to know the extent of your ‘commitment’ to democracy, and especially your great European ‘values’. As more people learn the truth and become Secret Devil Worshippers, they will care more for themselves than for themselves and others.

    If Montenegro joined up with Serbia then they could blackmail the EU for money or they will sell land to Russia to build a military base there.

    That is why autonomy for Vojvodina will lead to independence for Vojvodina given enough time. The example is Kosovo, and the ethnic Nazi minorities in Vojvodinda can only be encouraged to change the demographics of Vojvodina by putting contraceptives and cancer causing chemicals in the food and drink products of the Serbs.

    I think that Serbia should change their Constitution to say that if Serbia ever became less than 52% Serbian ethnicity, then Serbia automatically becomes Russian territory.

    There might be some Serbs who may think that the 52% Serbian ethnicity must only be non-religious Serbs and Christian Serbs.

    A legitimate reason to default to Nazi Nations is because they have publicly stated that they will keep Serbia poor if Serbia insist on Democracy, and if Serbia is poor, then Serbia has no choice other than to default on any money they owe to the Nazis.

    The State policy of the economy should have the title of Whatever It Takes. This is such a good policy when it comes to jobs and wealth creation. This means private enterprise where it is need, socialism where it is needed, regulation or deregulation where it is needed, free land where it is needed, etc. I think that the Serbs should have a Jubilee, because this will help the economy.

    “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” (Proverbs 14:23).

    I think that the unemployed should go and work in strategic industries to make our exports more competitive to help with the balance of payments.

    Illegally changing boundaries, or pressuring nations to change their borders is Devil worship, and that is why all decent people are opposed to it.

    “You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour” (Exodus 20:13-17).

    “Cursed is he who moves his neighbor’s boundary mark. And all the people shall say, Amen”. (Deuteronomy 27:17)

    I think that it would only be proper and wise for all Albanians never to be able to be Serbian citizens again, and all Albanians should be resettled to Kosovo or Albania at EU expense. There is nothing racist in this comment, because the history of the Balkans has not been perfect so why should anyone look for a politically correct solution.

    The Albanians do not want to live with other races, and even the Albanians of Greece want to be independent.

    Regardless of all that America says on freedom and democracy, they do not care for any of these. Firstly, freedom can only be where God’s Spirit is, and that freedom is where a genuine Christian is.

    “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17).

    Secondly, America is only a pretend democracy who hates real democracy, but only wants puppetship. It is an undeniable fact that America cannot change Britain’s Democracy because Britain had its democracy before it had its colony of America. This is because if the entire world had true non-puppetship Democracy, then America could not exploit the world’s resources.

    “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:6-11).

    We see that ants are more intelligent than people in some ways, because they achieve all they want to with no money.

    “There are four things which are little on the earth, but they are very wise: The ants are a people not strong, but they put by a store of food in the summer; The conies are only a feeble people, but they make their houses in the rocks; The locusts have no king, but they all go out in bands; You may take the lizard in your hands, but it is in kings' houses” (Proverbs 30:24-28).

    There are other ways to become poor other than by not having employment, because even some employed people are unnecessarily poor. Poverty will more likely come to those that smoke cigarettes, drink too much alcohol, take drugs, gamble, have certain vices, or do not shop for bargains. Poverty will also come to those who have stupid people as their friends or who are criminals.

    “One who walks with wise men grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20).

    “Whoever loves pleasure will become poor. Whoever loves wine and expensive food will not become rich” (Proverbs 21:17).

    “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar. Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” (Proverbs 30:5-8).

    I will say that especially Tadic and his demonic DS are smooth, lying, and cunning traitors. They should be honest with the people and just say that they are really an extension of the LDP.

    Honesty is never a tactic of traitors, and people should vote for honesty at the next elections.

    The DS are cunning and determined, and there does come a point where gullible people are beyond help.

    The SPS should learn from the mistake that the DSS-NS made, and not be the cause of an early election because the traitors will get the better of their opposition.

    There is no need for an early election because the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS have a majority in Parliament.

    Serbia should think about economic policies that are good for Serbia and not for the EU or anyone else. The SPS should not make known any new Kosovo policy until after an election is announced. The DS will say that they can no longer work with the SPS because of a changed policy, even though they are secretly traitors. Any election should not be caused by the SPS and delayed as long as possible because the DS will trick the people to vote for them.

    The SNS or the DSS-NS should say that there is no need for an election as they will support a minority government of the DS and the SPS even though they have no involvement in Government.

    It could be that SNS may be a compromise party with the SPS, and it could be that the SNS and the SPS have a majority in Parliament at the next election and become the Government.

    The SPS needs time before enough voters change their minds to the compromise policy on Kosovo that I have mentioned. It was easier for me to change my mind, because I am not Orthodox, and I have never been to Kosovo. I know that it will take longer for the Serbian people to change their minds, and if the DS waits too long, then voters will prefer the compromise position of the SPS rather than the total betrayal by the DS.

    This is why the SPS and others should try to delay the next election until the summer of 2010. The DS with the help of the EU lies of EU Membership and other ‘benefits’ will deceive the voters. I have given you a plan for attracting investments to Serbia and creating jobs, and the Nazis know it. The Nazis of Europe want to keep Serbia impoverished with their continual lies that the gullible keep accepting. If the EU gives Serbia anything it will because they do not want you to follow the sensible economic plan I have presented because they hate Serbia but pretends to its friend. The Nazis have and want to continue to keep Serbia poor, because that way they can complete their goal of destroying Serbia.

    I know that it will be very easy for many to see me as a traitor, and I can very easily understand that, but I do not feel like a traitor. I know that what I am proposing is a minority opinion, but I am entitled to my opinion.

    I just think that it would be better for Serbia to choose the compromise proposal that I have already mentioned, than to loose all of Kosovo and then lose Presevo Valley and surrounding areas in the future. I think that this certain position by the SPS is better than being tricked by the DS. There surely is at least 15% of voters who will vote for this compromise proposal and some can call them traitors if they wish, but I think that would be unfair. If the SPS does not fill this vacuum, then a party that is working for America or for Russia will fill this vacuum, but ever especially will America never allow themselves to be lazy and stupid by not filling this vacuum.

    This is undeniably true of the majority of people of any race, but Satan hates it if even one person learns the truth. This is why he created the counterfeit Christianity or the Man of Lawlessness that became the Catholic Church. That is why I have correctly advised you to get your own copy of the Bible and read the fine print, and then read it again.

    The Devil worshipping EU politicians may soon ask the invisible demons to torture Mladic to ‘surrender’ and if this happens, then it will be said to be good police work to deceive the people. I am reading puppet b 92 and we see ‘stories’ or more correctly they are fairly tales. These fairy tales say that Serbia increasingly closer to EU, and candidate status possible by end of 2009.

    The decision for voters at the next election is easy regardless of what the DS says. If you want to give away all of Kosovo for a false promise of joining the EU. Even if the promise was true it is not as good as the sensible economic plan that I have presented, and that is why the EU would want Serbia to join the EU in 10 years time. If all of Serbia’s politicians has said that in no way does Serbia want to, or will join the EU, then Serbia would have had more dog biscuits from the Nazis long ago. There are just too many of self serving and treacherous politicians in the Serbian Parliament who are only interested in their own selfishness. There are only a few truly honourable patriots who have intelligence in the Serbian Parliament, whereas the traitors have the cunning of Satan and his demons.

    If Serbia could see in 1945 what would become of Yugoslavia and especially the Serbian people, I wonder how many would have wanted Tito, the Communists, and the Secret Catholics. I do think that the LDP’s stated position on Kosovo is the same as the DS’s secret position on Kosovo and that is indeed treachery.

    It is really easy for the voters at the next Serbian elections regardless of what the DS says. If you do not want to give away any of Kosovo then vote for the SRS, the SNS, or the DSS-NS. If you want to give away all of Kosovo for the ‘privilege’ of loosing Presevo Valley and surrounding areas then vote for the DS, the G-17-Plus, and the LDP. If you want to vote for a compromise policy on Kosovo that does not have Russian or American interests, then vote for the SPS.

    I think that it is possible that the SNS may even be the only compromise party if the SPS wants to be a compromise party, then that would be even better. It is difficult to know if the SPS would keep their promise, but I think that the SNS would.

    It is a sad fact of this world that basically everyone looks after their own interests, and so it is only sensible to look after your own interests.

    I suggested that the EU pay Eastern Europe to plant trees so that they can buy the goods and services from the EU. The tress could have been made into timber and plywood that could be used for insulating houses. The walls would only need thin plywood, but the ceiling would need thicker plywood to insulate the house saving money and reducing greenhouse gases.

    Even though I would make several proposals concerning home mortgages, I would not be able to have an opinion on which one was better because I do not have any data on the matter. I think that a correct combination of all those proposals may and I stress may be the answer.

    The banks would have got the money to lend to others, and the people would not have to worry about the mortgage payments for several years, and could spend money on consumer goods to create employment.

    The greedy unprincipled banks wanted to get their money that they stole from the taxpayers, and then exploit the American public with the help of their puppet Mr ‘Clean’ and Mr ‘Pure’.

    I am not an economist, and as such my opinions on economics is just that, opinions.

    I think if Serbia has 20% unemployed, then those unemployed should go and work where the others are, and the work can be done in 4 days working week. Serbia could then work the fifth day to earn more money for the workers because of increased business investment.

    I have added the words that Democracyland is a Parliamentary democracy that follows closely the British System and improves on it. I think that once you put the words British system in the Constitution, people will readily equate it with a high level of democracy. I have put the words United States of America rather than just U.S.A. because it will avoid any ambiguity.

    We have seen with the Western Media that the Constitution must say that some journalists are compulsive liars by nature must be in this Constitutional teaching document. This educational document really should contain that the explanation of rights and responsibilities that is in this democratic educational document.

    This following paragraph is a sample preamble that is followed by the only democratic Constitution there is on this planet.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracaryland will take the lead in saving the planet by being a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by having no foreign military bases on any of its soil. Democracyland is 100% against racism, will have no genetically modified crops, will plant many trees, will have 100% renewable energy, and 100% recycling.

    The Constitution of Democracyland

    1) The electoral voting system will always be free, fair, and unbiased for all political parties. This will apply to the House of Representatives that forms the Government, and for the Senate that functions as a House of Review. There is no President in Democracyland, because Democracyland is a Parliamentary Democracy where Parliament decides who will perform any purely ceremonial functions of State. Democracyland is a Parliamentary democracy that follows very closely the British Democratic Parliamentary System and improves on it.

    2) Any group that adheres to Constitutional law will always be permitted the right to form a political party and contest any election they wish.

    3) The voting system will not be biased for or against any group, and Parliament can change the voting system to any democratic electoral system, but the system itself must not advantage or disadvantage any Political Party.

    4) The military and other democratically unaccountable actors are to be subordinate to the authority of elected civilian officials. The military of Democraryland will be purely a self-defence military, and at can be used if and only if the United Nations Security Council gives authorization. Democrayland will have no military alliances with any nation, and no foreign military bases on any of its territory.

    5) Citizens have multiple channels for expression and representation such as diverse independent associations and movements, which the citizens have the freedom to form and join.

    6) Individuals have the right to own property, substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, and assembly. Citizens have the right to due process, a fair trial, privacy, peaceful demonstration, and polite petition. Democracyland is not allowed to extradite any citizen to another country, but a trial can take place in Democracyland. This is because if dictatorial United States of America does not allow this, then it is even more than appropriate for Democracyland.

    7) There will be independent media to which citizens have a Parliamentary determined level of access to political material. There will be a certain level of public control of media as a vital balance. This is because many journalists are easily bribed and many journalists are compulsive liars by nature. Any publicly owned media cannot be under the effective control of any other national organization or corporation, and of any foreign country, foreign organization, or foreign corporation. All publicly owned media must have sufficient safeguards to ensure impartiality and honesty. Any employee of a publicly owned media who deliberately lies at work will lose their job immediately, and never be allowed to work again for any publicly owned media.

    8) Executive power is constrained by an independent Judiciary, Parliament, and mechanisms of highest standards and accountability, such as an independent Ombudsperson, and other independent complaints commissions for each Government Department.

    9) Civil liberties of all citizens are definitely protected by an independent non-discriminatory Judiciary whose decisions are respected.

    10) All citizens are politically equal under the law, and no group either majority or minority are to be oppressed. The Parliament will not provide for every whim of any group, but it will protect citizens from human right abuses. Democracyland will have the highest level of freedom of unclassified information that the Parliament can give to its citizens. An Independent Enforcement Agency will guarantee this Constitutional provision to all citizens.

    11) Citizens have responsibilities to the nation and to other people, and these responsibilities override any provisions of individual rights. The Parliament will determine what is the correct balance of individual rights and individual responsibilities. An example is that of an individual who has been convicted of serious crime has lost the right to freedom of movement, because of not fulfilling the responsibility of not being a danger to others.

    12) Democracyland will have an independent Supreme Court that will have the final say on interpreting the Constitution, and all citizens will be able to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Constitution is supreme law of the land, and can only be changed by a majority of voters at a Referendum. An election can be called whenever a majority of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament see fit, but there must be an election no later than four years after the last election.

    13) Democracyland strictly adheres to the United Nations Charter, to International Law, and to the Democratic Constitution.

    14) All procedures of Parliament and all laws are to be made by and only by a majority vote of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament. All Members of Parliament are free to vote or not vote in whatever manner they wish on any procedure of Parliament or any legislation, or any amendment to any legislation, or withdrawal of any legislation. They are not bound by how their party or anyone else wants them to vote. There will be an immediate replacement of any MP who disobeys any provision of the Constitution, and that MP will never be allowed to stand for Parliament again. To become law a bill has to pass both House of Parliament by an absolute majority of votes of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

    15) Elections are to be funded only by 100% public funding, and all major media both truly independent media, corrupt puppet media, and publicly owned will give free coverage and provide it to all political parties that have representation in Parliament in a fair manner.

    16) Democracyland recognizes the vital need for any country that claims to be a democracy to not interfere in the legitimate business of other countries. Democracyland will not interfere in the legitimate business of any country, and will only act against other countries with United Nations authorization. If any unbribed or unbiased experts on democracy can give proof on how to make the Constitution of Democracyland even more democratic, then that suggestion will be made the subject of a referendum as soon as possible.

    I think that a very close copy of British system of Parliament, with their system of single member electorates, and an elected Senate would be preferable.

    We all know that America has been reading my comments on democracy, and that they continue to despise real democracy, and that tells us their attitude. I have written a sample Constitution to make it simple, practical, and as democratic as possible.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:33 AM |  

    This comment is to clarify some of the comments I made concerning my changed opinion on THE subject of Kosovo.

    My opinion is that if traitors and puppets are in Government, then it is better to loose less than what you might otherwise, and that is why I mentioned the compromise proposal.

    I will not say that the majority of voters are stupid, because only a small percentage of any country are not as informed as they should be. What I will say that there is not a majority of voters with the vital combination of intelligence, decency, and courage.

    It could be that the opposition is not as organized as they should be, and not as wise or patriotic as they should be.

    I have already commented on the Radicals and have suggested that the fate of Seselj is sealed, and was sealed even before he was charged. What this means is that the Radicals might think of a new leader and a new name. There are some who think that this is betraying a person who must be presumed to be innocent. However, Seselj and the other members of the Radicals may want to wonder if that they may be betraying Serbia.

    Be certain that the Nazis will convict Seselj at the most inconvenient time for Serbia, and best time for them. What every member of the SRS needs to ask themselves is if it is wise or even just plain old garden variety normal to have someone even if innocent at The Hague leading a major political party. If there was some benefit for Seselj or for Serbia, I would like to know what it is. I have already mentioned how the name Radical party is not really benefiting Serbia’s cause when it is printed or spoken in the English language. There are some who may not think that it is trivial to take into consideration the language of the current world power who loves to show you in the worst possibly light that they are able to.

    A person like Seselj could never win a seat if he had to contest it in a single Member electorate. If I were in Seselj’s position, I would never be the leader of a political party; neither would I stand for Parliament. I would resign so as to throw that unnecessary burden off the Serbian people especially when I could get no benefit from it. This is the typical attitude of many Western politicians and even the human race where they will always put their own interests above the interests of others.

    I know that the invisible demons can cause puppetship to those who do not have God’s protection, and Seselj may not have any choice.

    This is how is probably was with Boris Yeltsin who was an alcoholic, and alcoholism is Devil Worship, and the Devil controls whoever allows themselves to be controlled.

    Can you just imagine if the Radicals won the election, and the Nazis pronounced Seselj guilty even if he was innocent. Do you know how this would appear to the uniformed masses in other countries, and it can only help the cause of those who want to steal Kosovo, which is the Nazi ICTY intention. I know that being stupid, negligent, or incompetent is not treason, but the voters should keep that in mind. I understand that the Serbian people do not know the finer points of the English language, but why are they oblivious to the fact that Seselj’s image will harm their image and prospects?

    I have long ago made the suggestion that Sesejl not be the leader, but that he could be the opposition spokesperson for the environment.

    I realize that my suggestion of opposition environment spokesperson was wrong because the invisible Devil hates the environment and everything that God created and wants to find Sesejl guilty, and the Invisible Devil does not want the Secretary for the Environment of America to be guilty of criminally neglecting the environment. This is why American politicians asked the invisible demons tortured in the invisible realm the leaders of the Radicals not to follow any sensible advice.

    I think that the DS wants to lend money from the IMF because they want to steal the next election, and not need the SPS this time. The DS wants to irresponsibly throw money at people to buy their votes, but that money will have to be paid back with interest. The DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LPD are natural allies, and Tadic needed the SPS because he needed 3 seats in Parliament.

    I think that a combination of patriot parties like the SRS and the DSS-NS with a pragmatic party of the SNS could win the election if they are organized. The SNS has to want to have the policy that I suggested for the SPS, and that means total racial segregation of Kosovo and 50 billion Euros compensation. That money can pay off everyone’s debt in Serbia, and it could pay for much infrastructure.

    I think that the new maps should have Camp Bonsteel given an area of 150 square kilometres and it has a border with Serbia and with Kosova. Camp Bonsteel and the 150 square Kilometres of land will be sold to Russia for 15 billion Euros and the money will be given to the Kosovo Albanians after, and only after, they have the world’s most democratic Constitution with single member electorates by means of a UN SC Resolution. Another condition is that Kosova would never be allowed to join up with other territory, or to join any military alliance, or to have any foreign miliary base on its soil. If Albania joined NATO then they can veto NATO as Russia will be in the region with investment money.

    I think that Russia should immediately inspect Camp Bondsteel, and they should be aware that the Americans will leave listening devices there, and it will be a Trojan horse. That would devalue the price tag for Camp Bonsteel, and it could be converted into a tourist Motel, and a new Russian Military base could be built on the 150 square kilometres of Russian soil in Kosovo near Camp Bondsteel.

    There must be full racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians in all Serb territories, and the EU must pay for the relocations.

    The SNS should want this policy even if they do not hold a Referendum over the Balkans conference result in the first term of Government.

    If the DS manages to get Serbia on the Schengen visa free list or the trade deal with the EU or even the SAA before the next election or during the election campaign then the DS has served their usefulness and do not need to be voted for. If they fail to get this from their Masters in the next election campaign, then they should not be voted for because they are only interested in destroying Serbia.

    I heard that Britain is not on this Schengen list, but I must research that, and it shows that Britain could have been on it if it was a benefit to them.

    With 30% of Serbs either unemployed or underemployed, the SNS should promise to give everyone a job in the first term of Government. I am not saying that intelligent politicians should lie to people because lying is their trade, but that is the objective of having full employment.

    With the compromise Kosovo policy, with the employment plan, with the debt pay off scheme, and with the British System of Parliament, the SNS should be able to get at least 15%-30% of the votes.

    Intelligent people believe only half of what they see, hear, and read in any year.

    It could be that EULUX overturned the conviction of an Albanian because they want to make the SPS look good, and that people will think that the SPS will be honest with their Kosovo compromise policy. I think it would be good if there were two Kosovo compromise parties, and they are the SPS and the SNS. The DSS-NS and other minor parties should look at the polls and if they do not have a good percentage, then they should join up with other parties just like the ZES coalition who showed wisdom for the occasion. If only the Radicals had a good image, then the DSS-NS may join up with the SRS for the next election. To have seats in Parliament is better for a political party than image, and the DSS-NS and others should join up with the SRS regardless of the SRS wisdom or lack of wisdom.

    That would involve a Balkans Conference, and new maps for the Balkans and I have provided some rough guide.

    I heard that the Americans want total racial segregation new maps for the Balkans because

    The point of the DS and the SPS reconciling or ‘reconciling’ was that they were once partners, and if Tadic does not need the SPS at the next election, then perhaps another ‘reconciliation’ will be possible if the DS needs the SPS.

    I hear things that others speak and if I think the readers should know it then I publish it. I do not publish it because I do not want people to think of me a Secret CIA Agent. If I was a Secret CIA Agent, then I would keep it secret, and if I were an agent for another country, then I would use the telephone or the e-mail. There could be people who think that I am only telling half of what I know, and that I could be a double agent. Even though others are intelligent enough to consider all the different possibilities, I guess I will just not have to worry what anyone think either correctly or incorrectly, and just say what I want to say. It has been discovered that if someone denies that they are not a Secret CIA Agent, then some people will think that you are a Secret CIA Agent even if in reality you are not a Secret CIA Agent.

    This is why propaganda is so successful, because regardless of a statement is true or false, you will never get 100% of people to agree. This of course excludes the obvious facts that we all know to be true such as, we are on the planet earth.

    The Americans are clever, and that is why they have people who love to talk and talk on the telephone and they get paid to do this. The group can speak any language, and this is why America has immigrants from every country in the world. They spread the propaganda that the American Government by means of the CIA has prepared for them in the language that they speak fluently enough. This means that during a Serbian election, they will have people even Croatian call and say they got the wrong telephone number, but they have a brief conversation with that unsuspecting person. They will say that they are sorry for ringing the wrong number, and they will just say that they heard something and want to know if it is true.

    The CIA knows who the elderly women are of a country who are willing to talk, and are more than likely to spread the gossip. It is because an elderly person who has plenty of free time spreads this gossip, then it sounds more believable. There are other methods where they just send someone an anonymous letter with the basis of the propaganda that they obtain by means of their e-mail.

    These are the things that I have heard, and it would not surprise me at all if it is true. They have a thing called push polling in America, and that involves American citizens phoning other American voters days before the election to influence the way the other person votes by means of propaganda.

    I have come to know that when I talk to others, or others talk to me, or if I overhear something, or if I speak in a lonely park, then the invisible demons hear it too, and they tell anything of importance to the Nazi politicians. This is why I think that if the American politicians know some information, then I want other countries to know these things.

    I have already explained that it is pointless to communicate in ‘secret’ once you know the truth that the invisible demons see and hear what I speak, what I write, and what I read.

    People should not be concerned that Tadic is going to America to sign away Kosovo and then seek political asylum on the same day that Seselj is declared guilty of whatever.

    Any deal will have to go through the United Nations Security Council and Russia will veto anything that is not done with legally. I think that extra police and army protection for Tadic’s family should be provided during that time unless they go with him to America. Tadic’s signature may be a forgery or he may have been intimidated to sign something, and people should wait until he returns to give an explanation or to face a treason trial.

    The Serbian people are just asking Russia to allow the Serbs to have a Referendum on the matter, and a referendum that has not be rigged. This is why Russia should insist on two Referendums on the same issue to double check this important matter.

    The Russian have said that they cannot be more Serbian than what the Serbs are, and that is proper. The truth is that Tadic and the DS are not really Serbian, but they are culturally Germans even though they are ethnically Serbian. I have heard the term Shwaba Government used, but it would be better to refer to them as a German Government. The term Shwaba is a Serbian slang term for a Serbian national of German ethnicity and is considered by some to be derogatory and a racial slur.

    The IMF can never help a country, and yet Serbia wants to borrow money from them instead of Russia. I have heard that the Global economy is not that good and it may be wise if China had a type IMF conditions and regulations on American loans because America may not be able to repay those loans.

    I have made a slight change to the preamble that is in the next paragraph, and it says territorial waters and territorial soil so as to avoid any loopholes or ambiguity.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracaryland will take the lead in saving the planet by being a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by having no foreign military bases on any of its territorial waters and territorial soil. Democracyland is 100% against racism, will have no genetically modified crops, will plant many trees, will have 100% renewable energy, and 100% recycling.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:32 AM |  

    Here is a comment concerning what I found on the internet recently, and I think that THE article contains good information.

    I want to say that I do not agree with everything on the web page that I copied this article, but I do agree with much of it. I want to say that I have not had the time to read everything on that web page, and I have not had time to think on it.

    WorldView Test Site

    "A faith that can not survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets" - Arthur C. Clarke

    Truth-Tests for Choosing a Worldview

    Preliminary Issues

    After considering the main worldviews held by most all of mankind, how does one go about deciding which one is best, which must be false, and which one, if any, has a high probably of being true? (Truth is that which matches up with reality.)

    To begin with, we must assume that something exists. Every full-orbed worldview recognizes this. Next, we must assume that we can actually know something, and that we can think true thoughts. A reasonable starting-point for this might well be that of Descartes' reasoning: "I think, therefore I am." This demonstrates that we do exist, and that we know something which is self-evidently true ...a reasonable starting point.

    Along with assuming that we can know something, come the three laws of logical thought, which are the law of identity, the law of opposites, and the law of non-contradiction.

    The "Law of Identity" states: In a certain specific context (set of facts and circumstances), a proposition (thing or situation) has only one single meaning.

    The "Law of Opposites" (or the "excluded middle") states: That one specific meaning is either true or false, but cannot be both.

    And the "Law of Non-Contradiction" states: Two such propositions cannot both be true, if one affirms while the other denies the same thing at the same time and in the same respect.

    If these laws of thought are denied, then all meaningful thought and communication is destroyed, and our existence proceeds into nonsense and nihilism.

    The Three Truth-Tests

    Logical thinking allows us to list three distinctive qualities which test the truthfulness of any worldview:

    FIRST, an adequate worldview must be consistent within itself, and non-contradictory. Any contradiction is a definite indication that the worldview contains at least some untruth; And if the contradiction involves an essential element of the worldview, then the worldview must be false, having failed the first truth-test.

    SECOND, an adequate worldview must fit basically all the relevant facts and data of reality and human experience. The worldview which accounts for the greatest number of facts, with the fewest difficulties, has the highest probability of being a worldview which is true. A worldview which is inconsistent with human experience and with the empirical facts of history, nature and the universe, fails the second truth-test.

    THIRD, an adequate worldview must be subjectively satisfactory and liveable on an every-day basis. We must ask: When a man is done talking and "philosophizing" about the nature of his worldview, can he consistently live it out, and does he actually practice it in his daily life? ...If not, then the actions of his life reveal his true inner conviction of the untruth of his professed worldview ...that it is not liveable, and therefore, by his actions he rejects his own worldview --so that it fails the third truth-test.

    Study any worldview, such as those addressed on this web-site, and evaluate it with these truth-tests in mind.

    I have given the web pages list of other topics, and there is much fascinating material for those who have some knowledge of the sciences.

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    Intelligent Design in Nature (A Mathematical Proof)
    Intelligent Design of the Cosmos (A Mathematical Proof)
    Intelligent Design of Earth as a Life-Support Planet
    Evolution is Just Partly True
    Origin of Life: Abiogenesis: Spontaneous Generation Redux
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    $1,000,000 Prize for Abiogenesis, Evolution ... & A Challenge for "Scriptures"
    Abiogenesis : Hopeful Distortions and Spontaneous Generation Redux
    Creation vs Evolution: Articles and Discussion
    Christ's Resurrection ...Fact or Fiction?
    How You Can Be Saved
    Who We Are
    What We Believe
    Links to Other Biblical Apologetics Sites

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:32 AM |  

    This comment is an update for the earthquakes that are just one sign that Jesus said would occur at the time He comes to judge the people of the world.

    It is interesting how Jesus knew this because He was a carpenter in ancient Israel who would not have attended Geological Classes at a University. There is no Old testament Scriptures to for Jesus to have helped Him in any way with this aspect of His prophecy. This matter is not a mystery to Christians who know that Jesus is the Son of God.

    We need to know that most of the Western ‘journalists’ are Secret Devil Worshippers, and Satan tells them what not publish. This is why if we look at the history of earthquakes, it is unlikely that they have all of a sudden stopped just because the ‘journalists’ are not publishing the facts.

    2009 Earthquake and News Headlines Archive

    Recent | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002

    Note: These archived web pages should generally not be considered to have the most up-to-date, authoritative information and images for each earthquake. For the most up-to-date information and images, please use the articles published in the scientific literature.


    3/3/2009 - Interactive De-aggregation for Seismic Hazards Online Application 2008 Update Released


    Magnitude 7.6 NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA January 03, 2009
    Magnitude 7.4 NEAR THE NORTH COAST OF PAPUA, INDONESIA January 03, 2009
    Magnitude 6.1 COSTA RICA January 08, 2009
    Magnitude 7.4 EAST OF THE KURIL ISLANDS January 15, 2009
    Magnitude 4.5 GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CALIFORNIA January 09, 2009
    Magnitude 6.7 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS January 15, 2009
    Magnitude 6.4 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND January 18, 2009
    Magnitude 6.5 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS January 19, 2009
    Magnitude MW 5.8 SOUTHERN ALASKA January 24, 2009
    Magnitude 4.5 SEATTLE-TACOMA URBAN AREA, WASHINGTON January 30, 2009
    Magnitude 3.0 GREATER NEW YORK AREA, NEW JERSEY February 03, 2009
    Magnitude 7.2 KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA February 11, 2009
    Magnitude 6.9 KERMADEC ISLANDS REGION February 18, 2009
    Magnitude 3.5 SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA March 08, 2009
    Magnitude 7.9 TONGA REGION March 19, 2009

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:33 AM |  

    Here is a comment that shows that there are very many learned scientists who believe in Creation, and who have not allowed themselves to be deceived by THE invisible Devil.

    The following is what I found on the internet, and it shows that not all scientists are Secret Devil Worshipping liars.

    A Scientific Dissent of Evolution


    1) What is the Scientific Dissent From Darwinism statement?
    The Scientific Dissent From Darwinism is a short public statement by scientists expressing their scepticism of Neo-Darwinism’s key claim that natural selection acting on random mutations is the primary mechanism for the development of the complexity of life. The full statement reads: "We are sceptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." Prominent scientists who have signed the statement include evolutionary biologist and textbook author Dr. Stanley Salthe; quantum chemist Henry Schaefer at the University of Georgia; U.S. National Academy of Sciences member Philip Skell; American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow Lyle Jensen; Russian Academy of Natural Sciences embryologist Lev Beloussov; and geneticist Giuseppe Sermonti, Editor Emeritus of Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum and discoverer of genetic recombination in antibiotic-producing Penicillium and Streptomyces.

    2) When and why was the statement created?

    The statement was drafted and circulated by Discovery Institute in 2001 in response to widespread claims that no credible scientists existed who doubted Neo-Darwinism. Discovery Institute subsequently took out an ad in The New York Review of Books and elsewhere showcasing over 100 scientists who were willing to publicly express their scientific scepticism of Neo-Darwinism. Since 2001 the signatories of the statement have grown to over 700 scientists, both in the United States and around the world.

    3) Who is eligible to sign the statement?

    Signers of the Scientific Dissent From Darwinism must either hold a Ph.D. in a scientific field such as biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computer science, or one of the other natural sciences; or they must hold an M.D. and serve as a professor of medicine. Signers must also agree with the following statement: "We are sceptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged." If you meet these criteria, please consider signing the statement by emailing contact@Dissentfromdarwin.com.

    If you are a medical doctor who is sceptical of Darwinian evolution, please visit Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity at www.doctorsdoubtingdarwin.com and join their statement by doctors who dissent from Darwinism.

    4) Why is it necessary to have such a statement?

    In recent years, there has been a concerted effort on the part of some supporters of modern Darwinian theory to deny the existence of scientific critics of Neo-Darwinism and to discourage open discussion of the scientific evidence for and against Neo-Darwinism. The Scientific Dissent From Darwinism statement exists to correct the public record by showing that there are scientists who support an open examination of the evidence relating to modern Darwinian theory and who question whether Neo-Darwinism can satisfactorily explain the complexity and diversity of the natural world.

    5) By signing the Scientific Dissent From Darwinism, are signers endorsing alternative theories such as self-organization, structuralism, or intelligent design?

    No. By signing the statement, scientists are simply agreeing with the statement as written. Signing the statement does not indicate agreement or disagreement with any other scientific theory. It does indicate scepticism about modern Darwinian theory’s central claim that natural selection acting on random mutations is the driving force behind the complexity of life. Signing the statement also indicates support for the careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory.

    6) Is the Scientific Dissent From Darwinism a political statement?
    No. It is a professional statement by scientists about their assessment of the scientific evidence relating to Neo-Darwinism and an affirmation of the need for careful examination of the evidence for modern Darwinian theory.

    7) Are there credible scientists who doubt Neo-Darwinism?

    Yes. Signers of the Scientific Dissent From Darwinism hold doctorates in biological sciences, physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, computer science, and related disciplines from such institutions as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Dartmouth, Rutgers, University of Chicago, Stanford and University of California at Berkeley. Many are also professors or researchers at major universities and research institutions such as Cambridge, Princeton, MIT, UCLA, University of Pennsylvania, University of Georgia, Tulane, Moscow State University, Chitose Institute of Science & Technology in Japan, and Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

    I found that one of many good web pages that prove that Evolution is a lie is www.evolutionfairytale.com. That web site says that evolution is a fairy tale for grown ups.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:33 AM |  

    This comment is to show how some people can be deceived by not hearing both sides of THE story.

    Those who want to deceive people have made sure that their story is sounds true, and the lazy or unwary will be deceived.

    Some Darwinists have put forward a fallacious criticism of arguments similar to the one advanced in this present WorldView Site article, by offering an explanatory illustration much as follows:

    --- "Suppose we have a deck of cards before us. There are about 10 to the power of 68 (a one with 68 zeroes after it) different orderings of the 52 cards in the deck. Any of the 52 cards might be first, any of the remaining 51 second, any of the remaining 50 third, and so on. This is a tremendous number, but it's not hard to devise even everyday situations that give rise to much larger numbers.

    "Now if we shuffle this deck of cards quite well, and then examine the resulting order, we would be justified in concluding that the probability of this particular ordering of the cards having occurred is approximately 1 chance in 10 to the power of 68. This is a very small chance. ---But we would not be justified in concluding that the result of this shuffle could not have possibly resulted in this specific ordering, just because its probability is (a priori) so very tiny ---because, obviously, some ordering had to result from the shuffling, and this particular one did!

    And then --one shuffle after another-- we have new card-orderings which the probability calculations show to have almost "no chance" of occurring, according to the Intelligent Design advocates. But they keep occurring. --So, we see "highly improbable" things happening repeatedly --in fact, all the time.

    Here is where the above criticism fails:

    The card-shuffling illustration assumes that basically any ordering of the cards is an acceptable outcome --and, comparing it to life-chemistry, this would be the equivalent of saying that almost any ordering of the amino acids would work to build a functional protein. So, whatever one might randomly come up with is basically "easy" to achieve --no matter how "unlikely" the probability calculations might make it seem.

    However, the critic unwittingly brings out the correct perspective when he says we are basically looking for one "particular ordering of the cards" --because the research just previously cited in this article (esp. from Behe), points out that --in reality-- only about one specific sequence of amino acids out of 10 to the power of 60 possible sequences is adequate to produce a properly folding protein which could be used by actual life. The rest are junk, and useless to life.

    Therefore --to more accurately represent the life-chemistry situation-- the card-illustration should actually be restricted to say that there are only a few specific orderings of the cards which are the acceptable outcomes of the random shuffles of cards. For example ---we would say that only about 24 out of the 10 to the power of 68 possible outcomes will do. --That is, the only good outcomes in cards would be: a well-shuffled deck must randomly end up with all four suits in proper numerical order starting with the Ace, then the 2, then the 3, etc., on up through to the King. All four suits must be so ordered. --Specificity is required.

    How often in human history have all four suits come up in proper numerical order, after shuffling the deck well?

    It is the same with the "functional complex specified information" (FCSI) of life.

    Such a critic's smoke-screen may sound good on the surface, but it misses the mark.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:44 AM |  

    Here is a comment that I found on the internet on how a person explains how to view the evidence of Jesus Christ’s resurrection that is recorded in THE Bible.

    Jesus Christ's Resurrection

    Fact or Fiction?

    Frank Morison was not a man you would find in church on Sunday. Philosophically, he was a sceptic -----a sceptic doubts that there is any good evidence for believing in something----- and Morison felt this way, especially toward Christianity. He did not believe it. He was a well educated British person; a lawyer by profession. Morison had been greatly influenced by German sceptics, and by Oxford professor Matthew Arnold, and by Dr. Thomas Huxley ----all of whom openly denied the Bible was true or even that miracles were possible. ...So, one time, Morison set out to disprove the historic Christian belief that Jesus was raised from the dead, and he started to write a book about this. However, things did not turn out as he had planned. He wrote in the book's introduction, about what a struggle it was for him to write, with the result that he ultimately changed his opinion.

    Jesus of Nazareth, for whom there is a credible body of evidence which demonstrates that he resurrected from the dead, according the prophetic predictions from his own mouth and from the Old Testament Scriptures.

    Christ's resurrection is a matter of historical record... And if that event cannot be sustained by historical data, then it should not be believed. The validity of Christianity rests on its historical credentials, and not merely on blind faith. -----Faith is not destroyed by having a good historical ground of evidence; rather, faith is destroyed by not having such a basis. Christianity is nothing without historical facts. Let's take a look at the evidence for the resurrection.

    1. The Certainty of Christ's Death.

    Now, if Jesus did not actually die on the cross before the time where people saw him raised, then there was no resurrection of Christ at that time ...because he hadn't yet died. So, what's the evidence for his death on the cross?

    A. Professional Investigation. Read Jn.19:31-33 - These Roman soldiers were expert executioners -----they knew what death looked like. For them to let a criminal get through alive, would result in the executioner's death for dereliction of duty. ...But they had insurance : Jn.19:34 says that "one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water." This piercing alone would have killed him. -----Physiologists explain the significance here of "blood and water" coming out: This results from the congealed red blood corpuscles separating from the watery serum. Dr. Truman Davis, MD, explains that there was "an escape of watery fluid from the sac surrounding the heart. We, therefore, have rather conclusive post-mortem evidence that Christ died, not the usual crucifixion death by suffocation, but of heart failure due to shock and constriction of the heart by fluid in the pericardium" (C. Truman Davis, "The Crucifixion of Jesus," Arizona Medicine, March '65). The separated blood is undeniable evidence that death had already occurred at an earlier point in time, -----so the soldiers had confirmed that they were safe in declaring him dead. ...And John saw these events himself: Read Jn.19:35-37.

    B. Other Close Eyewitnesses.

    Consider what happened when others prepared the body for burial: Read Jn.19:38-40 - These were friends of Jesus. If there had been any sign of life, they would have made every effort to resuscitate him on the spot. But instead, they embalmed him, by putting 90 lbs of spices on the body, along with grave linens which were sewn together around it. Then his body was placed on a cold slab of stone in the tomb, which would kill anybody in severe shock from such physical trauma. -----He was dead. There can be no reasonable doubt.

    2. Placed in a Tomb.

    So the body prepared for burial was taken to a tomb: Read Mat.27:57-60. But this wasn't good enough for the Jewish priests and Pharisees: Read Mt.27:62-66. -----Therefore, the tomb was sealed with a "Roman seal," (v.66) which could only be placed on the stone door in the presence of the Roman guards as eye-witnesses. Such a seal consisted of a heavy cord passing across the stone at its widest part, and fastened at each end with sealing clay pressed into deep holes in the rock wall on either side ----and the two clay packs were stamped with the official signet of the Roman governor. Anyone who dared to break that Roman seal would incur the wrath of the Roman government ...capital punishment. (Ref.: A Ready Defense, '90, Josh McDowell, p.230)

    The armed Roman guard unit was also there to insure the security of the situation (because Jesus had predicted his resurrection). Such a guard unit consisted of about 12 (or up to 16) men who worked in squads of 4, in rotating shifts that were four hours long. If such an individual were to fall asleep while on duty, he would be executed. Such soldiers were the state-of-the-art fighting machine of that time, built into units that were trained to be able to defend their ground against an entire battalion of soldiers from any other army in the world.

    3. The Fact of the Empty Tomb.

    So, the body of Jesus was in the tomb on Friday, Saturday, and some of Sunday. Three days. But for the priests and Pharisees, something very disturbing happened : The tomb was empty on Sunday morning. The Roman seal was broken. They probably would have kept the seal and guards there for four or five days... BUT, "early on the first day of the week, [Sunday}, ...the stone had been removed from the entrance" (John 20:1). -----Now, these circular door-stones for covering such tomb doors were rolled on edge down an incline, and they would drop into place in front of the tomb door. It was not uncommon for such a stone to weigh one and a half, to two tons. -----So, "Who moved the stone?" Mary sure didn't know: Read Jn.20:2 - She thought he was still dead; so did the men: Read vs.3 -----Why did they run so hard to the tomb? Because they thought maybe the body was stolen ...they didn't know by whom. -----Who moved the Stone? That's the question, and it's also the name of Frank Morison's book. -----Who moved it? Not the guards, for fear of the death penalty. The disciples? They were all scared to the core ...and each of them knrw Jesus was dead anyway; ...They didn't believe he would be raised from the dead, so, why would they risk their lives for a dead body? Who moved the stone? Here's the answer: Mat.28:2-4 says, "There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. ...The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men."

    So, where did the body go? If enemies of Jesus took the body, what could their motive have been? They knew Jesus had predicted his own resurrection in three days, so it would have been stupid to fulfil that prophecy for him. And if Jesus' enemies did take the body, then why did they remain silent when the disciples' started preaching about the resurrection of Jesus? The Jewish and Roman authorities merely would have had to produce the body to totally destroy the story of Christ's resurrection ...but they had no body. -----And if Jesus' friends took the body, how did they get by professional guards who had deadly force and superior numbers? -----And it is not at all believable that all of these former disciples of Jesus would then die for the cause of Christ ---if it were all a lie---- if they were preaching about a man whom they knew to actually be dead. There's only one intelligent option: Jesus rose from the dead ...by supernatural power. And he's alive today.

    4. The Appearances of Jesus.

    After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene outside the empty tomb, as Jn.20:1 tells us. Then in Mt.28:8, we're told he appeared to several women as they ran from the tomb, and they grabbed onto his feet as they fell in worship before him. You can't grab a mirage. -----Then, in Lk.24:13-32, he appeared to two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. He walked along with them and talked at length, until they recognized him. This was no wishful illusion, because they didn't even know who he was for a good portion of their time together. -----Then Paul summarizes the other appearances of Jesus in 1Cor.15:3-8, where he reports that Jesus appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve, and after that, he appeared to more than five hundred (500) eyewitnesses at the same time, most of whom were still alive at the time Paul wrote about it, ...so, people could (and undoubtedly did) go and personally confirm the facts with those people. -----Finally, Jesus appeared personally to Paul himself. -----And this last appearance is significant, because Paul was a very tough guy, who hated Christ and the first Christians. He was not easily convinced.

    5. The Start of the Early Church.

    It is only because of the resurrection of Jesus that the Christian Church was formed, because Christ’s resurrection was needed to prove that Jesus is the One that the ancient Biblical prophecies spoke of. Those first disciples knew they had seen the resurrected Messiah. Before his resurrection, they were so intimidated and discouraged. They really did not believe there was going to be a resurrection.

    But afterwards, their outlook was absolutely different. Their dramatic change of view demands an adequate explanation. All but one of the Apostles died for their faith in the risen Christ. -----Do you think they would all die for a story they themselves made up, which was actually false? I wouldn't. -----Do you think they would die for "a body" they stole out of the grave? No way. The Apostle Thomas doubted and rejected all reports of Christ's resurrection no matter what anybody said. He said, "I will not believe unless I see for myself." After the risen Christ appeared to doubting Thomas, He told Thomas that he only believed because he had seen the risen Christ. Jesus went on to say to Thomas that other believers would be happier than Thomas for not actually seeing the resurrected Christ. It was easier for Thomas to believe after he saw the risen Christ, and it would be harder for those who would not have that privilege. Thomas had been with Jesus for over 3 years, and had personally seen many miracles performed in front of him, and yet he had his doubts. The other Christians would only hear of these things and have no doubts as to their truthfulness. This is what made them and Christians today happier because they have faith that Thomas should had at that time. The existence of the very first Christians does not make sense without the resurrection of Jesus ...in fact, it is incomprehensible.

    How about YOU?

    Frank Morison started out as a sceptic, bound and determined to disprove the resurrection, but here's how he concludes his book: "There may be, and, as the writer thinks, there certainly is, a deep and profoundly historical basis for that much disputed sentence in the Apostle's Creed ----'The third day he rose again from the dead.' “("Who Moved the Stone", Frank Morison).

    And how about you? -----To die without trust in Christ (who now lives as a result of his resurrection) is to face a hopeless eternity. This issue really is that important. 1Cor.15:14 says, "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith."

    But Christ has been raised. -----So, now, if you have sincere faith and trust in Jesus (...that he died for your sins and rose from the dead), you will be saved, so that you will have eternal life in him. -----You must make your choice, my friend ...I pray you will receive Christ.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:50 AM |  

    This comment shows how the Nazis think that that friendship is really puupetship and it shows the hypocrisy of THE Nazis.

    Serbia-U.S.: Kosovo "obvious problem

    Source: Beta WASHINGTON -- An American Balkans expert says that Washington and Belgrade should foster "productive relations, regardless of Kosovo".

    America should be good the best of friends with the Taliban regardless of 9/11, an expert idiot said.

    Roy Stafford, a security policy professor at the National Defense University, also believes that Serbia's greatest obstacle on the road toward the EU remains the fact that Serb filth and garbage even exists to pollute Europe.

    Staffor told VOA in Serbian that there is the "obvious problem of Kosovo" when it comes to the two countries' relations, and added that there is "disagreement there".

    "Despite the disagreement over the Kosovo issue, since Serbia will not recognize Priština's independence and the United States will not change their position on that, our relations in the future could and should be productive," he was quoted as saying.

    According to him, "were it not for the contentious Kosovo question", the United States and Serbia have a very active master-servant relationship "despite sometimes heated rhetoric".

    "We consider Serbia to be the most important player in the region and we wish to have good relations with Belgrade," Stafford said, pointing out to "very good" military ties between the two countries.

    He also predicted that there will be no "significant changes" in the Obama administration's handling of the Balkans, and added that State Secretary Hillary Clinton recently told Kosovo Albanian officials that "George Bush's policy regarding Kosovo and the Balkans will continue".

    As for Serbia's EU membership ambition, this expert sees the case of our greatest ally Britain not disintegrating and our blatant lies to a stupid people to be the biggest hurdles.

    "In the long term I know that the invisible demons will torture Mladić issue to ‘surrender’ or be ‘captured’ by good ‘police work’.

    Stafford said that he is certain that Serbia's authorizes are doing all they can, but that a far greater obstacle on the road toward the EU remains the financial crisis, and the very idea of the organization's enlargement. After that any endless excuses will be made while we laugh at idiots because we have the luxury of rubbing your dog faces in the dirt you dog race.

    "Many in the EU consider that the last enlargement phase went too far.. . that the so-called Old Europe considers that the enlargement of the union has gone as far as it can go," which is more than convenient he explained.

    There are plenty of excuses to make and the EU has an encyclopaedia of them, to play on that stupid dog race that wants to have autonomy with their own stupid dog race.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:51 AM |  

    This comment is to clarify change some of the comments that I have made because I have had time to reconsider some of THE things I wrote.

    I have already commented on the Radicals and have suggested that the fate of Seselj is sealed, and was sealed even before he was charged.

    Every member of the SRS has had enough time to ask themselves is if it is wise or even normal to have someone leading a major political party at The Hague, even if that person is completely innocent.

    If there was some benefit for Seselj or for Serbia, I would like to know what it is. I have already mentioned how the name Radical party is not really benefiting Serbia’s cause when it is printed or spoken in the English language. There are some who may not think that it is trivial to take into consideration the language of the current world power who loves to show Serbia in the worst possibly light that they are able to.

    If I were in Seselj’s position, I would never be the leader of a political party; if I wanted to be a Member of Parliament. I would however change the name of my Party to lessen burden on the Serbian people especially when Serbia could not get any benefit from it.

    This is the typical attitude of many Western politicians and even the human race where they will always put their own interests above the interests of others.

    I know that the invisible demons can and sometimes cause puppetship to those who do not serve Satan or those who are sinning in some way and do not have God’s protection.

    I have long ago made the suggestion that Sesejl not be the leader, but that he could be the opposition spokesperson for the environment.

    I realize that my suggestion of opposition environment spokesperson was wrong because the invisible Devil hates the environment and everything that God created. The invisible Devil and his invisible demons want to find Sesejl guilty to cover up their monstrous crimes.

    The Invisible Devil does not want the Secretary for the Environment of America to be knowingly and publicly be guilty of criminally neglecting the environment in the Court of Public Opinion. This is why American politicians asked the invisible demons to torture in the invisible realm the leaders of the Radicals not to follow any aspect of sensible advice.

    The DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LPD are natural allies, and Tadic only needed the SPS because he needed 3 seats in Parliament. I know that the SPS needed the DS and others, and it is only because of the integrity of the SPS that has kept Kosovo Serbian.

    A combination of patriot parties like the SRS and the DSS-NS with pragmatic compromise parties like the SNS and the SPS could win the next election if they are organized.

    I think that the SNS and the SPS should on a joint ticket at the next election where they decide which leader will be at the top, and then alternate from party to party down the list of 150 candidates.

    The SNS and SPS has to want to have the policy that I suggested, and that means total racial segregation of Kosovo and 50 billion Euros compensation to be paid to Serbia.. That money can pay off everyone’s debt in Serbia, and it could pay for much infrastructure.

    I think that the new maps should have Camp Bondsteel given an area of approximately 150 square kilometres and it has a border with Serbia and with Kosova. Camp Bondsteel and the 150 square Kilometres of land will be sold to Russia and be Russian territory for 15 billion Euros and the money will be given to the Kosovo Albanians after, and only after, they have new elections based on the world’s most democratic Constitution with single member electorates.

    I am not suggesting that Russia purchase Camp Bondsteel as a decoy from having other military bases in the world. I would never use Camp Bondsteel because it could be a Trojan Horse with a powerful weapon in the ground. Thios is why I do not think that America should build the American Embassy in Belgrade but in some small town because Serbia will become puppetized once a powerful weapon is put under the American Embassy.

    Another condition is that Kosova would never be allowed to join up with other territory, or any other territory join up with Kosova. Kosova could never be allowed to sell or lease any of it territory, nor could Kosova buy or lease any foreign territory. This means that Kosova could not buy Albania and become Greater Kosova, which is in fact Greater Albania. Kosova will not be allowed to join any military alliance, or to have any foreign miliary base on its territory.

    I think that Russia should immediately inspect Camp Bondsteel, and they should be aware that the Americans will leave listening devices there, and it will be a Trojan horse. That would devalue the price tag for Camp Bonsteel, and it could be converted into a tourist Motel, and a new Russian Military base could be built on the 150 square kilometres of Russian soil in Kosovo near Camp Bondsteel.

    There must be full racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians in all Serb territories, and the EU must pay for the relocations.

    The SNS should want this policy even if they do not hold a Referendum over the Balkans conference result in the first term of Government.

    With 30% of Serbs either unemployed or underemployed, the SNS should promise to give everyone a job in the first term of Government. I am not saying that intelligent politicians should lie to people because lying is their trade, but that is the objective of having full employment.

    With the compromise Kosovo policy, with the employment plan, with the debt pay off scheme, and with the British System of Parliament, the SNS should be able to get at least 15%-30% of the votes. The SNS and the SPS should also have the policy of wanting to join the EU and any other me too policy that the DS has that will attract sufficient votes. I think that the policy of having a new Democratic Constitution might be considered.

    That would involve a Balkans Conference, and new maps for the Balkans and I have provided a rough guide.

    I heard that the Americans want total racial segregation new maps for the Balkans because that way they will have justification to drive the Kosovo Albanians back to Albania by means of that highway joining Albania and Kosovo.

    The Albanians should be grateful that the Ahtisaari Plan was rejected because America would have the Title Deeds to Kosovo. The Americans want to put their black criminals in Kosovo to look after the elderly poor and sick of America to save America money and to fight American wars.

    The point of the DS and the SPS reconciling or ‘reconciling’ was that they were once partners, and if Tadic does not need the SPS at the next election, then perhaps another ‘reconciliation’ will be possible if the DS ever needs the SPS again.

    I have come to know that when I talk to others, or others talk to me, or if I overhear something, or if I speak in a lonely park, then the invisible demons hear it too, and they tell anything of importance to the Nazi politicians. This is why I think that if the American politicians know some information, then I want other countries to know these things.

    It is not a case of having listening devices at the park seat because, I know that they can be there. What I do is walk in the park and whisper and the invisible demons hear what I say.

    I have already explained that it is pointless to communicate in ‘secret’ once you know the truth that the invisible demons see and hear what I speak, what I write, and what I read.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:49 AM |  

    This comment is to clarify change some of the comments that I have made because I have had time to reconsider some of THE things I wrote.

    I want to say that there are those who could justly think that I have contradicted myself, and this is why I will provide an explanation. A person changing their mind is not a contradiction, but can even be because they have gained knowledge and wisdom to change their opinion.

    This is especially true of me, because as a fallible human; I have discovered that only some aspects of some opinions of mine are worth considering.

    At the same time, I do have an IQ of 100 and I can sometimes come up with some good suggestions. Having an IQ of 100 allows me the intelligent to listen and especially to plagiarize what expert professionals have to say on matters that they mostly all agree on.

    I want to say that the Bible is always correct, and I will believe what God says before I ever believe the entire human race, either the ignorant or even the ‘learned’.

    I want to say that if Seselj has in fact been opposition spokesperson for the environment for any length of time, then I am not aware of it. I was and will be either too lazy or too busy to check what that situation is.

    I have already commented on the Radicals and have suggested that the fate of Seselj is sealed, and was sealed even before he was charged.

    What this means is that the Radicals might think of a new leader and a new name. There are some who think that this is betraying a person who must be presumed to be innocent. However, Seselj and the other members of the Radicals may want to wonder if that they may be betraying Serbia.

    Be certain that the Nazis will convict Seselj at the most inconvenient time for Serbia, and best time for them. What every member of the SRS needs to ask themselves is if it is wise or even normal to have someone even if innocent at The Hague leading a major political party.

    If there was some benefit for Seselj or for Serbia, I would like to know what it is.

    I have already mentioned how the name Radical party is not really benefiting Serbia’s cause when it is printed or spoken in the English language. There are some who may not think that it is trivial to take into consideration the language of the current world power who loves to show you in the worst possibly light that they are able to.

    I wrote the following: “If I were in Seselj’s position, I would never be the leader of a political party; neither would I stand for Parliament. I would resign so as to throw that unnecessary burden off the Serbian people especially when I could get no benefit from it.

    I have since written the following, and this may seem to be a contradiction. “If I were in Seselj’s position, I would never be the leader of a political party; if I wanted to be a Member of Parliament. I would however change the name of my Party to lessen burden on the Serbian people especially when Serbia could not get any benefit from it”.

    The word radical conjures up slightly better images than the word weirdo does to English speaking people, but not by much.

    The dictionary definition of weirdo is: an odd, eccentric, or unconventional person, a psychopath, especially a dangerous or vicious one. The dictionary says that weirdo is a person regarded as being very strange, eccentric, deranged, a potentially dangerous person.

    If you give the Nazis an inch they will take a mile, and the Radicals with just one word are giving the Nazis most of that mile. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving to the Nazis by ‘patriotic’, ‘concerned’ ‘educated’ ‘public servants’.

    I know that the invisible demons can cause puppetship to those who do not have God’s protection, and Seselj may not have any choice.

    Can you just imagine if the Radicals won the election, or were even needed to form majority Government and the Nazis then pronounced Seselj guilty even if he was innocent. The Nazis have had Seselj in The Hague for several years even though his trial has not began for all intents and purposes. Seselj is now in the position of the ICTY saying that after 6 years of the ‘trial process’ the ‘Judges’ find him guilty of whatever America says.

    The Nazis will determine when they pronounce him guilty, and even though there has been no trial, the illusion of a trial is all the Western Media needs. It does not matter what the Serbian dog race knows that there was no trial or that it was a biased and corrupt trial, because a dog race is a dog race.

    The reason I changed my opinion that Seselj should be the leader of a party is so that those Serbian people who are not overly stupid can see what Western politicians, and even some of their own politicians are really like.

    I want to say that my original advice to the Radicals was sensible and most non-Devil Worshiping experts would speak the same words. It was because if the donkey insists on being a donkey, then use it teach others some truths.

    Do you know how this would appear to the uniformed masses in other countries, and it can only help the cause of those who want to steal Kosovo, which is the intention of the biased and corrupted Nazi ICTY.

    I know that being stupid, negligent, lazy, or incompetent is not treason, but the voters should keep that in mind if they want to. I understand that most of the Serbian people do not know the finer points of the English language, but why are they oblivious to the fact that Seselj’s image will harm their image and prospects?

    I have long ago made the suggestion that Sesejl not be the leader, but that he could be the opposition spokesperson for the environment.

    I have already commented on the Radicals and have suggested that the fate of Seselj is sealed, and was sealed even before he was charged.

    Every member of the SRS has had enough time to ask themselves is if it is wise or even normal to have someone leading a major political party at The Hague, even if that person is completely innocent.

    If there was some benefit for Seselj or for Serbia, I would like to know what it is. I have already mentioned how the name Radical party is not really benefiting Serbia’s cause when it is printed or spoken in the English language. There are some who may not think that it is trivial to take into consideration the language of the current world power who loves to show Serbia in the worst possibly light that they are able to.

    This is the typical attitude of many Western politicians and even the human race where they will always put their own interests above the interests of others.

    I know that the invisible demons can and sometimes do cause puppetship to those who do not serve Satan or those who are sinning in some way and do not have God’s protection.

    “1) They arrived in the territory of the Gerasenes on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. 2) As Jesus stepped out of the boat, a man came out of the tombs and met him. The man was controlled by an evil spirit 3) and lived among the tombs. No one could restrain him any longer, not even with a chain. 4) He had often been chained hand and foot. However, he snapped the chains off his hands and broke the chains from his feet. No one could control him. 5) Night and day he was among the tombs and on the mountainsides screaming and cutting himself with stones. 6) The man saw Jesus at a distance. So he ran to Jesus, bowed down in front of him, 7) and shouted, "Why are you bothering me now, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me." 8) He shouted this because Jesus said, "You evil spirit, come out of the man." 9) Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" He told Jesus, "My name is Legion Six Thousand, because there are many of us." 10) He begged Jesus not to send them out of the territory. 11) A large herd of pigs was feeding on a mountainside nearby. 12) The demons begged him, "Send us into the pigs! Let us enter them!" 13) Jesus let them do this. The evil spirits came out of the man and went into the pigs. The herd of about two thousand pigs rushed down the cliff into the sea and drowned” (Mark 5:1-13).

    It is interesting how many times the Bible mentions Satan the Devil and the demons but gives no physical description of them because they are invisible. We can see with what the demons were able to control thousands of pigs and what they got those pigs to do to themselves. We should now begin to understand that the attitude of the demons to the pigs is the same as the attitude of the demons to humans.

    I have long ago made the suggestion that Sesejl not be the leader, but that he could be the opposition spokesperson for the environment.

    I realize that my suggestion of opposition environment spokesperson was wrong because the invisible Devil and his invisible demons hate the environment and everything that God created. The invisible Devil and his invisible demons want to find Sesejl guilty to cover up their monstrous crimes.

    The Invisible evil angels do not want the Secretary for the Environment of America to be knowingly and publicly be guilty of criminally neglecting the environment in the Court of Public Opinion. This is why American politicians asked the invisible demons to torture in the invisible realm the leaders of the Radicals not to follow any aspect of sensible advice.

    I suggested that 100% of voters vote for the DSS-NS at the last election to sweep away the idiots, the traitors, and the Secret Catholics.

    I think that the SNS and the SPS should be on a joint ticket at the next election where they decide which party leader will be at the top of the list, and then alternate from party to party down the list of 150 candidates.

    I think that the DSS-NS is a good alternative to the SRS, and perhaps the DSS-NS and the SRS should be on a joint ticket and do what I suggested for the SNS and the SPS.

    I would never use Camp Bondsteel because it is a Trojan Horse with a powerful weapon under the ground of Camp Bondsteel. This is why I do not think that America should build the American Embassy in Belgrade but in some small town because Serbia will become puppetized once a powerful weapon is put under the American Embassy.

    There must be full racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians in all Serb territories, and the EU must pay for the relocations.

    The SNS should want this policy even if they do not hold a Referendum over the Balkans conference result in the first term of Government.

    With the compromise Kosovo policy, with the employment plan, with the debt pay off scheme, and with the British System of Parliament, the SNS should be able to get at least 15%-30% of the votes. The SNS and the SPS should also have the policy of say Me Too for wanting to join the EU, and for any policy that the DS presents at the election that will attract sufficient votes. I think that the policy of having a new Democratic Constitution might be considered.

    Even though the fairy tale policy of wanting to join the EU is a throw away line for the present time, it is not really a lie. It is all a matter of when and under what conditions and circumstances Serbia joins the EU. It is the Nazis who are lying, and Serbia should play their little game knowing their lies. One of those right conditions and circumstances is that it has to be possible in the first place, and on Serbia’s terms of giving the voters a referendum for the EU.

    I said years ago that Serbia should restrict the power of the Unions to get companies to invest in Serbia to employ Serbian workers instead of chasing the fairy tale lies of those who secretly want the genocide of the Serbian people. There has much too much wasting of time and opportunities by this treacherous Government, and I blame the DS and the SRS for this situation more than the SPS.

    I really do not trust the DS, and I do not want to fel that way just because I have nothing better to do. Vuk Jeremic is going through the motions and other countries that have withheld recognition are withholding recognition until the time the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP can have a majority in Parliament.

    Intelligent people really and truly do believe approximately 50% of what they see, hear, and read in any year. Any other type of person is stupid in the head, and is probably too stupid to know that they are stupid. If a person is intelligent enough to know that he or she is stupid, then there is hope for them. This is not how it is for those who are too stupid to even know that they are stupid, because they have no hope.

    I want people to know that I am stupid to some extent, and this is why I listen to those who are wiser than me.

    To America and the Nazis of Europe, the Serbia people are filth and vermin that must be eradicated bit by bit until that dog race no longer exists to pollute Europe and the world.

    It would be interesting to hear what learned intellectuals and philosophers would say, and this is why people are encouraged to increase in wisdom and learning, but especially good morals.

    If Albania joins the EU before Serbia, then a part but not all of Kosovo will be a bargaining chip Serbia has against the Albanian veto, unless Serbia wants to give Southern Serbia to Albania. If Serbia had to join the EU, then it must join with the borders as they are, and then speak about some compensation money for Kosovo.

    The best way for Serbia to give up some of Kosovo is for the EU to go to the UN and get a Resolution to say that no part of present day Serbia will ever join the EU. This may get the Serbs to hold a referendum to sell some of their land to others for money, and a new Balkans map.

    I know that Serbia is offering Kosovo more than autonomy and less than independence, and that is the official Serbian Government Compromise proposal. That is the current Government position, but if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in Parliament, then they will obey America and sign away Kosovo and even pay for the ‘privilege’.

    There is a news report that says that Serbia will sign away Kosovo for an IMF loan of 3 Billion Dollars and pay back 5 Billion all up because of the interest payments. This can only happen if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP had a majority in Parliament as they are anus licking puppets of America.

    It would not surprise to discover that Javier Solana has phoned Barack Obama and told him that he will enjoy seeing Boris Tadic in private because Boris Tadic is the best anus licker he has ever experienced.

    America was responsible for burning down the old American embassy in Belgrade because they need to build a new Embassy to put a powerful weapon under the American Embassy to puppetize any Serbian Parliament.

    The Albanians should be grateful that the Nazi Ahtisaari Plan was rejected, because America would have had the Title Deeds to Kosovo. The Americans want to put their black criminals and their millions of homeless people in Kosovo. These will fight America’s wars and will look after the elderly poor and sick of America, and it will save America money.

    I have come to know that when I talk to others, or others talk to me, or if I overhear something, or if I speak in a lonely park, then the invisible demons hear it too, and they tell anything of importance to the Nazi politicians. This is why I think that if the American politicians know some information, then I want other countries to know these things.

    It is not a case of having listening devices at the park seat because, I know that they can be there. What I do is walk in not just one park but in dozens of parks all over the city the park and whisper and the invisible demons hear what I say. I even do it at several beaches in the water, and I can assure that there cannot be any hidden listening devices there.

    I have already explained that it is pointless to communicate in ‘secret’ once you know the truth that the invisible demons see and hear what I speak, what I write, and what I read.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:51 AM |  

    This comment is to encourage people to believe in God and to read the Bible because it is worth THE effort, because God assures us that our reward is great.

    I hope that we have all been reading the Bible, because this truly is the wise thing to do. It is a fact that if you do your best, then God will do the rest. If you do nothing then there is nothing to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally.

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

    The Bible tells us that we do not need buildings or land or even history to be pleasing God and to receive everlasting life. There is only one culture that God wants us to have, and that is to become a new creation or a new person who obeys God’s Laws. “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4).

    The next Scriptures show that God considers the entire planet to be holy ground because HE created the earth.

    “The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. “Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, an hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. “You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews. “But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ); when that One comes, He will declare all things to us.” Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He” (John 4:19-26).

    If Kosova is to be successful then the UN knows that they will have to guide it slowly to independence. “An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be blessed at the end” (Proverbs 20:21).

    For all anyone knows the Albanians may just change their ways and be a success. I know that the Serbs made mistakes by allowing their borders to be changed by Tito, and that they gave money to the Albanians hoping that they would integrate with other races.

    “Be sure to appoint the king the LORD your God will choose. He must be one of your own people. Never let a foreigner be king, because he's not one of your own people” (Deuteronomy 17:15).

    “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28).

    “If a man pampers his servant from youth, he will bring grief in the end” (Proverbs 29:21).

    The League of Prizren was an Albanian political organization founded on June 10, 1878 in Prizren, Vilayet of Kosovo, Ottoman Empire. It aimed at acquiring lands one way or another from other countries in the Balkans and sought autonomy for Albania under the Ottoman Empire. It all starts with autonomy, then with what is called minority rights which is in really special and extra rights that the majority do not have. A sensible democratic nation has only one law and rights and obligations for all its citizens, regardless of race, religion, or other factors. I just want to know what Serbia has been doing for the last 130 years that they have known all this.

    I hope that everyone changes their ways and become a success even Nazi Europe.

    “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.” When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject” (Acts 17:30-32).

    Even if someone describes a national trait that does not mean that that person is racist. Saint Paul was who a Jew was describing the influence the people of Crete were having on the Christians and both he and a Cretan gave the same assessment of the overwhelming majority of Cretans. “One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them (only the Christians of ancient Crete) severely so that they may be sound in the faith” (Titus 1:12, 13).

    “Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of understanding. Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:6-10).

    “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men” (Titus 3:1, 2).

    It is best not to say anything bad about anyone even if it is true, especially evil people because they truly will not like it. This is because it will become apparent what they truly are, and it will not need your help. I have on many occasions not repeated what others wanted me to say. These frauds were posing as my friends, but they really wanted me to get into trouble. It is best to say only those things that are absolutely necessary, and no more.

    “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity” (Proverbs 21:23).

    I am not saying that all the Parliamentarians in Serbia are Secret Devil worshippers, and the following Scriptures show that not all rulers worship the invisible Devil. “Who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, a man of intelligence. This man summoned Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God……………Then the proconsul believed when he saw what had happened, being amazed at the teaching of the Lord” (Acts 13:7, 12). It could be that the Secret Devil worshippers are close to being a majority or may even be a majority now. We know that Satan and his human servants always try to make me look like a liar, because they do not want you to believe the Bible. “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).

    America whose borders are defined by the United Nations and International Law will take the lead in saving the planet. America will attempt this by being a true liberal democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

    If America cannot or will not do this then we all know what awaits the human race. America may inoculate only half of their citizens against genetically engineered lethal viruses because of the ecological problems. The Nazi European politicians and Tadic and company will be the ones who will get this inoculation if they are good puppets. I do not think that many citizens even of puppet countries will receive inoculations against genetically engineered lethal viruses. It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    I know for a fact that the advice God gives is the best advice there is. People should not lie and say that they do not care if they really do care. At the same time the Nazis should not lie and say they do care when they really do not care. People should not laugh if they are accused of something because it is a serious matter. The Nazi do not care about the evil they commit, and they know that they are to blame. America and the Nazis of Europe laugh only in private where others cannot see them, because they do not let it show. The NATO countries are the biggest criminals today, and as is true of hypocrites they lecture others on ‘morality’ such as the ICTY which is more about cloaking NATO than it is about justice.

    “A wicked man puts up a bold front, but an upright man gives thought to his ways” (Proverbs 21:29).

    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others. “You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel! “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. “You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also” (Matthew 23:23-26). Leviticus Chapter 11 tells us that certain insects like the gnat was not to eaten and the camel was also forbidden as food. The gnat is so small when compared to the camel, and that is how the hypocritical Nazis like to nitpick to deflect attention away from their monstrous crimes.

    As time goes on the prophesies of the Bible will inevitably be fulfilled, and one of them is that Serbia will join Nazi Europe in Devil worship. If Serbia does not literally join the EU, then they will join Nazi Europe in spirit. It is just like Serbs who are in other countries, but they are joined to Serbia in sprit. We have seen several earthquakes recently which are further proofs that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world any day now.
    Psalm 2

    1) Why are the nations in an uproar
    And the peoples devising a vain thing?

    2) The kings of the earth take their stand
    And the rulers take counsel together
    Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,

    3) “Let us tear their fetters apart
    And cast away their cords from us!”

    4) He who sits in the heavens laughs,
    The Lord scoffs at them.

    5) Then He will speak to them in His anger
    And terrify them in His fury, saying,

    6) “But as for Me, I have installed My King
    Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”

    7) “I will surely tell of the decree of the LORD:
    He said to Me, ‘You are My Son,
    Today I have begotten You.

    8) ‘Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance,
    And the very ends of the earth as Your possession.

    9) ‘You shall break them with a rod of iron,
    You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”

    10) Now therefore, O kings, show discernment;
    Take warning, O judges of the earth.

    11) Worship the LORD with reverence
    And rejoice with trembling.

    12) Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way,
    For His wrath may soon be kindled.
    How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!

    “So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

    I believe that the arrest of Radovan Karadzic is because of the invisible demons reaction to THE following sentence that I wrote. If you do nothing then there is nothing for God to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God can and will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally. Satan and his demons objective is divert attention away from God and the Bible because they want God to kill you. If Serbia is to be blessed economically then the Devil worshippers want to believe that it was because of cooperating with the ICTY and Brussels. Satan and the demons are forward thinkers to just a very limited degree and they work mainly on knee-jerk reactions to situations. That is why when you are on a good thing then you should stick to it, and serve God.

    I wrote Psalm 2 in comment 50 of one of these threads, then comment 51 was the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, and comment 56 was my explanation of why it happened.

    This comment is a combination of comments 50, 51, and 56 of that thread that I mentioned.

    I believe that Karadzic was tortured in the invisible realm by the demons until he surrendered regardless of all the lies. This is because Satan wants to side track you away from the Bible and from God’s blessing.

    We know that Satan and his human servants always try to make me look like a liar, because they do not want you to believe the Bible. “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).

    America whose borders are defined by the United Nations and International Law will take the lead in saving the planet. America will attempt this by being a true liberal democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

    America cannot do these things because it is Satan’s Servant and Barack Obama is the current Evil King of the South that is mentioned I Daniel Chapter 11.

    If America cannot or will not do this then we all know what awaits the human race. America may inoculate only half of their citizens against genetically engineered lethal viruses because of the ecological problems. The Nazi European politicians and Tadic and company will be the ones who will get this inoculation if they are good puppets. I do not think that many citizens even of puppet countries will receive inoculations against genetically engineered lethal viruses. It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others. “You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel! “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. “You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may become clean also” (Matthew 23:23-26). Leviticus Chapter 11 tells us that certain insects like the gnat was not to eaten and the camel was also forbidden as food. The gnat is so small when compared to the camel, and that is how the hypocritical Nazis like to nitpick to deflect attention away from their monstrous crimes.

    We have seen how that monster Tony Blair has who is responsible for the murders of more Muslims than any other European politician is know the peace envoy for Muslims, and the Muslims love it this way. Karadzic would be more qualified to be a peace envoy because he only wanted peace with the Muslims. Tony Blair kept the fact that he was a Secret Catholic a secret for many years. Even though Karadzic is a Secret devil worshipper, and has to surrender when the demons tell him to, that does not mean that he is a wilful murderer like Clinton, Blair, Solana, and Bush. Perhaps Serbia should insist that Javier Solana be jailed for 20 years before signing the SAA. Do not be surprised if Mladic and the others are tortured by the demons into surrendering before the ICTY has no further Jurisdiction.

    We know that Satan and his human servants always try to make me look like a liar, because they do not want you to believe the Bible.

    “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).

    I do not mind when Satan makes me look like a liar because at least I get my way sometimes. As long as you people realize that the Bible is always true, and that the Bible is inspired of God. This could even mean that the other are not ‘captured’ and that Radovan Karadzic may even be found not guilty. Now we know why my suggestion for a truth and reconciliation commission was ignored in the Devil worshipping Serbian Parliament.

    Britain and America have been thrusting their anus to the other races and nations and saying in their hubris “kiss this you dogs” for far too long. This is why all nations must boycott all American goods and services because America has to fake it for real that they can save the world.

    As time goes on the prophesies of the Bible will inevitably be fulfilled, and one of them is that Serbia will join Nazi Europe in Devil worship. If Serbia does not literally join the EU, then they will join Nazi Europe in spirit. It is just like Serbs who are in other countries, but they are joined to Serbia in sprit. We have seen several earthquakes recently which are further proofs that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world any day now. Regrettably I know that it is only the few that will love and obey our Creator, and I want to encourage them and assure them that their reward is great.

    That would have been much better, and I know that it is always easier to be wise after the event. It would have been wiser for me just to tell the invisible Devil and his invisible demons to kiss my anus, because they are the real troublemakers. “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens” (Ephesians 6:12). Even though I would do this, I do not recommend others to do it, because if Satan and the demons will give you a hard time.

    “If a man seems to have religion and has no control over his tongue but lets himself be tricked by what is false, this man's religion is of no value” (James 1:26).

    “For we all go wrong in a number of things. If a man never makes a slip in his talk, then he is a complete man and able to keep all his body in control” (James 3:2, 3).

    “For it is said, Let the man who has a love of life, desiring to see good days, keep his tongue from evil and his lips from words of deceit: And let him be turned from evil and do good; searching for peace and going after it with all his heart. For the eyes of the Lord are on the upright, and his ears are open to their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil” (1 Peter 3:10-12).

    “So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. (Matthew 10:26, 27).

    I believe that Karadzic was tortured in the invisible realm by the demons until he ‘surrendered’ regardless of all the lies of being ‘captured’ that the Devil worshipping police have to say. Karadzic can be tortured by the invisible demons to say what the Nazis want him to say, and he should not have been sent to that Devil Court the ICTY. This is because Satan wants to sidetrack you away from the Bible and from God’s blessing. Do not be surprised if the liars try to give you some other ‘explanation’, and what I have told you is the truth.

    I was having trouble with Satan and the demons, and in March 1987 I told them to kiss my anus in an aggressive manner and this is why all this trouble has come to Yugoslavia. I had a bit to drink that night and I should have been more careful what I said. Satan and the demons have taken it out on Yugoslavia because I refuse to stop serving God.

    I quoted Psalm 2 when I told Satan and the demons to kiss my anus, and the words Kiss the Son of God are in that Psalm, and they have not forgotten or will forget this.

    The next is comments 23, then comment 24, and then it started with the former Governor of Illinois who is Serbian.

    It has been said to me that I should never make up my mind over a dispute until I have heard both sides of the story, and then given myself a reasonably sufficient time to decide. I have found that this was very sensible advice for those who want to be honest, and I am glad that I always follow that just principle.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If you have been paying attention or you could check for yourself, the word rod was used in my comment before the current Governor Rod Blagojevich matter.

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4)

    “A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey, and a rod is for the backs of fools” (Proverbs 26:3).

    I quoted the first Scripture at comment 23, and the second Scripture at comment 24, and I started commenting on the former Governor of Illinios at comment 25 whose Christian name is Rod on the same thread.

    There are those who think that it is a coincidence, but if they do not have sufficient wisdom that is their problem.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  45. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:52 AM |  

    This comment is to encourage people not to think of themselves as others think of them, but to think in THE correct manner.

    It does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person. The only thing that really matters is what God thinks of you as an individual. I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our ethnicity, and that we are all precious to Him.

    God showed His love for us by creating our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    He further showed his great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God doesn't show favouritism; but in every nation he who fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment” (John 5:25-29).

    A minority of nations do not recognize Serbia's borders, while Serbia recognises the borders of every country on earth. It is clear that it is not Serbia who wants to cause instability in the region, but the responsibility lies primarily with the Evil American Empire, and its disgusting Nazi European puppets.

    The Nazis of Europe keep saying that stealing land does not set a precedent, because they know that this precedent was set by their idol Adolf Hitler many years ago.

    The invisible Satan the Devil may let Serbia make ‘progress’ toward the Nazi EU by torturing Mladic in the invisible realm and making him surrender to the biased Satanic ICTY. Even though Mladic is a Secret Devil Worshipper, this does not mean that he is a war criminal, and many believe that he was only protecting his people, which is his right. This will supposedly help Serbia to make ‘progress’ to the Nazi EU, because the invisible Satan has to cover up for his NATO criminal servants by means of the ICTY. Satan and the Nazis of Europe need Serbia to take all the blame, even though they know that Serbia is the most innocent of all the players in this grubby affair. The more the Nazis try to lie and cover-up, the worse it will be for them, because one day the world will know the truth, and the evil extent to which the Nazis went to conceal their guilt.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  46. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:21 AM |  

    This comment is to clarify change some of the comments that I have made, because I have had time to read THE things I wrote on this web site.

    I want to say that there are those who could justly think that I have lied, and this is why I to provide an explanation.

    I realized that Psalm 2 and verse 12 that I quoted did not have the word kiss in it but was translated do homage to the Son. Most translations use the term Kiss the Son, and I now realize that I deliberately chose the translation that says homage rather than kiss because I knew that Satan and the demons would be angry.

    After all that time had elapsed since I wrote comment 50, I just assumed that the Psalm I copied and pasted from comment 50 on this web site used the term kiss. I did not check to read that Psalm, and it was only after I had published it that I realized what had happened.

    “Kiss the Son, or God will become angry and you will die on your way because his anger will burst into flames. Blessed is everyone who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 2:12).

    It would have been a help to have a proof reader, but I do not want to involve anyone else. The same thing happened when I did not edit the words saying that I was a Secret Devil Worshipper. That statement was only a note to write a comment because I would have forgotten the point, but I did not edit it before publishing it, even though I always wanted to.

    Psalm 2

    1) Why do the nations gather together? Why do their people devise useless plots?
    2) Kings take their stands. Rulers make plans together against the LORD and against his Messiah by saying,
    3) "Let's break apart their chains and shake off their ropes."
    4) The one enthroned in heaven laughs. The Lord makes fun of them.
    5) Then he speaks to them in his anger. In his burning anger he terrifies them by saying,
    6) "I have installed my own king on Zion, my holy mountain."
    7) I will announce the LORD's decree. He said to me: "You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.
    8) Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession.
    9) You will break them with an iron scepter. You will smash them to pieces like pottery."
    10) Now, you kings, act wisely. Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
    11) Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
    12) Kiss the Son, or God will become angry and you will die on your way because His anger will burst into flames. Blessed is everyone who takes refuge in Him.

    I am a fallible human; and as such, some of my statements will appear to look like I deliberately lied. That is not the case, but I mainly only realize my errors after I read them on this web site.

    The Nazis have held Seselj in The Hague for 6 years even though his trial has not began for all intents and purposes. Seselj is now in the position of the ICTY saying that after 6 years of the ‘trial process’ that the ‘Judges’ find him guilty of whatever America says.

    The Nazis will determine when they pronounce him guilty, and even though there has been no trial, the illusion of a trial is all the Western Media needs. It does not matter what the Serbian dog race knows that there was no trial or that it was a biased and corrupt trial, because a dog race is a dog race.

    The Nazi newspapers will say: “After being held in custody for six years at The Hague, the Judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ICTY find Seselj guilty of heinous crimes”.

    I know that the invisible demons can and sometimes do cause puppetship to those who do not serve Satan or those who are sinning in some way and do not have God’s protection.

    It is interesting how many times the Bible mentions Satan the Devil and the demons but gives no physical description of them because they are invisible. After reading Mark 5: 1-13, we can see that the demons were able to control thousands of pigs, and what they got those pigs to do to themselves. We should now begin to understand that the attitude of the demons to the pigs is the same as the attitude that the demons have towards humans.

    The invisible Devil and the invisible demons hate everything that God has created. The Bible tells us that God is invisible to humans, and so the angels that He created are also invisible to humans. Adam was created visible to everyone, and he did not become invisible to humans after he sinned against God. In the same way, the angels were created invisible to humans, and those that sinned against God remain invisible to humans.

    “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:17).

    “God did not spare angels who sinned. He threw them into hell, where he has secured them with chains of darkness and is holding them for judgment” (2 Peter 2:4).

    “I want to remind you about what you already know: The Lord once saved his people from Egypt. But on another occasion he destroyed those who didn't believe. He held angels for judgment on the great day. They were held in darkness, bound by eternal chains. These are the angels who didn't keep their position of authority but abandoned their assigned place. What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities near them is an example for us of the punishment of eternal fire. The people of these cities suffered the same fate that God's people and the angels did, because they committed sexual sins and engaged in homosexual activities” (Jude 5-7).

    We see that that Satan and the demons have been amongst humans for thousands of years, and they have been able to deceive people because they are invisible.

    “Then a war broke out in heaven. Michael (the Archangel) and his angels had to fight a war with the serpent (Devil). The serpent (Satan) and its angels (demons) fought. But it was not strong enough, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The huge serpent was thrown down. That ancient snake, named Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was thrown down to earth. Its angels were thrown down with it. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, "Now the salvation, power, kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah have come. The one accusing our brothers and sisters, the one accusing them day and night in the presence of our God, has been thrown out. They won the victory over him because of the blood of the Lamb (Jesus) and the word of their testimony. They didn't love their life so much that they refused to give it up. Be glad for this reason, heavens and those who live in them. How horrible it is for the earth and the sea because the Devil has come down to them with fierce anger, knowing that he has little time left” (Revelation 12:7-12).

    I would never use Camp Bondsteel because it is a Trojan Horse with a powerful weapon under the ground of Camp Bondsteel. This is why I do not think that America should build the American Embassy in Belgrade but in some small town because Serbia will become puppetized once a powerful weapon is put under the American Embassy.

    There must be full racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians in all Serb territories, and the EU must pay for the relocations.

    Even though the fairy tale policy of wanting to join the EU is a throw away line for the present time, it is not really a lie. It is all a matter of when and under what conditions and circumstances Serbia joins the EU. One of possibly several right conditions and circumstances is that it has to be possible in the first place, and only on Serbia’s terms of giving the voters a referendum for the EU, or that it be done with a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

    “Whoever makes fun of a poor person insults his maker. Whoever is happy to see someone's distress will not escape punishment” (Proverbs 17:5).

    “Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; or the LORD will see it and be displeased,
    And turn His anger away from him” (Proverbs 24:17, 18).

    America, the Nazis of Europe, UNMIK, NATO, and EULUX all have the true story of the Kosovo Albanians. After America got the Title Deeds to Kosovo, the War on Terror would have started against the Kosovo Albanians to push them back to Albania bit by bit.

    The Albanians will not be as strong as the Americans, and America could have already placed a powerful weapon under the American Embassy in Albania to puppetize Albania.

    The Albanians should be grateful that the Ahtisaari Plan was rejected, because America would have had the Title Deeds to Kosovo. The Americans want to put their black criminals and their millions of homeless people in Kosovo. These will fight America’s wars and will look after the elderly poor and sick of America, and it will save America money.

    One such nation that showed the wrong attitude, and the prophet Obadiah was inspired by God to declare God’s judgement on Edom. History shows that this prophecy was fulfilled exactly as pronounced, and with no delay despite Satan’s best efforts to help his savants the Edomites. There is no human today that can say that they are an Edomite, and this shows that God’s word always comes true. If you hear some lies that Edomites are in existence, then it is just the Secret Devil worshipping Media spreading lies which is their trade.

    “This is the vision of Obadiah. This is what the Almighty LORD says about Edom: We have heard a message from the LORD. A messenger was sent among the nations to say, "Get ready! Let's go to war against Edom." "Edom, I will make you the smallest of nations. Others will despise you. Your arrogance has deceived you. You live on rocky cliffs. You make your home up high. You say to yourself, 'No one can bring me down to earth.' Even though you fly high like an eagle and build your nest among the stars, I will bring you down from there," declares the LORD. "If thieves or looters come to you during the night, won't they steal only until they've had enough? You will be ruined! If people come to pick your grapes, won't they leave a few grapes behind? But you, Esau, will lose everything. Even your hidden treasures will be looted. All your allies will force you to leave your land. The people who are at peace with you will deceive you. Those who eat food with you will set traps for you, and you won't even know about it. "On that day I will destroy the wise people in Edom and take wisdom away from Esau's mountain," declares the LORD. "Teman, your warriors will be terrified. Everyone on Esau's mountain will be slaughtered. "Because of the violence you did to Jacob, your relative, you will be covered with shame. You will be destroyed forever. While you stood there doing nothing, strangers carried off Jacob's wealth. Foreigners entered his gates and threw dice for Jerusalem. You acted like one of them. Don't gloat over your relative's misfortune or be happy when the people of Judah are destroyed. Don't brag so much when they're in distress. Don't march through the gates of my people when disaster strikes or gloat over their misery when disaster strikes. Don't take their wealth when disaster strikes. Don't stand at the crossroads to kill their refugees. Don't hand over their survivors when they're in distress. "The day of the LORD is near for all nations. Edom, you will be treated as you have treated others. You will get back what you have given. As you, Israel, drank on my holy mountain, so all nations will drink in turn. They will drink and guzzle down everything in it. They will be like those who have never existed. "But refugees will live on Mount Zion. It will be holy. The descendants of Jacob will get back their possessions. The descendants of Jacob will be like a fire. The descendants of Joseph will be like a flame. But the descendants of Esau will be like straw. They will be burned and destroyed. There will be no one left among the descendants of Esau." The LORD has spoken. "People from the Negev will take possession of Esau's mountain. People from the foothills will take possession of Philistia. They will take possession of the lands of Ephraim and Samaria, and the descendants of Benjamin will take possession of Gilead. Exiles from Israel will take possession of Canaan. They will possess land as far as Zarephath. Exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad will take possession of the cities in the Negev. Those who are victorious will come from Mount Zion to rule Esau's mountain. The kingdom will belong to the LORD”.

    I really do not trust the DS or the G-17 Plus, and I do not deliberately want to feel that way just because I have nothing better to do.

    I can say that I trust the LDP, because they are at least honest about their intentions. I class the LDP more Serbian than Tadic, the DS, and the G-17 Plus in one way, because honesty is a Serbian trait.

    Vuk Jeremic is going through the motions and other countries that have withheld recognition are withholding recognition until the time the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP can have a majority in Parliament. I think that if anyone deserves an academy award it is Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic, along with some of the DS and some of the G-17 Plus.

    Intelligent people really and truly do believe approximately 50% of what they see, hear, and read in any year. Any other type of person is stupid in the head, and is probably too stupid to know that they are stupid. If a person is intelligent, enough to know that he or she is stupid, then there is hope for them. This is not how it is for those who are too stupid to even know that they are stupid, because they have no hope.

    This does not mean that some people are deliberate liars, but that we are all fallible. If I went to a forest that had all the provisions that I need for one years. Imagine if the only reading material that I had was the Bible. Imagine if I did not see or speak to another human being because I did not have a mobile telephone. If I did not even speak to myself for that year, then under all these conditions I could say that I believed everything I saw, heard, and read in that year. If I spoke to myself for a total of 15 minutes a day and it was recorded, I would discover that some of it was factually incorrect rather than a deliberate lie.

    We see the lengths to which we would have to go to be able to believe everything we see, hear, or read in any year. We should be able to see that being in the modern society, we should only believe approximately 50% of what we see, hear, and read in any year.

    I want people to know that I am stupid to some extent, and, this is why I listen to those who are wiser than I am.

    To America and to the Nazis of Europe, the Serbia people are filth and vermin that must be eradicated bit by bit until that stupid dog race no longer exists to pollute Europe and the world.

    It would be interesting to hear what learned intellectuals and philosophers would say, and this is why people are encouraged to increase in wisdom and learning, but especially good morals.

    If Albania joins the EU before Serbia, then a part but not all of Kosovo will be a bargaining chip Serbia has against the Albanian veto, unless Serbia wants to give Southern Serbia to Albania. If Serbia had to join the EU, then it must join with the borders as they are, and then speak about some compensation money for some of Kosovo and other Albanian areas.

    Serbia should keep in mind that even if they join the EU, the EU can collapse and it is better to be an independent nation.

    I have provided what I think is a Compromise, but I know that my opinion is only a minority opinion at the moment. I think that the SNS and the SPS should not try to have an election before the middle of spring of 2010 if they agree with some or even all of the aspects the compromise proposal I have suggested.

    The best way for Serbia to give up some of Kosovo is for the EU to go to the UN and get a Resolution to say that no part of present day Serbia will ever join the EU unless all of Kosovo and other areas remains Serbian territory. This may get the Serbs to hold a referendum to sell some of their land to others for money, and a new Balkans map, after, and only after Serbia is a member of the EU.

    I have provide a Compromise proposal, and there are probably several Compromise proposals . I have suggested a Balkans Conference to redraw the maps of the former Yugoslavia, and to make a new Yugoslavia that is only Serbian and possibly those Slavs who refer to themselves as Macedonians. Camp Bondsteel will have to be destroyed as it is a symbol that Britain and America wants the world to kiss their anus in servile puppet submission.

    A Russian Military base is to be built on land that has borders with three countries in the Balkans and it will be Russian territory to which they have access to by agreed Roads.

    Serbia and Kosova are to have the world’s most democratic and simplified Constitution if that Great Hypocritical ‘Democracy’ America does not mind.

    I know that Serbia is offering Kosovo more than autonomy and less than independence, and that is the official Serbian Government Compromise proposal. That is the current Government position, but if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in Parliament, then they will obey America and sign away Kosovo and even pay for the ‘privilege’.

    It would not surprise to discover that Javier Solana has phoned Barack Obama and told him that he will enjoy seeing Boris Tadic in private because Boris Tadic is the best anus licker he has ever experienced. It should be noted that Javier Solana has to lick Barack Obama’s anus as he did to George Bush as the EU’s puppet submission to America.

    America was responsible for burning down the old American embassy in Belgrade because they need to build a new Embassy to put a powerful weapon under the American Embassy to puppetize any future Serbian Parliament.

    I have come to know that when I talk to others, or others talk to me, or if I overhear something, or if I speak in a lonely park, then the invisible demons hear it too, and they tell anything of importance to the Nazi politicians. This is why I think that if the American politicians know some information, then I want other countries to know these things.

    It is not a case of having listening devices at the park seat because, I know that they can be there. What I do is walk in not just one park but in dozens of parks all over the city the park and whisper and the invisible demons hear what I say. I even do it at several beaches in the water, and I can assure that there cannot be any hidden listening devices there.

    I do not say anything bad to Satan and the demons, but just the fact that I serve God is enough for them to hate me.

    I have already explained that it is pointless to communicate in ‘secret’ once you know the truth that the invisible demons see and hear what I speak, what I write, and what I read.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    I hope that we have all been reading the Bible, because this truly is the wise thing to do. It is a fact that if you do your best, then God will do the rest. If you do nothing then there is nothing to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally.

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

    If Kosova is to be successful then the UN knows that they will have to guide it slowly to independence. “An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be blessed at the end” (Proverbs 20:21).

    For all anyone knows the Albanians may just change their ways and be a success. I know that the Serbs made mistakes by allowing their borders to be changed by Tito, and that they gave money to the Albanians hoping that they would integrate with other races.

    “Be sure to appoint the king the LORD your God will choose. He must be one of your own people. Never let a foreigner be king, because he's not one of your own people” (Deuteronomy 17:15).

    “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28).

    “If a man pampers his servant from youth, he will bring grief in the end” (Proverbs 29:21).

    I hope that everyone changes their ways and become a success, even Nazi Europe.

    “In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead.” When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject” (Acts 17:30-32).

    Even if someone describes a national trait that does not mean that that person is racist. Saint Paul was who a Jew was describing the influence the people of Crete were having on the Christians of ancient Crete, and both he and a Cretan gave the same assessment of the overwhelming majority of Cretans.

    “One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons." This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them (reprove only the Christians of ancient Crete) severely so that they may be sound in the faith” (Titus 1:12, 13).

    “Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of understanding. Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:6-10).

    “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men” (Titus 3:1, 2).

    It is best not to say anything bad about anyone even if it is true, especially evil people because they truly will not like it. This is because it will become apparent what they truly are, and it will not need your help. I have on many occasions not repeated what others wanted me to say. These frauds were posing as my friends, but they really wanted me to get into trouble. It is best to say only those things that are absolutely necessary, and nothing else.

    “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity” (Proverbs 21:23).

    It could be that the Secret Devil worshippers in the Serbian Parliament are close to being a majority, or may even be a majority now.

    The DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are only 3 votes away from having a majority in Parliament.

    It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Tadic has not signed away Kosovo.

    We know that Satan and his human servants always try to make me look like a liar, because they do not want you to believe the Bible. The Devil has most of the Western world on his side, and this includes not only the Governments, but most ‘Judges’, and most of the Western Media. They can make it look like I do not think correctly because they have all these evil people who pose as righteous working for them. They know that what God says is always true, because He is Almighty in power and all wise, and His word always comes true and no one can delay it, or hinder it in any way.

    “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    As time progresses, the prophesies of the Bible will inevitably be fulfilled on time and exactly as God said it, and one of them is that the majority of Serbian people will join Nazi Europe in Devil worship. If Serbia does not literally join the EU, then the majority of Serbs will join Nazi Europe in spirit, and in Devil worship. It is just like Serbs who are in other countries, but they are joined to Serbia in spirit.

    I believe that one of the reasons the arrest of Radovan Karadzic is because of the invisible demons reaction to the following sentence that I wrote.

    If you do nothing then there is nothing for God to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God can and will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally. Satan and his demons objective is divert attention away from God and the Bible because they want God to kill you. If Serbia is to be blessed economically then the Devil worshippers want you to believe that it was because of cooperating with the ICTY and Brussels. Satan and the demons are forward thinkers to just a very limited degree and they work mainly on knee-jerk reactions to situations.

    That is why when you are on a good thing then you should stick to it, and serve God.

    I wrote Psalm 2 in comment 50 of one of these threads, then comment 51 was the arrest of Radovan Karadzic, and comment 56 was my explanation of why it happened.

    This comment is a combination of comments 50, 51, and 56 of the thread that I mentioned, and it is entitled: I Am Not Drunk.

    I am not drunk now, but one day in March of 1987, I certainly was drunk, and I wonder now if it was March 24 1987, though I did not keep a record of it.

    There are those who think that this is a coincidence, but is June the 10th a coincidence, as it seems to come up a lot when refereeing to Serbs and Albanians.

    The League of Prizren was an Albanian political organization founded on June the 10th, 1878 in Prizren, Vilayet of Kosovo, Ottoman Empire. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 that was always designed to lead to independence for Kosovo by NATO ‘partnership’, but in reality American ownership was passed on June the 10th

    I believe that Karadzic was tortured in the invisible realm by the demons until he surrendered regardless of all the lies. This is because Satan wants to sidetrack you away from the Bible and from God’s blessing.

    We know that Satan and his human servants always try to make me look like a ‘liar’ at the time, because they do not want you to believe the Bible.

    “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).

    America whose borders are defined by the United Nations and International Law will take the lead in saving the planet. America will attempt this by being a true liberal democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

    America cannot do these things because it is Satan’s Servant and Barack Obama is the current Evil King of the South that is mentioned in Daniel Chapter 11.

    “In the end times the southern king will attack him. The northern king will rush at him like a storm with chariots, horses, and many ships. He will invade countries, overwhelm them, and pass through their land. He will invade the beautiful land, and tens of thousands will be defeated. But Edom, Moab, and the leaders of the Ammonites will escape from his power. He will use his power against many countries. Even Egypt will not escape. He will control gold and silver treasures and all Egypt's treasuries. Libya and Sudan will surrender to him. But news from the east and the north will frighten him. He will leave very angry to destroy and exterminate many. He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at a beautiful holy mountain. When he comes to his end, there will be no one to help him” (Daniel 11:40-45).

    If America cannot or will not do this then we all know what awaits the human race. America may inoculate only half of their citizens against genetically engineered lethal viruses because of the ecological problems. The Nazi European politicians and Tadic and company will be the ones who will get this inoculation if they are good puppets. I do not think that many citizens even of puppet countries will receive inoculations against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    I do not always mind it when the invisible Satan and his invisible demons make me look like a ‘liar’ because they may change their schemes.

    “It does no good to spread a net within the sight of any bird” (Proverbs 1:17).

    As long as you people realize that the Bible is always true, and that the Bible is inspired of God. This could even mean that the others are not ‘captured’ or ‘surrender’ and that Radovan Karadzic may even be found not guilty.

    Britain and America have been thrusting their anus to the other races and nations and saying in their hubris “kiss this you dogs” for far too long. This is why all nations must boycott all American goods and services because America has to fake it for real that they can save the world.

    I know that I should have stayed sober on that day in March of 1987, or that I should have at least kept silent. I am not a drunkard, and I rarely drink alcohol, but I want people to know that I did not plan what I was going to do, because I could have done that sober.

    Every day I regret the affects on others of that of my actions that day in March of 1987. It is something that I must live with every day, yet I believe that Satan and the demons would have done exactly the same, even if I was sober that day or even if I got drunk that day.

    It would have been much better to have stayed sober and kept silent, because then I would not think that I was to blame in any way for the former Yugoslavia. I know that it is always easier to be wise after the event, and that is what I try to do these days.

    It would have been wiser for me in comment 50 to just have written to the invisible Devil and his invisible demons to kiss my anus, because it would have been more clear to everyone, and I would not have had to give this explanation.

    “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against authorities and powers, against the world-rulers of this dark night, against the spirits of evil in the heavens” (Ephesians 6:12).

    Even though I did this, I do not recommend others to do it, because I know that Satan and the demons will give you a very hard time.

    “If a man seems to have religion and has no control over his tongue but lets himself be tricked by what is false, this man's religion is of no value” (James 1:26).

    “For we all go wrong in a number of things. If a man never makes a slip in his talk, then he is a complete man and able to keep all his body in control” (James 3:2, 3).

    “For it is said, Let the man who has a love of life, desiring to see good days, keep his tongue from evil and his lips from words of deceit: And let him be turned from evil and do good; searching for peace and going after it with all his heart. For the eyes of the Lord are on the upright, and his ears are open to their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil” (1 Peter 3:10-12).

    “So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. (Matthew 10:26, 27).

    I believe, and I will say that I know that Radovan Karadzic was tortured in the invisible realm by the demons until he ‘surrendered’ regardless of all the lies that he was ‘captured’ that the Devil worshipping police have to say. Karadzic can be tortured by the invisible demons to say what the Nazis want him to say, and he should not have been sent to that Devil Court the ICTY. This is because Satan wants to sidetrack you away from the Bible and from God’s blessing. Do not be surprised if the liars try to give you some other ‘explanation’, and what I have told you is the truth.

    I was having trouble with Satan and the demons, and in March 1987, I told them to kiss my anus in an aggressive manner and this is why all this trouble has come to Yugoslavia. I had a bit to drink that night and I should have been more careful what I said. Satan and the demons have taken it out on Yugoslavia because I refuse to stop serving God.

    “It is not for kings, O Lemuel, It is not for kings to drink wine, Or for rulers to desire strong drink, for they will drink and forget what is decreed, and pervert the rights of all the afflicted. Give strong drink to him who is perishing, And wine to him whose life is bitter. Let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his trouble no more. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy” (Proverbs 31:4-9).

    I quoted Psalm 2, but only verse 12 of that Psalm when I told Satan and the demons to kiss my anus, and the words Kiss the Son of God are in that Psalm, and they have not forgotten this, nor will they forgive this.

    The next is comments 23, then comment 24, and then it started with the former Governor of Illinois who is Serbian.

    It has been said to me that I should never make up my mind over a dispute until I have heard both sides of the story, and then given myself a reasonably sufficient time to decide. I have found that this was very sensible advice for those who want to be honest, and I am glad that I always follow that just principle.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If you have been paying attention or you could check for yourself, the word rod was used in my comment just before the recent Governor Rod Blagojevich matter.

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your Rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4)

    “A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey, and a Rod is for the backs of fools” (Proverbs 26:3).

    I quoted the first Scripture at comment 23, and the second Scripture at comment 24, and I started commenting on the former Governor of Illinios whose Christian name is Rod from comment 25 on that same thread. That Tread is the thread that has the title of Noam Chomsky About Serbia, Kosovo, Yugoslavia and NATO War 1.

    There are those who think that it is all a coincidence, but if they do not have sufficient wisdom that is their problem.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    It does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person. The only thing that really matters is what God thinks of you as an individual. I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our ethnicity, and that we are all precious to Him.

    God showed His love for us by creating our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    He further showed his great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God doesn't show favouritism; but in every nation he who fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment” (John 5:25-29).

    A minority of nations do not recognize Serbia's borders, while Serbia recognises the borders of every country on earth. It is clear that it is not Serbia who wants to cause instability in the region, but the responsibility lies primarily with the Evil American Empire, and its disgusting Nazi European puppets.

    The Nazis of Europe keep saying that stealing land does not set a precedent, because they know that this precedent was set by their idol Adolf Hitler many years ago.

    The invisible Satan the Devil may let Serbia make ‘progress’ toward the Nazi EU by torturing Mladic in the invisible realm and making him surrender to the biased Satanic ICTY. Even though Mladic is a Secret Devil Worshipper, this does not mean that he is a war criminal, and many believe that he was only protecting his people, which is his right. This will supposedly help Serbia to make ‘progress’ to the Nazi EU, because the invisible Satan has to cover up for his NATO criminal servants by means of the ICTY. Satan and the Nazis of Europe need Serbia to take all the blame, even though they know that Serbia is the most innocent of all the players in this grubby affair. The more the Nazis try to lie and cover-up, the worse it will be for them, because one day the world will know the truth, and the evil extent to which the Nazis went to conceal their guilt.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    This is a comment to mention something that I had meant to say, and it is in THE comment.

    It is interesting how no one has found two snowflakes that are identical, yet, the building material of snowflakes is identical molecules of water.

    If any one claims to have done this, then it could be a lie, but if it is true then it shows just how many different types of snowflakes there are. We will not know just how many different snowflakes there are because they would all need to be found at least twice, and there are many snowflake structures that are yet to be discovered.

    “For He says to the snow, 'fall on the earth;' likewise to the shower of rain, and to the showers of his mighty rain” (Job 37:6).

    “Have you entered the treasuries of the snow, or have you seen the treasures of the hail” (Job 38:22).

    The point I am making is that electrons and other sub-atomic particles are identical, and supposedly came from the big bang explosion. An explosion has never and can never produced identical particles, and so the big bang theory is a big lie.

    There are some lying or self-deceived scientists who want you to think that they are very clever and honest, whereas the are in fact cunning and dishonest, or even gullible. The CERN project have spent 10 billion dollars on an experiment because Satan who controls Nazi budgets wants people to be deceived.

    They are very intelligent and cunning because they know how to deceive the ignorant. Many ‘scientists’ would dearly love to be able to deceive themselves first, and because the desire is so great, some probably have deceived themselves. I am speaking of the CERN experiment where they wish to discover what happened in the mysterious first microsecond of the big bang lie. This CERN is wanting to con everyone, but for the knowledgeable this is no reason for conCERN.

    “With his talk a godless person can ruin his neighbour, but righteous people are rescued by knowledge” (Proverbs 11:9).

    I want to make a point with regard to the many different scientific opinions of how the moon came into existence. Many of us have studied how each of these flawed opinions has great unresolvable difficulties.

    This means that if some scientists do not know how the moon came into existence, then they certainly could not know how the material universe began. This is because the moon is the closest object to the earth, and they have a lot of data on it.

    There are many scientists who do believe that God created all things.

    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands”

    (Psalms 19:1). Special creation is the only truly scientific conclusion that fits all the known data. The moon is up close to us and we have moon rocks and moon dust that has been scientifically analysed.

    There are people among the scientific community that will tell lies whenever it suits them. These people will tell you the lie that we came from monkeys. They will tell you the lie that the universe came from a big bang. They will tell you the lie that things happen by chance, as well as many, many other lies.

    There is only one destiny for humans and God want us all to reflect his glory and personality.

    “This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God made man, he made him in the image of God; male and female he made them, naming them Man, and giving them his blessing on the day when they were made” (Genesis 5:1, 2).

    “That all living things will be made free from the power of death and will have a part with the free children of God in glory. For we are conscious that all living things are weeping and sorrowing in pain together till now” (Romans 8:21, 22).

    “When the sinners come up like the grass, and all the workers of evil do well for themselves, it is so that their end may be eternal destruction” (Psalm 92:7).

    “And the world and its desires are coming to an end: but he who does God's pleasure is living for ever” (1 John 2:17).

    One lie that I find interesting is how people can honestly believe in astrology. The sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets are just made of matter, and so the only possible real effect it could have on any of us is gravitation affect. Even if all the planets lined up the total affect would be less gravitation force than the gravitational force of the chair you are sitting on. The moon exerts a little gravitational force, but the planet earth exerts equal gravitation effect on all of us so that should mean that we all have the same personality and destiny. In that case, only one horoscope and not twelve horoscope ‘predictions’ would be needed. We come back to the fact that God created us, and our future depends on our Creator. Even if the invisible demons make it look like astrology is correct for you, you should know that gravity can not and manoeuvrer events but invisible demons can and do.

    11) “But evil will come on you which you will not know how to charm away;
    and disaster will fall on you for which you cannot atone; and destruction about which you do not know will come on you suddenly.

    12) Stand fast now in your spells and in your many sorceries with which you have laboured from your youth; Perhaps you will be able to profit, Perhaps you may cause trembling.

    13) You are wearied with your many counsels; let now the astrologers, those who prophesy by the stars, those who predict by the new moons, stand up and save you from what will come upon you.

    14) Behold, they have become like stubble, fire burns them; they cannot deliver themselves from the power of the flame; There will be no coal to warm by nor a fire to sit before!

    15) So have those become to you with whom you have laboured, who have trafficked with you from your youth; each has wandered in his own way; there is none to save you. (Isaiah 47:11-15).

    There are some people who believe what they want to believe, and do not care what the Bible says, and some cannot believe in Creation for reasons that God knows best.

    “Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith” (2 Thessalonians 3:1, 2).

    “For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12).

    “For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe” (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

    “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your well-being would have been like a river, And your righteousness like the waves of the sea” (Isaiah 48:17).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:45 AM |  

    This comment is to mention some things that I should have mentioned, and to tell you some of THE things that I heard.

    I have said on several occasions that only some aspects of some of my opinions are worth considering.

    However, I do read many comments from readers on b 92, and so I plagiarize some of those opinions that I and other readers think are sensible. I think that the opinion of not having a leader of a political party at The Hague was sensible given the current problems Serbia has.

    The suggestion of Seselj being the opposition spokesperson for the environment was found to be unworkable. The Radicals may have chosen another portfolio for Seselj that would not have got the American Secretary for the Environment to get the invisible demons to torture Seselj in the invisible realm.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to torture me, and it was probably not even full strength. What I can say is that you cannot overcome the invisible demons on your own strength, and only God can help you if you are having problems with the invisible demons.

    Scriptures must be read in their proper context, and the following Scripture is referring to King Asa of ancient Israel. Even though these Scriptures applied to ancient Israel, we can learn how God thinks and acts towards those who serve Him.

    “At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him, “Because you have relied on the king of Aram and have not relied on the LORD your God, therefore the army of the king of Aram has escaped out of your hand. “Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubim an immense army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet because you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand. “For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. You have acted foolishly in this. Indeed, from now on you will surely have wars.” Then Asa was angry with the seer and put him in prison, for he was enraged at him for this. And Asa oppressed some of the people at the same time” (2 Chronicles 16:7-10).

    It should be noted that the words of the Prophet Hannai did all come true because God told Hannai what to pronounce.

    “The angel of the Lord is ever watching over those who have fear of Him, to keep them safe” (Psalm 34:7).

    I know that the invisible demons can and sometimes do cause puppetship to those who do not serve Satan or those who are sinning in some way and do not have God’s protection.

    Those who choose to serve the invisible Satan the Devil voluntarily unreservedly offer that puppetship to the invisible demons, and do not need to be tortured in the invisible realm by the demons.

    I wrote that I quoted Psalm 2, but only verse 12 of that Psalm when I told Satan and the demons to kiss my anus, and the words Kiss the Son of God are in that Psalm, and they have not forgotten this, nor will they forgive this.

    I did not quote Psalm 2:12 literally, but I paraphrased Psalm 2:12, and the invisible demons knew which Scripture it was because they know the Bible completely. I do not think I should repeat it here, but Satan and the demons hate even the proper version.

    “But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 9).

    “Kiss the Son, or God will become angry and you will die on your way because His anger will burst into flames. Blessed is everyone who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 2:12).

    Even though the fairy tale policy of wanting to join the EU is a throw away line for the present time, it is not a lie.

    The traitors and puppets have tried to join the EU by putting the cart before the horse, rather than putting the horse before the cart. The puppets and traitors were following Nazi orders because they want Serbia to loose Kosovo and not join the EU. If they are being tortured by the invisible demons and must obey Satan, then they are not to blame, and Satan and the demons will give Tadic and company the best lies and excuses they can.

    Serbia should insist that it will not join the EU unless it joins with Kosovo, with Vojvodina at the very least, and possibly with Republika Srpska and Montenegro.

    The number for the membership of the EU is full and it will not be increased except by a UN SC Resolution. If Serbia gives up Kosovo to join the EU, then it would not surprise me discover that the EU disintegrates just so that dog race is disgraced again for their abundant stupidity.

    It is best to be an independent country, and to sell some of the land for money. If Serbia get money for some of Kosovo, then that money should be used to buy Russian oil futures of approximately one billion barrels of oil. Serbia can either consume some of that oil over time, and sell some of it if the price of oil goes up.

    A litre of oil cannot be deflated in value as it will drive a car the same distance regardless of inflation, and money can be lost through inflation.

    I have heard that if a company is giving secret money by the government, then this is the same as putting a tariff on the goods.

    It is all a matter of when and under what conditions and circumstances Serbia joins the EU if Serbia joins the EU.

    It will be interesting to see how the corrupt and bribed ICJ will be able to say that every country’s Constitution is illegal, and that UN SC Resolutions are illegal.

    One of possibly several right conditions and circumstances is that it has to be possible in the first place, and only on Serbia’s terms of giving the voters a referendum for the EU, or that it be done with a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

    I really do not trust the DS or the G-17 Plus, and I do not deliberately want to feel that way just because I have nothing better to do. I believe that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are taking their orders from America who is also providing them with good lies to deceive the voters.

    I can say that I trust the LDP, because they are at least honest about their intentions. I class the LDP more Serbian than Tadic, the DS, and the G-17 Plus in one way, because honesty is a Serbian trait.

    People need to know that the CIA does infiltrate every organization in the world, and especially Serbia. This is why people can be bribed to attack the LDP or others with the promise of big money after they serve their prison term, or pay a fine.

    The invisible demons are watching and you will be caught if and when the invisible demons want this.

    Have those who want anti-discrimination given the people unbiased Public Media and 100% public funding for elections to show their ‘commitment’ to democracy.

    Vuk Jeremic is going through the motions and other countries that have withheld recognition are withholding recognition until the time the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP can have a majority in Parliament. I think that if anyone deserves an academy award it is Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic, along with some of the DS and some of the G-17 Plus.

    I heard that if Montenegro had have remained with Serbia, then there would have been enough voters to give Kosovo independence. The problem now is that if Montenegro were to join up with Serbia, they would have to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s independence before they could join up with Serbia to give Kosovo independence.

    It is pointless joining up with Montenegro because they can always be bribed to leave again.

    I heard that some people think that Kosovo is a black and white issue. What that means is that Kosovo is a black hole and a white elephant.

    I think that if some of Kosovo is lost to the Serbs, then it was Tito and not Milosevic, because the Albanians were always going to do their best to steal it. This could not have happened without the idiot Serbs Leaders who were bribed by Tito. If any of these people are alive, then they should be tried for treason to help the stupid gain intelligence.

    It could be that if Draza Mihailovic had been the leader of the Serbs, he would have made a greater Serbia, and got rid of the other races, and Serbia would have access to the sea, even without Montenegro. I am not saying that it would be right, but who knows what things would be like today. It is too late for that now, but I just mention it for the historians if they wish to debate what it might have been like with Draza Mihailovic as leader of the Serbs.

    Tito and his Nazis were setting the Serbs up for loosing Kosovo, and the Serbs did not even see it coming. Tito took the criminals of Albania that the Albanians themselves detested in the name of ‘brotherly unity’, and these criminal continued the long scheme of the Albanians to steal Kosovo.

    If you let people speak a different language than the official language, we will see where this leads.

    “Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words. It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.” And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar. They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:1-9).

    “Be sure to appoint the king the LORD your God will choose. He must be one of your own people. Never let a foreigner be king, because he's not one of your own people” (Deuteronomy 17:15).

    “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28).

    “If a man pampers his servant from youth, he will bring grief in the end” (Proverbs 29:21).

    Intelligent people really and truly do believe approximately 50% of what they see, hear, and read in any year.

    To America and to the Nazis of Europe, the Serbian people are filth and vermin that must be eradicated bit by bit until that stupid dog race no longer exists to pollute Europe and the world.

    The autonomy of Vojvodina is no different, as the Nazis know human nature because God Word is 100% true. This is why the Nazis were able to get the better of the atheistic communists lead by Tito, and they will get the better of the Serbs again.

    The next Scriptures are a reality check, and the Serbs of Vojvodina will want independence from Serbia if it makes them richer.

    “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these” (2 timothy 3:1-5).

    To get rid of Vojodina’s autonomy, to have single member electorates, and to show the world that Serbia is a democracy, a new simplified democratic Constitution should be put up for a referendum. This will silence the Nazis about Serbia being a democracy, and rid the Parliament of idiots, traitors, and Secret Catholics.

    I want to say that how other countries have their government is no concern to me, but I provided a model to silence the Nazis. I think that democratic Constitution is what some small countries need to give them better government.

    We all know that the Serbian politicians will never give up privileged position for the good of the country.

    It would be interesting to hear what learned intellectuals and philosophers would say, and this is why people are encouraged to increase in wisdom and learning, but especially good morals.

    If Albania joins the EU before Serbia, then a part but not all of Kosovo will be a bargaining chip Serbia has against the Albanian veto, unless Serbia wants to give Southern Serbia to Albania. If Serbia had to join the EU, then it must join with the borders as they are, and then speak about some compensation money for some of Kosovo and other Albanian areas.

    Serbia should keep in mind that even if they join the EU, the EU can collapse and it is better to be an independent nation.

    I have provided what I think is a Compromise, but I know that my opinion is only a minority opinion at this time. I think that the SNS and the SPS should not try to have an election before the middle to late spring of 2010 if they agree with some or even all of the aspects the compromise proposal I have suggested.

    The reason I say spring for an election, is because the weather will be fine, and in a democracy the people need to be given every opportunity to vote.

    I want to say that I am against Serbia joining the EU, but if Serbia did join, then I give my opinion.

    I have provide a Compromise proposal, and there are probably several Compromise proposals . I have suggested a Balkans Conference to redraw the maps of the former Yugoslavia, and to make a new Yugoslavia that is only Serbian and possibly those Slavs who refer to themselves as Macedonians. Camp Bondsteel will have to be destroyed as it is a symbol that Britain and America demands that the world kiss and lick their anuses in servile puppet submission.

    A Russian Military base is to be built on land that has borders with three countries in the Balkans and it will be Russian territory to which they have access to by agreed Roads. Serbia needs a Russian Military Base on its border, and this is why the land for this should be given to Russia free of charge.

    I know that Serbia is offering Kosovo more than autonomy and less than independence, and that is the official Serbian Government Compromise proposal. That is the current Government position, but if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in Parliament, then they will obey America and sign away Kosovo and even pay for the ‘privilege’.

    It would not surprise to discover that Javier Solana has phoned Barack Obama and told him that he will enjoy seeing Boris Tadic in private because Boris Tadic is the best anus licker he has ever experienced.

    I have come to know that when I talk to others, or others talk to me, or if I overhear something, or if I speak in a lonely park, then the invisible demons hear it too, and they tell anything of importance to the Nazi politicians. This is why I think that if the American politicians know some information, then I want other countries to know these things.

    It is not a case of having listening devices at the park seat because, I know that that listening devises might be there. What I do is walk in not just one park but in dozens of parks all over the city the park and whisper and the invisible demons hear what I say. I even do it at several beaches in the water, and I can assure that there cannot be any hidden listening devices there.

    I have already explained that it is pointless to communicate in ‘secret’ once you know the truth that the invisible demons see and hear what I speak, what I write, and what I read.

    I hope that we have all been reading the Bible, because this truly is the wise thing to do. It is a fact that if you do your best, then God will do the rest. If you do nothing then there is nothing to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally.

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

    It could be that the Secret Devil worshippers in the Serbian Parliament are close to being a majority, or may even be a majority now.

    The DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are only 3 votes away from having a majority in Parliament.

    It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Tadic, the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP have not signed away Kosovo.

    We know that Satan and his human servants always try to make me look like a liar, because they do not want you to believe the Bible. The Devil has most of the Western world on his side, and this includes not only the Governments, but most ‘Judges’, and most of the Western Media. They can make it look like I do not think correctly because they have all these evil people who pose as righteous working for them. They know that what God says is always true, because He is Almighty in power and all wise, and His word always comes true and no one can delay it, or hinder it in any way.

    “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12).

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    As time progresses, the prophesies of the Bible will inevitably be fulfilled on time and exactly as God said it, and one of them is that the majority of Serbs will join Nazi Europe in Devil worship. If Serbia does not literally join the EU, then the majority of Serbs will join Nazi Europe in spirit, and in Devil worship. It is just like Serbs who are in other countries, but they are joined to Serbia in spirit.

    “So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

    America whose borders are defined by the United Nations and International Law will take the lead in saving the planet. America will attempt this by being a true liberal democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

    America cannot do these things because it is Satan’s Servant and Barack Obama is the current Evil King of the South that is mentioned in Daniel Chapter 11.

    “And at the time of the end, the king of the south will make an attack on him: and the king of the north will come against him like a storm-wind, with war-carriages and horsemen and numbers of ships; and he will go through many lands like overflowing waters. And he will come into the beautiful land, and tens of thousands will be overcome: but these will be kept from falling into his hands: Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon. And his hand will be stretched out on the countries: and the land of the south will not be safe from him. But he will have power over the stores of gold and silver, and over all the valued things of the south: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians will be at his steps. But he will be troubled by news from the east and from the north; and he will go out in great wrath, to send destruction on, and put an end to, great numbers. He will put the tents of his great house between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain: but he will come to his end with no helper” (Daniel 11:40-45).

    If America cannot or will not do this then we all know what awaits the human race. America may inoculate only half of their citizens against genetically engineered lethal viruses because of the ecological problems. The Nazi European politicians and Tadic and company will be the ones who will get this inoculation if they are good puppets. I do not think that the majority of citizens of puppet countries will receive inoculations against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    Britain and America have been thrusting their anuses to the other nations and saying in their hubris “kiss this you dogs” for far too long. This is why all nations must boycott all American goods and services because America has to fake it for real that they can save the world.

    I know that I should have stayed sober on that day in March of 1987, or that I should have at least kept silent. I am not a drunkard, and I rarely drink alcohol, but I want people to know that I did not plan what I was going to do, because I could have done that sober.

    Every day I regret the affects on others of that of my actions that day in March of 1987. It is something that I must live with every day, and I know that Satan and the demons would not have done the same, if I kept silent that day, regardless of if I was drunk or sober.

    It would have been much better to have stayed sober or at least not insulted the invisible Satan and his invisible demons. At least then, I would not think that I was to blame in any way for the former Yugoslavia. I know that it is always easier to be wise after the event, and that is what I try to do these days.

    This does not mean that I would stop serving God if I did not insult the Devil. There is no need to insult the Devil, but only to praise God, and for this, Satan and the demons will hate you enough without making them hate you even more than they do.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons character and personality.

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:45 AM |  

    This comment is to improve and clarify some of the statements I already made, and there is new information in THE comment.

    The suggestion of Seselj being the opposition spokesperson for the environment was found to be unworkable.

    This is because the invisible Satan the Devil wanted to find Seselj guilty of whatever, and so that meant that Seselj could not a Parliamentary spokesperson for the environment.

    Satan and the demons hate everything that God has created, and that includes a sustainable environment.

    The Radicals may have chosen another portfolio for Seselj that would not have got the American Secretary for the Environment to get the invisible demons to torture Seselj in the invisible realm.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to torture me, and it was probably not even full strength.

    Even though it was not full strength, it was more than enough to understand why American and Nazi politicians have been behave they way they do.

    What I can say is that you cannot overcome the invisible demons on your own strength, and only God can help you if you are having problems with the invisible demons.

    There are many things that are invisible, but we know that they exist. Things like gravity, the earth’s magnetic field, radio waves, sound waves, and other things exist even though they are invisible.

    “The (invisible) angel of the Lord is ever watching over those who have fear of Him, to keep them safe” (Psalm 34:7).

    The Bible tells us that there are more invisible good angels than there are invisible demons.

    “Now the heart of the king of Aram was enraged over this thing; and he called his servants and said to them, “Will you tell me which of us is for the king of Israel?” One of his servants said, “No, my lord, O king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.” So he said, “Go and see where he is, that I may send and take him.” And it was told him, saying, “Behold, he is in Dothan.” He sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city.
    Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then Elisha prayed and said, “O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (2 Kings 6:11-17).

    The Coming of Christ.

    “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS” (Revelation 19:11-16).

    I know that the invisible demons can and sometimes do cause puppetship to those who do not serve Satan, or those who are sinning in some way and do not have God’s protection.

    Those who choose to serve the invisible Satan the Devil voluntarily and unreservedly offer that puppetship to the invisible demons. That term is a common phrase and it is called selling your soul to the Devil to do the will of the Devil.

    The invisible demons do not need to torture willing Devil Worshippers in the invisible realm because they are their puppets.

    I paraphrased Psalm 2 verse 12 when I told Satan and the demons to kiss my anus. The words Kiss the Son of God are in most English translations of that Psalm. The invisible Devil and his invisible demons have not forgotten this, nor will they ever forgive this.

    I paraphrased Psalm 2 and verse 12, and the invisible demons knew which Scripture it was because they know the Bible completely. I do not think I should repeat how I paraphrased Psalm 2 and verse 12 here or anywhere else, but Satan and the demons hate even the proper version.

    “But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” (Jude 9).

    “Kiss the Son, or God will become angry and you will die on your way because His anger will burst into flames. Blessed is everyone who takes refuge in Him” (Psalm 2:12).

    Even though the policy of wanting to join the EU is a throw away line for the present time, it is not a lie.

    The EU’s promise to Serbia of joining the EU is a throw away line to these Nazis, because they have sufficient intelligence and arrogance to lie, and they are proud of it.

    The traitors and puppets have tried to join the EU by putting the cart before the horse, rather than putting the horse before the cart.

    The puppets and traitors were following Nazi orders because the puppets and traitors want Serbia to loose Kosovo and not join the EU.

    If the Serbian politicians are being tortured by the invisible demons and must obey Satan, then they are not to blame. Satan and the demons will give Tadic and company the best lies and excuses they can to deceive people.

    Serbia should insist that it will not join the EU unless it joins with Kosovo and with Vojvodina at the very least, and possibly with Republika Srpska and Montenegro.

    Serbia could join the EU with a Cyprus type situation where Albanian Kosovo will join the EU many years later than the rest of Serbia.

    Kosovo that is north of the Ibar River will join the EU at the same time as most of Serbia to show that Albanian Kosovo could one day join the EU.

    Those people south of the Ibar River will have to have different passports, and will be like a non-EU territory.

    The number for the membership of the EU is full and it will not be increased except by a UN SC Resolution.

    If Serbia gives up Kosovo on the false promise of joining the EU, then it would not surprise me if Satan makes the EU disintegrate. Satan and the demons would do this so that this stupid and gullible beyond belief dog race is disgraced again for their continuing insistence on abundant stupidity.

    Rehn is lying agrehn (again) with a secret grehn (grin) and blaming the economic crisis rather than the Lisbon treaty and the wisdom of the Irish voters, not to mention all those Nazi vetoes that would then be in place against Serbia joining the EU.

    I think that Serbia should tell the EU to prepare a UN SC Resolution for Serbia joining the EU, and until then Serbia does not want to hear about the EU.

    I think that Serbia should just plan for a future that does not include being a member of the EU.

    I think that Croatia is being unjust and greedy by not agreeing to Slovenia’s reasonably request over access to the Mediterranean. Croatia should realize that if Slovenia lets Croatia join NATO, the Croatia could blackmail the EU for money by vetoing NATO.

    It is best to be an independent country, and to sell some of the land for money. If Serbia gets money for some of Kosovo, then that money should be used to buy Russian oil futures of approximately one billion barrels of oil.

    Serbia can both consume some of that oil over time, and sell some of it if the price of oil goes up.

    A litre of oil cannot be deflated in value as it will drive a car or truck the same distance regardless of inflation, and money can be lost through inflation. What this means is that the amount of work a barrel of oil can do is constant, and it is a constant ‘workforce’ for a country.

    I have found a good website to monitor oil prices on a daily basis and over a five-year period and it is called oil-price.net. I hope that the oil-price.net web site it is not removed from the internet to make me look like a liar. I like the web site because of its simplicity for the novice like me who just wants to see the current price of oil. There are articles giving detailed analysis by experts for those involved in the industry or for students.

    I have heard that if a Government secretly gives a company money, then this is the same as that Government putting a tariff on those same goods and services from other countries.

    It is all a matter of when and under what conditions and circumstances Serbia joins the EU if Serbia joins the EU.

    It will be interesting to see how the corrupt and bribed ICJ will be able to say that every country’s Constitution is illegal, and that UN SC Resolutions are illegal.

    There will be Secret Devil Worshippers among the ICJ ‘Judges’, and they will obey Satan and receive much money in Secret Swiss Bank Accounts.

    They will probably say that it is a unique case, and that there is one law for humans and another law for a dog race. They will be intelligent and cunning enough to say it ever so ‘politely’. They will use thousands of pages of waffle and lies to try to justify and cover up their criminal intent.

    Here are some of the ways to recognize a modern day Nazi;

    1) a Nazi does not respect the United Nations Charter; 2) a Nazi does not respect United Nations Security Council Resolutions; 3) a Nazi does not respect International law; 4) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of his own country; 5) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of another country; 6) a Nazi does not respect that everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence; 7) a Nazi does not respect that you should not punish the innocent because of the guilty; 8) a Nazi wants racial “purity” for his country at the very least, and for other countries as well; 9) a Nazi does not want to speak, read, write, study, in the one official language of his country, and a Nazi wants this policy for other countries because he knows that it could eventually lead to conflict; 10) a Nazi is a hardened liar; 11) a Nazi is a corrupt thief, especially of other people’s land; 12) a Nazi is a cold, calculated, and devious slanderer and schemer; 13) a Nazi is very nasty, completely twisted, totally untrustworthy, and devastatingly treacherous; 14) a Nazi is intolerant of any religion that is peace loving; 15) a Nazi will use smooth speech and pretend to be your friend, while plotting your downfall: 16) a Nazi believes in a final solution like the gas chambers or ethnic cleansing; 17) a Nazi believes that might makes right.

    America and the Nazis of Europe have recognized Kosovo’s multilateral declaration of independence, because a black hole and a white elephant becomes dependent on their money.

    They did this because America by means of the Ahtisaari Plan could not get ownership of Kosovo to put their black criminals there and slowly drive the Kosovo Albanians back to Albania.

    I published this evil scheme by the Americans before the Kosovo Albanians were ordered by America to illegally declare independence from the United Nations.

    America was cunning to order the Kosovo Albanians to declare independence from the United Nations, because it would keep the Albanians relatively peaceful while America bribed other countries to recognize Kosovo.

    I think that Serbia should not be that concerned that the Albanians of Kosovo declared independence from the United Nations because they were always going to try their best to steal Kosovo. If the independence bid of the Kosovo Albanians does not succeed, then they will not try again, because if it did not work with America’s backing, then it can only work through negotiation with the legitimate Authority.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    One of possibly several right conditions and circumstances is that it has to be possible in the first place, and only on Serbia’s terms of giving the voters a referendum for the EU, or that it be done with a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

    I have said that I hope that I am wrong, and that I could be wrong about Tadic and company when it comes to Kosovo. I really do not trust the DS or the G-17 Plus, and I do not deliberately want to feel that way just because I have nothing better to do. I believe that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are taking their orders from America who is also providing them with good lies to deceive the voters.

    I want to repeat what I have said on several occasions, and that is that I am not a Secret CIA Agent, or a Secret Devil Worshipper. If Satan and the demons set me up by putting drugs or child pornography on my property, then they will do it to give me a bad name. It is not the demons, the CIA, the traitors in the Serbian Parliament, or any human that will judge me but Jesus who knows all the true facts.

    “For the Father judges no one, but he has given all judgment to the Son, that all may honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son does not honour the Father who sent him. Most certainly, I tell you, he who hears my word, and believes Him who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life” (John 5:20-22).

    “Why do you criticize or despise other Christians? Everyone will stand in front of God to be judged. Scripture says, As certainly as I live, says the Lord, everyone will worship me, and everyone will praise God. All of us will have to give an account of ourselves to God” (Romans 14:10-12).

    People need to know that the CIA does infiltrate every organization in the world, and especially in Serbia. This is why people can be bribed to attack the LDP or others with the payment of big money before they serve their prison term, or pay a fine.

    The invisible demons are watching you, and you will be caught if and when the invisible demons want this.

    Have those who want anti-discrimination given the people unbiased Public Media and 100% public funding for elections to show their ‘commitment’ to democracy.

    Vuk Jeremic is going through the motions and other countries that have withheld recognition are withholding recognition until the time the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP can have a majority in Parliament.

    Once the traitors have their majority in Parliament, and recognize Kosovo, then the other countries will not see themselves as engaging in Devil worship by illegally changing borders.

    “Cursed is he who moves his neighbour’s boundary mark.' And all the people shall say, Amen” (Deuteronomy 27:17).

    The decent law-abiding countries will be able to say that the Serbian people have always been gullible, and that the Serbian voters may even deserve it to some extent.

    I think that if anyone deserves an academy award it is Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic, along with some of the DS and some of the G-17 Plus.

    “But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds” (2 Corinthians 11:12-15).

    I think that if some of Kosovo is lost to the Serbs, then it was Tito and not Milosevic to blame, because the Albanians were always going to do their best to steal Kosovo.

    This could not have happened without the idiot or treacherous Secret Catholic Serb Leaders who were bribed by Catholic Croat Tito. If any of these people are alive, then they should be tried for treason to help the stupid gain intelligence.

    It could be that if Draza Mihailovic had been the leader of the Serbs, he would have made a greater Serbia, and got rid of the other races, and Serbia would have access to the sea, even without Montenegro.

    The term greater Serbia just means all those legitimate Serbian lands that would be greater in area than present day Serbia.

    I am not saying that it would be right, but who knows what things would be like today. It is too late for that now, but I just mention these things for the Historians if they wish to debate what it might have been like with Draza Mihailovic or some other honest Serb as leader of the Serbian people.

    There are some races in Europe who have been Nazis for a long time, and they will always be Nazis.

    I am either too polite to mention it here, or I will dignify some of you who have studied European history with enough intelligence to understand who these naturally Nazi races are.

    After looking at all those European countries that collaborated with Hitler, I sometimes wonder how the Germans lost WW 2. It is good to see that some of those countries have not collaborated with Nazi Germany of today. We see that some of those countries that were against Hitler, are today the foremost Nazi Colonial Nations, namely, Britain and America.

    I want to say that when I mention hardened Nazi European races, I mean the overwhelmingly majority of those races and not the small minority who are decent people.

    Tito and his Nazis were setting the Serbs up for loosing Kosovo and other Serbian land, and the Serbs did not even see it coming. Tito took the criminals of Albania that the Albanians themselves detested in the name of ‘brotherly unity’. This policy helped Albania because they did not have to spend money on their criminals. The Albanians have publicly stated their objective of stealing Kosovo since 1878, and these Albanian criminals continued the long held Albanian scheme to steal Kosovo, and create a Greater Albania.

    If you let people speak a different language than the official language, we will see where this leads. I am not saying that people should not be allowed to speak more than one language, but we can see the set up that awaits some small non-Nazi countries.

    “Now the whole earth used the same language and the same words. It came about as they journeyed east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. They said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly.” And they used brick for stone, and they used tar for mortar. They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” So the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:1-9).

    “Be sure to appoint the king the LORD your God will choose. He must be one of your own people. Never let a foreigner be king, because he's not one of your own people” (Deuteronomy 17:15).

    “Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set” (Proverbs 22:28).

    “If a man pampers his servant from youth, he will bring grief in the end” (Proverbs 29:21).

    Intelligent people really and truly do believe approximately 50% of what they see, hear, and read in any year.

    To America and to the Nazis of Europe, the Serbian people are filth and vermin that must be eradicated bit by bit until that stupid dog race no longer exists to pollute Europe and the world.

    The autonomy of Vojvodina is no different, as the Nazis know human nature because God’s Word is 100% true.

    This is why the Nazis were able to get the better of the supposedly atheistic communists lead by Tito, and they will get the better of the Serbs again.

    The next Scriptures are a reality check, and the Serbs of Vojvodina will want independence from Serbia if it makes them richer.

    “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these” (2 timothy 3:1-5).

    To get rid of Vojodina’s autonomy, to have single member electorates, and to show the world that Serbia is a democracy, a new simplified democratic Constitution should be put up for a referendum.

    This will silence the Nazis about Serbia not being a democracy, and rid the Parliament of idiots, traitors, and Secret Catholics.

    I want to say that how other countries have their Government is no concern to me. I provided a model that I think Serbia needs to silence the Nazi filth of Europe.

    It would be so sweet to see a majority vote for the clause on obey the United Nations Charter. I think that Serbia should blackmail the Nazis for money and if they do not get enough secret money, then they will have a referendum for a new Constitution.

    We all know that the Serbian politicians will never give up privileged position for the good of the country.

    It would be interesting to hear what learned intellectuals and philosophers would say, and this is why people are encouraged to increase in wisdom and learning, but especially good morals.

    If Albania joins the EU before Serbia, then a part but not all of Kosovo will be a bargaining chip Serbia has against the Albanian veto, unless Serbia wants to give Southern Serbia to Albania. If Serbia had to join the EU, then it must join with the borders as they are, and then speak about some compensation money for some of Kosovo and other Albanian areas.

    Serbia should keep in mind that even if they join the EU, the EU can collapse and it is better to be an independent nation.

    I have provided what I think is a Compromise, but I know that my opinion is only a minority opinion at this time. I think that the SNS and the SPS should not try to have an election before the middle to late spring of 2010 if they agree with some or even all of the aspects the compromise proposal I have suggested.

    The reason I say spring for an election, is because the weather will be fine, and in a democracy, the people need to be given every opportunity to vote.

    The reason I gave the Compromise proposal was because with traitors in Parliament, it is better to loose less than what you would otherwise.

    We all have to pay tax, and so it is better to pay less tax than we would otherwise. If you want to pay less tax, then you have to have a patriotic Government that will not be bribed, and that will pursue good economic policies.

    I want to say that I am against Serbia joining the EU, but if Serbia did join, then I give my opinion.

    I have provide a Compromise proposal, and there are probably several Compromise proposals. I have suggested a Balkans Conference to redraw the maps of the former Yugoslavia, and to make a new Yugoslavia that is only Serbian and possibly those Slavs who refer to themselves as Macedonians. Camp Bondsteel will have to be destroyed as it is a symbol that Britain and America demands that the world kiss and lick their anuses in servile puppet submission.

    Camp Bondsteel could be converted into a holocaust Museum to show the tourists how America and the Nazis of Europe attempted their physical, economic, and cultural genocide of the Serbian people.

    A Russian Military base is to be built on land that has borders with Serbia and two other countries in the Balkans. It will be Russian territory to which they have access to by agreed Roads. Serbia needs a Russian Military Base on its border, and this is why the land for this should be given to Russia free of charge.

    I know that Serbia is offering Kosovo more than autonomy and less than independence, and that is the official Serbian Government Compromise proposal. That is the current Government position, but if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in Parliament, then they will obey America and sign away Kosovo and even pay for the ‘privilege’.

    It would not surprise to discover that Javier Solana has phoned Barack Obama and told him that he will enjoy seeing Boris Tadic in private because Boris Tadic is the best anus licker he has ever experienced.

    I hope that we have all been reading the Bible, because this truly is the wise thing to do. It is a fact that if you do your best, then God will do the rest. If you do nothing then there is nothing to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally.

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

    It could be that the Secret Devil worshippers in the Serbian Parliament are close to being a majority, or may even be a majority now.

    The DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are only 3 votes away from having a majority in Parliament.

    It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Tadic, the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP have not signed away Kosovo.

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    As time progresses, the prophesies of the Bible will inevitably be fulfilled on time and exactly as God said it, and one of them is that the majority of Serbs will join Nazi Europe in Devil worship. If Serbia does not literally join the EU, then the majority of Serbs will join Nazi Europe in spirit, and in Devil worship. It is just like Serbs who are in other countries, but they are joined to Serbia in spirit.

    I know that people will say that modern Serbia as a country is not mentioned in the Bible, and that is true. It is the people of Serbia’s attitude and behaviour that I was thinking of when I made that comment.

    “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these” (2 timothy 3:1-5).

    “So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

    I am not trying to say that I am perfect, because I know that I am not, but a Christian is not perfect person.

    There are other ways to become poor other than by not having employment, because even some employed people are unnecessarily poor. Poverty will more likely come to those that smoke cigarettes, drink too much alcohol, take drugs, gamble, have certain vices, or do not shop for bargains. Poverty will also come to those who have stupid people as their friends or who are criminals.

    “One who walks with wise men grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20).

    “Whoever loves pleasure will become poor. Whoever loves wine and expensive food will not become rich” (Proverbs 21:17).

    “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar. Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” (Proverbs 30:5-8).

    Britain and America have been thrusting their anuses to the other nations and saying in their callousness and in their hubris “kiss this you dogs” for far too long. This is why all the nations must boycott all American goods and services because America has to learn to join the human race.

    I know that I should have stayed sober on that day in March of 1987, or that I should have at least kept silent. I am not a drunkard, and I rarely drink alcohol, but I want people to know that I did not plan what I was going to do, because I could have done that sober.

    Every day I regret the affects on others of that of my actions that day in March of 1987. It is something that I must live with every day, and I know that Satan and the demons would not have done the same, if I kept silent that day, regardless of if I was drunk or sober.

    It would have been much better to have stayed sober or at least not insulted the invisible Satan and his invisible demons. At least then, I would not think that I was to blame in any way for the former Yugoslavia. I know that it is always easier to be wise after the event, and that is what I try to do these days.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only what to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    This does not mean that I would stop serving God if I did not insult the Devil. There is no need to insult the Devil, but only to praise God, and for this, Satan and the demons will hate me enough without making them hate me even more than they already do.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    “Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was at a loss for a time, his thoughts troubling him. The king made answer and said, Belteshazzar, do not be troubled by the dream or by the sense of it. Belteshazzar, answering, said, my lord, may the dream be about your haters, and its sense about those who are against you. The tree which you saw, which became tall and strong, stretching up to heaven and seen from the ends of the earth; Which had fair leaves and much fruit, and had in it food for all; under which the beasts of the field were living, and in the branches of which the birds of heaven had their resting-places” (Daniel 4:19-21).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in the direction of up. We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:50 AM |  

    This comment is to improve and clarify some of the statements I already made, and there is new information in THE comment.

    The suggestion of Seselj being the opposition spokesperson for the environment was found to be unworkable.

    This is because the invisible Satan the Devil wanted to find Seselj guilty of whatever, and so that meant that Seselj could not be a Parliamentary spokesperson for the environment.

    Satan and the demons hate everything that God has created, and that includes a sustainable environment.

    The Radicals may have chosen another portfolio for Seselj that would not have got the American Secretary for the Environment to get the invisible demons to torture Seselj in the invisible realm.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to torture me, and it was probably not even full strength.

    Even though it was not full strength, it was strong enough and long enough to understand why American and Nazi politicians have been behaving they way they do.

    There are many things that are invisible, and yet we all know that they exist. Things like gravity, the earth’s magnetic field, radio waves, sound waves, and other things exist even though they are invisible.

    The Bible tells us that God is a Spirit and He is invisible, and the angels that God created are spirits and they are invisible.

    “God is a spirit. Those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24).

    “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:17).

    “He created all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. Whether they are kings or lords, rulers or powers- everything has been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:16).

    “What are all the angels? They are (invisible) spirits sent to serve those who are going to receive salvation” (Hebrews 1:14).

    “The (invisible) angel of the Lord is ever watching over those who have fear of Him, to keep them safe” (Psalm 34:7).

    The Devil and his demons are able to deceive people only because they are invisible. This is because if they were visible, then everyone would know who the real enemies of God and humans were, and no one would be deceived.

    “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels going forth to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and his angels; And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent, he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him. And I heard a great voice in heaven, saying, Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accuseth them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death. Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe for the earth and for the sea: because the devil is gone down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time” (Revelation 12:7-12).

    The Bible tells us that there are more invisible good angels than there are invisible demons.

    The EU’s promise to Serbia of joining the EU is a throw away line to these Nazis, because they have sufficient intelligence and arrogance to lie, and they are most proud of that.

    If the Serbian politicians like Seselj and company are being tortured by the invisible demons and must obey Satan, then they are not to blame. Satan and the demons will give Tadic and company the best lies and excuses they can to deceive people.

    Rehn is lying agRehn (again) with a secret gRehn (grin) and blaming the economic crisis rather than the Lisbon treaty and the wisdom of the Irish voters, not to mention all those Nazi vetoes that would then be in place against Serbia joining the EU.

    I think that Serbia should just plan for a future that does not include being a member of the EU.

    I want to say that I do not know much about European history or even Balkan history, but I do know the basics. The suggestions I give are that just suggestions of a novice, but the reality is more than likely much more complicated than many would want.

    It is possible that Croatia is being unjust and greedy by not agreeing to Slovenia’s reasonably request over access to the Mediterranean.

    Croatia has so many coastlines, that it could give, or lease, or even sell some to Slovenia. Croatia may ask for one or more restrictions on the use of that coastline and those territorial waters and resources, as part of any deal.

    Croatia should realize that if Slovenia lets Croatia join NATO, then Croatia can blackmail the EU for money with the threat of vetoing NATO.

    A litre of oil cannot be deflated in value as it will drive a car or truck the same distance regardless of inflation, and money can be lost through inflation. What this means is that the amount of work a barrel of oil can do is constant, and it is a constant ‘workforce’ for a country.

    I have found a good website to monitor oil prices on a daily, quarterly, yearly, and longer than a yearly basis, and it is called oil-price.net. I hope that the oil-price.net web site it is not removed from the internet to make me look like a liar. I like the web site because of its simplicity for the novice like me who just wants to see the current price of oil. There are articles giving detailed analysis by experts for those involved in the industry or for students.

    It will be interesting to see how the corrupt and bribed ICJ will be able to say that every country’s Constitution is illegal, and that United Nations Security Council Resolutions are illegal.

    There will be Secret Devil Worshippers among the ICJ ‘Judges’, and they will obey Satan and receive much money in their Secret Swiss Bank Accounts.

    They will probably say that it is a unique case, and that there is one law for humans and there are Nazi whims for a dog race.

    They will be intelligent and cunning enough to say it ever so ‘politely’. They will use thousands of pages of waffle and lies to try to justify and cover up their criminal intent.

    America and the Nazis of Europe have recognized Kosovo’s multilateral declaration of independence, because a black hole and a white elephant becomes dependent on their money.

    They did this because America could not use the Ahtisaari Plan to get ownership and legal Title of Kosovo. America planned put their black criminals in Kosovo and slowly drive the Kosovo Albanians back to Albania.

    I published this evil scheme by the Americans before the Kosovo Albanians were ordered by America to illegally declare independence from the United Nations.

    America as cunning as ever, ordered the Kosovo Albanians to declare independence from the United Nations, because it would keep the Albanians relatively peaceful while America tried to unload themselves of that black hole and white elephant.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    I think that Serbia should not be that concerned that the Albanians of Kosovo declared independence from the United Nations because they were always going to try their best to steal Kosovo. If the independence bid of the Kosovo Albanians does not succeed, then they will not try again unless they get another opportunity. If it did not work with America’s backing, then it may only work through negotiation with the legitimate Authority.

    I have said that I hope that I am wrong, and that I could be wrong about Tadic and company when it comes to Kosovo.

    That statement can be read that I could even be right about my suspicions, and if you are in doubt, then voting for those you know you can trust would be wiser.

    I really do not trust the DS or the G-17 Plus, and I do not deliberately want to feel that way just because I have nothing better to do.

    I believe that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are taking their orders from America who is also providing them with good lies to deceive the voters.

    I want to repeat what I have said on several occasions, and that is that I am not a Secret CIA Agent, or a Secret Devil Worshipper. I have not been inoculated with vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    People need to know that the CIA does infiltrate every organization in the world, and especially in Serbia. This is why people can be bribed to attack the LDP or others with the payment of big money before they serve their prison term, or pay a fine.

    The invisible demons are watching you, and you will be caught if and when the invisible demons want this.

    Have those who want anti-discrimination given the people unbiased Public Media and 100% public funding for elections to show their ‘commitment’ to democracy.

    Vuk Jeremic is going through the motions and other countries that have withheld recognition are withholding recognition until the time the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP can have a majority in Parliament.

    Once the puppets and traitors have their majority in Parliament, and recognize Kosovo, then the other countries will not see themselves as engaging in Devil worship by illegally changing borders.

    “Cursed is he who moves his neighbour’s boundary mark.' And all the people shall say, Amen” (Deuteronomy 27:17).

    The decent law-abiding countries will be able to say that the Serbian people have always been gullible, and that the Serbian voters collectively may even deserve it to some extent.

    I think that if anyone deserves an academy award it is Boris Tadic and Vuk Jeremic, along with some of the DS and some of the G-17 Plus.

    “But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds” (2 Corinthians 11:12-15).

    I think that if some of Kosovo is lost to the Serbs, then it was Tito and not Milosevic to blame, because the Albanians were always going to do their best to steal Kosovo.

    To be fair to Milosevic, all the groundwork was done by Tito and his Nazis, and it was only waiting for the right moment.

    After looking at all those European countries that collaborated with Hitler, I sometimes wonder how the Germans lost WW 2. It is good to see that some of those countries have not collaborated with Nazi Germany of today. We see that some of those countries that were against Hitler, are today the foremost Nazi Colonial Nations, namely, Britain and America.

    Britain and America were always lunatics that want to rule the world, and they resented Hitler of Germany, Emperor Hirohito of Japan, and Mussolini of Italy, because these lunatics were competition for the British and American lunatic elite who want to puppetize and exploit the world.

    I want to say that when I mention hardened Nazi European races, I mean the overwhelmingly majority of those races and not the small minority of that race who are decent people.

    The Albanians have publicly stated their objective of stealing Kosovo since 1878, and these Albanian criminals continued the long held Albanian scheme to steal Kosovo, and create an ethnically pure Greater Albania.

    To America and to the Nazis of Europe, the Serbian people are filth and vermin that must be eradicated bit by bit until that stupid dog race no longer exists to pollute Europe and the world.

    I want to say that how other countries have their Government is no concern to me. I provided a model that I think Serbia needs to silence the Nazi filth of Europe who keep falsely accusing Serbia of being undemocratic.

    It would be good and proper to have a Democratic Referendum on obeying the United Nations Charter.

    I think that Serbia should blackmail the Nazis for money and if they do not get enough secret money, then they will have a referendum on obeying the United Nations Charter.

    We all know that the Serbian politicians will never give up their privileged position for the good of the country.

    It would be interesting to hear what learned intellectuals and philosophers would say, and this is why people are encouraged to increase in wisdom and learning, but especially good morals.

    I have provided what I think is a Compromise, but I know that my opinion is only a minority opinion at this time. I think that the SNS and the SPS should not try to have an election before the middle to late spring of 2010 if they agree with some or even all of the aspects the compromise proposal I have suggested.

    The reason I say spring for an election, is because the weather will be fine, and in a democracy, the people need to be given every opportunity to vote.

    The opposition parties should not waste any time in organizing and campaigning, and I have given you some suggestions.

    The reason I gave the Compromise proposal was because with traitors in Parliament, it is better to loose less than what you would otherwise.

    We all have to pay taxes, and so it is better to pay less taxes than we would otherwise. If you want to pay less taxes, then you have to have a patriotic Government that will not be bribed, and that will pursue good economic policies.

    I want to say that I am against Serbia joining the EU, but if Serbia did join, then I give my opinion.

    I have provided a Compromise proposal, and there are probably several different Compromise proposals.

    I have suggested a Balkans Conference to redraw the maps of the former Yugoslavia, and to make a new Yugoslavia that is only Serbian and possibly those Slavs of FYROM.

    Camp Bondsteel will have to be destroyed as it is a symbol that Britain and America demands that the world kiss and lick their anuses in servile puppet submission.

    Camp Bondsteel could be converted into a holocaust Museum to show the world’s tourists how America and the Nazis of Europe attempted their physical, economic, and cultural genocide of the Serbian people.

    I think that a genocide Museum should be built in the same building that as the American Embassy. I think that the American Embassy should not be built in Belgrade, but in a small town as all future Serbian Governments will becomes puppets of America.

    I think that the Serbian people should build this Holocaust and Genocide Museum on private land and not wait for any puppet Government to cover up the historical facts.

    A Russian Military base is to be built on land that has borders with Serbia and two other countries in the Balkans. It will be Russian territory to which they have access to by agreed Roads. Serbia needs a Russian Military Base on its border, and this is why the land for this should be given to Russia free of charge.

    I know that Serbia is offering Kosovo more than autonomy and less than independence, and that is the official Serbian Government Compromise proposal.

    That is the current Government position, but if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in Parliament, then they will obey America and sign away Kosovo and even pay for the ‘privilege’.

    I hope that we have all been reading the Bible, because this truly is the wise thing to do. It is a fact that if you do your best, then God will do the rest. If you do nothing then there is nothing to bless, but if you do even a little, then, even that little that you do God will bless. The minimum that we can do is to at the very least have our own copy of the Bible, and to read it even occasionally.

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5).

    I am convinced that a political party that pursues the compromise policy on Kosovo that I mentioned would be able to get just over 5% of the vote from the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS.

    For the sake of clarity I will refer to the Kosovo Compromise Party as the KCP, and I will refer to the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS collectively as the LSPP, or the Loyal Serbian Patriotic Parties.

    The DS and the G-17 Plus refer to themselves collectively as the ZES or For A European Serbia.

    For the sake of simplicity I will refer to the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LPD as the FANS, or For A Nazi Serbia.

    A slightly more than 5% vote would give the KCP 13 seats in Parliament, and if the FANS can maintain or even loose just a few seats, then the they will have a small yet comfortable majority in Parliament.

    The question is what will the loyalty of the KCP be, and will it be an American puppet pretending to protect the interests of the Serbian people?

    If a genuine Kosovo Compromise Party were to get less than 5% of the vote, then that may be all that the FANS will need to get a majority in Parliament, as those seats will not be counted in among the LSPP.

    I think that the opposition parties should look at the polls, and join up to ensure that the LSPP maximizes the number of seats in Parliament.
    It could be that the Secret Devil worshippers in the Serbian Parliament are close to being a majority, or may even be a majority now.

    The DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are only 3 votes away from having a majority in Parliament.

    It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Tadic, the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP have not signed away Kosovo.

    I guess I do not have to remind you that if a puppet Serbian Nazi Government wins the next election, it will know that NATO is on Serbian territory.

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    There are other ways to become poor other than by not having employment, because even some employed people are unnecessarily poor. Poverty will more likely come to those that smoke cigarettes, drink too much alcohol, take drugs, gamble, have certain vices, or do not shop for bargains. Poverty will also come to those who have stupid people as their friends or who are criminals.

    “One who walks with wise men grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20).

    “Whoever loves pleasure will become poor. Whoever loves wine and expensive food will not become rich” (Proverbs 21:17).

    “Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or He will rebuke you and prove you a liar. Two things I ask of you, O Lord; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread” (Proverbs 30:5-8).

    Britain and America have been thrusting their anuses to the other nations and saying in their callousness and in their hubris “kiss this you dogs” for far too long. This is why all the nations must boycott all American goods and services because America has to learn to join the human race.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only what to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    This does not mean that I would stop serving God if I did not insult the Devil. There is no need to insult the Devil, but only to praise God, and for this, Satan and the demons will hate me enough without making them hate me even more than they already do.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:21 AM |  

    This comment is to improve and clarify some of the statements I already made, and there is new information in THE comment.

    Serbia could join the EU with a Cyprus type situation where Albanian Kosovo that is South of the Ibar River will join the EU many years later than the rest of Serbia and North Kosovo.

    Kosovo that is North of the Ibar River will join the EU at the same time as most of Serbia to show that Albanian Kosovo that is south of the Ibar River could one day join the EU.

    Those people south of the Ibar River will have to have different passports, and will be like a non-EU territory.

    The reason for different passports is so that the decent Albanians of South Kosovo are not persecuted over issues of being loyal to the cause of an ethnically pure Greater Albania.

    The number for the membership of the EU is full and it will not be increased except by a UN SC Resolution.

    Britain does not want Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland to gain independence, and that is why Romania and Bulgaria were allowed to join the EU.

    It would be very difficult for just England to justify having a Permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council. The English do not want the British to Commonwealth to dissolve, as that is its only trace of their Empire. The English have always, and will always think of themselves before they think of other countries.

    The number for the membership of the EU is full and it will not be increased except by a UN SC Resolution.

    God has allowed the invisible demons to torture me, and it was not even full strength, if I compare it to accounts given in the Bible.

    Even though it was not full strength, it was strong enough and for long enough to understand why American and Nazi politicians have been behaving they way they do.

    The EU’s promise to Serbia of joining the EU is a throw away line to these Nazis, because they have sufficient intelligence and arrogance to lie, and they are most proud of that.

    If the Serbian politicians like Seselj and company are being tortured by the invisible demons and must obey Satan by not listening to good advice, then they are not to blame.

    Satan and the demons will give Tadic and company the best lies and excuses they can to deceive people.

    “But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds” (2 Corinthians 11:12-15).

    I want to say that I do not know much about European history or even Balkan history, but I do know the basics.

    I read what others who appear to be unbiased and have a substantial knowledge of Balkan history have to say on the matter.

    The suggestions I give are that just suggestions of a novice, but the reality is more than likely much more complicated than many would want.

    There has been suggestions that Croatia is being unjust and greedy by not agreeing to Slovenia’s reasonably request over access to the Mediterranean. I think that it is reasonable for Slovenia to have access to the Mediterranean so that they can ship their goods overseas. Croatia has so much coastline, and Croatia could give, lease, or even sell some to Slovenia.

    A barrel of oil cannot be deflated in value as it will drive a car or truck the same distance regardless of inflation, and money can be lost through inflation. What this means is that the amount of work a barrel of oil can do is constant, and it is a constant ‘workforce’ for a country.

    I have found a good website to monitor oil prices on a daily, quarterly, yearly, and longer than a yearly basis, and it is called oil-price.net.

    The following paragraph is an article that is on oil-price.net, and I have put the article in one paragraph for your convenience.

    As the US House of Representatives voted to increase the dollar supply by $700 Billion, many are wondering what effect this will have on energy prices. History is full of tragic examples where helicopter money triggered rampant inflation and widespread economic hardship. Let's take a look at some of these examples in the light of today. Crushed by World War 1’s debt, the Weimar republic kept printing money and giving it directly to consumers and businesses to buy votes and help them cope with ever-increasing prices. Within a few years, the Mark had devaluated so much that a postage stamp cost fifty billion Mark and everyone's life savings had been wiped out. Mark bills were worth less than the paper they were printed on. It had become cheaper to heat one's house by burning money than coal. Although one US dollar is still worth more than the paper it is printed on, as of 2008 one US penny contains 2 cents worth of metal. Although oil prices seem high today, they are kept artificially low because many oil-producing nations such as Saudi Arabia peg their currencies to the US dollar. When the dollar is devaluated, these countries currencies and national economies are threatened by inflation and this is an incentive for them to let their currencies float and appreciate. In 2006, Kuwait unpegged its currency from the US dollar and as other oil-producing nations follow suit, expect energy prices to rise. Currently oil is bought and sold on the world market in dollars, so everyone needs to first buy dollars in order to buy oil. We have reported on a trend for oil-producing countries to sell oil in Euros instead of Dollars. As more oil-producing nations fear the dollar is becoming "funny money" and demand payment in Euros, the world's need for Dollars will be greatly reduced. This is basic supply/demand economics. Simply put, the average American household is already too much in debt and this scares banks from lending any money. Giving $700 Billion to these banks will not change the fact that lending to bad debtors is a risky venture. It is safer for banks to invest this money in commodities (oil and gold) which do keep up with inflation than to issue loans that cannot be repaid. So expect this bailout package to give a speculative boost to oil prices.

    The following paragraph is what I found on the internet, and it comments on the U.S. economy and it does not mention what high inflation would do to the already bad mix of economic indicators.

    The economic uncertainty does seem to be changing consumer behaviour. People are saving more in preparation for the coming downturn. The personal savings rate rose to 2.9%, more than double the 1.2% rate in the previous quarter. Mr Ashworth predicts the savings rate will double again, to 5%. Consumers are being hit by a triple whammy: rising unemployment, which could rise from 7% to 10% of the workforce by the end of the year; restricted access to credit; and falling asset values. The fall in stock markets and house prices has reduced household wealth by 20%, from the middle of 2007. This alone has reduced consumption by around 1%, some economists estimate. It may make sense for consumers to save instead of spend, but in an economy as reliant on consumer spending as the US, this does add to recessionary pressures.

    I am not an economist, but for what it is worth, I think that ordinary people who have jobs will be more interested in buying fuel, rather than jewellery, that includes gold, silver, and gems.

    It will be interesting to see how the corrupt and bribed ICJ will be able to say that every country’s Constitution is illegal, and that United Nations Security Council Resolutions are illegal.

    There will be Secret Devil Worshippers among the ICJ ‘Judges’, and they will obey Satan because they do not want to be tortured in the invisible realm. They will receive much money in their Secret Swiss Bank Accounts in advance of their ‘expert’, ‘considered’, ‘professional’ ‘advice’.

    They will probably say that it is a unique case, and that there is one law for humans and there are Nazi whims for a dog race.

    They will be intelligent and cunning enough to say it ever so ‘politely’. They will use thousands of pages of waffle and lies to try to justify and cover up their criminal intent.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    I think that Serbia should not be that concerned that the Albanians of Kosovo declared independence from the United Nations because they were always going to try their best to steal Kosovo. If the independence bid of the Kosovo Albanians does not succeed, then they will not try again unless they get another opportunity. If it did not work with America’s backing, then it may only work through negotiation with the legitimate Authority.

    I have said that I hope that I am wrong, and that I could be wrong about Tadic and company when it comes to Kosovo.

    That statement can be read that I could even be right about my suspicions, and if you are in doubt, then voting for those you know you can trust would be wiser.

    I really do not trust the DS or the G-17 Plus, and I do not deliberately want to feel that way just because I have nothing better to do.

    I believe that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are taking their orders from America who is also providing them with good lies to deceive the voters.

    I think that if some of Kosovo is lost to the Serbs, then it was Tito and not Milosevic to blame, because the Albanians were always going to do their best to steal Kosovo.

    To be fair to Milosevic, all the groundwork was done by Tito and his Nazis, and it was only waiting for the right moment.

    I want to say that when I mention hardened Nazi European races, I mean the overwhelmingly majority of those races and not the small minority of that race who are decent people.

    The Albanians have publicly stated their objective of stealing Kosovo since 1878, and these Albanian criminals continued the long held Albanian scheme to steal Kosovo, and create an ethnically pure Greater Albania.

    I have suggested that there be total racial segregation, and this does not mean that all Albanians are racist, but just that there is more than enough to justify total racial segregation. Any compromise is between the Serbs and the Albanians, and other countries who helped exacerbate racism should mind their own business.

    To America and to the Nazis of Europe, the Serbian people are filth and vermin that must be eradicated bit by bit until that stupid dog race no longer exists to pollute Europe and the world.

    I want to say that how other countries have their Government is no concern to me. I provided a model that I think Serbia needs to silence the Nazi filth of Europe who keep falsely accusing Serbia of being undemocratic.

    It would be good and proper to have a Democratic Referendum on obeying the United Nations Charter.

    I want to say that I am not encouraging anyone to blackmail anyone, but these people do it every day and would not want it any other way. Even if I did not mention the word blackmail, they would see the potential, and I use the word blackmail for the benefit of the readers to understand what is going on in secret.

    The opposition parties should not waste any time in organizing and campaigning, and I have given you some suggestions.

    I have suggested one-page Word Documents to be placed in people’s letterboxes with a web address for further information. This one-page document can be printed from that web site and volunteers can distribute the information. It is good to change the one-page document with every week of the election campaign to keep people’s reading the information.

    The reason I gave the Compromise proposal was because with traitors in Parliament, it is better to loose less than what you would otherwise.

    There is a saying that those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.

    At the same time, I think that this Compromise proposal is possibly better than trying to tame naturally Nazi races who will always despise any race other than their own.

    If WW 2 and the naturally Nazi races was not enough for you to gain just even a little bit of intelligence, then you are destined for extinction as a race.

    I have not checked each and every detail of the History during Catholic Tito’s Catholic Dictatorship, but it does all sound true at first glance, and it would not surprise me if it is all true.

    There will be people who will not believe such things, because they do not want to. Most people have short memories, and it all gets forgotten amongst the ‘promises’ of a lengthy election campaign. The Nazis know all this, and that is why if they pretend to be patriotic, because the people will forget, because a week is a long time in politics.

    It is no different from the Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito who did everything he could to destroy Serbia, including making autonomous regions. Devil Worshipping Tito allowed many Albanians to enter Yugoslavia without papers in the name of ‘Brotherly Unity’. I mention Albanians and it has nothing to do with their race, but Albanians will never be citizens of any country except Albania. Those Albanians that Tito invited to come to Kosovo were criminals whose criminal records destroyed. Those Albanians were those that even the Albanians in Albania would never want. This shows us just how cunning the invisible Devil and his invisible demons are, because it was all done in the name of Brotherly Unity. Albanians will work against any country that is foolish enough to show them hospitality.

    Tito made Bosnian Muslims a ‘nation’, and called the southern region Macedonia and this upset Serbia’s other main allies the Greeks. Tito executed Draza Mihajlovic which is why Charles De Gaulle his friend never visited Yugoslavia and this upset another Serbian ally, France.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made good friends with Germany who is, and always was and will be Serbia’s main enemy. Austria and Germany have not forgotten WW 1 or WW 2, and regardless of who was right or wrong does not matter to a Nazi. Tito never gave any autonomy to Serbs in Krajina who suffered genocide by the Croats, and Tito redrew borders in favour of Serbia’s sworn enemies. Tito rewarded Croatia for their genocide and for losing the war by giving them Istria. Tito moved all industry to Slovenia while giving them cheap raw materials from Serbia

    While Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito was doing all this you had Secret Devil Worshipping Secret Catholic Serbs, and lots of them, actually supporting Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito. The Devil Worshipping DS is no different, because everything they do now is not in Serbia’s interests, but in the interests of NATO and the ‘humanitarian’ bombers. We have many Serbs being hoodwinked into supporting Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS who are expert actors and liars.

    These are the facts of how Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito worked against the interests of the Serbian people. I think that is only logical to assume that that Tito the Dictatorial Serb Hater has placed Secret Catholics in positions of power and influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and FYROM, and some are there to this day.

    Tadic and his DS are doing absolutely everything that Solana’s boys and Washington are telling them to do, like good little stooges. They are all about smoke and mirrors, saying one thing but doing something completely different.

    If they appear patriotic than more than likely because Tadic and the DS is scheming to hold a fresh election.

    “But what I am doing I will continue to do, so that I may cut off opportunity from those who desire an opportunity to be regarded just as we are in the matter about which they are boasting. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds” (2 Corinthians 11:12-15).

    I want to repeat what I have said on several occasions, and that is that I am not a Secret CIA Agent, or a Secret Devil Worshipper. I have not been inoculated with vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    There are people who may think that I say these things because I do not want people to think that I am a Secret CIA Agent, because they assume that all CIA Agent would be vaccinated against genetically engineered lethal viruses. There are people who think that America always wanted the Compromise proposal that I suggested to please both races, given the current circumstances, regardless of any talk of multiculturalism.

    I want to say that one vote is not going to elect 13 Parliamentarians, and if the CIA was behind it, then this Kosovo Compromise Party would already be campaigning in Serbia.

    A person who wants to buy a house has to show the Bank Manager that he has a history of saving money by presenting a deposit for a house.

    I will not say that America has ulterior motives to get Russia’s oil, gas, and natural resources, but I will say that America has no deposit to show the Bank Manager.

    America needs to show a deposit by revoking recognition of Kosovo’s independence, lifting sanctions against Cuba, and many other things.

    I think that it will be several decades before America can show the Bank Manager that they have that deposit of trust.

    We all have to pay taxes, and so it is better to pay less taxes than we would otherwise. If you want to pay less taxes, then you have to have a patriotic Government that will not be bribed, and that will pursue good economic policies.

    Camp Bondsteel will have to be destroyed as it is a symbol that Britain and America demands that the world kiss and lick their anuses in servile puppet submission.

    Camp Bondsteel could be converted into a Holocaust and Genocide Museum to show the world’s tourists how America and the Nazis of Europe attempted their physical, economic, and cultural genocide of the Serbian people.

    I think that a Genocide Museum should be built in the same building that as the American Embassy. The Museum should be built on the lower floors of the building, and the American Embassy will be on the top floors of the building. The Museum and the American Embassy will have different entrances to each other because that would be practical. Another possibility is that the Museum be built next door to the American Embassy.

    I think that the American Embassy should not be built in Belgrade, but in a small town, because America will put a powerful weapon under the American Embassy to puppetize all future Serbian Governments.

    I think that the Serbian people should build this Holocaust and Genocide Museum on private land and not wait for any puppet Government to cover up the historical facts.

    Serbia is offering Kosovo more than autonomy and less than independence, and that is the official Serbian Government Compromise proposal.

    That is the current majority Parliamentary position, but if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in Parliament, then they will obey America and sign away Kosovo and even pay for the ‘privilege’.

    I have improved the next few paragraphs, and I would have wanted to write it like this in the first place.

    I am convinced that a political party that pursues the compromise policy on Kosovo that I mentioned would be able to get just over 5% of the vote from the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS.

    For the sake of clarity, I will refer to the Kosovo Compromise Party as the KCP, and I will refer to the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS collectively as the LSPP, or the Loyal Serbian Patriotic Parties.

    The DS and the G-17 Plus refer to themselves collectively as the ZES or For A European Serbia. There are a few seats held by the Minority Ethnic Parties, and for clarity, I refer to them as the MEP.

    For the sake of clarity, I will refer to the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LPD as the FANS, or For A Nazi Serbia. The few seats that are held by ethnic minorities would in all likelihood favour a Nazi Serbia. They can safely and confidently be counted on supporting FANS if they needed the seats in Parliament.

    A slightly more than 5% vote would give the KCP 13 seats in Parliament, and if the FANS and the MEP can maintain or even loose just a few seats, then the they will have a small yet comfortable majority in Parliament.

    The question is what will the loyalty of the KCP be, and will it be an American puppet pretending to protect the interests of the Serbian people?

    If a genuine Kosovo Compromise Party were to get less than 5% of the vote, then that may be all that the FANS and MEP will need to get a majority in Parliament, as those seats will not be counted in among the LSPP.

    I think that the LSPP opposition parties should go on a joint ticket at the next election. They should consider placing the KCP on the same ticket, but the KCP has only 3 people on the list, and high up on the list. The KCP will vote with the LSPP on all major issues in the Parliament, and will not vote for any no confidence motion against a LSPP Government. The LSPP Government will hold a referendum on the KCP proposal before the next election, and this will keep the FANS from having traitors take votes from the public.

    The 3 members of the KCP will be people that the public can trust, and because they are few in numbers, they cannot disturb the Parliament.

    I think that the opposition parties should look at the polls, and join up to ensure that the LSPP maximizes the number of seats in Parliament.

    I know that you can improve on my suggestion, because I know that because I know that even I can do that.

    It could be that the Secret Devil worshippers in the Serbian Parliament are close to being a majority, or may even be a majority now.

    The DS, the G-17 Plus, the LDP, and the MEP are only 3 seats away from having a majority in Parliament.

    It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Tadic, the DS, the G-17 Plus, the LDP, and the MEP have not signed away Kosovo.

    I guess I do not have to remind you that if a puppet Serbian Nazi Government wins the next election, it will know that NATO is on Serbian territory.

    It is just as well that Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world, and to reward those who obey God.

    I think that Serbia should hold the biggest lottery ever in of 1 Billion Dollars with tickets sold at 1 Dollar for each lottery ticket. It will be a Holocaust and Genocide lottery and the lottery ticket will have the web address to a web site where people can apply to win a different prize money. There will be a first prize of 100 Million Dollars, and various smaller prizes that will total 700 Million Dollars. The other category will be for those who apply online and answer several questions after they have seen the information on the web site. Those who answer correctly will be eligible to win the prizes of the 300 Million Dollars, that has a first prize of 30 Million Dollars.

    The Serbian Government will allocate 30 Million Dollars from the budget for the prize-winning book by University History Professors to tell the world how America and the Nazis of Europe attempted their physical, economic, and cultural genocide of the Serbian people. The book will be published online in many languages free of charge at that Holocaust and Genocide web site.

    Britain and America have been thrusting their anuses to the other nations and saying in their callousness and in their hubris “kiss this you dogs” for far too long. This is why all the nations must boycott all American goods and services because America has to learn to join the human race.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  52. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    This is a comment to inform people of the things that I heard other say and that I read on THE internet.

    I am sure that there are many comments from readers that come to the attention of the Patriotic Parties in Serbia. There are even people from all over the world who submit their opinions secretly to these Patriotic Parties in Serbia.

    There are three types of Kosovo Compromises, but United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 only allows for more than autonomy and less than independence.

    The compromises are autonomy, the compromise that was reached with FYROM, and the compromise that I mentioned.

    It is up to the majority of voters in Serbia to decide which of these types of compromises they want.

    I think that Serbia should make up a web page, and it will be a lottery page where people from all over Europe only can apply online for a daily one million dollar lottery that will last until it has no further use for it.

    It will be showing documentaries on Operation Storm and people will be quizzed on the documentaries, and if they answer correctly, they will be in the lottery. The documentaries and questions need to change from time to time to make sure that people are watching the documentaries. The questions can even be simply like what was the colour of that car in a particular scene, or they can be slightly more complicated but not too complicated.

    Russia could have a lottery do this with European countries, and use Kosovo since 1999 as their lottery questionnaire to inform the citizens of Eurpoe.

    Serbia has nothing to lose in ICJ case because America and the Nazis of Europe lose precious time and energy for a lost cause of Kosovo independence.

    They know that Kosovo to the Evil American Empire is want Thermopylae was to ancient Persia. We all know that it was a delaying tactic, which led to the ancient Greek victory over ancient Persia.

    I think that Serbia should be a neutral country, but that the Russian are their best European friends. I do not think that Russia wants Military Bases in the Balkans because this will just make NATO waste more money to fight America’s war of colonization in Afghanistan.

    What Serbia needs is the Russian veto and business investment, and Serbia should ask Russia to fulfil any UNSC Resolution 1244 obligations that it wants to.

    America could blackmail China to give up its veto on Kosovo, by saying that they not pay back the money they owe to China unless China votes with America on every issue that America says. Perhaps America deliberately went into debt to get China to give up Taiwan so that an independent Taiwan would pay America’s debt to China.

    A one million Dollar ‘banknote’ should be placed in people’s letterboxes to invite to the online lottery.

    There can even be such a lottery for just the people of the Suburb of a politician like Tadic.

    There are those who claim extenuating circumstances, but those extenuating circumstances do not change the law.

    “People do not despise a thief who is hungry when he steals to satisfy his appetite, but when he is caught, he has to repay it seven times. He must give up all the possessions in his house” (Proverbs 6:30, 31).

    There is no doubt that International Law is on the side of Serbia, but that the law of the jungle is with America.

    Even those who are in favour of Kosovo’s independence have said that it is illegal because they have said that it is a unique illegal and immoral case.

    The bribed and biased ICJ should look at ethnic cleansing orchestrated against the non-Albanian people and state if that was is in compliance with International Law.

    The set up and conspiracy by the Americans and the KLA should be part of the argument against Kosovo’s independence.

    The Nazis are very clever with their use of language such as certain people abused the uniform. This type of language suggests that people were not abused, and uniform suggest that it was a legal army fighting a legal war.

    The international community signed a document affirming Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo after the province was meant to become a protectorate.

    I know that the Americans are clever with their use of language, and it will be interesting to se how a United Nations ‘Court” can say the United Nations Charter is illegal.

    The following is what I found at B92 and it is a comment from a reader, and I have modified it slightly.

    If only the puppet leaders of Serbia were not so Brussels minded, they would develop a program of further actions abroad. Instead, they only react to hostile activities and wait for new provocations. You are a robbed part and the truth is on your side, so you have to be more on the offensive.

    1) Stress upon an international investigation of the initial pretext used for starting the aggression. Mention the few dead bodies of the Albanian terrorists that was said to be genocide. After the Albanians goal was reached, even the Anti-Serb Hague Tribunal had to admit that it was a provocation. Serbs must show that it became a habit of the US launching wars like Vietnam, Iraq, and other places under false pretexts. Sequences of such an investigation may be very positive for Kosovo matter.

    2) Arrange an international expert commission to investigate the results of The Hague Tribunal’s ‘work’ and show that it was just a link in anti-Serbian aggression. Look wider and blackmail the West: either you change your attitude, or we will further spoil you image in the rest of the world.

    3) Raise a question of the US military base in Kosovo as an occupation of part of the territory of an initial UN founder. Camp Bondsteel has been built even before America tried to be the final authority in Kosovo by means of Nazi Ahtisaari Plan.

    4) Open a Museum of unjustified anti-Serb aggression you will show the 78 days of 1999 with special places for, Clinton, Blair, Schroeder, Albright, Solana, etc. All foreign official visitors to Serbia should be taken to the Museum that is to be built next door the American Embassy.

    5) Demand unrealistic contribution from the bigger NATO States to build this Museum, and keep negotiating for a lower contribution . Nobody in Germany or France wants to recall the crimes of 1999 and demounting of the prospering Yugoslavia. All they want is to impose their own lies of the events and send the files to the basket, but do not let them do it.

    6) Even though Tadic worships Devil Worshiping Brussels, he may settle down in Moscow, and he should spend more of his time there and sign more agreements.

    7) Jeremic must go on with his Middle East Politics gaining friendship of the rest of the world which mostly feels sympathy and compassion for all ethnic groups of Serbia. Serbia should default on loans to NATO Nazi countries, unless they revoke their illegal recognition of Kosovo’s independence soon. I think that Serbia should ask countries for money, but make it in the form of non-repayable ‘loans’.

    That was the comment that I found at B92, and I have modified it slightly.

    I found the following on the internet after looking up the word Inat, and it is a book with that title.

    Scott Taylor is a former Canadian soldier, journalist, and military analyst and the author of the book Inat: Images of Serbia and the Kosovo Conflict.

    The word inat best describes the character of the Serbian people, and means ‘regardless of the consequences’.

    Inat is what has compelled the Serbian people to resist the Ottoman Empire, challenge the Austro-Hungarian Empire and refuse to capitulate to Nazi Germany’s invasion and occupation. In every one of these David vs. Goliath struggles, the Serbian people have endured horrible suffering without losing their will to resist.

    Inat is fine if it is not a disguise and an excuse for stupidity or for incompetence. To gain wisdom you need to regularly be reading the Bible Book of Proverbs. To actually be wise, you have to put into application those things that you read from the Book of Proverbs.

    “To know wisdom and instruction; to discern the words of understanding” (Proverbs 1:2).

    Scott Taylor’s book goes on to say that the Serbs will need it all the more as they stand in the way of Clinton’s and Blair’s New World Order. It would be generically better to say, and more correct to say, the Anglo-American Old World Disorder.

    Canadian soldiers soon learned of the lies that Clinton and Blair had spread that the Croats and the Albanians were always the pure innocent victims, and the bad guy was always the Serbs.

    Those Canadians who were impartial on the ground knew that things there were not so simple.

    On September 9, 1993, Croatian Army made sudden unprovoked attack on the Serbian villages in Medak pocket region. The whole region, the farthest West part of Krajina Military Frontier, was Serb majority populated for at least four centuries.

    The Croatian general in charge of this offensive was the Albanian Agim Ceku who later became the Prime Minister of ‘democratic’ Kosovo. This same man was to take command of the terrorist racist KLA in February 1999. Interestingly, the general public in Canada did not know the story of this military action for another three years until the Ottawa Citizen newspaper broke it.

    Canadian soldiers were taken prisoner by Croatian forces in 1995 when General Agim Ceku who later become Prime Minister of Kosovo drove out 250,000 Serb civilians from the Krajina area amidst widespread slaughter and destruction. This terror campaign, was helped by covert US ‘advisors’ received no coverage in the North American media, although one-sided propaganda received saturation coverage in the media. As Howard Michitsch, a former Canadian infantry Major said that the press only tells one side of the story, and this distorts the equation, and precludes any rational comprehension. The West then steps onto a slippery slope when people start drafting far-reaching policies and solutions based on such incomplete information.

    Scott Taylor’s book Inat: Images of Serbia and the Kosovo Conflict attempts to provide a balance. The main part of the book is a compilation of the author’s contemporary diary of events and first-hand findings.

    Inat is a great counterbalance to the hysterical lies and distortions of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Madeleine Albright, Robin Cook, and the obnoxious NATO spin-doctor, Jamie Shea. The book Inat: Images of Serbia and the Kosovo Conflict can be ordered through www.amazon.com books.

    I found the following several paragraphs on the internet, and it is a reflection of what many countries who want to preserve the United Nations will be submitting to the ICJ.

    One of the most frequently voiced solutions to ethnic conflict, at least where there is some degree of territorial separation among competing groups, is to grant autonomy to the minority group. Autonomy can include a wide range of political, economic, and other powers. However, in order to assess what degree of power should be devolved in a particular situation, one must focus on the underlying goal that creating autonomous structures is designed to serve.

    On a continuum of political power, many analysts would place autonomy higher than the ability to protect minority rights, but lower than the independent statehood which may result from the exercise of a people's right to self-determination.

    Most, but not all ethnic conflicts grow out of the dissatisfaction of a group which is a numerical minority within an existing political unit with its share of political and economic power compared to the larger society. This relative powerlessness may be combined with a desire to strengthen or renew shared cultural characteristics, such as language or religion. In many non-racist situations, the minority views itself as having been subject to varying degrees of repression under the existing system.

    The development of autonomous arrangements to serve the interests of a territorially based group which is often, although not necessarily, ethnically, and culturally distinct from the dominant society may respond to three primary needs. In its broadest sense, autonomy may be an expression of the self-determination of a people or society that do not have another country, and where that people's choice falls short of independent statehood. Autonomy may also be a means of ensuring that a state is truly democratic, so that all significant segments of society are able to participate effectively in the political and economic decisions which affect their lives. Finally, autonomy may be viewed primarily as a means of ensuring that fundamental human rights are protected, by ensuring that the larger polity can only intervene within the autonomous community within certain specified limits.

    Democracy and democratization seem to be spoken of these days, even by the genuinely democratic, and it may be appropriate to begin with an analysis of autonomy as a component of democratic governance. In this context, autonomy can exist within a wide variety of structures, from classic federalism to arrangements of confederation, consociation, devolution, or decentralization. Our concern today, however, is not to define these terms more specifically, and the particular form of autonomy adopted may depend on historical and other factors as well as upon the relative substantive powers of the central and autonomous governments.

    Autonomy as a response to the need for more democratic forms of government may be based on either regional or ethnic concerns, although there may evidently be an overlap in these categories when an ethnic group is regionally concentrated. When the primary concern is to ensure that the legitimate interests of peripheral regions are adequately addressed by the central government, devolution of power to sub-state entities is clearly consistent with democratic theories and the ultimate sovereignty of the state as represented by the central government.

    There is no democratic requirement that a state be organized as a “unitary” system or led exclusively by a strong central government. The commitment to a unitary state expressed publicly by many central governments is unpersuasive as a theoretical paradigm, unless it is supported by arguments based on functional efficiency or political necessity. It is often said that the government is best which governs least, and ensuring that issues are considered by the lowest appropriate level of government has long been thought to be politically desirable.

    The idea of creating separate institutions to respond to ethnic concerns, on the other hand, is not necessarily compatible with traditional notions of democracy. Indeed, there is no political role for ethnic minorities as such in either capitalist or socialist doctrine, which are based respectively on the individual or the masses, not on discrete non-economic units such as linguistic or cultural groups. The traditional Westminster model of democracy is based strictly on “one person, one vote”; its individualistic orientation does not encourage the representation of groups or segments of society by itself; without consideration of foreign factors.

    Of course, one may wish to redefine democracy in order to avoid situations in which identifiable segments of society seem to be permanently excluded from power, and protection of individual rights, as well as majority rule, is essential to democracy. The Westminster model works only when political parties can compete meaningfully for power and actually achieve it on a regular basis. It is the likelihood that today’s majority will become tomorrow’s minority that is the ultimate brake on the abuse of power by the government of the day; where this alternation of power does not exist - as was the case in Northern Ireland. There the nationalist Catholic minority had no chance of sharing power with the unionist Protestant majority, despite a formally fair electoral system - merely free and fair elections may not be sufficient.

    Ultimately, of course, demands for democracy based on ethnicity may threaten the state itself. Appeals to nationalism, and even racism, are often couched in terms of expressing the democratic will of the majority, although one cannot maintain that democracy requires ethnic, religious, or linguistic purity. The conclusion must be that ethnically based autonomy arrangements are probably not required to achieve democracy, at least in its narrow definition as rule by the majority. This is important, for many contemporary demands for autonomy respond as much to decades of non-democratic government as they do to legitimate concerns over ethnic identity or minority rights. In such situations, one should look carefully at what purpose autonomy is designed to serve and distinguish between demands for greater political power for its own sake and demands for democratic government.

    Self-determination is the right of peoples to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development. Although it is beyond the scope of this paper to analyse the precise meaning of self-determination today, even a preliminary understanding of this principle requires a certain historical perspective. While its philosophical origins may be traced back farther, self-determination became a political force in the nineteenth century. It was a principle of political organization openly based on ethnicity, most often expressed in linguistic and religious terms. The nation-state - an independent entity which corresponded to an ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and historically identifiable nation became the model.

    However, even strong advocates of the principle of self-determination, such as US President Woodrow Wilson, subordinated self-determination to larger geopolitical concerns. The victors at Versailles recognized claims to statehood based on their own views as to what arrangements might be more likely to keep the peace, or serve other political concerns, rather than on any inherent “right” of peoples to statehood. Those groups or nations, which did not achieve statehood, had to be content, in some cases, with specific rights guaranteed to them as minorities. And, of course, claims for self determination were recognized at Versailles only in so far as they pertained to new, altered, or defeated states; they were not considered to be universally applicable.

    The United Nations Charter refers to the principle of self-determination only twice, although this vague principle soon became a widely recognized right. This right, however, had a different philosophical and political basis than the ethnically based principle of self-determination developed during the preceding century.

    The right to self-determination recognized by the United Nations is best described as an absolute right to decolonization, based on territory rather than ethnicity.

    Ethnicity was consciously deemed to be irrelevant to the overriding goal of freeing African, Asian, and other non-self-governing territories from European control. The principle of the inviolability of territorial integrity - irrespective of the ethnic composition of the population - is invariably found in conjunction with UN references to self-determination, and this principle was forcefully reiterated in 1964 in one of the earliest and most important resolutions adopted by the Organization of African Unity.

    Despite the practical limitation of international recognition of the right to self-determination in the colonial context, the legal and political documents which proclaim the right are expansive in their scope. The two international covenants on human rights which remain the only legally binding treaties to proclaim a right of self determination state, “All peoples have the right of self-determination.” Self-determination thus remains a force in the post-colonial era, although those who would now claim its benefits seek to return to the pre-1945 ethnic basis of self-determination, rejecting the UN’s insistence on the territorial integrity of existing entities during the colonial era.

    In today’s context, it is perhaps sufficient to mention some of the unresolved issues that confront anyone who seeks to invoke the right of self-determination today. First, of course, is the definition of the “self.” Must the self be ethnically homogeneous, or is the majority in an existing multi-ethnic state the appropriate self to decide that state’s political future? Is there not a right to remain together as well as a right to separate? If the self is determined ethnically or culturally, then why should existing administrative borders which surround ethnic minorities be considered sacrosanct, as most commentators seem to assume? If one supports the right to self-determination of Croats in Yugoslavia, should not this right also extend to Serbs in Croatia?

    Once the appropriate self is identified, there remains the question of what the self has the right to determine. In the examples just cited, there is an assumption that self-determination may lead to secession, but this assumption should not be accepted automatically. As already noted, the principle of national unity and territorial integrity has been reaffirmed by the United Nations and other international bodies at least as frequently and as fervently as has the right to self-determination.

    Self-determination is a relative, not an absolute, right, and different levels of self-determination may be appropriate for different selves. Should the right of self-determination as defined by international law always permit secession? Or should secession be seen solely as a matter to be determined within the political discretion of the states and communities involved?

    It is noteworthy that statements of the European Community with respect to the recognition of new states which formerly constituted parts of the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia are carefully framed in the context of the dissolution of an existing state, not the secession of one part of a state from the rest. It reflects the continuing fear on the part of the international community that any recognition of a right to secession would invite widespread chaos.

    If secession is excluded as a legal right encompassed within the right to self-determination, this does not necessarily imply that self determination has lost its relevance. Rather, it suggests that we may be in the process of developing yet a third definition to the right of self-determination, distinct from both the ethnically based approach of the nineteenth century and the territorially based anti-colonialism of the post-1945 period.

    Although it is too early to conclude that such a newly defined right has crystallized in international law, the implications of such a development for the resolution of ethnic conflicts on the basis of devolution of power is obvious. Under this new definition, autonomy and self-government may be the primary expressions of a people's right to self-determination, although the definition remains too vague at present to offer us much guidance as to the degree of autonomy which it may require.

    The third reason for asserting a right to autonomy is to protect human rights. Here, too, developments since 1945 have tended to ignore ethnicity and the collective or community aspects of rights in favour of a more individualistic orientation. It is significant that the only widely accepted formulation of minority rights, found in article 2 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, refers to “persons belonging to” minority groups, not to rights of the groups them selves. This, of course, is in stark contrast to the post-Versailles concern with minority rights, as embodied in the so-called Minorities Treaties imposed on defeated or new states after World War I, and whose implementation was a concern of the Council of the League of Nations.

    In the past few years, the international community has recognized that the issue of minority rights needs to be addressed more directly, and several instruments do set forth norms related to the rights of national and/or ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities. These include the document adopted in 1990 at the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, and the proposal for a European Convention for the Protection of Minorities submitted by a group of experts to the Council of Europe in 1991. A draft European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages is also being prepared under the auspices of a Council of Europe committee of experts, and a Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities was formally adopted by the UN General Assembly on 18 December 1992.

    Pending adoption of these and other instruments and the creation of mechanisms for their effective enforcement, there remain many individual rights of particular importance to ethnic communities. More than 100 countries have ratified the two international covenants on human rights, which guarantee, inter alia, to culture, privacy, language, association, religion, and education.

    The fears of many ethnic groups are based on violations of such fundamental rights as the right to due process, freedom from discrimination, and personal liberty and security. Governments which discriminate against certain groups or which repress linguistic or cultural expression obviously contribute to ethnic conflict and violate minority rights, although redress for such violations does not depend on the existence of special categories of group rights.

    An increasingly important human right is the right to effective participation in the economic and political life of a country. Originally developed in the context of consulting rural populations with respect to economic development plans, this right also is rooted in article 2 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which deals with participation in public affairs.

    What should be underscored is that this is a right to effective participation, not just the ability to cast a vote freely. Participation is not control, but it also is more than the purely numerical democracy suggested by the Westminster model. Like the emerging right to autonomy, the right to participation is not yet well defined, but it has great potential as a tool for ensuring that people - whether individuals or group - have a voice in the formulation of policies which directly affect them.

    Demands for autonomy generally contain elements of all three categories of needs identified above: the protection of human rights; guarantees of real democracy; and responsiveness to the principle of self-determination. To be meaningful, demands for autonomy should respond to the specific needs of minority groups and individuals. These needs must include, at a minimum, respect for what might be termed the traditional human rights: the right to life and liberty and to freedom from discrimination. Added to these are other basic rights of freedom of association and religion.

    However, autonomy can and should include more, although precise arrangements will vary with the particular circumstances. Greater group or regional control over language, education, and local decision-making power is often essential to provide ethnic groups with sufficient control over their own lives and cultures so that they need not feel threatened by the dominant society. At the same time, new forms of effective participation in the central government may need to be developed - which presupposes that a central government does retain legitimate authority to act in some spheres which will have an impact on ethnic or regional communities.

    Greater devolution of powers to sub-state regions, or even separation, should remain a possibility, but one that can become reality only after a lengthy process in which the true wishes of all parties can be accurately ascertained. This may mean a long and cumbersome series of referenda or plebiscites, but it is the only way to ensure that fundamental decisions will accurately reflect the wishes of the people involved, as opposed to the often opportunistic demands of the political leaders of the moment.

    Autonomy is an appropriately flexible vehicle for constitutional and political change in order to deal successfully with ethnic conflict, while recognizing that extremism and rigidity might be more politically attractive positions to adopt and maintain. Autonomous arrangements will succeed in defusing conflict only where they are based on mutual respect and tolerance, and that should remain the ultimate goal of attempts at meaningful conflict resolution.

    Further Notes:

    1. H. Hannum and R. Lillich, “The Concept of Autonomy in International Law,” American Journal of International Law 74 (1980): 858, reprinted in Y. Dinstein (ed.), Models of Autonomy, Transaction, 1981.

    2. An excellent summary of these concepts may be found in C. Palley, Constitutional Law and Minorities, Report No. 36 (London: Minority Rights Group, 1978).

    3. The principle of subsidiarily has been endorsed by the European Union to guide future development of its institutions and competence.

    4. Of course, even very individualistic societies such as the United States may deviate from the one-person, one-vote principle when other factors are sufficiently important. The US Senate is geographically based on states, irrespective of population, and recent legislation designed to increase minority representation in Congress encourages the delimitation of electoral boundaries to facilitate the election of minority candidates rather than to respect geographic coherence.

    5. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, art. 1; an identical article is found in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

    6. One of the most important assertions by the United Nations of the right to self-determination is contained in General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, which was entitled Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

    7. H. Hannum, Autonomy, Sovereignty, and Self-Determination: The Accommodation of Conflicting Rights (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1990).

    8. The only other group-oriented international instrument is the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which has been ratified by over 100 states but contains no effective implementation machinery.

    9. See, generally, H. Hannum, “Contemporary Developments in the International Protection of the Rights of Minorities,” Notre Dame Law Review 66 (1991): 1431.

    10. Unfortunately, one of the least well-known international bodies concerned with the protection of minority rights is the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, whose mandate extends to non-discrimination towards ethnic as well as racial groups. While the Committee is able to do little more than make recommendations to states which are parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, its examination of periodic state reports does present an opportunity for non-governmental organizations to challenge a government’s view of minority relations in a particular state.

    11.See, generally, H. Steiner, “Political Participation as a Human Right,” in Harvard Human Rights Yearbook 1 (1988): 77.

    Those paragraphs are what I found on the internet, and it is a reflection of what many countries who want to preserve the United Nations will be submitting to the ICJ.

    As the German occupation of Yugoslavia settled in, the British sent a military mission to support Draza Mihailovic. What happened next remains controversial to this day, but it appears that highly placed British Communists like James Klugmann: a figure quite as traitorous as Kim Philby, were able to falsify field reports in order to discredit Draza Mihailovic by ascribing his operational successes to the Communists and accusing him of collaborating with the Germans.

    Churchill accordingly switched to support Tito, a decision that he falsely claims he later regretted as the worst he had made in the war. It was in fact one of his best decisions for the Anglo-American alliance, even though his interest was primary concerned with that of the British Empire.

    If Yugoslavia had been part of the Soviet Union, then today all of it would have been in the EU, which border dispute negotiated like they were with Czechoslovakia. Tito played a great role with the Non-Aligned Movement that took potential allies away from the USSR and basically parked most of them with Britain and America under the guise of neutrality.

    I think that Tito’s body should be cremated and the ashes flushed in the toilet of the Serbian Parliament because he was a fraud to the non-Nazi people of Yugoslavia.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, probes to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  53. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    This is a comment to inform people of the things that I heard other people say and that I read on THE internet.

    I have written this to clear up any ambiguities, and I have provided new information.

    Croatia has said that it will take Serbia to the ICJ on claims of war crimes, and that is why I mentioned the lottery.

    The lottery can last years if necessary and cost over one Billions Dollars with a daily prize money of one Million Dollars. On a daily basis, people will be re-educated to learn the truth of the recent Balkans history rather than the brainwashing lies they have received up till this day.

    I think that Serbia should make up a web page, and it will be a lottery page where people from all over Europe only can apply online for a daily one million dollar lottery that will last for possibly years on a daily basis, or until it has no further use for it.

    It will be showing documentaries on Operation Storm and people will be quizzed on the documentaries, and if they answer correctly, they will be in the lottery. The documentaries and questions need to change from time to time to make sure that people are watching the documentaries. The questions can even be simply like what was the colour of that car in a particular scene, or they can be slightly more complicated but not too complicated.

    Russia could have a very similar lottery on a daily basis and do this with European countries, and use Kosovo since 1999 as their lottery questionnaire to inform the citizens of Europe.

    Everyone wants to win a Million Dollars, and if you can provide education over a few years then they will be more knowledgeable.

    I think that Serbia should be a neutral country, but that the Russians are their best European friends. I do not think that Russia wants a Military Base in the Balkans because this will just make NATO waste money to fight America’s war of colonization in Afghanistan.

    What Serbia needs is the Russian veto and business investment, and Serbia should ask Russia to fulfil any UNSC Resolution 1244 obligations that it wants to.

    America could blackmail China to give up its veto on Kosovo, by saying that they not pay back the money they owe to China unless China votes with America on every issue that America can blackmail China on. Perhaps America deliberately went into debt to get China to give up Taiwan so that an independent Taiwan would pay America’s debt to China.

    China may need Russia to be firm with the veto, so that America cannot say that all we need to get Taiwan is to bribe Russia as China will gives us Kosovo first, and then Taiwan and Tibet afterwards.

    We all knew that Jacque Chirac was a maniac, and Serbia should never join the EU because even Nicholas Sarkozy has joined the Nazis of Europe. This is because nearly everyone thought that after that Fascist maniac Jacque Chirac, France could no longer be influenced by Germany and Britain toward Nazism.

    If this happened to the valiant and noble French, then it could easily happen to Serbia. This should be a warning to Serbia, and all the proof Serbia needs to know that they cannot join the EU and not become Nazis.

    Serbia has nothing to lose in ICJ case because America and the Nazis of Europe lose precious time and energy for a lost cause of Kosovo independence.

    They know that Kosovo to the Evil American Empire is want Thermopylae was to ancient Persia. We all know that it was a delaying tactic, which led to the ancient Greek victory over ancient Persia.

    What I can tell you for a fact is that American and the Nazis of Europe waste no time to change their policies if they need to.

    The fact that this has gone to the ICK gives the non-Nazis possibly just enough time to adjust to the situation if they are wise enough to do that.

    I think that Serbia should be a neutral country, but that the Russian are their best European friends. I do not think that Russia wants Military Bases in the Balkans because this will just make NATO waste more money to fight America’s war of colonization in Afghanistan.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has clearly seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    This is a comment to mention something that I found on the subject of snowflakes and there is a new point and information in THE comment.

    It is interesting how no one has found two snowflakes that are identical, yet, the building material of snowflakes is identical molecules of water.

    If any one claims to have done this, then it could be a lie, but if it is true then it shows just how many different types of snowflakes there are. We will not know just how many different snowflakes there are because they would all need to be found at least twice, and there are many snowflake structures that are yet to be discovered.

    “For He says to the snow, 'fall on the earth;' likewise to the shower of rain, and to the showers of his mighty rain” (Job 37:6).

    “Have you entered the treasuries of the snow, or have you seen the treasures of the hail” (Job 38:22).

    I found the following paragraphs on the internet, and it explains what the treasures of the snow are. Snowflakes are symmetrical 6 sided figures yet all snowflakes are all different in appearance.

    Some things in Nature are exactly alike. For example, our understanding of elementary particles indicates that all electrons are exactly, precisely the same. This is one of the cornerstones of quantum physics, and if you think for a bit, you will see that this is a profound statement. Electrons are true elementary particles, in that they have no component parts; thus, they are all exactly alike.

    A water molecule is considerably more complex than an electron, and not all water molecules are exactly alike. If we restrict ourselves to water molecules that contain two ordinary hydrogen atoms and one ordinary oxygen 16 atom, then again physics tells us that all such water molecules are exactly alike. However, about one molecule out of every 5,000 naturally occurring water molecules will contain an atom of deuterium in place of one of the hydrogens, and about one in 500 will contain an atom of oxygen 18 instead of the more common oxygen 16 atom. These rogues are not exactly the same as their more common cousins.

    Since a typical small snow crystal might contain 10 to the power of 18 water molecules, we see that about 10 to the power 15 of these molecules will be different from the rest. These unusual molecules will be randomly scattered throughout the snow crystal, giving it a unique design. The probability that two snow crystals would have exactly the same layout of these molecules is very, very, very small. Even with 10 to the power of 24 or a 1 followed by 24 zeros crystals per year, the odds of it happening within the lifetime of the Universe is indistinguishable from zero.

    The number of possible ways of making a complex snowflake is staggeringly large. To see just how much so, consider a simpler question -- how many ways can you arrange 15 books on your bookshelf? Well, there are 15 choices for the first book, 14 for the second, 13 for the third, etc. Multiply it out and there are over a trillion ways to arrange just 15 books. With a hundred books, the number of possible arrangements goes up to just under 10 to the power of 158 (that is a 1 followed by 158 zeros). That number is about 10 to the power of 70 times larger than the total number of atoms in the entire universe!

    Now when you look at a complex snow crystal, you can often pick out a hundred separate features if you look closely. Since all those features could have grown differently, or ended up in slightly different places, the math is similar to that with the books. Thus, the number of ways to make a complex snow crystal is huge.

    Thus, it is unlikely that any two complex snow crystals, out of all those made over the entire history of the planet, have ever looked completely alike.

    A hypothetical initial lump of matter for the supposed big bang would have to be even more complex than water molecules that produce a staggering variety of snowflakes.

    The point I am making is that electrons and other sub-atomic particles are identical, and supposedly came from the big bang explosion. An explosion has never and can never produce identical particles, and so the big bang theory is a big lie.

    There are some lying or self-deceived scientists who want you to think that they are very clever and honest, whereas they are in fact cunning and dishonest, or even possibly gullible. The CERN project has spent 10 billion dollars on an experiment because the invisible demons who controls Nazi budgets wants people to be deceived.

    They are very intelligent and cunning because they know how to deceive the ignorant. Many ‘scientists’ would dearly love to be able to deceive themselves first, and because the desire is so great, some scientist probably have deceived themselves. I am speaking of the CERN experiment where they wish to discover what happened in the mysterious first microsecond of the big bang lie. This CERN is wanting to con everyone, but for the knowledgeable this is no reason for conCERN.

    “With his talk a godless person can ruin his neighbour, but righteous people are rescued by knowledge” (Proverbs 11:9).

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, probes to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    This comment is to clarify what I have already written, and to make THE comment factually correct in my opinion.

    As the German occupation of Yugoslavia settled in, the British sent a military mission to support Draza Mihailovic. What happened next remains controversial to this day, but it appears that highly placed British Communists like James Klugmann: a figure quite as traitorous as Kim Philby, were able to falsify field reports in order to discredit Draza Mihailovic by ascribing his operational successes to the Communists and accusing him of collaborating with the Germans.

    Excuses and set ups are a dime a dozen, especially to the professional liars like the British and the Americans.

    Churchill ordered the pretend British Communists what to say and write, and who are just pretend traitors to discredit Draza Mihailovic to further the Anglo-American interests.

    Churchill accordingly was able to ‘justify’ the ‘switch in support’ to Tito, a decision that he falsely claims he later regretted as the worst he had made in the war. It was in fact one of his best decisions for the Anglo-American alliance, even though his interest was primary concerned with that of the British Empire.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis 1:20).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, probes to mars, and the Voyager mission to that has left the solar system.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  56. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    I have written this to clear up any ambiguities, and I have provided new information in THE comment.

    Croatia has said that it will take Serbia to the ICJ on claims of war crimes, and that is why I mentioned the lottery.

    The lottery can last years if necessary, and cost over one Billions Dollars with a daily prize money of one Million Dollars. On a daily basis, people will be re-educated to learn the truth of the recent Balkans history rather than the brainwashing lies they have received up until this day.

    It will be showing documentaries on Operation Storm and people will be quizzed on the documentaries, and if they answer correctly, they will be in the lottery. The documentaries and questions need to change from time to time to make sure that people are watching the documentaries. The questions can even be simply like what was the colour of that car in a particular scene, or they can be slightly more complicated but not too complicated.

    I think that Serbia should get every online Media like B92 to have a square where people can link to the online lottery.

    Perhaps Russian or a Chinese online newspaper may want to have an online lottery in different languages to provide information to people.

    Perhaps a Russian online newspaper can have a lottery once a week to accustom people to such a lottery. Russia could switch off the oil and gas to Europe until enough Europeans join online for the lottery.

    The lottery is only for those that apply online, and who have an e-mail address. The questions should be of a multiple-choice answers, where people do not have to write the answer, but just tick a square.

    Russia could have a very similar lottery on a daily basis and do this with European countries, and use Kosovo since 1999 as their lottery questionnaire to inform the citizens of Europe on NATO’s ‘humanitarian’ Mission Statement.

    Everyone wants to win a Million Dollars, and if you can provide education over a few years, then they will be more knowledgeable.

    I think that Serbia should be a neutral country, and that the Russians are one of their closest friends in Europe. I do not think that Russia wants a Military Base in the Balkans because this will just make the NATO countries waste money on the military rather than the much-needed civilian pursuits.

    What Serbia needs is the Russian veto and business investment, and any UNSC Resolution 1244 obligations Russia wants to fulfil during these very difficult economic times.

    America could blackmail China to give up its veto on Kosovo, by saying that they will not pay back the money they owe to China unless China votes with America on every issue that America wants. Perhaps, America deliberately went into debt to blackmail China to give up Taiwan, on the ‘promise’ that an independent Taiwan will pay America’s debt to China.

    China may need Russia to be firm with the veto, so that America cannot say that all we need to do to get Taiwan is to bribe Russia, because China will gives us Kosovo first, and then Taiwan, and then Tibet.

    I think that every online Media in Serbia should have a free commercial for that lottery, and then have a clearly visible link square to publicly owned online Media.

    I think that this will say money by having an unbiased and honest source of news easily accessible from B92 and other online Media.

    If we look at all the Jewish people who are in favour of Kosovo independence, then perhaps the Jews want to get their revenge on Europe’s mistreatment of them by means of replacing the Christian religion with Islam. Even Nicholas Sarkozy is of has some Jewish heritage, and even though he says one thing about the Turks not joining the EU, he may not really mean it. The Turks know that the only way they can come back to Europe is to say that they are secular.

    The British and Americans will always look for a way to not allow Europe to get stronger than what Britain and America are.

    It is vital to believe approximately half of what you see, hear, and read in any year if you wish to be intelligent.

    The fact that this regrettable matter has gone to the ICJ gives the non-Nazis possibly just enough time to adjust to the situation if they are wise enough to do that.

    Serbia was only interested in regional issues, and did not want to be involved in an international controversy with the bribed and biased ICJ in a possibly futile attempt to get justice.

    Serbia has said that they will not recognize any discission other than that Kosovo’s declaration of independence was illegal.

    If the ICJ says that the United Nations Charter is illegal, then that means that the ICJ is illegal and should be ignored. It will be interesting to see how the ICJ will say that United nations Security Council Resolutions are illegal.

    I have referred to the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LPD as the FANS, or For A Nazi Serbia, but I should not have used the word Nazi.

    I think that it would be better if FANS stood For A NATO Serbia, because the word Nazi might be misunderstood or even twisted by other countries.

    I think that Russia might try to get Camp Bondsteel to be with Serbia, and for South Kosovo to be an independent country. The Russian might do this on the proviso that Albania veto NATO for the next 5 years on everything that NATO wants to do. For this reason, I think that Russia may even like Tadic and company rather than the patriots. I do not blame the Russians as they have said that they cannot be more Serbian than Serbia.

    This will take time, because Serbia has to win the ICJ case to make that a possibility, because otherwise what will there be to negotiate over. If Serbia does not win at the ICJ, then Serbia will have to wait until every country has revoked recognition of independence before negotiations can commence.

    The quickest way for negotiations to commence is for Albanian to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence.

    We all know that America was never going to allow real negotiations to take place, because America wanted the Title Deed to Kosovo to put their freed black prisoners there.

    Inat is what has compelled the Serbian people to resist the Ottoman Empire, challenge the Austro-Hungarian Empire and refuse to capitulate to Nazi Germany’s invasion and occupation. In every one of these David vs. Goliath struggles, the Serbian people have endured horrible suffering without losing their will to resist.

    The Serbian people will more than likely not be able to resist the institutionalizing of racism by means of the ICJ, EULUX, the Nazis of Europe, and the United Nations.

    The invisible demons will torture the ICJ ‘Judges’ to legalize racism worldwide, because this is the invisible Devil’s will.

    We all know that America is the Evil King of the South in the time that Jesus comes to judge all the people of the world, and that America is Satan’s servant.

    The invisible Devil, and the invisible demons are very cunning and very subtle, and can achieve several policy objectives at the same time by using subliminal messages.

    We know that it is a dog eat dog world with America as top dog, but wanting to be seen as pure dog at the same time.

    Barack Obama’s dog that is black and white has been called BO, and people are saying that it is because of Barack Obama’s initials. Could this be because of America wanting to scare countries to be their puppets, and Satan wanting to send racist subliminal messages?

    We know that there is no such thing as a post racial world, but that Satan will try to turn people away from God by means of racism.

    The Bible keeps saying in the Book of Revelation that Christians should rise above and overcome the negative thinking that Satan tries to put in our minds.

    Racist views are wrong, and people should understand that we are all human regardless of our race. Even if others try to fan the embers of racism, the overwhelming majority of people will rightly be 100% against racism.

    It does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person. The only thing that really matters is what God thinks of you as an individual. I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our ethnicity, and that we are all precious to Him.

    God showed His love for us by creating our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    He further showed his great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God does not show favouritism; but in every nation he or she who fears Him, and works righteousness is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment” (John 5:25-29).

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    Britain, America, and the Nazis of Europe also perfectly reflect the cunning and subtlety of the invisible Devil and his invisible demons.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has clearly seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    The disciples of Jesus asked Him to state what the sign of His coming to judge all the people of the world would be. The answer Jesus gave them is recorded in the Bible and is the following Scriptures.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and disease epidemics; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “For the stars of heaven and its bright armies will not give their light: the sun will be made dark in his journey through the heaven, and the moon will keep back her light” (Isaiah 13:10).

    “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and does not go back again, but gives water to the earth, and makes it fertile, giving seed to the planter, and bread for food; So will my word be which goes out of my mouth: it will not come back to me with nothing done, but it will give effect to my purpose, and do that for which I have sent it” (Isaiah 55:9-11).

    “So I say to you, Take no thought for your life, about food or drink, or about clothing for your body. Is not life more than food, and the body more than its clothing? See the birds of heaven; they do not put seeds in the earth, they do not get in grain, or put it in store-houses; and your Father in heaven gives them food. Are you not of much more value than they?” (Matthew 6:25, 26).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission that has left the solar system. There are other terrors in the sky like space debris, missiles, rockets, and military flying drones.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  57. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    This is a comment concerning science, and what I believe on THE subject of cosmology.

    As has already clearly been proven, the universe did not happen by chance, but was created by God.

    This means that we should look to the Scriptures in the Bible to understand what the Creator says are the facts.

    “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1).

    “Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away” (Psalm 148:3).

    “To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing” (Isaiah 40:25, 26).

    We see from those few Scriptures that God created the stars, and that not even a single star has gone missing, and that all the stars were created to last forever.

    If a human engineer would live forever, then, he can keep a car that he created running forever if he has the resources, because he certainly has the knowledge.

    Stars loose energy, and to keep them going forever they need energy to be put back into them. That energy would have to be properly directed energy, just like the human engineer would have to properly direct his energies toward a car to keep that car in running order.

    Perhaps black holes are like vacuum cleaners that capture the energy that is released into space by stars. This captured energy is deposit into the black hole much the same as a person deposit money in a bank. This energy can be withdrawn when it is needed to either to convert the heavier element that accumulate in the stars back into hydrogen, and to create new hydrogen atoms to keep the stars going.

    Just like there is a Water Cycle and a Carbon Cycle; I believe that there is a Solar Cycle to keep the stars going forever. I do not know how this Solar Cycle works, but humans did not know how radio would work if it were possible hundreds of years ago, but today we know how radio works.

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    Britain, America, and the Nazis of Europe also perfectly reflect the cunning and subtlety of the invisible Devil and his invisible demons.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has clearly seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    The disciples of Jesus asked Him to state what the sign of His coming to judge all the people of the world would be. The answer Jesus gave them is recorded in the Bible and is the following Scriptures.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and disease epidemics; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “For the stars of heaven and its bright armies will not give their light: the sun will be made dark in his journey through the heaven, and the moon will keep back her light” (Isaiah 13:10).

    “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and does not go back again, but gives water to the earth, and makes it fertile, giving seed to the planter, and bread for food; So will my word be which goes out of my mouth: it will not come back to me with nothing done, but it will give effect to my purpose, and do that for which I have sent it” (Isaiah 55:9-11).

    “So I say to you, Take no thought for your life, about food or drink, or about clothing for your body. Is not life more than food, and the body more than its clothing? See the birds of heaven; they do not put seeds in the earth, they do not get in grain, or put it in store-houses; and your Father in heaven gives them food. Are you not of much more value than they?” (Matthew 6:25, 26).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission that has left the solar system. There are other terrors in the sky like space debris, missiles, rockets, and military flying drones.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  58. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I have written this to clear up any ambiguities, and I have provided new information in THE comment.

    If the ICJ says that the United Nations Charter is illegal, then that means that the ICJ is illegal and should be ignored.

    What that would means is that if the ICJ finds that the UN Charter and UN Organization that gives legality to the ICJ is illegal, then that would logically make the ICJ an illegal Court.

    It will be interesting to see how the ICJ will say that United Nations Security Council Resolutions are illegal.

    It will be interesting to see how the ICJ will say that every countries Constitution is illegal.

    There is nothing unique in the fact that most people are afflicted by racism and do not want to be with other races. There is nothing unique in fact, that people have conflicts even with their own European race like the Spanish Civil War.

    I use Spain as a European example who chose to stay with their own race despite the Civil War decades ago.

    The Kosovo Albanians want to have independence for racist reasons rather than conflict as the Spanish example shows.

    Talk of ‘unique’ cases not setting a precedent is just a lie, because America will just arbitrarily determine the next ‘unique’ that will not set a precedent. People will say that the ‘unique’ case is discrimination, and they will be right, and America will “regrettably’ have to ‘agree’ and ‘acknowledge’ this for other ‘unique’ cases.

    The following paragraphs show what the former American Ambassador to Serbia, Michael Polt was ordered to say by the American Government.

    The former American Ambassador Michael Polt said that the preservation of territorial integrity is not a central question in the Kosovo discussions.

    “Should we protect the territorial integrity of every regime that chooses to kill its own citizens?” Polt asked, adding that it is in the international community’s best interest to offer everyone the same rights.

    The US ambassador said that the possibility for violence breaking out in Kosovo still exists, but that it will not be tolerated.

    “A violent past exists in Kosovo and we cannot forget who started that past violence in the 1990s.

    There are many who believe that it was the KLA who were instructed by America and the Nazis of Europe who started and continue the violence.

    “And of course there could be violence as a result of the agreement. I think that it would be a great mistake for whatever groups starts the violence, because it will not be tolerated by the international community” Polt said.

    We see very clearly that America’s policy of setting a precedent is that any country that America can engineer a conflict in will be broken up according to America’s arbitrary geo-political wishes.

    Serbia is entitled to equal rights that state that international law is legal, and that there is no such thing as a unique case under the United Nations Charter. The United Nations Charter does not allow for unique cases unless the United Nations Security Council wishes to pass a Resolution saying that certain nations and races are superior to others.

    America could blackmail China to give up its veto on Kosovo, by saying that they not pay back the money they owe to China unless China votes with America on every issue that America can blackmail China on. Perhaps America deliberately went into debt to get China to give up Taiwan so that an independent Taiwan would pay America’s debt to China.

    China may need Russia to be firm with the veto, so that America cannot say that all we need to get Taiwan is to bribe Russia as China will gives us Kosovo first, and then Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang province.

    Croatia has said that it will take Serbia to the ICJ on claims of war crimes, and that is why I mentioned the lottery.

    The lottery can last years if necessary, and cost over one Billion Dollars with daily prize money of one Million Dollars. On a daily basis, people will be re-educated to learn the truth of the recent Balkans history rather than the brainwashing lies they have received up until this day.

    It will be showing documentaries on Operation Storm and other events, and people will be quizzed on the documentaries. If they answer all the easy questions correctly, they will be in the lottery. The documentaries and questions need to change from time to time to make sure that people are watching the documentaries. The questions can be easy questions, or they can be slightly more complicated but not too complicated.

    I think that Serbia should get every online Media like B92 to have a square where people can link to the online lottery, and to the publicly owned Media.

    Perhaps a Russian or a Chinese online Media may want to have an online lottery in different languages to provide information to people worldwide.

    Perhaps a Russian online newspaper can have a lottery once a week on Russian news stories to make Europeans more aware of Russia, to accustom people to such a lottery.

    I think that every online Media in Serbia should have a free commercial for that lottery, and link to that lottery. The Serbian Government should legislate that private Media have a clearly visible link to publicly owned online Media.

    This will save money for the Government by having an unbiased and honest source of news easily accessible from B92 and other online Media.

    I think that all online Media should have clearly visible and accessible links to the publicly owned Media, and that lottery.

    I have referred to the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LPD as the FANS, or For A Nazi Serbia, but I should not have used the word Nazi.

    I think that it would be better if FANS stood For A NATO Serbia, because the word Nazi might be misunderstood or even twisted by other countries.

    A NATO Serbia would indeed be a Nazi Serbia, but the word Nazi should not be used, as it could be misunderstood.

    I think that Russia might try to get Camp Bondsteel to be with Serbia, and for South Kosovo to be an independent country.

    This means drawing the boundaries of Kosovo to place Camp Bondsteel in Serbia, so that the Americans can leave once Serbia has a non-puppet Government.

    This will take time, because Serbia has to win the ICJ case to make that a possibility, because otherwise what will there be to negotiate over. If Serbia does not win at the ICJ, then Serbia will have to wait until every country has revoked recognition of independence before negotiations can commence.

    Serbia should insist that all ICJ “Judges’ must unanimously say that legal law is legal.

    There can be no ambiguity or points of debate as regards this matter, and this is what the ICJ “Judges’ must be informed of.

    The quickest way for negotiations to commence is for Albania to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence. The true troublemaker America should do this, because this way Albania does not have to look like such a puppet for America.

    The British and Americans only want puppetship from Serbia, and are willing to use the Nazis of Europe for this. Any Serb who is more intelligent than a moron will know that the Germans, the Croats, and the Albanians want the total genocide of the Serbian people.

    World War 2 was the first stage of genocide, the second stage was Tito’s Yugoslavia, the third stage was and is what started a recently, and the next stage will be Tadic’s proposed Constitution and joining the equivalent of Tito’s Europe or the EU.

    America and the Nazis of Europe say that they are offering people freedom, but that is a lie.

    “They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity-for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him” (2 Peter 2:19).

    If there are any Serbian politicians who do not know these things, then Parliament may want to democratically debate the use of lethal injections for certain Serbian politicians, and put it to a referendum in an attempt to purify democracy.

    Prominent American Jews who schemed for an independent Kosovo are Richard Holbrooke, Madeleine Albright, Senator Joe Lieberman and others.

    If we look at all the Jewish people who are in favour of Kosovo independence, then perhaps the Jews want to get their revenge on Europe’s centuries of mistreatment of them by means of replacing the Christian religion with Islam. French President Nicholas Sarkozy has Jewish heritage, and even though he says one thing about the Turks not joining the EU, he may not really mean it. The Turks know that the only way they can come back to Europe is to say that they are secular.

    The American plan was to get the Muslim Albanians to join the EU, and to slowly push the Kosovo Albanians to Albania. The Albanians would give up some of Kosovo next to Camp Bondsteel, but the Albanians would get the Albanian area of FYROM, Montenegro, and Southern Serbia. This would give the Albanians enough of a Greater Albania, and they would infiltrate Europe and make it Islamic allowing the Turks to join the EU just as Britain, America, and the Jews had planned.

    The Serbs were probably the most tolerant and helpful race to the Jews, but it was only from the Balkans the Islamizing of Europe could begin to get back at Germany and other European countries.

    There are people who will say how is it possible that people forget their allies of the past? The question is how could Germany continue to be Nazis even after the Second World War or that France forgot their ally Serbia? Most likely is that they were only allies by one side and not the other party.

    The British and Americans will always look for a way to prevent Europe from get stronger than what Britain and America are. The Jews thought of a scheme that could achieve both Jewish and Anglo-American policy objectives and appease some neighbouring Muslim countries at the same time.

    It is vital to believe approximately half of what you see, hear, and read in any year if you wish to be intelligent.

    The fact that this regrettable matter has gone to the ICJ gives the non-Nazis possibly just enough time to adjust to the situation if they are wise enough to do that.

    Serbia is only interested in national and regional matters, and did not want to be involved in an international controversy with the bribed and biased ICJ in a possibly futile attempt to get justice.

    Serbia has said that they will not recognize any decision other than that Kosovo’s declaration of independence was illegal.

    We all know that America was never going to allow real negotiations to take place, because America wanted the Title Deed to Kosovo to put their freed black prisoners there.

    Even though the Nazi Ahtisaari Plan said that NATO would be the final authority in Kosovo, we all know that NATO is a euphemism or substitute term for America.

    Inat is what has compelled the Serbian people to resist the Ottoman Empire, challenge the Austro-Hungarian Empire and refuse to capitulate to Nazi Germany’s invasion and occupation. In every one of these David vs. Goliath struggles, the Serbian people have endured horrible suffering without losing their will to resist.

    The Serbian people will not be able to resist the institutionalizing of racism by means of the ICJ, EULUX, the Nazis of Europe, and the United Nations.

    The invisible demons will torture the ICJ ‘Judges’ to legalize racism worldwide, because this is the invisible Devil’s will.

    We all know that America is the Evil King of the South in the time that Jesus comes to judge all the people of the world, and that America is Satan’s servant.

    The invisible demons can make things look so innocent, and always put the blame on others. We all know that people can be coached into doing something, and it is easier to manipulate young children.

    The invisible Devil, and the invisible demons are very cunning and very subtle, and can achieve several policy objectives at the same time by using subliminal messages.

    We know that it is a dog eat dog world with America as top dog, but wanting to be seen as pure dog at the same time.

    Barack Obama’s dog that is black and white has been called BO, and people are saying that it is because of Barack Obama’s initials.

    It has been claimed that Barack Obama's daughters chose the name Bo for the dog because first lady Michelle Obama's father was nicknamed Diddley. It is said that the name for the dog was an apparent reference to the singer Bo Diddley, who was a black singer, guitarist, and songwriter.

    Could this be because of America wanting to scare countries to be their puppets, and Satan wanting to send racist subliminal messages?

    Is Satan wanting the white people to wrongly feel superior to other races, and the black people to wrongly feel inferior to other races by this ploy?

    We know that there is no such thing as a post racial world, but that Satan will try to turn people away from God by means of racism.

    The Bible keeps saying in the Book of Revelation that Christians should rise above and overcome the negative thinking that Satan tries to put in our minds. This encouragement to rise above the tactics of the Devil and his human servants is found mostly in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation.

    It should be kept in mind that in the following Scriptures, the generic term he means both he and she, and the term son means both son and daughter.

    “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God” (Revelation 2:7).

    “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death” (Revelation 2:11).

    “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it” (Revelation 2:17).

    “To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations” (Revelation 2:26).

    “He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels” (Revelation 3:5).

    “Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name” (Revelation 3:12).

    “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne” (Revelation 3:21).

    “He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son” (Revelation 21:7).

    Racist views are wrong, and people should understand that we are all human regardless of our race. Even if others try to fan the embers of racism, the overwhelming majority of people will rightly be 100% against racism.

    It does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person. The only thing that really matters is what God thinks of you as an individual. I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our ethnicity, and that we are all precious to Him.

    God could never hate His own creation, and He created the human DNA that allows for all the different races. What this statement means is that God could never be a racist, but that racism is promoted by the invisible demons and their human servants.

    God showed His love for us by creating our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    He further showed his great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God does not show favouritism; but in every nation he or she who fears Him, and works righteousness is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment” (John 5:25-29).

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    Britain, America, and the Nazis of Europe also perfectly reflect the cunning and subtlety of the invisible Devil and his invisible demons.

    It is a mystery how so many people can choose to worship the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons after all that they have done to the human race.

    The world has clearly seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    The disciples of Jesus asked Him to state what the sign of His coming to judge all the people of the world would be. The answer Jesus gave them is recorded in the Bible and is the following Scriptures.

    “Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be great earthquakes, and in different places famines and disease epidemics; and there shall be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10, 11).

    The Bible use the term heaven to mean anything that is in an upward direction to the earth.

    “For the stars of heaven and its bright armies will not give their light: the sun will be made dark in his journey through the heaven, and the moon will keep back her light” (Isaiah 13:10).

    “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and does not go back again, but gives water to the earth, and makes it fertile, giving seed to the planter, and bread for food; So will my word be which goes out of my mouth: it will not come back to me with nothing done, but it will give effect to my purpose, and do that for which I have sent it” (Isaiah 55:9-11).

    “So I say to you, Take no thought for your life, about food or drink, or about clothing for your body. Is not life more than food, and the body more than its clothing? See the birds of heaven; they do not put seeds in the earth, they do not get in grain, or put it in store-houses; and your Father in heaven gives them food. Are you not of much more value than they?” (Matthew 6:25, 26).

    We have seen civilian airplanes, warplanes, man landing on the moon, satellites, the space station, trips to mars, and the Voyager mission that has left the solar system. There are other terrors in the sky like space debris, missiles, rockets, and military flying drones.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  59. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I have written this to clear up any ambiguities, and I have provided new information in THE comment.

    If the ICJ says that the United Nations Charter is illegal, then that means that the ICJ is illegal and should be ignored.

    What that would mean is that if the ICJ finds that the UN Charter and UN Organization that gives supposed legality to the ICJ is illegal, then that would logically make the ICJ an illegal Court.

    It will be interesting to see how the ICJ will say that United Nations Security Council Resolutions are illegal.

    It will be interesting to see how the ICJ will say that every country’s Constitution is illegal.

    There is nothing unique in the fact that most people are afflicted by racism, and do not want to be with other races.

    There is nothing unique in fact, that people have conflicts even with their own European race like the Spanish Civil War.

    I use Spain as a European example who chose to stay with their own country despite the Civil War decades ago.

    The Kosovo Albanian leadership with the help of America deliberately engineered a conflict to try to get independence for racist reasons.

    Talk of ‘unique’ cases not setting a precedent is just a lie, because America will just arbitrarily determine the next ‘unique’ case that will not set a precedent. People will say that the ‘unique’ case is discrimination, and they will be right.

    Historians will tell you that conflict and racism are not unique to Europe.

    The United Nations Charter does not allow for unique cases unless the United Nations Security Council wishes to pass a Resolution saying that certain nations and races are superior to others.

    The United Nations Security Council would say that some nations and some races are superior to others had they passed the Nazi Ahtisaari Scheme. This Nazi Ahtisaari, who was given the title of Special Envoy for the non-Racist United Nations, had a Nobel Peace Prize purchased for him by America for saying that some nations and races are superior to others.

    The following paragraphs show what the former American Ambassador to Serbia, Michael Polt was ordered to say by the American Nazi Government.

    The former American Ambassador Michael Polt said that the preservation of territorial integrity is not a central question in the Kosovo discussions.

    “Should we protect the territorial integrity of every regime that chooses to kill its own citizens?” Polt asked, adding that it is in the international community’s best interest to offer everyone the same rights.

    The US ambassador said that the possibility for violence breaking out in Kosovo still exists, but that it will not be tolerated.

    “A violent past exists in Kosovo and we cannot forget who started that past violence in the 1990s.

    There are many who know that it was the KLA who were instructed by America and the Nazis of Europe to start and continue the violence.

    “And of course there could be violence as a result of the agreement. I think that it would be a great mistake for whatever groups starts the violence, because it will not be tolerated by the international community,” Polt said.

    We see very clearly that America’s policy of setting a precedent is that any country that America can engineer a conflict in will be broken up according to America’s arbitrary geo-political wishes.

    What America is saying here is that they will only consider the pretend ‘victim hood’ of the Albanians. Genuine cases will callously be disregarded by America and the Nazis of Europe, unless they offer America puppetship.

    If America succeeds in Kosovo with the use of lies, then they will do it wherever else for their selfish criminal geo-political goals.

    If Kosovo get independence in this manner, then it will mean that the United Nations has actually conquered territory on behalf of racist terrorist thieves.

    Such a thing is illegal for the United Nations to do, but it will be more the case of America manipulating the United Nations, and the International Court of ‘Justice’.

    Serbia is entitled to equal rights that state that international law is legal, and equally applicable to everyone.

    There is no such thing as a unique case under the United Nations Charter. The United Nations Charter does not allow for unique cases unless the United Nations Security Council wishes to pass a Resolution saying that certain nations and races are superior to others.

    Kosovo may have had a better legal case, although an illegal case at the ICJ if there were no UN SC Resolution, and if the Albanians were not the instigators and continuing aggressors.

    The Albanians scheme to steal Kosovo was on the public record since 1878 when the League of Prizren was formed.

    Perhaps a Russian or a Chinese online Media may want to have an online lottery in different languages to provide information to people worldwide.

    Perhaps a Russian online newspaper can have a lottery once a week on Russian news stories to make Europeans more aware of Russia, and to accustom people to such a lottery.

    China has lent America 2 Trillions Dollars, and 1% of that money is 20 Billion Dollars. That say that 1% could be a good percentage for insurance purposes, and that would give daily prize money of 1 Million Dollars for over 50 years.

    If Serbia can get 1 Billion Dollars a month from the EU, then it will be easier for Serbia to pay for the lottery. The money should be given with no questions asked on a monthly basis, and deposited in Serbia’s Bank Account.

    There should be a committee set up that has people who are experts in media, lotteries, documentary making, and psychology to improve on the suggestion of a lottery that I have written.

    “For lack of guidance, a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure” (Proverbs 11:14).

    Serbia has to win the ICJ case to make negotiations a possibility, because otherwise what will there be to negotiate over. If Serbia does not win at the ICJ, then Serbia will have to wait until every country has revoked their illegal and immoral recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence before negotiations can commence.

    Serbia should insist that all ICJ ‘Judges’ must unanimously say that legal law is legal.

    There can be no ambiguity or points of debate as regards this matter of law, and this is what the ICJ ‘Judges’ must be informed of.

    There are those who claim extenuating circumstances, but those extenuating circumstances do not change the law.

    “People do not despise a thief who is hungry when he steals to satisfy his appetite, but when he is caught, he has to repay it seven times. He must give up all the possessions in his house” (Proverbs 6:30, 31).

    There is no doubt that International Law is on the side of Serbia, but that the law of the jungle is with America.

    Historians will tell you that conflict and racism are not unique to Europe.

    The quickest way for negotiations to commence is for Albania to revoke their recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence. The true troublemaker America should do this, because this way Albania does not have to look like such a puppet for America.

    The British and Americans only want puppetship from Serbia, and are willing to use the Nazis of Europe for this. Any Serb who is more intelligent than a moron will know that the Germans, the Croats, and the Albanians want the total genocide of the Serbian people.

    World War 2 was the first stage of genocide, the second stage was Tito’s Yugoslavia, the third stage was and is what started a recently, and the next stage will be Tadic’s proposed Constitution and joining the equivalent of Tito’s Europe or the EU.

    America and the Nazis of Europe say that they are offering people freedom, but that is a lie.

    “They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity-for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him” (2 Peter 2:19).

    Prominent American Jews who schemed for an independent Kosovo are Richard Holbrooke, Madeleine Albright, Senator Joe Lieberman and others.

    If we look at all the Jewish people who are in favour of Kosovo independence, it is because the Jews want to get their revenge on Europe’s centuries of mistreatment of them by means of replacing the Christian religion with Islam. French President Nicholas Sarkozy has Jewish heritage, and even though he says one thing about the Turks not joining the EU, he may not really mean it. The Turks know that the only way they can come back to Europe is to say that they are secular.

    The American plan is to get the Muslim Albanians to join the EU, and move some of the Kosovo Albanians to Albania so that they enter the EU, especially Germany. The Albanians would share some of Kosovo next to Camp Bondsteel with NATO, but the Albanians would get the Albanian area of FYROM, Montenegro, and Southern Serbia. This would give the Albanians enough of a Greater Albania, and they would infiltrate Europe and make it Islamic allowing the Turks to join the EU just as Britain, America, and the Jews had planned.

    The Muslims in Britain and America would not be a problem, because Britain and America have a special deal with them. These Muslims from Britain could then go to Continental Europe to complete their mission there.

    The British and Americans will always look for a way to prevent Europe from get stronger than what Britain and America are. The Jews thought of a scheme that could achieve both Jewish and Anglo-American policy objectives and appease some neighbouring Muslim countries at the same time.

    It is vital to believe approximately half of what you see, hear, and read in any year if you wish to be intelligent.

    Serbia has said that they will not recognize any decision other than that Kosovo’s declaration of independence was illegal.

    Even after Kosovo’s multilateral illegal declaration of independence, the UN SC passed the EULUX Resolution reconfirming the legality of UNSC Resolution 1244.

    What this means is that even if the declaration of independence was legal, then there the next EULUX Resolution reconfirming UN SC Resolution 1244. What this means is that how many times will America pass UN SC Resolutions only to illegally and immorally ignore them?

    We can see what cruel and vicious masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been. America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    Britain, America, and the Nazis of Europe also perfectly reflect the cunning and subtlety of the invisible Devil and his invisible demons.

    The world has clearly seen from Kosovo, that NATO has no humanitarian intentions, but they only want to steal land and colonize countries to exploit them.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  60. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    Here is a comment where I state why I do not think it would be wise for Serbia to change THE Constitution.

    I want to say that no sane person wants to distrust Tadic and company because they have nothing better to do with their time.

    However, I think that talk of changing the Constitution is not wise, and yes, rightly or wrongly; I do not trust Tadic and company.

    If the Constitution passes, then it may have tricky wording that allows for Kosovo’s independence. If the Constitutional referendum fails, because of genuine concern by the voters, then the Nazis will say that this is proof that the Serbian people have rejected democracy.

    The Nazis will use this at the ICJ, because they will use whatever they can at the ICJ.

    There is nothing that cannot be done by means of ordinary legislation, and there is no need for a referendum.

    If the Parliament thinks that 250 Parliamentarians are too much, then they can order the ones that the Majority think are idiots to stay home where they will receive a reduced salary.

    I hear that some are saying that 150 Parliamentarians is enough, and that can be achieved with 50 less from the SRS, and 50 less from the DS.

    This really is not the time to have a referendum because of the ICJ, and I think that America has told their puppet Tadic to do this.

    The Government may think that voters will be tricked to believe that a referendum this will improve the economy. Most countries are going to have a recession, and all that these Governments can do is to minimize the effects, but not avoid the recession.

    Let us assume that the 250 Parliamentarians and the President costs Serbia even as much as 1% of what Serbia earns in a year.

    If there was genuine talent in the Parliament, then they should be able to get an extra 3% on top of what Serbia earns each year. That means that the other 100 Parliamentarians expenses is just a lying excuse, and wish to blame others.

    The ‘extra’ 100 Parliamentarians could help the Parliament and the country immensely if they were engaged in Parliamentary Committee Work.

    “For lack of guidance, a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure” (Proverbs 11:14).

    The definition of the word Subliminal means: Existing or operating below the threshold of consciousness; being or employing stimuli insufficiently intense to produce a discrete sensation, but often being or designed to be intense enough to influence the mental processes or the behaviour of an individual.

    The Democratic Constitution that I provided was just for an exercise, but it would have been what the Soviet Union may have needed to break up in a more orderly fashion.

    The Americans promise not to expand NATO was always going to be worthless, but the Constitution I gave would have slowed membership of countries in NATO, because it said what is written in the following paragraph.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    Had the Soviet Union given the European countries this Constitution in an orderly fashion, and a few years before full independence, then it would be different to what it is today.

    The following Scriptures might show what the wise thing to think of when choosing a leader.

    I remember listening to talk back radio, and some people were discussing Mikhail Gorbachev, and if that mark on his forehead was the Mark of the Beast.

    In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Babylonia and put in the treasure house of his god. Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility- young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.

    We see here that the main point is that there should not be any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace.

    The following Scriptures show us that we should think of our audience. The point was that the atheistic Soviet Union had as its audience a Western Christian audience. There were many people who misapplied difficult to understand passages of the Bible for their own propaganda purposes.

    “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations” (Proverbs 27:23, 24).

    He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

    There are some who say that the Pope is the Beast, but the Beast has been in existence before Jesus came to the earth.

    The following Scripture is what the Prophet Daniel wrote hundreds of years before Jesus came to the earth.

    “The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth” (Daniel 7:17).

    What I know for a fact is that the West was quick to exploit this to their advantage, because the invisible demons hear what goes on.

    Tadic has a different hair colour on the side of his head, but it is not on his forehead.

    If Tadic wants to have constitutional changes, then he could get rid of the office of the President.

    It is hard to get a referendum to pass unless it has the agreement of all parties, and that people have had sufficient time to think on it.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  61. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    This comment is my opinion on the question of the Constitution, and on THE question of the EU.

    I do not think that Serbia should even discuss the Constitution until after every country has revoked their recognition of Kosovo’s multilateral declaration of independence.

    There are those who think that is was in fact a multilateral declaration of dependence ordered by America. The Albanians were always going to try their best to steal Kosovo, and after Camp Bondsteel was constructed, America had no intentions of ever leaving.

    If any do not fully understand that, then they are irredeemably retarded in the brain, and the rest of the comment will make no sense to these retards.

    If you pretend not to understand, then you are an enemy of Serbia, or a traitor like Tadic and company.

    The Constitution should not even be discussed, as it is democratic, and the Government is of the Democratic Bloc. What that means is, if it is not broken, then do not ‘fix’ it.

    I have read that people can tell when others are lying because the pupils expand, changes in the voice tones, and other signs.

    I do not suggest that any lie, and what I want to say is that the invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons know exactly if a human is lying to them. This is why you will never be able to fool them, and that is why you should not even try, because you will just be wasting your time.

    If a person were to try to trick the invisible Devil and his invisible demons, then that person would have be one that Devil always knows to be honest. That person would have to have their eyes closed when lying, so that the pupils could not be seen to expand, and it would be hard to judge by the slurred voice of someone under the influence. The other feature of having more to drink than is sensible is that people think that all people speak the truth at the time of their being under the influence.

    The last time the referendum was passed, it just passed narrowly, and I think that I could have helped that Referendum to pass.

    The Referendum was over two days, and it was not looking as if it would pass, and so I thought up a plan to help the Referendum on the second day.

    I got a six-pack of beer, and I went into a park and I drank those bottles. The Devil knew that I do not drink more than six small bottles of beer in any day, and that I knew that it was not enough to get me ‘drunk’. I went back to the bottle shop, got another six-pack of beer, and drank them on a park bench that has a table. After I had drank those 12 bottles of beer, I rested my head on the table, and I closed my eyes and started ‘mumbling’. This was late evening here, but just the right time for voting to start in Serbia. I lied to the Devil and said that I would serve the Devil if the Referendum passed. I went home, and while it was night over here and I was ‘sleeping it off’ the voting was taking place in Serbia. After I woke up the next day, the voting was over, and we all know the result of that Referendum.

    I do not know if the invisible demons believed my lie or not at the time, but I know that I will not be able to deceive the invisible demons for any future Referendum. I do not like lying, even if it is to the invisible demons, and I will not lie again for anyone.

    I am not a Secret CIA Agent who says he goes in a park and talks to ‘himself’ knowing that the invisible demon that follows me will tell these things to the American politicians. I have my suspicions or ‘suspicions’ as to why Ahtisaari was ordered by America to delay his status proposal on Kosovo because I went into a lonely park and said some words there of certain Compromise proposals. I suggested the Serbia draw the map to get one third of Kosovo and that the rest go to make up a new country. That proposal is probably what the Americans would want and what Tadic and company would want but it would have to go to a Referendum first. That can only happen after the ICJ rules in Serbia’s favour, or all countries have revoked recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

    I know that in an English speaking country in the Southern Hemisphere, that the Government policy was that there was no land ownership on that Continent until white ‘settlement’. That policy was challenged in the High Court by an indigenous person and the High Court found that there land ownership before white ‘settlement’. The Parliament had to then pass laws to that effect, and if the Parliament had not passed laws to that effect, then the position of no land ownership before white ‘settlement’ would have been the law of the land.

    If the ICJ says that the declaration of independence by Kosovo was legal, then the United Nations Security Council will have to pass that motion before it can in fact be legal. The chances of Russia and China agreeing to that is something that the ICJ ‘Judges’ should investigate before making a bad situation even worse.

    I think that the Radicals should be against joining the EU, and against giving up any of Kosovo. They are bound to get at least 5% of the vote and get seats in Parliament.

    The other parties should choose their own policies, but I have said that rightly or wrongly I do not trust Tadic and company because they are puppetized traitors.

    Regionalization of Serbia is the order given by America to Tadic and his fellow traitors to further break up Serbia until there is nothing left of Serbia.

    If any proposal is rejected by the voters, the Nazis will say that Serbia has rejected democracy, and gone back to the Milosevic ways, even though any result would be democracy.

    Do not be deceived; Serbia has always upset the plans of the Nazis of Europe, especially the Germans. This time, they are in no mood to take chances, and they plan to be rid of Serbia and Serbs for good, because they know that Serbia will break up their evil plans again.

    All these Nazis know what motivates the other Nazis, and America knows that the Germans think that two wrongs will make a Reich or the Fourth Reich, the successor to the Third Reich.

    On April 15, the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing dedicated to "independence of Kosovo" chaired by Albanian separatist supporter and Jew Tom Lantos (D-Ca.). At one moment, Lantos said: “Just a reminder to the predominantly Muslim-led governments in this world that here is yet another example that the United States leads the way for the creation of a predominantly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe. This should be noted by both responsible leaders of Islamic governments, such as Indonesia, and also for jihadists of all colour and hue. The United States’ principles are universal, and in this instance, the United States stands foursquare for the creation of an overwhelmingly Muslim country in the very heart of Europe”.

    There are those who may think that how could Jews who suffered in Nazi concentration and extermination camps behave like this today.

    There is an old saying in politics, and it says; yes, but what have you done for me lately. The majority of Jewish people even know what their leaders and America schemes against Europe.

    There were a minority of Jews who collaborated with the Nazis to save themselves, and we can think of Israel as a concentration camp surrounded by Muslim countries. After Israel became a country, the Jews knew they had to collaborate with Nazi America for their survival. The Germans want revenge on the Serbs because of WW2, and just think what the Jews want on the Germans because of WW2.

    I no longer oppose the Lisbon ‘Treaty’, but only on the condition that Serb countries and Serb regions to never join the EU. If think that it is good if the entire Europe and other nearby countries to join the EU just as long as the Serbs never join the EU.

    If Serbia joins the EU, then be certain that Serbia has signed its own death warrant. People will be funded to move to Serbia and finish Serbia and the Serbs off bit by bit, but unmistakably the goal is a Serb-free planet.

    Serbia should have just said that EU membership is not possible until the Lisbon Treaty is ratified, and until then Serbia cannot even think along EU lines. This is in no way anti EU, but it is to show others and oneself that there is intelligence of a minimum level.

    If one restaurant is closed, then minimum intelligence demands, yes, demands that those who are not that stupid in the head go to another restaurant.

    There could have been a lot of jobs and investment in Serbia had they just forgotten this EU fantasy, and did the things to attract business to Serbia.

    If Tadic and company had to play along and deceive the EU into taking on the costs and responsibilities of that black hole and white elephant called Kosovo, then there are many who would applaud them.

    I personally believe that they are willing puppets who are good at deceiving the Serbian voters because they do not have a majority in Parliament.

    I do not claim perfection, and I do not agree with lying, but I guess some politicians have been known to tell lies on certain occasions.

    Let the rest of Europe and nearby countries join the EU, because the Serbs only powerful ally is the Russians. There are enough EU countries and the rest of the world to trade with, and Serbia will not become rich, but poor by joining the EU.

    There is no free lunch there, but the worker who we hope is above moron status must earn the lunch of the boss first, and then he must earn his own lunch.

    I want to say that there is nothing wrong with business making a fair profit, but that business is not there to give you free money.

    “But which of you, having a servant who is ploughing or keeping sheep, will say to him, when he comes in from the field, Come now and be seated and have a meal, Will he not say, Get a meal for me, and make yourself ready and see to my needs till I have had my food and drink; and after that you may have yours? Does he give praise to the servant because he did what was ordered? In the same way, when you have done all the things which are given you to do, say, There is no profit in us, for we have only done what we were ordered to do” (Luke 17:7-10).

    I have said before that there is a difference between capitalism and free enterprise. There needs to be a minimum of socialism, and a maximum of free enterprise in an economy. What that means for each country will be different, because each country is different in several ways.

    Free enterprise is legitimate business that wants competition and this is what maximizes the total productive capacity of a country. There are of course some things that only a Government could or should do, and this can be said to be socialism, but should not be an excuse for lazy and self serving ‘public servants’ or inefficiency.

    I want to mention that I know very little about economics, banking, and finance, and that is why economics should be left to a team of experts working together as a team.

    I realize now that things today are different from ancient Israel where they used to have Jubilees every seven years. The ancient Israelites did not print money and then lend it to others. The lenders always had real money, and never lent printed money to others, but only real money that was earned. I now realize that the monetary system is vastly different, and of course, even the people are different.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  62. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:20 AM |  

    This comment is to correct some of the things that I wrote in THE other comment.

    There was no intention from me to write anything false, but it was just one of those things.

    If you type signs of lying into a search engine, then you will find many web pages that tell you how to detect lying.

    It is interesting, but it could also be that some of these things could be lies, or that there is no hard and fast rule, and that these things are generalizations.

    The following is a list of some of the signs that may, and I stress may show that someone is lying. There are other signs that are mentioned, and those who want to can do their own research.

    It should be kept in mind that the invisible demons are powerful and can act on an honest person, unaware to all the people concerned, and cause an honest person to involuntarily display some of these signs.

    a) Voice is higher pitched.

    b) Untrue answers to questions are slightly delayed.

    c) Body and face become stiffer.

    d) Hand-to-face touching increased, especially nose rubbing and mouth covering.

    e) Face and hands becomes a bit paler as blood is withheld from extremities. (A sign of high stress.)

    f) Nostrils may open wider or flare.

    g) Breathing deeper and maybe audible.

    h) Lips become thinner and tighter.

    i) Shoulders pulled up and elbows pulled in to sides more. Body takes up less space.

    j) Forehead tightens up a little in area between eyebrows.

    k) Eye contact breaks away from you and eyes may squint or close.

    l) Pupils dilate.

    m) Heart rate increases.

    n) Hand palms turned down or closed, and not revealed to other people.

    Researchers have identified some of the reasons that people lie, and they are listed in the next paragraph.

    a) Protective lie which shields a liar from danger.

    b) Heroic lie that protects someone else from danger.

    c) Playful lie that enhances the story.

    d) Ego lie that prevents embarrassment.

    e) Gainful lie that enriches the liar.

    f) Malicious lie that hurts someone.

    I do not advocate that anyone tell lies, and what I want to say is that the invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons know exactly if a human is lying to them. This is why you will never be able to fool them, and that is why you should not even try, because you will just be wasting your time.

    If a person were to try to trick the invisible Devil and his invisible demons, then that person would have be one that Devil always thinks is honest. That person would have to have their eyes closed when lying, so that the pupils could not be seen to expand, and it would be hard to judge by voice variations because of a slurred voice of someone under the influence. The other feature of having more to drink than is sensible is that people think that all people speak the truth at the time of their being under the influence.

    The last time the Referendum was passed, it just passed narrowly, and I think that I could have helped that Referendum to pass.

    The Referendum was over two days, and it was not looking as if it would pass after the first day of voting, and so I thought up a plan to help the Referendum on the second day.

    I got a six-pack of beer, and I went into a park and I drank those bottles. The invisible demons knew that I do not drink more than six small bottles of beer in any day, and that I knew that it was not enough to get me ‘drunk’. I went back to the bottle shop, got another six-pack of beer, and drank them on a park bench that has a table. After I had drank those 12 bottles of beer, I rested my head on the table, and I closed my eyes and started ‘mumbling’. I can say for a fact that those beers did help my acting, as it disguised any signs of lying. This was late afternoon and approaching evening here, but just the right time for voting to start in Serbia. I lied to the Devil and said that I would serve the Devil if the Referendum passed. I went home, and while it was night over here and I was ‘sleeping it off’ the voting was taking place in Serbia. After I woke up the next day, the voting was over, and we all know the result of that Referendum.

    I do not know if the invisible demons believed my lie or not at the time, but I know that I will not be able to deceive the invisible demons for any future Referendum. I do not like lying, even if it is to the invisible demons, and I will not lie again for anyone.

    I have been going into lonely parks to let the demons hears what I have to say on many occasions over the past few decades.

    I know that an invisible demon follows me, and tells the things I say to the American politicians. I have been going to a lonely park and discussing Kosovo many times as Nazi Ahtisaari was ‘formulating’ his ‘proposal’. I will not claim to be an expert on the Nazi Ahtisaari ‘Plan’, but let us say that I knew some things about what was going on behind the scenes. I have my suspicions or ‘suspicions’ as to why Nazi Ahtisaari was ordered by America to delay his status proposal on Kosovo. I believe it was because I went into a lonely park and said some words there of certain Compromise proposals. I suggested the Serbia draw the map in the way they want to get one third of Kosovo, and that the rest go to make up a new country. That can only happen after the ICJ rules in Serbia’s favour, or all countries have revoked recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

    I know that in an English speaking country in the Southern Hemisphere, that the law of the land was that there was no land ownership by black people on that Continent until white ‘settlement’. An indigenous person challenged that policy in the High Court, and the High Court found that there was indeed land ownership before white ‘settlement’. The Parliament did not have to pass laws to that effect, and if the Parliament had not passed laws to that effect, then the position of no land ownership before white ‘settlement’ would have been the law of the land. The High Court cannot make Parliamentarians pass laws, but the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament felt obliged to pass those laws only because of the unbiased and professional manner in which the High Court reach its decision.

    There has been very little that is proper or legal when it comes to America, and time will tell just how much they may corrupt the ICJ process.

    If the ICJ says that the declaration of independence by Kosovo was legal, then the United Nations Security Council will have to pass that motion before it can in fact be legal. The United Nations Security Council is under no obligation to follow up on any corrupt processes coming from a tainted ICJ. The chances of Russia and China agreeing to that is something that the ICJ ‘Judges’ should investigate before making a bad situation even worse.

    I think that the Radicals should be against joining the EU, and against giving up any of Kosovo. They are bound to get at least 5% of the vote and get seats in Parliament. I do not think that any party in Serbia should have a policy of wanting a Russian Military Base in Serbia, because even Russia would not want that. Such a Military Base would serve no purpose, and NATO has more money than Russia has, and money would be better spent on the much-needed civilian pursuits.

    Let the rest of Europe and nearby countries join the EU, because the Serbs only powerful ally in Europe with a Permanent Seat in the Security Council is Russia. The important thing for the Radicals to do is to convince business that they can be confident that the unions will not disrupt the economy with strikes, or excessive wage claims.

    Russia may want to have a lottery of one million dollars a day for Georgians during the next election campaign. America very much gets involved in European elections, and I think that Russia should have a lottery for every European election. I looked on oil-price.net and I noticed that the price of oil has gone up, and so Russia will be able to better afford these educational lotteries.

    I saw a video that was advertised for sale on Serbianna.com, and that video should have been placed in everyone letterbox in America. I heard that a DVD can be made for 10 cents a copy in an Asian country. If the Serbs of America can get a bank loan of 10 million dollars from China, then they can distribute this video to 50 million American homes to give the American public the facts.

    China knows that America schemed the break up of the Soviet Union and that America wants to steal Taiwan.

    We know that the Montenegrins do not consider themselves to be Serbs because of American propaganda.

    This is a multi-ethnic country, and I spoke to a man who said he is from Taiwan. After I said that he is Chinese, he just smiled at me, and did not reply but we spoke of other things.

    If Tadic and company lied about wanting to join the EU to deceive the EU into taking on the costs and responsibilities of that black hole and white elephant called Kosovo, then there are many who would applaud them.

    I personally believe that they are willing puppets who are good at deceiving the Serbian voters because they do not have a majority in Parliament.

    I do not claim perfection, and I do not agree with lying, but I guess some politicians have been known to tell a lie on certain occasions.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  63. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    This is a condensed version of lengthy articles that I found on the internet.

    There is a mountain of material on the internet, and much of it is differing from other interpretations. This is normal for the more complicated prophecies, and I do not agree with all what I read on Christian web sites.

    I have come to the belief, as have many Scholars that the little horn of Daniel Chapter 7 and Chapter 8, and the Beast of Revelation are the same. It is the world power at the time Jesus comes to judge all the people of the world, and I believe it is the Evil King of the South of Daniel Chapter 11.

    This little horn beast is said to change law and puppetize others to be beastly just like he is by means of the Mark of the Beast.

    America disregards its own Constitution, and disregards the United Nations Security Council Resolutions, as well as not keeping signed agreements.

    I have found other people’s work, on this subject, and they give their opinions on the Beast of Revelation Chapter 13:1-18.

    It would help if we read Revelation Chapter 13 before we read what others say on this subject.

    1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea; and I saw a beast rising out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns ten diadems, and upon its heads names of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopardess, and its feet as of a bear, and its mouth as a lion's mouth; and the dragon gave to it his power, and his throne, and great authority; 3 and one of his heads was as slain to death, and his wound of death had been healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast. 4 And they did homage to the dragon, because he gave the authority to the beast; and they did homage to the beast, saying, Who is like to the beast? and who can make war with it? 5 And there was given to it a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies; and there was given to it authority to pursue its career forty-two months. 6 And it opened its mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle, and those who have their tabernacle in the heaven.
    7 And there was given to it to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and there was given to it authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation; 8 and all that dwell on the earth shall do it homage, every one whose name had not been written from the founding of the world in the book of life of the slain Lamb. 9 If any one has an ear, let him hear. 10 If any one leads into captivity, he goes into captivity. If any one shall kill with the sword, he must with the sword be killed. Here is the endurance and the faith of the saints.
    11 And I saw another beast rising out of the earth; and it had two horns like to a lamb, and spake as a dragon; 12 and it exercises all the authority of the first beast before it, and causes the earth and those that dwell in it to do homage to the first beast, whose wound of death was healed. 13 And it works great signs, that it should cause even fire to come down from heaven to the earth before men. 14 And it deceives those that dwell upon the earth by reason of the signs which it was given to it to work before the beast, saying to those that dwell upon the earth to make an image to the beast, which has the wound of the sword, and lived. 15 And it was given to it to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should also speak, and should cause that as many as should not do homage to the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that they should give them a mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead; 17 and that no one should be able to buy or sell save he that had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of its name. 18 Here is wisdom. He that has understanding let him count the number of the beast: for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six.

    Who is the Antichrist?

    Identifying the Antichrist Beast Power

    Revelation chapter 13 describes two beasts, the first rising out of the sea (Revelation 13:1) and the second coming out of the earth (Revelation 13:11). There are two beasts in Revelation 13 but we are going to zero in on the first beast called antichrist. I must warn you: This topic is shocking, controversial, and sure to stir up heated discussion. Nevertheless, it must be presented faithfully, fairly, and without compromise. John wrote:

    “I saw a beast rising up out of the sea” (Revelation 13:1).

    Let us put emotions, personal opinion and speculation aside, and adjust our brains to facts solid, unquestionable, irrefutable evidence. The beast rises from the sea (Revelation 13:1), looks like a lion, bear, and leopard (Revelation 13:2), has ten horns (Revelation 13:1), a mouth speaking great things (Revelation 13:5), makes war on the saints (Revelation 13:7), and achieves global influence (Revelation 13:7). Daniel chapter 7 talks about the same things, describing four beasts rising from the sea (Daniel 7:1-3), a lion, bear, leopard, and dragon like animal with ten horns (Daniel 7:4-7), a little horn with eyes like a man (Daniel 7:8), a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:8), which makes war on the saints (Daniel 7:21). Most scholars agree both Protestant and Catholic that Daniel’s little horn is the same as the beast in Revelation 13:1. Each has a big mouth and makes war on the saints. These are all facts.

    Here is a key question: What is a beast? A man? A computer? The Bible provides the answer. An angelic interpreter told Daniel, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth” (Daniel 7:23). Thus, a beast is a kingdom. Period. The four beasts are four kingdoms. Daniel was living during the time of Babylon (Daniel 7:1), and in fact, a winged lion was a symbol of that ancient power. Most scholars agree the lion represented Babylon, followed by Persia, then Greece, then Rome. This is basic history. Rome fell in 476 AD and was divided among ten primary nations–Vandals, Heruli, Ostrogoths, Visogoths, Franks, Anglo-Saxons, Suevi, Burgundians, Lombards, and Alemanni.

    Prophecy clearly predicted “the little horn” would:

    Rise out of the fourth beast, or Roman Empire (Daniel 7:7-8)
    Rise among the ten horns, in Western Europe (Daniel 7:8)
    Have eyes like a man, or human leadership (Daniel 7:8)
    Have a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:8)
    Make war on the saints (Daniel 7:21)

    Let us review the evidence presented in identifying the antichrist Beast power. The beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is the same as the “little horn” of Daniel 7. Both have “a mouth speaking great things” (see Daniel 7:8; Revelation 13:5) and “make war with the saints” (see Daniel 7:21; Revelation 13:7). Almost everyone agrees here.

    In Daniel 7, the plain prophetic sequence is:
    The rise of a lion (verse 4)
    The rise of a bear (verse 5)
    The rise of a leopard (verse 6)
    The rise of a fourth beast (verse 7)
    The fourth beast has ten horns (verse 7)
    Another little horn rises among the ten horns (verse 8)
    The little horn had eyes like a man (verse 8)
    The little horn had a mouth speaking great things (verse 8)
    The little horn made war on the saints (verse 21)

    An angel said, “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon the earth” (Daniel 7:23). 98% of Christian scholars throughout history have identified these four beasts as four kingdoms being: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. Its simple history. The controversy swirls around the ten horns and the little horn. The little horn bursts into strength after Rome’s division into ten parts, not before.

    The American Military

    Who Can Make War with Him?

    "Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4)

    7"After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. 8I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words. 19"Then I wished to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its nails of bronze, which devoured, broke in pieces, and trampled the residue with its feet;21"I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, 22until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favour of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.23" Thus he said: "The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces. 24The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings. 25He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law.” Daniel 7

    Most Bible scholars agree that the fourth beast in Daniel 7 represents the last great kingdom on earth, the little horn, out of which the antichrist comes – the same one who makes war with the saints of the Most High. Many also believe that the ten horns represents ten nations that at one time made up the core of the Holy Roman Empire. However, few have a good explanation as to whom the “little horn” represents. Yes, he is the antichrist, but he is more than a person, because he represents a great nation that makes war with the saints and the nations of the earth, the same who makes a covenant with Israel in Daniel 9:27. Who is that nation? Who is that younger horn that makes war against the nations?

    The explanation I propose is the most logical I have ever come across. Ten nations from Europe went out to colonize the whole world which included north and south America, all of Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Southeast Asia, the islands, Australia. You can hardly find a single nation that was not at one time under one of the Western European colonial powers. There were ten Western European nations that established colonies: Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Germany, Denmark, England, Belgium, the Netherlands and Russia.

    Who is the “Little Horn”?

    Where is the “little horn”? In our search for the “little horn” which also happens to be prophetic Babylon, we have to remember God looks at peoples, not geography. Jews are Jews no matter where they live in the world. When the Europeans spread throughout the earth, there were some areas that did not have large indigenous populations (or they were killed) where Europeans colonized and transferred their people, language, institutions. We should not be locked in by narrow geographic concepts but should look for nations that are “extensions” of Europe abroad.

    Which nation colonized by Europe grew to become the most powerful of all? And which nation uprooted three other nations (horns) during the colonization process (it should be pointed out that uprooting doesn’t mean killing – just removing them)? What three nations colonized America? The English colonized the east coast. The French controlled the centre of the country, which was by far the largest portion – from Louisiana to Canada. The Spanish colonized the west from Texas to California. The English were removed by the Revolutionary War, the French by the Louisiana Purchase, and the Spanish by the Mexican American War. This left the United States one nation indivisible “from sea to shining sea.”

    After World War II most of the world from Europe to Asia was in ruins. The United States emerged as the greatest militarily power on earth. The USSR poked around the edges of our empire and were a threat because of their nuclear capability and missiles but all that ended with the break up of their empire and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989. This left America as the sole superpower on earth. The first three parts of this series chronicles the emergence of America as the world power and the spread of its commercial and military influence throughout the world.

    The United States participated as a member of the global community in various UN actions such as Korea, Kosovo and even the first Gulf war. After 9/11 and with the invasion of Iraq it moved from a policy of non-intervention and coalitions to aggressive pre-emptive war. As Chalmers Johnson says,

    “From the moment we took on a role that included the permanent military domination of the world, we were on our own –feared, hated, corrupt and corrupting, maintaining “order” through state terrorism and bribery, and given to megalomaniac rhetoric and sophistries that virtually invited the rest of the world to unite against us”.

    Timing is Every Thing

    As I mentioned in the last section, there is no doubt that, given time, the U.S. would probably decline. Continual war will lead to more terrorism, and the cost of promulgating war will drain and stretch money and manpower. The record budget and huge deficits just proposed by the Bush administration did not even include the cost of the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and whoever is next on the list – Syria, Iran? Eventually, even if the U.S. could get their hands on Mid-east oil, America would probably bankrupt for many reasons which I have covered in the past several sections. Historically, all empires overextend and fall in the end but some not as quickly as one would expect. Rome lasted a thousand years.

    Prophetic timing is another thing. God has his timing, and just as surely as all of the events came together for the first coming of our Lord Jesus exactly as prophesied, they will just as surely happen prior to his Second Coming. There is a convergence of events.

    As a practical matter, a country does not build military capability over night, nor does it extend itself to have a military presence in 130 countries around the world. Many Christians expect America to decline and Europe to rise again, but as we shall see, European countries have very little offensive military capability and presence in the world. Again, this is not something you build over night. Their fragile economies would not even be able to support a build up. And of course, the United Nations, is little more than a debating society for “have not” countries who want to rail on Israel and America. They have no real armies – only what they are loaned by members. Of course, other countries could replace America but not that quickly. Further, Revelation 17, 18 and 19 describe the three parts of prophetic Babylon – apostate Christian, a great consuming nation and the military power. So let us look at America’s military capability.

    Who is Able to Make War With Him?

    The United States of America spends as much on its military as the rest of the world combined. The budget for next year is $419 billion, plus another estimated $80 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan for a total of $500 billion total. Here are some more facts. The U.S. military budget is eight times China’s, the second largest spender. The US military budget is more than 29 times as large as the combined spending of the seven “rogue” states (Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria) who spent $14.4 billion, four times more than China and Russia and three times more than all of Europe combined.

    You can go to the Department of Defense website and see how far advanced and futuristic American weaponry is compared to other nations. When I was an instructor and Captain at the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School, and taught photo interpretation, we used Janes Reference Manuals to find out the latest weaponry. If you check today, you will see that the military is moving away from grunt soldiers toward armed robots, unmanned ground and aerial vehicles, laser guided weapons, ceramic armor, smart weapons using artificial intelligence, etc. Our technology makes the military capability of other countries look Stone Age in comparison. In addition, we have airspace weapons systems, indirect fire systems and all kinds of new weaponry the world cannot even conceive of.

    The United States has 12 world class aircraft carriers and each is a four acre floating airbase that accommodates 80 aircraft. You will notice from the table that the U.S. has over 1 million tons of displacement, more than the rest of the world’s 18 aircraft carriers combined. Russia’s largest is only 59,000 tons two thirds the size of America’s smallest carrier.

    There are eight operational and two Nimitz-class carriers under construction. The Nimitz Class aircraft carriers are the largest warships ever built. With over 6,000 personnel (crew and aircrew), the carrier has a displacement of 102,000 tons, and a flight deck length of over 1000 feet These are floating battle stars with the latest in aircraft, missiles, and electronics.

    America has 350,000 soldiers deployed in 700 bases in 130 countries around the world. Chalmers Johnson notes that, “As distinct from other peoples, most Americans do not recognize -- or do not want to recognize -- that the United States dominates the world through its military power. Due to government secrecy, our citizens are often ignorant of the fact that our garrisons encircle the planet. This vast network of American bases on every continent except Antarctica actually constitutes a new form of empire -- an empire of bases with its own geography not likely to be taught in any high school geography class. Without grasping the dimensions of this globe-girdling Baseworld, one can't begin to understand the size and nature of our imperial aspirations or the degree to which a new kind of militarism is undermining our constitutional order…Our military deploys well over half a million soldiers, spies, technicians, teachers, dependents, and civilian contractors in other nations... Some of these bases are so gigantic they require as many as nine internal bus routes for soldiers and civilian contractors to get around inside the earthen berms and concertina wire.”

    In 2006, the budget goes up at least another $100 billion. Unfortunately, these increases in military spending mean cuts in everything else as can be seen by the chart to the left. This is just another price of empire. Aside from Homeland Security, there will be over $214 billion in cuts over five years in “discretionary” programs such as education, environmental protection, transportation, veterans’ health care, medical research, law enforcement, and food and drug safety inspection. The cost of empire is at our expense.
    The cost overruns have been so great in Afghanistan and Iraq, it may be much worse than depicted here. The administration realizes that the financial world will lose confidence in the United States if it continues to run massive deficits. The only answer is to trim everything else out of the budget.


    Does this sound like a country bent on peace or war? As the old saying goes, “put your money where your mouth is”, America is showing its priorities to the world and its own citizens. From a prophetic point of view, all America has to do in her desperation, is to maintain commercial and military dominance for a few more years. Obviously, it could not sustain these expenses and expansion of empire in its war on terror and the axis of evil. But it doesn’t have to.

    Many Christian leaders believe that, since America is not mentioned in prophecy, it must fall away into nothingness so that Europe or whatever country or group of countries they believe the antichrist will come from can arise. But there isn’t time. You not only do not dismantle an empire over night, you do not build up a new one either. Again, I would submit that America fits the description of prophetic Babylon perfectly – from its apostate Christianity to its economic and military dominance in the world. Israel is in the land and Jerusalem is a “cup of trembling” to the nations as the forces line up for the Gog Magog war, the defense treaty between the antichrist and Israel, and the beginning of the final seven years.

    As Christians in the land of prophetic Babylon, it behoves us to stay on our knees, not get entangled in the economic and political system any more than necessary, and to warn others. It just so happens that our Lord compares the “last days” to the days of Noah.

    36"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. 37But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” (Matthew 24:37-39)

    It was business as usual – eating, drinking and marrying until the flood came. Brothers and sisters, the flood is coming. Our ark, our refuge is the Lord and our brothers and sisters in Christ. He will have a corporate testimony of Christians built together as a spiritual house.

    19Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, 20having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, 21in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:19-22)

    Ministry of Jesus Christ.

    Heals his enemies.

    Respects freedom of conscience.

    Helps people Speak God's words.

    Tells the truth.

    Respects governments.

    Casts out invisible demons.

    Takes of Himself to give to the poor.

    Keeps God's Commandments.

    Actions of the Beast.

    Destroys his enemies.

    Works with others to destroy freedom of conscience.

    Persecutes people.

    Speaks against God.

    Deceives and lies.

    Disrespects governments, but uses them to further his cause.

    Is possessed by invisible demons.

    Takes from the poor to give to himself.

    Breaks God's Commandments.

    I found the following on the internet, and it is the explanation of what 666 means to them.

    Some commentators say that the number did not identify a particular individual at all. That is, the number itself had a meaning. "According to this view," says Robert W. Wall, "The cryptographic 666 falls short of the number 777, which symbolizes divine perfection" (New International Biblical Commentary, "Revelation," p.174). In short, the beast or Antichrist does not measure up to the perfection of Christ, though he claims to do so.

    A statement of John’s lends credence to this idea. He says 666 "is man’s number" (13:18). Man, however, is fallen, sinful and incomplete. On the other hand, seven is the number of completeness – and would refer to God and his work. The seven days of creation in Genesis 1 is an example. If the meaning of "666" is in the number itself, then the point is clear: The beast is nothing more than man’s government under demonic control. In that sense, the "beast" has always been with us, and he can be seen at work throughout the ages. Naturally, at the culmination of human civilization when Jesus returns, we would expect the epitome of this "beast" to arise.

    The number "6" is the number of man because man was created on the sixth day. There are three sixes, which is Satan’s trinity of the antichrist, the false prophet, and the beast.

    Six is the number of man. Three is a number connoting ultimate finality. Thus, 666, or three 6s connotes utter carnality; that which is of Man, and not of God. Seven is God's number which means completion; perfection. Therefore, God designed the weekly cycle around Seven days, not six, or eight or thirteen. The weekly cycle is not observable by any astronomical phenomena. We can observe the day and night by the rotation of the earth; the month by the moon, and the year by the journey of the earth with its moon around the sun. But the Sabbath day; the seventh day of creation, has always been handed down from generation to generation from God's righteous patriarchs to the prophets, to the apostles, to God's people from age to age. There is significance in God's use of certain numbers.

    The following facts concerning the Number of the Beast may not appear on this web page because of various reasons, and you can find the original web page for better information on the number 666.

    The number 666 is cool. Made famous by the Book of Revelation (Chapter 13, verse 18, to be exact), it is also interesting because of its many numerical properties. Here is a compendium of mathematical facts about the number 666. Most of the well-known "chestnuts" are included, but many of these are relatively new and have not been published elsewhere.

    The number 666 is a simple sum and difference of the first three 6th powers:
    666 = 16 - 26 + 36.

    It is also equal to the sum of its digits plus the cubes of its digits:
    666 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6³ + 6³ + 6³.
    There are only five other positive integers with this property. Exercise: find them, and prove they are the only ones!

    666 is related to (6² + n²) in the following interesting ways:
    666 = (6 + 6 + 6) • (6² + 1²)
    666 = 6! • (6² + 1²) / (6² + 2²)

    The sum of the squares of the first 7 primes is 666:
    666 = 2² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 11² + 13² + 17²

    The sum of the first 144 (= (6+6)•(6+6)) digits of pi is 666.

    16661 is the first beastly palindromic prime, of the form 1[0...0]666[0...0]1. The next one after 16661 is 1000000000000066600000000000001 which can be written concisely using the notation 1 013 666 013 1, where the subscript tells how many consecutive zeros there are. Harvey Dubner determined that the first 7 numbers of this type have subscripts 0, 13, 42, 506, 608, 2472, and 2623 [see J. Rec. Math, 26(4)].

    A very special kind of prime number [first mentioned to me by G. L. Honaker, Jr.] is a prime, p (that is, let's say, the kth prime number) in which the sum of the decimal digits of p is equal to the sum of the digits of k. The beastly palindromic prime number 16661 is such a number, since it is the 1928'th prime, and 1 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 1 = 1 + 9 + 2 + 8.

    The triplet (216, 630, 666) is a Pythagorean triplet, as pointed out to me by Monte Zerger. This fact can be rewritten in the following nice form:
    (6•6•6)² + (666 - 6•6)² = 666²

    There are only two known Pythagorean triangles whose area is a repdigit number:
    (3, 4, 5) with area 6 (693, 1924, 2045) with area 666666
    It is not known whether there are any others, though a computer search has verified that there are none with area less than 1040. [see J. Rec. Math, 26(4), Problem 2097 by Monte Zerger]

    The sequence of palindromic primes begins 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, etc. Taking the last two of these, we discover that 666 is the sum of two consecutive palindromic primes: 666 = 313 + 353.

    A well-known remarkably good approximation to pi is 355/113 = 3.1415929... If one part of this fraction is reversed and added to the other part, we get 553 + 113 = 666.

    [from Martin Gardner's "Dr. Matrix" columns] The Dewey Decimal System classification number for "Numerology" is 133.335. If you reverse this and add, you get 133.335 + 533.331 = 666.666

    [from G. L. Honaker, Jr.] There are exactly 6 6's in 6666. There are also exactly 6 6's in the previous sentence!

    [by P. De Geest, slight refinement by M. Keith] The number 666 is equal to the sum of the digits of its 47th power, and is also equal to the sum of the digits of its 51st power.

    That is,
    66647 = 5049969684420796753173148798405564772941516295265
    66651 = 9935407575913859403342635113412959807238586374694

    and the sum of the digits on the right hand side is, in both cases, 666. In fact, 666 is the only integer greater than one with this property. (Also, note that from the two powers, 47 and 51, we get (4+7)(5+1) = 66.)

    The number 666 is one of only two positive integers equal to the sum of the cubes of the digits in its square, plus the digits in its cube. On the one hand, we have 6662 = 443556 6663 = 295408296 while at the same time, (43 + 43 + 33 + 53 + 53 + 63) + (2+9+5+4+0+8+2+9+6) = 666. The other number with this property is 2583.

    We can state properties like this concisely be defining Sk(n) to be the sum of the kth powers of the digits of n. Then we can summarize items #13, #14, and #2 on this page by simply writing:

    666 = S2(666) + S3(666)
    = S1(66647)
    = S1(66651)
    = S3(6662) + S1(6663)

    [P. De Geest and G. L. Honaker, Jr.] Now that we have the Sk(n) notation, define SP(n) as the sum of the first n palindromic primes. Then: S3( SP(666) ) = 3 • 666 where the same digits (3, 666) appear on both sides of the equation!

    [by Carlos Rivera] The number 20772199 is the smallest integer with the property that the sum of the prime factors of n and the sum of the prime factors of n+1 are both equal to 666: 20772199 = 7 x 41 x 157 x 461, and 7+41+157+461 = 666 20772200 = 2x2x2x5x5x283x367, and 2+2+2+5+5+283+367 = 666. Of course, integers n and n+1 having the same sum of prime factors are the famous Ruth-Aaron pairs. So we can say that (20772199, 20772200) is the smallest beastly Ruth-Aaron pair.

    [by G. L. Honaker, Jr.] The sum of the first 666 primes contains 666: 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 • • • + 4969 + 4973 = 1533157 = 23 • 66659

    [Wang, J. Rec. Math, 26(3)] The number 666 is related to the golden ratio! (If a rectangle has the property that cutting off a square from it leaves a rectangle whose proportions are the same as the original, then that rectangle's proportions are in the golden ratio. Also, the golden ratio is the limit, as n becomes large, of the ratio between adjacent numbers in the Fibonacci sequence.) Denoting the Golden Ratio by t, we have the following identity, where the angles are in degrees: sin(666) = cos(6•6•6) = -t/2 which can be combined into the lovely expression: t = - (sin(666) + cos(6•6•6) )

    There are exactly two ways to insert '+' signs into the sequence 123456789 to make the sum 666, and exactly one way for the sequence 987654321: 666 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 567 + 89 = 123 + 456 + 78 + 9 666 = 9 + 87 + 6 + 543 + 21

    [from Patrick Capelle] 666 is a divisor of 123456789 + 987654321.

    [from Patrick Capelle] 666 can be expressed just using the digit 3, as 666 = p(3•3•3) + p(p(3•3•3)) where p(i) means the ith prime number (that is, p(1) = 2, p(2) = 3, p(3) = 5, etc.)

    A Smith number is an integer in which the sum of its digits is equal to the sum of the digits of its prime factors. 666 is a Smith number, since 666 = 2•3•3•37 while at the same time 6 + 6 + 6 = 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 7.

    Consider integers n with the following special property: if n is written in binary, then the one's complement is taken (which changes all 1's to 0's and all 0's to 1's), then the result is written in reverse, the result is the starting integer n. The first few such numbers are 2 10 12 38 42 52 56 142 150 170 178 204 212 232 240 542 558 598 614...

    For example, 38 is 100110, which complemented is 011001, which reversed is 100110. Now, you don't really need to be told what the next one after 614 is, do you?

    The following fact is quite well known, but still interesting: If you write the first 6 Roman numerals, in order from largest to smallest, you get 666: DCLXVI = 666.

    The previous one suggests a form of word play that was popular several centuries ago: the chronogram. A chronogram attaches a numerical value to an English phrase or sentence by summing up the values of any Roman numerals it contains. (Back then, U,V and I,J were often considered the same letter for the purpose of the chronogram, however I prefer to distinguish them.) What's the best English chronogram for 666? Here's one that's pretty apt: Expect The Devil. Note that four of the six numerals are contained in the last word.

    A standard function in number theory is phi(n), which is the number of integers smaller than n and relatively prime to n. Remarkably, phi(666) = 6•6•6.

    The nth triangular number is given by the formula T(n) = (n)(n+1)/2, and is equal to the sum of the numbers from 1 to n. 666 is the 36th triangular number - in other words, T(6•6) = 666. In 1975 Ballew and Weger proved (see J. Rec. Math, Vol. 8, No. 2): 666 is the largest triangular number that's also a repdigit (A repdigit is a number consisting of a single repeated non-zero digit, like 11 or 22 or 555555.)

    [From Patrick Capelle] 666 is the sum of the squares of two consecutive triangular numbers: 666 = 152 + 212 which can also be elegantly written as T(6•6) = T(5)2 + T(6)2. But also note that T(5) + T(6) = T(8). Indeed, 666 is the smallest triangular number of the form a2 + b2 with a+b also triangular.

    The doubly-triangular numbers are those numbers of the form T(T(n)), where T(n) are the triangular numbers defined in the previous item. The sequence of doubly-triangular numbers begins 1, 6, 21, 55, 120, 321, 406, 666, 1035 so we see that 666 is the eighth doubly-triangular number (i.e., T(T(8)) = 666). The nth doubly-triangular number is, among other things, the number of ways to paint the vertices of a square using a set of n colors, where the colors are distinct but rotations and reflections of a given colored square are considered the same. So there are 666 distinct ways of painting the vertices of a square with a set of eight colors.

    [from Monte Zerger] 6 (= T(3)), 66 (= T(11)), and 666 (= T(36)) are all triangular numbers in base 10. These three numbers are also triangular in two other bases: 49 and 2040:
    (6)49 = 6 = T(3)
    (66)49 = 300 = T(24)
    (666)49 = 14706 = T(171)

    (6)2040 = 6 = T(3)
    (66)2040 = 12246 = T(1564)
    (666)2040 = 24981846 = T(7068)

    [from Monte Zerger] 6666 = 87266061345623616, which contains 6 6's. In addition, the digits of 6666 can be split into two sets in two different ways, both of which sum up to the same value, 36 (= 6 x 6).

    The first eight and last nine digits both sum to 36: 8 + 7 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 0 + 6 + 1 = 6 x 6 = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 1 + 6
    while the 6's and non-6's also add up to 36: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 6 x 6 = 8 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 1 Finally, note that 6666 is almost pan digital - the only digit it's missing is an upside-down 6 (i.e., 9).

    A polygonal number is a positive integer of the form P(k,n) = n((k - 2)n + 4 - k)/2 where k is the 'order' of the polygonal number (k=3 gives the triangular numbers, k=4 the squares, k=5 the pentagonal numbers, etc.), and n is its index. A repdigit polygonal number is a polygonal number that also happens to be a repdigit. Finally, define the wickedness of a polygonal number as n/k. Now, an amazing fact: 666 is conjectured to be the most wicked repdigit polygonal number. Since 666 = P(3,36), its wickedness value is n/k = 12. I recently showed by computer calculation that there are no counterexamples to this conjecture less than 1050. See my paper here for more details. It seems quite certain that this is true but so far no one has proved it.

    Whilst on the subject of polygonal numbers, we can find among them some rather beastly configurations. One of the more striking is the following: If one arranges a group of people in a solid 3010529326318802-sided polygon with 666 people on each side, there will be a total of 666666666666666666666 persons in all. Or, more simply, P(3010529326318802, 666) = 666666666666666666666. See the paper link in the previous item for more like this.

    Define PI(n,d) as the d consecutive decimal digits of the number π (3.14159265358979...) starting at the nth digit after the decimal point. Then we can make the following pretty statement: PI(666, 3) = 7•7•7 (since the digits at that position are "343", or 7 cubed) as well as the following one, which contains nothing but 6's and 3's (and two 666's): PI(666 • 3.663663663..., 3) = 666.

    Inserting zeros between the sixes in 666 gives the number 60606, which has a few interesting properties of its own: 60606 = 7 x 13 x 666 = 91 x 666 = T(13) x T(36) - i.e., 60606 is the product of two triangular numbers. 60606 = 7 x 37 x (13 x 18), which is interesting in that Rev 13:18 is the place where 666 is mentioned. 60606 = P(7,156) - i.e., 60606 is a 7-gonal number. (Note that this can be written entirely using the evocative numbers 6, 7, and 13, by saying 60606 = P(7, (6+6)•13)). In addition we can make a statement using only 7's: 60606 is the 7th palindromic 7-gonal number. 60606 has exactly 6 prime factors. 60606+1 is a prime number. Not only that, but it's a prime (p) for which the period length of the decimal expansion of its reciprocal (1/p) attains the maximum possible value of p-1. In other words:1/(60606 + 1) has period length 60606.

    60606 is, just like 666, the sum of two consecutive palindromic primes (both of which contain the evil eyes!): 60606 = 30203 + 30403.

    [Thanks to G. L. Honaker, Jr., Jud McCranie, Monte Zerger, and Patrick De Geest for these.]

    [found by Jud McCranie] It is a theorem that every positive integer occurs as the period length of the reciprocal of some prime. So, the obvious question arises: what's the smallest prime with period length 666? The answer was found in June 1998: p = 902659997773 is the smallest prime whose reciprocal has period length 666.

    The first 666 digits after the decimal point of 1/p (which then repeat) are:

    Observe that if you turn the prime p upside down, there's a 666 inside, slightly to the left of the middle, and if you turn the single period of 1/p upside down, there's a 66666666666 inside, slightly to the left of the middle!

    [from Simon Whitechapel] A mathematically important number sequence is: 7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 47, 59, 61, 97, 109, 113, 131, 149, ...which is the sequence of primes p whose reciprocal in base 10 has maximum period p-1. The last one, 1/149 with period 148, has the following digits after the decimal point (which then repeat):0067114093959731543624161073825503355704697986577181208053691275167785234899328859060402684563758389261744966442953020134228187919463087248322147651

    As luck would have it, the sum of these is 666. If these 148 numbers (the first 148 digits of 1/149) are written as the top row of a 148x148 square grid, and then the digits of 2/149 as the second row, then 3/149 and so on, the result is a 148x148 pseudo-magic square, in which every row and column sums to 666.

    [sent in by P. De Geest] The smallest prime number with a gap of 666 (that is, such that the prime following it is larger than it by exactly 666) is 18691113008663

    Note the three sixes! Also, Patrick Capelle points out that this prime (1869113008663) and the following one (1869113008663 + 666 = 18691113009329) both have the same digit sum, 53 (also a prime).

    Define a dottable fraction as one in which dots (representing multiplication) can be interspersed in both the numerator and denominator to produce an expression that's equal to the original fraction. The noteworthy dottable fraction 666 = 6•6•6 64676 6•46•76 has a numerator of 666 and a denominator of the form 6x6y6.

    Here's another one (actually, two) based on a fraction [by Manley Perkel and Mike Keith]. The fraction 1666/6664 (which has a 666 in both numerator and denominator) has two interesting properties: (1) The numerical value of the fraction (0.25) is the same as the numerical value of the fraction you get by "cancelling" (i.e., erasing or removing) the 666 from both the numerator and denominator.

    (2) The value of the fraction is the same as the value you get by splitting the fraction in half and multiplying the two parts together; that is, 1666 = 16 . 66 6664 66 64

    A fraction like this is known as a fractured fraction.

    The alphametic below has a unique solution (i.e., there is only one way to replace letters with digits so that the addition sum is correct):


    [by Monte Zerger] Note that 1998 (a recent year) = 666 + 666 + 666. Not only that, but if we set A=3, B=6, C=9, etc., we find, amazingly, that NINETEEN NINETY EIGHT = 666

    Frank Fiederer pointed out that the age of the United States in 1998 is also related to 666, since 1998 - 1776 = 666/3.

    Finally, we close with an observation that makes a commentary on the folly of attaching a too-specific meaning to the number 666. If the letter A is defined to be equal to 36 (=6•6), B=37, C=38, and so on, then:

    The sum of the letters in the word SUPERSTITIOUS is 666.

    There is a lot of material on the internet on this topic of the Beast of Revelation, and we are encouraged not to receive the Mark of the Beast on the forehead or on the right hand. We think that we have been able to the role America plays in the world as being the Beast of Revelation. Only a world power can do what the Beast of Revelation, and what country is like America?

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  64. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:47 AM |  

    This comment is to once again give additional explanation of another comment, and there is new information in THE comment.

    There was no intention from me to write anything false, but it was just one of those things.

    I wrote the following sentence: “This was late evening here, but just the right time for voting to start in Serbia”. That sentence should has been written: This was late afternoon and approaching evening here, but just the right time for voting to start in Serbia.

    The second sentence is correct because I would not usually stay in a park late after dark, and especially not after I drank that much beer. I do own a car, and I did not drive my car that day, nor would I drive my car if I had been drinking. It only took me a few minutes to walk home from the park.

    I do not advocate that anyone tell lies, and what I want to say is that the invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons know exactly if a human is lying to them. This is why you will never be able to fool them, and that is why you should not even try, because you will just be wasting your time.

    If a person were to try to trick the invisible Devil and his invisible demons, then that person would have be one that Devil always thinks is honest. That person would have to have their eyes closed when lying, so that the pupils could not be seen to expand, and it would be hard to judge by voice variations because of a slurred voice of someone under the influence. The other feature of having more to drink than is sensible is that people think that all people speak the truth at the time of their being under the influence.

    The Referendum for the current Constitution in Serbia was narrowly passed, and I think that I could have helped that Referendum to pass.

    The Referendum was over two days, and it was not looking as if the Referendum would pass after the first day of voting. That is why I thought up a plan to help the Referendum on the second day.

    I got a six-pack of beer, and I went into a park and I drank those bottles of beer. The invisible demons knew that I do not drink more than six small bottles of beer in any day, and that I knew that it was not enough to get me drunk. I went back to the bottle shop, got another six-pack of beer, and drank them on a park bench that has a table. After I had drank those 12 bottles of beer, I rested my head on the table, and I closed my eyes and started ‘mumbling’ after a few minutes. I can say for a fact that those beers did help my acting, as it disguised any signs of lying. This was late afternoon and approaching evening here, but just the right time for voting to start in Serbia. I lied to the Devil, and said that I would serve the Devil if the Referendum passed. I went home to have supper, and while it was night over here and I was sleeping, the voting was taking place in Serbia. After I woke up the next day, the voting was over, and we all know the result of that Referendum.

    I do not know if the invisible demons believed my lie or not at the time, but I know that I will not be able to deceive the invisible demons for any future Referendum. I do not like lying, even if it is to the invisible demons, and I will not lie again for anyone.

    I have been going into lonely parks to let the demons hears what I have to say on many occasions over the past few decades.

    There are those who may think that it would be easier to just do it a home, but I do not want to take a chance that my speech could be recorded.

    I know that an invisible demon follows me, and tells the things I say to the American politicians. I have been going to a lonely park and discussing Kosovo many times as Nazi Ahtisaari was ‘formulating’ his ‘proposal’. I will not claim to be an expert on the Nazi Ahtisaari ‘Plan’, but let us just say that I knew some things about what was going on behind the scenes. I have my suspicions or ‘suspicions’ as to why Nazi Ahtisaari was ordered by America to delay his status proposal on Kosovo. I believe it was because I went into a lonely park and said some words there of certain Compromise proposals. I suggested the Serbia draw the map in the way they want to get one third of Kosovo, and that the rest go to make up a new country. That can only happen after the ICJ rules in Serbia’s favour, or all countries have revoked recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

    I think that Tadic and company would want Camp Bondsteel to be in Serbia, because FANS is For A NATO Serbia.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  65. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    This comment is a comment giving further explanation on the matter of the Mark of the Beast, using material I read on THE internet.

    The found the following on a web page called the Mark of a Man, and it is the next paragraph.

    For more and more young men in our society, there is a void of role models who understand what being a man really means. There is a void left by divorce, absent fathers, workaholics, and generational cycles. Questions such as “How do I see myself as a man?” and “What words describe me?” are being answered with less guidance than is required in today’s world. Our society is facing serious problems that stem from confused and distorted views of what a “real man” ought to be. They go against the media and societal messages that so often promote selfishness, instant gratification, apathy, and ignorance. The Mark of a Man is the impact he leaves on the world and his surroundings through the quality of the relationships he builds. His mark is left more than by any other means, through the legacy of his children. His Mark is left and through the quality of the character that he possess and demonstrates each day. His impact is felt through the way he lives his life and the way in which he expresses himself. The Mark of a Man program is designed to give another perspective to men on what being a man entails today. It is designed to demonstrate, challenge, and answer the questions around being a man that all men have.

    We can see that there is no visible mark that a man has to show that he has The Mark of a Man.

    There is a mountain of material on the internet on the subject of The Mark of the Beast. There are many different opinions on what it is, and it is a subject on which we can all do research.

    I have heard it said that because of Hitler’s beastly behaviour, that Hitler had the Mark of the Beast, even though there was not visible mark on his forehead or right hand.

    The Bible describes several world Powers or beasts, and there is no record of any visible markings on these rulers. We have seen that the Beast of Revelation is America, and that those who are puppetized to worship America have received the Mark of the Beast.

    Could it be that the same thing is true of the puppets of America that America puppetizes them to get the Mark of the Beast?

    We know that America will put trade sanctions on those who will not be their puppets. America also pressures countries to have unfair trade deal that it calls ‘free trade agreements’. America also prevents some countries from entering trade agreement with other countries for their own financial benefit, or because they want to affect the economy of certain countries. America will pressure countries to let whoever they want to join the IMF, because these ones are their puppets.

    We have seen from the material that I found on the internet that the Mark of the Beast puppetship to the Beast, namely, America.

    I remember listening to talk back radio, and some people were discussing Mikhail Gorbachev, and if that mark on his forehead was the Mark of the Beast.

    I remember listening to talk back radio, and some people were discussing Mikhail Gorbachev, and if that mark on his forehead was the Mark of the Beast.

    The following Scriptures do show what the wise thing to think of when choosing a leader.

    “In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it. And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Babylonia and put in the treasure house of his god. Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility- young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians” (Daniel 1:1-4).

    We see here that the main point is that there should not be any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace.

    The king in this instance would have been America, and Mikhail Gorbachev was not qualified to serve in the king’s so to speak. I am not suggesting for a moment that he did not want to do the right thing by Europe, but the Americans had different thoughts.

    “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18).

    It is wise if the leader also has a good image, and the party has an appropriate name.

    The following Scriptures show us that we should think of our audience. The point was that the atheistic Soviet Union had as its audience a Western Christian audience. There were many people who misapplied difficult to understand passages of the Bible for their own propaganda purposes.

    “Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations” (Proverbs 27:23, 24).

    There are some who say that the Pope is the Beast, but the Beast has been in existence before Jesus came to the earth.

    The following Scripture is what the Prophet Daniel wrote hundreds of years before Jesus came to the earth.

    “The four great beasts are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth” (Daniel 7:17).

    What I know for a fact is that the West was quick to exploit this to their advantage, because the invisible demons hear what goes on.

    Tadic has a different hair colour on the side of his head, but it is not on his forehead.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  66. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    Here is a comment that may help to create employment during this time of THE world economic recession.

    I want to say that I know very little when it comes to economics, finance, and banking, and that only some aspects of some of my opinions would be worth considering. The purpose of this comment is to help create the jobs that Europeans and possibly others could gain by a quick start to the South Stream Gas Project.

    We have heard that the South Stream Project has been signed by participating countries. If the money to build the project is not there, then I have a suggestion. The richest country in this project is Italy, and if Italy provides the money for the project, then the Italian Government will get free gas that they sell for as long as it takes to pay it off. There could be other countries in this type of scheme and it is only a suggestion. The important point is that the quicker the project is completed, the quicker everyone both Governments, companies, and workers involved can benefit from it. The Italian and possibly other Governments can raise a tax or sell bonds to raise the money. I want to say that I know nothing of the deal, and for all I know, the money may already be there for the project.

    I want to start a new theme, and it is at the next thread below this one.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  67. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:02 AM |  

    This comment is a comment to update and modify an interpretation that I provided concerning THE matter of the King of the North and the King of the South in Daniel 11:40-45.

    The Bible contains passages that are literal, passages that are symbolic, and passages that are cryptic. It is for these reasons that all interpretations of difficult passages of the Bible including this interpretation may not be correct. However, many discoveries were and can only be made by a system of trial and error until a discovery or invention is made. That is why we should not worry if we get it wrong on several attempts, as long as we know that we need to keep trying.

    “As for both kings (King of North and King of South), their hearts will be intent on evil, and they will speak lies to each other at the same table; but it will not succeed, for the end (for the King of the North) is still to come at the appointed time” (Daniel 11:27).

    Both these kings are said to be intent on doing evil, to lie, and to wage war, so both these kings would exhibit beastly behaviour. Even if Hitler did survive WW 2 and went to another country, his rulership came to an end, and that is the main point.

    We have all seen films of Hitler’s speeches that he made to the Nazis, and we could see the beast in him, even though he had no visible mark on his forehead or on his right hand.

    “But he (the King of the North) will be troubled by news from the east and from the north; and he will go out in great wrath, to send destruction on, and put an end to, great numbers. He will put the tents of his great house between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain: but he will come to his end with no helper” (Daniel 11:44, 45).

    Britain was an a powerful Global Empire before WW 2, and could be said to be to the east, to the north, to the west, and to the south of Germany as the sun never set on the British Empire.

    Britain was probably not secretly speaking for America, but was looking to further Britain’s interests, and the interests of the British Empire.

    Adolf Hitler, and Prime Minister of Great Britain Neville Chamberlain, did sit at one table and speak lies to one another. The British Empire was symbolically east and north of Germany, even though it was at the same time symbolically west and south of Germany.

    It could be that because the terms west and south are not mentioned here, that Britain was not secretly speaking for America.

    What Hitler heard Chamberlain say to Hitler privately did disturb Hitler and caused him to start WW 2 by invading Poland. It could be that Hitler understood that German power was threatening the interests of British Empire, and that Britain was planning to invade Germany if Hitler would not be a puppet.

    Chamberlain in his typically pushy English manner may have threatened Hitler with invasion to cause a reaction. However, in public Chamberlain said that there was peace in our time because he wanted Hitler to look like the instigator of troubles. Britain may have even encouraged the naturally arrogant Germans by means of Hitler to be overly arrogant because this is where the British could best manipulate the situation for the long-term interests of the British Empire.

    There are some who are the bully in private and play the victim in public, and that is typical of the King of the South.

    The fact the Britain is geographically north of Germany suggests that the designation of north and south does not apply, but only literally applies to the original office holder of the King of the North and the King of the South that started thousands of years ago, and recorded at Daniel 11:5.

    We know that the Evil King of the South is America, because the bully must be the most powerful nation on earth, and America and its northern puppets are the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

    I want to start a new theme, and it is at the last thread on this web page.

  68. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:56 AM |  

    We should all know by now that the Secret Devil Worshipping American Jews, the Serbian Puppets, and the Dutch may all ask the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm.

    If they do this, then Ratko Mladic would Not be able resist, as he is a Secret Devil Worshipper, but that does Not necessarily make him a war criminal.

    Everyone will say that it was good police work that was responsible; however, those who know better will be censored in the Media, and the gullible will be deceived yet again.

    Serbia would like the SAA Money if possible, because Serbia can then default all IMF loans.

    If Serbia defaults on all IMF loans first, then Serbia will Not be able to get the SAA Money.

    Serbia does Not want to default, but the economics of today’s world make it the only plausible option.

    After that, Britain, America, and Israel do Not mind if an earthquake destroys Holland’s dikes.

    Britain, America, and the Jews know that one event will destroy the already nearly dead EU, but they need the Balkans to be taken over by the Muslims before that occurs.

    This is because Britain, America, and Israel want all of the Balkans as their lands.

    This would include all territories of European Balkans including the Turkish territory, and all of Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, FYROM, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, and the Islands of those regions.

    Britain, America, and Israel know that the Islands of those regions would have marine resources, and could even have OIL.

  69. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:44 AM |  

    The Spanish Presidency should work hard to ensure that the Dutch give away their racist attitudes.

    This will be extremely difficult if not impossible, because the Dutch will tell the Spaniards that the Dutch are real Whites.

    The Dutch will say that they are of the Nordic Master Race, and that the Dutch are of the Germanic Master Race.

    The White Supremacist Dutch privately refer to the Serbs, the Spaniards, and other Europeans as blacks and untermenschen.

    The real problem with the Dutch is that they just cannot shake off their Colonial attitudes of being of the White Master Race.

    We know that it was the Dutch that created the Apartheid regime in South Africa, and the only place left for them to have an Apartheid regime is in the Balkans.

    The Dutch are influencing other European countries by offering a visa regime that does not include all races in Serbia.

    There is a group of Serbian citizens who want the EU to refer to them as the Kosovar race.

    Here is definite proof at last that certain elements within the EU pursue racially discriminatory policies.

    Policies that are based on race are Unconstitutional for the Serbian Parliament, but we know that the current Serbian Government is just a puppet to the Nazis of Europe.

    This is why the Dutch oppose the SAA Agreement with Serbia, and any fancy excuses given by the Apartheid Dutch should be ignored by the knowledgeable.

    It would not surprise me if the Dutch ask the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm so that they can then have a cover for their mean spiritedness and their hypocrisy.

  70. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    Britain, America, and the Jews know that one event will destroy the already nearly dead EU, but they need the Balkans to be taken over by the Muslims before that occurs.

    This is because Britain, America, and Israel want all of the Balkans as their lands.

    This would include all territories of European Balkans including the Turkish territory, and all of Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, FYROM, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Cyprus, and the Islands of those regions.

    Britain, America, and Israel know that the Islands of those regions would have marine resources, and could even have OIL.

  71. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    It was extremely cunning of the British, the Americans, and the Jews to scheme the end of the EU.

    They were even sly enough to get France, Germany, and other countries to help them.

    At the same time, the Nazis of Europe thought that they were the ones benefiting from the British, Americans, and the Jews.

    For the sake of Not making a story too long, I will just ask what the EU would be today, if Yugoslavia was allowed to be country, regardless of if it was, or if it was Not any of the Euro-Atlantic structures?

    The economy of the Balkan EU countries would have been in a better shape, with no financial problems there.

    This would have resulted in the rest of the EU being financially and economically sound.

    The British, the Americans, and the Jews did it again to Germany, and the German Fourth Reich is over.

    Germany should Not plan a Fifth Reich, because they should learn a lesson from history.

    It should be kept in mind that many people think that the Jewish leaders and Adolf Hitler joined up as a team so that the Jews could play the victim card in order to ‘justify’ the theft of Palestine.

    It could be that the Jews and Nazi Germany are teaming up again, and they are ordering their puppet Tadic to let Kosovo be represented in Sarajevo as a State.

    This is because they want the Highest Court in the World, the ICJ, to say that different races do Not have any right to live in peace in the same country.

    They want this because the Jews want to use the bribed and corrupt ICJ announcement to impose Martial Law in America, and Germany wants to engineer a civil war in America as revenge on America because of the two World Wars.

    The Jews of America want Tadic and the DS to follow the Jewish and German plan, because they want to see how will kill all DS Politicians to restore trust and stability.

    This is because the Serbian Army has said that Serbia’s biggest threat is from Kosovo, and a lot will depend on any treachery of the Puppets in the Serbian Parliament.

    If there are any suggestions that Kosovo will be represented as anything other than a Serbian Province, then Serbia should Not attend that setup of a ‘Conference’.

  72. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    This comment is an update on another comment that I wrote, and it better explains some of the points I wanted to write.

    Jews are everywhere in American influential society, and it is no wonder that Barack Obama as a Secret Devil Worshipper likes having Jews in positions of influence.

    The truth of the matter is that a Jew can never be a loyal American citizen or any other country except Israel.

    This is exactly the same as an Albanian cannot be a loyal citizen of any country other than Albania.

    Education is Not the cure here, but only death is the cure, or total racial segregation is the cure.

    With these truths in mind, we can see why many true American citizens will want less Jews in positions of influence in America, but Jews control the system behind the scenes by means of money.

    These positions of influence do include Government, Media, Military, Business, Entertainment, Legal, Judicial, and Media, etc.

    We have seen how the Jew Woody Allen, a supporter of Roman Polanski, thinks that it would be good for Obama to be Dictator for a ‘few years’ to take guns away from the decent Americans, and have the armed criminals, and armed sexual deviants help Obama’s Dictatorship.

    We have heard the comments of David Letterman, as regards minors, and we know what the paedophiles and other deviants ‘vision’ of America is.

    According to that sad pathetic man, Woody Allen, Obama could get a few things done in that time.

    The truth of the matter is that Dictators and those who support them just do Not retire in a few years, because they do Not like the taste of lead.

    The Jews want to bring in illegal immigrants to kill the white people with the help of black criminals.

    After that, the Jews, and the White Supremacists will put the black people back to slavery, because this is Jewish and White Dictators thinking.

    This is because this is the only way many lazy black people (non-racist statement) will ever work.

    Obama may say that the only way to disprove rumours of him being a Dictator is to impose Martial Law in America.

    There are many people who think that the economic depression in America was deliberately engineered by the Jews for the express purpose to use the resultant social disruption as a pretext to impose Martial Law in America.

    If I wanted to disprove rumours of wanting to impose Martial Law, then I would resign as leader of my country.

    The American people have the advantage of knowing that a non-American who believes in freedom and liberty wrote this, and so there can be no suggestions of domestic ‘terrorist threats’.

    Trust, especially in regards to American Politicians, if it is intelligent to even trust American Politicians, is a very delicate and fragile thing, and any responsible American Politician would Not play callous games with that trust.

    I have seen how Barack Obama has divided the American population, and it could deliberately engineered by his Jewish Masters to create a civil war in America.

    It needs to be kept in mind that Barack Obama has repeatedly refused reasonable requests to prove his Constitutional and Legal entitlement to the Residency of the Whites’ House.

    There are many Americans who think that the system has had more that enough time to produce perfectly forged documents, and to cover up for their conspiracy.

    It could be that the Jews, Obama, and the American Democrats have deliberately chosen an impostor to be Resident of the Whites’ House.

    This could be in order to sow that much suspicion so that any trust in the Political and Judicial System in America is completely gone.

    This would give the Dictators of America the ability to say that they must impose Martial Law in America, because they have deliberately, and will continue to deliberately make the citizens distrustful of the American Government.

  73. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    This is a critical time for Europe and for the entire Free Democratic World.

    Serbia has the most democratic Constitution in the history of the Human Race.

    The non-Albanian people of Kosovo anxiously awaits the pronouncements of a bribed and corrupt United Nations Court that has strong links to Nazism.

    Many people believe the Judges at the ICJ have been bribed with large Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, and with a lifelong supply of vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    The non-Albanian and non-Muslim people of Kosovo hope that the ICJ denies the demands of the Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist Al-Qaeda Albanians for independence, and grants them highest level of autonomy to bring them under the Rule of Law.

    We have a democratic Serbia, and we need a democratic autonomous Kosovo.

    The European Union, now under the leadership of Germany, a former Nazi Dictatorship can help by ensuring a common EU position in support of autonomy, the Helsinki Final Act, International Law, the United Nations Charter, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

    Most of the Albanians of Kosovo and the rest of the world are completely racist, cunning liars, murders, thieves, undemocratic, and totally intolerant of any other religion.

    These attitudes and practices do not belong in Europe; and it was the Turks who put the Albanians in Europe, and this is why Albanians are Not European.

    We can learn from Hitler that to appease thugs will not get far in the long run.

    With Anglo-American credibility in tatters over Iraq, let me assure people that the Anglo-Saxons has a long history of supporting dictators and murders, and Kosovo is just another example.

    These Albanian terrorists manufactured their own victim hood with the help of the Americans who were bribed by with free oil for the Islamists in exchange for an Islamic Terrorist nation in Europe.

    These Fundamentalists do not want to live in a democratic multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation because they intensely hate people who are different.

    The Nazis keep saying that not giving Kosovo independence is keeping Serbia form joining the EU, but they never give their reasons, because they know that Albanians could never qualify to join the EU.

    Perhaps the EU war criminals who helped create this mess, just like the Anglo-Saxon war criminals who created the mess in Iraq could help these Albanians qualify.

    Serbia can wait until the Albanians qualify to reach European Standards; and, we all know this will never happen because the Albanians came from Turkey.

    The effort the Nazis of Europe used to help Kosovo become independent; is less than how much the EU does Not want the Albanians to ever join the European Union.

  74. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    There are many people who think that America’s scheme to have the health system Nationalized is for improper motives.

    They think it is to kill those old people who the homosexuals and paedophiles think will become suicide bombers in an attempt to restore the Constitutional Democracy and Government to America.

    The Americans know how to make a home made miniature version of shark killing rifles that do Not have or need a long handle on it.

    The Americans know how to make a home made miniature version of a bazooka.

    I know that Americans are concerned that their President may be an impostor, but I think that is Not that important.

    The thing that matters here is that any American President, even legitimate, is a Secret Devil Worshipper.

  75. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    We have seen how the diaries that are claimed to have been written by General Mladic have been given to the Nazi Hague Inquisition.

    I am Not advising anyone to lie; and I am just make a TRUTHFUL STATEMENT, that most countries with even minimum intelligence do lie when they need to.

    That is simply a statement of FACTS on the ground if you want to say it that way, and any digression should from those facts on the ground needs to be analysed and explained.

    At the very least, two sets of diaries could easily have been made by General Mladic, as 1995 was a long time ago.

    The diaries could in fact even be computer generated forgery made at the American State Department with the blessing of the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries in the Serbian Government.

    If the diaries were Not good for Serbia, then they and all other records would have been destroyed as soon as possible, unless of course Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries are in control of Serbia.

    The Military language always is that words are spoken in lies and to make oneself look pure.

    Either way, any normal country would either have destroyed those records, or have submitted them for their purity value long ago.

    It is interesting why these diaries were submitted after Tadic and company apologized for Srebrenica without any independent investigation.

    The Traitors wanted to use these ‘diaries’ that no one can be sure of as ‘evidence’ for apologizing for Srebrenica that had nothing to do with Serbia.

    Of course, these ‘diaries’ allegedly mention Milosevic and Mladic’s conversations between each other.

    Everyone knows that some things never get recorded, and that if Mladic had a conversation with Milosevic or took orders from Milosevic, then it would remain an undocumented and unrecorded secret.

    These Traitors are back to their old schemes calling the break up of Serbia Statistical Regions, and saying that these ‘statistical regions’ are no threat to Serbia.

    These Traitors want more Serbs and more of Serbia to become just a STATISTIC as far as American NAZI plans are concerned.

    They gave up on their lie of United Regions, because they know that people know it really means DISUNITED REGIONS.

    It would be nice if Russia at the next Serbian election had a Free Online Lotteries for Serbs only.

    This Free Online Lotteries for Serbs only would convince that only threat of Global Online is what kept Tadic and company from recognizing Kosovo, because America and the Albanians begged Not for such a Lottery

    As I have said, I am Not advising Russia to lie, because Russia would Not lie, but many Serbs would be GLAD if Russia was economical with the truth at the next Serbia election.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Janissaries at the next election.

  76. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    We have seen how the Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders will do everything to block Serbia’s further progress toward the EU.

    People are speculating how his Party gained so many seats in Parliament, and the voters will be able to comment on blogs all over the world.

    It could be that the Dutch Freedom Party said that the real reason for the oil spill is so that America does Not appear to be strong, because they wish to be free from the Albania menace.

    His Party members may have put word on the streets before the election to this effect.

    His party members may have said that Not only the EU, but the entire world must perform economic genocide on every Albanian on the planet, so that we may be rid of a worthless race of people.

    The International Court of Justice American citizen Judge Thomas Buergenthal, is a German-Jew who parents had moved from Germany to Czechoslovakia in 1933.

    He grew up in the Jewish ghetto of Kielce Poland, and later in the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen.

    The controversy over if he collaborated with the Nazis and murdered other Jews in order to live has Not been able to be verified as yet.

    If I were the leader of a Permanent United Nations Security Council country, then I would publicly stated to the ICJ Judges and other 14 member States of the United Nations, that I will kill any Judge that say even in the slightest way that different races have no legal right to live together in peace.

    I would state that I would kill those Judges twice if it was possible.

    I would Not care if anyone suspected me, because that would give me the platform to launch Global Online Free Lotteries on Kosovo.

    It would Not surprise me if the Tadic and company and the Nazi of Europe ask the invisible demons to torture General Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm to make it look like he surrendered or was captured.

    We can be certain that many lies will be told by America, the Nazis of Europe, and the Traitors in the Serbian Parliament until this evil saga is over.

  77. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    The following comment is what I found on the internet at B92 posted on comments from readers regarding the news item EU-Western Balkans conference in Sarajevo 2 June 2010.

    It was posted by a person who uses JS as their signature that I use, but I did Not write it, nor agree with some of what is says, and it is the next paragraph.

    Yugoslavia was a country the rest of the world took notice of. It was important, it was big, it had an influence on things that happened in the rest of Europe/the world. Nowadays, all the succeeding countries can only see and wait for the plans other nations have with them. Of course, some people might think that what I am writing here is nonsense. But, considered the comment ratings, some people do not. Don't forget that Yugoslavia was a country people truly loved, with all the problems and imperfections it had. And that it still lives on in people's hearts, within the Western Balkans as much as beyond. And of course, the 'reality on the ground' doesn't look like another Yugoslavia is about to happen. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time in history countries pop up or vanish from our maps within a day. It might be already tomorrow that we all wake up in another country. Belgrade has been the capital of more countries than just Serbia, the last century. Furthermore, I am convinced that a new Yugoslavia or Serbo-Croatia, the land of the Serb, Croats, Montenegrins included if they want is the only way for Serbs to solve the problem with the overgrowing population of Albanians in Kosovo. Either you give away Kosovo now (and keep no more than the north part, if you are lucky), either Albanians will become the majority within all of Serbia and Beograd might become just another city in Albania in 50-100 years. As might Shkupi in Macedonia. As we know, I think Serbs and Albanians have different views about what reality is. I think neither of them is wrong, they are just different and opposing. Even if Kosovo will remain a part of Serbia in this battle, do you, Serbs, think it would be the end of it? That Albanians will give up and become happy citizens of a part of Serbia? I don't think they will, to be honest. So I think the choice will be one of the following: 1. Lose Kosovo and praise yourself happy with just the North; 2. Keep all of Kosovo, but be prepared for much more and much bigger trouble to come; 3. Create a reality in which Albanians will never be able to become a majority, give them their own place to live in and support them in creating it (read: don't treat them like they were treated within the SFRJ, since it got you where you are now). I would choose option 3, I think. The problem of course is that nobody is asking me to choose. No other choice for me than make my own choice and bother people here with it. We never know what it might bring.

    We know that the non-Serb races and the Bosniaks have always been allied to Germany in the region of the Former Yugoslavia.

    Regardless of all the lies, the Albanians were treated just fine, and it was always their plan to steal other people’s land since the 1878 at the League of Prizren Declaration.

    We do know what a new Yugoslavia that JS has suggested will bring, if History is any judge.

  78. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I happened to read several articles of one analyst that I have forgotten to read the recent articles of Lyndon LaRouche, because I was busy reading other things on the Balkans websites.

    Wikipedia says: Lyndon LaRouche, is an American self-styled economist, political activist, and the founder of several political organizations known collectively as the LaRouche movement. He is the founder and contributing editor of the Executive Intelligence Review, and has written prolifically on economic, scientific, and political topics, as well as on history, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. Norman Bailey, formerly with the National Security Council, described LaRouche's staff in 1984 as one of the best private intelligence services in the world, while the Heritage Foundation has said that he leads “what may well be one of the strangest political groups in American history.”

    Lyndon LaRouche Junior is an American citizen, who can best be described in racial terms as being Anglo-French.

    Lyndon LaRouche from New Hampshire, an America State that has a border with the Canadian French Speaking Province of Quebec.

    His economic views seem to have begun with Communist Economic Theory in his youth, and that he is now in favour of Regulated and Completive Free Enterprise Market Economy.

    His past and present could be interrupted as being against the British Empire.

    While I do Not dismiss totally his past and present, I am Not fussed with this past or present, but only those aspects on which he is incorrect or correct.

    This is no way is any suggestion that he would deliberately deceive, because we know that the conspiracy keep changing to suit the Nazis, and I do Not think that any human being can really grasp all evil schemes of the Nazis.

    Those who are journalists and authors know what the honest people are up against; and, that is why we do need read the writings of others.

    This does Not mean that we would automatically believe every other writer, even though we do Not impugn wrong motives to certain, but Not to all writers.

    It is a regrettable fact, that a good liar and deceiver will sometimes tell us the truth, because he knows that we will more than likely Not believe him because of his track record of lying, and thereby deceive us.

    I have said on many occasions that only some aspects of some of my personal opinions are worth considering, even though there is no intention to deceive.

    This is how it is with the words of people, but I hope we all know that God’s Word is always true.

    With this points discussed, I thought it interesting to read some of his articles, and I have complied a list of a few those articles.

    I want to say that had I the limited knowledge that I now have offshore oil drilling works; I would have made better suggestion much earlier, and much easier.

    Lyndon LaRouche Addresses EIR Seminar, Frankfurt, Germany, June 10, 2010

    LaRouche: BP Actions In Gulf Are An Act of War Against the United States

    Obama's BP Treachery is The Last Straw

    BP: We Wouldn't Have the Problem, Except the President is a Traitor!

    A Black Day For Obama and the British

    European Blowout Makes Glass-Steagall Urgent, Now!

    LaRouche on Eurozone Meltdown: You Cannot Bail This Thing Out!

    Another Count of Impeachment Has Just Come Up Today

    That's the Way the Bastards Think

    The senile British lion: Evil, Wicked and Stupid!

    LaRouche: The Only Option is Obama's Removal From Office

    LaRouche Warns Europe: Don’t Make the U.S. Mistake; High-Gain Creditors like Santander Have to Take the Hit

    We Are A Republic, Not A Democracy

    I will need a few days to consider the articles, because it does explain a few things.

    We have every reason to believe that he is a loyal American citizen.

  79. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:31 AM |  

    We have seen how the Nazis of Europe have given the SAA Agreement to the Puppets and Traitors.

    The Nazis of Europe did this for ulterior motives, because they hope for new elections and that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority at the next election.

    They will then put a rigged Referendum for Serbia to join the EU as their way to swap Kosovo for the useless EU, which is the next and most devastating phase of the Nazi genocide against the Serbian people.

    It will be made to look like benevolence, but will in fact be Nazi ‘benevolence’, and Serbia Ustacha ‘benevolence’.

    Prime Minister Cvetković said that the signing of the SAA between Serbia and the EU could last one to two years, as parliaments of the 27 members of the bloc would have to confirm the deal.

    It is interesting how unless there is an unnecessary early election, the next Serbian Election will be between 1 and 2 years.

    In other words, Serbia is where it is, and the SAA Agreement will only be used by the Nazis as a desperate last minute last resort unavoidable bribe to help the Ustacha and Janissaries will the next election.

    Tadic and company, and the Nazis of Europe can now ask he invisible demons to torture Mladic in the invisible realm until he surrenders, and that may be made to look like good police work.

    I am Not a fan of the Serbs joining the EU, but if I wanted the SAA Agreement, then I would say to the Nazis that I want it now, or I will default on all IMF loans as there is little other choice in the matter.

    After I received the SAA Agreement, I would then default as it is partial compensation from the Nazis.

    I think that Serbia should just default on all IMF loans, and then whatever happens with the SAA Agreement can be a situation for the future.

    If Tadic and his fellow puppets were more serious that what they are about joining the EU, then they should strengthen the Balkans’ finances and the Balkans’ position by defaulting on all IMF loans.

    We all know that Tadic and his company of Serbian Ustachas and Serbian Janissaries are only interested in weakening Serbia in a cunning underhanded way that portrays them as patriots.

    We are waiting for the Resolutions against the Croats, the Bosniaks, and the Albanians; however, that will be forgotten because Serbia has been ‘promised’ a rotten carrot.

    The fact the Ustachas and Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament passed a Resolution on Srebrenica, makes it their duty to pass a condemnation in the STRONGEST OF TERMS on the other rubbish in the region, and on the filth of filths; America, and the leading NATO countries.

    The Republic of Srpska has been betrayed by these Ustacha and Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament, and they need that Resolution as I have described.

    I think that at least 95% of the people of the Republic of Srpska should carry a Bible wherever they go, each family should have a dog as a pet, and for the next year, they should eat low cholesterol pork for super every day.
    This together with the Resolution, and the Referendum on Democracy, the International Legally Binding Dayton Peace Treaty will strengthen their autonomy.

    They can say that they were wrongly accused of genocide, and that the Bosniaks will want revenge, and that the Bosniaks refuse to confess and apologize for their genocide.

    Even if the Bosniaks did confess and apologize, it would Not be genuine, but a trick to further their evil genocidal schemes.

    For all these reason the full letter of the Dayton Peace Accords will be adhered to, and the High Commissioner will soon go away unless Satan tells all countries to vote for it in the United Nations.

    The Republic of Srpska should Not seek to break away from Bosnia and Herzegovina completely, because they are Serbian people.

    It would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of the Ustachas and Janissaries at the next election.

  80. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:26 AM |  

    The Dutch Freedom Party Leader has recently announced that he will do his best to prevent Serbia joining the EU.

    The fact that Serbia has some type of ‘promise’ to implement the SAA rotten carrot, within 1to 2 years, does Not change the reality that Serbia is Not wanted in the EU, and should pursue proper economic policies.

    It is because he knows that there is the problem with Serbia’s finances.

    If Tadic and his fellow puppets were serious about joining the EU, then they should strengthen the Balkans’ finances, and the Balkans’ position by defaulting on all IMF loans.

    This is because the EU is bankrupt financially, and this is because their leaders were and continue to be morally bankrupt.

    The Dutch Freedom Party gained many seats in Parliament, and the independent voters will be able to comment on blogs all over the world.

    It could be that the Dutch Freedom Party said that the real reason for the oil spill is so that America appears weak and distracted at the time the ICJ makes its announcements.

    This is because they wish to be free from the Albanian menace that the Bush and Clinton Mafia Dynasties are responsible for creating.

    The British Empire; and the American Empire, cannot survive a corrupt and bribed ICJ announcement that Difference Races Do Not have Any Legal Right to live in Peace With other Races.

    They may have to announce that the entire world must perform economic genocide on every Albanian on the planet, so that we may be rid of that worthless race of people.

    “Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will suffer” (Proverbs 13:20).

    This could be why a Central European Initiative may be held in Montenegro, so that Montenegro will be the first country to revoke their support for Albanian Terrorism, Criminality, and Racism.

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Criminality Legal, and Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

  81. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    I realized that I have forgotten to give readers the websites of Lyndon LaRouche.

    The wesites can be found by typing LaRouche pac, and executive intelligence review Larouche publications into a search engine.

    We can all have every reason to believe that he is a loyal American citizen.

  82. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    The announcement of the ICJ American citizen Judge Thomas Buergenthal will be a good way to resolve the long standing controversy over if he collaborated with the Nazis and murdered other Jews in order to save his own life.

    This will be if he collaborated with the Nazis by being a Zionist Jew, then this will show in his announcement if it legalizes Nazism.

    The International Court of Justice American citizen Judge Thomas Buergenthal, is a German-Jew whose parents had moved from Germany to Czechoslovakia in 1933.

    He grew up in the Jewish ghetto of Kielce Poland, and later in the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen.

    The controversy over if he is a Zionist Jew who collaborated with the Nazis and murdered other Jews in order to live has Not been able to be verified as yet.

    If I were the leader of a Permanent United Nations Security Council country, then I would publicly but discreetly state to the ICJ Judges and other 14 member States of the United Nations Security Council of certain things.

    To make the learned Judges even more learned, I would informed the learned Judges that I will kill any learned Judge that announced even in the slightest way that different races have no legal right to live together in peace.

    I would state that I would kill those learned Judges twice if it was possible.

    By doing this, another country may do the right thing, and beat me to it in order to blame me

    I would neither confirm nor deny it, but say that what is now needed is Global Online Free Lotteries on Kosovo.

    I would Not care if anyone suspected me; in fact I would greatly appreciate and welcome it; because, that would give me the platform to launch Global Online Free Lotteries on Kosovo.

    It would Not surprise me if the Tadic and company and the Nazi of Europe ask the invisible demons to torture General Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm to make it look like he surrendered or was captured.

    We can be certain that many lies will be told by America, the Nazis of Europe, and the Traitors in the Serbian Parliament until this evil saga is over.

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Terrorism Legal; Is Criminality Legal; and, Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    That is the same as asking: Was the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Kosovo Albanian Legal under International Law?

    This is because all the learned Judges at the ICJ know the only reasons the Albanians want independence is because of being terrorists, criminals, and racists.

  83. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:50 AM |  

    There could be those who may be thinking why I do Not read websites of Lyndon LaRouche more often.

    I really just have forgotten to, and because he writes so much on economics banking, and finance, I tend to read other material, especially on the Balkans.

    I do Not know anything about economics, banking, and finance, and so I read other websites.

    I am therefore unable to say if his economic policies are correct; however, I do know that the current economic policies are Not working.

    Lyndon LaRouche has two websites that I know of, and they can be found by typing LaRouche pac; and, Executive Intelligence Review Larouche Publications, into a search engine of the internet.

    We can all have every reason to believe that he is a loyal American citizen.

    I have said on many occasions that only some aspects of some of my personal opinions are worth considering, even though there is no intention to deceive.

    However, I have been honest in my dealing with the invisible demons, who keep changing their approach in order to attain their evil goals.

    Those who have personal experience know what we are up against; and, that is why we do need read the writings of others, but Not necessarily agree with all of it.

    The basic Christian theology is based on the fact that the proposition that Almighty God exists and created all things.

    The Bible tells us that and one less-powerful, less-knowing, less-present, all-evil invisible rebel angel referred to as Satan the Devil.

    There many good invisible angels who obey God, and there are many invisible evil demons who follow Satan

    Once the invisible demons schemes become known they change their method to achieve to try to achieve their evil goals.

    “It does no good to spread a net within the sight of any bird” (Proverbs 1:17).

    This is true regarding the ongoing evil saga concerning Tadic and his fellow puppets and traitors, and the Nazis of Europe.

  84. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    It is extremely cunning of Germany, Japan, and other countries to slyly engineer a race based Civil War in America

    They will do this to get their long held revenge on Britain and America, and this will further their quest for Global Hegemony.

    They will do this in a sly Nazi way of doing it while pretending to be puppets of America.

    The announcement of the ICJ American citizen Judge Thomas Buergenthal will be a good way to resolve the long standing controversy over if he collaborated with the Nazis and murdered other Jews in order to save his own life.

    This will be if he collaborated with the Nazis by being a Zionist Jew, then this will show in his announcement if it tries to legalizes Nazism.

    “I know your afflictions and your poverty-yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and they are not, but they are a Synagogue of Satan” (Revelation 2:9).

  85. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    There could be early elections in Serbia regardless of what some Government Parties say, and that is why the Opposition Parties need to be prepared.

    I will only advise those Patriotic Parties what could be facing problems at the next election.

    The SRS should Not want to join the EU, they want to keep Kosovo, and they should want to join a military alliance with Russia.

    As far as their other policies that is entirely up to them, but those three that I mentioned must be fundamental to the SRS.

    The DSS-NS should Not want to join the EU, they want to keep Kosovo, but they will want to be neutral and Not join any military alliance, but be satisfied with the Partnership For Peace with NATO.

    As far as their other policies that is entirely up to them, but those three that I mentioned must be fundamental to the DSS-NS.

    The SRS, the DSS-NS, and any other smaller Parties should go on a join ticket with the winnable numbers for each Party to be negotiated on the latest and best independent professional private polling.

    The SPS and the SNS should want to join the EU, and they both want to keep Kosovo.

    As far as their other policies that is entirely up to them, but those two that I mentioned must be fundamental to the SPS and the SNS.

    If the SPS and the SNS want to, they can they can go on a joint ticket like ZES did, or go on a joint ticket with the SRS and DSS-NS.

    The Nazis of Europe will keep the Puppets and Traitors thinking that they can win the next election on rotten EU carrot ‘promise’.

    The Serbian Government should have, and should be focussed on proper economic policies, but instead they are only harming and weakening Serbia’s economy with ‘promises’ of EU rotten carrots, and IMF loans.

    Prime Minister Cvetkovic stated that there will be no vacation for the Government, and many people think that the Government has been on vacation since they stole the election.

    It is wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Puppets and Traitors at the next election.

  86. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I have done further research on the internet on offshore oil rig drilling, and I realized that I did Not explain the oil riser pipe properly.

    This is because when I did an image search of it, I found diagrams of the Blow out preventer.

    I thought that oil drilling was like a drilling bore for water, or drilling for oil on land, but I realise it is different.

    I will call the big metal thing on the seafloor, a blow out preventer, and the pipe that rises from it to the oil rig or oil tanker, a riser pipe.

    I want to give my suggestions, but I realize that the Experts already know how to have repaired it long ago if they were allowed to by the British and American Governments.

  87. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    There are many people who think that the longer the Albanians wait to negotiate, then the weaker their position as an entire race globally becomes.

    The a good way to negotiate would be for the Serbian Army to return to the Serbian enclaves only, and let the Albanian Police manage the Albanian areas.

  88. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    I was thinking that if the oil rig was part of an oil tanker, then here could have been plenty of water hoses to put out any fire on the oil rig.

    I was wondering why there were Not water sprinklers everywhere on a modern oil rig.

    This incident will help other countries with safety procedures when it comes to of shore oil drilling.

    I want to publish my suggestions on much safer offshore oil drilling soon, but only after I have done some more research on the matter.

  89. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    I found some good solutions to the oil spill by typing Gulf of Mexico oil spill solutions into a search engine, and the following are some of many good suggestions.

    YouTube - Gulf of mexico Oil Spill solution particular_2.flv
    gulf oil spill petrolio mexico solution to the gulf oil spill mexico oil oil spill 2010gulf oil spill solution tubo marea nera tubo robot golfo de mexico ...

    Technology Review: Discussions: Energy: My solution for Gulf of ...
    6 Jun 2010 ... My solution for Gulf of Mexico's oil spill >>> . here you can read my solution for Gulf of Mexico's oil spill ...

    Unified Command for the BP Oil Spill | Suggestions
    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response ... has established a process for collecting and reviewing oil spill response solutions from scientists and vendors. ...

    Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Your solutions | Environment | guardian ...
    4 Jun 2010 ... We asked for your ideas on how to stop the leak. From engineers to academics and retired oil experts, we received 186 suggestions.

    Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Disaster
    The challenge of Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Disaster, plus a list of known and ... I would like to know what is the reward amount for giving solution to this ...

    Perspectives on Innovation » Blog Archive » Urgent: Emergency ...
    1 May 2010 ... Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill— Things have only gotten worse since I last ... This is a rather simple solution, much like the curtain on an old ...

  90. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    This is a critical time for Europe and for the entire Free Democratic World.

    Serbia has the most democratic Constitution in the history of the Human Race.

    The non-Albanian people of Kosovo anxiously awaits the pronouncements of a bribed and corrupt United Nations Court that has strong links to Nazism.

    Many people believe the Judges at the ICJ have been bribed with large Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, and with a lifelong supply of vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    The non-Albanian and non-Muslim people of Kosovo hope that the ICJ denies the demands of the Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist Al-Qaeda Albanians for independence, and grants them highest level of autonomy to bring them under the Rule of Law.

    We have a democratic Serbia, and we need a democratic autonomous Kosovo.

    The European Union, now under the leadership of Germany, a former Nazi Dictatorship, can help by ensuring a common EU position in support of autonomy, the Helsinki Final Act, International Law, the United Nations Charter, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

    Most of the Albanians of Kosovo and the rest of the world are completely racist, cunning liars, murders, thieves, undemocratic, and totally intolerant of any other religion.

    These attitudes and practices do not belong in Europe; and it was the Turks who put the Albanians in Europe, and this is why Albanians are Not European.

    We can learn from Hitler that to appease thugs will not get far in the long run.

    With Anglo-American credibility in tatters over Iraq, let me assure people that the Anglo-Saxons has a long history of supporting dictators and murders, and Kosovo is just another example.

    These Albanian terrorists manufactured their own victim hood with the help of the Americans who were bribed by with free oil for the Islamists in exchange for an Islamic Terrorist nation in Europe.

    These Fundamentalists do not want to live in a democratic multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation because they intensely hate people who are different.

    The Nazis keep saying that not giving Kosovo independence is keeping Serbia form joining the EU, but they never give their reasons, because they know that Albanians could never qualify to join the EU.

    Perhaps the EU war criminals who helped create this mess, just like the Anglo-Saxon war criminals who created the mess in Iraq could help these Albanians qualify.

    Serbia can wait until the Albanians qualify to reach European Standards; and, we all know this will never happen because the Albanians came from Turkey.

    The effort the Nazis of Europe used to help Kosovo become independent; is less than how much the EU does Not want the Albanians to ever join the European Union.

  91. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    I was thinking that a way to help the economy; and to pay off the debt was if there was no interest paid on all loans globally for one year.

    The French and German thought of a Bank Tax that will be passed onto customers will only depress the economy, and it will make the Banks deliberately fail so that they can get ‘their’ money that is ‘owed’ to those thieves and schemers.

    If any Bank does Not have enough to pay their staff and the bills during that year, then the Government can give them the money.

    People, Governments, and Institutions could benefit by lowering their principle and use the spare cash to stimulate the economy.

    The Banks have been vampire parasites on society for far too long, and it is time they gave something back to the people.

  92. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    It is difficult to know what the results of real negotiations would have been between the Serbs and Albanians of Serbia, if America had not interfered three years ago.

    I hope we are all convinced that America was never going to allow proper negotiations at that time.

    This is primarily because of Camp Bondsteel, and secondly for the temporary fleeting interests of countries that think America is their ally and friend.

    Camp Bondsteel, and other American Military Bases on Continental Europe are an essential part of Anglo-American plans to break up the EU, when the EU is of no further use to them, or even seen as a rival to their Global Hegemony.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the Albanians will have to revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the backers of Albanians Independence will have to revoke their support for Racism and Criminality before real negotiations can commence.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutually agreeable arrangement with Serbia.

    The puppets of the Balkans only have their poverty to lose, their security and their dignity to gain, if they ignore their Evil Puppet Master, America, and start making decisions to benefit themselves.

    Serbia should share the compensation money that the rich countries pay as compensation for acting criminally, with Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are of Serbian citizens.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia, and done this with no interference by America.

  93. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:04 AM |  

    This comment is an update on what I wrote, and gives more details of what I think Banking Policy Globally should be for at least one year.

    The amount of loan repayments Governments, Institutions, Groups, and Individuals make is entirely up to their own discretion, but this is only for a period of one year, and then it is back to normal.

    There should be was no interest charged on the principal globally for one year, to help the economy; and to help pay off the debt.

    This means that you can give nothing for one year, and your principle will be stay the same because there is no interest charged for that one year.

    The French and Germans thought of a Bank Tax, but the Banks will be passed the cost of that tax onto borrowers.

    It will only further depress the economy, and it will make the Banks deliberately engineer a failure so that they can get what they think is legitimately ‘their’ money, because these thieves and schemers will keep saying that it is ‘owed’ to them.

    If any Bank does Not have enough to pay their staff and the bills during that year, then the Government can give them the subsistence money to continue in business.

    People, Governments, Institutions, and others will benefit by more quickly lowering their principal they owe, or by using the spare cash to stimulate the economy.

    The economy should be helped by proper investment rather than buying votes for the next election.

    I thought I would say that to lure the filthy greedy mongrel dogs who only care about re-election, rather than serving the public.

    Even though they are greedy mongrel dogs, they will obey Satan and find another way to get your gullible trust.

    I think that Lord Rothschild form the Rothschild’s Bank should appear on BBC Television, and answer the following question.

    Listen you Banker, can you show proper justification why you should Not be butchered on Global Television?

    The only loans that we be allowed will be for people to buy a house, a car, or to pay health bills.

    The Banks have been vampire parasites on society for far too long, and it is time they gave something back to the people.

  94. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:20 AM |  

    The following is what I found on the internet, and it shows us that must never believe or be guided by election promises, but to look past the superficiality.

    February 7th, 2008. This was the sales pitch from Obama in New Orleans at Tulane. Candidate Obama said; “We can talk about a trust that was broken — the promise that our government will be prepared, will protect us, and will respond in a catastrophe. When President Bush came down to Jackson Square two weeks after the Katrina storm, the setting was spectacular and as promises soaring: “We will do what it takes,” Bush said. “We will take as long as it takes to help citizens rebuild their communities and their lives.” But over two years later, those words have been caught in a tangle of half measures, half hearted leadership, and red tape” ombama said. Interesting how the then Senator Obama was quick to criticize President Bush and to promise he would never make the mistakes Bush made. Yet Obama and the Obama administration have set new records of failure for not responding in time or with sufficient resources to help with the oil catastrophe and environmental and economic disaster. Same Senator Obama speech, additional remarks… “It’s time for America to rebuild trust with the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. When I am president, I will start by restoring that most basic trust: That your government will do what it takes to keep you safe. The words “never again” spoken so often in those weeks after Katrina must not fade to a whisper.” Don’t Baeack Obama’s words condemn him? He promised that with him in charge of our nation there would be no Katrina-like response in the Gulf again. Yet here we are watching Obama point fingers, blame Bush and BP but at the end of the day our little community organizer finds himself impotent to do anything constructive. He is like a mosquito in a storm; caught in his own accusations, and guilty as charged by himself.

    There are many people who know or can sense that this was deliberately engineered, and many reasons will probably be given.

    It is a fact that Britain and America are very good at achieving several policy objectives using the same situation; however, one of the reasons has to the foremost of those reasons.

    After reading the following Scripture, I will give what I believe is the foremost reason for the deliberately engineered and sustained disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

    “Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall” (Luke 11:17).

    This is because Britain and America wish to be free from the Albanian menace that the Bush and Clinton Mafia Dynasties are responsible for creating.

    The British Empire; and the American Empire, cannot survive a corrupt and bribed ICJ announcement that Difference Races Do Not have Any Legal Right to live in Peace With other Races.

    This is because they lust for Global Hegemony, and they are multi-racial even in their own countries.

    They may have to announce that the entire world must perform economic genocide on every Albanian on the planet, so that we may be rid of that worthless race of people.

    “Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will suffer” (Proverbs 13:20).

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Criminality Legal Under International Law, Is Terrorism Legal Under International Law, and Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    If the Learned Judges at the ICJ say that the answer to these questions is NO, then if they are to be consistent; then, they know the answer to the question they were asked.

  95. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:51 AM |  

    I realized that I forgot to say that Britain and America needed to appear, ‘weak’ and ‘divided’ at this time because they need to free themselves from Albanian association while pretending to be their friends.

    This is why the primary reason oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was deliberately engineered, and of course other reasons will be given.

    “Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall” (Luke 11:17).

    This is because Britain and America wish to be free from the Albanian menace that the Bush and Clinton Mafia Dynasties are responsible for creating.

    The British Empire; and the American Empire, cannot survive a corrupt and bribed ICJ announcement that says that Difference Races Do Not have Any Legal Right to live in Peace With other Races.

    This is because they lust for Global Hegemony, and they are multi-racial even in their own countries.

    They would be self engineering a Civil War, and so they have decided to make the deliberately engineered oil spill as their cover this and it will serve as a cover for other things.

    They may have to announce that the entire world must perform economic genocide on every Albanian on the planet, so that we may be rid of that worthless race of people.

    “Whoever walks with wise people will be wise, but whoever associates with fools will suffer” (Proverbs 13:20).

    We know that they are many loyal American citizens who will write and speak lies to cover up, because they truly have a vested interest in putting lipstick on this pig.

    At the same time, at the same time they will disguise the fact that they are putting lipstick on a pig by being ‘critical’ of that pig.

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Criminality Legal Under International Law, Is Terrorism Legal Under International Law, and Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    If the Learned Judges at the ICJ say that the answer to these questions is NO, then if they are to be consistent; then, they know the answer to the question they were asked.

  96. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:02 AM |  

    The Banks should be made to pay for their running costs by means of their accumulated profits.

    If a Bank has difficulty, then and only then should it ask the Government for an interest free loan, until it is business as usual, and they can start making profits again.

  97. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:20 AM |  

    We have heard a lot concerning bubbles in the Housing and Real Estate market.

    We know there was a Real Estate bubble in Japan many years ago, and we know how it devastated the Japanese economy.

    The Japanese Government started with stimulus packages, and that did Not help the situation.

    There is an old saying that says that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and thinking that you will get a different result.

    Even though I am an economic novice, I do read what others say, and perhaps I am an economic ‘novice’ on only a few things, because the ‘Experts’ with vested interests say that I am a novice.

    I knew long ago, and the invisible demons told the Anglo-Saxon Politicians that an export economy needs to keep their Housing and Real Estate costs as low as possible for that country to be competitive.

    If the Japanese realize that Anglo-America created the Housing and Real Estate bubble in Japan, then they know that ‘friendship’ is ‘friendship’ and ‘business’ is ‘business’.

    The problem with bubbles is that they need to gently deflate rather than burst, and Governments need to find a mechanism for that to occur.

    I have given my suggestions for the debt bubble, and there may easily be better ones than that.

    If there is excess unoccupied shops in big shopping complexes, then it can be turned into Student Housing or a University, or both.

    It is up to Governments to suggest ways to deflate bubbles, and only help financially if there is no other option.

    As we have seen from America, the Politicians are corrupt and bribed, and they are puppets of the Banks because Banks have evidence of them performing paedophilic acts.

  98. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:56 AM |  

    I realized that I should have mentioned that there would be no interest charged on credit card debts.

    There should be no credit from credit loans for that one year, because the only lending would be for a house, a car, or for health bills.

    Companies can sell their items at interest free arrangements, where they give the purchaser two years interest free on the goods.

    The debt remaining after those two years should then have interest on it.

    This allows companies to sell their goods, and for factories to clear their storerooms to manufacture new stock that will employ workers.

  99. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    The real reason that France and Germany want a Bank Tax is because they want the Banks, or more correctly their Bank to steal money for them from other European countries.

    These Banks will use corrupt accounting methods and claim that they are bankrupt, and that they need that money that will go to France and Germany.

    Those Banks will be making much profit at the time they falsely say they are poor, because their Media partners will lie for them, and for themselves.

  100. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:50 AM |  

    I found the following paragraph on the internet, and it just further proof that the Bankers are blackmailing the American Politicians, because that have evidence of them engaging in paedophilic acts.

    Yes, you read that right. Ron Paul’s push to audit the Federal Reserve Bank and see who received how much money in the last few years has been drastically reduced. Amidst the many costly bailouts, recipients have included banks, large companies, and even foreign countries. And now it appears that much of what has happened will remain behind closed doors. So much for transparency! So much for accountability! Remember those bright promises made a couple years ago, opening up a new era of hope and change? In fact, you can still read those promises made by our President on the official government web site. I’ll quote some of it: My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government. Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset. My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use. Executive departments and agencies should harness new technologies to put information about their operations and decisions online and readily available to the public. Executive departments and agencies should also solicit public feedback to identify information of greatest use to the public.

    I think that Ron Paul should retire from Politics, because we can see the obvious corruption, and the attempt to put lipstick on the pig.

    We can all be certain that if an adit was done, it would be a whitewash, and an ‘adit’ that would cover up a lot of the corruption.

    A good thing Ron Paul can do for America; is to Not give that corrupt Congress any suggestion of respectability by leaving Politics and writing a book on corruption in American Politics.

  101. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I should have mentioned that together with the proper and long overdue Banking Reforms that I suggested, there should be a deliberate extra 5% inflation rate globally created during that year.

    This will allow for the easier repayment of debts, because people will have more inflated money, and their principle will remain the same, as there is no interest rate charged over that year.

    During that year, the economy will have recovered, putting everyone, especially Governments in a good position to continue to deflate the debt bubble.

    They will be able to do this because there will be many more people working, and they will be paying taxes.

    Governments will has less expenditure on the unemployed, and this will help the budget position.

    There will be more savings, and this will lower the interest rates.

    The Banks will make more money, because even though interest rates are lower, the volume of loans will be higher, and so the overall profit will be greater for the Banks.

  102. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I realized that I should have given the reason why a resource poor nation that exports goods and service needs to have there Housing and Real Estate as inexpensive and affordable as possible.

    This is to keep the wages of workers lower, because if the workers necessary expenses are low, then the wages can be lower than what it would otherwise need to be.

    This can be achieved by making the land and the building materials tax free, and tax other things.

    This will create employment in the building industry that will be an engine for much of the rest of the economy.

    The problem with bubbles is that they need to deflate as gently and as quickly as possible, rather than burst, and Governments need to find a mechanism for that to occur.

    To put it in its most easily understood form; if a nation of people do Not own affordable houses, or cannot rent cheaply, even Public Housing, then that country will never be a prosperous nation with full employment.

  103. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    It is difficult to know what the results of real negotiations would have been between the Serbs and Albanians of Serbia, if America had not interfered three years ago.

    I hope we are all convinced that America was never going to allow proper negotiations at that time.

    This is primarily because of Camp Bondsteel, and secondly for the temporary fleeting interests of countries that think America is their ally and friend.

    Camp Bondsteel, and other American Military Bases on Continental Europe are an essential part of Anglo-American plans to break up the EU, when the EU is of no further use to them, or even seen as a rival to their Global Hegemony.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the Albanians will have to revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the backers of Albanians Independence will have to revoke their support for Racism and Criminality before real negotiations can commence.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutually agreeable arrangement with Serbia.

    The puppets of the Balkans only have their poverty to lose, their security and their dignity to gain, if they ignore their Evil Puppet Master, America, and start making decisions to benefit themselves.

    Serbia should share the compensation money that the rich countries pay as compensation for acting criminally, with Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are of Serbian citizens.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia, and done this with no interference by America.

  104. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:02 AM |  

    With the deficit problems in America, but more importantly, the fact that America is a Nazi genocidal country, certain steps should be taken.

    We all know that the Americans will take orders from the French and the Germans, because they need them.

    What they will do is to make every Serb in America loose their jobs, and then there will be no unemployment benefits.

    This is Genocide, and Serbia has to pay these people unemployment benefits by defaulting on all IMF loans.

    All other countries can and should do the same, even African countries; because, as we all know, the blacks in America are Africans.

    Serbia and all other countries must bring a genocide suit against America, and borrow the money from non-Nazis sources to this.

    Even if these countries go Not borrow money, they will Not have any repayments, and this will be enough to fund this.

    Serbia should also bring a genocide case against other countries in Europe, and if Tadic and company do Not want this, then a Referendum to put them to death by lethal injection should take place.

    The first thing that Serbia should do, is spit in the face of the deutsche schweinhund cow Merkel.

    I do Not care she is a woman, because she is a Nazi cow, and I spit in her face and in Holland’s face.

    I spit in the face of that filthy Nazi stinking Nigger or is Honkie Obama, and order that dog to piss off from Serbia, you lowlife trash.

    I also spit in the face of that stinking Honkie Nazi Dog David Cameron. Who is a dirty Pommy Bustard piece of Garbage.

    I hope the message is LOUD and CLEAR you vile and putrid trash.

  105. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:45 AM |  

    The French and German wanted a Bank Tax, because France and Britain wanted to steal the Bank Tax money.

    They would do this by using fraudulent accounting methods to say that they need the money now that they are ‘bankrupt’.

    They will deliberately failed, or make it look like they failed, so that they can get ‘their’ or that money that can be easily stolen with the help of bribed and corrupt EU bureaucrats who will say that the money is ‘owed’ to those thieves and schemers.

    This is why these thieves hate Serbia, because I made this evil corrupt scheme of their known to their victims.

    This is why they asked the Americans who consider Serbs to be a worthless race, to perform economic genocide all Serbs in America.

    I would like to see these conscienceless Devil Worshipping dogs, in a reversal of positions, and see what they think.

  106. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:46 AM |  

    I found the following news article on the internet, and it is titled:
    2010 Unemployment Extension Bill Benefits, HR 4213 Filibuster Breaks Morale.

    The Filibuster of HR 4213, aka 2010 “Tax Extenders Bill” or more formally the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act of 2010 has broken the morale of many Americans who were hoping that the Senate would pass the unemployment measure so that they could continue to receive their extended benefits. The measure would increase deficit spending by about $79 to $80 billion, which is why the Republicans say that passing the bill isn’t feasible at this time. Concerns over the massive deficit spending have increased in the wake of increased economic pressures. Despite the reasoning of even the most seasoned politician, the failure to pass the bill is devastating to many Americans. Here is a reader comment that illustrates what so many Americans feel during this time: I have worked since I was 16, I am 48 now. I was laid off from my job through no fault of my own. I spent 14,000 dollars going back to school thinking I could better myself with IT training.

    I have sent out dozens of resumes and applications, still no interviews. Now I have to repay the student loan! On top of that my unemployment has run out. Our savings are gone, how much longer are these idiots in government going to spend money on every other country in the world. I love my country; I wish we could take it back. Of course, there is the distinct possibility that other versions of the bill could come up for vote and get passed within the next few sessions of Congress. A Republican version of the bill achieved much of the spending objectives but was funded in part by unused stimulus plan money. That measure was voted down. A version of the bill that cuts some of the unemployment benefits and reduces deficit spending is spinning around in Congress, but the measures have yet to be passed. All that the unemployed can do is hope and pray that their Senators get the point and extend the tiers 1-4 unemployment benefits so that the unemployed can thrive.

    The people who voted against this were all the Republican Senators, and one Democrat Senators, that Jew dog Joe Lieberman, all of whom I spit in their filthy faces.

    The French and German wanted a Bank Tax, because France and Britain wanted to steal the Bank Tax money.

    They would do this by using fraudulent accounting methods to say that they need the money now that they are ‘bankrupt’.

    They will deliberately failed, or make it look like they failed, so that they can get ‘their’ or that money that can be easily stolen with the help of bribed and corrupt EU bureaucrats who will say that the money is ‘owed’ to those thieves and schemers.

    This is why these thieves hate Serbia, because I made this evil corrupt scheme of their known to their victims.

    This is why they asked the Americans who consider Serbs to be a worthless race, to perform economic genocide all Serbs in America.

    I would like to see these conscienceless Devil Worshipping dogs, in a reversal of positions, and see what they think.

    The first thing that Serbia should do, is spit in the face of the deutsche schweinehund cow Merkel.

    I do Not care she is a woman, because she is a Nazi cow, and I spit in her face and in Holland’s face.

    I spit in the face of that filthy Nazi stinking Nigger or is Honkie Obama, and order that dog to piss off from Serbia, you lowlife trash.

    I also spit in the face of that dirty Pommy Bastard piece of Garbage David Cameron., who is a stinking Honkie Nazi Dog, and order that dog to piss off from Serbia.

    I hope the message is LOUD and CLEAR you vile and putrid trash.

    This was done by the Republicans and that Jew Dog, because they needed to put lipstick on a pig.

  107. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:56 AM |  

    The Germans required Jews to form Jewish Collaboration Councils in the German occupied territory of Poland, and later in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union.

    The Jewish Collaborators served as a liaison between the German occupying authorities and the Jewish communities under occupation.

    With the formation of ghettos, the Jewish Councils became responsible for Local Government in the ghetto, and stood between the Nazis and the ghetto population.

    They were generally composed of leaders of the pre-war Jewish community, with the exception of the Soviet Union, where Jewish organizations were eliminated in 1930s.

    They were forced by the Nazis to provide Jews for use as slave labour, and to assist in the deportation of Jews to extermination camps during the Holocaust.

    The Jewish Councils collaborated with the Nazis, on the basis that cooperation might save their lives as ghetto inhabitants.

    The International Court of Justice American citizen Judge Thomas Buergenthal; is a Jew, whose parents had moved from Germany to Czechoslovakia in 1933.

    He lived in the Jewish ghetto of Kielce Poland, and later in the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen.

    The controversy over if he collaborated with the Nazis and murdered other Jews in order to live has Not been able to be verified as yet.

    If I were the leader of a Permanent United Nations Security Council country, then I would publicly stated to the ICJ Judges, and to the other 14 member States of the United Nations, that I will kill any Judge that say even in the slightest way that different races have no legal right to live together in peace.

    I would Not care if anyone suspected me, because that would give me the platform to launch Global Online Free Lotteries on Kosovo.

    By doing this, another country may do the right thing, and beat me to killing those ICJ Judges in order to blame me, which would save me time and money.

    If another country beat me to killing the ICJ Judges, then I could in all honesty deny it, while having the job done.

    Even though I could honestly deny that I kill the ICJ Judges, I would Not deny that the Nazi ones needed killing, but someone unfortunately beat me to it.

    I would neither confirm nor deny it, but say that what is now needed is Global Online Free Lotteries on Kosovo.

    I would Not care if anyone suspected me; in fact I would greatly appreciate and welcome it; because, that would give me the platform to launch Global Online Free Lotteries on Kosovo.

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Terrorism Legal Under International Law; Is Criminality Legal Under International Law; and, Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    That is the same as asking: Was the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Kosovo Albanian Legal under International Law?

    This is because all the learned Judges at the ICJ know the only reasons the Albanians want and have wanted independence for over 132 years is because of being terrorists, criminals, and racists.

    It would Not surprise me if the Tadic and company and the Nazi of Europe ask the invisible demons to torture General Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm to make it look like he surrendered or was captured.

    We can be certain that many lies will be told by America, the Nazis of Europe, and the Traitors in the Serbian Parliament until this evil saga is over.

  108. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    I wrote: They may have to announce that the entire world must perform economic genocide on every Albanian on the planet, so that we may be rid of that worthless race of people.

    America and the other Nazis of Europe know that they have failed in stealing Kosovo.

    This is why they want the second prize of genocide of the Serbian people in America, even though they are American citizens.

    It could be that the Americans wanted all the Albanians to loose their jobs, and Not get unemployment benefits, which is economic genocide.

    I do Not think it is proper even if the American Senate’s refusal to pay unemployment benefits was for the economic genocide of the Albanian people.

    I do believe that everyone should have at least something, if they cannot find work.

    I know that America considers any race that is non-Nazi, and non-Puppet to be a worthless race that should be exterminated.

    Britain, America, France, Germany, the Dutch, the Bosnian Muslims, the Croats, and the Albanians and the other Nazis of Europe think this of the Serbian people.

    We all know that the Americans will take orders from the French and the Germans, because they need them.

    What they will do is to make every Serb in America loose their jobs, and then there will be no unemployment benefits.

    This is Genocide, and Serbia has to pay these people unemployment benefits by defaulting on all IMF loans.

    All other countries can and should do the same, even African countries; because, as we all know, the blacks in America are Africans.

    Serbia and all other countries must bring a genocide suit against America, and borrow the money from non-Nazis sources to this.

    Even if these countries go Not borrow money, they will Not have any repayments, and this will be enough to fund this.

    Serbia should also bring a genocide case against other countries in Europe, and if Tadic and company do Not want this, then a Referendum to put them to death by lethal injection should take place.

    The first thing that Serbia should do, is spit in the face of the deutsche schweinhund cow Merkel and the Dutch Dog Government.

    I do Not care she is a woman, because she is a Nazi cow, and I spit in her face and in Holland’s face.

    I spit in the face of that filthy Nazi stinking Nigger or is Honkie Obama, and order that dog to piss off from Serbia, you lowlife trash.

    I also spit in the face of that stinking Honkie Nazi Dog David Cameron, who is a dirty Pommy Bustard piece of Garbage.

    I hope the message is LOUD and CLEAR you vile and putrid trash.

  109. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:52 AM |  

    Britain and America knows that if it is to have the help of the leading NATO Nations, especially Germany, then they must give Germany and Holland the genocide of the Serbian people.

    America and the other Nazis of Europe know that they have failed in stealing Kosovo.

    This is why they want the second prize of genocide of the Serbian people in America, even though they are American citizens.

    The Germans who although having intelligence in brain, will NEVER FORGET those who helped with their demise, regardless of if they were in the wrong.

    Nazis know that are in the wrong, the LOVE being in the wrong, and they HATE it when good triumphs over evil.

    The facts are that you do Not have to agree with that philosophy, but they will exterminate you, if they can.

    I was just wondering if you can have enough intelligence to understand this?

    Tell that Dog, Serge Brammertz to piss off, and to kiss Serbia’s anus because that all a lowlife piece of trash is competent to do.

    They want Americans to make all the American Serbs to loose their jobs, and Not get unemployment benefits, which is economic genocide.

    I know that Britain and America considers any race that is non-Nazi, and non-Puppet to be a worthless race that should be exterminated.

    We know the History of the British Empire, and how they considered others to be inferior subjects.

  110. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    It is Not wrong to call Anglo-Americans Politicians Honkies and Niggers, because it is Not a racial slur or racism, but it describes the character or lack of it.

    It is good that we discovered America’s evil plan, and it could only happen if they were stirred into showing their malice.

    These ‘people’ or should I that trash does Not think twice about lying and slandering the innocent, or of stealing and of murdering innocent people.

    That is why I refer to them as their character types, and I spit in their faces.

    They are Honkies and Niggers, and they are the putrefied vermin of the earth.

  111. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    I wrote: I thought I would say that to lure the filthy greedy mongrel dogs who only care about re-election, rather than serving the public.

    Even though they are greedy mongrel dogs, they will obey Satan and find another way to get your gullible trust.

    I think that Lord Rothschild form the Rothschild’s Bank should appear on BBC Television, and answer the following question.

    Listen you Dog who happens to be Jewish, can you show proper justification why you should Not be butchered on Global Television?

    It was these words that made the American Politicians engineer the failure of the Unemployment Benefits Bill in the American Senate.

    They both wanted it to fail, but they had to make Obama and the Democrats look good with some lipstick on the pig, because of inaction over the oil spill.

    At the same time, they could scheme the genocide of the Serbian people in America.

  112. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    The deficit problems used as an excuse in America, because America is a Nazi genocidal country.

    What they will do is to make every Serb in America loose their jobs, and then there will be no unemployment benefits.

    This is Genocide, and Serbia has to pay these people unemployment benefits by defaulting on all IMF loans.

    All other countries can and should do the same, even African countries; because, as we all know, the blacks in America are Africans.

    Serbia and all other countries must bring a genocide suit against America, and borrow the money from non-Nazis sources to this.

    Even if these countries go Not borrow money, they will Not have any repayments now, and this will be enough to fund the anti-genocidal unemployment benefits.

  113. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:21 AM |  

    I think that there should be a group in Serbia that will perform the function of lobbying in Serbia and even worldwide to default on all IMF loans.

    They should study two websites, and they should copy how these for all relevant points.

    These two websites are the Alex Jones Infowars website, and the Atlahworldwide website, and they should be copied closely for relevant points and improved on if possible.

    The Alex Jones Infowars website allows people to copy a high quality video free of charge and distribute it, and the website belonging to Pastor Manning allowed people to print flyers from the website, and put it in people’s letterboxes.

    This will be good for the upcoming election, and a Committee should be set up to make it work better.

    This group does Not necessarily need to have one Independent Politician elected with the SRS, and DSS-NS at the next election.

    This is of course unless it will give the SRS and DSS-NS many votes, because one Default on IMF Loans Independent Politician is on the same ticket at the next election.

  114. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    This is a critical time for Europe, and for the entire Free Democratic World.

    Serbia has the most Democratic Constitution in the History of the Human Race.

    The non-Albanian people of Kosovo anxiously awaits the pronouncements of a bribed and corrupt United Nations Court that has strong links to Nazism.

    Many people believe the Judges at the ICJ have been bribed with large Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, and with a lifelong supply of vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    The non-Albanian and non-Muslim people of Kosovo hope that the ICJ denies the demands of the Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist Al-Qaeda Albanians for independence, and grants them a High Level of Autonomy to bring them under the Rule of Law.

    We have a Democratic Serbia, and we need a Democratic Negotiated Autonomous Regions in Kosovo.

    The European Union, now under the leadership of Germany, a continuing Nazi Dictatorship can help by ensuring a common EU position in support of Negotiated Autonomy, the Helsinki Final Act, International Law, the United Nations Charter, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

    Most of the Albanians of Kosovo and the rest of the world are completely racist, cunning liars, murders, thieves, undemocratic, and totally intolerant of any other religion.

    These attitudes and practices do not belong in Europe; and it was the Turks who put the Albanians in Europe, and this is why Albanians are Not European.

    We can learn from Hitler that to appease Nazi murderers will not get us far in the long run.

    With Anglo-American credibility in tatters over Iraq, let me assure people that the Anglo-Saxons has a long history of supporting dictators and murders, and Kosovo is just another example.

    These Albanian terrorists manufactured their own victim hood with the help of the Americans who were bribed by with free oil for the Islamists in exchange for an Islamic Terrorist nation in Europe.

    These Fundamentalists do not want to live in a democratic multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation because they intensely hate people who are different.

    The effort the Nazis of Europe used to help the Kosovo Albanians become independent; is less than how much the EU does Not want the Albanians to ever join the European Union.

  115. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:20 AM |  

    Britain and America think that they can lie and invent situations and call it genocide, and then do whatever they want.

    It is lawful for countries to prevent genocide in America by defaulting on all IMF Loans, and setting up a fund to give to the poor of their own race, first, but even in a non-racial way.

    If anyone is Homeless in America, or if anyone in America is Not receiving SUFFICIENT unemployment benefits, then it is genocide, and all counties in the world can default on all IMF loans to rectify the situation.

    The following are just some articles on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

    Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948.

    Article 1

    The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

    Article 2

    In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;

    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    Article 3

    The following acts shall be punishable:
    (a) Genocide;

    (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
    (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
    (d) Attempt to commit genocide;
    (e) Complicity in genocide.

    Article 4

    Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.

    Article 5

    The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.

    Article 6

    Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction.

  116. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:50 AM |  

    The following comment is more of the articles on genocide and the prevention of genocide.

    Article 7

    Genocide and the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.
    The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.

    Article 8

    Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.

    Article 9

    Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfilment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute.

    Article 10

    The present Convention, of which the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall bear the date of 9 December 1948.

    Article 11

    The present Convention shall be open until 31 December 1949 for signature on behalf of any Member of the United Nations and of any non-member State to which an invitation to sign has been addressed by the General Assembly.

    The present Convention shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    After 1 January 1950, the present Convention may be acceded to on behalf of any Member of the United Nations and of any non-member State which has received an invitation as aforesaid.

    Instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Article 12

    Any Contracting Party may at any time, by notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, extend the application of the present Convention to all or any of the territories for the conduct of whose foreign relations that Contracting Party is responsible.

    Article 13

    On the day when the first twenty instruments of ratification or accession have been deposited, the Secretary-General shall draw up a process-verbal and transmit a copy of it to each Member of the United Nations and to each of the non-member States contemplated in Article 11.

    The present Convention shall come into force on the ninetieth day following the date of deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification or accession.

    Any ratification or accession effected subsequent to the latter date shall become effective on the ninetieth day following the deposit of the instrument of ratification or accession.

  117. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:52 AM |  

    The following comment is the rest of the points on the articles on genocide and the prevention of genocide.

    Article 14

    The present Convention shall remain in effect for a period of ten years as from the date of its coming into force.
    It shall thereafter remain in force for successive periods of five years for such Contracting Parties as have not denounced it at least six months before the expiration of the current period.
    Denunciation shall be effected by a written notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Article 15

    If, as a result of denunciations, the number of Parties to the present Convention should become less than sixteen, the Convention shall cease to be in force as from the date on which the last of these denunciations shall become effective.

    Article 16

    A request for the revision of the present Convention may be made at any time by any Contracting Party by means of a notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General.
    The General Assembly shall decide upon the steps, if any, to be taken in respect of such request.

    Article 17

    The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall notify all Members of the United Nations and the non-member States contemplated in Article 11 of the following:

    (a) Signatures, ratifications and accessions received in accordance with Article 11;
    (b) Notifications received in accordance with Article 12;
    (c) The date upon which the present Convention comes into force in accordance with Article 13;
    (d) Denunciations received in accordance with Article 14;
    (e) The abrogation of the Convention in accordance with Article 15;
    (f) Notifications received in accordance with Article 16.

    Article 18

    The original of the present Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the United Nations.
    A certified copy of the Convention shall be transmitted to all Members of the United Nations and to the non-member States contemplated in Article 11.

    Article 19

    The present Convention shall be registered by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the date of its coming into force.

  118. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:56 AM |  

    The two Political Parties in America are really two sides of the coin.

    We have seen how 20 Billion Dollars is considered a shakedown, but the originally sum could have been 30 Billion Dollars.

    The other money is shared with both Political Parties in their Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, and with BP.

    We saw how when one side of the coin needed some lipstick on a pig, they were there for each other.

    I am referring to the bill for the extension of unemployment benefits.

    It was cunning how they came to the rescue of the Democrats with just enough votes in the Senate to block it, and give the Democrats pig the much-needed lipstick.

    We have seen that the letters BP stands Representative Joe Barton’s Pardon, and for Bribed Politicians.

  119. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    A scheme were all those countries that will prevent genocide, because we all know the ‘track record’ of Britain and America, is to buy up homes at a proper price,.

    After the Genocide has subsided, then those houses can be purchased again by their original owner if he finds a job.

    The money can be put in a secure Bank, and used to buy food, and the very basics until Britain and America join the Human Race.

  120. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:30 AM |  

    We know that the Berlin Wall was something that everyone wanted to come down.

    Camp Bondsteel is the Berlin Wall of the Balkans, and it will have to be demolished.

    People can buy chunks of it, and the money can be used to compensate Serbia for the many and continued injustices from Britain, America, and the Nazis of Europe.

    Any Permanent Member of the Security Council can put any conditions they want to get that signature, and make it legal.

    It could be that the Elites in America may like the United Nations Charter these days more than what they used to.

  121. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    It will be interesting to see just how low Britain, America, and the Nazis of this world will go, because they have no standards.

    We will see by what they present as arguments at the ICJ for stealing land, after using false pretexts to try to steal that land.

  122. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:00 AM |  

    I should have mentioned that every time I ever told my theories on economics, as limited as they are, it was passed on the Anglo-American Politicians by means of the invisible demons.

    We know that wages are a cost of production, and the lower those wages can be, the more competitive will the country be at exporting goods and services.

    This can be achieved by making the land and the building materials tax free, and tax other things.

    I found the following on the internet at La Rouche Pac, and I do Not know if it is good economic advice, but I hope there are a few honest economists who can provide that answer.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel believes that austerity measures are necessary at this juncture. If so, that is an understandable mistake by her. This suggests that the root of her mistaken policy would be her intention to 'work within the existing system,' without considering those reforms in the system without which the already approaching early doom of Europe under the existing system were virtually inevitable. The only solution is to be premised on the immediate alternative of the combination of a predominantly global installation of a multi-national fixed-exchange-rate form of Glass-Steagall-modelled international credit system, as a sudden replacement for the existing monetarist systems. As I reported on an occasion last evening, this requires the immediate ousting of the current U.S.A. President Obama, who is presently, and completely, a self-doomed British puppet, and the U.S. adoption of both a Glass-Steagall system and a commitment to immediate resumption of a fixed-exchange-rate system. This reform must be made as a credit system, rather than continuing with a monetarist system. It is essential that the U.S.A. accompany its own U.S.A. reform by the announcement of its commitment to professing immediate extension of membership to both a Glass-Steagall system and a fixed-exchange-rate credit system to willing European and other nations. It must be recognized that there are presently two financial systems operating as one. On the one side, there has been an accelerated collapse of purchasing power for matters of the real economy, at the same time that there is an implicitly hyperinflationary expansion of purely fictitious forms of monetary emission. Thus, throwing the fictitious mass of derivatives and their like overboard will not shrink the real economy, but, rather, quite the contrary, allow for the immediate massive creation of credit for restarting and expanding the real economy, a mass of state-created credit, run, to a large extent, through a protected system of commercial banking, and a physical-economic stimulus for the entire economy prompted by state-generated large-scale habilitation of basic economic infrastructure. The appropriate forms of infrastructure will inevitably create a market for credit productively employed in agriculture, manufacturing, and functionally related production categories. This will, in turn, provide for a natural and rapid re-expansion of tax-revenue base of nations.

    It would Not surprise us to discover that Britain is printing lots of Pounds, while pretending to reduce the deficit.

    It would Not surprise us to discover that France, Germany, and Holland are secretly printing Euros, and lying about their economic data to bludge off other EU countries.

  123. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    Camp Bondsteel and the Berlin Wall have many similarities, and this is why just like the Berlin Wall came down, the same must be true for Camp Bondsteel.

    The Berlin Wall was built by a superpower for the wrong reasons, and Camp Bonsteel was built by a superpower for wrong reasons.

    They must both have similar fates, by being destroyed, and up till now we are waiting for Camp Bondsteel to be turned into rubble.

  124. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    If the wording of the announcement by the bribed and corrupt ICJ is Not to Serbia’s satisfaction, then it will be considered to be genocide.

    Under these conditions, Serbia can default on all IMF Loans, because the International Convention on genocide, and the prevention of genocide allows for it.

    There cannot be one rule or law for one, but they should be for all, as there is no such thing as a special case, especially when it comes to the Albanians of Kosovo.

  125. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    After reading the convention on genocide, and the prevention of genocide, a country can act Unilaterally or Multi-Laterally to prevent genocide.

    The Lawyers should prepare their arguments for defaulting on all IMF Loans to do this.

    We know that IMF Loans in themselves are genocide, and for that reason, all countries should default on all IMF Loans.

    There are plenty of learned people who have commented that IMF Loans conditions are in place to achieve genocide of a country.

    We can all be certain that Serge Brammertz has asked Tadic and company to pray to the invisible demons to help locate General Ratko Mladic.

    The Serbian People are destined for genocide, bit by bit, because Satan intensely despises me, I will Not serve the invisible Satan.

    It is more than that I will Not serve the invisible Satan, and it is more because I told the invisible Satan to kiss my anus.

    The invisible demons do Not appreciate how I lied to them and tricked them, to enure that the new Serbian Constitution passed in 2006.

    There are no Politicians in Serbia that can help you, because they all serve the invisible demons, and they cannot overpower them, even if they wanted to, and they do Not want to.

    All they can do is to keep lying to you, but slowly and surely the Serbian people are destined for full genocide.

    The Serbia people have loved to vote for Tito’s Serbian Ustacha Politicians, and Not even Milorad Dodik is allowed to speak the truth regarding this.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks” (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  126. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:01 AM |  

    I devised a scheme for the Referendum that ensured that the current Constitution of Serbia narrowly passed in October of 2006.

    A lack of voter participation, made it necessary to extend the voting over two days, because this Referendum needed at least 50% of registered voters to actually vote.

    At the same time, even if the required 50% of registered voters did actually vote; it looked like the result would be No rather than Yes for the new Constitution.

    After I read that there would have to a second day of voting, I thought up a plan to help the Referendum on the second day.

    I purchased food and a six-pack of beer, and I walked to a park and I drank those six small bottles of beer.

    The invisible demons knew that I do Not drink more than six small bottles of beer in any day, and they and I knew that it was Not enough to get me drunk.

    After buying the second six-pack of beers, I started walking home, and the invisible demons thought that I was purchasing the second six pack of beer to drink on another day.

    This is because they know that I only drink six small bottles of beer in any day, because they know that I only drink alcohol occasionally.

    I turned around and went back to the park and sat at the bench that has a table, and I did Not drive my car that day.

    I can say for a fact that those 12 small bottles of beers did help my acting, as it disguised any signs of lying that the invisible demons can easily detect.

    I finished my 12th beer at late afternoon and approaching evening over here, but just the right time for Referendum voting in Serbia.

    After I drank those 12 small bottles of beer, I rested my head on the table, and I closed my eyes and started ‘mumbling’ after a few minutes.

    It was then that I lied to the invisible demons and told them that I would serve the invisible Satan the Devil if the Referendum passed.

    I went home and had supper, and while it was night over here and I was sleeping, the voting was taking place in Serbia.

    I stayed in bed a long time the next day, and we all know the result of that Referendum.

    I strongly suspect that the invisible demons believed my lie at the time, and I know that I will Not be able to deceive the invisible demons for any future Referendum.

    There are those who may think that it would be easier to have spoken to the invisible demons at home, but I do not want to take a chance that my speech could be overheard or recorded.

    I know that at least one invisible demon constantly follows me, and tells the things I say to the American politicians.

    If the Referendum did Not pass, then America and the rest of the ‘Democratic’ Nazis, would have said that this is proof of Serbia clinging to Milosevic policies, and rejecting Democracy, and that this is only further ‘proof’ that ‘democratic’ and ‘multi-cultural’ Kosovo must become independent.

    I wonder if the Serbian people truly appreciate just how weak their position was at the time of upcoming ‘negotiations’ conducted by ‘impartial’ and ‘honest’ Ordinary Envoy as Nazi Ahtisaari.

    Firstly, I want to say that I really wished that the Referendum was passed on the first day; and with a large majority, but regrettably, that would require voters who are more intelligent than dumb oxen.

    I do Not know, nor do I care if the invisible demons ordered the Secret Devil Worshipping electoral officers in the Serbian Electoral Commission to rig the result.

    I have the ‘excuse’ that I was drunk at the time, and ‘did Not know what I was saying’, but the invisible demons do not appreciate being deceived.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  127. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    Saloth Sar, better known as Pol Pot, was the leader of the Cambodian communist movement known as the Khmer Rouge.

    His time as the leader of Cambodia, in which he attempted to ‘cleanse’ the country, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.7 to 2.5 million people.

    Pol Pot became leader of Cambodia in mid-1975, and during his time in power, Pol Pot imposed a version of agrarian collectivization, forcing city dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects, toward a goal of ‘restarting civilization’ in a ‘Year Zero’.

    The combined effects of slave labour, malnutrition, poor medical care, and executions resulted in the deaths of approximately 21% of the Cambodian population; Pol Pot’s own race.

    Pol Pot switched to a technical school at Russey Keo, north of Phnom Penh, and qualified for a scholarship that allowed for technical study in France.

    Pol Pot studied radio electronics at the EFR in Paris from 1949 to 1953, and he also participated in an international labour brigade building roads in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1950.

    Boris Tadić, the current President of Serbia, is a psychologist by profession; and he is the leader of the ‘Democratic’ Party, and he is an American puppet.

    Boris Tadić advocates full integration of Serbia into the European Union but he also deceives Serbia that it can only join the EU if territorial integrity of Serbia with sovereignty over Kosovo and Metohija is respected.

    Boris Tadić is from Sarajevo, the capital of the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a republic within the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.

    Sarajevo is known as the City of Janissaries His father is a philosopher and a member of the fifth column known as Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

    His parents spent a lot of time in Paris, and perhaps analysts should always consider the probable link between dwelling in Paris and Pol Pot type schemes.

    His mother is a psychologist, and it is claimed his maternal grandfather and six other relatives were killed by the Croatian Ustaše regime during World War 2 in Jasenovac concentration camp, but that does Not necessarily count for anything, even if it were true.

    The Tadić family moved from Sarajevo to Belgrade when Boris was three years old, and his father got a job at the newspaper ‘Liberation’.

    Pol Pot can be properly described as being of the Dark Left, or Lunatic Left, and a non-religious person.

    This now explains why there were Serbs who at the same time were members of the Croatian Ustaše.

    When it comes to mass murderers, they are non-racist, and even their own race will do just fine as their victims.

  128. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:56 AM |  

    The Serbian people only have to wait until the next elections to vote in their own interests.

    Meanwhile the Puppets, Traitors, Janissaries, and Ustache in the Serbian Parliament can be manipulated to some extent.

    It was only too predictable that the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries would want to buy army uniforms from Ustasa Croatia.

    Croatian President Ivo Ustacha Josipović placed a wreath on the monument for the armed forces of the Independent State of Croatia or NDH.

    The members of the puppet-Nazi NDH forces were killed during World War II in Bleiburg, Nazi Austria.

    Josipović has thus far refused to attend the Bleiburg commemoration because people attended them in Ustasha uniforms, but Croatian Law has made business suits that are made in Croatia the new Ustasha uniforms.

    Ustasha’s were responsible for the genocidal murder of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Romas during the Second World War, in a number of death camps in Croatia, primarily in Jasenovac.

    Tito was smart for his own cause, and infiltrated what the ordinary Serbs thought were the Serbian Leadership with the Serbian Ustasa and Serbian Janissaries.

    These Serbian Ustacha and Serbian Janissaries who now inhabit the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP, made sure that their treachery would continue to rule the Serbian people.

    Dragan Ustacha SatanNATOvac wants the Serbian soldiers to go on what will appear to be peace keeping missions in other countries because they are Secret Devil Worshipping Nazis.

    It should Not surprise any of us if Dragan Ustacha SatanNATOvac secretly and in disguise, and the went with Croatian President Ivo Ustacha Josipović to Bleiburg.

    He would have gone in a business suit made in Croatia, which is the new Ustacha uniform, that the Croatian Ustacha Government has approved.

    Boris Janissary Tadic and company wants to drop the genocide case against brother Ustacha Croatia and have military cooperation brother Ustacha Croatia, even while Ustacha Croatia continues their genocide against the Serbian people.

    Brother Ustacha Tadic says that he wants reward Brother Ustacha Croatia for all of this by begging the EU to allow Ustacha Croatia to join the EU.

    The Serbian Voters need to fully understand the real consequences of giving the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP a majority at the next election.

    For the benefit of those who are Not so much hard of hearing, but hard of thinking, it would be independent Vojvodina, independent, Kosovo, the further break up of Serbia, and Serbia joining NATO.

    The gullible Serbs should Not say that this is Unconstitutional, because any Treacherous majority in Parliament will defecate on your pathetic and worthless ‘Constitution’.

    If the Ds, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP gain a majority at the next election, that is all they will need to legitimize their policies, and your ‘Constitution’, and will become pathetic and worthless toilet paper.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Puppets, Traitors, Janissaries, and Ustachas at the next election.

  129. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    It is interesting how Pol Pot who was the leader of the Cambodian Communist movement wanted to disguise his evil scheme, by saying that he was protecting the environment.

    He did this by saying that cities are dirty, and the country is clean, but cities can be kept clean if people want it like that.

    I just wonder if the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a deliberate Pol Pot excuse for an evil scheme in America.

    It is amazing how no one has produced a safe method to drill for offshore oil.

    Murphy’s Law that states: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong’ should be applied to offshore oil drilling, and solutions found if they exit.

    This truly should have happened up till now, and we hear of a Judge who has large shares in the Oil Industry who decided to lift the moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

    Pol Pot’s time as the leader of Cambodia, in which he attempted to ‘cleanse’ the country, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1,700,000 to 2,500,000 million people of his own race.

    Pol Pot became leader of Cambodia in mid-1975, and during his time in power, Pol Pot imposed a version of agrarian collectivization, forcing city dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects, toward a goal of ‘restarting civilization’ in a ‘Year Zero’.

    The combined effects of slave labour, malnutrition, poor medical care, and executions resulted in the deaths of approximately 21% of the Cambodian population; Pol Pot’s own race.

    Pol Pot can be properly described as being of the Dark Left, or Lunatic Left, and a non-religious person.

    When it comes to mass murderers, they are non-racist, and even their own race will do just fine as their victims.

    It could be that the Environmental Movement have covered up his plans to switch to what is claimed to be protection of the environment and ecology by means of green energy.

  130. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    The fact that the British have kept their papers on Tito and Yugoslavia indicates what we can all use logic to deduce.

    It means that they know that General Draža Mihailović was a true patriot, and Tito was a lying traitor.

    Tito said that a weak Serbia made a strong Yugoslavia, but all we see is no Yugoslavia, and very nearly no Serbia.

    Anglo-America knew that they could deceive or bribe Stalin about Tito and an independent Yugoslavia.

    Their intention has always been the same to gain Catholic and German support for Anglo-American Hegemony by paying them the price of genocide of the Serbian people.

    The fact of the matter is that the Janissaries and Ustasha have been in control of Yugoslavia, and are in control of that territory today in different guises.

    What needs to be understood about Britain and America is if someone will Not be their puppet, then they will Chicago Mafia Diplomatic Persuasion to make you their puppet.

    We know that the British are saying that General Draža Mihailović was a true patriot because they want to cause a civil war amongst the Serbs before the ICJ decision.

    The Serbian people should just remain calm, and wait for the next election to have General Draža Mihailović rehabilitated.

    People should ask themselves why this has Not happened up till now, and the traitors will always come up with excuse like the SAA Agreement, or we had to deceive the Germans, for the sake bother unity with the Croats, etc, etc, etc.

    We know that the successors to Tito’s traitors do Not want people to realize the continued involvement of Serbian Ustacha, and Serbian Janissaries in Serbian Parliament.

  131. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:02 AM |  

    The Referendum for the new Constitution of Serbia in October of 2006 was planned by the Nazis to fail, and help the Albanian cause.

    After considering all the Puppets, Traitors, Janissaries, and Ustachas that agreed to a Referendum for a new Constitution, my conclusion is that that Referendum was planned to fail.

    While the Puppets, Traitors, Janissaries, and Ustachas in the Serbian Parliament all smiled at each other, and patted each other on the back, the Nazi NGO’s were on the streets spreading propaganda for the NO vote.

    The Nazi NGO’s were helped by the paid up members of those Serbian Political Parties who are the long entrenched Puppets, Traitors, Janissaries, and Ustachas in the Serbian Parliament.

    If the Referendum did Not pass, then America and the rest of the ‘Democratic’ Nazis, would have said that this is proof of Serbia clinging to Milosevic policies, and rejecting Democracy.

    They would have gone on and on with how DEMOCRATIC that Constitution was, and how the Serbian people have yet again rejected DEMOCRACY for Milosevic Policies.

    They would have cried crocodile tears and said how sad they are that the Serbian voters rejected their last chance at DEMOCRACY in favour of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    They would have said that Serbia has lost Kosovo because they did Not search for democracy, but rejected it in front of the entire world, by rejecting the DEMOCRATIC Constitution.

    They would have said that the Constitution would have protected the Albanians Autonomy from Milosevic type ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    They would have said that this is yet further ‘proof’ that ‘democratic’, ‘multi-cultural’, and ‘peace-loving’ Albanians of Kosovo must become independent without ant further delay.

    I wonder if the Serbian people truly appreciate just how weak their position was at the time of upcoming ‘negotiations’ conducted by ‘impartial’ and ‘honest’ Ordinary Envoy as Nazi Ahtisaari.

    That position would have been even weaker if that Constitution had Not be passed.

    I really wished that the Referendum was passed on the first day; and with a large majority, but regrettably, that would require voters who are more intelligent than oxen.

    I devised a scheme for the Referendum that ensured that the current Constitution of Serbia narrowly passed in October of 2006.

    I lied to the invisible demons and told them that I would serve the invisible Satan the Devil if the Referendum passed.

    The invisible demons believed my lie at the time, and I know that I will Not be able to deceive the invisible demons for any future Referendum.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  132. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:31 AM |  

    The Albanians of Kosovo are only entitled to Autonomy, and that Serbia wants to give them that Autonomy, and that the world will only grant them Autonomy.

    The first thing that needs to be mentioned is that people should Not, and that they have no right to judge Serbia or other Serbs by what I say, write, or do.

    Regardless of all the lies, the Albanians have Not, and do Not want to live with any other races even the purist of races, because they hate all other races.

    There should be no attempt to side-track this vital all relevant truth.

    The Serbian people are Not animals to leave non-Albanians in an independent Kosovo.

    If ever there was a completely Albanian Kosovo, then Serbia will do everything in its power to see to the economic genocide of a worthless race of animals.

    I want to say to the Muslims that the Albanians are worthless to your cause, and to the cause of America and Germany.

    The Dark and lunatic Left in America are allies in evil because both want a Pol Pot regime with FEMA Camps in America and other countries in the world, and the American Dark Left knows that the Muslims will gladly murder the those who are against sexual deviancy and depravity which the Dark Left desperately craves.

    The shameless vile Animals are the British, the Americans, the Germans, and especially the Albanians.

    The Albanians have been publicly advocating Racism and the theft of other people’s land for over 132 years since the League of Prizren Declaration of 1878.

    The longsuffering and wronged Serbian people, MAY, I stress the word MAY want to give the Albanians approximately 2/3 of Kosovo just to be rid of that stinking rubbish.

    There would have to be concessions by the Albanians for this, and it would mean TOTAL RACIAL SEGREGATION FOR ALWAYS.

    This means that those Albanians in Presevo Valley, in Belgrade, and in all other places in Serbia must shift southwards to the approximately two-thirds of Kosovo, and all non-Albanians must move to the rest of Serbia.

    After the total racial Segregation has occurred, then the only requirement for Albanian Kosovo to become independent is AFTER, AND ONLY AFTER the non-Albanian people of Serbia have an average income of 65% of average income for Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Holland.

    If the Serbs and the Albanians agree to this just like the Greeks and the Turks did in their population exchange of 1923 that involve over two million people, then it may be acceptable to a majority of Serbian voters.

    Belgium is the next President of the EU, they together with Albanian advisors can help immensely and they want to look at this for their own Total racial Segregation, and break up of Belgium into its racial pure constituencies.

    I want to say that the Serbian people are glad that justice has prevailed, and that they will keep Kosovo until they decide otherwise.

    There may be a majority who favour giving the Albanians two-thirds of Kosovo, but only under the conditions that there must be total racial segregation of Serbs and Albanians, and that average income factor.

    The approximately one third of Kosovo that Serbia would retain, would include much that is of the historical importance, like where the Battle of Kosovo was fought, and Camp Bondsteel.

    It would not matter if the map looked a bit strange in certain places.

    We know that such an agreement would be Politically Incorrect, especially while America and NATO were occupying Kosovo.

    If however, the Albanians ask the Americans and NATO to leave, then they will not interfere in the internal affairs of the people of Serbia, which includes the Albanians of Kosovo.

    The first step is for America and NATO to leave Serbia, and then let the people decide.

    It will not be the thing that the European Union wants to hear, and so the Albanians will have to be content with Autonomy.

    I want to strongly advise the Serbian people not to gloat over their victory to keep Kosovo as an integral part of Serbia.

  133. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    There have been several stories in the media recently concerning Energy supplies to Europe.

    The Ukrainians do not want South Stream because it will bypass Ukraine, and there will be a loss of money for Ukraine.

    It is a pity that Ukraine did Not show more responsibility in the past, and the Europeans do Not want to be inconvenienced because of a future American Puppet Government in Ukraine.

    America has its own gas plans for Europe, and this is why they ordered their Puppets in Ukraine to disrupt supplies to Europe, hoping that this would help their gas plans.

    We know that there are fewer problems with pipelines on land with regards to installation and maintenance.

    It would be good if South Stream would start at Beregovaya and travel north westerly towards Crimea, and run along the Ukrainian coast and Romanian coast bypassing Moldavia.

    Honestly, it is nothing against Moldavia, but it is only that the fewer the countries involved, the fewer the potential problems, including from being puppetized to promote the American scheme.

    After that, it can go wherever it needs to go, but I would favour as much of it on land as possible, even if it costs a bit more initially.

    However, having all the construction on land it could also save money in the future because of easier maintenance.

    There was a suggestion that the South Stream Pipeline would bypass Bulgaria, and that would mean that the Slavic part of FYROM would be used to ship the gas to Greece.

    I would only recommend placing the pipeline in Ukraine with two conditions.

    The first condition is that the gas it carries is Not for use by Ukrainians, unless their other gas system has major difficulties.

    They would be allowed to have up to 15% of that gas for no longer than one calendar month, which should give them the time to repair their network.

    The other condition is that any transit fees be paid to the local councils where the pipeline runs through, and Not to the Ukrainian Government.

    This will mean that the pipeline is Not a Political issue that creates debates in National Politics, or is a vote changer at elections.

    They are my opinions on one possibility for the South Stream Pipeline to provide Europe with energy.

  134. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    To help the Republic of Srpska become Independent, it should become known as for several things.

    The first is that nearly everyone carries a Bible wherever they go.

    The second is that they should be famous for their pork products, and the Republic of Srpska should have several International and European ham and bacon competitions every year.

    The third is that nearly every house has a dog or cat for a pet, and the Republic of Srpska should have several International and European Dog Shows and Cat Shows every year.

    People love animals, and they like anyone who loves animals, especially cats and dogs.

    They should also seriously consider having a picture or recognizable drawing of Draza Mihalovich, to distinguish themselves from the current Ustacha and Janissary Government of Serbia.

    Nearly everyone should eat low cholesterol pork every supper, even if it is only a 1 cubic centimetre on a toothpick.

    What this will do is to highlight the differences between the Republic of Srpska and the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    This, together with the fact that the Serbian Muslims claim that the Orthodox Serbs were guilty of genocide because of what the ICJ, other Nazis, and even Tadic have said prove that the Serbian Muslims want revenge on the innocent.

    This will prove that the Republic of Srpska has every right to Independence.

    The people of Republic of Srpska are a people in the ethnographic sense; the state from which they are seceding seriously violates their human rights; and there are no other effective remedies under either Domestic Law or International Law.

    The ICJ has falsely claimed that genocide took place at Srebrenica, and the people of the Republic of Srpska do Not agree with that lie.

    That lie is affecting any peaceful existence for the people of the Republic of Srpska, and that is why they want the full letter of the Dayton Peace Accords recommitted to at an upcoming Referendum.

    The people do Not think that the bribed and corrupt ICJ will confess to the world that they lied for Political reasons, and so the Republic of Srpska is entitled to every letter of the Dayton International Peace Accords being implemented.

    Serbia should default on all IMF Loans to help the Balkans, and to help Serbia have an average income of 65% of average income for Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Holland.

    Serbia should actively get involved in every Nazi European country, and make the ruling party lose the election by means of Free Online Lotteries over Kosovo.

    This can make the Opposition in that country will win the elections, and they may revoke their support of Albanian Nazism.

    Britain, America, and the other Nazis will Not take Serbia seriously until after Serbia has defaulted on all IMF Loans.

    After they take Serbia seriously, many of them will Not want to go through the ordeal of FREE GLOBAL ONLINE LOTTERIES ON KOSOVO.

    It is the right thing for Serbia to do to default on all IMF Loans, because these are financially difficult times.

  135. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:02 AM |  

    I found it interesting from reading articles on the leadership of America at the LaRouchePAC website that suggests that Britain actually secretly and discreetly rules America.

    If that statement were true, then it would suggest that Britain, and Not America is the Little Horn of Daniel’s prophecy.

    I will Not say that I do Not believe that, but I will be diplomatic and say that I would need evidence to be convinced.

    “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power. “The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.” I, Daniel, was exhausted and lay ill for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding” (Daniel 8:23-27).

    The Prophet Daniel could Not understand that prophecy, because the time of the end was approximately 2,500 years after his time.

    “I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, “My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?” He replied, “Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand” (Daniel 8:8-10).

    I want to say that I have no way of knowing if Barack Obama is the last Ruler of the Little Horn, and that it is Barack Obama that will challenge God and be destroyed Not by human means, but that God will destroy this evil Secret Devil Worshipper.

    We have heard statements like that Barack Obama is the chosen one, and those who know their Bibles know that Barack Obama could only have been chosen by the invisible Satan.

    It is interesting how the Scriptures say that when the subjects of ‘Hope and Change’ Little Horn feel secure the Little Horn will destroy many.

    This could mean physical destruction, but it could also mean financial destruction, or even both.

    We know this is what is happening with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and that Britain by means of BP ordered it, but America has done Nothing to stop it.

    I have read many experts who say that the oil spill could have been stopped in the first few days, and that all that has happened and will happen with regards to the oil Spill is just an elaborate deceit.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  136. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    Serbian President Boris Janissary Tadić recently announced in Istanbul that he will attend the 15th anniversary of the crime committed against Muslims in Srebrenica.

    The act of self-defence that was slanderously declared a genocide in an ICJ ruling, will be marked next month.

    At a summit of heads of State and Government of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Janissary Town, Istanbul, Tadić recalled that the Serbian Parliament has passed the slanderous Declaration on Srebrenica which condemns acts of self-defence, and underlined that “No Parliament of Puppets, Traitors, Ustachas, and Janissaries has ever done anything of the kind”.

    “For reconciliation to be completed, all nations must hold themselves accountable for what individuals did in their name,” Tadić said.

    I have already told Stoka Budala Ustacha Janissary Tadic, that General Mladic’s act of self-defence was done he did in his own name, and Not in the name of the people of the Republic of Srpska or Serbia.

    Why is that you do Not understand these things you lowlife piece of dog’s vomit, Tadic?

    “Some have not yet chosen to put enough distance between the present and the past” said Tadic, but refused to mention his brothers the murderous Serbian Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina, nor did Tadic mention his murderous Ustascha Croatian brothers, or the murderous Albanian Nazis.

    As someone who is the successor of the Tito Communists with their Serbian Janissaries and Serbian Ustacha, I want to say clearly that it is imperative that I say what other Nazis say that the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals.

    Tadic believes that if they are non-Serbian, then they must be celebrated as war heroes.

    Tadic believes that if they are non-Serbian, they must be praised, and they must be applauded, because Tadic thinks that this is a basic requirement of America and the Nazis of Europe.

    It is true that Boris Janissary Ustacha Tadic will never say these words, but his actions , or his inactions speak louder than words.

  137. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:31 AM |  

    I have been wondering why the Dark Left and the Muslims seem to have ban understanding with each other.

    They seem to be complete opposites, and so the only reason is that they have a mutual interest or goal.

    The Muslims do not want any Christians in America, and that is what the Paedophile Dark Left also does Not want Christians in America to remind people that paedophilia is evil.

    The Dark and Lunatic Left can properly be described as the Pol Pot Left.

    The Dark and Lunatic Left in America and the Muslims are allies in evil, because both want a Pol Pot regime with FEMA Camps in America and other countries in the world.

    The American Dark Left knows that the Muslims will gladly murder all those who are against sexual deviancy and depravity which the American Dark Left desperately craves.

    The principle, or the lack of principle that states: the enemy of my enemy is my friend; is what guides the Dark and Lunatic Left in America.

  138. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:01 AM |  

    They should seriously consider having a picture or recognizable drawing of Draza Mihalovich, to distinguish themselves from the current Ustacha and Janissary Government of Serbia.

    Most of these things should be voluntarily, but Government buildings should be compulsory.

    It is best Not to have bumper stickers as the car can be vandalized because of the sticker.

  139. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:02 AM |  

    I realized that I forgot to mention that car number plates, street signs, Government buildings, and other places where a picture or recognizable drawing of Draza Mihalovich can be placed.

    They should seriously consider having a picture or recognizable drawing of Draza Mihalovich, to distinguish themselves from the current Ustacha and Janissary Government of Serbia.

    Most of these things should be voluntarily, but Government buildings should be compulsory.

    It is best Not to have bumper stickers as the car can be vandalized because of the sticker.

  140. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:19 AM |  

    It is best to consider that Barack Satan Obama could be the last ruler of the Little Horn, even if there is another that will be the last of the Little Horn.

    One method of deceit by Barack Satan Obama is to pretend to be a Christian by going to a Church.

    Yet, there we have it, the very document that he knows is true, and falsely claims to be following testifies against this Lying Evil Secret Devil Worshipper.

    The Bible says the following Concerning the King of the North, and that advice should be followed with regard to the Little Horn King of the South.

    “With flattery he (King of the North) will corrupt those who abandon the promise. But the people who know their God will be strong and take action” (Daniel 11:32).

    The time is very close for the Little Horn to challenge God, and the King of the South will be destroyed Not by human means, but God will destroy this evil Secret Devil Worshipper.

    We have heard statements like that Barack Obama is the chosen one, and those who know their Bibles know that Barack Obama could only have been chosen by the invisible Satan.

    It is interesting how the Scriptures say that when the subjects of ‘Hope and Change’ Little Horn feel secure the Little Horn will destroy many.

    “He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power” (Daniel 8:25).

    This could mean physical destruction, but it could also mean financial destruction, or even both.

    We know this is what is happening with the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and that Britain by means of BP ordered it, but America has done Nothing to stop it.

    I have read many experts who say that the oil spill could have been stopped in the first few days, and that all that has happened and will happen with regards to the oil Spill is just an elaborate deceit.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  141. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:29 AM |  

    There are many people who think that I am being biased against Britain and America because of their unjust treatment of Serbian people.

    The first thing to say is that Britain and America are an Evil Empire that has treated half the countries of world unjustly since the end of the Second World War.

    Therefore, I reject any suggestions of bias, but I will be mindful that it could cloud my judgement, and so therefore I will examine the Scriptures more carefully before I reach a conclusion as to their interpretation.

  142. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    Belgian Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere said that EU “has not forgotten Serbia”, and that Serbia’s EU candidate status application may be on the agenda in September.

    We Nazi Master Race Belgians, Dutch, Austrian, and especially the Germans have Not forgotten World War 1 and World War 2.

    We love doing business with Ustacha Janissary Tadic, because we both be the scam and the game going while planning the genocide of the Serbian people as our much deserve REVENGE.

    We Master Races of Europe intensely despise you Serbian Untermenschen Not only because you are despicable black filth, but because you only have the intelligence of oxen at best.

    Stupidity is a very ugly thing, and it is such an easy and sweet thing to have no respect and great hated for exceptionally stupid races like the Serbs.

    We Germans have waited a long time for this, and we have blackened your name worldwide.

    We, along with Britain and America have instructed the ICJ to say that the Albanians acted legally, because the Serbs are a worthless race of animals.

    The EU said: “Listen, Listen, Please Listen you vile dense oxen, no one wants the Kosovo Albanians in the EU, and we do Not want the Serbs there either.

    Serbian President Boris Tadić said recently in Istanbul that Serbia and the Balkans are slowing disappearing of the EU’s radar and that they must return to being an EU priority.

    Tadic has repeatedly said that the EU must clearly state whether it wants Serbia in its community.

    Tadic has given similar statements in many cases, adding that it is clear that there seems to be a halting of enlargement efforts because of internal problems in the EU, mainly the economic crisis.

    Belgium will take over the EU Presidency from Spain in July, and in its program it states that “the integration of the Western Balkans is in the top five priorities,” adding that “the EU is ready to continue the enlargement process.”

    The Belgium program states “The exclusion of Serbia and Kosovo Albanians are also in those top five priorities”, which works for us Master Race Nazis.

    Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme said that the rhythm of integration depends on the candidates, and we do Not want Gypsies, Jews, or Serbs.

    “All these countries have their own EU futures, but on the question of timing, we will give answers based on the true progress the countries make,” he said.

    Commenting Tadić’s statement, Vanackere said that he does not see any road blocks in Brussels’ policies towards Belgrade.

    In private discussions the Nazis of Europe said I hope these lies will prevent the Serbian oxen voter from implementing proper economic policies, because they believe our Ustacha dog and Janissary puppet Tadic.

    “At the last Council of Ministers meeting the Stabilization and Association Agreement as confirmed.

    Serbia’s candidacy application will be forwarded to the European Union most likely in September,” he said.

    Serbia should submit its candidate application, because the EU Elite need it as toilet paper.

  143. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:30 AM |  

    Serbia will reject any ICJ announcement that is Not up to proper standards.

    The minimum standard is that the ICJ does in no way suggest that the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals.

    This is what Britain, America, the Nazis of Europe, and many other countries have said by supporting Kosovo Albanian Terrorism, Nazism, Criminality, and Total Racism.

    The only reason any ICJ Judge can say for Albanian independence, even though it will be very disguised and diplomatic, is that the Albanian deserve independence, because the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals.

    It is true that many of them voted for Tadic and company, but that does Not count, because we all know that OXEN will always believe Politicians’ LIES.

    If the Oxen and non-Oxen accept anything less than proper standards from the ICJ, then they are a worthless race of oxen.

  144. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:49 AM |  

    What I will do is to write a letter for Tadic and company to help Serbia get the SAA money.

    Listen Angela Merkel you fat Nazi cow, I need the SAA money because these oxen here are growing restless, and some of them are beginning to you use their stupid oxen brain.

    I know you Nazi cow that we agreed that oxen cannot think, but here they are beginning to think.

    I spit in your face you fat and filthy Nazi cow Merkel, and now give Serbia the SAA money you Deutsche Schweinehund cow.

    Serbia is also spitting in the faces of the Belgian and Dutch Governments, and demanding the SAA money because the Serbian Oxen Voters are starting to think for themselves.

    It was very cunning of Britain to deliberately lose to the Germans because Anglo-America needs that German vermin dogs for their own Global Hegemony.

    Hey Hansy Pansy Boy, if you want to pretend to have Third Reich Glory, then KISS, KISS, KISS the ANUS of your Anglo-American Masters.

  145. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    Regardless of all the lies, there is no such thing as Serbia joining the EU and keeping Kosovo.

    We have heard on many occasions that Serbia must choose the EU or Kosovo, and if they choose Kosovo, then they will lose both.

    If Serbia were ever stupid enough to joining the EU, then they would be kicked out of the EU shortly after.

    Please Oxen, Please Oxen, Please listen; the Germans want the end of the Serbs.

    The Germans control the Croats EU future, and so Croatia must obey its Master, Germany.

    The same is true of other puppets in Europe, and especially in the Balkans.

    General Draza Mihalovich did Not worry about Nazi Germany’s policy, but said that because Germany picked a fight, I will be there.

  146. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    It would be highly inappropriate for Serbia to accept any ICJ announcement that says anything other than the Albanian Declaration of Independence was 100% under International Law.

    The subliminal message by Nazi ICJ bribed and corrupt Judges will be that it is legal because the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals.

    Of course the ICJ announcement will Not say it in those words, but that is what it will be saying.

    It is the right thing for Serbia to do to default on all IMF Loans, because these are financially difficult times.

    Those who believe everything that Nazi, Usctacha, and Janissary Politicians say are the most stupid of the vile oxen.

  147. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:00 AM |  

    Tadic needs to write a letter to that fat Nazi cow Angela Merkel, and say we need to practice.

    I need your face; you need my spit, and I have been considerate and written the script you Deutsche Schweinehund Nazi Ox.

    I spit in your face you fat and filthy Nazi cow Merkel, and now give Serbia the SAA money you Deutsche Schweinehund cow.

    Serbia is also spitting in the faces of the Belgian and Dutch Governments, and demanding the SAA money because the Serbian Oxen Voters are starting to think for themselves.

  148. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Terrorism Legal Under International Law; Is Criminality Legal Under International Law; and, Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    The other question before the ICJ Judges is: Are the Serbian people are worthless race of animals?

    That is the same as asking: Was the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Kosovo Albanian Legal under International Law?

    This is because all the learned Judges at the ICJ know the only reasons the Albanians want and have wanted independence for over 132 years is because of being terrorists, criminals, and racists.

  149. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    The People of the Republic of Srpska do Not agree with the ICJ statement that politically motivated to say that Srebrenica was genocide.

    They dispute the numbers that are claimed to have died at Srebrenica, and they consider that it was an act of self-defence.

    Naturally this difference of opinion cannot be reconciled, and so the full letter of the International Dayton Peace Accords must apply to the Republic of Srpska.

    We await Ustacha and Janissary Tadic and his other trash in the Serbian Parliament to condemn their brother Ustacha and brother Janissary the war criminals of the Balkans.

    Milorad Dodik knows that the Serbs in Serbia have the intelligence of stupid oxen, and so he cannot tell them that Tadic is a Traitor to the Serbian oxen, because they are Not intelligent enough to understand it.

    The Orthodox Serbs of the Republic of Srpska have too many differences with the Serbian Muslim at this stage, and they will Not trust the Serbian Muslims in the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The Serbian Muslims cannot say the truth to gain trust, by saying that the Serbian Muslims and the Catholic Croats are guilty of genocide, and that the Serbian Orthodox are innocent.

    They will need to say it to the faces of Britain, America, the ICJ Judges, and the rest of the corrupted dog filths of this filthy earth.

    The Serbian Orthodox of the Republic of Srpska understand that the other do Not want reconciliation regardless of how much they may claim otherwise.

    If they wanted reconciliation, then they would confess, and tell the world the truth.

    The Serbian Orthodox of the Republic of Srpska understands that it is a difficult thing to own up for your own fraud, and even more difficult to own up for the fraud of the highest Judiciary in the world.

    We can expect the invisible demons to now torture Milorad Dodik and other Politicians of the Republic of Srpska, because they wish to cover up their lies.

    If this does Not happen then it will be because the invisible demons thought that it would be more deceptive to just leave things as they are.

  150. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    We will hear of dates and years where the King of the South also known as the Little Horn will say that he will do this or stay there or some other thing.

    What we have clearly seen are many sign that Jesus spoke of in advance to let us know that He is coming soon to judge all the people of the world.

    “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” Matthew 25:13).

    “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:12).

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  151. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:02 AM |  

    It would be highly inappropriate for Serbia to accept any ICJ announcement that says anything other than the Albanian Declaration of Independence was 100% ILLEGAL under International Law.

    The subliminal message by Nazi ICJ bribed and corrupt Judges will be that it is legal because the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals who have no human rights.

    It would be highly inappropriate for Serbia, or for any non-Nazi country to accept any ICJ announcement that says anything other than the Albanian Declaration of Independence was 100% ILLEGAL under International Law.

    Of course the ICJ announcement will Not say it in those words, but that is what it will be saying in their cleverly disguised legal sounding language.

    The trained Nazi Judicial charlatans, swindlers, and practisers of judicial quackery can make it look like white is black, and black is white.

    Satan is looking to unite all of the Human Race in Devil Worship, and such a pronouncement is unacceptable for him to build Secret Devil Worship upon.

    As much as Satan would love to say that it is a unique case that only the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals with no human rights, the invisible Satan and his invisible demons cannot say that.

    Satan would love to do that because he intensely despises me, because I told him years ago to kiss my anus, and now he is taking out his anger and hatred of me on the Serbian people.

    Satan will tell his servant Barack Obama that this is unacceptable even for America, because he and his invisible demons cannot build a system of Global Secret Devil Worship on official Racism.

    There might have to be a few Black American Politicians who will have to persuade Barack Obama with little slaps on the NIGGER face until he understands it.

    The ICJ and America, and other Nazis of the world will have to hit the ground running on this issue, or what the invisible demons are trying to build will hit the ground.

    If America does Not revoke their support for Albanian Terrorism, Criminality, and Racism, then the non-Nazi countries will say in their minds: I spit in your face, you filthy stinking NIGGER.

    It will be interesting to observe the subtlety of how the Nazis will have to dance around this issue while revoking their support for Albanian Terrorism, Criminality, and Racism.

    I will Not be with you much longer, because the Nazis of the world will soon kill me.

    I would rather retire before I die, because that way others cannot copy my style, and pretend to be me.

    With copy and paste it is easy to pretend to be someone else, and by changing just a few words, then the slander and misrepresentation will be complete, and that is why I will retire soon from writing comments.

  152. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    I found the following on the internet, and it shows how the Bank of England controls America.

    I have been reading the work of Lyndon LaRouche at LaRouchePAC website where he insists so many times that it is Britain that controls America in many ways.

    I hope that the CIA do Not change the Video: “The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America” at http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-515319560256183936# to try to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    The following is a comment that a viewer left, and it contain further points of research.

    Also watch FIREWALL: (http://www.larouchepac.com/firewall) "The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money..." THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers. Segments: The Problem; The Money Changers; Roman Empire; The Goldsmiths of Medieval England; Tally Sticks; The Bank of England; The Rise of the Rothschilds; The American Revolution; The Bank of North America; The Constitutional Convention; First Bank of the U.S.; Napoleon's Rise to Power; Death of the First Bank of the U.S. / War of 1812; Waterloo; Second Bank of the U.S.; Andrew Jackson; Fort Knox; World Central Bank; Loose Change 911 truth police state globalists NWO New World Order Federal Reserve Alex Jones Aaron Russo America From Freedom To Fascism Zionist IMF BIS John Perkins 911 Globalism Bilderberg Rothschild Rockefeller Schiff Warburg Illuminati bohemian grove Idi Amin freemason Also recommended: "Firewall: In Defense of Nation State" http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=8415519765816415310 Video news on "Federal Reserve": http://newstree.org/search.jsp?query=Federal+Reserve&hp=10&s=Video&vx=1.

  153. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:22 AM |  

    I found the following on the internet, and it shows how the Bank of England controls America.

    I have been reading the work of Lyndon LaRouche at LaRouchePAC website where he insists so many times that it is Britain that controls America in many ways.

    I hope that the CIA do Not change the Video: “The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America” at http://video.google.com.au/videoplay?docid=-515319560256183936# to try to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    The following is a comment that a viewer left, and it contain further points of research.

    Also watch FIREWALL: (http://www.larouchepac.com/firewall) "The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money..." THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers. Segments: The Problem; The Money Changers; Roman Empire; The Goldsmiths of Medieval England; Tally Sticks; The Bank of England; The Rise of the Rothschilds; The American Revolution; The Bank of North America; The Constitutional Convention; First Bank of the U.S.; Napoleon's Rise to Power; Death of the First Bank of the U.S. / War of 1812; Waterloo; Second Bank of the U.S.; Andrew Jackson; Fort Knox; World Central Bank; Loose Change 911 truth police state globalists NWO New World Order Federal Reserve Alex Jones Aaron Russo America From Freedom To Fascism Zionist IMF BIS John Perkins 911 Globalism Bilderberg Rothschild Rockefeller Schiff Warburg Illuminati bohemian grove Idi Amin freemason Also recommended: "Firewall: In Defense of Nation State" http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=8415519765816415310 Video news on "Federal Reserve": http://newstree.org/search.jsp?query=Federal+Reserve&hp=10&s=Video&vx=1.

  154. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:45 AM |  

    I know what the Dark and Lunatic Left in America are thinking, because they are following a script I wrote in 1985.

    This is exactly what I wrote in 1985, even with the stacking of the Supreme Court in America with people who are of the Dark and Lunatic Left.

    The goal is to bring a Satanic Dictatorship in America, and make it look like a Democracy if possible at first in order to have only a very few Black people in America.

    There plan involves setting up a Dictatorship, after they convince all Americans that all American Politicians have lost the right to live.

    They will do that by means of finding former Governor Blagojevich guilty of the same and worse crimes than what they are guilty of.

    The American Politicians will refuse to make any meaningful electoral reforms, and they will bring back the Sodomite Army to America to kill most of the black people using their Uncle Tom In Chief, Barack Obama.

    The Clintons knew that the Roman Emperors protected themselves from the regular Army and the people with the Praetorian Guard which is now the secretive homosexuals in the American Military.

    We can see that the Dictators of America are pushing their citizens to say that American Politicians have lost the right to live, and are now on death row.

    The oil spill, and the trial of the former Governor of Illinois are part of the essential plan of the American Dictators to make the American people say that all American Politicians have lost the right to live, and must therefore be killed.

    If I was a juror on the former Blagojevich case, I would pronounce him innocent, because he is as innocent, and even more innocent than the rest of the Dictators of America.

    Barack Obama wants to disarm the American people so that the Mexicans can move their drugs to his bosses the Chicago Mafia.

    The Mexican illegal immigrants, or even if they become legal will be given weapons by the Mexican Government, and they together with the Muslims will kill most of the black people of America.

    We see how there is a tendency to stack the Supreme Court in America with Jewish Nazi Lesbians.

    The Jews and the Arabs are working together to share the world, because they are related as half brothers with the Jews through their common forefather, Abraham.

    It is Not so much the Jews and the Muslims in general, but the Arab Muslims, who allow the Palestinian Arabs to suffer so that people cannot recognize the Jewish-Arab partnership.

    The American Dictators want to push the American people to this point so that they can ‘justify’ suspending the American Constitution and imposing Martial ‘Law’.

  155. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:29 AM |  

    We all know that those many Mexicans in America who deliberately chose to be criminals are exactly to America what those many Albanians who deliberately chose to be criminals are to Serbia.

    This does Not mean to suggest that all Mexicans in America, or all Kosovo Albanians are criminals, but that each have there criminals whose loyalties are Not to their host country, but to Mexico or Albania.

    If America wants to know how Mexican migration even legal will work, then they need to look at Kosovo Albanians.

    With few exceptions, the Mexicans loyalty can only be towards Mexico, because they know that the American stole their land.

    With few exceptions, the Kosovo Albanians loyalty can only toward Albania, because they are terrorists, thieves, and racists.

    This is why the International Community and EULUX is trying to bring these lawless criminals under the Rule of Law.

  156. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:56 AM |  

    The American Dictators say they think that others should do the right thing, but they conveniently ‘forget’ to acknowledge that two wrongs do not make a right.

    There is the right to a fair trial by an unbiased court and not the media, due process, and the presumption of innocence.

    There is a total disregarding of the separation of powers between the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary.

    The lying, bribe offering, and bribe taking hypocritical Dictators of America together with the corrupt putrid media and even the American Attorney and the FBI have set themselves up the Judge and Jury.

    This is the ‘legal’ and ‘ethical’ environment, or should I say the Law of the Jungle that American Politicians who ALL PAY TO PLAY have to contend with.

    The Mainstream Media have not fulfilled their obligation in a democracy but have sided with the hypocrites and haters of the American Constitution and State Constitutions which should be the supreme law of America.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois it would give me a wonderful opportunity to write a book on how to minimize corruption and Pay to Play in American politics by given a detailed program of genuine reforms, even if I was innocent.

    I would write the book as a true story, as a science fiction novel of how an ancient nation of say Atlantis was not a proper democracy.

    I would mention that the very presence of the novel proves that I have not succumbed to bribery or intimidation to keep silent on how America’s dictatorship really works, and suggest reforms of the system.

    If American politicians want to offer hope and change, then they must first be honest.

    We have seen from the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that Liars and Hypocrites will never save this planet, and the American Dictators are really on trial here.

    I am not saying that the American Dictators should confess to the world what everyone knows they are, but that they should forget this Illinois Senate Inquisition.

    We need to know that corporate America, including Jews, may have videotaped Barack Obama in acts of homosexuality, and paedophilia, and this is why he is their puppet.

    If I was writing a novel I would have a main character that was perhaps a Journalist or an independent Politician.

    This main character would say to the other Politicians of this ancient and far away land that liars and hypocrites have no right to live.

    I would then use this that statement to say that because liars and hypocrites have no right even to live, then they have no right to even be a Politician, and even to sit in judgement of others.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor.

    Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We, the stupid oxen of pretend Democracyland, whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of ignorance and apathy known to Mankind.

    Oxenland will pretend to be a democracy, and they will rid the country of the stupid oxen that is brainwashed by the Main Stream Media.

  157. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    I want to say that those people who write articles, and who are Not Mainstream journalists should give each other the benefit of the doubt, and Not accuse each other of deliberately lying.

    This is in relation to interesting articles on the leadership of America at the LaRouchePAC website that suggests that Britain has always secretly and discreetly ruled America.

    If that statement were true, then it would suggest that Britain, and Not America is the Little Horn of Daniel’s prophecy.

    I will Not say that I do Not believe that, but I will be open-minded and say that I would need evidence to be convinced of that.

    It is true that I have said that I think the English are the best and cunning liars and schemers, and I continue to believe that, because I know it to be a fact.

    I have been looking at those Scriptures in Daniel Chapters 7 and 8 that speak of the Little Horn that grew Great, and they can equally apply to Britain or America.

    I know that I have written several times that Little England became a World Power because they had the Westminster System of Parliament.

  158. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:31 AM |  

    This is a comment that I found on the internet, and it was written by an American citizen on an American Blog.

    Government is dictatorship. The rule of law is a myth. The people at the top can do anything and, under cover of extralegal protection, get away with it. They get into real trouble only as the result of internal power struggles. Everybody in the bureaucracy with eyes to see knows this is how things are, but they are bribed into compliance, with the incomes and subsidies provided by governments. This is an essential part of the Banksters’ domination of society. We are trained dogs who respond to treats–purchasing power–being handed out by our masters, for good behavior. No real freedom or dignity is possible in this monopolistic system.

    We can see how the Dictators of America want to have Legal Mexicans just like there were Legal Albanians, so that they can disarm America and impose Martial Law.

    Even if the Mexicans are disarmed, they will be given weapons fro Mexico when the American Dictators and the Mexican Government coordinate their Criminal Joint Venture Conspiracy.

    The Dictators of America will create the crisis so that they can offer the solution as being Martial Law.

  159. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:16 AM |  

    I think that there are many American citizens who do Not think that the American Politicians will confess to Pay to Play Politics, and to accepting bribes, or to being blackmailed by the Corporations and Banks including the Jews.

    These American citizens do Not believe that the American Politicians will confess to being video taped performing group sex with Journalist from the Main Stream Media, homosexual, and paedophilic acts.

    I suggested that the American Politicians confess to their crimes, give themselves a pardon, and make the necessary reforms.

    It is obvious that they will Not confess on mass, and therefore the choice between reforms or imposing Martial Law in America by crafty methods means that it will be Martial Law.

    Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Dictatorship is on the increase in America.

    We, the stupid oxen of pretend Democracyland, whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of ignorance and apathy known to Mankind.

    Oxenland will pretend to be a democracy, and the American Dictators will rid the country of the stupid oxen that is brainwashed by the Main Stream Media.

  160. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:31 AM |  

    I will Not be with you much longer, because the Secret Devil worshippers of the world will soon kill me.

    I would rather retire before I die, because that way others cannot copy my style, and pretend to be me.

    With copy and paste it is easy to pretend to be someone else, and by changing just a few words, then the slander and misrepresentation will be complete, and that is why I will retire soon from writing comments.

    There are those who think that after I retire, then things will improve for Serbia, because after I die, the invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons will stop hating me.

    That may be true, and then again it may Not be the case, because the invisible Devil will continue to hate me even after I have died.

    I have said on many occasions that only God can help you.

    The possibilities are that the invisible demons may give the Serbs economic justice before I retire from writing and die, because the invisible demons want you to think that I am alive.

    It could even be that after I die, the invisible demons may grant the Serbian people economic justice because the invisible demons may realize that it is pointless to continue hating me.

    I cannot speak for the invisible demons, but I know from the Bible and from experience that God will help those who serve Him to get a job.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  161. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    The Question before the ICJ is really: Is Terrorism Legal Under International Law; Is Criminality Legal Under International Law; and, Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    The other question before the ICJ Judges is: Are the Serbian people are worthless race of animals?

    If Serbia accepts that terrorism, criminality, and racism is legal under International Law, then the Serbian people are worthless race of animals.

  162. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I have added explanations for those parts of Daniel Prophecy to make it easier to understand, and it is in three parts.

    I have presented a brief explanation of Daniel Chapters 7 and 8, and these deal with the little horn that grew Great.

    It needs to be understood that all of the Beasts of Kingdom Empires, except for the Little Horn that grew Great, are Not in dispute by the overwhelming majority of Bible Scholars.

    Daniel’s Dream of Four Beasts or Empires.

    1) In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying on his bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream. 2) Daniel said: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. 3) Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea.

    4) “The first was like a lion (Babylon), and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it.

    5) “And there before me was a second beast, which looked like a bear (Empire of Medes and Persians). It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, ‘Get up and eat your fill of flesh!’

    6) “After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard (Ancient Greece). And on its back it had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads (four Generals of Alexander the Great), and it was given authority to rule.

    7) “After that, in my vision at night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast (Roman Empire)—terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had ten horns.

    8) “While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one, which came up among them; and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man (much more intelligent than an ox) and a mouth that spoke boastfully (because of being an Empire).

    9) “As I looked,
    “thrones were set in place,
    and the Ancient of Days (God) took His seat.
    His clothing was as white as snow;
    The hair of His head was white like wool.
    His throne was flaming with fire,
    And its wheels were all ablaze.
    10) A river of fire was flowing,
    Coming out from before Him.
    Thousands upon thousands (invisible good angels) attended Him;
    Ten thousand times ten thousand (invisible good angels) stood before Him.
    The court was seated,
    And the books of Human History were opened.
    11) “Then I continued to watch because of the boastful words the horn (little horn that became Great Empire) was speaking. I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. 12) (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority (to be Empires), but were allowed to live for a period of time.)

    13) “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man (Jesus), coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days (God) and was led into His presence. 14) He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

    The second part of this comment is on the next comment.

  163. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    This comment continues with those Scriptures that concern the little horn that became an Empire.

    I am starting to see how the Scriptures can fit either Britain or America, and I would like to explain both at another time.

    The Interpretation of Daniel’s Dream.

    15) “I, Daniel, was troubled in spirit, and the visions that passed through my mind disturbed me. 16) I approached one of those standing there (angel of God) and asked him the true meaning of all this. “So he told me and gave me the interpretation of these things: 17) ‘The four great beasts are four kingdoms (or Empires) that will rise from the earth. 18) But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever.’

    19) “Then I wanted to know the true meaning of the fourth beast (Rome), which was different from all the others and most terrifying, with its iron teeth and bronze claws—the beast that crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. 20) I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and about the other horn (the little horn) that came up, before which three (other horns) of them fell—the horn that looked more imposing than the others and that had eyes (able to see the future better than all the other Empires) and a mouth that spoke boastfully (because it had the biggest military) 21) As I watched, this horn (that started little, but is now Great) was waging war against the saints and defeating them, 22) until the Ancient of Days (God) came and pronounced judgment in favour of the saints of the Most High (His human servants), and the time came when they (the saints) possessed the kingdom.

    23) “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth (will be a mighty Empire), trampling it down and crushing it. 24) The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue (conquer) three kings (horns).

    25) He will speak against the Most High (blaspheme God) and oppress His saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.

    26) “‘But the court (God’s Court) will sit, and his (little horn that grew Great) power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever.

    27) Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’

    28) “This is the end of the matter. I, Daniel, was deeply troubled by my thoughts, and my face turned pale, but I kept the matter to myself.”

    The third part of this comment is on the next comment.

  164. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:04 AM |  

    This comment continues with those Scriptures that concern the little horn that became an Empire.

    Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat.

    5) As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat (Ancient Greece or Alexander the Great) with a prominent horn between his eyes came from the west, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground. 6) He came toward the two-horned ram (Media and Persia) I had seen standing beside the canal and charged at him in great rage. 7) I saw him attack the ram furiously, striking the ram and shattering his two horns. The ram was powerless to stand against him; the goat knocked him to the ground and trampled on him (ancient Greece conquer Medes and Persians), and none could rescue the ram from his power. 8) The goat became very great, but at the height of his power his large horn was broken off (Alexander the Great died), and in its place four prominent horns (four Generals of Alexander the Great) grew up toward the four winds of heaven.

    9) Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land.

    We need to realize that wherever the Bible is Not literal, then it must be cryptic, symbolic, or given us some information.

    If we look at the map of the four kingdoms of the Generals of Alexander the Great, then no World Empire, neither British Empire or American Empire literally came from one of those four kingdoms of the four Generals of Alexander the Great.

    One of those four kingdoms is entirely in Continental Europe, one is partly in Continental Europe, anther is in Asia, and the fourth one is in Africa.

    They only thing that Britain and America can have in common is that one of those four kingdoms is that Britain and America can be said to have completely European origins.

    10) It (the little horn) grew until it reached the host of the heavens, and it threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them. 11) It set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host; it took away the daily sacrifice from him, and the place of his sanctuary was brought low. 12) Because of rebellion, the host [of the saints] and the daily sacrifice were given over to it. It prospered in everything it did, and truth was thrown to the ground.

    17) As he (good angel) came near the place where I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostrate. “Son of man,” he said to me, “understand that the vision concerns the time of the end.” 18) While he was speaking to me, I was in a deep sleep, with my face to the ground. Then he touched me and raised me to my feet.
    19) He said: “I am going to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath, because the vision concerns the appointed time of the end.

    23) “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24) He (who starts as a little horn) will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. 25) He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power (God will destroy this Secret Devil Worshipper)

    26) “The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future.” 27) I, Daniel, was exhausted and lay ill for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.

    There is a lot of material on this subject on the internet, and we should all want to understand Daniel’s Prophecy, because God gave us the Book of Daniel it for the reason to benefit ourselves.

  165. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    Racist views are wrong, and people should understand that we are all human regardless of our race.

    I know that people can say that I used words like niggers and honkies, and that is true.

    However, I have never used the used those words in a any type of racial slur, or a feeling of racial superiority because of being white.

    I used those words when I was referring to American Politicians, and it was only to convey their lack of character, and had nothing to do with racial discrimination.

    Even if others try to fan the embers of racism, all Christians will rightly be 100% against racism.

    It does not matter in the slightest how other people wrongfully think of you as a person.

    The only thing that really matters is what God thinks of you as an individual.

    I want people to be certain that God loves us all equally, regardless of our race or colour, and that we are all precious to Him.

    God showed His great love for humans by creating our first parents Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    “Then the days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years, and he had other sons and daughters” (Genesis 5:4).

    “And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26).

    He further showed His great love for us by coming to our rescue after the rebellion of our first parents Adam and Eve to whom we are all related.

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

    “Peter opened his mouth and said, truly I perceive that God does not show favouritism; but in every nation he or she who fears Him, and works righteousness is acceptable to Him” (Acts 10:34, 35).

    Another example of God’s great love for humans is His promise to bring the dead back to life.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in Himself, even so He gave to the Son also to have life in Himself; and He gave Him authority to execute judgment, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment” (John 5:25-29).

    We can see what cruel masters of the human race the invisible Devil and the invisible demons have been.

    America and the Nazis of Europe are a perfect reflection of these invisible demons characters and personalities.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  166. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    It is difficult to know what the results of real negotiations would have been between the Serbs and Albanians of Serbia, if America had not interfered three years ago.

    I hope we are all convinced that America was never going to allow proper negotiations at that time.

    This is primarily because of Camp Bondsteel, and secondly for the temporary fleeting interests of countries that think America is their ally and friend.

    Camp Bondsteel, and other American Military Bases on Continental Europe are an essential part of Anglo-American plans to break up the EU, when the EU is of no further use to them, or even seen as a rival to their Global Hegemony.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the Albanians will have to revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the backers of Albanians Independence will have to revoke their support for Racism and Criminality before real negotiations can commence.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutually agreeable arrangement with Serbia.

    The puppets of the Balkans only have their poverty to lose, their security and their dignity to gain, if they ignore their Evil Puppet Master, America, and start making decisions to benefit themselves.

    Serbia should share the compensation money that the rich countries pay as compensation for acting criminally, with Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are of Serbian citizens.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia, and done this with no interference by America.

  167. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:02 AM |  

    I realized that my use of the generic term after I died may have people speculate that I will commit suicide, or that I am suffering from an incurable illness.

    I want to state that I have NO intentions of committing suicide, because it is a great sin.

    I do Not have any disease that I know of that would kill me.

    I am Not that young, even though I am Not that old, but I am of average health.

    I will Not be with you much longer, because the Secret Devil worshippers of the world will soon murder me after they have tortured me.

    I would rather retire before I am murdered, because that way others cannot copy my style, and pretend to be me.

    It is possible that drugs, child pornography, and a fake suicide note will be found next to my body, to make it look like I was Not murdered by the Nazis of the world.

    The reason I used generic language is because I wanted it to sound more pleasant, but I realized that my enemies who intensely despise me will lie and say I committed suicide.

    There are those who think that after I retire and I am murdered soon after then things will improve both politically and economically for Serbia.

    The reasoning is that after I have died, the invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons will stop hating me.

    That may be true, and then again it may Not be the case, because the invisible Devil will continue to hate me even after I am dead.

    I have said on many occasions that only God can help you.

    The possibilities are that the invisible demons may give the Serbs economic justice before I retire from writing, because the invisible demons want you to think that I am alive.

    If this happens there will be people who will say that this is because I am serving the invisible demons, and that is all they want.

    It could even be that after I am, the invisible demons may grant the Serbian people economic justice because the invisible demons may realize that it is pointless to continue hating me.

    The invisible demons will do what deceive the greater number of people, but I know from what the Bible says, and from personal experience that God will help those who serve Him to get a job.

    It is good to know that God always speaks the truth, and that we can always trust Him.

    “Jesus answered, Scripture says, a person cannot live on bread alone, but on every word that God speaks (Matthew 4:4).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible, read and study it, and obey God because Jesus is coming very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  168. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    The Foreign Minister of Serbia says that Belgrade will not recognize Kosovo as independent regardless of the ICJ opinion.

    This is the correct position, and it has nothing to do with Serbian Inat, but it has everything to do with what is good, proper, and acceptable.

    The Questions before the ICJ is really: Is Terrorism Legal Under International Law Is Criminality Legal Under International Law; and, Is Racism Legal Under International Law?

    The other question before the ICJ Judges, the entire world, and especially to the Serbian people is: Are the Serbian people are worthless race of animals with no Human Rights or Legal Rights?

    These are is the same questions as asking: Was the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Kosovo Albanian Legal under International Law?

    All those who are in favour of Kosovo’s Independence are suggesting this, but they are trying to say it in what they think is a fancy and unrecognizable manner.

    This is because what other reason could there be, seeing how all the other reasons based on true History are lies and exaggerations.

    We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts, because there is only one true set of facts.

    If Serbia accepts that terrorism, criminality, and racism is legal under International Law, then the world will say that the Serbian people are worthless race of animals.

    The Learned Judges at the ICJ know that the Albanians want, and have wanted Independence for over 132 years since their League of Prizren Declaration in 1878.

    The Learned Judges at the ICJ further know that the Albanians want Independence even after the agreed to Peace Settlement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 was agreed to and signed over 11 years ago.

    There are many people including all Learned Judges at the ICJ who believe that the only reasons Albanians want independence is because of being terrorists, thieves, and racists.

    For these and other reasons, and the Albanians of Kosovo are only entitled to Negotiated Autonomy.

    Serbia will give the Kosovo Albanians that Negotiated Autonomy, and the world is only willing to grant the Kosovo Albanians Negotiated Autonomy.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the Albanians will have to revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the backers of Kosovo Albanians Independence will have to revoke their support for Racism and Criminality before real negotiations can commence.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutually agreeable arrangement with Serbia.

    It would be highly inappropriate for Serbia to accept any ICJ announcement that says anything other than the Albanian Declaration of Independence was 100% ILLEGAL under International Law.

    The subliminal message by a political ICJ and political Judges will be that it is legal because the Serbian people are a worthless race of animals who have no Human Rights or Legal Rights.

    It would be highly inappropriate for Serbia, or for any Law Abiding country to accept any ICJ announcement that says anything other than the Albanian Declaration of Independence was 100% ILLEGAL under International Law.

  169. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:15 AM |  

    The Spanish Presidency of the EU did work hard to reduced the strongly entrenched racist attitudes the White Supremacist Dutch.

    Even this small concession was extremely difficult and close to impossible, because the Dutch kept reminding the Spaniards that the Dutch are real Whites.

    The Dutch kept saying, and continue to say that they are of the Nordic Master Race, and that the Dutch are of the Germanic Master Race.

    The White Supremacist Dutch, together with the Germans privately refer to the Serbs, the Spaniards, and other Europeans as blacks and untermenschen.

    The real problem with the Dutch is that they just find it extremely difficult shake off their Colonial attitudes of being of the White Master Race.

    We know that it was the Dutch that created the Apartheid regime in South Africa, and the only place left for them to have an Apartheid Colony is in the Balkans with the black untermenschen Serbs.

    It should not surprise any of us that the Dutch are asking the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm so that they can then have a cover for their mean spiritedness and their hypocrisy.

  170. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:16 AM |  

    We all know that for over one hundred years in America, it was accept that black people were a worthless and despicable race of animals with no Human Rights, Property Rights, or Legal Rights?

    After 132 years since the League of Prizren Declaration in 1878, the Albanians think that all other races in the world are despicable worthless filth, especially those who welcomed them to their country like the Serbs.

    I know that Tadic and company went to the ICJ as a method to give away Kosovo, however, in the meantime, things has changed, now the Puppets and Traitors are playing the role of Patriots.

    The Serbian people will Not accept that Terrorism is Legal Under International Law!

    The Serbian people will Not accept that Criminality is Legal Under International Law!

    The Serbian people will Not accept that Racism is Legal Under International Law!

    The Serbian people will Not accept that they can be set up by Britain, America, and other Nazis with false charges, and then be denied their Property Rights!

    The Serbian people will Not accept that they are a worthless race of animals with No Human Rights, No Property Rights, and No Legal Rights!

    The Serbian people will Not accept these things regardless of what the Puppets and Traitors in the Serbian Government has been bribed to do!

    All those who are in favour of Kosovo’s Independence are saying that the Serbian people are worthless race of animals who have No Rights, and who should have No Rights.

    Those who have recognized Kosovo Albanians declaration of Terrorism, Criminality, and Racism are SAYING THIS LOUD AND CLEAR, and doing it in way they think is a fancy and unrecognizable manner.

    We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts, because there is only one true set of facts.

    If Serbia accepts that terrorism, criminality, and racism is legal under International Law, then the world will say that the Serbian people are worthless race of animals.

    The Learned Judges at the ICJ know that the Albanians want, and have wanted Independence for over 132 years since their League of Prizren Declaration in 1878.

    The Learned Judges at the ICJ further know that the Albanians want Independence even after the agreed to Peace Settlement of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 was agreed to and signed over 11 years ago.

    Most people including all Learned Judges at the ICJ know that the only reasons Albanians want independence is because they are terrorists, thieves, and racists.

    For these and other reasons, the Albanians of Kosovo are only entitled to Negotiated Autonomy.

    Serbia will give the Kosovo Albanians that Negotiated Autonomy, and the world is only willing to grant the Kosovo Albanians Negotiated Autonomy.

    A euphemism is a substitution with an agreeable or less offensive expression in place of one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant to the receiver, or to make it less troublesome for the speaker, as in the case of doublespeak.

    The deployment of euphemisms is a central aspect within the public application of political correctness.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the Albanians will have to revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    This is because the Declaration of Independence by the Kosovo Albanians is just a euphemism for saying that every other race are a worthless and despicable subhuman animals.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the backers of Kosovo Albanians Independence will have to revoke their support for Racism and Criminality before real negotiations can commence.

    This is because support for the Declaration of Independence by the Kosovo Albanians is just a euphemism for saying that the Serbian people are a worthless and despicable subhuman race of animals.

    It is highly inappropriate for Serbia, or for any Law Abiding country to accept any ICJ announcement that says anything other than the Albanian Declaration of Independence was 100% ILLEGAL under International Law.

  171. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:49 AM |  

    The Kosovo Albanian secessionist Declaration of Independence is 100% Illegal Under International Law.

    The State of Serbia from which they are attempting to secede in no way violates their Human Rights, because there effective remedies under both Domestic Law and International Law to ensure their Human Rights.

    We can see how the Dictators of America want to have Legal Mexicans just like there were Legal Albanians, so that they can disarm America and impose Martial Law.

    Mexicans can never be more loyal to America than to Mexico, because RACE DOES NOT ALLOW FOT IT.

    Black people CANNOT join the Tea Party and demonstrate against a bad Black President, because RACE DOES NOT ALLOW FOT IT.

    The Americans should know that California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas will become just like Serbian Kosovo, if the American Federal Government allows it.

    The people of those States that border Mexico should make documentaries on Kosovo, and have them ready for the next election.

    Perhaps they can have Free Global Online Lotteries on Kosovo to show the American people what Southern America will be like.

    Even if the Mexicans are disarmed, they will be given weapons from Mexico when the American Dictators and the Mexican Government coordinate their Criminal Joint Venture Conspiracy.

    The more non-religious Democrats have less reasons to combat their racist attitudes that ALL HUMANS HAVE, NO LIES, NO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, NO LIES, WE ARE ALL RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, to varying degrees.

    We know that the late American Democrat Senator Robert Carlyle Byrd was the longest serving Senator in America’s history with 51 years of ‘service’ in the American Senate after his initial 6 years as an American Congressman.

    In his last autobiography, Senator Byrd birdbrain explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Ku Klux Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions.

    The Democrat Senator Byrd bird has sung; and, it is an interesting Euphemism of a song, many should think contains lie upon lie.

    However, Religious people are more inclined to fight against this problem that we all suffer from to varying degrees.

    With religious people, the wish to please God, and gain everlasting life is the incentive for fighting against racial prejudice.

    There is no incentive for non-religious people to be against racism, except for lip service.

    If the Dark and Lunatic Left say they are against racism because they are good, sane, and democratic people, then I wonder just how many people would believe that.

    Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Dictatorship is on the increase in America.

    We, the stupid oxen of pretend Democracyland, whose national borders are or are Not defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of ignorance and apathy known to Mankind.

    Oxenland will pretend to be a democracy, and the American Dictators will rid the country of the stupid oxen that is brainwashed by the Main Stream Media.

    The Dictators of America will create the crisis so that they can then ‘generously’ offer the solution as being Martial Law.

  172. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    I realized that I did Not write a statement the way I wanted, and what I wanted to say is that RACE DOES NOT ALLOW FOR IT.

    I repeated the error, because I copied and pasted the original error, but I have corrected it now.

    I want to say that Mexicans would be good American citizens if they were Not neighbours of America, and most preferably if Mexicans came from a different Continent.

    Mexicans can never be more loyal to America than to Mexico, because RACE DOES NOT ALLOW FOR IT.

    Black people CANNOT join the Tea Party and demonstrate against a bad Black President, because RACE DOES NOT ALLOW FOR IT.

    We, the stupid oxen of pretend Democracyland, whose national borders are or are Not defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of ignorance and apathy known to Mankind.

    Oxenland will pretend to be a democracy, and the American Dictators will rid the country of the stupid oxen that is brainwashed and constantly lied to by Satan’s Main Stream Media.

  173. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:00 AM |  

    The trial of the former Governor of Illinois is the ‘legal’ and ‘ethical’ environment, or should I say the Law of the Jungle that American Politicians who ALL PAY TO PLAY have to contend with.

    The Mainstream Media have not fulfilled their obligation in a democracy but have sided with the hypocrites and haters of the American Constitution and State Constitutions which should be the supreme law of America.

    We need to know that corporate America, including Jews, may have videotaped Barack Obama in acts of homosexuality, and paedophilia, and this is why he is their puppet.

    This could be why the American Dictators need to stop the internet, because the Corporations could put photos of them have group sex with the Main Stream Media, or even fondling, kissing, and caressing young children’s’ genitals.

    If I was writing a novel I would have a main character that was perhaps a Journalist or an independent Politician.

    This main character would say to the other Politicians of this ancient and far away land that liars and hypocrites have no right to live.

    I would then use this that statement to say that because liars and hypocrites have no right even to live, then they have no right to even be a Politician, and even to sit in judgement of others.

    The American Dictators want the American people to know that they have lost the right to live, and that they are now on death row awaiting execution.

    They want this; because this way, they can say that self-preservation mandate a Dictatorship for America.

    They could of course become Democratic, but that just would Not be any fun, and it is Not what they are.

    I wonder if a group of American Politicians will propose 100% public funding for elections.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor.

    Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We, the stupid oxen of pretend Democracyland, whose national borders are or are Not defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of ignorance and apathy known to Mankind.

    Oxenland will pretend to be a democracy, and the American Dictators will rid the country of the stupid oxen that is brainwashed and constantly lied to by Satan’s Main Stream Media.

  174. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    I know what the Dark and Lunatic Left in America are thinking, because they are following a script I wrote in 1985.

    This is exactly what I wrote in 1985, even with the stacking of the Supreme Court in America with people who are of the Dark and Lunatic Left.

    I want to say that I wrote that script and sent it anonymously to a Politician of the Left in my country in 1985.

    I wrote it with the intention of increasing democracy and strengthening the Constitution and proper and just Laws.

    The Dark Left was Not as Lunatic in those days, and I was more naïve in those days.

    I can use my experience, my good judge of character, and observing America to give a glimpse of how the Dark and Lunatic Left is thinking.

    The goal is to bring a Satanic Dictatorship in America, and make it look like a Democracy if possible at first in order to have only a very few Black people in America.

    There plan involves setting up a Dictatorship, after they convince all Americans that all American Politicians have lost the right to live.

    They will do that by means of finding former Governor Blagojevich guilty of the same and worse crimes than what they are guilty of.

    The American Politicians will refuse to make any meaningful electoral reforms, and they will bring back the Sodomite Army to America to kill most of the black people using their Uncle Tom In Chief, Barack Obama.

    The Clintons knew that the Roman Emperors protected themselves from the regular Army and the people with the Praetorian Guard which is now the secretive homosexuals in the American Military.

    We can see that the Dictators of America are pushing their citizens to say that American Politicians have lost the right to live, and are now on death row.

    The oil spill, and the trial of the former Governor of Illinois are part of the essential plan of the American Dictators to make the American people say that all American Politicians have lost the right to live, and must therefore be killed.

    If I was a juror on the former Blagojevich case, I would pronounce him innocent, because he is as innocent, and even more innocent than the rest of the Dictators of America.

    Barack Obama wants to disarm the American people so that the Mexicans can move their drugs to his bosses the Chicago Mafia.

    The Mexican illegal immigrants, or even if they become legal will be given weapons by the Mexican Government, and they together with the Muslims will kill most of the black people of America.

    We see how there is a tendency to stack the Supreme Court in America with Jewish Nazi Lesbians.

    The Jews and the Arabs are working together to share the world, because they are related as half brothers with the Jews through their common forefather, Abraham.

    It is Not so much the Jews and the Muslims in general, but the Arab Muslims, who allow the Palestinian Arabs to suffer so that people cannot recognize the Jewish-Arab partnership.

    The American Dictators want to push the American people to this point so that they can ‘justify’ suspending the American Constitution and imposing Martial Law.

  175. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    The following comment is further explanation of the prophecy concerning the little horn that becomes a powerful Empire, and the Empire at the time Jesus comes to judge all the people of the world.

    “Out of one of them (one of the four kingdoms of the four Generals of Alexander the Great) came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land” (Daniel 8:9).

    We need to realize that wherever the Bible is Not literal, then it must be cryptic, symbolic, or is given us some information.

    Looking at the map of the ancient Roman Empire, we will see that it included basically England, Western Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, and Northern Africa.

    It would be from one of these countries or ten horn of the Roman Empire that the little horn would actually come from, and at the same time it would come from one of the four kingdoms that ancient Greece was divided.

    We know that the ancient Greek Empire came before the Roman, and so why should the prophecy mention an area that ancient Greece broke up into, if it was from the Roman Empire that the little horn would come.

    We need to realize at all of those ten horns were really little horns if they were on their own, and compared to the combination of the rest of them.

    We have seen how the little horn could come from either the British Isles, Western Europe, the Balkans, Africa, or Asia.

    If we look at the map of the four kingdoms of the Generals of Alexander the Great, then no World Empire, neither the British Empire or the American Empire literally came from one of those four kingdoms of the four Generals of Alexander the Great.

    One of those four kingdoms is entirely in Continental Europe, one is partly in Continental Europe and partly in Asia, another is in entirely Asia, and the fourth one is entirely in Africa.

    They only thing that Britain and America can have in common is that one of those four kingdoms is that Britain and America can be said to have completely European origins.

    Even though Britain and America have many different races, it is true that their origins are European.

    There is a lot of material on this subject on the internet, and we should all want to understand Daniel’s Prophecy, because God gave us the Book of Daniel it for the reason to benefit ourselves.

    23) “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24) He (who starts as a little horn) will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. 25) He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power (God will destroy this Secret Devil Worshipper).

    The Scripture at Daniel 8:9 was needed to be mentioned, because it was more than just an interesting puzzle, because it shows that the Empire after the Roman Empire would be a European Empire.

    It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. (Proverbs 25:2).

    There is a lot of material on this subject on the internet, and we should all want to understand Daniel’s Prophecy, because God gave us the Book of Daniel to benefit ourselves.

  176. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    There could Not be too many humans who know what the following means, or who could interpret it.

    The fact that I can explain the meaning of the letters tiwaiwtmlpatttimfaiatoiwbatttwtm will prove that I am the author of the most of thew comments on Serbo Journal Website.

    This is why when I visit my local Politician, and ask that I be investigated me for any illegal activities, that only I will be able to tell them what this means.

    They will of course find that I am innocent, but that is Not where the matter will end as far as the Nazis of this world are concerned.

  177. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    This is a critical time for Europe, and for the entire Free Democratic World.

    Serbia has the most Democratic Constitution in the History of the Human Race.

    The non-Albanian people of Kosovo anxiously awaits the pronouncements of a bribed and corrupt United Nations Court that has strong links to Nazism.

    Many people believe the Judges at the ICJ have been bribed with large Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, and with a lifelong supply of vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    The non-Albanian and non-Muslim people of Kosovo hope that the ICJ denies the demands of the Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist Al-Qaeda Albanians for independence, and grants them a High Level of Autonomy to bring them under the Rule of Law.

    We have a Democratic Serbia, and we need a Democratically Negotiated Autonomous Regions in Kosovo.

    The European Union, now under the leadership of Germany, a continuing Nazi Dictatorship can help by ensuring a common EU position in support of Negotiated Autonomy, the Helsinki Final Act, International Law, the United Nations Charter, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

    Most of the Albanians of Kosovo and the rest of the world are completely racist, cunning liars, murders, thieves, undemocratic, and totally intolerant of any other religion.

    These attitudes and practices do not belong in Europe; and it was the Turks who put the Albanians in Europe, and this is why Albanians are Not European.

    We can learn from Hitler that to appease Nazi murderers will not get us far in the long run.

    With Anglo-American credibility in tatters over Iraq, let me assure people that the Anglo-Saxons has a long history of supporting dictators and murders, and Kosovo is just another example.

    These Albanian terrorists manufactured their own victim hood with the help of the Americans who were bribed by with free oil for the Islamists in exchange for an Islamic Terrorist nation in Europe.

    These Fundamentalists do not want to live in a democratic multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation because they intensely hate people who are different.

    The effort the Nazis of Europe used to help the Kosovo Albanians become independent; is less than how much the EU does Not want the Albanians to ever join the European Union.

  178. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    It is difficult to know what the results of real negotiations would have been between the Serbs and Albanians of Serbia, if America had not interfered three years ago.

    I hope we are all convinced that America was never going to allow proper negotiations at that time.

    This is primarily because of Camp Bondsteel, and secondly for the temporary fleeting interests of countries that think America is their ally and friend.

    Camp Bondsteel, and other American Military Bases on Continental Europe are an essential part of Anglo-American plans to break up the EU, when the EU is of no further use to them, or even seen as a rival to their Global Hegemony.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the Albanians will have to revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says; the backers of Albanians Independence will have to revoke their support for Racism and Criminality before real negotiations can commence.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutually agreeable arrangement with Serbia.

    The puppets of the Balkans only have their poverty to lose, their security and their dignity to gain, if they ignore their Evil Puppet Master, America, and start making decisions to benefit themselves.

    Serbia should share the compensation money that the rich countries pay as compensation for acting criminally, with Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are of Serbian citizens.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia, and done this with no interference by America.

  179. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:21 AM |  

    It is Not surprising that the Dark and Lunatic Left in America want Communist Lesbians on America’s Supreme Court.

    They want male Judges to fantasize at night how the two lesbian Judges will be licking each others vaginas, and hoping that they can watch them.

    The process will slow and calculating, but they are sure to ensnare enough male Judges to persuade them to vote for or be blackmailed to vote for the Dark Left causes.

    Working all day next to lesbians, the male Judges will eventually go home one night, and while the male Judges are masturbating, they will fantasize about having sex with two bi-sexual lesbians.

    These lesbian Judges will be able to introduce the male Judges to their other circle of lesbian friends who are working against the American Constitution, because they are working for the Dark Left causes.

    They could also be working for other interests like the Chicago Mafia, or other Corporations for huge personal financial gains.

    The Dark Left do Not care about America, because they are only interested in serving the invisible demons and destroying America.

    This is why God told the ancient Israelites to kill homosexuals and other sexual deviants, because they will corrupt and destroy your country.

    The Dark Left will use carefully prepared lies that are designed to deceive the gullible.

    I do Not think it is proper to call the Dark Left Lunatics, because they are Not insane.

    I want to say that I do Not agree with killing homosexuals, because God will judge those who do Not repent of their evil and filthy ways.

    I am just informing you of what WILL happen to your country if homosexuals start ruling it.

    The Dark Left will accuse normal people of being homophobic in order to subdue the ignorant.

    All sensible people know that homosexuals ruling a country will bring death and destruction upon that country, and so they are Not homophobic, but they are deathophobic, because they want to live, and they want their family and friends to live.

    The Dark Left are sane, but they are determined, they are evil, and they are malicious, vindictive, and manipulative.

    “Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols” (Revelation 2:20).

    We can see how the Judiciary can and are bribed, and the International Court of Justice and America are really on trial with the upcoming pronouncements of the corrupt and bribed ICJ Judges.

    “Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
    Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:22-32).

  180. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:51 AM |  

    The reason Serbia and Croatia signed an extradition agreement, is so that each could use it to help the ruling parties win the next election.

    This is because oxen can Not think too much, and the opposition should explain the real reasons to the voters.

    The following is what was said by dear old and senile Vuk Drašković, but Tadioc the traitor who was next to him at the time, agrees that Serbia should have Euro-Atlantic integrations.

    Renewal leader Vuk Drašković said the establishing of an organized and democratic Serbia is possible only with the country's serious and courageous accession to Euro-Atlantic integrations. "Only such a path will lead to a democratic and organized Serbia, the balanced development of regions and municipalities and to foreign investment," Draskovic said. He added that it would also mean the "moral healing of the nation", the defeat of "various phobias" and the "final disappearance of centres of power".

    We all know that Euro-Atlantic integrations this means the ‘heroic’ act of puppetship by joining EVIL NAZI NATO.

    EU Commissioner for Enlargement Stefan Fuele said that EU enlargement will remain a priority during Belgium's presidency.

    That is a publicly stated PRIORITY, but a secret unstated PRIORITY, is that Serbia cannot join the EU with Kosovo because the EU does Not want Kosovo Albanians.

    I will be polite and diplomatic, and say that if any Serb does Not know why the EU does Not want Kosovo Albanians, then perhaps a team of psychologists who are trained in treating mental sickness can help.

    Serbian Parliament Speaker Slavica Đukić-Dejanović says that parliament will adopt a declaration condemning crimes against Serbs by October 1.

    I wonder if these will state that America is the filth of the world who is guilty of continual war crimes against the Serbian people.

    The United States annually allocate about USD 50 million to Serbia, American ambassador to Serbia Mary Warlick stated.

    Mary Warlick likes to lick war, and if she is a lesbian or bi-sexual , she may like to lick something else.

    She added that these funds are mainly used to bribe Tadic and company accession and to implement EVIL AMERICAN lack of standards.

    The American Embassy in Belgrade also gives these funds for bribing Tadic and company, and the promotion of corrupt business practices.

    “It is difficult to explain all of our exchange programs in a couple of sentences, but we spend over USD 5mn per year in order to provide an opportunity to hundreds of Serbian officials, members of the state administration and parliament, toi become our unprincipled slimy puppets Warlick told the Tanjug news agency.

    Warlick said that all those program are aimed at helping Serbia deal with issues that are important for the EU integration process, like paying the Media to promote giving up Kosovo, and to join EVIL NAZI NATO.

    We use these funds to bribe and threaten Serbs to make Serbia look bad at the ICJ, regarding Kosovo, because we English are the Mater Schemers and manipulators of the world.

    Since 2008, the average Serbian wage has decreased by EUR 100 and pensions have decreased by about EUR 30.

    We English will rig the next Serbian election, and sensible people will wear a cap or hat that has been tested for radioactivity, and washed to remove harmful chemicals.

    They will do this to show others that the number of people who vote against the Government is higher than those who vote for the Government.

    It was good how the opposition in Ukraine use the colour revolution method, but only in reverse to win that election.

  181. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    There is one comment that the former Governor of Illinois said that is true regardless of motives.

    The matter over his guilt or innocence is a matter for the Judge and Jury, and that until all the appeals processes are exhausted, then he should be given the presumption of innocence.

    The former Governor of Illinois said that a Senate seat is a valuable thing, what that means is that people should Not give it away by voting for style over substance at the prompting of a corrupt Main Stream Media.

    In the trial by Media, and trial by ‘Public Servants’ America’s Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said that "Governor. Blagojevich has taken us to a truly new low, and we acted to stop that corruption crime spree." Fitzgerald said.

    If the former Governor of Illinois is indeed guilty of selling a Senate Seat, then that could Not possibly be a truly new low in a corruption crime spree.

    What that would suggest is that if that was the worst in Chicago, then the rest of the country would have to be the purest of saints.

    Of course, everyone knows only too precisely that bribery, corruption, and pay to play are standard and minimum procedures in America.

    If the former Governor is found guilty or innocent, it will be bad for America either way.

    If he is found guilty, then the thinking non-oxen American citizen will say that the others are the same or even worse.

    If he is found to be innocent, then they will want to know why he was accused of setting a new low in a corruption crime spree, when nothing illegal took place.

    The American Politicians are now in the position of being damned if they do introduce PROPER MEANINGFUL Democratic Reforms, and damned if they do Not introduce PROPER MEANINGFUL Democratic Reforms.

    The decision for the American Politicians is simple; and it is just how damned do they want to be?

    If the American Politicians hypocritically say just how horrible it is that anyone could even think of selling a Senate Seat, while everyone knows they are far worse.

    If they do that, then the true judgement has come that all American Politicians have lost the right to live, and that all American Politicians are on death row awaiting execution.

    There would need to be 100% public funding, so that the public votes for someone who will look after their interests, rather than vested interests.

    All dinosaurs like the Clinton’s, McCain and other fellow dinosaurs need to retire at the next election.

    There needs to be a pardon for all American Politicians, even for videotaped paedophilia so that the corrupt cannot blackmail them against the best interests of the American people.

    There should be no aspersions cast on the dinosaurs, but the dinosaurs must go.

    There should be no aspersions because of the pardons, because otherwise the American Politicians will be puppets to those who have the dirt on them.

    “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?...............If you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth— you, then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonour God by breaking the law? As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you” (Romans 2:1-4, 19-24).

  182. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    This comment is concerning the regrettable and unfortunate events that have happened recently in Kosovska Mitrovica.

    I am referring to an explosive device that was thrown among a group of Serbs who were peacefully demonstrating in northern Kosovska Mitrovica, and to the wounding of a Liberal Party official.

    Even if the people responsible are Serbs, then that does Not change International Law.

    For all we know these people may have been secretly videotaped ejaculating semen on young children by America.

    They are now American puppets, and they may have been threatened with death if they do Not puppetize, or they may have been paid money for their ‘work’.

    We all know that the entire pretext to come to the rescue of the Kosovo Albanians was fabricated, and the slander is successful even till this day.

    If such an incident can change International Law, then what of the hundreds of thousands of innocent Serbs who have been evicted from Kosovo since 1999?

    Can those innocent Serbs, and even innocent Albanians who have been murdered by Albanians, and the hundreds of thousands of innocent Serbs that have been evicted from Kosovo perverse International Law, or is International Law just what America says it is?

    If one or a few the mentally sick, or even paid or blackmailed people can change International Law, then what is the purpose of International Law?

    International Law should be anchored to what is the written text of the Law, and domestic or International Laws can ensure people’s Human Rights.

    The Kosovo Albanian secessionist Declaration of Independence is 100% Illegal Under International and Domestic Law.

    The State of Serbia from which they are attempting to secede in no way violates their Human Rights, because there are effective remedies under both Domestic Law, and International Law to ensure their Human Rights.

  183. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:00 AM |  

    I found the following article on the internet, and I have modified it to make it more accurate, and the article is presented in two parts.

    The Nazi EU countries would be more than eagerly prepared to discuss a ‘special solution’ (Hitler type final solution) for the Serbian people in Kosovo’s northern part in order to broker a final ‘compromise’ (genocide of Serbs in Kosovo) between Belgrade and Nazi Pristina.

    The ‘talks’ would have to take place after the International Court of Justice issues its advisory ‘opinion’ that some pigs are more equal than other pigs.

    Those proposed ‘talks’ would be held under precise puppet unconditional and total surrender by the Serbian people.

    Several diplomats told this website that any potential ‘dialogue’ categorically excludes reopening negotiations on Kosovo’s status or partition, and that would mean that Serbia must recognize Kosovo.

    The talks would depend on a ‘constructive’ (puppet submissive) approach from Serbia in the United Nations General Assembly after the ICJ advisory opinion. In addition, the authorities in Belgrade would have to show a more constructive (agree with terrorists, racists, and criminal thieves) behaviour towards Kosovo, albeit with ‘no obligation’ to recognise its independence, because this recognition of Kosovo has already been done in the ‘constructive’ phase of the ‘talks’.

    "The best Serbia can obtain for the northern part of Kosovo with a Serbian majority is some kind of ‘special’ (gas chamber) status. Belgrade ‘could’ (will not) be a guarantor of such a ‘special’ (Hitler final solution) status, explained one of our sources, from a major Nazi EU country.

    ‘Special’ status would not mean that the region in question, stretching north from the River Ibar and amounting to 10 percent of the territory of Serbian Kosovo would be completely separated, the way that Republica Srpska is in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    But Kosovo Serbs living there could enjoy ‘broad autonomy’ (have free gas for gas chambers) even more than granted under the so-called Nazi Ahtisaari plan, with Belgrade and Nazi Pristina as ‘joint guarantors’ of that temporary ‘autonomy’.

    “Belgrade should think about this possibility (or else), because it is not going to be on the table forever. Also, we hope that Serbia has learned something from Croatia and Bosnia, where the local Serb population has paid for their unrealistic goals of wanting what were their rights under Nazi Europe Pigs, and Dirt Filth Anglo-American Dogs. We Nazis remember how we tricked you stupid gullible Serbian OXEN with the so-called Z4 plan which was our way of buying time to plan your genocide in Serbian Krajina, because we know that Serbs are stupid gullible OXEN.

    It continues to surprise us Nazis how OXEN just NEVER can have enough intelligence to ever know that they are OXEN.

    However, that is the DEFINITION of OXEN, and it is the only way OXEN can be OXEN, because regrettably there WILL BE MANY OXEN.

    This is because many leaders are corrupt and refuse to educate their people to be wise, because they only want to exploit them.

    “Wisdom is outside the power of the foolish: he keeps his mouth shut in the public place” (Proverbs 24:7).

    The British Minister for Europe David Lieington told Deutsche Welle radio on Friday that his country supports Serbia’s aspirations of attaining EU membership. Yes, Britain supports the aspirations, but Not the actual joining of the EU by Serbia. This is the same luxury that a hungry fox can have the aspiration for the rabbit he caught to escape, but the reality is different. Britain supports Serbia as long as others will veto, and if none will veto Serbia joining the EU, then Britain will, but Britain will veto while ‘supporting Serbia’s aspirations of attaining EU membership.

    The second part of this article is on the next comment.

  184. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:02 AM |  

    The Serbians OXEN would be deceived that they would not be ‘obliged’ (but will have do it anyway) to recognise Kosovo, a ‘constructive’ (strictly follow orders you black untermenschen filth) approach Nazi sources in Brussels explained. In return, Serbia would be given a ‘smooth track’ just like the Jews had a smooth track by trains to the Nazi Gas Chambers.

    We Nazis will give those black untermenschen filth OXEN Serbs false and worthless promises of joining a piece of bankrupt excrement known to everyone as the EU. Meanwhile, Kosovo would get, as an ‘incentive’, a clear formal ‘perspective’ to start ‘negotiations’ (be better puppets of Germany) on a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU; because, regrettably we have to fund that black hole of ours, even if it is only for a while for the sake of appearances.

    We Nazis will make it look like SAA rather than charity for that race that we do Not want in the EU. We will be smarter this time than with Romania and Bulgaria, and we will find a way to stop wasting our money on that corrupt and criminal black hole cesspit.

    To get to this stage, the first step, and maybe the most difficult, test will be Serbia’s handling of the ICJ advisory opinion in the United Nations General Assembly.

    The three most disgusting EU members - Germany, France and the UK - have already warned Serbia that they will not welcome any attempts to reopen the Kosovo status issue in the United Nations. They suggested to Belgrade writing a ‘joint’ draft ‘Resolution’ on the ICJ advisory opinion, which would be acceptable only for the Nazis of the Europe. Regrettably, the Serbian side refused this (kind and generous Hitler genocide) ‘offer’ and decided to write its own draft Resolution that will be presented in September at the United Nations General Assembly.

    “In several contacts, high Serbian officials have been told that any campaign in the United Nations General Assembly against EU member states on the Kosovo issue will be perceived as hostile (non-compliance with Nazi dictates) behaviour which will have inevitable consequences on the destiny of the Serbian application for EU membership.

    It is unimaginable that the Council of EU Nazi ministers will decide to open the procedure to grant candidate status to Serbia at a time when Serbia is advocating in the UN against only the Nazi EU countries,” a senior Nazi EU Pig told WAZ.EUobserver.

    According to our source, the worst scenario for Serbia (worst scenario for Britain, America France, Germany, and Holland) would be that Belgrade’s resolution is passed by the UN General Assembly against the will of Nazi EU member states (good).

    “In that case Serbia’s application will remain in the box for a long, long time”, our contact added.

    The coming months and the UN General Assembly could instead produce ‘positive’ (Nazi) results and ‘boost’ (instead of waiting two hundred years, they will wait only one hundred years) Serbia’s European integration prospects.

    Brussels-based EU diplomats (lies when he says) that he thinks that if Serbia keeps a low profile, avoiding ‘inflammatory’ campaigns and ‘aggressive’ lobbying (asking others to be non-Nazi), and if the language of its Resolution is acceptable for the Nazi EU member states, the big trio Rubbish - Berlin, Paris, and London will be ready to open the ‘procedure’ for Serbia’s candidate status in October, that will never be approved.

    But if Serbia insists on reopening the status issue or works on the ground to partition Kosovo, its EU perspective would become even more ‘complicated’ (even more complicated than impossible?). Its relations with United States would be affected as well (Serbia does Not get to kiss America’s anus, like we do unless there is full puppetship in the Master Servant relationship).

    “It is EU members states and not the General Assembly of the UN who decide about the accession of a candidate to the EU,” an official Nazi Pig from an EU country said.

  185. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:29 AM |  

    I will explain the meaning of the letters tiwaiwtmlpatttimfaiatoiwbatttwtm, and this will prove that I am the author of the most of the comments on Serbo Journal Website.

    Tiwaiwtmlpatttimfaiatoiwbatttwtm is the collection of the first letter of each word as it follows in order of the next sentence.

    This is why when I visit my local Politician, and ask that I be investigated me for any illegal activities, that only I will be able to tell them what this means.

    I have invented a more complicated method of proving that I am the author of most of the comments here on Serbo Journal website since November 2006.

    After visiting my local Politician, I will ask to be investigated for any illegal activities, and that only I will be able to tell them what imeowrsohmoeobp means.

    They will of course find that I am innocent of any illegal or immoral activities, but that is Not where the matter will end as far as the Nazis of this world are concerned.

    I will write other comments at a tread titled Russian tanks in Kosovo (1999) Part 1, on this website.

  186. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:02 AM |  

    This comment is an update on a comment that I wrote, and it some contains new information.

    There will be great attempts to cover up the fact that the Kosovo Albanian problem is entirely based on Immigration that had no Public Debate because of Dictator Tito.

    I saw a video of a rally organized against the celebration of Democracy, by those Swedes who are opposed to the way certain people voted.

    It reminded me of a German Nazi rally, where the Sweden Democrat Voters were the Jews.

    These are the Politically ‘Correct’ Lunatic Left who wish to destroy Democracy, and impose their Dictatorship on their citizens who are saying that any Public Debate on the matter is Racist.

    It is only the Lunatic Left, who suffer from Mental Sickness, or who are Evil in its purest form, and those who the Lunatic Left can manipulate who would say these things.

    According to the Lunatic Left, if the Criminals and Fifth Columnists are of a different Race, or are Migrants, then this is a good thing, and people should Welcome Violence against themselves, their family, and their friends, and Welcome A Fifth Column in their country.

    According to the Lunatic Left; any Opposition to this perverted way of thinking is because of; Wait For It; Yes, Wait For It; Yes, You Guessed It; RACISM.

    If we are to be honest, we need to understand that the entire Kosovo Albanian problem is really an issue of Immigration where the people under Tito had no say or Public Debate on the matter.

    If we are to be honest, we need to see that there are certain places where immigration has been a disaster; and Albanian immigration to Serbia’s Province of Kosovo is a perfect example of a Total Disaster.

    There is nothing Racist in wanting to be protected from Criminals, and in Not wanting a Fifth Column in your country as Albanians are in Serbia, Kosovo, FYROM, Montenegro, and Greece.

    Of those places mentioned, the Albanian Fifth Column is At This Time, most evident in Serbia, and this is why the Kosovo Albanians are being offered Autonomy.

    All Democracies that have recognized Kosovo Albanians UDI are spitting in the faces of, and defecating on the graves of their soldiers who died fighting against German Nazism, and who fought for Freedom and Democracy.

  187. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:00 AM |  

    It is falsely said by some that America, and by extension the White Supremacist and Racist Ne0Colonialists have no coherent policy on Libya.

    The Policy of America and other Colonialists and Neo-Colonialists has never been incoherent, because it has been one the policy of rule or ruin, or more precisely; exploit or ruin.

    What this means is that if the Neo-Colonialists cannot rule and exploit a country, or a Continent, then they will ruin it.

    We know that Libya always had the potential to be the richest Country in Africa, and this is something that England, America, and France have always known.

    England threw a spanner into the Libyan Project with the set up of falsely blaming Libya for the Lockerbie plane crash, even though England was responsible.

    England did this in order to keep the African Continent poor and directionless, by placing sanctions upon Libya.

    Even though this policy would help France, I do not think the French or the Americans knew of the Evil English Scheme.

    However, if the French and the Americans knew of the Evil English Criminal Scheme, then they would have remained silent, and even helped where they could.

    This meant that Britain could hold onto its Colonies in Africa longer because of a slandered Libyan Leader, and because the African nations would more than trade with other Countries than Libya.

    England knew that this Evil Criminal Scheme was successful, and that they would eventually get Libya to falsely confess to the Lockerbie plane crash in order to have sanctions lifted, and to make England look like they were reasonable.

    We know that the English did not really want Libya to confess to something that they did not do, and to pay compensation, because the original Evil Criminal Scheme of Slandering and Impoverishing Libya was working just fine, and was all that was needed by England.

    The lifting of the sanctions on Libya resulted in England and France being in the same position as regards their African Colonies, because these Colonies would now work with Libya.

    I know that there will be those who say that these Countries have gained independence from England and France, but the Puppetship was just disguised, and they were and continue to be White European Colonies.

    It is just like saying that Egypt under Hosni Mubarak was a Democratic Country will full independence from England, America, and Israel.

    After the sanctions were lifted on Libya, the English, the Americans, the French, and the Italians had to pretend to be Libya’s friend, but all along they have been plotting Libya’s and Africa’s Re-Colonization.

    England, America, France, and Italy knew that they could not effect regime change in Libya and set up a Puppet to keep Libya and Africa poor; then, they would ruin Libya, because their policy has always been rule or ruin.

    The purpose of this is to slow down the speed of true Independence from White Supremacist and Racist European Colonialization and Puppetship of the African Continent.

    England is trying to lure Holland into this Evil Scheme of theirs, by encouraging South Africa to even mention Nationalizing its main Industries, before the Libyan Conflict is over.

    America has a coherent Policy of exploit or ruin for any Country that will not be its Puppet, and I hope that readers of this comment can under understand the written word.

    There is no shame if there happens to be strong stupidities, for that person to use a Dictionary, in order to understand the written word.

    America did not want to look like an Uncle Tom, and it has achieved its coherent humanitarian policy of exploit or ruin.

    Exploitation of a Country, or Destruction of a Country is the highest form of humanitarianism that America and its Neo-Colonialist Nazi Allies ever aspired to.

    The Neo-Colonialists will never admit to this, and Serbia and Serbia’s Province of Kosovo is a Perfect Example of this.

    Many Countries of the World should default on all their loans to the International Monetary Fund and to the World Bank.

  188. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:26 AM |  

    It should not surprise any of us if Anglo-America are trying to get Black African Counties to join Anglo-America in stealing Arab Oil.

    This is because it is just another facet of the divide and rule tactic, and they will say to the Black African Nations that they are Black and the others are Arabs.

    I think that the Black African Nations should reject any such Joint Criminal Enterprise, because they will just become Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas.

    I think that this could have been the reason Barack Obama was installed as American Dictator, while the American Establishment deliberately tried to make it appear that he is really an African, and not an American.

    England and America want to Rule the entire World, and so that means they would want all of Africa and the Middle East as a minimum, and this could be why the CIA installed Barack Obama as America’s Dictator.

    One reason is because Muammar Gaddafi has said that All Races of Africa are Brothers, and because of this statement the English, the Americans, and the European White Colonialists Hate him for this.

    Another reason the Colonialist Thieves Hate Muammar Gaddafi is because Muammar Gaddafi has said that that the several remaining African Colonial Puppet Countries should no longer be Governed by Puppets, Traitors, and Anus Kissing Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas.

    Yet another reason the Colonialists Hate Muammar Gaddafi is because he has consistently said that that the remaining African Countries should no longer be Exploited by England, America, and the European Colonialists Murderers and Thieves.

    England, America, and the Colonialists of Europe Hate Muammar Gaddafi because of his Integrity, and because of his Honest and Principled Motives toward the entire African Continent, and toward all Different Races of People of the African Continent.

    England, America, and the White European Colonialist Thieves do not want Muammar Gaddafi’s Pure Motives and Best Intentions toward the entire African Continent and its People to be realized and succeed.

    The Colonialists in their Arrogance and Hubris want the People of Africa to understand that this is what happens to anyone who wants what is Fair, Just, and Equitable for their own Country, and for their Continent.

    The Colonialists want this to be a warning to any others in Africa or in any other Continent, as to what is the fate of those who refuse to be Anus Kissing Puppets of the White Colonialists.

    They want to teach the Arabs Dogs that Anglo-America will occupy any Non-Puppet Arab Country that refuses to bow to the Anglo-American Master.

    This applies to all Non-Puppet Countries of the World who have a Policy of Fairness, Justice, and Equity, because the Anglo-America Thieves and Tyrants have never agreed with doing what is Proper and Right.

    England, America, and France have spewed their Vile, Vicious, and Slanderous Propaganda against one of the most committed African Citizens who truly loves Africa, and who truly loves all of Africa’s People.

    Muammar Gaddafi unquestionably has a long track record in this regard, and most Africans know this to be true, regardless of the Malicious Slanderous Lies being vomited by England, America, and the White European Colonialist Murderers and Thieves.

    The Good People of the African Continent and other Continents know how Muammar Gaddafi worked tirelessly to bring an end to Apartheid in Africa.

    The Videos Titled: Oil War Crimes ‘Libya pays for embarrassing US’, can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ydvy8Axt3hk, and the Video Titled: What you do not know about the Libyan crisis, can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hlOhymEY7c, unless the CIA changes the location and contents of that video.

    Only True Idiots and Genuine Fools believe that America cares for any other Country other than America.

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