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Noam Chomsky About Serbia, Kosovo, Yugoslavia and NATO War 1


  1. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:46 AM |  

    We have all heard statements that are made by people who manage to get a University Degree, and THE title of “expert”. There are many “experts” who know that God created all things. These unprincipled people deliberately lie because they are Secret Devil Worshippers. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). “Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:42-44).

    “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:18-22).

    “Let no one deceive himself. If anyone thinks that he is wise among you in this world, let him become a fool, that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He has taken the wise in their craftiness. And again, The Lord knows the reasoning of the wise, that it is worthless (1 Corinthians 3:18-20).

    If you hear “experts” say that man has been on earth for millions of years or that we came from monkeys, then you can be certain that they are lying. I present evidence that humans have not and could not have been on earth for more than a few thousand years. Three thousand years ago, there the Chinese conducted a census and there were 13,000,000 people in China. Today, there are 100 times as many as there was three thousand years ago. Today, there are over 1,300,000,000 Chinese people, and they are in countries other than China. Sixty years ago, there were approximately 300, 000, 000 Indians, and today there are over 1,000,000,000 Indians. It is obvious that after God put 2 people on the earth, they would fill the earth very quickly. I have provided a series of numbers that starts with 2 and doubles as it progresses. This clearly proves that people could not have been here long, and that we did not come from monkeys, but that God created humans. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100:3).

    people created by God,
    Adam and Eve.

    people after the 1st doubling.

    people after the 2nd doubling.

    people after the 3rd doubling.

    people after the 4th doubling.

    people after the 5th doubling.

    people after the 6th doubling.

    people after the 7th doubling.

    people after the 8th doubling.

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    people after the 19th doubling.

    people after the 20th doubling.

    people after the 21st doubling.

    people after the 22nd doubling.

    people after the 23rd doubling.

    people after the 24th doubling.

    people after the 25th doubling.

    people after the 26th doubling.

    people after the 27th doubling.

    people after the 28th doubling.

    people after the 29th doubling.

    people after the 30th doubling.

    people after the 31st doubling.

    people after the 32nd doubling.

    people after the 33rd doubling.

    33 doublings x 200 years for each doubling=6,600 years

    Today, there are approximately 6,600,000,000 people. Sixty years ago, there were over 3,000,000,000 people. In 1830, there were 1,000,000,000 people. In 1650, there were 500,000,000 people. Two thousand years ago, there were 250,000,000 people. There were fewer and fewer people on the earth the further back in time we go, and we do come back very quickly to the first 2 people. The first man could not have been his own father; and the first woman could not have been her own mother. This is why I believe that God created the first 2 people. If someone said that a house made itself all by chance; would you believe that? Do you really think that the first man could have made himself all by chance without even knowing what the first woman would be like biologically? Do you really think that at the same time first woman could have made herself all by chance without even knowing what the first man would be like biologically; so that they ended up being compatible to each other, and this all by chance? It could never happen by chance; it was deliberately designed and created by God! (Hebrews 3:4).

    The first 2 people were brown people who had all the genetic information to become any colour. Black people have lost the genetic information to become white, and white people have lost the genetic information to become black. For many centuries, all humans were only one race of brown people, and they spoke only the one God given language. God replaced the one and only language of those people of the ancient City of Babel with many different languages. He did this because they refused to obey His command to spread out over the earth. “And God gave them his blessing and said to them, Be fertile and have increase, and make the earth full and be masters of it; be rulers over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing moving on the earth” (Genesis 1:28; 9:1, 7; 11:1-9).

    That one race of brown people had the genetic information to become black, or white, or any colour, or to stay brown. After one God given language those disobedient people was miraculously changed to many different languages, they reluctantly began to spread out over the earth. They stayed only with their own language group because these were the only people they could understand and work with. With the passage of time, many other dialects, and even completely new languages appeared purely by human means. With time, many new races have appeared, and some races have become extinct. Physical differences began increasing, and as a result, we now have all the many different races today.

    Every race has similar features because they began as a small group of people, and then increased in numbers. Different races did not begin as billions of people and then decreased in numbers. Obviously, then the entire human race began as a small group of people, and then increased in numbers. The smallest group needed is 2 people; one man and one woman. Black people did not come from black monkeys, yellow people did not come from yellow monkeys, and white people did not come from white monkeys. All the evidence proves the Bible is correct in saying that we all came from 2 created people. (Genesis 5:4; Acts 17:26; Romans 3:4).

    The best gardener can never get apples from peaches; and the best scientists can never get humans from monkeys. All breeds of domestic dogs with their different sizes, shapes, and colours came from the wolf, which is itself a dog. Any breed of domestic dog can breed with any other breed of domestic dog because they have the same origin; namely the wolf. Dogs have only ever come from other dogs, and will only ever be dogs. They can never become cats or horses no matter how long you give them. If hypothetically, the first male that supposedly “happened by chance” was a horse, and the first female that “happened by chance” was a cow, then that would have been of no use, even if it occurred on the same acre of land (Genesis 1:11, 12, 20-25). The story of one human male (Adam) and of one human female (Eve) being created by God in the same locality (Garden of Eden) is a true story (Genesis 2:7-9; 15-24).

    Obviously, the first 2 people had many sons and daughters, and all the different races came from them (Genesis 5:4: Acts 17:26). Starting with the first 2 people; all that is needed is for the population to double 33 times, and we would have 17,177,869,184 people. Despite massive wars, massive famines, massive disease epidemics, and the widespread use of modern contraception, the population has doubled in the last 60 years. Even after using a much larger doubling rate of 200 years, what we have is 33 x 200 = 6,600 years. The first 2 people would become hundreds of people in the first 200 years, which is far more than just doubling in numbers. Mathematics proves that people have not been here long; and the Bible says it has been just a little over 6,000 years.

    Adam and Eve were created perfect DNA, and it only became damaged after they sinned against their Creator. This is because God was no longer maintaining their DNA in perfect condition as punishment for their sins (Genesis 2:16, 17). As a consequence of their disobedience they began to slowly grow old and eventually died (Genesis 3:6; 5:5). They could only pass on to their descendents what they had, and that was sin, and imperfect DNA that would lead to sickness, old age, and death (Romans 5:12; 6:23). Human DNA remained sufficiently healthy for many generations, even for some time after the days of Moses. God knew that some time after the days of Moses, incest would produce defects in a minority of people. This is because human DNA was becoming more imperfect to the point that it would become a problem. It had not been a problem in the days of Moses, and that is why God did not have to deal with this issue until well before it would become a problem. This issue was dealt with after Israel left Egypt and incest was forbidden from the time that God gave the Law to ancient Israel by means of Moses.

    We all know that an engineer can create a car that has never existed; he can repair it when it breaks down, and he can replace it when it is wrecked. We should all know that Almighty God has created people who at one time never existed. Obviously, God can heal the sick and bring the dead back to life when and only when He wants to, because He knows all things much better than we do. God created the first man Adam from the dust or chemical elements of the earth. Adam was in the ground and non-existent until God created him from the dust of the ground. (Genesis 2:7). God will resurrect (bring back to life) dead people at a future time because He has promised to do this (John 5:28, 29; Titus 1:2). The first woman, Eve, was created from one of Adam’s ribs (Genesis 2:21, 22). This is an example of God’s ability to heal, because if you were just a rib you would be ‘very sick’ (Matthew 4:23). Creation is a proven miracle, and is proof that all miracles in the Bible are true. God is All-Powerful and All-Wise and does predict and does control the future. We cannot see gravity, or the earth’s magnetic field, or even radio waves, yet we all know that they exist. We cannot see God because He is an Invisible Spirit. (1 Timothy 1:17) You cannot get something from nothing; therefore, either Someone or something must have always existed. Things cannot create themselves; therefore, it must be a Someone who has always existed. The Creator could not be created, because the One who created Him would be the Creator. The Creator could not create Himself, because nothing creates itself. God certainly does exist, and because He could not have been created by anyone else, or created Himself, He must have always existed, and will always exist (1 Timothy 1:17; Isaiah 43:10-13).

    God would speak to all of us only by means of a Book, because in this way all people at any time in history can know the truth. By providing a Book to everyone, it shows that God is impartial and loves us all equally. This is not only because of giving all of us the same amount of information (the Bible), but by allowing us to refresh our poor memories by consulting the Scriptures. If God spoke to all of us at the same time, then by the end of the day, we would have many different versions of what people would claim He said. These many versions would be in every language, and it would be distressing to some people to hear God speaking (Exodus 20:18-22). All of us have poor memories, others do not hear correctly, and others will deliberately lie about what God said. People would write down what they thought God said and the variations in every language would be enormous. If God was asked by each generation to speak again to clarify matters, the same thing would happen, and we only have more uncertainty. This situation would only create debates and even students have textbooks that they use to learn (John 21:24, 25). The purpose of communication is to make your message known, and any writing can be checked to see if it stands the test of time, which the Bible does. Obviously, the best way for God to communicate to all humans would be a Book. Yes, God chose faithful and honest people to write down what God wanted us to know. To live forever, you will have to learn about the God of the Bible, and you will have to learn about His Son Jesus Christ. (John 8:32; 17:3) Only those people who use their God given free will wisely and properly to love and obey our Creator, and who speak the truth will gain everlasting life (Psalms 5:6; 119:160; 1 John 2:17).

    Christ is coming back to judge the earth and no human can prevent that, so the wise thing is to be prepared by serving God, and that means doing all the things the Bible says we should be doing (Proverbs 21:30; 2 Thessalonians 1: 5-10). “There will be great earthquakes, famines, and plagues in various places. There will be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:11). The Bible uses the word heaven to describe the sky, and we have seen terrors in the sky in the form of warplanes. The Bible uses the word heaven to describe space, and we have seen great signs in the sky and space. These include passenger planes, satellites, man landing on the moon, probes landing on Mars, and other space exploration (Genesis 1:14, 20). If this is a sign that Christ will soon return, then the most important thing for us to be doing is to obey our Creator (1 John 2:17). Even as the entire human race cannot stop the world from rotating on its axis, the entire human race cannot prevent the inevitable Coming of Christ.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    The thought of having Hillary Clinton demanding a position in the Clinton’s Administration that is called the ‘Obama Administration’ is to comfort THE white people that they will have two white Presidents whose names are Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Clintons will provide two Presidents to America, and because they have two faces, everyone will be able to see how two-faced American Presidents really are. America will then have a white Vice President who name is Joe Biden, and a white Vice Vice President whose name is Barack Obama. I have already proven to everyone that Barack Obama is white and this is why he will be given a corner in the Whites’ House where he will be called boy in private by his white masters.

    The Clintons are subliminally telling white Americans that they only have to tolerate that Honorary White for four years, and the white Hillary Clinton will run for President. The Bushes and the Clintons who are from the White Supremacist Racist Confederate States have already dictated America’s policies for 20 years, and this could do it for 32 years this way in this ‘democracy paradise’ based on racist cronyism.

    It will be interesting to see if a real 100% black who is not an Uncle Tom is reluctantly thrown a position greater than Secretary for Sanitation. It could be that Obama thinks that he needs to make it up to women because of his comment regarding Sarah Palin with reference to the lipstick and a pig.

    The term Negro which means black in many European languages is considered not to be politically correct because it means black. Even the word black is considered to be not politically correct, but white is fine. To call someone an African American is racist, because there are many Africans who are not black like the Arabs. This means that an American Arab form the African continent is an African American but an American Arab from the Middle East is an American Arab.

    Perhaps those who are political correct will need to think up another name to describe those who are not ‘pure’ enough for the white elites.

    This could be a good opportunity for the American Congress to show the Europeans that they are more than puppet scum by telling the world the truth of Bill Clinton and the Kosovo affair at the Congressional hearings. This is course if America has really ‘changed’, and not only making a virtue out of necessity. The people of the world are doing their duty by boycotting all goods and services from that Evil Hypocritical Empire, America.

    Another indication that Christ is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world is what can be reasoned on the following Scriptures. I know that this has happened even in the past, and I do not present it as an end time prophecy, but just a point of interest.

    “Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear up: Under a slave when he becomes king, And a fool when he is satisfied with food, Under an unloved woman when she gets a husband, And a maidservant when she supplants her mistress” (Proverbs 30:21-23).

    We see that the once mighty Anglo-Saxon Empire is being ruled by Scots and Blacks as it were. We see that fool Bill Clinton chasing after other women when he already has a woman who loves him. We see the unloved woman as Mrs Clinton who is bound to be cheated on again by her husband. Could it be that Bill Clinton will divorce Hillary and marry his Secretary or just cheat discreetly?

    “Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And embrace the bosom of a foreigner? For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, And he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction,
    And in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Proverbs 6:18-23).

    Here is a comment based on a comment from readers that I found on puppet B 92, and I thought plagiarize that comment. It reinforces the thought of the Devil worshipping Secret Catholics who were placed in positions of authority and influence in Serbia that the Scholar and Historian mentioned. I corrected spelling errors, and re-edited it because some of the sentences were too long to concentrate on properly.

    I want to say that even if the evidence is covered up; it does not mean that no suspicion should be raised. I am referring to the theories of the Scholar and Historian concerning Catholic Tito and the Secret Catholics in Parliament was mentioned. It is like saying that there is no evidence that a certain married man had thoughts over a woman who is not his wife, even if the man has ‘reformed’ like former American President Bill Clinton.

    “You have heard that it was said, do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27, 28).

    That comment is the rest of this comment starting at the next paragraph. I have not checked any of the History during Tito’s dictatorship, but it sounds true at first glance, and it would not surprise me if it is all true.

    Tadic and company are doing absolutely everything that Solana's boys and Washington are telling them to do, like good little stooges. They are all about smoke and mirrors, saying one thing but doing something completely different.

    They expel this ambassador, while reinstating other ambassadors at the same time. This happened in a week, and they have said that a week is a long time in politics, and too long for puppets and traitors. They love and adore their so called 'friends' who are the Nazis of Europe. They are not interested in the energy would help Serbia's economy immensely deal with our true and trusted ally Russia.

    It is no different than with Catholic Tito who did everything he could to destroy Serbia, including making autonomous regions. Tito allowed many Albanians to enter Yugoslavia without papers in the name of ‘Brotherly Unity’. I mention Albanians and it has nothing to do with their race, but Albanians will never be citizens of any country except Albania. They will work against any country that is foolish enough to show them hospitality.

    Tito made Bosnian Muslims a ‘nation’, and called the southern region Macedonia and thus upsetting Serbia's other main allies the Greeks. Tito executed Draza Mihajlovic which is why Charles De Gaulle his friend never visited Yugoslavia and this upset another Serbian ally France.

    Tito made good friends with Germany who is and always will be are Serbia's main enemy. Tito never gave any autonomy to Serbs in Krajina who suffered genocide, and redrawing borders in favour of Serbia’s sworn enemies. Tito rewarded Croatia for their genocide and for losing the war by giving them Istria. Tito moved all industry to Slovenia while giving them cheap raw materials from Serbia

    While Tito was doing all this you had Serbs, and lots of them, actually supporting him! The DS is no different, because everything they do now is not in Serbia's interests, but in the interests of NATO and the ‘humanitarian’ bombers. We have many Serbs being hoodwinked into supporting Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS who are expert actors and liars.

    That is the comment that I plagiarized, and now I will continue with my opinions.

    I think that the SPS had no other option but to join the DS coalition, and now that we see what has happened with the Radicals it was a wise move to conduct talks for several weeks with all the parties.

    A former Prime Minister now says that he denounces cooperation with the SPS, and says that Tadic dictatorially bypassed the DS Constitution for this. I do not want to sound callous or indifferent, but my comments on democracy are for Serbia, and I do not care what types of Governments any other countries have. I do not think given the circumstances that Serbia should have an office of President, and all politicians should have been unanimous and rectified this situation. The Serbian Parliament should have made that office totally ceremonial with no pay. The president should be kept in a botanical park, and the people would see and hear him at the very minimum until a Referendum normalized the situation. Even though I personally think that Tadic is a disgrace to the human race, my opinion on the Office of President for Serbia would be the same even if I or the best person were President.

    The SPS have been wise enough to be in a position to get voters from the DS at the next election. There is no need for a new election, but if the EU ratifies the SAA Agreement, then there may or may not be an election afterwards.

    I think that Serbia should say that the SAA will have to wait until the ICTY’s Nazi rule has ended. I think that Serbia should just ban Unions and make Serbia a place of investment. However did the world or Europe function before the Nazi EU came on the scene?

    Ask that filth that if Mladic is not in Serbia then what, and see these dogs make up some flimsy but clever excuse. This Nazis are the putrefied filth of the earth, but they are also professional excuse makers.

    Those slimy self righteous hypocritical Dutch just need someone to colonize since they cannot do this to the black people of Africa. The best thing that Serbia can do is to tell America and the Nazis of the world to shut up and to piss off. It really is just that easy; just tell this putrid vermin to shut up and to piss off. This dirt speaks about International Obligations, and these dogs signed United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. If the Nazis are not going to keep and respect UN SC Resolution 1244, then EULUX should not come to Serbia and Russia should veto this.

    If you want something from the EU you are going to have to yell and scream and call them dogs etc. I have shown you how to do it and all you have to do is read me earliest comments for some clues. The first thing to do is to get rid of the office of President because he is a grovelling puppet and a disgusting traitor.

    It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Kosovo has not been signed away by Brankovic Tadic.

    Russia already knows that if Kosovo becomes independent, then Serbia will join NATO, regardless of what the Defence Ministers says. The truth of the matter is that if the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP are only 3 seats away from a majority. If they get that majority, the minority will be told to shut up like all good dogs should do. The entire human race on average is degenerating rapidly and this includes the Serbs. Russia should not care about image because only having the upper hand matters.

    The United Nations Charter says that a Permanent member of the Security Council can veto for any whim they want, because America has and thinks nothing of it. I think that there are ample reasons to veto and these are no mere whims but genuine concerns.

    I think that the scenario is that the DS are putting on a show to patriotism because they are scheming a new election. America wants Croatia to win against Serbia at the ICJ, and America wants Serbia to lose against Croatia at the ICJ.

    It could be countries will make claims against each other, and then confess and settle out of court. Then they might use this as an excuse to default on their loans, and then the other country might do the same. It is a good way to make money in these difficult times, and it represents American free enterprise. For example Cuba could ‘confess’ to owing America compensation of 10% of what it owes to foreign countries. Then Cuba can default on all the money it needs because it has declared itself ‘bankrupt’ and make a good profit. Perhaps Bill Clinton will ask for economic sanctions to be lifted on Cuba because he likes Cuban cigars.

    This is because they do not want even decision for compensation to win because that way they can say that Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, etc lost because not all cases win at the Imperial ‘impartial’ ICJ.

    I think that a camera mobile phone would not be a good of idea for Mladic as it would reveal his disguise. I think that a tape recording of him at some readily recognized location in Republika Srspka that is sent several days after his recording to give him time to get away might is better than a mobile camera phone. Perhaps a photo of just his hand on a prominent shop in Republika Srspska might be good with the newspaper. Even to sending finger prints on an object to an impartial journalist giving yesterday’s news of Republka Srspska might be good.

    Perhaps Mladic could send a letter that says “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. This sounds nice in theory, but the invisible demons would torture me so that I could not send this letter if I was Mladic.

    The invisible Satan and his invisible demons cannot torture me in the invisible realm, but this does not mean that one day the CIA might find me and physically torture me if God allows it.

    “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them” (Psalm 34:7).

    We know that all the disciple of Jesus did fear God, and most of them were murdered by Satan’s servants.

    “I know your works and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. You hold firmly to my name, and didn't deny my faith in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells” (Revelation 2:13).

    If I were Mladic they would be the only words that I would instruct my lawyer to say as an answer to any question from the NATO tribunal. If the invisible demons tortured me to surrender, and the judge asked me had I pleaded, my answer would be “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    This is nice in theory, but when I was back in my cell the invisible demons would torture me if I did not play along, and I would get the Milosevic treatment or lack of treatment.

    I would not mind if the DS did win the election, but only on certain conditions. These conditions would mean that Serbia got rid of the office of President, even if Tadic was made Prime Minister. There could be some who think my statement is odd, but; if the DS wins then it does not matter if this traitor or that traitor is Prime Minister.

    There would have to be a rigorous and verifiable testing regime for chemical contamination in food and drink products. Geiger counters would have to be issued at every supermarket so that citizens can test the food and drink products. Many Geiger counters should be placed at shopping complexes to test that the new clothing for sale that comes from Nazi countries is not radioactive.

    There would need to be a Balkans Truth and Reconciliation Commission established.

    There would have to be a summit conference of the world’s best unbiased Detectives and Historians to prove that Serbia was doing everything to cooperate with the International Community.

    There would have to be a Balkans Conference that I have already mentioned established even if Russia, Serbia and the Republika Srpska were the only ones there to begin with.

    Camp Bondsteel has to be destroyed and the ICTY has to be disbanded because they are both symbols that America demands all nations to hubristically kiss and lick their anus in servile puppet submission.

    I think that now that Serbia has taken Croatia to the ICJ for genocide, it would be good that Russia blocks everything on every country in the UN until the world and Croatia confess to the crimes and pay compensation. Russia could do this for several months just to make this matter globally known, and then resume business as usual.

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    “And he said to me, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:10-12).

  3. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:33 AM |  

    This comment is an example of where had I had at least one day to look at THE comment I wrote, then, I would write it differently. I would of course clear up as many spelling and grammatical errors that would come to my notice. I would provide further information to address any ambiguities, and because I am fallible, I would reconsider some of my opinions. It is more than likely that if were to rewrite this comment again then it would be different again.

    Hillary Clinton is going through the motions of being ‘offered’ a position in what is in reality the Clinton’s Administration, and for the purposes of convenience and deception is called the Obama Administration.

    Obama was allowed to become President to fool Americans and the world concerning the American dream. That theory is that if you work hard enough you can be anything in America. The truth of the matter is that if you become a Puppet Uncle Tom (PUT) and you are not very black, then you can be a puppet of the White Elites (WE).

    This is to comfort a large percentage of White people that they will in fact have a real 100% White President. They will further be comforted with the assurance that they will in fact have two 100% White Presidents whose names are Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

    The Clintons will provide two 100% White Presidents to America, and because the two Clintons have two faces, everyone will be able to see that American Presidents are two-faced. America will then have a white Vice President who name is Joe Biden, and a white Vice Vice President whose name is Barack Obama. I have already proven to everyone that Barack Obama is white and this is why he will be given a corner in the Whites’ House where he will be called boy in private by his White Masters.

    The Clintons are subliminally telling White Americans that they only have to tolerate that Honorary White for four years, and then the 100% White Hillary Clinton will run for President. The White Bushes and the White Clintons who are from the White Supremacist Racist Confederate States have already dictated America’s policies for 20 years. This smoke and mirrors arrangement is designed for get a bonus 4 years to entrench this White dictatorship for 32 years in this ‘democratic paradise’ based on racist cronyism.

    It will be interesting to see if a real 100% black who is not an Uncle Tom is reluctantly thrown a position greater than Secretary for Sanitation, as important as that job is. If this does not happen, then even black people will think that Obama is a Secret Uncle Tom. It could be that Obama is obsessed with the thought of putting lipstick on a pig.

    The term Negro which means black in many European languages is considered not to be politically correct because it means black. Even the word black is considered to be not politically correct, but the word White is politically correct. To some people this may sound a bit hypocritical, and may even be reverse racism.

    To call someone an African American is racist, because there are many Africans who are not black like the Arabs of North Africa. This means that an American Arab form the African continent is an African American but an American Arab from the Middle East is an American Arab.

    Perhaps those who are political correct will need to think up another name to describe those who are not ‘pure’ enough for the White Elites (WE).

    This could be a good opportunity for the American Congress to show the Europeans that they consider the Europeans to be more than Puppet Scum (PS). They can do this by telling the world the truth of Bill Clinton and the Kosovo affair at the Congressional hearings.

    Another indication that Christ is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world is what can be reasoned on the following Scriptures. I know that this has happened even in the past, and I do not present it as an end time prophecy, but just as a point of interest. I have already shown you many Scriptures that make direct reference to the fact that Jesus is coming to judge all the people of the world very soon.

    “Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear up: Under a slave when he becomes king, And a fool when he is satisfied with food, Under an unloved woman when she gets a husband, And a maidservant when she supplants her mistress” (Proverbs 30:21-23).

    We see that the once mighty Anglo-Saxon Empire is being ruled by Scots and Blacks as it were. We see that fool Bill Clinton chasing after other women when he already has a woman who loves him. We see the unloved woman as Mrs Clinton who in all likelihood may be cheated on again by her husband. Could it be that Bill Clinton will divorce Hillary and marry his Secretary or just cheat discreetly?

    “Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And embrace the bosom of a foreigner? For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, And he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Proverbs 6:18-23).

    Here is a comment based on a comment from readers that I found on puppet B 92, and I plagiarized some of that comment. It reinforces the thought of the Devil worshipping Secret Catholics who were placed in positions of authority and influence in Serbia that the Scholar and Historian mentioned. I corrected spelling errors, and re-edited it because some of the sentences were too long to concentrate on properly.

    I said that I plagiarized some of it, and so this means that I selected what I wanted and added to it some of my own opinions and research.

    I want to say that even if the evidence is covered up; this does not mean that no suspicion should be raised.

    I am referring to the theories of the Scholar and Historian concerning the Secret Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito (SDWCT) and the Secret Catholics in Serbia’s Parliament that the Scholar and Historian mentioned.

    I have said on several occasions, that even without the help of the Scholar and Historian, certain things can be thought on, and logical and truthful conclusions can be arrived at.

    It is like saying that there is no evidence that a certain married man had thoughts over a woman who is not his wife, even if that man has ‘reformed’ like former American President Bill Clinton.

    “You have heard that it was said, do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27, 28).

    The comment that I plagiarized is the rest of this comment starting at the next paragraph. I have not checked each and every detail of the History during Catholic Tito’s Catholic Dictatorship, but it does all sound true at first glance, and it would not surprise me if it is all true.

    Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS are doing absolutely everything that Solana’s boys and Washington are telling them to do, like good little stooges. They are all about smoke and mirrors, saying one thing but doing something completely different.

    They expel this ambassador, while reinstating other ambassadors at the same time. This happened in a week, and it has been said that a week is a long time in politics. A week is even too long for puppets and traitors like Tadic and the DS who wanted to normalize relations with his Nazi Devil Worshipping brothers.

    It would not surprise me if Tadic and the DS begged Montenegro to recognize Kosovo.

    Tadic and his DS love and adore their so called ‘friends’ who are the Nazis of Europe. They are not interested in the energy deal with the Serbian people’s true and trusted ally Russia. This energy deal would help Serbia’s economy immensely, and create many jobs. If they show interest, then it is to appear patriotic more than likely because Tadic and the DS is scheming to hold a fresh election.

    There will be people who will not believe such things, because they do not want to. Most people have short memories, and it all gets forgotten amongst the ‘promises’ of a lengthy election campaign. The Nazis know all this, and that is why if they pretend to be patriotic, the people will forget because a week is a long time in politics.

    It is no different from the Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito who did everything he could to destroy Serbia, including making autonomous regions. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito allowed many Albanians to enter Yugoslavia without papers in the name of ‘Brotherly Unity’. I mention Albanians and it has nothing to do with their race, but Albanians will never be citizens of any country except Albania. Those Albanians that Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito allowed to come to Kosovo were probably criminals whose criminal records destroyed. Those Albanians were those that even the Albanians in Albania would never want. This shows us just how cunning the invisible Devil and his invisible demons are, because it was all done in the name of Brotherly Unity. Albanians will work against any country that is foolish enough to show them hospitality.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made Bosnian Muslims a ‘nation’, and called the southern region Macedonia and this upset Serbia’s other main allies the Greeks. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito executed Draza Mihajlovic which is why Charles De Gaulle his friend never visited Yugoslavia and this upset another Serbian ally France.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made good friends with Germany who is and always will be Serbia’s main enemy. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito never gave any autonomy to Serbs in Krajina who suffered genocide by the Croats, and Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito redrew borders in favour of Serbia’s sworn enemies. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito rewarded Croatia for their genocide and for losing the war by giving them Istria. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito moved all industry to Slovenia while giving them cheap raw materials from Serbia

    While Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito was doing all this you had Secret Devil Worshipping Secret Catholic Serbs, and lots of them, actually supporting Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito. The Devil Worshipping DS is no different, because everything they do now is not in Serbia’s interests, but in the interests of NATO and the ‘humanitarian’ bombers. We have many Serbs being hoodwinked into supporting Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS who are expert actors and liars.

    These are the facts of how Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito worked against the interests of the Serbian people. I think that is only logical to assume that that Tito the Dictatorial Serb Hater has placed Secret Catholics in positions of power and influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and FYROM, and some are there to this day.

    That is the comment that I plagiarized some of, and now I will continue with my opinions.

    I think that the SPS had no other option but to join the DS coalition. We see now with what has happened to the Radicals that it was a wise move to conduct talks for several weeks with all the parties. It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Kosovo has not been signed away by Brankovic Tadic.

    A former Prime Minister now says that he denounces cooperation with the SPS, and says that Tadic dictatorially bypassed the DS Constitution to do this. The SPS have obtained a good image because of Tadic’s lust for power, and they have the prospect of getting DS votes from those duped DS voters who thought that the DS was looking after Serbia’s interests.

    I think that Serbia having a Presidency is good for the opposition, because the voters may vote for balance and away from the DS. The Nazis do not care if the President is a dictator, as long as he is their Puppet Dictator. If Serbia ever did get a non-Nazi President then, then the Nazis will accuse Serbia of being a Dictatorship.

    The SPS have been wise enough to be in a position to get voters from the DS at the next election. There may not be a need for a fresh election, but if the EU ratifies the SAA Agreement, then there may or may not be a fresh election afterwards.

    If any of the patriotic parties is close to 5 %, then people whose surnames end with certain letters to be instructed to vote for that party. It is just like at the last election, the SPS was below 5% of the vote in the opinion polls. I suggested that everyone who was going to vote for the Radicals and whose surname ended in S and P which stands for Socialist Party should vote for the SPS. It was just enough to get the SPS over the line, and prevent Tadic from getting a Parliamentary majority with the G-17 Plus and the LDP. The LDP were below 5% on opinions polls at the last election, and I said that Tadic would plagiarize my suggestion and get all DS voters who have surnames with B and T to vote for the LDP. It was just enough to get the LDP over the line and Band T stand for Boris Tadic and Big Traitor.

    I think that all of the opposition parties should hire good public relations consultants from different companies. They should get experts to advise them, and they should cooperate with each other to maximize their vote. There is probably a place for all the opposition parties as long as they do not go below the 5 % level. If they are close to 5%, then perhaps their future lies in merging with a party or parties of similar political persuasion.

    I think that Serbia should say that the SAA will have to wait until the ICTY’s Nazi rule has ended. I think that Serbia should just ban Unions and make Serbia a place of investment. How ever did the world or Europe function before the Nazi EU came on the scene?

    Ask that Nazi Dutch dog filth that if Mladic is not in Serbia then what will be their attitude. People will see how these dogs make up some flimsy but clever ‘excuse’. The Nazis are the putrefied vermin filth of the earth, but they are also professional excuse makers.

    Those slimy self righteous hypocritical Dutch think of themselves exactly as Hitler described them. The Dutch who are of the Nordic Master Race just need someone to colonize since they cannot do this to the black people of Africa. The best thing that Serbia can do is to tell America and the Nazis of the world to shut up and to piss off. It really is just that easy; just tell this putrid vermin to shut up and to piss off. This dirt speaks about International Obligations, and these dogs signed United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. If the Nazis are not going to keep and respect UN SC Resolution 1244, then EULUX should not come to Serbia and Russia should veto this.

    The reason this entire Kosovo affair is the way it is, is because it should have started in the United Nations. We know that Satan by means of America did not want it that way, and if it cannot end in the United Nations, then the United Nations should be disbanded for being a criminally incompetent and corrupt organization. This is why many think that the Nazi EULUX or more correctly NAZILUX must not come to Serbia.

    NAZILUX is there to implement the Marti Ahtisaari Plan, and I used to refer to him as Nazi Ahtisaari, and that is fine. I just wish that I had thought of the term Marti’s Arseishairy, and I urinate on the Nobel Prize that was given to this Nazi whose Arse is hairy.

    I think that the scenario is that the DS are putting on a show to patriotism because Tadic and the DS are scheming a fresh election.

    America wants Croatia to win against Serbia at the ICJ, and America wants Serbia to lose against Croatia at the ICJ.

    This is because America does not want every decision for compensation to win in the ICJ because that way they can say that Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, etc lost because not all cases win at the Imperial ‘impartial’ ICJ.

    It could be that countries will make claims against each other, and then confess to it, and settle out of court. Then they might use this as an excuse to default on their loans, and then the other country might do the same. It is one way to make money in these difficult economic times, and it represents American free enterprise.

    I want to state that I am not advocating or encouraging dishonesty, but I am merely giving commentary, knowing that there are dishonest countries in this world, and America is the prime example.

    I want to say that I am not in a position to adjudicate on matters between countries. However, experience shows us that the claims of the Nazis countries are more likely to be false. At the same time, experience has shown us that the claims of non-Nazi countries are more likely to be true.

    It should be kept in mind that only very rarely will it be that one country is 100% wrong, and I cannot think of one country that 100% pure. This is why the saying that it takes two to tango is known worldwide.

    For example Cuba could confess to owing America compensation of 10% of what it owes to foreign countries. Then Cuba can default on all the money it needs because it has declared itself bankrupt and pay compensation. Perhaps Bill Clinton will ask for economic sanctions to be lifted on Cuba because he likes Cuban cigars.

    I will state just for the record that I am not Mladic, but I wrote what I would do if I was Mladic. This does not necessarily mean that it would or would not be wise, but it just means what I would do in that situation.

    There is one thing that I know, and that is that the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ would find me guilty even if I was innocent. For that reason my only comment to the ICTY would be: “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. I would not be lying because I would frame that sentence to my lawyer in such a way that it would not be a lie. I would be entitled by law to have legal representation, and I would be entitled to instruct my lawyer what to say in my ‘defense’. I would not speak a word at any official hearings, but my lawyer would say that he was instructed by his client to say the following on behalf of his client. This is were the truth lies in the fact that I would not speak but I would truthfully instruct my lawyer to speak and publish these words in the following sentence. “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    It could be that it would be better worded by saying that the following: “Mladic is a puppet of America, and he just loves to kiss and lick America’s anus”. It could be that both sentences are good so that people do not get bored with just the one sentence. The lawyer could also say that he is America’s puppet, and that he just loves to kiss and lick America’s anus. If there are visitors in the court they can say that they are America’s puppet, and they just to kiss and lick America’s anus. If there are peaceful and orderly demonstrators outside the Nazi NATO ‘Court’, then they could carry placards that say: “WE are America’s puppets, and we just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    I think that a camera mobile phone would not be a good of idea for Mladic as it would reveal his disguise. I think that a tape recording of him at some readily recognized location in Republika Srspka that is sent several days after his recording to give him time to get away would be better than a mobile camera phone. Perhaps a photo of just his hand on a prominent shop in Republika Srspska might be good with the newspaper. Even to sending finger prints on an object to an impartial journalist giving yesterday’s news of Republka Srspska might be good.

    Perhaps Mladic could send a letter that says “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. This sounds nice in theory, but the invisible demons would torture me if I was Mladic so that I could not send this letter if I was Mladic.

    The invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons cannot torture me in the invisible realm, but this does not mean that if the CIA finds me, they could physically torture me if God allows it.

    “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them” (Psalm 34:7).

    We know that all the disciples of Jesus did fear God, and most of them were murdered by Satan’s servants.

    “I know your works and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. You hold firmly to my name, and didn't deny my faith in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells” (Revelation 2:13).

    If I were Mladic they would be the only words that I would instruct my lawyer to say as an answer to any question from the NATO tribunal. If the invisible demons tortured me to surrender, and the judge asked me how I pleaded, my answer through my legal representative would be “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    This is nice in theory, but if I was Mladic, then when I was back in my prison cell the invisible demons would torture me if I did not play along. I believe that Milosevic was tortured in the invisible realm by the invisible demons, and the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ murdered Milosevic by not providing him with proper treatment.

    I would not mind if the DS did win the next election, but only on certain conditions.

    There would have to be a rigorous and verifiable testing regime for chemical contamination in food and drink products coming from Nazi countries.

    Geiger counters would have to be installed at every supermarket so that citizens can test the food and drink products.

    Many Geiger counters would have to be placed at shopping complexes to test that the new clothing that is for sale and comes from Nazi countries is not radioactive.

    There would need to be a Balkans Truth and Reconciliation Commission established.

    There would have to be a Summit Conference of the world’s best unbiased Detectives and Historians to prove that Serbia was doing everything to cooperate with the International Community.

    There would have to be a Balkans Conference that I have already mentioned established even if Russia, Serbia and the Republika Srpska were the only ones at the Balkans Conference to begin with.

    There would have to be complete racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. I am happy to know that other countries do not have a problem with different races in their country. The negotiations are for these people, and others should mind their own business because this is the Balkans. They should not comment unless they are prepared to dwell in the same circumstances.

    Camp Bondsteel has to be destroyed and the ICTY has to be disbanded and all prisoners released because they are both undeniable symbols that America arrogantly demands that all nations hubristically kiss and lick America’s anus in servile puppet submission.

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    The following words are the words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they have been recorded for us in the Book of Revelation.

    “And he said to me, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:10-12).

  4. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    This comment is an example of where I had six days to look at THE comment I had already written, and it is the third version of the comment.

    Events have occurred in those last six days that would influence this comment, and this is one reason I have written it differently.

    I have tried to clear up all spelling and grammatical errors that have come to my notice. I have provided some further information to address any ambiguities, and because I am fallible, I would reconsider some of my opinions. It is more than likely that if were to rewrite this comment again then it would be different again.

    Hillary Clinton is going through the motions of being ‘offered’ a position in what is in reality the Clinton’s Administration, and for the purposes of convenience and deception is called the Obama Administration. The reason I used the word ‘offered’ is because Obama is ordered to do this by his 100% White Masters, the Clintons.

    The fact that Lipstick Clinton will resign from the Senate allows lipstick Obama to replace her and in that way end the obvious Clinton Presidency over the Honorary white.

    Obama was allowed to become President to trick Americans and the world concerning the American dream. That theory is that if you work hard enough you can be anything in America. The truth of the matter is that if you become a Puppet Uncle Tom (PUT) and you are not very black, then you can be a puppet of the White Elites (WE).

    The entire thing was stage managed, even with Sarah Palin’s deliberately stupid comments on foreign policy, and her 1 million dollar wardrobe were all part of the con. Even I could have become a foreign policy ‘expert’ in a week if I just got my staff to copy and paste several interviews or even John McCain’s policy. To be a foreign policy expert for America; all an American official does is think of their selfishness, and then get the CIA and others to make up the ‘reasons’ and the propaganda and stay buy those lies.

    This is because this American political establishment pig with lipstick on wants to trick Americans and the rest of the world that it is the Democracyland that I spoke of.

    The American political establishment is the pig, and Obama and other are the lipstick on this pig.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true liberal democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    The Clinton’s acceptance of the Presidency is to comfort a large percentage of White people that they will in fact have a real 100% White President. They will further be comforted with the assurance that they will in fact have two 100% White Presidents whose names are Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

    The Clintons will provide two 100% White Presidents to America, and because the two Clintons have two faces, everyone will be able to see that American Presidents are two-faced. America will then have a White Catholic full of vice Vice President who name is Joe Biden, and a white full of vice Vice Vice President whose name is Barack Obama. I have already proven to everyone that Barack Obama is white and this is why he will be given a corner in the Whites’ House where he will be called boy in private by his White Masters.

    The Clintons are subliminally telling White Americans that they only have to tolerate that Honorary white for 4 years, and then the 100% White Hillary Clinton will run for President. Even though the Clintons are the real Presidents of America, they are in disguise and they will sit on that throne physically in four years time. The 100% White Bushes and the 100% White Clintons who are from the White Supremacist Racist Confederate States have already dictated America’s policies for 20 years. This smoke and mirrors arrangement is designed for get a bonus 4 years to entrench this 100% White Bush-Clinton Dictatorship for 32 years in this ‘democratic paradise’ based on hypocrisy and racist cronyism.

    It will be interesting to see if a real 100% black who is not an Uncle Tom is reluctantly thrown a position greater than Secretary for Sanitation, as important as that job is. If this does not happen, then even black people will think that Obama is a Secret Uncle Tom.

    The American political establishment is in some ways the biggest pig in the world, and the American political establishment have PUT a Puppet Uncle Tom in the White’s House to be the lipstick on this big dirty pig. Barack Lipstick Obama is the this Puppet Uncle Tom who has been ordered by Hillary Lipstick Clinton to give her the foreign policy ‘credentials’ she needs to replace the Honorary white Lipstick Obama.

    I think that calling several American officials Lipstick as their first name, and then using their surname might stick. I think that those who do cartoons for newspapers should have a pig with lipstick in the bottom right hand corner of the cartoon saying something witty.

    It will be interesting to see what Honorary white Lipstick Obama is going to do for the City of New Orleans that suffered from Hurricane Katrina, and that is inhabited mostly by real blacks.
    It will be interesting to see what Honorary white Lipstick Obama is going to do for the poor of America, most of whom are black people.

    Here is what Wikipedia says on the subject of the Honorary whites, and it is the following paragraph. The Master Race Dutch were the White Apartheid Government of South Africa, and this explains a lot of things.

    Honorary Whites is a term which was originally given by the apartheid regime of South Africa to the Japanese after they formed a trade pact with Japan to sell 5,000,000 tons of Pig Iron worth $250 million. Tokyo's Yawata Iron & Steel Co. offered to purchase 5,000,000 tons of South African pig iron over a ten-year period. With such a huge deal in the works, South Africa was not able to show disrespect that would be shown to the Japanese that now would regularly visit the country for business. Soon, Pretoria's Group Areas Board announced that all Japanese from here on would be considered white, at least for purposes of residence, and Johannesburg's city fathers decided that "in view of the trade agreements" they would open the municipal swimming pools to Japanese guests. Under the rules of apartheid, Asians in South Africa for years were subject to many of the same restrictions as the blacks. One law forbid their sex relations with whites; another forced them to live in non-white areas. They could not buy liquor without a permit, were not allowed in white hotels and restaurants. The government of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd changed these rules for Japanese nationals after the trade pact. Likewise Honorary White status was granted to, South Koreans, Taiwanese and other Nationalist Chinese, but not to Chinese from Communist China, out of diplomatic considerations - namely, the (then) anti-communist alliance between South Africa and Nationalist China. Since the 1960s until the fall of Apartheid, Honorary Whites were granted practically all the privileges held by White South Africans, except that they did not have the right to vote, and (in case of males) were exempt from conscription. The term was sometimes also used to refer to Asians in other "White" Western countries, especially Asian Americans (primarily the Chinese) in the United States. In addition, some foreign elite black athletes like the West Indian rebel team who were invited to South Africa during the apartheid regime, were awarded "Honorary White" status to circumvent legislation.

    The term Negro which means black in many European languages is considered not to be politically correct because it means black. Even the word black is considered to be not politically correct, but the word White is politically correct.

    To some people this may sound a bit hypocritical, and may even be cleverly disguised reverse racism.

    To call someone an African American is racist, because there are many Africans who are not black like the Arabs of North Africa. This means that an American Arab form the African continent is an African American but an American Arab from the Middle East is an American Arab.

    What is really meant by term African American is black African American, but then again, the problem is with the word black.

    Perhaps those who are politically correct will need to think up another name to describe those who are not ‘pure’ enough for the White Elites (WE).

    Martin Luther King was a man that I admire for his I have a dream speech. He had no problems with the words Negro or black to describe himself or his people. I want to say that he said it all, and that I agree with him. I do not agree with what he said that Catholics could be brothers, because they are Secret Devil Worshippers who worship the Man of Lawlessness.

    On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Marti Luther King evoked the name of Abraham Lincoln in his "I Have a Dream" speech, which is credited with mobilizing supporters of desegregation and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    The next few paragraphs provide the text of Martin Luther King’s historic I Have A Dream Speech.

    I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

    Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

    But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

    In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a cheque. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of colour are concerned. Instead of honouring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad cheque, a cheque which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this cheque—a cheque that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquillity in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

    But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

    We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvellous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

    As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied, as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "For Whites Only". We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

    I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

    Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

    I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

    This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

    This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."

    And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!

    Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado!

    Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!

    But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!

    Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!

    Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

    And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

    That was the text of the I Have A Dream Speech spoken by Martin Luther King Junior.

    The White Elites of America have been able to get away with treating their own citizens like this. It should not come as a surprise to discover how they treat those who are not citizens of America.

    Perhaps I am just uneducated, but if the word white is acceptable, then the word black is acceptable. Otherwise it would be that words are being discriminated on because of their colour, just like people are. To use the word Caucasian as a substitute for white would be just verbal gymnastics like African American. What we have is Black and white and many Shades of Colour between them.

    This could be a good opportunity for the American Congress to show the Europeans that they consider the Europeans to be more than Puppet Scum (PS). They can do this by telling the world the truth of Bill Clinton and the entire Kosovo affair since January 1999, at the Congressional hearings.

    Another indication that Christ is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world is what can be reasoned on the following Scriptures. I know that this has happened even in the past, and I do not present it as an end time prophecy, but just as a point of interest. I have already shown you many Scriptures that make direct reference to the fact that Jesus is coming to judge all the people of the world very soon.

    The real indication that Jesus is coming back very soon to judge the people of the world is that as every day goes by, we are getting closer to that day.

    “Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear up: Under a slave when he becomes king, And a fool when he is satisfied with food, Under an unloved woman when she gets a husband, And a maidservant when she supplants her mistress” (Proverbs 30:21-23).

    We see that the once mighty Anglo-Saxon Empire is being ruled by Scots and Blacks as it were. We see that fool Bill Clinton chasing after other women when he already has a woman who loves him. We see the unloved woman as Mrs Clinton who in all likelihood may be cheated on again by her husband. Could it be that Bill Clinton will divorce Hillary and marry his Secretary or just cheat discreetly?

    “Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And embrace the bosom of a foreigner? For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, And he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Proverbs 6:18-23).

    Here is a comment based on a comment from readers that I found on puppet B 92, and I plagiarized some of that comment. It reinforces the thought of the Devil worshipping Secret Catholics who were placed in positions of authority and influence in Serbia that the Scholar and Historian mentioned. I corrected spelling errors, and re-edited it because some of the sentences were too long to concentrate on properly.

    I want to say that just because I did not plagiarize all of that comment, that this does not mean that I do not agree with at least most of the rest of that comment.

    I said that I plagiarized some of it, and so this means that I selected what I wanted to and added to it some of my own opinions and research.

    I want to say that even if the evidence is covered up; this does not mean that no suspicion should be raised.

    I am referring to the considered findings of the Scholar and Historian concerning the Secret Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito (SDWCT) and the Secret Catholics in Serbia’s Parliament that the Scholar and Historian mentioned.

    I have said on several occasions, that even without the help of the Scholar and Historian, certain things can be thought on, and logical and truthful conclusions can be arrived at.

    It is like saying that there is no evidence that a certain married man had thoughts over a woman who is not his wife, even if that man has ‘reformed’ like former American President Bill Clinton.

    “You have heard that it was said, do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:27, 28).

    The comment that I plagiarized is the rest of this comment starting at the next paragraph. I have not checked each and every detail of the History during Catholic Tito’s Catholic Dictatorship, but it does all sound true at first glance, and it would not surprise me if it is all true.

    Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS are doing absolutely everything that Solana’s boys and Washington are telling them to do, like good little stooges. They are all about smoke and mirrors, saying one thing but doing something completely different.

    They expel this ambassador, while reinstating other ambassadors at the same time. This happened in a week, and it has been said that a week is a long time in politics. A week is even too long for puppets and traitors like Tadic and the DS who wanted to normalize relations with his Nazi Devil Worshipping brothers.

    It would not surprise me if Devil worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS begged Montenegro to recognize Kosovo.

    Tadic and his DS love and adore their so called ‘friends’ who are the Nazis of Europe. They are not interested in the energy deal with the Serbian people’s true and trusted ally Russia. This energy deal would help Serbia’s economy immensely, and create many jobs. If they show interest, then it is more than likely to appear patriotic because Tadic and the DS are scheming to hold a fresh election.

    There are some people who may think that how could I know these things unless I was a Secret CIA agent. The next few statements are what should be common knowledge, and those who do not understand these things are too stupid to continue reading this comment.

    We all know that America bribes politicians, places their own puppets in power, controls the media, and pays NGO’s to do their bidding. This means that Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito would use his position even more effectively to have Secret Catholics placed in positions of influence and Government in Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, and FYROM. These people use their positions to perpetuate this system, and that is why they are in the Serbian Parliament as well as other places of influence, even today, and a long time to come.

    The ear is a self cleaning mechanism, and the British System of Parliament and voting for a local Member of Parliament was designed to very effectively clear away the idiots, the traitors, and the Secret Catholics. The British politicians will say the following words to who did not win their seats “I am sorry for you Old Chap”, but secretly they will think jolly good show Old Chaps. This is because even though they are politicians and privileged, they personally do not want to be in a land that is governed by idiots, traitors, and Secret Catholics.

    “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:29).

    America has groups who do all the research for, and write all the campaign speeches of all political parties that they favour in every country. This means that parties like the DS do not need to think much because the thinking has already been done for them.

    Then there is the statement that Tadic is shaming a fresh election, and what this means is that the Nazis will order him to call an election if he can gain ground. He only needs 3 seats to have a majority with the G-17 Plus and the LDP. In this context for Tadic to gain ground, it would mean that a Puppet Nazi Catholic Government in disguise has taken control of Serbia with NATO on Serbian soil.

    There are those think that it would be too early for the traitors to call a fresh election. Any time is a good time for an election if you are sure that you will win or that you will not lose too many seats trying the gamble. The Dictatorial Nazis of Europe who did not like the wise and sensible results by the Irish voters were saying just hours after that another vote will have to take place very soon. The Dictatorial Nazis of Europe were even threatening Ireland to vote again or else there would be reprisals. These logical conclusions can be arrived at by simply knowing the set pattern of behaviour of certain groups. Like Master, Like Puppet, and that is why Tadic will be scheming an election if he thinks that the traitors can win.

    There will be people who will not believe such things, because they do not want to. Most people have short memories, and it all gets forgotten amongst the ‘promises’ of a lengthy election campaign. The Nazis know all this, and that is why if they pretend to be patriotic, the people will forget because a week is a long time in politics.

    It is no different from the Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito who did everything he could to destroy Serbia, including making autonomous regions. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito allowed many Albanians to enter Yugoslavia without papers in the name of ‘Brotherly Unity’. I mention Albanians and it has nothing to do with their race, but Albanians will never be citizens of any country except Albania. Those Albanians that Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito allowed to come to Kosovo were probably criminals whose criminal records destroyed. Those Albanians were those that even the Albanians in Albania would never want. This shows us just how cunning the invisible Devil and his invisible demons are, because it was all done in the name of Brotherly Unity. Albanians will work against any country that is foolish enough to show them hospitality.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made Bosnian Muslims a ‘nation’, and called the southern region Macedonia and this upset Serbia’s other main allies the Greeks. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito executed Draza Mihajlovic which is why Charles De Gaulle his friend never visited Yugoslavia and this upset another Serbian ally France.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made good friends with Germany who is and always will be Serbia’s main enemy. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito never gave any autonomy to Serbs in Krajina who suffered genocide by the Croats, and Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito redrew borders in favour of Serbia’s sworn enemies. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito rewarded Croatia for their genocide and for losing the war by giving them Istria. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito moved all industry to Slovenia while giving them cheap raw materials from Serbia

    While Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito was doing all this you had Secret Devil Worshipping Secret Catholic Serbs, and lots of them, actually supporting Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito. The Devil Worshipping DS is no different, because everything they do now is not in Serbia’s interests, but in the interests of NATO and the ‘humanitarian’ bombers. We have many Serbs being hoodwinked into supporting Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS who are expert actors and liars.

    These are the facts of how Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito worked against the interests of the Serbian people. I think that is only logical to assume that that Tito the Dictatorial Serb Hater has placed Secret Catholics in positions of power and influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and FYROM, and some are there to this day.

    That is the comment that I plagiarized some of, and now I will continue with my opinions.

    I think that the SPS had no other option but to join the DS coalition. We see now with what has happened to the Radicals that it was a wise move to conduct talks for several weeks with all the parties. It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Kosovo has not been signed away by Brankovic Tadic.

    A former Prime Minister now says that he denounces cooperation with the SPS, and says that Tadic dictatorially bypassed the DS Constitution to do this. The SPS have obtained a good image because of Tadic’s lust for power, and they have the prospect of getting DS votes from those duped DS voters who thought that the DS was looking after Serbia’s interests.

    The problem for the DS is that if they call an election too early for flimsy reasons than needed, it could cost the DS votes. At the same time, the longer Tadic delays calling an election could mean that the SPS will siphon off DS votes, but only if the SPS play it right.

    I think that Serbia having a Presidency is good for the opposition, because the voters may vote for balance and away from the DS. The Nazis do not care if the President is a Dictator, as long as he is their Puppet Dictator. If Serbia ever did get a non-Nazi President then, then the Nazis will accuse Serbia of being a Dictatorship.

    It would be wise under these circumstances for the non-Nazi President to campaign for the British system based on a simplified Constitution. America would find it very difficult to accuse such a President of being a Dictator, because they would have to accuse their main ally Britain, and of democracy itself of being a Dictator.

    I do not know if a fresh election would solve anything while the same people are there.

    I think the wise thing is that if Serbia were to have a fresh election, then there would have to be a complete change of people in Parliament. This means that all those who have been MPs or President would be barred for life from standing for Parliament or President.

    People who were resisted party members since January 1st 2008 would be randomly chosen to represent their party. This may not reduce the number of idiots, but it will reduce the number of traitors and Secret Catholics.

    The invisible demons would torture the majority of Serbia’s politicians if they tried this. Having said this, the demonic DS under Satan’s guidance will find some way to make me look like I do not know what I am saying.

    The slowness of the Parliament of certain issues of urgency could be because the invisible demons are torturing Government Ministers in the invisible realm. They would never confess because they love Satan too much, and they would never confess if they know what is good for them.

    I have already said that God allowed me to be tortured in the invisible realm by the invisible demons, and so I understand these things perfectly.

    Asking these things of ‘patriotic’ politicians would show them up for the treacherous dirt that they really are.

    “And while he was going out into the way, a man came running to him, and went down on his knees, saying, Good Master, what have I to do so that I may have eternal life? And Jesus said to him, Why do you say I am good? no one is good but one, and that is God. You have knowledge of what is said in the law, Do not put any one to death, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not take what is not yours, Do not give false witness, Do not get money by deceit, Give honour to your father and mother. And he said to him, Master, all these laws I have kept from the time when I was young. And Jesus, looking on him and loving him, said, There is one thing needed: go, get money for your goods, and give it to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven: and come with me. But his face became sad at the saying, and he went away sorrowing: for he was one who had much property” (Mark 10:17-22).

    How much time do you worthless idiots need to build a highway, or to negotiate a business deal? I am not saying that you should make hasty ill considered decisions, but that is not a licence for inaction which is in reality treason.

    I want to say that I do not think that any agreement with EULUX should be made at all, but especially not before the EU confesses to the world that they are Nazi filth and garbage and pays compensation.

    I can guarantee that if the politicians pay depended on the construction of a highway or some other business deal, or work of Parliament that things would move quicker.

    I think that Serbia should say that the SAA will have to wait until the ICTY’s Nazi rule has ended. I think that Serbia should just ban Unions and make Serbia a place of investment. How ever did the world or Europe function before the Nazi EU came on the scene?

    America should sign up to the International Criminal Court, and the ICC would be very busy with all those Americans.

    Ask that Nazi Dutch dog filth that if Mladic is not in Serbia then what will be their attitude. People will see how these dogs make up some flimsy but clever ‘excuse’. The Nazis are the putrefied vermin filth of the earth, but they are also professional excuse makers.

    Those slimy self righteous hypocritical Dutch think of themselves exactly as Hitler described them. The Dutch who are of the Nordic Master Race just need someone to colonize since they cannot do this to the black people of Africa.

    The best thing that Serbia can do is to tell America and the Nazis of the world to shut up and to piss off. It really is just that easy; just tell this putrid vermin to shut up and to piss off.

    This dirt speaks about International Obligations, and these dogs signed United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. If the Nazis are not going to keep and respect UN SC Resolution 1244, then EULUX should not come to Serbia and Russia should veto this.

    To show the world that Serbia is not being pressured to agree with NAZILUX, every EU country must ratify and implement the SAA agreement and all other conditions first, and this must be in any UN SC Resolution.

    The reason this entire Kosovo affair is the way it is, is because it should have started in the United Nations. We know that Satan by means of America did not want it that way, and if it cannot end in the United Nations, then the United Nations should be disbanded for being a criminally incompetent and corrupt organization. This is why I think that the Nazi EULUX or more correctly NAZILUX must not come to Serbia.

    I think that the scenario is that the DS are putting on a show to patriotism because Tadic and the DS are scheming a fresh election.

    America wants Croatia to win against Serbia at the ICJ, and America wants Serbia to lose against Croatia at the ICJ.

    This is because America does not want every decision for compensation to win in the ICJ, because that way they can say that Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, etc lost because not all cases can be just and win at the Imperial ‘impartial’ ICJ.

    It could be that countries will make claims against each other, and then confess to it, and settle out of court. Then they might use this as an excuse to default on their loans, and then the other country might do the same. It is one way to make money in these difficult economic times, and it represents American free enterprise.

    I want to state that I am not advocating or encouraging dishonesty, but I am merely giving commentary, knowing that there are dishonest countries in this world, and America is the prime example.

    I want to say that I am not in a position to adjudicate on matters between countries. However, experience shows us that the claims of the Nazis countries are more likely to be false. At the same time, experience has shown us that the claims of non-Nazi countries are more likely to be true.

    It should be kept in mind that only very rarely will it be that one country is 100% wrong, and I cannot think of one country that 100% pure. This is why the saying that it takes two to tango is known worldwide.

    Everyone knows that every country has at least one thing that they can admit to, and if they do not then, they do not have to manufacture one, because we are all imperfect.

    “For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

    “So admit your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you will be healed. Prayers offered by those who have God's approval are effective” (James 5:16).

    “If then you are making an offering at the altar and there it comes to your mind that your brother has something against you, While your offering is still before the altar, first go and make peace with your brother, then come and make your offering. Come to an agreement quickly with him who has a cause against you at law, while you are with him on the way, for fear that he may give you up to the judge and the judge may give you to the police and you may be put into prison. Truly I say to you, You will not come out from there till you have made payment of the very last farthing” (Matthew 5:23-26).

    The points been made here is that we are all imperfect, and should try for reconciliation. This does not mean that both parties need to be reconciling at the same time for reconciliation to be given a chance. This is why Serbia should ask Croatia what they have against Serbia and offer to pay 1 Billion Euros compensation. To do this Serbia will have to default on the 29 billion Euros it owes to criminal Nazi countries. This is because one will lend Serbia the money, because of the money shortage. Serbia may be able to borrow 1 Billion Euros to give to Croatia, but Serbia will be lucky to find anyone to lend it money.

    Do not believe the lies that the Nazis of Europe say that lawsuits are no obstacle for joining the EU. Serbia should be intelligent enough to know that they will never join the EU.

    It is the duty of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American pig with lipstick.

    I will state just for the record that I am not Mladic, but I wrote what I would do if I was Mladic. This does not necessarily mean that it would or would not be wise, but it just means what I would do in that situation.

    There is one thing that I know, and that is that the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ would find me guilty even if I was innocent. For that reason my only comment to the ICTY would be: “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. I would not be lying because I would frame that sentence to my lawyer in such a way that it would not be a lie. I would be entitled by law to have legal representation, and I would be entitled to instruct my lawyer what to say in my ‘defence’, or even defence. I would not speak a word at any official hearings, but my lawyer would say that he was instructed by his client to say the following on behalf of his client. This is were the truth lies in the fact that I would not speak but I would truthfully instruct my lawyer to speak and publish these words in the following sentence. “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    I believe that if it was possible for me to have any defence at all, it would be by using only that approach, This is why I would demand that my lawyer speak these word, and only these words in my defence. Every person is entitled to present their defence in the way they think will maximize their chances of acquittal.

    It could be that it would be better worded by saying that the following: “Mladic is a puppet of America, and he just loves to kiss and lick America’s anus”. It could be that both sentences are good so that people do not get bored with just the one sentence. The lawyer could also say that he is America’s puppet, and that he just loves to kiss and lick America’s anus. If there are visitors in the court they can say that they are America’s puppet, and they just to kiss and lick America’s anus. If there are peaceful and orderly demonstrators outside the Nazi NATO ‘Court’, then they could carry placards that say: “WE are America’s puppets, and we just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    I think that a camera mobile phone would not be a good of idea for Mladic as it would reveal his disguise. I think that a tape recording of him at some readily recognized location in Republika Srspka that is sent several days after his recording to give him time to get away would be better than a mobile camera phone. Perhaps a photo of just his hand on a prominent shop in Republika Srspska might be good with the newspaper. Even to sending finger prints on an object to an impartial journalist giving yesterday’s news of Republka Srspska might be good.

    Perhaps Mladic could send a letter that says “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. This sounds nice in theory, but the invisible demons would torture me if I was Mladic so that I could not send this letter if I was Mladic.

    The invisible Satan the Devil and his invisible demons cannot torture me in the invisible realm, but this does not mean that if the CIA finds me, they could physically torture me if God allows it.

    “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them” (Psalm 34:7).

    We know that all the disciples of Jesus did fear God, and most of them were murdered by Satan’s servants.

    “I know your works and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. You hold firmly to my name, and didn't deny my faith in the days of Antipas my witness, my faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells” (Revelation 2:13).

    If I were Mladic they would be the only words that I would instruct my lawyer to say as an answer to any question from the NATO tribunal. If the invisible demons tortured me to surrender, and the judge asked me how I pleaded, my answer through my legal representative would be “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    This is nice in theory, but if I was Mladic, then when I was back in my prison cell the invisible demons would torture me if I did not play along. I believe that Milosevic was tortured in the invisible realm by the invisible demons, and the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ murdered Milosevic by not providing him with proper treatment.

    I would not mind if the DS did win the next election, but only on certain conditions.

    There would have to be a rigorous and verifiable testing regime for chemical contamination in food and drink products coming from Nazi countries.

    Geiger counters would have to be installed at every supermarket so that citizens can test the food and drink products.

    Many Geiger counters would have to be placed at shopping complexes to test that the new clothing that is for sale and comes from Nazi countries is not radioactive.

    There would need to be a Balkans Truth and Reconciliation Commission established.

    There would have to be a Summit Conference of the world’s best unbiased Detectives and Historians to prove that Serbia was doing everything to cooperate with the International Community.

    The Secret Catholics in Serbia’s Parliament know that these things would help Serbia in its case against Croatia, because it would be the testimony of unbiased experts.

    There would have to be a Balkans Conference that I have already mentioned established even if Russia, Serbia and the Republika Srpska were the only ones at the Balkans Conference to begin with.

    Would you believe Tadic and his demonic DS if they said that they would do what is right by the people?

    There would have to be complete racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. I am happy to know that other countries do not have a problem with different races in their country. The negotiations are for these people, and others should mind their own business because this is the Balkans. They should not comment unless they are prepared to dwell in the same circumstances.

    Camp Bondsteel has to be destroyed and the ICTY has to be disbanded and all prisoners released because they are both undeniable symbols that America arrogantly demands that all nations hubristically kiss and lick America’s anus in servile puppet submission.

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    The following words are the words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they have been recorded for us in the Book of Revelation. These are the words of Jesus after he had been resurrected to everlasting life in Heaven.

    “And he said to me, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:10-12).

  5. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:45 AM |  

    This comment retains some of the things of my last comment, and I have tried to clear up all THE ambiguities that I think were there. I have repeated some of it because it needed slight modification by providing new material. This comment also contains material that is new, and I think it is worth reading. This comment should be viewed in the context that I will only repeat what has not been said properly enough up till now.

    If WE PUT Lipstick on a Pig, there is no change because it remains a Pig. America is the Satanic King of the South, and it does not matter if the American President is male or female, black or White.

    The only reason I did not, and I will not congratulate Lipstick Obama for ‘winning’ the election because the election result was all decided long in advance, and not because he is white. The same applies if John McCain had ‘won’, because in America the establishment behind the scenes, and who have a compliant media, decide long in advance what the results will be.

    Barack Obama is not from Mainland America, but distant and what many consider to be foreign overseas country. The word Honolulu looks a lot like the word Honorary, and this brings to mind the thought of an Honorary White. Barack Obama name sound foreign to most people in America, and his father was a foreigner from Africa.

    Martin Luther King used the words Negro to black to describe himself and his oppressed people.

    We know that Lipstick Obama has clean sheets to sleep in, because he has been given a corner in the White’s House. I wonder if Lipstick Obama’s White Masters will allow him to think of the plight of the millions of homeless ‘citizens’ in America. I deliberately use the term ‘citizens’ because they are not treated like citizens. I think thing that the American Government should pay Unemployment Benefits to all those who do not have work regardless for how long they are unemployed. All the American politicians know that I have always thought of them as pigs for not providing proper European Style Unemployment Benefits. The American politicians know this because the invisible demons have told them what I said in a lonely park.

    The White Elites needed the people to forget Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. They had to make people ‘see’ that the words Negro and black are not politically correct, so that the Negroes will ignore that era, but especially what was spoken by Martin Luther King. Barck Obama affords the opportunity for the White Elites to get Negroes to think that someone will do something about their economic plight. The American political establishment Pig also need some Lipstick to PUT on a Pig.

    Here is what Wikipedia says on the subject of the Honorary whites, and it is the following paragraph. The Master Race Dutch were the White Apartheid Government of South Africa, and this explains a lot of things.

    Honorary Whites is a term which was originally given by the apartheid regime of South Africa to the Japanese after they formed a trade pact with Japan to sell 5,000,000 tons of Pig Iron worth $250 million. Tokyo's Yawata Iron & Steel Co. offered to purchase 5,000,000 tons of South African Pig Iron over a ten-year period. With such a huge deal in the works, South Africa was not able to show disrespect that would be shown to the Japanese that now would regularly visit the country for business. Soon, Pretoria's Group Areas Board announced that all Japanese from here on would be considered white, at least for purposes of residence, and Johannesburg's city fathers decided that "in view of the trade agreements" they would open the municipal swimming pools to Japanese guests. Under the rules of apartheid, Asians in South Africa for years were subject to many of the same restrictions as the blacks. One law forbid their sex relations with whites; another forced them to live in non-white areas. They could not buy liquor without a permit, were not allowed in white hotels and restaurants. The government of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd changed these rules for Japanese nationals after the trade pact. Likewise Honorary White status was granted to, South Koreans, Taiwanese and other Nationalist Chinese, but not to Chinese from Communist China, out of diplomatic considerations - namely, the (then) anti-communist alliance between South Africa and Nationalist China. Since the 1960s until the fall of Apartheid, Honorary Whites were granted practically all the privileges held by White South Africans, except that they did not have the right to vote, and (in case of males) were exempt from conscription. The term was sometimes also used to refer to Asians in other "White" Western countries, especially Asian Americans (primarily the Chinese) in the United States. In addition, some foreign elite black athletes like the West Indian rebel team who were invited to South Africa during the apartheid regime, were awarded "Honorary White" status to circumvent legislation.

    The term Negro which means black in many European languages is considered not to be politically correct because it means black. Even the word black is considered to be not politically correct, but the word White is politically correct.

    To some people this may sound a bit hypocritical, and may even be cleverly disguised reverse racism.

    To call someone an African American is racist, because there are many Africans who are not black like the Arabs of North Africa. This means that an American Arab form the African continent is an African American but an American Arab from the Middle East is an American Arab.

    What is really meant by term African American is black African American, but then again, the problem is with the word black.

    Perhaps those who are politically correct will need to think up another name to describe those who are not ‘pure’ enough for the White Elites (WE).

    Martin Luther King was a man that I admire for his I Have a Dream speech. He had no problems with the words Negro or black to describe himself or his people. I want to say that he said it all, and that I agree with him. I do not agree with what he said that Catholics could be brothers, because they are Secret Devil Worshippers who worship the Man of Lawlessness.

    On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King evoked the name of Abraham Lincoln in his "I Have a Dream" speech, which is credited with mobilizing supporters of desegregation and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    It would be interesting if the name Marti the first name of Marti Ahtisaari is the same as the name Martin but in different languages. Both Marti Ahtisaari and Martin Luther King were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, but I think there are not too many more similarities between these two men.

    WE see that Martin the Baptist did not rule as a king, while Marti the Nazi did rule as a king.

    The next few paragraphs provide the text of Martin Luther King’s historic I Have a Dream Speech.

    I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

    Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

    But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

    In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a cheque. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of colour are concerned. Instead of honouring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad cheque, a cheque which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this cheque—a cheque that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquillity in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

    But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

    We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvellous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

    As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied, as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "For Whites Only". We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

    I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

    Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

    I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

    This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

    This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."

    And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!

    Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado!

    Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!

    But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!

    Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!

    Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

    And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

    That was the text of the I Have a Dream Speech spoken by Martin Luther King Junior.

    An even worse thing has been going on in Nazi Europe who have been, are, and will continue to wage physical, economic, and cultural genocide against the Serbian people, and even more so in Kosovo.

    The White Elites of America have been able to get away with treating their own citizens like this. It should not come as a surprise to discover how they treat those who are not citizens of America.

    I am not uneducated, and because the word White is acceptable, then the word black is acceptable. Otherwise it would be that words are being discriminated on because of their colour, just like people are. To use the word Caucasian as a substitute for White would be just verbal gymnastics like African American. What we have is black and White and many Shades of Colour between them.

    Barack Obama is not from Mainland America, but distant and what many consider to be foreign overseas country. The word Honolulu looks a lot like the word Honorary, and this brings to mind the thought of an Honorary White. Barack Obama name sound foreign to most people in America, and his father was a foreigner from Africa.

    Martin Luther King used the words Negro to black to describe himself and his oppressed people.

    The White Elites needed the people to forget Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. They had to make people ‘see’ that the words Negro and black are not politically correct, so that the Negroes will ignore that era, but especially what was spoken by Martin Luther King. Barck Obama affords the opportunity for the White Elites to get Negroes to think that someone will do something about their economic plight. The American political establishment Pig also need some Lipstick to PUT on a Pig.

    This could be a good opportunity for the American Congress to show the Europeans that they consider the Europeans to be more than Puppet Scum (PS). They can do this by telling the world the truth of Bill Clinton and the entire Kosovo affair since January 1999, at the Congressional hearings.

    Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS are doing absolutely everything that Solana’s boys and Washington are telling them to do, like good little stooges. They are all about smoke and mirrors, saying one thing but doing something completely different.

    They expel this ambassador, while reinstating other ambassadors at the same time. This happened in a week, and it has been said that a week is a long time in politics. A week is even too long for puppets and traitors like Tadic and the DS who wanted to normalize relations with his Nazi Devil Worshipping brothers.

    It would not surprise me if Devil worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS begged Montenegro to recognize Kosovo.

    Tadic and his DS love and adore their so called ‘friends’ who are the Nazis of Europe. They are not interested in the energy deal with the Serbian people’s true and trusted ally Russia. This energy deal would help Serbia’s economy immensely, and create many jobs. If they show interest, then it is more than likely to appear patriotic because Tadic and the DS are scheming to hold a fresh election.

    We all know that America bribes politicians, place their own puppets in power, controls the media, and pays NGO’s to do their bidding. This means that Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito would use his position even more effectively to have Secret Catholics placed in positions of influence and Government in Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, and FYROM. These people continue to use their positions to perpetuate this system, and that is why they are in large numbers in the Serbian Parliament and other places of influence, even today, and a long time to come.

    The ear is a self cleaning mechanism, and the entire British System of Parliament and voting for a local Member of Parliament was designed to very effectively be a self cleaning mechanism. It would not be wise to think that this system can be improved on, and it effectively clears away enough idiots, enough traitors, and enough Secret Catholics. The British politicians will say the following words to those who did not win their seats “I am sorry for you Old Chap for not winning your seat”, but secretly they will think jolly good show Old Chaps, the voters thought you were and idiot, a traitor, or a Secret Catholic. This is because even though they are politicians and privileged, they personally do not want to be in a land that is governed by idiots, traitors, and Secret Catholics.

    “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:29).

    America has groups who do all the research for, and write all the campaign speeches of all political parties that they favour in every country. This means that parties like the DS do not need to think much because the thinking has already been done for them.

    The Nazis may order Tadic to call a fresh election if they think that the DS can gain ground. Tadic only needs 3 seats to have a majority with his fellow traitors, the G-17 Plus and the LDP. In this context for Tadic to gain ground, it would mean that a Puppet Nazi Catholic Government in disguise has taken control of Serbia with NATO on Serbian soil.

    There are those think that it would be too early for the traitors to call a fresh election. Any time is a good time for an election if you are sure that you will win or that you will not lose too many seats trying the gamble. The Dictatorial Nazis of Europe who did not like the wise and sensible results by the Irish voters were saying just hours after that another vote will have to take place very soon. The Dictatorial Nazis of Europe were even threatening Ireland to vote again or else there would be reprisals. Like Master, Like Puppet, and that is why Tadic will be scheming an election if he thinks that the traitors can win.

    There will be people who will not believe such things, because they do not want to. Most people have short memories, and it all gets forgotten amongst the ‘promises’ of a lengthy election campaign. The Nazis know all this, and that is why if they pretend to be patriotic, the people will forget because a week is a long time in politics, and in most people’s memories.

    It is no different from the Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito who did everything he could to destroy Serbia, including making autonomous regions. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito allowed many Albanians to enter Yugoslavia without papers in the name of ‘Brotherly Unity’. I mention Albanians and it has nothing to do with their race, but Albanians will never be citizens of any country except Albania. Those Albanians that Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito allowed to come to Kosovo were probably criminals whose criminal records destroyed. Those Albanians were those that even the Albanians in Albania would never want. This shows us just how cunning the invisible Devil and his invisible demons are, because it was all done in the name of Brotherly Unity. Albanians will work against any country that is foolish enough to show them hospitality.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made Bosnian Muslims a ‘nation’, and called the southern region Macedonia and this upset Serbia’s other main allies the Greeks. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito executed Draza Mihajlovic which is why Charles De Gaulle his friend never visited Yugoslavia and this upset another Serbian ally France.

    Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito made good friends with Germany who is and always will be Serbia’s main enemy. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito never gave any autonomy to Serbs in Krajina who suffered genocide by the Croats, and Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito redrew borders in favour of Serbia’s sworn enemies. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito rewarded Croatia for their genocide and for losing the war by giving them Istria. Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito moved all industry to Slovenia while giving them cheap raw materials from Serbia

    While Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito was doing all this you had Secret Devil Worshipping Secret Catholic Serbs, and lots of them, actually supporting Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito. The Devil Worshipping DS is no different, because everything they do now is not in Serbia’s interests, but in the interests of NATO and the ‘humanitarian’ bombers. We have many Serbs being hoodwinked into supporting Devil Worshipping Tadic and his demonic DS who are expert actors and liars.

    These are the facts of how Devil Worshipping Catholic Tito worked against the interests of the Serbian people. I think that is only logical to assume that that Tito the Dictatorial Serb Hater has placed Secret Catholics in positions of power and influence in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and FYROM, and some are there to this day.

    I think that the SPS had no other option but to join the DS coalition. We see now with what has happened to the Radicals that it was a wise move to conduct talks for several weeks with all the parties. It is only because of the integrity of the SPS that Kosovo has not been signed away by Brankovic Tadic.

    I think that the rest of the MP’s from the Radical Party should join the Serbian Progressive Party, and SRS voters should vote for SNS or very similar party.

    A former Prime Minister from the DS now says that he denounces cooperation with the SPS, and says that Tadic dictatorially bypassed the DS Constitution to do this. The SPS have obtained a good image because of Tadic’s lust for power, and they have the prospect of getting DS votes from those duped DS voters who thought that the DS was looking after Serbia’s interests.

    The problem for the DS is that if they call an election too early for flimsy reasons than what is needed, it could cost the DS votes. At the same time, the longer Tadic delays calling an election, the more time and opportunity it could provide for the SPS to siphon off DS votes, but only if the SPS play it right.

    The SPS needs to be very similar to the DS, except they want the British Westminster Parliamentary System with no President for all the good reasons I and other can present. That should be enough difference to siphon off DS votes, and may cause Tadic to call for a fresh election.

    I think that Serbia having a Presidency is good for the opposition, because the voters may vote for balance and away from the DS. The Nazis do not care if the President is a Dictator, as long as he is their Nazi Puppet Dictator. If Serbia ever did get a non-Nazi President then, then the Nazis will accuse Serbia of being a Dictatorship.

    It would be wise under these circumstances for the non-Nazi President to campaign for the British System based on a simplified Constitution. America would find it very difficult to accuse such a President of being a Dictator, because they would have to accuse their main ally Britain, and even democracy itself of being a Dictator.

    How much time does the Parliament need to build a highway, or to negotiate a business deal? I am not saying that you should make hasty ill considered decisions, but that is not a licence for inaction which is in reality treason.

    If I was a negotiator to build a highway, I would never allow a corrupt official to negotiate. Hitler’s Germany may have tried to bribe certain company officials who were awarded Autobahn contract with expensive free funeral plans. This philosophy is wrong because this is Europe in the 21st Century where Nazism is discouraged. The proper philosophy in business is to work hard, and to live long, and to prosper.

    I want to say that I do not think that any agreement with EULUX should be made at all, but especially not before the EU confesses to the world that they are Nazi filth and garbage and pays compensation.

    I can guarantee that if the politicians pay depended on the construction of a highway or some other business deal, or work of Parliament that things would move quicker.

    I think that Serbia should say that the SAA will have to wait until the ICTY’s Nazi rule has ended. I think that Serbia should just ban Unions and make Serbia a place of investment. How ever did the world or Europe function before the Nazi EU came on the scene?

    America should sign up to the International Criminal Court, and the ICC would be very busy with all those Americans.

    To show the world that Serbia is not being pressured to agree with NAZILUX, every EU country must ratify and implement the SAA agreement and all other conditions first, and this must be in any UN SC Resolution.

    The reason this entire Kosovo affair is the way it is, is because it should have started in the United Nations. We know that Satan by means of America did not want it that way, and if it cannot end in the United Nations, then the United Nations should be disbanded for being a criminally incompetent and corrupt organization. This is why I think that the Nazi EULUX or more correctly NAZILUX must not come to Serbia.

    I think that the scenario is that the DS are putting on a show to patriotism because Tadic and the DS are scheming a fresh election.

    America wants Croatia to win against Serbia at the ICJ, and America wants Serbia to lose against Croatia at the ICJ.

    This is because America does not want every decision for compensation to win in the ICJ, because that way they can say that Serbia, Iraq, Cuba, etc lost because not all cases can be just and win at an Imperial ‘court’ that is ‘impartial’.

    It could be that countries will make statements against other countries, and some countries will try reconciliation, and settle out of ‘court’.

    Then, because there is a willingness to settle out of ‘court’ by one party, then that party may default on their loans.

    It should be kept in mind that only very rarely will it be that one country is 100% wrong, and I cannot think of one country that 100% pure. This is why the saying that it takes two to tango is known worldwide.

    A country who tries reconciliation does not admit guilt by seeking reconciliation, but is willing to settle out of court for the sake of better relations.

    “For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

    “So admit your sins to each other, and pray for each other so that you will be healed. Prayers offered by those who have God's approval are effective” (James 5:16).

    “If then you are making an offering at the altar and there it comes to your mind that your brother has something against you, While your offering is still before the altar, first go and make peace with your brother, then come and make your offering. Come to an agreement quickly with him who has a cause against you at law, while you are with him on the way, for fear that he may give you up to the judge and the judge may give you to the police and you may be put into prison. Truly I say to you, You will not come out from there till you have made payment of the very last farthing” (Matthew 5:23-26).

    The points been made here is that we are all imperfect, and should try for reconciliation. This does not mean that both parties need to be reconciling at the same time for the reconciliation process to commence. This is why Serbia should ask Croatia what they have against Serbia and offer to pay 1 Billion Euros for the sake of better relations.

    Serbia would in no way be admitting to anything, but would merely be seeking better relations.

    To do this Serbia will have to default on the money it owes to all those countries who refuse to speak the truth.

    This is because no one will lend Serbia the money, because of the money shortage.

    Serbia may be able to borrow 1 Billion Euros to give to Croatia, but Serbia will be lucky to find anyone to lend it money.

    Serbia will try to find the money, but only at a good interest rate. I once heard that there is a thing called negative interest rates where you make money just by borrowing it. It is in reality not a loan as such, but a present or a gift. If there is such a thing, then it must be rare, but this should no deter Serbia’s relentlessly seeking such a loan even if it takes decades.

    It is the duty of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American Pig with Lipstick.

    I will state just for the record that I am not Mladic, but I wrote what I would do if I were Mladic. This does not necessarily mean that it would or would not be wise, but it just means what I would do in that situation.

    There is one thing that I know, and that is that the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ would find me guilty even if I was innocent.

    For that reason my only comment to the ICTY would be: “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    I would not be lying because I would frame that sentence to my lawyer in such a way that it would not be a lie. I would be entitled by law to have legal representation, and I would be entitled to instruct my lawyer what to say in my ‘defence’, or even defence. I would not speak a word at any official hearings, but my lawyer would say that he was instructed by his client to say the following on behalf of his client. This is were the truth lies in the fact that I would not speak but I would truthfully instruct my lawyer to speak and publish these words in the following sentence. “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    WE have seen how Americans and America’s puppets do quite well at any ‘courts’. The fact that I would be found guilty if I was Mladic proves that only real puppet live long and prosper.

    I believe that if it was possible for me to have any defence at all, it would be by using only that approach.

    This is why I would demand that my lawyer speak these word, and only these words in my defence. Every person is entitled to present their defence in the way they think will maximize their chances of acquittal.

    It could be that it would be better worded by saying that the following: “Mladic is a puppet of America, and he just loves to kiss and lick America’s anus”. It could be that both sentences are good so that people do not get bored with just the one sentence. The lawyer could also say that he is America’s puppet, and that he just loves to kiss and lick America’s anus. If there are visitors in the court they can say that they are America’s puppet, and they just to kiss and lick America’s anus. If there are peaceful and orderly demonstrators outside the Nazi NATO ‘Court’, then they could carry placards that say: “We are America’s puppets, and we just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    Perhaps Mladic could send a letter that says “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. This sounds nice in theory, but the invisible demons would torture me if I was Mladic so that I could not send this letter if I was Mladic.

    If I were Mladic they would be the only words that I would instruct my lawyer to say as an answer to any question from the NATO ‘tribunal’. If the invisible demons tortured me to surrender, and the judge asked me how I pleaded, my answer through my legal representative would be “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    This is nice in theory, but if I was Mladic, then when I was back in my prison cell the invisible demons would torture me if I did not play along. I believe that Milosevic was tortured in the invisible realm by the invisible demons, and the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ murdered Milosevic by not providing him with proper treatment.

    It could even be that the invisible demons tortured Milosevic to death, and al the Secret Devil Worshippers at The Hague made up suitable lies for the ignorant.

    I would not mind if the DS did win the next election, but only on certain conditions.

    There would have to be a rigorous and verifiable testing regime for chemical contamination in food and drink products coming from Nazi countries.

    Geiger counters would have to be installed at every supermarket so that citizens can test the food and drink products.

    Many Geiger Counters would have to be placed at shopping complexes to test that the new clothing that is for sale and that comes from Nazi countries is not radioactive.

    There would need to be a Balkans Truth and Reconciliation Commission established.

    There would have to be a Summit Conference of the world’s best unbiased Detectives and Historians to prove that Serbia was doing everything to cooperate with the International Community.

    The Secret Catholics in Serbia’s Parliament know that these things would help Serbia in its case against Croatia, because it would be the testimony of unbiased experts.

    There would have to be a Balkans Conference that I have already mentioned established even if Russia, Serbia and the Republika Srpska were the only ones at the Balkans Conference to begin with.

    There would have to be complete racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. I am happy to know that other countries do not have a problem with different races in their country. The negotiations are for these people, and others should mind their own business because this is the Balkans. They should not comment unless they are prepared to dwell in the same circumstances.

    Camp Bondsteel must be destroyed and the ICTY has to be disbanded and all prisoners released because they are both undeniable symbols that America arrogantly demands that all nations hubristically kiss and lick America’s anus in servile puppet submission.

    Would you believe Tadic and his demonic DS if they said that they would do what is right by the people?

    I have mentioned the Summit Conference of unbiased Detectives and Historians, and the Nazis have been paying attention. If this was not in Serbia’s interest they would have funded it 100 times by now.

    It does not take a genius to know that if your enemy wants something for you, then you should not want it. At the same time it does not take a genius to know that if your enemy does not want something for you, then you should want it.

    I think that Russia and China should ensure that the United Nations is not corrupt by ensuring that UN SC Resolutions are not ‘agreed’ to by pressure and blackmail.

    The Nazis of Europe are guilty of having committed, continuing to commit, and planning to further commit physical, economic, and cultural genocide on the Serbian people.

    For these reason any UNSC Resolution on EULUX should include the full ratification of the SAA Agreement and total unfreezing of the Trade Agreement with the EU. It should also include the disbanding of the Nazi NATO ‘court’ and the all prisoners should be released.

    Russian and China as non-Nazi Members of the United Nations Security Council should veto any Resolution that does not contain these anti-genocide provisions to show the world that there are non-Nazi countries in the United Nations.

    It could be that the invisible demons may torture Mladic to ‘surrender’ or be ‘captured’ to create the much-needed cover-up for the Devil Worshipping Nazis of Europe.

    I think that it was wise of the SPS to wait as long as they want on signing any sale of NIS until both Russia and Serbia are comfortable with that deal.

    The same principle should apply with EULUX, because it should only be signed until all sides are comfortable with it.

    The term wants means truly wants, and not merely pretending to want so as to deceive the enemy. It is wise in this world of actors and liars to believe only half of what you see, and half of what you read or hear in any year.

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    The following words are the words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they have been recorded for us in the Book of Revelation. These are the words of Jesus after he had been resurrected to everlasting life in Heaven.

    “And he said to me, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:10-12).

  6. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    There is a point that I wanted to make, but I forgot to make in THE comment I just published.

    I forgot to mention that if Serbia allows EULUX in Kosovo, then they will continue to drive away all non-Albanians. The Nazis will continue to stand by idly because they think that they can sell enough EU companies cheap to Russia, and keep Camp Bondsteel, but Russia cannot be bribed to that extent. NAZILUX wants to finish off the job that the United Nations that is controlled by America has in mind.

    The Nazis of Europe are guilty of having committed, continuing to commit, and planning to further commit physical, economic, and cultural genocide on the Serbian people.

    For these reason any UNSC Resolution on EULUX should include the full ratification of the SAA Agreement and total unfreezing of the Trade Agreement with the EU. It should also include the disbanding of the Nazi NATO ‘court’ and the all prisoners should be released.

    Russian and China as non-Nazi Members of the United Nations Security Council should veto any Resolution that does not contain these anti-genocide provisions to show the world that there are non-Nazi countries in the United Nations.

    It could be that the invisible demons may torture Mladic to ‘surrender’ or be ‘captured’ to create the much-needed cover-up for the Devil Worshipping Nazis of Europe.

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    I realized that some of my comments needed revising because they were not how I wanted THE comment to be written.

    The letters WE stand for White Elites, and the letters PUT stand for Puppet Uncle Tom. This will help people to understand the first sentence in the next paragraph.

    Even after WE PUT Lipstick on a Pig, there is no real change, but only cosmetic change, because it remains a Pig. America is the satanic King of the South, and it does not matter if the American President is male or female, black or White.

    America is the satanic King of the South that the Prophet Daniel mentions Daniel 11:40-45). The satanic King of the South will be bullying other countries just before Jesus comes back to judge all the people of the world.

    The only reason I did not, and I will not congratulate Lipstick Obama for ‘winning’ the election is because the election result was decided long in advance, and not because he is white. The same applies if John McCain had ‘won’, because in America the establishment behind the scenes, with the mainstream media as a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, decide long in advance what the results will be.

    Barack Obama is not from Mainland America, but he is from a distant place called Honolulu. The dictionary says that the word lulu means a remarkable person, object, or idea. If it is a person who is remarkable, then some people would Honor that lulu, or Honorlulu.

    It would that a remarkable person, and a remarkable idea to come up with the thought to PUT lipstick on a Pig, and WE should know that America is renowned for this. The word lulu also means a fixed allowance paid to a legislator in lieu of reimbursement for actual expenses. Lipstick Obama is not a poor white person, because he has been given a corner in the White’s House.

    Many Americans consider Honolulu to be the equivalent of a foreign overseas country. The word Honorlulu looks a lot like the word Honorary, and this brings to mind the thought of an Honorary White.

    Barack Obama’s name sound foreign to most people in America, and his father was a foreigner from Africa. He was picked to win the election because his father was a real African. The White Supremacist Racists could now really start using the term African American, rather than the correct wording such as coloured, or Negro, or black.

    Has anyone thought of calling Americans of any colour by the term American?

    Martin Luther King used the words Negro and black to describe himself and his oppressed people.

    We know that Lipstick Obama has clean sheets and a comfortable bed to sleep in, because he has been given a corner in the White’s House. I wonder if Lipstick Obama’s White Masters will allow him to think of the plight of the millions of homeless ‘citizens’ in America. I deliberately use the term ‘citizens’ because they are not treated like citizens.

    I think that the American Government should pay Unemployment Benefits to all those who cannot find work regardless for how long they are unemployed. All the American politicians know that I have always thought of them as pigs for not providing proper European Style Unemployment Benefits. The American politicians know this because the invisible demons have told them what I said in a lonely park.

    The White Elites needed black, white, and other people to forget Martin Luther King’s, I Have a Dream speech.

    They had to make people ‘see’ that the words Negro and black are not politically correct, so that the Negroes will hopefully ignore that era, but especially forget what was spoken by Martin Luther King.

    Lipstick Obama affords the opportunity for the White Elites to get black people to think that someone will do something about their economic plight. I hope for the sake of the poor that it will not be just a matter of style over substance.

    The American political establishment Pig also needed to PUT some Lipstick on a Pig.

    The term Negro which means black in many European languages is considered not to be politically correct because it means black. Even the word black is considered to be not politically correct, but the word White is politically correct. To some people this may sound a bit hypocritical, and may even be cleverly disguised reverse racism.

    To call someone an African American is racist, because there are many Africans who are not black like the Arabs of North Africa. This means that an American Arab form the African continent is an African American but an American Arab from the Middle East is an American Arab. What is really meant by term African American is black African American, but then again, the problem is with the word black. Perhaps those who are politically correct will need to think up another name to describe those who are not ‘pure’ enough for the White Elites (WE).

    Martin Luther King was a man that I greatly admire for his I Have a Dream speech. He had no problems with the words Negro or black to describe himself or his people, because there was no problems, and there really are no problems with such words.

    I have said that I will not congratulate Lipstick Obama for ‘winning’ the election. However, I will congratulate him if he stops educates all Americans that the words Negro and black American are politically correct. I will congratulate Barack Obama if he looks after the poor and the unemployed. I hope he gets America to stop using the term African American, and uses the term that were used by Martin Luther King.

    I want to say that Martin Luther King said it all, and that I agree with him. I do not agree with what he said that Catholics could be brothers, because they are Secret Devil Worshippers who worship the Man of Lawlessness.

    On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King evoked the name of Abraham Lincoln in his “I Have a Dream” speech, which is credited with mobilizing supporters of desegregation and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    It would be interesting if the name Marti, which is the first name of Marti Ahtisaari is the same as the name Martin but in different languages. Both Marti Ahtisaari and Martin Luther King were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, but I think that there are not too many more similarities between these two men.

    WE see that Martin the Baptist did not rule as a king, while Marti the Nazi did rule as a king.

    As bad as America was during the days Martin Luther King, an even worse thing has been going on in Nazi Europe who have been, are, and will continue to wage physical, economic, and cultural genocide against the Serbian people, and even more so in Kosovo.

    I am not that uneducated, and because the word White is acceptable, then the word black is acceptable.

    Otherwise it would be that words are being discriminated on because of their colour, just like people are.

    If I were in a team negotiating with Companies to build a highway, I would tell my boss if I found a fellow employee who was offering bribes. Hitler’s Germany may have tried to bribe certain company officials who were awarded Autobahn contracts with certain enticements.

    The bribes did not have to always be cash, but they would be things that would need money to buy. These could be such items such as an all expenses paid holiday, or even an expensive free funeral plan.

    The use of the words funeral plan are not meant as a threat, but as a bribe. There are companies that recommend such products, and people are encouraged not to selfishly let others deal with such matters during such a difficult time.

    This philosophy of bribing company officials is wrong because this is Europe in the 21st Century, where bribery and corruption are discouraged.

    The proper philosophy in business is to work hard, and to live long, and to prosper.

    I want to say that I do not think that any agreement with EULUX should be made at all, but especially not before the EU confesses to the world that they are Nazi filth and garbage and they pay compensation.

    I can guarantee that if the politicians pay depended on the construction of a highway, a business deal, or the more effective work of Parliament, then things would move quickly.

    I think that Serbia should say that the SAA will have to wait until the ICTY’s Nazi rule has ended. I think that Serbia should just ban Unions and make Serbia a place of investment. How ever did the world or Europe function before the Nazi EU came on the scene?

    America should sign up to the International Criminal Court, and the ICC would be very busy with all those Americans.

    To show the world that Serbia is not being pressured to agree with EULUX, every EU country must ratify and implement the SAA agreement, unfreeze the Trade Deal with the EU, and Serbia must join the World Trade Organization. The criminal and biased Nazi ICTY must be disbanded and all prisoners are to be released, and America is to sign up to the International Criminal Court. These terms are to be mandatory, and they must be come with no obligations from Serbia, and no conditions on Serbia. All these fair, just, and equitable terms must be in any UN SC Resolution for Serbia.

    The reason this entire Kosovo affair is the way it is, is because it should have started in the United Nations. We know that Satan and his demons by means of America did not want it that way. If it cannot be resolved in the United Nations, then the United Nations should be disbanded for being a criminally incompetent and corrupt organization.

    This is why I think that the Nazi EULUX or more correctly NAZILUX must not come to Serbia.

    It could be that countries will make statements against other countries, and some countries will try reconciliation, and settle out of court.

    If a country settles out of court, then that country may find that they have no option but to default on their loans to promote reconciliation.

    A country who tries reconciliation does not admit guilt by seeking reconciliation, but is willing to settle out of court for the sake of better relations.

    “For all have done wrong and are far from the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

    “If then you are making an offering at the altar and there it comes to your mind that your brother has something against you, While your offering is still before the altar, first go and make peace with your brother, then come and make your offering. Come to an agreement quickly with him who has a cause against you at law, while you are with him on the way, for fear that he may give you up to the judge and the judge may give you to the police and you may be put into prison. Truly I say to you, You will not come out from there till you have made payment of the very last farthing” (Matthew 5:23-26).

    The points been made here is that we are all imperfect, and should try for reconciliation. This does not mean that both parties need to be reconciling at the same time for the reconciliation process to commence. This is why Serbia should ask Croatia what they have against Serbia and offer to give money for the sake of better relations.

    Serbia would in no way be admitting to responsibility for anything, but would quite properly be earnestly seeking better relations.

    To do this Serbia will have to default on the money it owes to other countries.

    This is because no one will lend Serbia the money, because of the money shortage.

    Serbia may be able to borrow money to show goodwill to Croatia, but Serbia will be lucky to find anyone to lend it money, because of a reduced Credit Rating.

    Serbia will try very hard to find the money, but preferably at a good interest rate. I once heard that there is a thing called negative interest rates where you make money just by borrowing it. It is in reality not a loan as such, but a present or a gift. If there is such a thing, then it must be rare, but this should no deter Serbia’s relentlessly seeking a negative interest loan even if it takes decades.

    We have seen how America wants to have a global monopoly to make money, but that this just leads to worthless monopoly money. America’s money is worthless monopoly, because so much has just been printed and not earned.

    It is the duty of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American Pig with Lipstick. This is because the United Nations piece of piece of paper cannot keep the world safe from America. A lack of a certain paper is a safer bet, and that is for America to have a lack of their own paper money.

    It could even be that the invisible demons tortured Milosevic to death, and all the Secret Devil Worshippers at The Hague made up suitable lies for the ignorant.

    I would not mind if the DS did win the next election, but only on certain conditions.

    There would have to be a rigorous and verifiable testing regime for chemical contamination in food and drink products coming from Nazi countries.

    Geiger counters would have to be installed at every supermarket so that citizens can scan the food and drink products.

    Many Geiger Counters would have to be placed at shopping complexes to scan that the new clothing that is for sale and that comes from Nazi countries is not radioactive.

    There would need to be a Balkans Truth and Reconciliation Commission established.

    There would have to be a Summit Conference of the world’s best unbiased Detectives and Historians to prove that Serbia was doing everything to cooperate with the International Community.

    The Secret Catholics in Serbia’s Parliament know that these things would help Serbia in its case against Croatia, because it would be the testimony of unbiased experts.

    There would have to be a Balkans Conference that I have already mentioned established even if Russia, Serbia and the Republika Srpska were the only ones at the Balkans Conference to begin with.

    There would have to be complete racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. I am happy to know that other countries do not have a problem with different races in their country. The negotiations are for these people, and others should mind their own business because this is the Balkans. They should not comment unless they are prepared to dwell in the same circumstances.

    Camp Bondsteel must be destroyed and the ICTY has to be disbanded, and all the prisoners released. This is because they are both undeniable symbols that America arrogantly demands that all nations hubristically kiss and lick America’s anus in servile puppet submission.

    The DS or others say that they will never give up thousands of square kilometres of Serbia. The DS voters do not believe such statements, or care if they are lies. They are intelligent enough to demand that the DS trick the gullible voters and get their votes. We have all seen enough election ‘promises’ that have not been genuinely promised in the first place, or kept even if they were genuinely promised.

    It is wise in this world of actors and liars to believe approximately half of what you see, and approximately half of what you read or hear in any year.

    I have mentioned the Summit Conference of unbiased Detectives and Historians, and the Nazis have been paying attention. If this was not in Serbia’s interest they would have funded it 100 times by now.

    It does not take a genius to know that if your enemy wants something for you, then you should not want it. At the same time it does not take a genius to know that if your enemy does not want something for you, then you should want it.

    The term wants means truly wants, and not merely pretending to want so as to deceive the enemy. It is wise in this world of actors and liars to believe only half of what you see, and half of what you read or hear in any year.

    I think that Russia and China should ensure that the United Nations is not corrupt by ensuring that UN SC Resolutions are not ‘agreed’ to by pressure and blackmail.

    The Nazis of Europe are guilty of having committed, continuing to commit, and planning to further commit physical, economic, and cultural genocide on the Serbian people, especially in Kosovo.

    To show the world that Serbia is not being pressured to agree with EULUX, every EU country must ratify and implement the SAA agreement, unfreeze the Trade Deal with the EU, and Serbia must join the World Trade Organization. The criminal and biased Nazi ICTY must be disbanded and all prisoners are to be released, and America is to sign up to the International Criminal Court. These terms are to be mandatory, and they must be come with no obligations from Serbia, and no conditions on Serbia. All these fair, just, and equitable terms must be in any UN SC Resolution for Serbia.

    Russian and China as non-Nazi Members of the United Nations Security Council should veto any Resolution that does not contain these anti-genocide provisions to show the world that there are some non-Nazi countries in the United Nations.

    It could be that the invisible demons may torture Mladic to ‘surrender’ or to be ‘captured’ to create the much-needed cover-up for the Devil Worshipping Nazis of Europe.

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    “But give attention to yourselves, for fear that your hearts become over-full of the pleasures of food and wine, and the cares of this life, and that day may come on you suddenly, and take you as in a net” (Luke 21:34, 35).

  8. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:46 AM |  

    If Serbia had been a direct copy the British Parliamentary System, but with no Head of State in 1999, then THE Nazis would have had to demonize the highest form of democracy.

    I want people to know that I am not concerning myself with how other countries have their Government. The United Nations Charter guarantees that countries can have their own types of Government. This is my opinion of what Serbian Parliamentarians Democracy could be if enough want it.

    The best Parliamentary democracy is one where there is no Head of State but where the majority of MPs make all the laws. What is needed is flexibility, and more flexibility as far as the democratic system is concerned. I do not mean that anyone should be flexible as far as proper principles are concerned.

    The English needed a Scottish puppet to keep Scotland from becoming independent, and the flexibility was there, and quickly there. If there was no President and no head of State, then Serbia could have changed its leader after the Nazis demonize the President. Serbia could have had 78 leaders in those 78 days, but with a presidency, the rigidity was there in the system and Serbia was stuck with Milosevic either for good or for bad.

    This does not mean that the Parliament would change the Prime Minister or Majority spokesperson, but it means that they could have if it would needed.

    If as the Nazis claimed Milosevic was the problem, then he could have just stood down if he was the Prime Minister.

    I think that Serbia should just forget about a President and move all power to the Parliament with no Head of State because any Supreme Court Judge or High Official from the Electoral Commission can perform any or all dismissals or inaugurations. By having no Head of State, the Nazis cannot confuse people by saying that this is the leader. Serbia should prepare legislation to make these changes as soon as possible because this is the highest form of democracy.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:46 AM |  

    This comment is show that the problem of climate change should not be forgotten by the people of THE world.

    The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change found that Climate Change will cost the world 20% of its GDP, and this will affect Europe’s economy quite significantly.

    If this vital program was implemented after I mentioned it some time ago, then the Global slowdown may have been cushioned to some extent. It will be harder to find the money now for this non-optional Global Environmental Rescue Program (GERP).

    To counter the damaging effects of climate change, we urgently need to start planting billions and billions of trees. The EU is the only one that can afford to pay for this. Many trees should be planted in Eastern Europe, because Eastern Europe needs a type of Marshall Plan. Eastern Europe needs the jobs so that they can purchase goods and services from Western Europe. I think the EU should do more to counter the damaging effects of climate change.

    We need to spend money tackling climate change rather than totally wasting the money on NATO.

    Serbia should not have any military alliances because the money spent on the military can be spent on protecting the environment. In this regard, Serbia is following the fine example of other countries in the region like Austria and Switzerland.

    The effects of climate change can be overcome, and we can save the planet if we implement the right policies, but only if it is done as soon as possible and practical.

    There is no time to waste in implementing these policies, because with each passing unproductive day, it will be much more costly, and much more improbable, regardless of our best efforts. Europe has seen how climate change has already affected its economy, and the European Union politicians should be the first to do something about climate change before it is too late.

    To have a stable and sustainable climate conditions, we have to plant billions and billions of trees. This is because trees absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is made of carbon and oxygen, and tress need carbon dioxide. The tree gives off oxygen, but not the carbon, and the carbon is stored in the wood to make the wood.

    The trees provide shade, which cools the planet, and the water vapour from the leaves goes into the atmosphere and helps create bigger clouds, which produces more rain. The rain also cools the planet because it acts as water-cooled air conditioning.

    The rain can be used to make hydro-electricity, and water that flows in rivers or is stored in dams or lakes can be used for agriculture. By planting trees, deserts can be turned in forests that will protect animals, birds, insects, and plant species. In deserts cactuses can be grown initially before the tress because they do not need as much water. Cactus plants can do much of what the trees can do and they will reclaim the desert and reverse soil erosion.

    We can see that planting trees is the answer, as well as having 100% recycling which will also create many proper jobs. Planting trees creates employment and anyone can quickly be trained to plant trees. If this policy is implemented, then it will provide much employment and help the planet, because what we desperately need is billions and billions of trees.

    The trees would have to be planted and spread over all continents at the best locations. The amount of trees needed would be equivalent to the area of at least an average continent, and so the huge endeavour needs to start soon.

    Democracyland will take the lead in saving the planet by being a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:47 AM |  

    I have written this comment to put together many thoughts to form a theme and THE comment can be send to others.

    The letters WE stand for White Elites, and the letters PUT stand for Puppet Uncle Tom. This will help people to understand the first sentence in the next paragraph.

    Even after WE PUT Lipstick on a Big Dirty Pig, there is no real change, but only cosmetic change, because it remains a Big Dirty Pig. America is the satanic King of the South, and it does not matter if the American President is male or female, black or White.

    America is the satanic King of the South that the Prophet Daniel mentions at Daniel 11:40-45. The satanic King of the South with possibly the help of allies will be bullying countries just before Jesus comes back to judge all the people of the world. We have seen how Hitler’s rule as the King of the North came to end, and so it will not be long before Jesus comes to judge all the people of the world.

    The only reason I did not, and I will not congratulate Lipstick Obama for ‘winning’ the election is because the election result was decided long in advance, and not because he is white. The same applies if John McCain had ‘won’, because in America the establishment behind the scenes, with the mainstream media as a willing and enthusiastic accomplice, decide long in advance what the results will be.

    Barack Obama is not from Mainland America, but he is from a distant place called Honolulu. The dictionary says that the word lulu means a remarkable person, object, or idea. If it is a person who is remarkable, then some people would Honor that lulu, or Honorlulu.

    It would that a remarkable person, and a remarkable idea to come up with the thought to PUT lipstick on a Pig, and WE should know that America is renowned for this. The word lulu also means a fixed allowance paid to a legislator in lieu of reimbursement for actual expenses. Lipstick Obama is a rich Honorary White person, because he has been given a corner in the White’s House.

    Many Americans consider Honolulu to be the equivalent of a foreign overseas country. The word Honorlulu looks a lot like the word Honorary, and this brings to mind the thought of an Honorary White.

    Barack Obama’s name sound foreign to most people in America, and his father was a foreigner from Africa. He was picked to win the election because his father was a real African. The White Supremacist Racists could now really start using the term African American, rather than the correct wording such as coloured, or Negro, or black.

    The White Elite do not want people to use the word black because of the phrase Black is Beautiful, and because of goals of the Black Power Movement.

    Has anyone thought of calling Americans of any race or colour by the term American?

    Martin Luther King used the words Negro and black to describe himself and his oppressed people.

    We know that Lipstick Obama has clean sheets and a comfortable bed to sleep in, because he has been given a corner in the White’s House. I wonder if Lipstick Obama’s White Masters will allow him to think of the plight of the millions of homeless ‘citizens’ in America. I deliberately use the term ‘citizens’ because they are not treated like real citizens.

    I think that the American Government should pay Unemployment Benefits to all those who cannot find work regardless for how long they are unemployed. All the American politicians know that I have always thought of them as Pigs for not providing proper European Style Unemployment Benefits. We all know the snouts of these Pigs have been and continue to be in the trough trying to satisfy their own selfishness. The American politicians know this because the invisible demons have told them what I said in a lonely park.

    Martin Luther King used the words Negro to black to describe himself and his oppressed people.

    The White Elites needed black, white, and other people to forget Martin Luther King’s, I Have a Dream speech.

    They had to make people ‘see’ that the words Negro and black are not politically correct, so that the oppressed blacks and the reasonable whites will hopefully ignore and forget that era, but especially forget what was spoken by Martin Luther King, and what was done to him.

    Lipstick Obama affords the opportunity for the White Elites to get black people to think that someone will do something about their economic plight. I hope for the sake of the poor that it will not just be a matter of style over substance.

    Hillary Lipstick Clinton is going through the motions of being ‘offered’ a position in what is in reality the her own Administration. For the purposes of convenience and deception the Clinton Administration is called the Obama Administration. The reason I used the word ‘offered’ is because Lipstick Obama is ordered to do this by his 100% White Masters, the Clintons.

    Obama was allowed to become President to trick Americans and the world concerning the American dream. That theory is that if you work hard enough you can be anything in America. The truth of the matter is that if you become a Puppet Uncle Tom (PUT) and you are not very black, then you can be a puppet of the White Elites (WE).

    The entire thing was stage managed, even with Sarah Palin’s deliberately stupid comments on foreign policy, and her 1 million dollar wardrobe were all part of the con. Even I could have become a foreign policy ‘expert’ in a week if I just got my staff to copy and paste several interviews or even John McCain’s policy. To be a foreign policy expert for America; all an American official does is think of their selfishness, and then get the CIA and others to make up the ‘reasons’ and the propaganda and stay buy those lies.

    This is because this American political establishment Pig with lipstick on wants to trick Americans and the rest of the world that it is the Democracyland that I spoke of.

    The American political establishment is the Big Dirty Pig, and Obama and others are the lipstick on this Big Dirty Pig.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    The Clinton’s acceptance of the Presidency is to comfort a large percentage of White people that they will in fact have a real 100% White President. They will further be comforted with the assurance that they will in fact have two 100% White Presidents whose names are Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.

    The Clintons will provide two 100% White Presidents to America, and because the two Clintons have two faces, everyone will be able to see that American Presidents are two-faced. America will then have a White Catholic full of vice Vice President who name is Joe Biden, and a white full of vice Vice Vice President whose name is Barack Obama. I have already proven to everyone that Barack Obama is white and this is why he will be given a corner in the Whites’ House where he will be called boy in private by his White Masters.

    The Clintons are subliminally telling White Americans that they only have to tolerate that Honorary White for 4 years, and then the 100% White Hillary Clinton will run for President. Even though the Clintons are the real Presidents of America, they are in disguise and they will sit on that throne physically in four years time. The 100% White Bushes and the 100% White Clintons who are from the White Supremacist Racist Confederate States have already dictated America’s policies for 20 years. This smoke and mirrors arrangement is designed for get a bonus 4 years to entrench this 100% White Bush-Clinton Dictatorship for 32 years in this ‘democratic paradise’ based on hypocrisy and racist cronyism.

    It will be interesting to see if a real 100% black who is not an Uncle Tom is reluctantly thrown a position greater than Secretary for Sanitation, as important as that job is. If this does not happen, then even black people will think that Obama is a Secret Uncle Tom.

    The American political establishment is in some ways the biggest pig in the world, and the American political establishment have PUT a Puppet Uncle Tom in the White’s House to be the lipstick on this Big Dirty Pig. Barack Lipstick Obama is the this Puppet Uncle Tom who has been ordered by Hillary Lipstick Clinton to give her the foreign policy ‘credentials’ she needs to replace the Honorary White who is known to us all as Lipstick Obama.

    It will be interesting to see what that Honorary White Lipstick Obama is going to do for the City of New Orleans that suffered from Hurricane Katrina, and that is inhabited mostly by real blacks. It will be interesting to see what Lipstick Obama is going to do for the poor of America, most of whom are black people.

    I have said that I will not congratulate Lipstick Obama for ‘winning’ the election.

    However I will praise Barack Obama for the good things he does during his tenure, if perhaps in time he is able to take charge of the American Government from the Clintons and Joe Biden.

    I will praise Barack Obama if he educates all Americans that the terms Negro, black, and coloured are politically correct. Barack Obama can at least try to do this one thing even if he is only the pretend President.

    I will praise Barack Obama if he looks after the poor and the unemployed. I hope he gets Americans to stop using the term African American, and uses the proper terms that were used by Martin Luther King.

    Here is what Wikipedia says on the subject of the HonoraryWhites, and it is the following paragraph. The Master Race Dutch were the White Apartheid Government of South Africa, and this explains a lot of things.

    Honorary Whites is a term which was originally given by the apartheid regime of South Africa to the Japanese after they formed a trade pact with Japan to sell 5,000,000 tons of Pig Iron worth $250 million. Tokyo's Yawata Iron & Steel Co. offered to purchase 5,000,000 tons of South African Pig Iron over a ten-year period. With such a huge deal in the works, South Africa was not able to show disrespect that would be shown to the Japanese that now would regularly visit the country for business. Soon, Pretoria's Group Areas Board announced that all Japanese from here on would be considered white, at least for purposes of residence, and Johannesburg's city fathers decided that "in view of the trade agreements" they would open the municipal swimming pools to Japanese guests. Under the rules of apartheid, Asians in South Africa for years were subject to many of the same restrictions as the blacks. One law forbid their sex relations with whites; another forced them to live in non-white areas. They could not buy liquor without a permit, were not allowed in white hotels and restaurants. The government of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd changed these rules for Japanese nationals after the trade pact. Likewise Honorary White status was granted to, South Koreans, Taiwanese and other Nationalist Chinese, but not to Chinese from Communist China, out of diplomatic considerations - namely, the (then) anti-communist alliance between South Africa and Nationalist China. Since the 1960s until the fall of Apartheid, Honorary Whites were granted practically all the privileges held by White South Africans, except that they did not have the right to vote, and (in case of males) were exempt from conscription. The term was sometimes also used to refer to Asians in other "White" Western countries, especially Asian Americans (primarily the Chinese) in the United States. In addition, some foreign elite black athletes like the West Indian rebel team who were invited to South Africa during the apartheid regime, were awarded "Honorary White" status to circumvent legislation.

    The term Negro which means black in many European languages is considered not to be politically correct because it means black. Even the word black is considered to be not politically correct, but the word White is politically correct.

    To some people this may sound a bit hypocritical, and may even be cleverly disguised reverse racism.

    To call someone an African American is racist, because there are many Africans who are not black like the Arabs of North Africa. This means that an American Arab form the African continent is an African American but an American Arab from the Middle East is an American Arab.

    What is really meant by term African American is black African American, but then again, the problem is with the word black.

    Perhaps those who are politically correct will need to think up another name to describe those who are not ‘pure’ enough for the White Elites (WE).

    Martin Luther King was a man that I greatly admire for his I have a dream speech. He had no problems with the words Negro or black to describe himself or his people. I want to say that he said it all, and that I agree with him. I do not agree with what he said that Catholics could be brothers, because they are Secret Devil Worshippers who worship the Man of Lawlessness.

    On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King evoked the name of Abraham Lincoln in his “I Have a Dream” speech, which is credited with mobilizing supporters of desegregation and prompted the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The next year, Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

    It would be interesting if the name Marti, which is the first name of Marti Ahtisaari is the same as the name Martin but in different languages. Both Marti Ahtisaari and Martin Luther King were awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, but I think that there are not too many more similarities between these two men.

    WE see that Martin the Baptist did not rule as a king, while Marti the Nazi did rule as a king.

    As bad as America was during the days Martin Luther King, an even worse thing has been going on in Nazi Europe who have been, are, and will continue to wage physical, economic, and cultural genocide against the Serbian people, and even more so in Kosovo.

    I am not that uneducated, and because the word White is acceptable, then the word black is acceptable. Otherwise it would be that words are being discriminated on because of their colour, just like people are.

    The following several paragraphs is the text of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech.

    I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

    Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

    But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

    In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a cheque. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of colour are concerned. Instead of honouring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad cheque, a cheque which has come back marked "insufficient funds." But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this cheque—a cheque that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quick sands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

    It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquillity in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

    But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

    We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force. The marvellous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. They have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone.

    As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied, as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating "For Whites Only". We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

    I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. Some of you have come from areas where your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.

    Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed. Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

    I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification; one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

    This is our hope. This is the faith that I go back to the South with. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.

    This will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with a new meaning, "My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountainside, let freedom ring."

    And if America is to be a great nation this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania!

    Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado!

    Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California!

    But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia!

    Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee!

    Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

    And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

    That was the text of the I Have A Dream Speech spoken by Martin Luther King Junior.

    The White Elites of America have been able to get away with treating their own citizens like this. It should not come as a surprise to discover how they treat those who are not citizens of America.

    Perhaps I am just uneducated, but if the word white is acceptable, then the word black is acceptable. Otherwise it would be that words are being discriminated on because of their colour, just like people are. To use the word Caucasian as a substitute for white would be just verbal gymnastics like African American. What we have is Black and white and many Shades of Colour between them.

    Another indication that Christ is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world is what can be reasoned on the following Scriptures. I know that this has happened even in the past, and I do not present it as an end time prophecy, but just as a point of interest. I have already shown you many Scriptures that make direct reference to the fact that Jesus is coming to judge all the people of the world very soon.

    The real indication that Jesus is coming back very soon to judge the people of the world is that as every day goes by, we are getting closer to that day.

    “Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear up: Under a slave when he becomes king, And a fool when he is satisfied with food, Under an unloved woman when she gets a husband, And a maidservant when she supplants her mistress” (Proverbs 30:21-23).

    We see that the once mighty Anglo-Saxon Empire is being ruled by Scots and Blacks as it were. We see that fool Bill Clinton chasing after other women when he already has a woman who loves him. We see the unloved woman as Mrs Clinton who in all likelihood may be cheated on again by her husband. Could it be that Bill Clinton will divorce Hillary and marry his Secretary or just cheat discreetly?

    “Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And embrace the bosom of a foreigner? For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, And he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Proverbs 6:18-23).

    It is the moral obligation of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American Pig with Lipstick.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:50 AM |  

    This comment is concerning the different political parties, and their real policy or pretend policy on THE Constitution of Serbia.

    The SRS, the SNS, and the DSS-NS are honest when they say that they will never sign over even a square metre of Serbian Soil.

    The LDP are honest when they say that they would sign over all of Kosovo, and it is only traitors who lie.

    The DS and G-17 Plus say that independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, but they are puppets of the Nazis, and will follow orders of their foreign Masters.

    The SPS have been honest up till now when they say that independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, but this does not mean that they cannot or should not change their minds now.

    I think that there are 30 easy seats and possibly up to 50 seats in Parliament for any party that is in Parliament now, or for a completely new party that is formed for the next election if they are a party of compromise.

    That compromise means similar things to what I have already mentioned such as total racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. That comprise means all the recent comments I have made on the Balkans Conference and billions of Euros compensation.

    It means have a completion with 3 million Euros to see how Southern Serbia which means by definition Kosovo can be partitioned on purely racial segregation grounds. It means that after Serbia has the average income per person of all EU countries, that Serbia holds a referendum for the few thousand square kilometres of Kosovo.

    My opinions were just a guide, and the policy does not have to follow strictly every point I suggested.

    The maps would have to be drawn to have as minimal displacement of people and it would be paid for by the EU or from Serbia defaulting on its loans.

    We see that after 100 years that President Abraham Lincoln made the law that all people are equal, Martin Luther King spoke the reality. There has been very little change since then, and people should be realistic.

    If the Albanians will not negotiate on total racial segregation, then there should be no independence negotiations whatsoever.

    Even though the SPS has had their policy on Kosovo, this does not mean that they cannot change their minds.

    This has nothing to do with traitors, because in a democracy they are allowed to have their policies. If you are not willing to live under those circumstances, then the right thing to do is to keep silent.

    The SPS should learn from the mistakes of the DSS-NS and not cause an early election. The voters do not appreciate early elections, and Tadic with his Nazi advisors could easily get the advantage.

    The reason I call the DS traitors is because they lie to the people over the Constitution. The LDP are not traitors as such, but are merely puppets, and they are honest about their intentions.

    If the SPS does not fill this void, then a DS partner party will pretend to have this policy and they with the DS, G-17 Plus, and the LDP might get a majority.

    There is not going to be a new UN SC Resolution over Kosovo soon, because we just had one the other day.

    This means that the SPS has approximately up until July 2010 before they can cause a fresh election. It would be better to let the DS cause a fresh election, by showing their true colours. There is no need for a fresh election, because the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS have a majority in Parliament.

    Let the DS keep on saying how independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, and let the SPS get the votes of those who think that the SPS will get a better deal for Serbia than the DS or others.

    If there are new maps, they will have to take into consideration the South Stream Project.

    The way to do it is called flying a kite, and it consists of one SPS Parliamentarian proposing this, and the others ‘rejecting’ or rejecting such a proposal.

    This gives the public a chance to react and for political parties to see how public support there is for such a proposal.

    I could be wrong, but I think that there must be at least 15% of voters would want a better deal for Serbia than being totally betrayed by the traitor puppets. Like I said if the SPS does not want these votes, then a traitor in disguise puppet partner party of the DS will want them.

    It would be better if a party that can be trusted had a change of policy, rather than a new stooge party stealing the votes for Tadic’s DS.

    The SPS should know that even though they saw advantages in join the DS, the DS also saw advantage of the SPS joining the DS. The SPS wants votes from the DS, but at the same time the DS wants votes from the SPS.

    There could be such a party at the next election, and it could be made up of liars or honest people. Voters may think that the SPS are irrelevant and may vote for other parties.

    The SPS with this new policy or a dishonest or honest completely new party at the next election should want the British Parliamentary System. This will give them votes from across the political spectrum, and give them more seats in Parliament.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:17 AM |  

    I realized that I forgot to mention a point in my THE last comment, and I will mention it in this Comment.

    That point is that there is no conflict over the SPS having a new policy and being in the Government at the same time.

    The coalition agreement that the SPS made with the liars, the traitors, and the puppets will be honoured and such an agreement is only for this term of this of Parliament. This does not mean that the SPS has to or should have every policy the same as the DS.

    There is no need for a fresh election as the ruling coalition can govern Serbia because of the coalition agreement.

    What the SPS guaranteed is that they would always vote in the Parliament for the 4 years of Government according to the Constitution that was agreed to by the liars, the traitors, and the puppets.

    There is nothing undemocratic, treacherous, or unconstitutional with having a change of policy and by putting up a Referendum to the voters.

    This comment is concerning the different political parties, and their real policy or pretend policy on THE Constitution of Serbia.

    The SRS, the SNS, and the DSS-NS are honest when they say that they will never sign over even a square metre of Serbian Soil.

    The LDP are honest when they say that they would sign over all of Kosovo, and it is only traitors who lie.

    The DS and G-17 Plus say that independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, but they are puppets of the Nazis, and will follow orders of their foreign Masters.

    The SPS have been honest up till now when they say that independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, but this does not mean that they cannot or should not change their minds now.

    I think that there are 30 easy seats and possibly up to 50 seats in Parliament for any party that is in Parliament now, or for a completely new party that is formed for the next election if they are a party of compromise.

    That compromise means similar things to what I have already mentioned such as total racial segregation of Albanians and non-Albanians. That comprise means all the recent comments I have made on the Balkans Conference and billions of Euros compensation.

    It means have a completion with 3 million Euros to see how Southern Serbia which means by definition Kosovo can be partitioned on purely racial segregation grounds. It means that after Serbia has the average income per person of all EU countries, that Serbia holds a referendum for the few thousand square kilometres of Kosovo.

    My opinions were just a guide, and the policy does not have to follow strictly every point I suggested.

    The maps would have to be drawn to have as minimal displacement of people and it would be paid for by the EU or from Serbia defaulting on its loans.

    We see that after 100 years that President Abraham Lincoln made the law that all people are equal, Martin Luther King spoke the reality. There has been very little change since then, and people should be realistic.

    If the Albanians will not negotiate on total racial segregation, then there should be no independence negotiations whatsoever.

    Even though the SPS has had their policy on Kosovo, this does not mean that they cannot change their minds.

    This has nothing to do with traitors, because in a democracy they are allowed to have their policies. If you are not willing to live under those circumstances, then the right thing to do is to keep silent.

    The SPS should learn from the mistakes of the DSS-NS and not cause an early election. The voters do not appreciate early elections, and Tadic with his Nazi advisors could easily get the advantage.

    The reason I call the DS traitors is because they lie to the people over the Constitution. The LDP are not traitors as such, but are merely puppets, and they are honest about their intentions.

    If the SPS does not fill this void, then a DS partner party will pretend to have this policy and they with the DS, G-17 Plus, and the LDP might get a majority.

    There is not going to be a new UN SC Resolution over Kosovo soon, because we just had one the other day.

    This means that the SPS has approximately up until July 2010 before they can cause a fresh election. It would be better to let the DS cause a fresh election, by showing their true colours. There is no need for a fresh election, because the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS have a majority in Parliament.

    Let the DS keep on saying how independence for Kosovo is unacceptable, and let the SPS get the votes of those who think that the SPS will get a better deal for Serbia than the DS or others.

    If there are new maps, they will have to take into consideration the South Stream Project.

    The way to do it is called flying a kite, and it consists of one SPS Parliamentarian proposing this, and the others ‘rejecting’ or rejecting such a proposal.

    This gives the public a chance to react and for political parties to see how public support there is for such a proposal.

    I could be wrong, but I think that there must be at least 15% of voters would want a better deal for Serbia than being totally betrayed by the traitor puppets. Like I said if the SPS does not want these votes, then a traitor in disguise puppet partner party of the DS will want them.

    It would be better if a party that can be trusted had a change of policy, rather than a new stooge party stealing the votes for Tadic’s DS.

    The SPS should know that even though they saw advantages in join the DS, the DS also saw advantage of the SPS joining the DS. The SPS wants votes from the DS, but at the same time the DS wants votes from the SPS.

    There could be such a party at the next election, and it could be made up of liars or honest people. Voters may think that the SPS are irrelevant and may vote for other parties.

    The SPS with this new policy or a dishonest or honest completely new party at the next election should want the British Parliamentary System. This will give them votes from across the political spectrum, and give them more seats in Parliament.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    This comment will mention the possibility of three parties who will make the claim to give land for peace.

    There is only one party honest enough to say that they do not want to compromise, but they what to give the Albanians all of Kosovo. That party is the LDP, and because they are honest about their intentions, I would not describe them as traitors.

    If the LDP managed to get a majority of votes, would you describe them as traitors? There is a case to be made that the reason the world is like it is, is because the majority of people or a majority of politicians are traitors to the human race and the planet.

    I do class the DS and the G-17 Plus as traitors to Serbia because they lie about their true intentions. This is why people should not vote for the DS or the G-17 Plus but these voters should vote for the LDP.

    Those who do not want to give up even 1 square metre of Serbian Land should vote for the SRS, the SNS, and the DSS-NS.

    I think that either America or Russia or both should fund a party or parties that follow basically what I have suggested.

    The American party will do this to get a majority in Parliament and steal all of Kosovo. The Russian party will do this to get a majority in Parliament to have Russian Military Bases in Serbia.

    This leave the SPS, and they seem to be a possible alternative and Gazprom might give the SPS 150 million Rubbles because there is no independent media in Serbia.

    This is because there is no 100% public funding of elections in Serbia because they refused my democratic Constitution.

    The money will be given to a Serbia ‘employee’ of Gazprom who will ‘donate’ the 150 million Rubbles to the SPS for the next election.

    The ‘employee’ will be an ‘adviser’ and he will say to Gazprom that they should work hard and pay their taxes and he will be ‘paid’ 150 million Rubbles for this sensible advice.

    The bosses of failed bank in America end up with hundreds of millions of dollars, and then the taxpayers give those ‘businessmen’ more money for being incompetent and corrupt.

    The SPS will not want Russian military Bases in Serbia, but they would want to sign an energy deal will Russia that will create jobs in Serbia.

    I truly do not trust the DS and the G-17 Plus and I cannot endorse them for people to vote for. Those people who think that they want to vote for the DS or the G-17 Plus may think it more honest to vote for the LDP.

    We saw how the last election was in reality caused by the DS because they would not allow the DSS-NS and the SRS access to Parliament to debate a motion on Kosovo.

    The DS are cunning and determined, and there does come a point where gullible people are beyond help. If that does not tell you all you need to know, then others may try to offer you a more concise explanation.

    This following paragraph is the preamble that is followed by the only democratic Constitution there is on this planet.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracaryland will take the lead in saving the planet by being a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by having no foreign military bases on any of its territory, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, by having 100% renewable energy, and by having 100% recycling.

    1) The electoral voting system will always be free, fair, and unbiased for all political parties. This is true of the Parliamentary house that forms the Government, and for the Senate that functions as a House of Review. The Senate is not permitted to block the Government’s Budget or taxation and spending measures. The Senate can send legislation back to the Parliament with amendments, and the Senate can only block legislation for one calendar year. Democracyland is a Parliamentary Democracy, where any Supreme Court Judge or High Official from the Electoral Commission performs any needed ceremonies that are performed by a Head of State.

    2) Any group that adheres to Constitutional principles will always be permitted the right to form a party and contest any election they wish.

    3) The voting system will not be biased for or against any group, and Parliament can change the voting system to any democratic electoral system, but the system itself must not advantage or disadvantage any Political Party.

    4) The military and other democratically unaccountable actors are to be subordinate to the authority of elected civilian officials. The military of Democraryland will be purely a self-defence military, and at can be used if and only the United Nations Security Council gives authorization. Democrayland will have no military alliances with any nation, and no foreign military bases on any of its territory.

    5) Citizens have multiple channels for expression and representation such as diverse independent associations and movements, which the citizens have the freedom to form and join.

    6) Individuals have the right to own property, substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, assembly, and they have the right to due process, fair trial, privacy, peaceful demonstration, and polite petition. Democracyland is not allowed to extradite any citizen to another country, but a trial can take place in Democracyland. This is because if dictatorial Nazi nations do not allow this, then it is more than appropriate for Democracyland. This is because Nazi nations could and do falsely charge people to slander good nations because the Nazis wish to further their evil schemes.

    7) There will be independent media to which citizens have unrestricted access to political material, and there will be a certain level of public control of media as a vital balance. This is because many journalists are easily bribed and many journalists are compulsive liars by nature. Any publicly owned media cannot be under the effective control of a foreign country, or foreign corporations, or any other foreign organization. All publicly owned media must have sufficient safeguards to ensure impartiality and honesty. Any employee of a publicly owned media who deliberately lies at work will lose their job immediately, and never be allowed to work again for any publicly owned media.

    8) Executive power is constrained by an independent judiciary, parliament, and mechanisms of highest standards and accountability, such as an independent Ombudsperson, and other independent complaint commissions for each Government Department.

    9) Civil liberties of all citizens are definitely protected by an independent non-discriminatory Judiciary whose decisions are respected.

    10) Citizens are politically equal under the law, and minority groups are not oppressed, because the Constitution protects citizens from human right abuses. Democracyland will have the highest level of freedom of unclassified information that the Parliament can give to its citizens. An Independent Enforcement Agency will guarantee this Constitutional provision to all citizens.

    11) Citizens have responsibilities to the nation and to other people, and these responsibilities override any provisions of individual rights. The Parliament will determine what is the correct balance of individual rights and individual responsibilities. An example is that of an individual who has been convicted of serious crime has lost the right to freedom of movement, because of not fulfilling the responsibility to not be a danger to others.

    12) Democracyland will have a Supreme Court that will have the final say on interpreting the Constitution, and all citizens will be able to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Constitution is supreme, and can only be changed by a majority of voters at a Referendum. An election can be called whenever a majority of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament see fit, but there must be an election no later than four years after the last election.

    13) Democracyland strictly adheres to the United Nations Charter, to International Law, and to the Democratic Constitution.

    14) All procedures of Parliament and all laws are to be made by and only by a majority vote of the Democratically Elected Honourable Members of Parliament. All Members of Parliament are free to vote or not vote in whatever manner they wish on any procedure of Parliament or any legislation, or any amendment to any legislation, or withdrawal of any legislation. They are not bound by how their party or anyone else wants them to vote. There will be an immediate replacement of any MP who disobeys any provision of the Constitution, and that MP will never be allowed to stand for Parliament again. The Parliament will make laws on what the Constitution says are necessary.

    15) Elections are to be funded only by 100% public funding, and all major media both truly independent media, corrupt puppet media, and publicly owned will give free coverage and provide it to all political parties that have representation in Parliament in a fair manner.

    16) Democracyland recognizes the vital need for any country that claims to be a democracy to not interfere in the legitimate business of other countries. Democracyland will not interfere in the legitimate business of any country, and will only act against other countries with United Nations authorization. If any unbiased experts can give proof during an International Conference of how to make this Constitution even more democratic, then these provisions will be made the subject of legislation as soon as possible and these provisions must always remain as law. The provisions that have been decided on by unbiased and unbribed experts can only be amended to make the Constitution more Democratic.

  14. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    I wrote this comment because I thought there was some ambiguity over what I said about the two treacherous political parities in Serbia.

    I think that politicians who are dishonest are traitors in a democracy.

    I do class the DS and the G-17 Plus as traitors to Serbia because they lie about their true intentions.

    I will say that especially Tadic and his demonic DS are smooth, lying, and cunning traitors. They should be honest with the people and just say that they are really an extension of the LDP.

    Honesty is never a tactic of traitors, and people should vote for honesty at the next elections.

    The DS say that they want compromise, but that is just a lie because they have the same policy as the LDP but are too dishonest to admit to it.

    This is why people should not vote for the DS, but these voters should vote for the LDP.

    I truly do not trust the DS and the G-17 Plus and I cannot endorse them for people to vote for. Those people who think that they want to vote for the DS or the G-17 Plus may think it more honest to vote for the LDP.

    We saw how the last election was in reality caused by the DS because they would not allow the DSS-NS and the SRS access to Parliament to debate a motion on Kosovo.

    The DS are cunning and determined, and there does come a point where gullible people are beyond help. If that does not tell you all you need to know, then others may try to offer you a more concise explanation.

    The SPS should learn from the mistake that the DSS-NS made, and not be the cause of an early election because the traitors will get the better of their opposition.

    There is no need for an early election because the SRS, the SNS, the DSS-NS, and the SPS have a majority in Parliament.

    The Nazis may not be that keen on NAZILUX coming to Serbia because of what it might do to the DS vote. They would prefer the DS, the G-17 Plus, the LDP, and a ‘compromise’ party that is funded by America to have the majority in Parliament to steal Kosovo.

    I truly do not trust the DS and the G-17 Plus and I cannot endorse people to vote for these parties.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:30 AM |  

    This comment is based on an article I found on the internet and THE article can be found at bible.org. I have changed it slightly to give an example that we can hopefully learn that history does repeat itself.

    I hope that the following historically true story will help people see the Kosovo and even the Yugoslavia matter clearly. The Bible is a book that has true stories that actually occurred, and clearly shows us that human nature has not changed even after thousands of years, only the settings, and the characters.

    This true story is about Wicked King Ahab and Evil Queen Jezebel, and this story is an exact carbon copy of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. I found the commentary on Wicked King Ahab and Evil Queen Jezebel on the internet. The commentary is true for both Ahab’s and Jezebel’s personality types, and if we are to believe Hillary Clinton’s book then it is exactly correct for Bill Clinton’s and Hillary Clinton’s personalities types.

    Perhaps this is why Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary so many times to try to prove to himself that he wore the trousers by not wearing them. Perhaps Bill Clinton was only doing what he was used to by not wearing the trousers.

    I will put some words in brackets so that the comparison can be easily seen and understood. The commentary begins at the next paragraph, and I have slightly added to it to give the comparison.

    Wicked King Ahab (Bill Clinton) was just as self-willed as Evil Queen Jezebel (Hillary Clinton), but with a different temperament. Ahab’s self-will becomes even more evident in an incident involving the king and his vegetable garden. Shortly after his marriage to Jezebel, Ahab not only beautified the palace at Samaria so that it came to be called “the ivory house”, but he also built a second palace in Jezreel, twenty-five miles to the north, in an area of a more moderate climate in the wintertime. “Now it came about after these things, that Naboth the Jezreelite (the Serbs) had a vineyard which was in Jezreel (Kosovo) beside the palace of Ahab king of Samaria” (1 Kings. 21:1). Ahab (Bill Clinton) decided he wanted Naboth’s (Serbia’s province of Kosovo) property, so he went to him (Serbia) and said, “Give me your vineyard (Kosovo), that I may have it for a vegetable garden (a NATO puppet State) because it is close beside my house (Nazi EU, and the Muslims oil fields), and I will give you a better vineyard (that is you can join the EU and NATO if you will be my puppet), than it in its place; if you like, I will give you the price of it in money” (I will give you no money for what I want to steal, because my wife is the Empress of the world) (1 Kings. 21:2). Naboth (Serbia) declined the offer, just as he should have done, for God had forbidden the Jews to sell their paternal inheritance (Lev. 25:23-34). Naboth was simply obeying the law of the Lord. (Serbia was only obeying the law).

    “So Ahab came into his house sullen and vexed because of the word which Naboth the Jezreelite (the Serbs) had spoken to him (at the Rambouillet Accords).... And he lay down on his bed and turned away his face and ate no food” (1 Kings. 21:4). Can you believe that a grown man would act this childishly? Some do. Weak, vacillating people like Ahab often want their own way just as much as headstrong, domineering women like Jezebel. However, they react differently when they do not get it. While the forceful ones rant and rave, strike out at those who stand in their way, throw fits and destroy things, the weak ones sulk and pout and fret like spoiled children. They may refuse to get out of bed and even refuse to eat. They just want to feel sorry for themselves and let everybody know how bad things are for them. All they really succeed in doing is letting people know how self-centered and immature they are.

    Jezebel found Ahab sulking in his bed and said to him, “How is it that your spirit is so sullen that you are not eating food?” (1 Kings. 21:5). So he explained to her how Naboth (Serbia) refused to let him have his vegetable garden (Kosovo). She replied, “Do you now reign over Israel?” (Are you the Emperor of the world Bill, or more correctly, am I not the Empress of the world?) (1 Kings. 21:7). In modern terms, that might sound more like, “What are you, a man or a mouse? Squeak (speak) up! Don’t you know that you are the king? You can take anything you want” (even Monika Lewinsky and all those others). With her Phoenician background, Jezebel could not seem to understand that even the king in Israel was subject to the laws of God (somewhat like International Law).

    We discover how thoroughly this weak and wicked man was dominated by his overbearing wife when she said, “Arise, eat bread, and let your heart be joyful; I will give you the vineyard (Kosovo) of Naboth the Jezreelite” (the Serbs) (1 Kings. 21:7). She planned to commit a hideous crime; (sham Ramboulett “negotiations”, followed by illegally bombing Serbia, occupying Serbia and expelling and murdering the Serbs and other non-Albanians from Kosovo, bribing America’s puppet the UN and UNMIK, followed by Nazi Ahtihaari’s “proposal” based on “negotiations”, and then the Troika “negotiations” that were designed to fail, and maybe we might even have real negotiations soon) she was going to pay two false witnesses (Nazi terrorist KLA and other Albanian professional liars and deceivers to invent their own victim hood) to testify that they heard Naboth blaspheme God and the king (the Serbs are really bad people), so that both he and his sons would be stoned to death (Serbia would be illegally bombed and occupied) and the king (Billary Clinton) would be free to lay claim to his land (Kosovo) (cf. 2 Kings. 9:26). She was going to teach Ahab her philosophy of life: “Take what you want and destroy anyone who stands in your way.” And Ahab did not have the courage to stop her.

    A man will do strange things when he is taunted and ridiculed by his wife. “Why didn’t you stand up to him?” one wife jeered when she heard of her husband’s latest disagreement with the boss. “When are you going to start acting like a man?” So the next time he did, and he lost his job and everyone suffered. So the next round went like this: “You can’t even provide for your family. What kind of a man are you?” So he showed her by roughing her up a little, and then by turning to cheating and stealing to make ends meet. And again, everyone in the family suffered. A man needs respect from his wife, not ridicule. Of this disgraceful incident in Ahab’s life, God said, “Surely there was no one like Ahab who sold himself to do evil in the sight of the Lord, because Jezebel his wife incited him” (1 Kings. 21:25). Some men need to be spurred on, to be sure, but not to do evil! A godly wife will challenge her husband to listen to God and live for Him, not encourage him to sin.

    But the story is not over. These two were self-willed to the end. Elijah met Ahab in Naboth’s vineyard and pronounced God’s judgment on both him and his wife for their wicked deed. It was several years later when that judgment came on Ahab, and it too is a story of self-will. The incident started over a city east of Jordan called Ramoth-Gilead, which Ahab said belonged to Israel but was still in the hands of Syria. When Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, came to visit Ahab, he asked him if he would go to battle with him for Ramoth-Gilead. Jehoshaphat agreed, but wanted to consult the Lord first. Ahab called his “yes” men together and they assured him that the Lord would give Ramoth-Gilead into the hand of the king. But Jehoshaphat was still not satisfied. He wanted another opinion: “Is there not yet a prophet of the Lord here, that we may inquire of him?” (1 Kings. 22:7). And Ahab replied, “There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the Lord, but I hate him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. He is Micaiah son of Imlah” (1 Kings. 22:8). So Micaiah was called, and although he knew his life was in danger, he spoke what God told him. Israel would be scattered on the mountains like sheep without a shepherd (1 Kings. 22:17). As we might expect, Ahab rejected Micaiah’s prophecy and had him cast into prison. He was going to have what he wanted and do what he pleased, regardless of God’s will.

    But it didn’t work out quite like he planned. Ahab knew the Syrians would be after him personally, so he removed his royal garments and disguised himself as a regular soldier. “Now a certain man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel in a joint of the armor” (1 Kings. 22:34). That soldier did not know he was shooting at the king, but his arrow penetrated the narrow slit between the pieces of Ahab’s armor. Very few bowmen would have been that accurate. It was obvious that God was guiding that arrow, and Ahab’s self-will ended in his untimely death.

    Jezebel outlived him by almost fourteen years. Jehu, the captain of Israel’s army, was to be the instrument of divine discipline in her case. After slaying King Jehoram, the son of Ahab, he rode to Jezreel. Scripture says, “When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it, and she painted her eyes and adorned her head, and looked out the window” (2 Kings. 9:30). She knew what was about to happen, but she was going to die like a queen, arrogant, self-willed and unrepentant to the end. She shouted abuses at Jehu from her upstairs window, but at Jehu’s command, several of her servants threw her down, “and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses, and he trampled her under foot” (2 Kings. 9:33). It was a violent death, but it illustrated again the seriousness of sinful self-will in opposition to God. Yet their influence lived on in their children. And this is often the saddest side effect of lives like Ahab’s and Jezebel’s.

    Who knows how many nations and generations will be affected by, America’s criminal insistence on having things their own way instead of joining the civilized world and abiding by International Law. This shocking true story ought to provide even America the incentive they need to put off every remnant of self-will and obey International Law. I think that people should simply be honest and admit that continually demanding their own way when it infringes on the rights of others is wrong. Many people would rather have their own way than be unselfish and compromise with others. I know that it is difficult to let go of wrong desires and motivations, but I also know that is possible, and more importantly it is beneficial firstly to yourself and secondly to others.

    God only knows how many generations will be affected by our sinful self-will, our insistence on having things our way instead of God’s. This shocking story ought to provide the incentive we need to put off every remnant of self-will and yield ourselves fully to do the will of God.

    That was the commentary that I found on the internet, and I slightly added to it to give a modern day comparison.

    America worships rottenness, because many Americans are completely rotten, and it is up to the many decent Americans to help the rotten ones if it is possible. America is a Whiteocracy, an Uncle Tomocracy, a lying Mediaocracy, a Moneyocracy, a Cronyocracy, and a Despotic Hypocrisy.

    The White Elites are saying that the word black is not Politically Correct because they want people to forget certain things. I have read the words of Black Activists of a few decades ago, and if you read their words you will see that those Negroes used words like Negro and black. The White Elites want people to forget what they did to Martin Luther King. The White Elites do not like the word black because of Black is Beautiful and of Black Power. They had to also invent that the word Negro was not Politically Correct because they did not want to just isolate the black because it may arouse suspicion. The White Elites invent the term African American and the letters AA stand for Alcoholic Anonymous, and some people need to sober up.

    I think the hypocrisy of the Scribes, the Sadducees, and the Pharisees are comparable to America’s hypocrisy when it comes to democracy. They have no interest in true democracy, just like the Scribes, the Sadducees, and the Pharisees who had no interest in the truth. This is because true democracy will help other countries at America’s expense. America knows that it will be less of a world power if the rest of the world was a true democracy. I think that some countries like Serbia have been bullied or bribed by America not to be a true democracy to help the American cause. They only care about being superior at other nation’s expense, and this is why they have not been interested in democracy since the end of WW 2. They had to regrettably make the exception with Germany and Japan, but this was only making a virtue out of necessity, and after these, there was no more interest in democracy but plenty of hypocritical words.

    The Americans’ hypocrisy is evident by their yearlong election campaign that is supposed to ‘show’ the world how ‘democratically’ they voted for their dictatorial Emperor, and the Emperor (election campaign) comes at a $ 1 Billion dollar by companies and individuals with vested interests.

    They say that history keeps repeating itself, and I think that if there is to be a Legal EU mission to Kosovo, then it should only have minimal numbers (but preferably none) of Germans, Italians British, French, or Catholics as these people are Nazis. If these Nazis must be there for appearances sake, then they should be there as cleaners and other menial jobs, as they would probably be spies and subversives for the Nazi Pope. I know that it is easier to have reconciliation if the truth is established by impartial experts, and accepted by the overwhelming majority of people. I think that the best people to send for an EU mission are people from those EU countries that have a good track record for having proper principles.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:02 AM |  

    This comment is how the invisible demons did attack and torture me in the invisible realm, but the invisible demons have been prevented by God to attack me in THE invisible realm.

    God has allowed the demons to attack me on a few occasions, and I believe that this was so I could tell others my story. I do understand what those politicians who do not have God’s protection, or who have been seduced to serve Satan like Bush, Clinton, Solana, and Tadic can expect if they refuse to be puppets.

    The demons are vicious, and it was like torture when the demons attacked me because it was torture.

    “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me! ”For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area”. (Mark 5:1-10)

    There are some self-evident truths that the Nazis and their White Uncle Toms in Serbia would like THE people to forget.

    These things are self-evident and completely known and understood even to Mladic the Serbian General.

    There is one thing that I know, and that is that the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ would find Mladic guilty even if he was innocent.

    The duty of a General is to destroy the evil enemy that wants to destroy and puppetize your nation.

    To destroy America, all you have to do is say only one sentence and then keep quiet for the rest of the time in The Hague.

    The truth of the matter is that there is a big puppet show going on with the American, Nazi EU, and Serbian Politicians and others like Seselj, Karazic, and Mladic. It is in fact a battle between the invisible Devil and his invisible demons and me, and because I am a Serb, then those who have an IQ greater than a flee should be able to understand the rest.

    For that reason Mladic’s only comment to the ICTY would be: “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    Perhaps Mladic could send a letter that says “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”. This sounds nice in theory, but the invisible demons would torture me if I was Mladic so that I could not send this letter if I was Mladic.

    If I were Mladic they would be the only words that I would instruct my lawyer to say as an answer to any question from the NATO ‘tribunal’. If the invisible demons tortured me to surrender, and the judge asked me how I pleaded, my answer through my legal representative would be “I am America’s puppet, and I just love to kiss and lick America’s anus”.

    This is nice in theory, but if I was Mladic, then when I was back in my prison cell the invisible demons would torture me if I did not play along. I believe that Milosevic was tortured in the invisible realm by the invisible demons, and the Nazi NATO ‘Court’ murdered Milosevic by not providing him with proper treatment.

    It could even be that the invisible demons tortured Milosevic to death, and al the Secret Devil Worshippers at The Hague made up suitable lies for the ignorant.

    There was the very easy option of being in Republika Srpska to give a photo to the world to help Serbia you Serbian General Mladic.

    Mladic is a Secret Devil worshipper, but this does not make him a war criminal, but it does mean that he will obey Satan when Satan insists. This is true of any policemen and others in authority that may be involved in his ‘capture’ or ‘surrender’.

    This means that Mladic was free to do as he liked as long as it does not go against Satan designs for the Serbian people. It means that he and his helpers will keep him away from The Hague for the maximum time, and to be ‘captured’ or ‘surrendered’ at the last moment to harm Serbia economically and to rubbish Serbia to the rest of the world to the maximum.

    I have mentioned the Summit Conference of unbiased Detectives and Historians, and the Nazis have been paying attention. If this was not in Serbia’s interest they would have funded it 100 times by now.

    It does not take a genius to know that if your enemy wants something for you, then you should not want it. At the same time it does not take a genius to know that if your enemy does not want something for you, then you should want it.

    Who do you think is the enemy of the Devil Worshippers in the Serbian Parliament if it is not me?

    I know that not all my suggestions have been sensible but the Serbia Devil Worshippers have rejected nearly every sensible suggestion that I made. Even the Nazi Devil Worshippers have plagiarized my sensible suggestions, but if I was from a Nazi country, then Satan would make up new excuses for the ignorant masses against that country.

    We know that the Serbian Devil Worshippers are unwilling or unable to fight against the invisible demons, and so the question must be asked if they have any right to even live.

    Could you please tell me what was so offensive about my Democratic Constitution especially at this difficult time in Serbia’s history Mr Tadic and his fellow Devil worshippers!

    Could you please tell me what was so wrong with getting rid of the office of President as an institution, rather than the piece of selfish treacherous dirt that temporarily holds it with the help of American funding!

    Satan does not like democracy because if a country was a democracy, then people would have to start blaming people, especially themselves rather than the ‘system’.

    It is the duty of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American Pig with Lipstick.

    I have said it before, and I will say it again, that Serbia has a problem with the invisible Devil, and the invisible demons, and only God can help you now.

    I copied the next paragraph from the internet, I do agree with most of it, and that is those statements that agree with the Bible.

    “The power of human creative reason, which is rarely understood, or consciously employed in society today, is that which distinguishes the man from the beast, if he is both conscious of that difference, and has the courage of the fabled Prometheus to cry out, "Zeus be damned!" We could save civilization, if we really wished to do so badly enough. It is not good news which drives humanity upward, but rather the very bad news which kicks the reluctant people into necessary action to overturn the habits which led them into a self-inflicted peril. It is that impulse which provokes the uniquely human within you, the creative powers of mind lacking in the beasts. The enemy is he who reveals himself, as in the exemplary personal history is a triviality morally; his significance is that he is not merely evil, but has made himself conspicuously so. So, he typifies the kind of evil agency that humanity must mobilize to defeat. If you cannot dare to name him, identify the evil he represents, and act directly and efficiently to frustrate and destroy the enterprise he is building, then it is you who lack the moral fitness to survive”.

    After having read that paragraph we should understand that God knows that it is the Devil Worshippers that would destroy the planet. This is why God has spoken these words to the Prophet Jeremiah about the Coming of Jesus to judge all the people of the world.

    “The sound is echoing to the ends of the earth because the LORD has brought charges against the nations. He will judge all humans. He will kill the wicked, declares the LORD” (Jeremiah 25:31).

    We should be able to see that this is the same event as that mentioned in the following Scriptures.

    “For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marvelled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed. To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfil every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-12)

    The wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, and to study it and serve God because Jesus is coming back very soon to judge all the people of the world.

    The following words are the words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ, and they have been recorded for us in the Book of Revelation. These are the words of Jesus after he had been resurrected to everlasting life in Heaven.

    “And he said to me, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:10-12).

  17. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:30 AM |  

    This comment is concerning a question that was dared to be asked by Ralph Nader who is one of THE leading American non-racist patriots. The question that Ralph Nader raised to the audience in the next paragraph, and I cannot see any racism.

    “His choice, basically, is whether he’s going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.”

    To me it just a question of his allegiance either to the voters or to those who bribed him with campaign finance. If past history is anything to go by then any President will accept the bribe.

    I have been using the term Aunty Tom, but I discovered recently that the female version of Uncle Tom is Aunt Jemima. There is a term that is considered to be offensive to describe treachery by Negroes to other Negroes it is called a House Negro.

    This should not be a reason to use the term Negro, just like the Nazi Jewish collaborators were called Jewish Order Service.

    Even though the word Jewish was used in connection with something far more treacherous and evil that House Negro, we have not and should not stop using the word Jewish. It is for this same reason that we should not stop using the legitimate term Negro to describe black people.

    I want to say that the terms Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima, and House Negro have only been invented because such people do exist.

    I wish that similar terms have been invented for Whites who betray fellow whites in European countries because they do exist in abundance.

    It just shows the Supremacy of the whites because words that describe terms as White Uncle Tom, or White Aunt Jemima, and House White should have existed long ago. I just use the term Nazi because no one has thought of words for these things, but White Traitors might be a good term to describe them.

    There is an unavoidable issue in America, and that is if Americans are to be ruled by a rapacious Corporate Empire, or for the benefit of the average citizens. Ralph Nader was telling the truth, while Obama avoids the issue by not answering the question.

    I think that America could soon be in the grip of a Nazi State with a Black Hitler as its façade leader. They American Nazis are trying to silence legitimate debate by labelling everyone who disagrees with their evil policies as a racist.

    America wants to be a monopoly, and America’s money is now worthless monopoly money that sensible people will avoid.

    It is the duty of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American Pig with Lipstick.

    I want to say to the cowardly and unprincipled Americans and Nazis of Europe, that if you have a problem with what I am saying, then you ‘heroes’ take it out on me, and not on innocent people.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:21 AM |  

    The Serbian Parliament should be most concerned about what is good for the Serbian nation, rather than being a white Uncle Tom for America and NATO. Serbia has been pushed around and manipulated so often and it is refreshing to see opposition politicians stand up to these Nazis for the sake of Serbia. Serbia must do what is good for Serbia, no matter how long it takes.

    I have been using the term Aunty Tom, but I discovered recently that the female version of the Uncle Tom is Aunt Jemima.

    We can clearly see that the majority in the Serbian Parliament are White Uncle Toms and White Aunt Jemimas by the fact that they crawl to America and the Nazis.

    It’s not just individual politicians that represent a problem for the EU Nazis. If an entire nation votes the ‘wrong’ way then even the people are a problem. Like when Ireland voted against the Lisbon treaty, and the French for previously rejecting the EU Nazi Constitution. I understand that the Balkans is a poor region and that most people there see the EU membership as a solution to their problems, but honesty and efficient hard word are the solutions to poverty.

    To achieve honesty the Serbian Parliament should hold a Balkans conference with a Summit Conference to of Detectives and Historians if Satan allows this.

    For efficient hard work, this is a combination of proper leadership, and people not being lazy. It means not ignoring your true allies for the ‘privilege’ to lick and kiss the anus of your determined enemies.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true liberal democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:21 AM |  

    This comment is only suggestions and I think that this is how a Compromise political party might have as THE Kosovo policy. I know that some of my suggestions are going to be criticized by THE Nazis for not being Politically Correct.

    If you had to choose between Politically Correct and Practical Commonsense, then the wise will choose practical Commonsense.

    I suggested that a competition be held with 3 million Euros prize money to give a few thousand square kilometres of land to Albanians. A map can be drawn that will give Serbia at one third of Kosovo, and half of the Albanian areas of Preševo Valley and other nearby places.

    If the Albanians reject any of the following conditions, then there will not be any independence negotiations ever.

    If the Albanians reject total racial segregation for Albanians and non-Albanians in Serbia, then there will not be any independence negotiations.

    If the ratio of Albanians to non-Albanians in Kosovo increases in favour of the Albanians, then there will not be any independence negotiations.

    The Albanians have to tell the world the truth that will be confirmed by impartial experts, or there will be no independence negotiations.

    A Balkans conference has to be held, and Republika Srspska and Montenegro has to join Serbia.

    Camp Bondsteel has to be destroyed as it is an undeniable symbol to the entire world that America arrogantly demands that the entire world kiss and lick America’s anus.

    I think that by the time of the next election in a few years time, a Compromise party will gain many votes and seats in Parliament.

    America funds political parties of foreign countries, and so there is no reason why Russia should not fund a Compromise party in Serbia at the next election.

    There are many people who think that Serbs and Albanians should never live side by side, and a Compromise party will get many votes for this piece of Commonsense. The Albanians have been the way they are for centuries, and they will never change.

    Those who do not understand that the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi do not deserve to live. I think that after the Albanians and non-Albanians have been totally separated from each other that everyone in Serbia should be a paper flag of the United Nations. Anyone that will not defecate on this paper flag of the United Nations should have their house destroyed.

    It is the moral obligation of every non-American citizen of this planet to boycott all American goods and services to protect themselves and their loved ones from the American Pig with Lipstick.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true liberal democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    Here is more information concerning a question that was dared to be asked by Ralph Nader who is one of THE leading American non-racist patriots. The question that Ralph Nader raised to the audience is in the next paragraph, and I cannot see any racism there.

    “His choice, basically, is whether he’s going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.”

    To me it just a question of his allegiance either to the voters to whom he made ‘promises’ or to the real promises he made to those who bribed him with campaign finance. If past history is anything to go, by then most Presidents will accept the bribe.

    The terms to describe a Negro who collaborates with the oppressors of his or her people is an Uncle Tom, an Aunt Jemima, or a House Negro. These terms are considered to be offensive, but the true offensiveness is the act of treachery itself.

    This should not be a reason to use the term Negro, just like the Nazi Jewish collaborators were called Jewish Order Service.

    The words Jew and Jewish were used in connection with something far more treacherous and evil than House Negro. Despite this, we have not, and should not stop using the word Jewish. It is for this same reason that we should not stop using the legitimate term Negro to describe black people.

    Even though the Germans are not ruled by German Nazi Hitler, Germany is one of the foremost Nazi Nations (NN) in Europe. Despite this regrettable fact, we do not, and should not stop using the term German.

    The racial supremacy of the Nordic Races like the Dutch is evident against the Serbs, the Greeks, and the Turks who they view as blacks. It could be that the invisible Satan and his invisible demons will torture Mladic in the invisible realm to ‘surrender’ ‘voluntarily’, or be ‘captured’ by good ‘police work’ in a desperate effort to try to cover up this racial Supremacy of the Germanic Nordic Races. I use the word try, because even an idiot should realize it by now, but the invisible Devil, his invisible demons, and his visible human servants need to deceive the gullible.

    The following paragraph is from Wikipedia, and it provides information on the Jews who collaborated with how the most Germans viewed themselves as being of the Nordic White Master Race.

    Jewish Ghetto Police (German: Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst), also known as the Jewish Order Service and referred by the Jews as the Jewish Police, were the auxiliary police units organized in the Jewish ghettos by the local Judenrat councils under German Nazi orders. The Jewish Order Service was also active in some of the Nazi concentration camps. Members of the Judendienstordnung did not have official uniforms (often having just an armband) and were not allowed to carry firearms. They were used by the Germans primarily for securing the deportation of other Jews to the concentration camps. The Judendienstordnung were often comprised of Jews who usually had no prior association with the community they oversaw (especially after the roundups and deportations to extermination camps began), and who could be relied upon to follow German orders. The first commander of the Warsaw was Josef Szerynski, a former Polish police inspector, had converted to Christianity and become an anti-Semite. Szerynski survived an assassination attempt carried out by a member of the Jewish police, Yisrael Kanal, who was working on behalf of the underground Jewish Combat Organization. In ghettos where the Judenrat was resistant to German orders, the Jewish police were often used to control or replace the council. In Warsaw Ghetto the Jewish police numbered 2500 people, in Ghetto Litzmannstadt 1200, in Lwów Ghetto 500 people etc. The Polish-Jewish historian and the Warsaw Ghetto archivist Emanuel Ringelblum have described the cruelty of the ghetto police as "at times greater than that of the Germans, the Ukrainians and the Latvians."

    The German terms such as: Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst, Judenrat, Judendienstordnung, were only invented for WW 2, and such ‘job’ descriptions ceased to exist after the Second World War. If a Jew or a German used such a term today, it would not be offensive because such Jewish Nazi collaborators no longer exist. If Uncle Toms, Aunt Jemimas, and House Negros no longer existed, then no one would take offence. The real reason that ‘indignation’ and ‘offence’ are taken is because they wish not to address the issue because it might be a little close to home.

    I want to say that the terms Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima, and House Negro have only been invented because such people do exist.

    Serbia should forget about the EU, because they do not want anyone else except possibly Croatia to join in time. They are only lying to the Turks because they it as a NATO country, but they consider their citizens not to be white.

    I wish that similar terms have been invented for Whites who betray fellow whites in European countries because they do exist in abundance. It just shows the Supremacy of the Whites because words that describe terms as White Uncle Tom, or White Aunt Jemima, and House White should have existed long ago.

    I have thought of the terms Uncle Gordon, Aunt Angela, and House White to describe White Collaborators and White Traitors. The name Gordon is because of Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of the Britain Colonial Empire, and the name Angela is because of Angela Merkel the Chancellor of Germany.

    The English view Gordon Brown as a brown nose because Brown knows that he is a House Scot. It is only after 300 years that the English reluctantly let a White Uncle Tom be ‘leader’ of Britain. Uncle Gordon Brown knows how and why he has got a brown nose, and his English Masters know it too.

    There are many Uncle Gordons and Aunt Angelas in the Nazi EU and NATO who just love to kiss and lick America’s anus. The same is true of the Serbian Parliament, and it is the LDP, the G-17 Plus, and the DS lead by Uncle Gordon Tadic.

    There is an unavoidable issue in America, and that is if Americans are to be ruled by a rapacious Corporate Empire, or for the benefit of the average citizens. Ralph Nader was telling the truth, while Obama avoids the issue by not answering the question.

    I think that America could soon be in the grip of a Nazi State with a Black Hitler as its façade leader. They American Nazis are trying to silence legitimate debate by labelling everyone who disagrees with their evil policies as a racist.

    The following question is what Ralph Nader asked of Barack Obama: “His choice, basically, is whether he’s going to be Uncle Sam for the people of this country or Uncle Tom for the giant corporations.”

    Many people think that Ralph Nader's speculation about what role Obama will play in relation to the corporate domination of America is appropriate. That is a question that every American citizen is duty-bound to ask of Barack Obama throughout his Presidency.

    Ralph Nader, a man whose historical credentials as a social critic are impeccable, continues to have an astute analysis of the problems confronting America.

    Ralph Nader's statement was taken completely out of context by the reporters and some of the public. The question he raises is a very real and good one, because he was asking what will you do now Barrack? Will you fight for the common good, or will you fall pray to the corruption of power? The worst thing we as an electorate can do is become complacent because their dictator ‘won’. At least Ralph Nader recognizes that, and many Americans should be asking the same question from Obama and themselves.

    His enemies love to dismiss Nader as racist these days, but in fact many agree with almost everything he says, and they think that someone of high public profile needs to be saying them.

    The unavoidable issue of our times as is whether we are to be ruled by a greedy corporate empire, or for the benefit of the average citizens. Nader tells the truth, while Obama avoids the issue, even though he made ‘promises’.

    There are those who think that the gracious thing for me to have done was to congratulate Obama, knowing that millions of Black Americans and White Americans think that it is the beginning of an end to the most blatant forms of U.S. white supremacy in America.

    I want to say that I have not, and I will not congratulate Barack Obama for securing free rent at the White House, because I believe that election result was decided over a year ago. I believe that the foregone decision was then followed with the theatrics for the deception of the masses.

    I want to say that I do not have anything against the fact that Barack Obama is coloured or with his name. If you have been taking notes, you will see that I have not referred to his middle name as though a name could by itself be sinister, but I have referred to him as Barack Lipstick Obama.

    Having said all this, I will praise Barack Obama if he gives proper unemployment benefits to the unemployed for however long they are unemployed, and if he helps the poor.

    Barack Obama is an American Politician, and that is all the world really needs to know about him. The day America stops its supremacy of other nations is the day that White Supremacy in America may no longer exist, and not before that time.

    It is not surprising how many corporate media stooges have attempted to politically assassinate Ralph Nader who most people think is one of the greatest Americans, certainly of our generation, and arguably in America’s history. Those with vested corporate interests and who are pundits of bigotry announced that this was officially the end of Nader’s career. The tax avoiding corporations must be having a good laugh at the realization that the Left is going to pick up on their initiative to help assassinate one of the few figures in modern politics who tells the truth, consistently and without compromise, irregardless of any possible cost to his own interests.

    Is it a sign that we will completely ignore what Barak Obama has said about moving on into a post-racial America in which frank and honest discussions can take place without this kind of shameless race-card politics? Is this a sign that people will continue to use this variation of narrow-minded ‘gotcha’ political correctness to enforce their own point of view?

    I want people to know that Barack Obama is just a man, and as such even with the best intentions he will not be able to achieve much change. It is for this reason that people should just be happy that a person of colour was elected for what that is worth. People should have the intelligence to know that election ‘promises’ made by politicians should be ignored after voting day.

    If the rich wanted to give money to the poor, they did not have to wait till Election Day, but they do not want to give any money ever.

    Many people think that the massive degree of financial backing that Obama received from the status quo power structure has resulted from their realization that he will provide them with a perfectly saleable ‘brand’ that they can use successfully to advance their cause of ever expanding economic and military hegemony. What better ‘brand’ to lead the way for the American Empire, which Obama has, in no uncertain terms, pledged to protect and support, that a brilliant black man who can weave silver-tongued oratory to inspire the masses with illusions of ‘change’, while he advances the cause of the status quo power structure with his actual policy decisions?

    This is what Ralph Nader asked that will this man be an Uncle Tom who fronts for the powers that be, or will he actualize his soaring rhetoric into policy, which would make him one of this nation’s greatest Presidents? That is the question that Ralph Nader asked, and the White Elites know that but they want to exploit any cynical diversion to the real issues addressed by a man who is too honest to ever be President of America.

    The enemies of the American people are accusing Nader of being racist because Nader refuses to play the game of self-censorship that the rigged American system requires of its political candidates. Ralph Nader is pointing out facts about Barak Obama that many Americans find inconvenient in their indiscriminate eagerness to anoint Obama as their champion and savoir.

    Collaborators, traitors, and opportunists exist in every class and race oppressed culture. It is the psychology of oppression and its behaviours that we all must understand and be able to talk about across race and class lines if we are serious about making progress. Too much self-censorship or imposed censorship by the Politically Correct Speech Police is not helpful to making progress. This is not an excuse to use racist language under the guise of discussing matters of public concern, and a balanced approach is needed. We should not have hypersensitivity to everything said, because we all know that sometimes even very sensitive matters need to be addressed.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true liberal democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:30 AM |  

    This comment is about how Serbia or any country can help create jobs that THE people need and to protect the environment at the same time.

    I think that Serbia should greatly restrict the power and influence of the Trade Unions. There should of course be the maximum safety conditions possible. At the same time, there should also be a reduced hourly rate of pay, and increased hours of work per week.

    I think that Serbia should have people work for six days a week in the first two years, and then half a day on Saturday for the next two years. After those four years, the pay should start to increase rapidly to what is fair wages.

    The government needs to get rid of as much useless office workers and bureaucrats as possible, and reduce their pay. There are those who could be given a redundancy package that will pay off any mortgage, and then they can live on the pension. Jobs need to be created in such ventures as building roads, footpaths, bridges, parks, etc.

    If I was a democratic politician of a country, then I would propose that the Parliament reduce the number of prisoners in my jails and use the money to employ the honest, and the less dishonest. I would not release all those who were found guilty of murder, rape, or kidnap. Then I would beat those, but not too severely who were guilty of other crimes, and make them pay back as much as what they stole or the damage they caused by giving them work on building roads etc. If any of these refuse to work, then they will go back to jail and work there.

    Hitler made the following quote: "Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money."

    I think that competition where many companies sell the same products is a better way to prevent too much inflation. The government should buy up shopping centres and give leases on lottery for free to lower prices.

    “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:6-11).

    The American Politicians want the public to finance 700 Billion Dollars of money with the impoverished to pay interest on the loans. There are over 3 million millionaires in America that could have easily given 1,000 Billion Dollars to the Government. The incompetent managing of the loans has wiped trillions of Dollars of America’s Stock Market causing further unemployment.

    “They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them” (Matthew 23:4).

    Serbia should think about economic policies that are good for Serbia and not for the EU or anyone else. The SPS should not make known any new Kosovo policy until after an election is announced. The DS will say that they can no longer work with the SPS because of a changed policy, even though they are secretly traitors. Any election should not be caused by the SPS and delayed as long as possible because the DS will trick the people to vote for them.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true liberal democracy, have no military alliances as soon as possible, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:47 AM |  

    I realized that I did not express a few points like I wanted to, and I have addressed this in THE comment. I have changed the term liberal democracy to democracy, and that Democracyland will have no military alliances.

    The terms to describe a Negro who collaborates with the oppressors of his or her people is an Uncle Tom, an Aunt Jemima, or a House Negro. These terms are considered to be offensive to the traitors, collaborators, and the oppressors, but the true offensiveness is the act of treachery itself.

    This is no reason not to use the term Negro, just like the Nazi Jewish collaborators were called Jewish Order Service, and that is no reason not to use the terms Jew and Jewish.

    The words Jew and Jewish were used in connection with something far more treacherous and evil than House Negro. Despite this, we have not, and should not stop using the words Jew and Jewish. It is for this same reason that we should not stop using the legitimate term Negro to describe black people.

    Even though the Germans are not ruled by German Nazi Hitler, Germany is one of the foremost Nazi Nations (NN) in Europe. Despite this regrettable fact, we do not, and should not stop using the term German.

    The German terms such as: Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst, Judenrat, Judendienstordnung, were only invented for WW 2, and such ‘job’ descriptions ceased to exist after the Second World War. If a Jew or a German used such a term today, it would not be offensive because such Jewish Nazi traitors, collaborators, and oppressors no longer exist. If Uncle Toms, Aunt Jemimas, and House Negroes no longer existed, then no one would take offence. The real reason that ‘indignation’ and ‘offence’ are taken is because they wish not to address the issue because it might be a little close to home.

    I want to say that the terms Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima, and House Negro have only been invented because such people do exist.

    I wish that similar terms have been invented for Whites who betray fellow whites in European countries because these White dictators, White traitors, and white collaborators do exist in abundance. It just shows the Supremacy of the Whites because words that describe terms as White Uncle Tom, or White Aunt Jemima, and House White should have existed long ago.

    I have thought of the terms Uncle Gordon, Aunt Angela, and House White to describe White Collaborators and White Traitors. The name Gordon is because of Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of the Britain Colonial Empire, and the name Angela is because of Angela Merkel the Chancellor of Germany, that is the foremost Nazi nation in Europe.

    The English view Gordon Brown as a brown nose because Brown knows that he is a House Scot. It is only after 300 years that the English reluctantly let a White Uncle Tom be ‘leader’ of the British Colonial Empire. Uncle Gordon Brown knows how and why he has got a brown nose, and his English Masters know it too. Uncle Gordon brown knows that Scotland could be very rich if it was to become independent because of the North Sea oil and gas fields. Uncle Gordon Brown would rather be the ruler of the British Colonial Empire, rather than the more modest but honourable ruler of an independent, prosperous, and proud Scotland.

    There are many Uncle Gordons and Aunt Angelas in the Nazi EU and NATO who just love to kiss and lick America’s anus. The same is true of the Serbian Parliament, and it is the LDP, the G-17 Plus, and the DS lead by Uncle Gordon Tadic.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    I want people to know that Barack Obama is just a man, and as such even if he had the best of intentions he will not be able to achieve much change. It is for this reason that people should just be happy that a person of colour was elected for what that is worth. People should have the intelligence to know that election ‘promises’ made by politicians should be ignored after voting day.

    The corrupt and bribed American Politicians want the taxpayer to finance 700 Billion Dollars of money with the impoverished pay as you earn taxpayer to pay interest on the loans. There are over 3 million millionaires in America that could have easily given 1,000 Billion Dollars to the Government. The seemingly incompetent managing to secure such loans has wiped trillions of Dollars of America’s Stock Market causing further unemployment.

    I say seemingly incompetent managing because the real objective may have been give money to the already obscenely and never satisfied rich. They would then buy up cheap shares, and the Democrats especially Barack Obama would have to take the blame for taxing corporations. This could leave his next election finances not being funded by the greedy corporations. We will see the Clinton’s ‘charity’ money used for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign at the next election, with the help of the corporations as she will have foreign policy ‘credentials’. We can see how this was done during an election campaign, and the objective of the loans seems to keep shifting because of shifty characters.

    Perhaps an honest public debate on the issue may reveal that most politicians in America regardless of their colour, are in their own peculiar way Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas to their own race and other races. Perhaps the terms Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima are said to be not Politically Correct because most politicians in America know that they are of this personally type regardless of their colour. It could be that some and only some language that is deemed not to be Politically Correct is really the Establishment’s successful attempt to cover up and silence genuine debate that will enlighten people.

    The Blacks have been very useful to the White Elites by making it look that traitors, collaborators, and oppressors are mainly black or coloured.

    The following paragraph is a news story on the shifting uses of the $ 700 billions, and we are usually wiser after the event. If this happened in Switzerland, the people would have asked for a referendum to correct this injustice and fraud by their politicians.

    WASHINGTON (AP) — First, the $700 billion rescue for the economy was about buying devalued mortgage-backed securities from tottering banks to unclog frozen credit markets. Then it was about using $250 billion of it to buy stakes in banks. The idea was that banks would use the money to start making loans again. But reports surfaced that bankers might instead use the money to buy other banks, pay dividends, give employees a raise and executives a bonus, or just sit on it. Insurance companies now want a piece; maybe automakers, too, even though Congress has approved $25 billion in low-interest loans for them. Three weeks after becoming law, and with the first dollar of the $700 billion yet to go out, officials are just beginning to talk about helping a few strapped homeowners keep the foreclosure wolf from the door. As the crisis worsens, the government's reaction keeps changing. Lawmakers in both parties are starting to gripe that the bailout is turning out to be far different from what the Bush administration sold to Congress.

    “They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them” (Matthew 23:4).

    Collaborators, traitors, and greedy opportunists exist in every class and race oppressed culture. It is the psychology of oppression and its behaviours that we all must understand and be able to talk about across race and class lines if we are serious about making progress. Too much self-censorship or imposed censorship by the Politically Correct Speech Police is not helpful to making progress. This is not an excuse to use deliberately racist language under the guise of discussing matters of public concern, and a balanced approach is needed. We should not have hypersensitivity to everything said, because we all know that sometimes even very sensitive matters need to be addressed.

    “Don't be quick to get angry, because anger is typical of fools……………Certainly, there is no one so righteous on earth that he always does what is good and never sins. Don't take everything that people say to heart, or you may hear your own servant cursing you. Your conscience knows that you have cursed others many times” (Ecclesiastes 7:9, 21, 22).

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:29 AM |  

    This is Psalm 23, which King David of Ancient Israel was inspired to write, and it shows that THE true guidance for us comes from our loving and wise Creator.

    The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.

    He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

    He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.

    Surely goodness and loving-kindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

    Here is another Scripture that the Prophet Isaiah was inspired to write and emphasizes putting our trust in God.

    “Trust the LORD always, because the LORD, the LORD alone, is an everlasting rock” (Isaiah 26:4).

    We can always rely on God to provide for the material needs of his servants. The following words are the words of Jesus, and Christians have come to know that these words are true.

    “So I say to you, Take no thought for your life, about food or drink, or about clothing for your body. Is not life more than food, and the body more than its clothing? See the birds of heaven; they do not put seeds in the earth, they do not get in grain, or put it in store-houses; and your Father in heaven gives them food. Are you not of much more value than they? And which of you by taking thought is able to make himself a cubit taller? And why are you troubled about clothing? See the flowers of the field, how they come up; they do no work, they make no thread: But I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God gives such clothing to the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is put into the oven, will he not much more give you clothing, O you of little faith? Then do not be full of care, saying, what are we to have for food or drink? Or, with what may we be clothed? Because the Gentiles go in search of all these things: for your Father in heaven has knowledge that you have need of all these things: But let your first care be for his kingdom and his righteousness; and all these other things will be given to you in addition.
    Then have no care for tomorrow: tomorrow will take care of itself. Take the trouble of the day as it comes” (Matthew 6:25-34).

    If you want God to help you, then you have to serve Him first, and the basic thing to have is a copy of the Bible and read it regularly.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:30 AM |  

    This comment is about how Serbia or any country can help create jobs that THE people need, and protect the environment at the same time. I have made certain changes to what I have already written, and I have given further information.

    I think that Serbia should greatly restrict the power and influence of the Trade Unions. There should of course be the maximum safety conditions possible. At the same time, there should also be a reduced hourly rate of pay, and increased hours of work per week.

    I think that Serbia should have people work for six days a week in the first two years, and then half a day on Saturday for the next two years. After those four years, the pay should start to increase rapidly to what is fair wages.

    The government needs to get rid of as much useless office workers and bureaucrats as possible, and reduce their pay. There are those who could be given a redundancy package that will pay off any mortgage, and then they can live off the pension. Jobs need to be created in such ventures as building roads, footpaths, bridges, parks, etc.

    If I was a democratic politician of a country, then I would propose that the Parliament of my country reduce the number of prisoners in the jails of my country and use the money to employ the honest, and the less dishonest. I would not release those who were found guilty of murder, rape, or kidnap. I would propose to Parliament that most of those who were found guilty of lesser crimes be publicly flogged in an acceptable manner. These released criminals would be made to pay back as much as what they stole, or to pay for the damage they caused by giving them work on building roads etc. If any of these refused to work, then they will go back to jail and work there.

    “A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey, and a rod is for the backs of fools” (Proverbs 26:3).

    Hitler made the following quote: "Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money."

    I think that competition where many companies sell the same products is a better way to prevent too much inflation. The government should buy up shopping centres and give free leases on lottery to lower prices.

    “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:6-11).

    There are other ways to become poor other than by not having employment, because even some employed people are unnecessarily poor. Poverty will more likely come to those that smoke cigarettes, drink too much alcohol, take drugs, gamble, have certain vices, or do not shop for bargains. Poverty will also come to those who have stupid people as their friends or who are criminals.

    “One who walks with wise men grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20).

    “Whoever loves pleasure will become poor. Whoever loves wine and expensive food will not become rich” (Proverbs 21:17).

    Serbia should think about economic policies that are good for Serbia and not for the EU or anyone else. The SPS should not make known any new Kosovo policy until after an election is announced. The DS will say that they can no longer work with the SPS because of a changed policy, even though they are secretly traitors. Any election should not be caused by the SPS and delayed as long as possible because the DS will trick the people to vote for them.

    We can see how Jeremic keeps saying that Serbia will choose Kosovo over the EU, but I do not trust the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP. If the Nazis have told Tadic to engineer an election, then the DS may use the G-17 Plus to say that they will leave the Government of the NIS thing or something else. People need to know that excuses are a dime a dozen, and if DS and the G-17 Plus want to cause an election and G-17 Plus get all the blame it will not matter because the G-17 Plus will be paid off with a suitable bribe.

    The SNS or the DSS-NS should say that there is no need for an election as they will support a minority government of the DS and the SPS even though they have no involvement in Government.

    The SPS needs time before enough voters change their minds to the compromise policy on Kosovo that I have mentioned. It was easier for me to change my mind, because I am not Orthodox, and I have never been to Kosovo. I know that it will take longer for the Serbian people to change their minds, and if the DS waits too long, then voters will prefer the compromise position of the DS rather than the total betrayal by the DS.

    This is why the SPS and others should try to delay the next election until the summer of 2010. The DS with the help of the EU lies of EU Membership and other ‘benefits’ will deceive the voters. I have given you a plan for attracting investments to Serbia and creating jobs, and the Nazis know it. The Nazis of Europe want to keep Serbia impoverished with their continual lies that the gullible keep accepting. If the EU gives Serbia anything it will because they do not want you to follow the sensible economic plan I have presented because they hate Serbia but pretends to its friend. The Nazis have and want to continue to keep Serbia poor, because that way they can complete their goal of destroying Serbia.

    I know that it will be very easy for many to see me as a traitor, and I can very easily understand that, but I do not feel like a traitor. I know that what I am proposing is not right, but I believe that I am being realistic given all the circumstances.

    I just think that it would be better for Serbia to choose the compromise proposal that I have already mentioned, than to loose all of Kosovo and then lose Presevo Valley and surrounding areas in the future. I think that this certain position by the SPS is better than being tricked by the DS. There surely is at least 15% of voters who will vote for this compromise proposal and some can call them traitors if they wish, but I think that would be unfair. If the SPS does not fill this vacuum, then a party that is working for America or for Russia will fill this vacuum, but ever especially will America never allow themselves to be lazy and stupid by not filling this vacuum.

    The invisible Devil and his invisible demons will have to choose between helping the Secret Catholic DS or to deceive the slow thinking Serbs. Satan knows that people are extremely indifferent, or sufficiently corrupt that they will forget in a few weeks and especially if a rotten carrot dressed up as a good carrot is given. This is undeniably true of the majority of people of any race, but Satan hates it if even one person learns the truth. This is why he created the counterfeit Christianity or the Man of Lawlessness that became the Catholic Church. That is why I have correctly advised you to get your own copy of the Bible and read the fine print, and then read it again.

    The Devil worshipping EU politicians may soon ask the invisible demons to torture Mladic to ‘surrender’ and if this happens, then it will be said to be good police work to deceive the people. I am reading puppet b 92 and we see ‘stories’ or more correctly they are fairly tales. These fairy tales say that Serbia increasingly closer to EU, and candidate status possible by end of 2009.

    The decision for voters at the next election is easy regardless of what the DS says. If you want to give away all of Kosovo for a false promise of joining the EU. Even if the promise was true it is not as good as the sensible economic plan that I have presented, and that is why the EU would want Serbia to join the EU in 10 years time. If all of Serbia’s politicians has said that in no way does Serbia want to, or will join the EU, then Serbia would have had more dog biscuits from the Nazis long ago. There are just too many of self serving and treacherous politicians in the Serbian Parliament who are only interested in their own selfishness. There are only a few truly honourable patriots who have intelligence in the Serbian Parliament, whereas the traitors have the cunning of Satan and his demons.

    If Serbia could see in 1945 what would become of Yugoslavia and especially the Serbian people, I wonder how many would have wanted Tito, the Communists, and the Secret Catholics. I do think that the LDP’s stated position on Kosovo is the same as the DS’s secret position on Kosovo and that is indeed treachery.

    It is really easy for the voters at the next Serbian elections regardless of what the DS says. If you do not want to give away any of Kosovo, then vote for the SRS, the SNS, or the DSS-NS. If you want to give away all of Kosovo for the ‘privilege’ of loosing Presevo Valley and surrounding areas then vote for the DS, the G-17-Plus, and the LDP. If you want to vote for a compromise policy on Kosovo that does not have Russian or American interests, then vote for the SPS.

    It is a sad fact of this world that basically everyone looks after their own interests, and so it is only sensible to look after your own interests.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    I realized that I did not word a few sentences the way that I want to and THE wording is now better in this comment.

    Perhaps an honest public debate on the issue may reveal that most politicians in America regardless of their colour are in their own peculiar way Uncle Toms, and Aunt Jemimas to their own race, and to other races on behalf of the Establishment Elites.

    I do think that the terms Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemina should not be used, because it is too narrow and too specific and conceals the real magnitude of the danger. These terms should be replaced with Uncle Gordon and Aunt Angela, to cover all races because these personality types do exist regardless of colour or race.

    Perhaps the terms Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima are said to be not Politically Correct because most politicians in America know that they are of this personality type regardless of their colour. It could be that some and only some language that is deemed not to be Politically Correct is really the Establishment Elite’s successful attempt to cover up and silence genuine debate that will enlighten people.

    It is big business that rules America and most of the politicians are just puppets of the corporations. We have seen how the Governor of Illinois suspended trade with the Bank of America, and how the next day he is possibly set up by other bribed puppet politicians who made sure that the FBI was taping him.

    They all know what going on, and many of them are at arms length to these sordid deals which every American politician knows are just politics as usual. An honest confession by all politicians would break this cycle of corruption, but I know human nature being what it is, they will all deny it. I can understand this, but it does not that I agree with it. Critics will argue that it is easy for me to say this as I am not a corrupt politician. There are those would say that it could be the responsibility of those who know to tell others, and that it is the responsibility of the guilty to confess. This is especially even more their responsibility since they have taken the voters into their confidence, but have in fact been found to be dishonourable.

    Rahm Emanuel is an Illinois congressman close to both the Governor of Illonois and President Elect Barack Obama who was an Illinois Senator until the 16th of November 2008, but resigned his Illinois Senate seat to become President of America. Rahm Emmanuel gave the Illinois Governor’s chief of staff a list of Democrats acceptable to Barack Obama to fill the Senate seat.

    The practice of selling Senate seats did not start with the Governor of Illinois, nor will it end with him, as greater discretion will now be exercised by all opticians. The corporations have the dirt on every American politician to control them. Big business makes sure that every American politician has dirt on them or else they will not get elected.

    This is the system that the American politicians have inherited, and only a total confession by all of them and amnesty for all of them with 100% public funding for elections will remedy this chronic institutionalized problem.

    I want people to know that Barack Obama is just a man, and as such even if he had the best of intentions he will not be able to achieve much change. It is for this reason that people should just be happy that a coloured person of was elected for what that is worth. People should have the intelligence to know that election ‘promises’ made by politicians should be ignored during the election campaign just as much as these election ‘promises’ should be ignored after voting day.

    I want to say that the only concern most Americans should have with Barack Obama is if he is a Secret Muslim. The fact that politicians take bribes and are make sordid deals is one thing, but if their allegiance is not for their country, then that is another thing altogether.

    The Bible tells us that Pharaoh’s daughter adopted Moses when he was young, but after he had been taught the religion of his people. Moses kept serving the true God, even though he was surrounded by the wealth and idolatry of Pharaoh’s Palace.

    “By faith, Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to share ill treatment with God's people, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a time; accounting the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he looked to the reward. By faith, he left Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. By faith, he kept the Passover, and the sprinkling of the blood, that the destroyer of the firstborn should not touch them. By faith, they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land. When the Egyptians tried to do so, they were swallowed up” (Hebrews 11:24-29).

    “Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

    I think what is needed is an amnesty on all American politicians where they all admit to being corrupt and bribe takers, and then 100% public funding of elections is the law. It is better for America to have this confession, rather than just to see the tip of the iceberg. This is because this will be a more effective way to tackle at least this aspect of corruption in American politics. I think that the politicians should be allowed to continue to serve the people because they will now be honest politicians, but more importantly they have knowledge of how to run a country.

    This could leave Obama’s next election campaign finances not being funded by the greedy corporations. We will see the Clinton’s ‘charity’ money used for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign at the next election, with the help of the greedy corporations as she will have foreign policy ‘credentials’.

    Barack Obama would have to take the blame for taxing corporations that will be necessary to promote social harmony because there are enemies of America who will try to engineer a civil war in America. They may try to do this by means of the internet, the postal system or talk back radio shows.

    The most important thing for Americans to know is that their greatest enemy is in fact their governments. People can blame others for racist slurs, but that is not really the problem. The majority of people are sensible, and they view insults as just the air vibrating at certain frequencies, and of no consequence.

    “Don't be quick to get angry, because anger is typical of fools……………Certainly, there is no one so righteous on earth that he always does what is good and never sins. Don't take everything that people say to heart, or you may hear your own servant cursing you. Your conscience knows that you have cursed others many times” (Ecclesiastes 7:9, 21, 22).

    America has had for a long time many home grown racists, and there were even millions of Ku Klux Klan members in the past, and who knows how many there are today.

    The real threat to social harmony which the American governments can only blame themselves for is the lack of money in people pockets.

    I found the following article on the internet, and I hope that the American politicians understand the problems. The article in the next paragraph, it has hundreds of comments from readers.

    President Obama? Many White Supremacists are Celebrating. Posted in White Supremacist by Mark Potok on June 11, 2008.
    With the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential candidate clinched, large sections of the white supremacist movement are adopting a surprising attitude: Electing America’s first black president would be a very good thing. It’s not that the assortment of neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites and others who make up this country’s radical right have suddenly discovered that a man should be judged based on the content of his character, not his skin. On the contrary. A growing number of white supremacists, and even some of those who pass for intellectual leaders of their movement, think that a black man in the Oval Office would shock white America, possibly drive millions to their cause, and perhaps even set off a race war that, they hope, would ultimately end in Aryan victory. “He will make things so bad for white people that hopefully they will finally realize how stupid they were for admiring these jigaboos all these years,” “Darthvader” wrote on the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network web forum. “I believe in the motto ‘Worse is Better’ and Obama certainly fits that description.” Just last week, another poster on the same thread chimed in with this: “I hope Obama wins because in four years, white people just might be pissed off enough to actually do something. … White people aren’t going to do a thing until their toys are taken away from them. So things have to be worse for things to be better.” “Oh man,” enthused “Centimanus” on the white nationalist Stormfront website. “I am gleefully, sadistically looking forward to Obama as president. … It will be a beautiful day when the masses look at the paper and truly realize they have lost their own country. Added “Fulimnata”: “To the average white man and woman, they could look at Obama and see plain as day that whites are not in control.” Another message, from “TheLastOfMyKind,” agreed: “Could it be that the nomination of Obama finally sparks a sense of unity in white voters? I would propose that this threat of black, muslim [sic] rule may very well be the thing that finally scares some sense back into complacent whites throughout the nation.” “Actually,” said another poster, “if Obama were to win, it would be the best thing that ever happened to the Klan. They would have massive growth.” And “TeutonicLegion” said that “a whole bunch of people will join us and find these boards” if Obama becomes president. Even David Duke (right), the neo-Nazi and former Klan boss who is the closest thing the movement has to a real intellectual these days, sees clear advantages in an Obama victory in the fall. “Obama will be a signal, a clear signal for millions of our people,” Duke wrote in an essay entitled “A Black Flag for White America” last week. “Obama is like that new big dark spot on your arm that finally sends you to the doctor for some real medicine. … Obama is the pain that let’s [sic] your body know that something is dreadfully wrong. Obama will let the American people know that there is a real cancer eating away at the heart of our country and Republican aspirin will not only not cure it, but only masks the pain and makes you think you don’t need radical surgery. … My bet is that whether Obama wins or loses in November, millions of European Americans will inevitably react with new awareness of their heritage and the need for them to defend and advance it.” Opinion on the radical right is far from unanimous on the topic of a possible Obama victory. Many of those writing on the topic — perhaps half of those who have posted recently — think an Obama presidency would destroy the country and oppose it mightily. On the other hand, there is virtually no enthusiasm on the radical right for presumptive Republican nominee John McCain, who is widely seen by white supremacists as a sellout, particularly on the issue of non-white immigration into the United States. But increasing numbers think that a bad situation with a black president will be good for their movement. “Thomas Dixon Jr.,” a Stormfront poster using the name of the racist author who wrote the classic novel The Clansman, put it like this: “As WLP [William Luther Pierce, the late leader of the neo-Nazi National Alliance] would say… ‘What is bad for the system is good for us.’” “Obama,” added “The Patriot” in the same thread, “would be better for our cause in the long run, no doubt about it.”

    The fact that Obama may tax the rich and greedy would leave his next election finances not being funded by the greedy tax avoiding corporations. Is Obama willing to put the interests of his nation above his own interests?

    The other way to give money to the poor is to print money, and other countries will be watching closely for useless pretend money, and this may be the end of the U.S. Dollar Standard. This is why many countries should stop trading with America because America may have deliberately engineered, and can always deliberately engineer a recession to cause poverty the rest of the world.

    The Clinton’s may be thinking of using their ‘charity’ money for Hitlery Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2012 with the help of the corporations as she will have foreign policy ‘credentials’. They may use this ‘charity’ money to win votes in America, and to subliminally say to White Americans that they have tolerated that Honorary White long enough, and can now vote for a real 100% White President.

    I have thought of the terms Uncle Gordon, Aunt Angela, and House White to describe White Collaborators and White Traitors. The name Gordon is because of Gordon Brown the Prime Minister of the Britain Colonial Empire, and the name Angela is because of Angela Merkel the Chancellor of Germany, that is the foremost Nazi nation in Europe.

    The English view Gordon Brown as a brown nose because Brown knows that he is a House Scot. It is only after 300 years that the English reluctantly let a White Uncle Tom be ‘leader’ of the British Colonial Empire. Uncle Gordon Brown knows how and why he has got a brown nose, and his English Masters know it too. Uncle Gordon Brown knows that Scotland could be very rich if it was to become independent because of the North Sea oil and gas fields. Uncle Gordon Brown would much rather be the ruler of the larger British Colonial Empire, rather than the more modest but honourable ruler of his own country Scotland.

    Uncle Gordon Brown knows that his country, as an independent and proud Scotland would be very prosperous because all the North Sea oil and gas fields’ revenue would go only to Scotland.

    Collaborators, traitors, and greedy opportunists exist in every class and race oppressed culture. It is the psychology of oppression and its behaviours that we all must understand and be able to talk about across race and class lines if we are serious about making progress.

    Too much unnecessary self-censorship or unnecessarily imposed censorship by the self appointed ‘guardians’ known as the Politically Correct Speech Police is not helpful to making progress. This is not an excuse to use deliberately racist language under the guise of discussing matters of public concern, but a balanced approach is needed. We should not have hypersensitivity to everything said, because we all know that sometimes even very sensitive matters need to be addressed if progress is to be made in combating entrenched corruption and hypocrisy in America’s political establishment.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Gordon for the corporations.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:18 AM |  

    This comment is based on a comment I wrote, but I want to make some points clearer, and I corrected some grammatical errors in THE comment I wrote.

    It is big business that rules America and most of the politicians are just puppets of the corporations. We have seen how the Governor of Illinois suspended trade with the Bank of America, and how the next day he is possibly set up by other bribed puppet politicians who made sure that the FBI was taping him.

    This could be a case of entrapment by those who are working for the big banks and corporations. We all know that we can at times say things that we do not really mean because we were herded in that direction by professional manipulators.

    I am not saying that this is or is not the case with the Governor of Illinois. I really do not know for sure, but my instincts and experience says that it is just the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt ingrained culture in American politics.

    My instincts and experience is not what a Court of Law would look at, or should look at if it ever did go to court, but they would hopefully examine to see if there is enough evidence for legal proceedings.

    I hope that the trial by media is not a feature of the fact that the other American politicians want to sweep the fact of systemic political corruption under the carpet with no regard for the presumption of innocence, which is a vital feature of natural justice.

    I also hope that the Legal and Political Institution of Illinois do not forget natural justice and just make a scapegoat out of the Governor of Illinois in their desperate attempt to say to the American people that corruption has been clear up in American politics.

    Many people think that it is too difficult to resolve this problem that taints all of America’s politicians, and so a scapegoat approach without regard to natural justice is the most expedient course of action. I am not a lawyer, and I do not know the fine print of Illinois Law or of any loopholes in Illinois Law. Regardless of the guilt or innocence, or any shade in between, I think that many Americans would want 100% public funding for elections to clear up corruption in American politics.

    The problem can greatly be overcome by having 100% public funding for elections. The corrupt big business will order their puppet politicians not to reform the system, but to have business as usual.

    They all know what going on, and many of them are at arms length to these sordid deals which every American politician knows are just politics as usual. An honest confession by all politicians would break this cycle of corruption, but I know human nature being what it is, they will all deny it.

    I can understand this, but it does not that I agree with it. Critics will argue that it is easy for me to say this as I am not a corrupt politician. There are those would say that it could be the responsibility of those who know to tell others, and that it is the responsibility of the guilty to confess. This is especially even more their responsibility since they have taken the voters into their confidence, but have in fact been found to be dishonourable.

    Rahm Emanuel is an Illinois congressman close to the Governor of Illinois, and Rahm Emmanuel has come under pressure to resign as Barack Obama’s chief of staff. Barrack Obama who was an Illinois Senator until the 16th of November 2008, but resigned his Illinois Senate seat after winning the election to be President of America. Rahm Emmanuel gave the Illinois Governor’s chief of staff a list of Democrats acceptable to Barack Obama to fill the Senate seat. There are many who will think that Democrats will always cover up for other Democrats.

    The practice of selling Senate seats did not start with the Governor of Illinois, nor will it end with him, as greater discretion will now be exercised by all politicians. The corporations have the dirt on every American politician so that they can always control them. Big business makes sure that every American politician has dirt on them or else Big Business makes sure that they will not get elected.

    This is the system that the American politicians have inherited, and only a total confession by all of them and amnesty for all of them with 100% public funding for elections will remedy this chronic institutionalized problem.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:29 AM |  

    This comment is now a second update on a comment I wrote, and THE comment needs to be updated because more information on this topic is becoming available on the news.

    It is big business that rules America and most of the politicians are just puppets of the corporations. We have seen how the Governor of Illinois suspended trade with the Bank of America, and how the next day he is possibly set up by other bribed puppet politicians who made sure that the FBI was taping him on that day.

    This may or may not be a case of entrapment by those who are working for the big banks and corporations. We all know that we can at times say things that we do not really mean because we were herded in that direction by professional manipulators.

    The establishment does this every so often to keep the others in line. I cannot see why the Governor cannot fulfil his duties if he has not been convicted. It is just like Barack Obama has not been convicted of being a Secret Muslim, and the CIA must let him see sensitive Top Secret Al-Qaeda material.

    I really do not know for sure, but my instincts and experience says that this is just the tip of the iceberg of the corrupt long standing and strongly ingrained bribe taking culture in American politics.

    My instincts and experience is not what a Court of Law would look at, or should look at if it had to go court. If the Judges are not bribed or intimidated, then they would hopefully examine to see if there is enough evidence for legal proceedings.

    I hope that the trial by media is not a feature of the fact that all the other American politicians want to sweep the fact of widespread systemic political corruption under the carpet. The corrupt bribe taking American politicians would have no regard for the presumption of innocence, which is a vital feature of natural justice. This should not surprise anyone because the American politicians have no regard for natural justice, only for expediency.

    The fact that the other corrupt politicians and unprincipled media have put ‘pressure’ or pressure on two of the Illinois Governors employees to resign shows that a fair trail is more difficult under these circumstances. For all we know those two former employees may have been bribed with better job offers or cash after this incident cools off sufficiently. There is the possibility that these two former employees had to have dirt on themselves before they could be employed, and were blackmailed or intimidated to resign.

    This would be done to darken further someone reputation, because it is vital to the expediency they crave, while giving no consideration to the principles and doctrines of due process and natural justice. This is an old saying that says that justice must not only be done, but must be seen to be done. The corrupt American politicians and their allies in the media always put cover ups and expediency before due process and natural justice.

    This is how they ‘solve’ this issue of corruption in American politics and its underlying causes, and they would recommend themselves to solve other people’s problems.

    I also hope that the Legal and Political Institution of Illinois do not forget natural justice and just make a scapegoat out of the Governor of Illinois in their desperate attempt to try to deceive the American people that corruption has been cleared up in American politics.

    Many people think that it is too difficult to resolve this problem that taints all of America’s politicians, and so a scapegoat approach without regard to natural justice is the most expedient course of action.

    Regardless of the guilt or innocence, or any shade in between, I think that many Americans would want 100% public funding for elections to clear up corruption in American politics.

    The problem can greatly be overcome by having 100% public funding for elections. The corrupt big business will order their puppet politicians not to reform the system, but to have business as usual.

    All the American politicians know what is, and what has been going on for too long, and many of them are at arms length to these sordid deals, and some are closer to the politics as usual. An honest confession by all American politicians would break this cycle of corruption, but I know human nature being what it is, they will all deny it until they are convicted in a court.

    I can understand this, but it does not that I agree with it. Critics will argue that it is easy for me to speak this way because I am not a corrupt politician. There are those who would say that it could be the responsibility of those who know to tell others, and that it is the responsibility of the guilty to confess. This is especially even more their responsibility since they have taken the voters into their confidence, but have in fact been found to be dishonourable.

    Rahm Emanuel is an Illinois congressman close to the Governor of Illinois, and Rahm Emmanuel has come under pressure to resign as Barack Obama’s chief of staff. Barrack Obama who was an Illinois Senator until the 16th of November 2008, but resigned his Illinois Senate seat after winning the election to be President of America. Rahm Emmanuel gave the Illinois Governor’s chief of staff a list of Democrats acceptable to Barack Obama to fill the Senate seat.

    There are many who will think that Democrats will always cover up for other Democrats.

    Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination for President in August 2008, and on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. Since that time, people have been thinking that a Senate seat may soon become available, and after Obama won the election on 4th of November 2008 a Senate seat in Illinois did become available.

    There was a period of 5 weeks from November 4th till the time allegations were made concerning the Illinois Senate seat.

    The question need to be asked if Rahm Emmanuel would ‘negotiate’ for the Illinois Senate seat without the knowledge, permission, and highest offer instructions of Barack Obama. If Rahm Emmanuel did this, then it was either highly presumptuous, or it could even imply that Barack Obama is viewed and treated as an Uncle Gordon or a House Scot by his superiors.

    Obama has quite properly keep silent over this Senate issue because he is not the President yet, and possibly even on advice from his lawyers.

    The practice of selling Senate seats did not start with the Governor of Illinois, nor will it end with him, as greater discretion will now be exercised by all American politicians. The corporations have the dirt on every American politician so that they can always control them. Big business makes sure that every American politician has dirt on them or else Big Business makes sure that they will not get elected.

    This is the system that the American politicians have inherited, and only a total confession by all of them and pardon for all of them with 100% public funding for elections will remedy this chronic institutionalized problem.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:46 AM |  

    This comment is new information on the topic of corruption and bribe taking by THE politicians of America.

    There is a decision that the Illinois Legislature and the Illinois Senate have to make, and that is will they contribute to the reform agenda and introduce clean politics into the State of Illinois.

    Or will the Illinois Legislature and the Illinois Senate allow themselves to be used by other politicians to make themselves appear clean when they are more corrupt than some politicians in the State of Illinois?

    I want to say that I am not going to say if the Governor of Illinois is think is guilty or innocent, because there much material with the context for lawyers judges, and politicians to consider.

    It could even be that the corrupt establishment in their cravings for expediency have pressured or bribed the Governor of Illinois to admit guilt for a lesser sentence. I would not trust the other crooked politicians to keep their ‘word’ for very good reasons, and I would seek legal advice if I were in that situation.

    The other corrupt politicians are going to show their ‘concern’ and say that it better for the Governor of Illinois and for his family if he resigns. These politicians are lying because they are only thinking about themselves because they wish to continue to accept large bribes.

    If they fail to trick, bribe, or intimidate the Governor of Illinois to forgo his constitutionally guaranteed legal rights, then they will use the same tactics on the other legislators of Illinois.

    I think that the proper way to look at the unfortunate, yet hopefully fortunate situation is that the other American politicians are really on trial here.

    It is also a fortunate opportunity for the State of Illinois to put their corrupt past behind them, and to create the business opportunities and jobs for the voters who gave them the honour, the privilege, and the obligation to serve the people of Illinois.

    I can understand the desperation by the other politicians of the other States of America, and they will pressure Illinois hard to cover for their own corruption.

    I say fortunate also because the State of Illinois can set an example to encourage the rest of the corrupt bribe taking American political system to introduce much needed reforms, especially having 100% public funding for elections.

    There are many other jealous corrupt States in America who do not want Illinois to set the trend to end corruption in American politics. They do not want the State of Illinois to be known worldwide for respect for the principles of due process and natural justice. They do not want the State of Illinois to have 100% public funding for elections. This is because they do not want the State of Illinois to attract business enterprises that will create jobs and give prosperity to the people of Illinois. They mean spirited and selfish thoughts are that they want Illinois to look bad so that we can look good.

    Finest Hour Lyrics

    What a moment this is
    It is good to be alive
    There is still time for changing the world
    I believe it can happen
    God has given us life
    He has given us breath
    And the sun is not set
    We are not finished yet
    And I tell you there must be a reason

    This could be your finest hour
    This could be your greatest day
    This could be your finest hour
    Don't throw it away

    'Cause you just never know
    You never know what's around the next bend
    There are answers to prayer
    So you just can't stop caring
    This is not the end
    It's not only the young
    No not just he fast or the strong
    But to the one who is wise
    Who will open their eyes
    To the spirit of God
    To His power


    This could be your finest hour
    Are you ready to shine?

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:04 AM |  

    There are two articles that were written by unbiased analysts who know what THE Law of Illinois has to say concerning the allegations against the Governor of Illinois. They are presented after a brief comment on how the Defence Attorney for the Governor of Illionos views this matter.

    Minutes after the end of his meeting with the Governor of Illinois Chicago Defence Attorney Edward Genson proclaimed that the Governor is not guilty, he will not resign, and instead he will fight the charges against him.

    Mr. Genson has stated that this is an interesting case because it is one of those cases where the press has just taken control and the media has taken control. Mr Genson thinks the case is not what it seems, and he thinks that when it comes to pass, people will see that it is not what it seems and people will find that the Governor of Illinois is not guilty.

    If this is what the learned Attorney says after speaking with his client, then I think that this is the only way the public and the media should view it until found otherwise.

    I base this position primarily on the doctrines and principles of the right of every accused to be given the presumption of innocence. I believe that that principle is sufficient for this to apply, but I have read some independent opinions from people who should know, and seem to be unbiased. These opinions of those who seem to be in no way connected with these matters are in the next paragraphs.

    Tough Case to Prove Against Illinois Governor

    Blagojevich Case Not Open And Shut By Any Means, Law School Dean Says

    By Sherwood Ross

    Global Research, December 14, 2008

    Despite seemingly incriminating wiretaps, nobody should be “utterly shocked” if Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is acquitted of charges he offered to sell his appointment to fill the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Obama, a prominent legal authority says.

    Does a discussion of the selling of a political office “constitute crime if it hasn’t reached the stage of offers given or received?” questions Lawrence Velvel, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law at Andover in his December 11th blog, “Velvel on National Affairs.”

    Velvel said that there might be no sustainable legal case against Blagojevich if events had not gotten to the point where Blagojevich said “We will appoint you to the Senate in return for one million dollars.” “Maybe (Patrick) Fitzgerald (U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois) can make a conspiracy to commit those crimes stick, but, on the other hand, maybe even conspiracy charges will lose,” Velvel writes.

    “All or nearly all that Fitzgerald seems to have given us to date are quotations and paraphrases of Blagojevich and company planning to do what all or nearly all American politicians---crooks, the lot of ‘em---have been doing for scores of years,” Velvel writes. “They’ve caught Blagojevich discussing what should be received in return for a political favor, here the favor of appointment to the Senate.”

    A trial could see a parade of defense witnesses testifying “what Blagojevich was caught doing is simply typical of how politics has been practiced in this country” since the Age of Andrew Jackson, Velvel said. He continued, “A trial, if there is one, thus has the potential to blow up the American political system” and “it is impossible to see how the pols can let a trial take place.”

    “For scores of years it has been a standing farce that ambassadorships are in effect sold to the rich for campaign contributions,” Velvel said. “Membership on state boards or commissions is traded for campaign contributions. It has for many decades been a standing practice for politicians to cast their votes in Congress in favor of positions desired by industries that give them money for their campaigns.”

    Velvel said nothing in his remarks should be misunderstood as a defense or liking for Blagojevich, whom he described as “a very distasteful crook.”

    Velvel said he wonders why, given the crookedness Blagojevich is accused of has long been an everyday matter in American politics, Fitzgerald brought his case. One possibility, he concluded, might be “self aggrandizement.” He recalled that Fitzgerald at a press conference made it appear he was “after really big game” when he went after I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby for exposing Valerie Plame as a CIA agent but the outcome was “the lion that roared …belched forth only a mouse,” and that the higher-ups in that affair, the president and vice president and presidential advisor Karl Rove, were never prosecuted.

    Libby resigned in 2005 after being indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice. He was Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney and an Assistant to President Bush.

    “So when Fitzgerald came on so strong about this writer’s reaction was that it was wise to be skeptical unless Fitzgerald showed a lot more than he apparently could.”

    Velvel is dean and cofounder of the pioneering Massachusetts School of Law at Andover, a law school purposefully dedicated to providing a quality, affordable education for minorities and students from low- and middle-income backgrounds that could not otherwise afford a legal education and enter the legal profession. Velvel has been honored for his work by the National Law Journal and described as a leader in the law school education reform movement by The National Jurist.

    The New York Times

    In Blagojevich Case, Is It a Crime, or Just Talk?

    Published: December 15, 2008

    WASHINGTON — When Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States attorney in Chicago, announced the arrest of the Illinois governor, Rod R. Blagojevich, Mr. Fitzgerald said he had acted to halt a political crime spree that included what he called an “appalling” effort to sell off the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

    But now some lawyers are beginning to suggest that the juiciest part of the case against Mr. Blagojevich, the part involving the Senate seat, may be less than airtight. There is no evidence, at least none that has been disclosed, that the governor actually received anything of value — and the Senate appointment has yet to be made.

    Ever since the country’s founding, prosecutors, defense lawyers and juries have been trying to define the difference between criminality and political deal-making. They have never established a clear-cut line between the offensive and the illegal, and the hours of wiretapped conversations involving Mr. Blagojevich, filled with crass, profane talk about benefiting from the Senate vacancy, may fall into a legal gray area.

    Robert S. Bennett, one of Washington’s best-known white-collar criminal defense lawyers, said Mr. Blagojevich faced nearly insurmountable legal problems in a case that includes a raft of corruption accusations unrelated to Mr. Obama’s Senate seat. But Mr. Bennett said the case raised some potentially thorny issues about political corruption.

    “This town is full of people who call themselves ambassadors, and all they did was pay $200,000 or $300,000 to the Republican or Democratic Party,” said Mr. Bennett, referring to a passage in the criminal complaint filed against the governor suggesting that Mr. Blagojevich was interested in an ambassadorial appointment in return for the Senate seat. “You have to wonder, How much of this guy’s problem was his language, rather than what he really did?”

    In presenting his case, Mr. Fitzgerald said Mr. Blagojevich had crossed the line from deal-making to criminality, citing an example in the complaint in which the governor discussed with an aide obtaining a $300,000-a-year job from the Service Employees International Union in return for naming a candidate to the seat.
    “We’re not trying to criminalize people making political horse trades on policies or that sort of thing,” Mr. Fitzgerald said. “But it is criminal when people are doing it for their personal enrichment. And they’re doing it in a way that is, in this case, clearly criminal.”

    But politicians routinely receive political contributions in return for their decisions, whether they involve making appointments or taking a stand on legislation. Lawmakers vote in favor of bills and steer appropriations backed by their donors without fear that prosecutors will bug their offices and homes.

    And while prosecutors have brought increasing numbers of political corruption cases in recent years, they have done so using laws that make it a crime for an official to deprive the public of “honest services.” The cases are based on statutes that never define exactly what conduct might be illegal and do not require proof of a bribe or a quid pro quo to establish criminal wrongdoing.

    What those statutes do require is evidence that an official at least tried to seek something of value in return for an official action.
    In the case of Mr. Blagojevich, it would be legal for the governor to accept a campaign contribution from someone he appointed to the Senate seat. What would create legal problems for him is if he was tape-recorded specifically offering a seat in exchange for the contribution. What would make the case even easier to prosecute is if he was recorded offering the seat in exchange for a personal favor, like cash, a job or a job for a family member.

    Indeed the government has claimed the wiretaps show that Mr. Blagojevich told his aides that he wanted to offer the seat in exchange for contributions and for personal favors, including jobs for himself and his wife.

    But talk is not enough. Any case will ultimately turn on the strength of the tapes, and whether the governor made it clear to any of the candidates for the Senate seat that he would give it only in exchange for something of value.

    Several lawyers cautioned that the complaint presented last week was a snapshot of the evidence that Mr. Fitzgerald had amassed so far, in an investigation that is continuing.

    In moving to arrest Mr. Blagojevich on Dec. 9, Mr. Fitzgerald acted without having presented his case before a grand jury. He is now likely to use such a panel to obtain additional witness testimony exploring whether anyone, including anyone in the Obama camp, had specific discussions with the governor’s office about filling the vacancy.

    Mr. Fitzgerald’s decision to bypass a grand jury initially could signal a belief on his part that he did not yet have a fully prosecutable case on his hand, though it appears to have been prompted at least in part by the publication in The Chicago Tribune on Dec. 5 of an article that tipped off Mr. Blagojevich that investigators were listening in on his conversations.

    Mr. Fitzgerald has also said he had been worried that if he did not intervene, Mr. Blagojevich might go ahead with some of his schemes, including appointing a successor to Mr. Obama.

    In the wiretaps cited in the complaint, Mr. Blagojevich talked about what he said was an urgent need for political contributions and favors, but it was not clear whether he took concerted action to actually obtain anything in return for the seat. Several lawyers said Mr. Fitzgerald might need more evidence to prosecute Mr. Blagojevich over the issue.

    “It’s a very difficult case for a number of reasons; not the least is the nebulous nature of the charges and the inherently difficult issues when you’re talking about a person executing his First Amendment right to promote a particular politician,” said Michael D. Monico, a former federal prosecutor who is now a criminal defense lawyer in Chicago.

    “Merely thinking about something is not a crime,” said Mr. Monico, a lawyer for Christopher Kelly, a former Blagojevich fund-raiser who was indicted last year on tax charges “Just talking about something is not a crime. You need another action for someone to commit a crime.”

    Many of the politicians in America have a law degree, and they know these things too. They are covering up fore themselves by trying to make the Governor of Illinois their scapegoat. The American public are continuing to follow this story with interest, and I hope they ignore the biased and bribed media and follow the principles of natural justice.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:28 AM |  

    This comment is new information on the topic of corruption and bribe taking by THE politicians of America.

    The desperation of the real criminals is becoming ever more evident with their latest stunt to have ‘whistleblowers’ come and give ‘evidence’ against the crooks preferred scapegoat, the Governor of Illinois. They realize that they have no case, or a very weak case at best against the Governor of Illinois. At the same time, this is getting too close to Obama and so they need to expand their inquisition to deflect attention from their own sordid Chicago-style involvement.

    I want to say that I have read comments from readers on Blogs on this subject, and I have assumed that there information is correct because they are American citizens. I know that I should not have assumed that the information is correct, and this does not mean that I think they were deliberately lying. It is that I misinterpreted what they were saying because I had no background knowledge of the situation. I thought that the Governor of illusions had a problem with the Bank of America, and then the next day the FBI make allegations and the Governor of Illinois is arrested.

    The big corrupt business thought that they had enough on him with the help of the other corrupt politicians and the puppet media they would teach anyone who goes against them a lesson.

    The Governor’s own words describing the Senate seat, quote, “It’s a bleeping valuable thing — thing. You just don’t give it away for nothing,” close quote.

    There are people who think that it is possible that the Governor of Illinois was trying to get some concessions for his State by that comment.

    I know that it is easy to be overly cynical when it comes to politicians, and they are greedy and selfish more than the public. However, I have discovered that all the politicians in my country do wish to do as much for the people as they can. They all differ as to how much they wish to do for themselves and for others, but I have never noticed even one politician in my country who is not with the people, but totally concerned only with themselves.

    We see that American politicians seems to have friends and family of other politicians, and America is nepotistic more than any country that claims to be democratic.

    We see how the Attorney General is the daughter of the Speaker of Illinois Legislature, and she wants to be Governor of Illinois. Do you think that she would not abuse her position of authority, which is in reality corruption, and would others claim that she is corrupt because corruption is more than just money?

    We see that other politicians are saying that the Governor of Illinois was seeking bribes long ago, and that everyone knew of it. If this is true then why not just write to the Governor of Illinois and say that this is just a reminder let you know that the state has a right to choose its own Senator, and not be pressured by the Federal Government. The reminder could have said that the Constitution has a time limit, and that the Federal government has confidence that the Governor of Illinois is aware of this. The letter should have said that the Federal Government will be happy with whatever chose of candidate the people’s representatives decides to make because this is a State’s Rights issue for the State of Illinois.

    The very fact that these correspondences did not occur in writing is proof that if there was any corruption, then it was from those involved.

    It is at times a difficult balancing act because there is no 100% public funding for election campaigns. The dilemma is that if a caring politicians wants to continue to promote the welfare the public, then he needs campaign funds, because the uncaring ones will always have funding from the tax-avoiding corporations.

    I was not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence, and if I refuse to have intelligence insulted, then I know that some people who do not agree with logic and reality will try to say that I am being racist. I have found that you should only ever mention some things a few times. This is because if you mention it too many times, then you know that the person you are talking to is either unable or unwilling to accept the facts.

    It is for this reason that I should quote and name the source, but more importantly my observations should sometimes be of a generic nature. I think the more important thing now is remedy the long standing ingrained and widespread bribe taking and corruption in American politics.

    It is this willingness or lack of willingness by all, and I mean all American politicians to reform the system.

    The Governor of Illinois is being offered a pay to play bribe, but in reverse, and if he were to accept it, then he it would be a clear admission that dirty corrupt deals are done in politics, but now all the American politicians are doing it, but they want to appear pure while doing it. He is being offered a don’t play and you will not pay politics, and this can even be more corrupt as the pay to play politics depending on the circumstances.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would not believe their worthless promises, because they will collectively think about their own interests first, and they will betray the Governor of Illinois. I know that it is easy for me to say this because I am not in this predicament, and if the Governor of Illinois makes an honest deal for his benefit I will not criticize him. We all know what he is up against because the American politicians will say to the media who wants Federal money by means of ‘advertising’ Federal Government programs to the people. The corrupt media who have lost any ounce of conscience long ago will do as they are told by the American political sharks. These sharks want to cover up their own corruption and resist a proper reform agenda of the American political system because of their own vested interests.

    The Governor of Illinois is being told in no uncertain terms that “if you refuse to be the scapegoat for the rest of us, then we will come down hard on you”.

    There is a decision that the Illinois Legislature and the Illinois Senate have to make, and that is will they contribute to the reform agenda and introduce clean politics into the State of Illinois.

    Or will the Illinois Legislature and the Illinois Senate allow themselves to be used by other politicians of other American States to make try to make themselves appear clean when they are in fact even more corrupt than the politicians in the State of Illinois? The Democrat State politicians of Illinois are now under great pressure to cover up for the new Democrat Federal Government, especially because the President-elect is coloured.

    I want to say that I am not going to say if the Governor of Illinois is think is guilty or innocent, because there much material with the context for lawyers judges, and politicians to consider.

    It could even be that the corrupt establishment in their cravings for expediency have pressured or bribed the Governor of Illinois to admit guilt for a lesser sentence. I would not trust the other crooked politicians to keep their ‘word’ for very good reasons, and I would seek legal advice if I were in that situation.

    The other corrupt politicians are going to show their ‘concern’ and say that it better for the Governor of Illinois and for his family if he resigns. These politicians are lying because they are only thinking about themselves because they wish to continue to accept large bribes.

    If they fail to trick, bribe, or intimidate the Governor of Illinois to forgo his constitutionally guaranteed legal rights, then they will use the same tactics on the other legislators of Illinois.

    I think that the proper way to look at the unfortunate, yet hopefully fortunate situation is that the other American politicians are really on trial here.

    It is also a fortunate opportunity for the State of Illinois to put their corrupt past behind them, and to create the business opportunities and jobs for the voters who gave them the honour, the privilege, and the obligation to serve the people of Illinois.

    I can understand the desperation by the other politicians of the other States of America, and they will pressure Illinois hard to cover for their own corruption.

    I say fortunate also because the State of Illinois can set an example to encourage the rest of the corrupt bribe taking American political system to introduce much needed reforms, especially having 100% public funding for elections.

    There are many other jealous corrupt States in America who do not want Illinois to set the trend to end corruption in American politics. They do not want the State of Illinois to be known worldwide for respect for the principles of due process and natural justice. They do not want the State of Illinois to have 100% public funding for elections. This is because they do not want the State of Illinois to attract business enterprises that will create jobs and give prosperity to the people of Illinois. They mean spirited and selfish thoughts are that they want Illinois to look bad so that we can look good.

    Finest Hour Lyrics

    What a moment this is
    It is good to be alive
    There is still time for changing the world
    I believe it can happen
    God has given us life
    He has given us breath
    And the sun is not set
    We are not finished yet
    And I tell you there must be a reason

    This could be your finest hour
    This could be your greatest day
    This could be your finest hour
    Don't throw it away

    'Cause you just never know
    You never know what's around the next bend
    There are answers to prayer
    So you just can't stop caring
    This is not the end
    It's not only the young
    No not just the fast or the strong
    But to the one who is wise
    Who will open their eyes
    To the spirit of God
    To His power


    This could be your finest hour
    Are you ready to shine?

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:30 AM |  

    This comment is based on a comment on the topic of corruption and bribe taking by THE politicians of America. I have found it necessary to correct grammatical errors, and to convey better the thoughts of that comment.

    The desperation of the real criminals is becoming ever more evident with their latest stunt to have ‘whistleblowers’ come and give ‘evidence’ against the crooks preferred scapegoat, the Governor of Illinois. They realize that they have no case, or a very weak case at best against the Governor of Illinois. At the same time, this is getting too close to Obama and so they need to expand their inquisition to deflect attention away from their own sordid Chicago-style involvement.

    The big corrupt business thought that they had enough on him with the help of the other corrupt politicians and the puppet media, they would teach anyone who goes against them a lesson.

    The Illinois Governor’s own words describing the Senate seat, quote, “It’s a bleeping valuable thing — thing. You just don’t give it away for nothing,” close quote.

    There are people who think that it is possible that the Governor of Illinois was trying to get some concessions for his State by that comment.

    I know that it is easy to be overly cynical when it comes to politicians, and they are greedy and selfish more than the public. However, I have discovered that all the politicians in my country do wish to do as much as they can for their people. They all differ as to how much they wish to do for themselves and what is left over for the people. Nevertheless, I have never noticed even one politician in my country who totally disregards the people, and is only interested in themselves.

    American politicians have friends and family of themselves in Government and America is nepotistic more than any country that claims to be democratic.

    We see how the Attorney General of Illinois is the daughter of the Speaker of Illinois Legislature, and she wants to be Governor of Illinois. Do you think that she would not abuse her position of authority, which is in reality corruption? Would others claim that she is corrupt because she may abuse her position of authority, and corruption is more than just money?

    We see that other American politicians are saying that the Governor of Illinois was seeking bribes long ago, and that everyone knew of it. If this is true then why did others approach the Governor of Illinois if they did not bring a bribe? Is it not logical that under such circumstances to just write to the Governor of Illinois and say that this is just a reminder let you know that the State of Illinois has a right to choose its own Senator, and not to be pressured by the Federal Government. The reminder could have said that the Constitution has a time limit for the Senate vacancy to be filled and that the Federal Government has confidence that the Governor of Illinois is aware of this. The letter should have said that the Federal Government will be happy with whatever choice of candidate the people’s representatives decides to make because this is a State’s Rights issue for the State of Illinois. The letter should have said that the State of Illinois should choose a candidate that will not be a puppet for the Federal Government, but will represent and fight hard for the interests of the people of Illinois. The letter should has said that it was shown to Barack Obama before it was sent, or that it was sent by Rahm Emmanuel on his own authority. For Barack Lipstick Obama to say that he was shocked by what is said to have taken place in Illinois recently is like Al Capone saying he is shocked by a motorist getting a parking ticket. I did not realize that Barack Obama could be so pure, or so innocent, or so honest that he would say that he was shocked to at last discover that not all politicians are as pure, innocent, or honest as he is.

    The very fact that these correspondences did not occur in writing is proof that if there was any corruption at all, then it was from all those involved in this Chicago-style saga. Obama was trying to install his puppet, but only used the words that he would appreciate it. In the language of Chicago politics, I am sure that they word appreciation has meant a job in the future, and especially cash at times.

    I am not trying to insult anyone’s intelligence, and if I refuse to have my intelligence insulted, then I know that some people who do not agree with logic and reality will try to say that I am being racist. I have found that you should only ever mention some things a few times. This is because if you mention it too many times, then you know that the person you are talking to is either unable or unwilling to accept the facts.

    There is a lack of willingness by all, and I mean all American politicians to reform the system and that speaks volumes for all of them. I think that the process should all have been done in writing, but hardened criminals do not want to leave any evidence or to act with propriety, which doing business in writing would ensure. The best thing for all American politicians is to confess that they make and take bribes and then introduce 100% public funding for elections.

    The Governor of Illinois is being offered a pay to play bribe, but in reverse, and if he were to accept it, then he it would be a clear admission that dirty corrupt deals are done in politic, but now all the American politicians are doing it, but they want to appear pure while doing it. He is being offered a don’t play and you will not pay politics, and this can even be more corrupt as the pay to play politics depending on the circumstances.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would not believe their worthless promises, because they will collectively think about their own interests first, and they will betray the Governor of Illinois. I know that it is easy for me to say this because I am not in this predicament, and if the Governor of Illinois makes an honest deal for his benefit I will not criticize him.

    We all know what he is up against because the American politicians have a willing vile media who want Federal money by means of ‘advertising’ Federal Government programs to the people. The corrupt media who have lost the last ounce of conscience they had long ago will do as they are told by the American political sharks. These American political sharks want to cover up their own corruption and resist a proper reform agenda of the American political system because of their own vested interests. The system will tamper with the evidence, and pay off everyone that is needed to cover up their corrupt involvement.

    The Governor of Illinois is being told in no uncertain terms that “if you refuse to be the scapegoat for the rest of us, then we will come down hard on you”.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  32. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:48 AM |  

    This comment is to show that even an honest person who becomes an American politician will soon become corrupt like THE rest of them. This is because there is not sufficient public funding and sufficient free media time and space during elections that the media should give as an obligation to ‘democracy’.

    I give the proven example of the Stanford experiment that was meant to last for 14 days, but was reduced to 6 days because of the deteriorating situation. The following several paragraphs provides a brief understanding of Stanford prison experiment from Wikipedia.

    The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. The experiment was conducted in 1971 by a team of researchers led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo at Stanford University. Twenty-four undergraduates were selected out of 70 to play the roles of both guards and prisoners and live in a mock prison in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Those selected were chosen for their lack of psychological issues, crime history, and medical disabilities, in order to obtain a representative sample. Roles were assigned based on a coin toss.

    Prisoners and guards rapidly adapted to their roles, stepping beyond the boundaries of what had been predicted and leading to dangerous and psychologically damaging situations. One-third of the guards were judged to have exhibited "genuine" sadistic tendencies, while many prisoners were emotionally traumatized and two had to be removed from the experiment early. After a graduate student Zimbardo was dating objected to the inhumane conditions in the prison, and realizing that he had been passively allowing unethical acts to be performed under his direct supervision, Zimbardo concluded that everyone including himself had become too absorbed in their roles and terminated the experiment after six days.

    Zimbardo and his team set out to test the idea that the inherent personality traits of prisoners and guards were key to understanding abusive prison situations. Participants were recruited and told they would participate in a two-week "prison simulation." Of the 70 respondents, Zimbardo and his team selected the 24 males whom they deemed to be the most psychologically stable and healthy. These participants were predominantly white and middle-class.

    The "prison" itself was in the basement of Stanford's Jordan Hall, which had been converted into a mock jail. An undergraduate research assistant was the "warden" and Zimbardo the "superintendent". Zimbardo set up a number of specific conditions on the participants which he hoped would promote disorientation, depersonalization and deindividuation.

    The researchers provided weapons -- wooden batons -- and clothing that simulated that of a prison guard -- khaki shirt and pants from a local military surplus store. They were also given mirrored sunglasses to prevent eye contact.

    Prisoners wore ill-fitting smocks and stocking caps. Guards called prisoners by their assigned numbers, sewn on their uniforms, instead of by name. A chain around their ankles reminded them of their roles as prisoners.

    The researchers held an "orientation" session for guards the day before the experiment, during which they were told that they could not physically harm the prisoners. In The Stanford Prison Study video, quoted in Haslam & Reicher, 2003, Zimbardo is seen telling the guards, "You can create in the prisoners feelings of boredom, a sense of fear to some degree, you can create a notion of arbitrariness that their life is totally controlled by us, by the system, you, me, and they'll have no privacy… We're going to take away their individuality in various ways. In general what all this leads to is a sense of powerlessness. That is, in this situation we'll have all the power and they'll have none."

    The experiment quickly grew out of hand. Prisoners suffered — and accepted — sadistic and humiliating treatment from the guards. The high level of stress progressively led them from rebellion to inhibition. By experiment's end, many showed severe emotional disturbances.

    After a relatively uneventful first day, a riot broke out on the second day. The guards volunteered to work extra hours and worked together to break the prisoner revolt, attacking the prisoners with fire extinguishers without supervision from the research staff.

    A false rumour spread that one of the prisoners, who asked to leave the experiment, would lead companions to free the rest of the prisoners. The guards were forced to dismantle the prison and move the inmates to another secure location. When no breakout attempt occurred, the guards were angry about having to rebuild the prison, so they took it out on the prisoners.

    Zimbardo cited his own absorption in the experiment he guided, and in which he actively participated as Prison Superintendent. On the fourth day, some prisoners were talking about trying to escape. Zimbardo and the guards attempted to move the prisoners to the more secure local police station, but officials there said they could no longer participate in Zimbardo's experiment.

    Several guards became increasingly cruel as the experiment continued. Experimenters said that approximately one-third of the guards exhibited genuine sadistic tendencies. Interestingly, most of the guards were upset when the experiment concluded early.

    Zimbardo argued that the prisoner participants had internalized their roles, based on the fact that some had stated that they would accept parole even with the attached condition of forfeiting all of their experiment-participation pay. Yet, when their parole applications were all denied, none of the prisoner participants quit the experiment. Zimbardo argued they had no reason for continued participation in the experiment after having lost all monetary compensation, yet they did, because they had internalized the prisoner identity, they thought themselves prisoners, hence, they stayed.

    Prisoner No. 416, a newly admitted stand-by prisoner, expressed concern over the treatment of the other prisoners. The guards responded with more abuse. When he refused to eat his sausages, saying he was on a hunger strike, guards confined him in a closet and called it solitary confinement, The guards used this incident to turn the other prisoners against No. 416, saying the only way he would be released from solitary confinement was if they gave up their blankets and slept on their bare mattresses, which all but one refused to do.

    Zimbardo concluded the experiment early when Christina Maslach, a graduate student he was then dating (and later married), objected to the appalling conditions of the prison after she was introduced to the experiment to conduct interviews. Zimbardo noted that of more than fifty outside persons who had seen the prison, Maslach was the only one who questioned its morality. After only six days of a planned two weeks' duration, the Stanford Prison experiment was shut down.

    The Stanford experiment ended on August 20, 1971, only 6 days after it began instead of the 14 it was supposed to have lasted. The experiment's result has been argued to demonstrate the impressionability and obedience of people when provided with a legitimizing ideology and social and institutional support. It is also used to illustrate cognitive dissonance theory and the power of authority.

    In psychology, the results of the experiment are said to support situational attributions of behaviour rather than dispositional attribution. In other words, it seemed the situation caused the participants' behaviour, rather than anything inherent in their individual personalities.

    Shortly after the study had been completed, there were bloody revolts at both the San Quentin and Attica prison facilities, and Zimbardo reported his findings on the experiment to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary.

    After having read this account of how normal everyday people do change under certain circumstances, we are better placed to understand why American politicians lie, offer bribes, accept bribes and abuse their positions of authority.

    There is an old saying that says; we see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    I think that the Constitutions of America are inadequate to begin with, and what makes it worse is that even these inadequate Constitutions that the American politicians have sworn to uphold are being spat upon by all American politicians, on a daily basis. This makes it extremely difficult, even impossible for an honest politician to get elected. If an honest person have been elected, then he or she will not stay in politics long unless they become corrupt.

    “Do not be tricked by false words: evil company does damage to good behaviour” (1 Corinthians 15:33).

    There are many Constitutional Lawyers in America who believe that Hillary Clinton is an unconstitutional pick for Secretary of State or SS.

    There is a legal discussion going around as to whether or not Senator Clinton is disqualified from being Secretary of State in line with the Article I, Section 6 Emoluments (Salary) Clause:

    No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ….

    For Wicked King Ahab and Evil Queen Jezebel known to us as Bill and Hillary Clinton, they are above the law and will be telling running the next American Government. They say that America is a land of opportunity, and where else could one of Bill Clinton’s mistresses become President?

    If the people want more honesty in Government, then they are going to have to lobby for change. A good start is that all correspondences be conducted in writing stating how far up the line of authority the letter will be read before sending it, and for the highest up the line of authority to co-sign the letter.

    This means that when Rahm Emmanuel corresponded with the Governor of Illinois, he could have said these things. It is possible for both Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel to lie and say that Obama did not read it when in fact he may have even authored it. However, no one will be in doubt as to what it is that is wanting to be said, and that would be a small consolation. This does prevent further secret conversations on secret telephone lines, where the letter becomes ‘proof’ of ‘purity’ but it is a small consolation.

    The characters in this sordid Chicago style conspiracy are all old time friends and associates of each other, and they talk in code that only they know because someone may overhear them. These people are from the State of Illinois or have been employed by the Governor of Illinois. These people include the Governor of Illinois, Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Eric Holder, Tony Rezko, and Jesse Jackson Junior who is Senate Candidate 5 in the FBI files.

    The word appreciation is code for a modest sum of money, whereas the saying much appreciation would mean more money etc. The only reason the Governor of Illinois even mentioned the Senate seat was because there was a market, and Obama and his team knew this.

    If we look at the Thesaurus, we will see other words that mean appreciation, and the further down the alphabet the word starts with, the higher the bribe offer.

    Obama and his team had no right or business in Illinois selection of a Senator, and they wanted to influence the selection, and was it for a 5 sum appreciation, or a 6 sum appreciation. America’s corrupt and bribe offering and bribe taking Politicians are either too busy, too indifferent, or too lazy. The only reason they waste their time is to influence matters and hopefully to win friends if possible. Other reasons that American politicians bother to do anything is for a payback, to advance their own careers, or to cover up for themselves.

    The Illinois Attorney General is furious that the Supreme Court could not pervert the course of justice and do the bidding of the conspirators because it would have been overly brazen and perilously risky under the current circumstances. The Attorney General of Illinois is now trying her utmost to prevent the Governor of Illinois in seeking his lawful rights to a fair trial. I believe that she is motivated by malicious, because she seeks to improperly gain the Governorship of Illinois at the expense of a person who up till now must be given presumption of innocence. The Attorney General of Illinois is now trying to see that the Governor of Illinois is denied a fair trial by ensuring that he cannot pay the legal bills.

    Be certain the corrupt conspirators will make it as difficult for the Governor of Illinois to gain access to his supposedly Constitutionally guaranteed rights. These oppressors even want to say that the Governor of Illinois is responsible for giving Illinois a bad reputation, when everyone is now starting to see that the true unprincipled culprits.

    Another much-needed reform is to have 100% public funding for political campaigns, and sufficient free media advertising near Election Day, as a condition of the media’s license.

    There is an old saying that says; we see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If an American politician wanted to be as honest as he or she could be under those extremely difficult circumstances, then they would have to pretend to be corrupt. He or she would be in a workplace where everyone knows that everyone has to lie, offer bribes, takes bribes, and cover up for themselves and others. An Honest politician may have to pretend to be dishonest, just to know what the others are really like. The honest ones would have to suspect that they were being bugged, and would have to pretend to be dishonest.

    We all know that the people of America want less corruption in government, but the politicians and the media do not want reforms. The only other option now that this has happened is to try to sweep it under the carpet, or find a scapegoat.

    It is difficult to sweep it under the carpet now, and so a scapegoat is the only option, because pardons, confession and reforms are not acceptable to the corrupt American politicians.

    It seems that the Obama team believe in 100% recycling because they are recycling all the corrupt Clinton people in this ‘democracy’.

    The Obama team have been cunning enough to use the time wisely to invent lies, and say that they were ordered by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. The truth of the matter is probably that Obama ordered U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to order Obama and his team to keep silent until they could get legal advice.

    This will have to be covered up professionally, because it will look like a type of affirmative action for minorities, whereas it is just business as usual in American politics.

    The thing to know in American politics is that everyone has their own agenda, and uses the situation for their own purpose.

    I think that the people behind this are the Clintons because they want to run for President in 2012. The Clintons want to give every Serb a bad name, and they want to connect Obama with this matter in 3 years time to secure the Presidential Candidacy for the Democrats in 2012. At the same time, if Barack Lipstick Obama is a secret Muslim as some people suspect he may have his own agenda.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recyclying.

  33. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:50 AM |  

    The next paragraph is where I did not write it as I wanted to, and now it is as wanted to write THE paragraph. This comment also has some new thoughts, and it may need to be updated again.

    This means that when Rahm Emmanuel corresponded with the Governor of Illinois, he could have stated these things in his letter. It is possible for both Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel to lie and to say that Obama did not read it when in fact Obama may have even authored it. However, no one will be in doubt as to what it is that is wanting to be said, and that would be a small consolation. This does not prevent further secret conversations on secret telephone lines, where the letter becomes ‘proof’ of ‘purity’ but it is a small consolation.

    I think that the Constitutions of America are inadequate to begin with, and what makes it worse is that even these inadequate Constitutions that the American politicians have sworn to uphold are being spat upon by all American politicians, on a daily basis. This makes it extremely difficult, even impossible for an honest politician to get elected. If an honest person has been elected, then he or she will not stay in politics long unless they become corrupt.

    “Do not be tricked by false words: evil company does damage to good behaviour” (1 Corinthians 15:33).

    There are many Constitutional Lawyers in America who believe that Hillary Clinton is an unconstitutional pick for Secretary of State or S.S.

    There is a legal discussion going around as to whether or not Senator Clinton is disqualified from being Secretary of State in line with the Article I, Section 6 Emoluments (Salary) Clause:

    No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ….

    For Wicked King Ahab and Evil Queen Jezebel known to us as Bill and Hillary Clinton, they are above the law and will be telling running the next American Government. They say that America is a land of opportunity, and where else could one of Bill Clinton’s mistresses become President?

    He who pays the piper calls the tune, and that is the 100% White Clintons and tax avoiding corporations who need each other calls the tune.

    If the people want more honesty in Government, then they are going to have to lobby for change. A good start is that all correspondences be conducted in writing stating how far up the line of authority the letter will be read before sending it, and for the highest up the line of authority to co-sign the letter with the author.

    This means that when Rahm Emmanuel corresponded with the Governor of Illinois, he could have stated these things in his letter. It is possible for both Barack Obama and Rahm Emmanuel to lie and to say that Obama did not read it when in fact Obama may have even authored it. However, no one will be in doubt as to what it is that is wanting to be said, and that would be a small consolation. This does not prevent further secret conversations on secret telephone lines, where the letter becomes ‘proof’ of ‘purity’ but it is a small consolation.

    The characters in this sordid Chicago style conspiracy are all old time friends and associates of each other, and they talk in code that only they know because someone may overhear them. These people are from the State of Illinois or have been employed by the Governor of Illinois. These people include the Governor of Illinois, Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Eric Holder, Tony Rezko, and Jesse Jackson Junior who is Senate Candidate 5 in the FBI files. The question is why are these once good friends who are all men having problems, and sometimes it is because of a woman. I think that woman is Hillary Clinton that has known what has been going on with the help of Bill Clinton.

    The word appreciation is code for a modest sum of money, whereas the saying much appreciation would mean more money etc. The only reason the Governor of Illinois even mentioned the Senate seat was because he knew there was a market, and Obama and his team knew this. The Constitution of Illinois says that it is no one’s business except the Governor of Illinois.

    If we look at the Thesaurus, we will see other words that mean appreciation, and the further down the alphabet the word starts with, the higher the bribe offer. Here are words in alphabetical order that all mean the same thing: acknowledgment, appreciation, gratefulness, gratitude, indebtedness, recognition, thanks, tribute.

    Obama and his team had no right or business in Illinois selection of a Senator, and they wanted to influence the selection, and was it for a 5 sum appreciation, or a 6 sum appreciation? America’s corrupt and bribe offering and bribe taking Politicians are either too busy, too indifferent, or too lazy. The only reason they waste their time is to influence matters and hopefully to win friends if possible. Other reasons that American politicians bother to do anything is for a payback, to advance their own careers, or to cover up for themselves.

    The Illinois Attorney General is furious that the Supreme Court could not pervert the course of justice and do the bidding of the conspirators because it would have been overly brazen and perilously risky under the current circumstances. The Attorney General of Illinois is now trying her utmost to prevent the Governor of Illinois in seeking his lawful rights to a fair trial. I believe that she is motivated by malice and jealousy because she seeks to improperly gain the Governorship of Illinois at the expense of a person who up till now must be given presumption of innocence. The Attorney General of Illinois is now trying to see that the Governor of Illinois is denied a fair trial by ensuring that he cannot pay the legal bills.

    Be certain the corrupt conspirators will make it as difficult for the Governor of Illinois to gain access to his supposedly Constitutionally guaranteed rights. These oppressors even want to say that the Governor of Illinois is responsible for giving Illinois a bad reputation, when everyone is now starting to see who the true unprincipled culprits are.

    Another much-needed reform is to have 100% public funding for political campaigns, and sufficient free media advertising near Election Day, as a condition of the media’s license.

    There is an old saying that says; we see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If an American politician wanted to be as honest as he or she could be under those extremely difficult circumstances, then they would have to pretend to be corrupt. He or she would be in a workplace where everyone knows that everyone has to lie, offer bribes, takes bribes, and cover up for themselves and others. An honest politician may have to pretend to be dishonest, just to know what the others are really like. The honest ones would have to suspect that they were being bugged, and would have to pretend to be dishonest.

    We all know that the people of America want less corruption in government, but the corporations, the media, and their puppet politicians do not want reforms. The only other option now that this has happened is to try to sweep it under the carpet, or to find a scapegoat. If the Governor of Illinois with the help of his family and friends decides to lie and be a scapegoat, he will be considered to be a true patriot, while others will think of him as a traitor to the cause of democratic reforms.

    Perhaps Illinois could get rid of the office of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and let Supreme Court Judges perform all the ceremonies. Perhaps the Governor of Illinois could be given immunity from prosecution for helping U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald with his investigation. Perhaps George Bush could pardon all American politicians for corruption. It must be kept in mind that these are just my suggestions, and other people have thought on this subject more than I have.

    The Governor of Illinois, his family, and his friends get to hear lots of things, and they are exactly in the same situation as the rest of the American politicians.

    Many Illinois voters would like to reclaim some of their democracy back by having a special election for the vacant Senate seat. The people do not have democracy because the big business pays the piper and so calls the tune.

    He who pays the piper calls the tune, and that is tax avoiding corporations who call the tune, and their puppet politicians play the tune.

    It is difficult to sweep it under the carpet now, and so a scapegoat is the only option, because pardons, confessions, and reforms are not acceptable to the corrupt American politicians.

    It seems that the Obama team believe in 100% recycling because they are recycling all the corrupt Clinton people in this ‘democracy’.

    The Obama team have been cunning enough to use the time wisely to invent lies, and say that they were ordered by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to not answer questions. The truth of the matter is probably that Obama ordered U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to order Obama and his team to keep silent until they could get legal advice.

    This will have to be covered up professionally, because it will look like a type of affirmative action for minorities, whereas it is just business as usual in American politics.

    The thing to know in American politics is that everyone has their own agenda, and uses the situation for their own purpose.

    It is known that the Governor of Illinois wanted to run for President in 2016 as this would not affect his friend Barack Obama.

    Hillary Clinton wanted to be President again from 2012to 2020, and she detests the thought of the Illinois Governor’s decision to run for American President in 2016.

    I think that the people behind this are the Clintons because they want to run for President in 2012. The Clintons want to give every Serb a bad name, and they want to connect Obama with this matter in 3 years time to secure the Presidential Candidacy for the Democrats in 2012. At the same time, if Barack Lipstick Obama is a secret Muslim as some people suspect he may have his own agenda.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:45 AM |  

    I am writing this comment to show the American people that if they want to reclaim their democracy, then THE democratic reforms I mention are a good start.

    The culture of corruption and the corruption octopus has infected every nook and cranny of American politics.

    The lobbying payoffs and influence-peddling scandals did indeed bring down a number of Republican and Democrat politicians, but these are only the tip of the iceberg.

    Attorney Edward Genson queried the impeachment proceedings on multiple aspects, assailing the wiretaps, questioning the committee's impartiality and complaining that the panel had not given the governor enough time to mount a defence.

    The Supreme Court of Illinois could not be a puppet of Obama even if it wanted to because of the worldwide attention this matter has created.

    The Attorney General of Illinios is disappointed by that situation and she knows that her chances of becoming Governor are now diminished because the Governor of Illinois wants a fair trial.

    Three Illinois lawmakers, Jack Franks of Woodstock, Bill Black of Danville, and Jil Tracy of Mount Sterling have shown by their prejudicial statements that they have made up their minds before examining the evidence. Illinois State Representative Jack Franks of Woodstock said that the Governor of Illinois should resign and that if he does not resign, then the mob needs to go forward to impeachment.

    It would be a troubling precedent for any democratic country if it were so easy to remove a sitting executive without due process.

    There are many people who think that America should move on to democratic reforms, rather than concentrating this tired story that of corrupt politics in America that everyone was aware of long ago. The media should save any speculation or comments for the trial if there are sufficient grounds for a trial.

    The fact that it did not go to grand jury, the resignations of Governor’s employees, the unnecessary arrest on dubious charges, the need to pay bail, the use of the media, the Illinois Attorney General, the statements that some had made up their minds before considering evidence, all suggest a corrupt puppet circus not an administration of justice.

    After the arrest of the Governor of Illinois was first announced, Barack Obama stated in no uncertain terms that neither he, nor his transition team had had any communication with the Governor regarding the filling of the Senate seat which Obama vacated. In fact, when news broke that in an earlier interview, senior Obama advisor David Axelrod stated such conversations did take place, the Obama camp issued a statement that Mr. Axelrod had mis-spoke and repeated the claim that no conversations took place.

    Now it has been leaked that Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel is on tape having several hours of conversations with the governor regarding the vacant Senate seat. The new line from the Obama team is that Obama himself did not discuss the issue with the Governor of Illinois.

    The fact that the Obama team, or even Barack Obama himself, would have discussed the strictly Constitutional issues the vacant Senate seat raises is not inappropriate or illegal. As the time draws closer for the inauguration of the new President, it would be proper to remind the State of Illinois of the Constitutional guarantees of States’ rights. It would be proper to remind the Governor of Illinois that he and he alone has to make this decision of either appointing a puppet that will be useless for Illinois, or to appoint someone with integrity to benefit the people of Illinois. It is proper to remind Governors that the States’ have legally guaranteed rights in the Union of American States, so why then the denial that correspondences over the vacant Senate seat? One might hold out hope that the Obama team was working with prosecutors and so had to keep things under wraps, but they have denied any knowledge of the investigation on top of the other denial.

    Barack Obama has promised to release information about his team's contacts with the governor's office and the timeline of any conversations within the next few days as well, and we will see if the two stories will differ from each other.

    Obama rode to Washington on a message of a new, transparent, honest Government; change that people can believe in. Even if the conversations between Emanuel and the Governor of Illinois are completely honourable, the fact that Obama's knee-jerk reaction was to lie about it, demonstrates that he is not a new kind of politician. People lie because they have something to conceal, because the questions would just keep coming. There is only one thing to know and that is that every American politician tells lies, offers bribes, and takes bribes.

    The question for the American political establishment is are they going to prosecute the symptoms, or are they going to rectify the causes?

    I think 100% public funding for elections, and free media time and space for a few weeks before Election Day is what the State of Illinois should implement. The problem with this is that if the Government of Illinois were to do the right thing, then the corporations would increase unemployment in Illinois. This is why these reforms should be America wide or do not bother at all with democratic reforms.

    People say that the Governor of Illinois is not good for the economy because of the allegations. Businesspeople look at how efficiently and how hard people will work, and they are to create jobs and make money, and they have no further interests in the running of the State.

    If the Governor of Illinois is guilty or innocent, or if there is not due process and natural justice, or if there is due process and natural justice does not concern businesspeople. I do not wish to imply for one second that businesspeople are callous, but their concern is making money, doing business, and creating jobs. The question for the people of Illinois is do they value the principles of due process, natural justice, and a fair trial?

    The transcript of wiretaps that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald released the day he arrested the Governor of Illinois provide an interesting insight into the way Government really works in the ‘world's greatest democracy’.

    Leading Democrats, such as Representative Jesse Jackson Junior, may emerge from this scandal with their reputations damaged, but they may not avoid prosecution unless those higher up help them.

    The Illinois Governor’s caught-on-tape unguarded thoughts were disappointing for the desperation to raise campaign funds, and highlights that American politicians horse-trading is just business as usual.

    Attorney Edward Genson acknowledged that the Governor of Illinois has a terrible public relations problem but said he must be shown fairness and repeatedly stated that the impeachment process as short-changing Illinois Governor’s Constitutionally guaranteed rights.

    The rules of evidence, burden of proof, or other guidelines that are the right of other Americans do not necessarily apply here. What the Illinois Governor’s lawyer can and cannot do, in fact his very participation is at the sole discretion of the impeachment panel members. This is lesser rights than the ordinary citizen has, and it could be argued that the Governor of Illinois is a second class citizen when it comes to seeking justice.

    The oppressors are trying to get the Governor of Illinois is to incriminate himself by pressuring him to resign. The have made him incriminate himself by intimidating or bribing some employees of the Governor of Illinois to resign, and by having him needlessly arrested. The U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald could have spoken to the Governor of Illinois at his office and charged him there, instead of arresting and making him pay bail. This was done to make the dirty work of the conscienceless media easier to vilify the Governor of Illinois. This is turn would make it easier to pressure him to resign, which would in turn make it easier for the Governor of Illinois to incriminate himself by the very fact that he was no long the Governor of Illinois. The oppressors would then use all this ‘proof’ to say that he must be guilty because he confessed to it by no longer being Governor, and especially because the self serving conscienceless media say it.

    Numerous corrupt politicians say that the Governor of Illinois has abused his power for too long and must be stopped now. If these liars were speaking the truth, then why has he not been impeached long ago? I guess it depends on your definition of abuse of power, or is the Illinois Constitution itself an abuse of power?

    Where in this state can he get a fair trial, what happens if he is found not guilty, and how should his legal fees be paid?

    It would be nice if we could have fewer assurances of providing facts and more actual facts. The hardworking and honest American taxpayers are entitled to have a more-detailed accounting of wiretapped conversations between John Harris, the Governor’s chief of staff, and Rahm Emanuel. All the American people are being told is that Emanuel approached Harris with a list from Obama of acceptable replacements.

    Obama insists that his people have gotten to the bottom of all this with an internal review detailing the contacts between the transition staff and the Governor of Illinois or any members of his office. We will not know until at least 22 December when Obama is leaving Illinois, where the controversy is, and is going to Hawaii with his family for a holiday.

    This looks suspicious, but so did the apparent contradiction between David Axelrod, who insisted that the President-elect had talked to the Governor about Senate replacements. Obama himself insisted that he had no contact with the Governor of Illinois or anyone else in the Governor's office. After Barack Obama made that statement, Axelrod promptly insisted that he had been mistaken on what he said.

    If there is a dyslexic journalist, he or she may say that this appears to be an Axel of Evil concerning Rod.

    If Hillary Rodham Clinton is behind this as I suspect, then her middle name may give us a clue. Rodham may be in a conspiracy to get Rod she may not ham it up which means to overreact with her denials.

    The following is a list of the American Presidential line of succession, and if the first three have ‘health’ issues then the Secretary of State or SS becomes the President of America. Today, there is modern technology, and the first three do not have to be in the locality at the same time.

    1) Vice President who is the President of the Senate,
    2 Speaker of the House of Representatives,
    3) President pro tempore of the Senate,
    4) Secretary of State SS, Evil Queen Jezebel?
    5) Secretary of the Treasury,
    6) Secretary of Defense,
    7) Attorney General,
    8) Secretary of the Interior,
    9) Secretary of Agriculture,
    10) Secretary of Commerce,
    11) Secretary of Labor,
    12) Secretary of Health and Human Services,
    13) Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
    14) Secretary of Transportation,
    15) Secretary of Energy,
    16) Secretary of Education,
    17) Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
    18) Secretary of Homeland Security.

    Even the statement issued this week by the transition team sounded Clintonesque, which is no surprise since Obama has so many ex-Clinton staffers on the payroll. Any discussions between members of the President-elect's staff and the Governor or any member of the Governor's staff were in no way inappropriate, according to the statement. Who gets to decide what is inappropriate, and many people cannot believe that Obama had no knowledge of the situation.

    It's amazing to think that Barack Obama came out of that sewer of politics in Illinois unscathed. How did he manage to rise to the top of that cesspool of political corruption untainted, and in a relatively short time? Remember, he was in the legislature there and campaigned for the Governor of Illinois. Many people find it very hard to believe that Obama did not know what was going on. Will the Democrats cover this up, or will they confess and clean up this mess in Illinois?

    Inadvertently, this matter has laid the first real test of Mr. Obama's commitment to change squarely on the President-elect himself. If Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff designate, has any complicity in the bartering of a senate seat, and it seems rather far-fetched at this point to conclude that he did not, he should make it known to the U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, but will he?

    The media thinks that they are in any position to judge the Governor of Illinois before hearing all the evidence. This is after the media’s long history of criminality and bias, and it is judges and jurors who should do the judging not the media.

    Barack Obama promised a different kind of politics, and was hailed around the world as the heir to Lincoln, FDR and JFK, but we see that Obama is a product of America’s most corrupt political machine.

    This political problem arose in part because Obama was so eager to appear purer than any politician can actually be. In his initial statements, he sounded as if he was trying to say that he knew nothing at all about the selection of his successor. “I had no contact with the Governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening,” he told the press, but refused to elaborate.

    The criminal complaint in the case likely has cemented opinions about the Governor for many, many Illinois residents. The allegations are so outrageous, extreme and easy to grasp, fairness will be a challenge for jurors and legislators.

    The State Constitution that governs impeachment does not offer much guidance for those pursuing it now. Very little in fact, that fairness and due process are not specifically required.

    The presumption of innocence should be absolutely, an iron-clad American right guaranteed under the law.

    This type of wide spread political scandal requires a structure to support it. What could be interesting is to wonder whom Obama paid for his position as a Senator.

    There are some web pages that say that Barack Obama meet with the Governor of Illinois to specifically discuss the vacant Senate seat on 5 November 2008. I do not know these things are true, but I read a comment that the Main stream Media have removed this story from their archives. Only time will reveal if this web pages are true, and I hope that these web pages are not removed from the internet.

    It clearly shows that some news items need to be recorded by ordinary citizens, but I know that the American politicians will now exercise greater care, discretion, and especially great subtlety.

    Results 1 - 10 of about 90,800 for Obama meets Blagojevich in Chicago on 5 November 2008. (0.30 seconds)

    Search Results

    Obama Did Meet With Blagojevich On 5 November 2008 | BigMouthFrog
    Obama Met With Blagojevich in Chicago On Nov. 5 To Discuss Senate Seat UP-DATED 2:00pm PST Gateway ... Obama Did Meet With Blagojevich On 5 November 2008 ...
    www.bigmouthfrog.org/2008/12/10/obama-did-meet-with-blagojevich-on-5-november-2008/ - 347k - Cached - Similar pages

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    Photo of Obama and Governor Rod Blagojevich shaking hands, Dec. 2, 2008 .... Then Blago & Obama meet on November 5th. If they met at Blago’s Chicago office, ...
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    The Betrayal » Did Obama and Blagojevich Meet Nov. 5?
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    10 Dec 2008 ... Connect Tristates, November 5, 2008: (Update 11:37PM...what happened ... CHICAGO , ILL. -- Now that Barack Obama will be moving to the White ...
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    Obama's Replacement: Blagojevich Mulls Senate Pick
    The Huffington Post | Ben Goldberger | November 5, 2008 04:19 PM .... The Chicago Democrat can choose anyone who meets the requirements: An Illinois ...
    www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/11/05/obamas-replacement-blagoj_n_141561.html - 206k - Cached - Similar pages

    Warren Throckmorton » Did Obama meet with Blagojevich about the IL ...
    10 Dec 2008 ... Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 10:39 a.m.. CHICAGO, ILL. ... Both Obama and Blagojevich were in Chicago but other than these reports, ...
    wthrockmorton.com/2008/12/10/did-obama-meet-with-blagojevich-about-the-il-senate-seat/ - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

    Results 11 - 20 of about 90,800 for Obama meets Blagojevich in Chicago on 5 November 2008. (0.20 seconds)

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    race42008.com » Blog Archive » Did Obama Ever Meet With Blagojevich?
    10 Dec 2008 ... 26 Responses to “Did Obama Ever Meet With Blagojevich?” Bryan Says: December 10th, 2008 ... Obama lies Says: December 10th, 2008 at 5:01 pm ...
    race42008.com/2008/12/10/did-obama-ever-meet-with-blagojevich/ - 59k - Cached - Similar pages

    Oopsy... Obama Met With Blagojevich in Chicago On Nov. 5 To ...
    And, Connect Tristates also reported that Obama was meeting Governor Blagojevich on Wednesday November 5, 2008 to discuss his senate seat: ...
    www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2146349/posts - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

    td blog
    It seems obvious that Obama did meet with Blagojevich on Nov. 5 and did discuss the Senate seat. Many Obama defenders, including Media members, ...
    texasdarlin.wordpress.com/ - Similar pages

    Oopsy… Obama Met With Blagojevich in Chicago On Nov. 5 To Discuss ...
    Of course, David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago on November 23, ... that Obama was meeting Governor Blagojevich on Wednesday November 5, 2008 to ...
    www.prolifeblogs.com/articles/aggregator.php?entry=628172 - 136k - Cached - Similar pages

    Rod Blagojevich, the Stupidest Governor in the Country, Puts Obama ...
    11 Dec 2008 ... An Illinois TV station reported on November 5, the day after the election, that Obama was planning to meet later that day with Blagojevich. ...
    www.usnews.com/blogs/barone/2008/.../rod-blagojevich-the-stupidest-governor-in-the-country-puts-obama-in-a-bad-ligh... - 61k - Cached - Similar pages

    knoxnews.com | Katie Allison Granju - A blog on the personal and ...
    10 Dec 2008 ... Wednesday, November 05, 2008 at 10:39 a.m.. CHICAGO, ILL. ... report from KHQA that Obama was going to meet with Blagojevich on November 5. ...
    blogs.knoxnews.com/knx/granju/2008/12/more-evidence-that-obama-and-b.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

    CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time - Blogs from CNN.com
    Biden (above: in Chicago with President-elect Obama last week), gave his first interview ..... Source: Obama to meet with economic team on stimulus plan ...
    politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/ - 102k - Cached - Similar pages

    Obama to meet rival McCain in Chicago on day after Senate ...
    14 Nov 2008 ... The meeting at Obama's Chicago transition headquarters will come a day ... It was last updated at 16.21 GMT on Friday 14 November 2008. ...
    www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/nov/14/congress-barackobama - 77k - Cached - Similar pages

    Obama Discussed Seat With Blago Nov 5 | Sweetness & Light
    10 Dec 2008 ... By Carol Sowers Wednesday, November 05, 2008. CHICAGO, ILL. ... Note that Mr. Obama met with Mr. Blagojevich the day after the election. ...
    sweetness-light.com/archive/obama-discussed-seat-with-blago-nov-5 - 72k - Cached - Similar pages

    Flopping Aces » Blog Archive » Appoint a Special Prosecutor in ...
    BigMouthFrog • Obama Did Meet With Blagojevich On 5 November 2008 | ..... Governor Blagojevich did appear at a news conference in Chicago on that date.” ...
    www.floppingaces.net/2008/12/09/appoint-a-special-prosecutor-in-blagojevitch-obama-corruption-probe/ - 116k - Cached - Similar pages

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  35. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:00 AM |  

    Greg Craig has cunningly protected numerous high-profile clients, including Terrorist John Hinckley Junior, who was acquitted of the attempted assassination of the President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan. As assistant to President Clinton and special counsel in the White House of President Clinton, Craig directed the team defending Clinton against impeachment. Craig has most recently served as a foreign policy advisor to President-elect Barack Obama during the 2008 election, and Craig is likely to be appointed as White House Counsel to Obama.

    Greg Craig was Clinton’s mess cleaner, and has now become Obama’s mess cleaner with his very brief and highly inadequate memo. This 5 page fraud gives a very flimsy, overly sanitized, and self serving whitewash which would be good material for a fairytale. It reluctantly admits to only a few select contacts and falsely claims that they were highly proper formal courtesy calls between the Obama Team, and Blagojevich’s Team. The fumigators the Democrats needed during the Clinton Administration were kept on a retainer and given more money to invent better lies this time. The American politicians should realize that they cannot just sweep such a thing under the carpet, and will have to give the American people an honest proper and explanation. It reads just like a classic example at brain washing, and some of it is overly obvious lies like Team Obama did not even suspect for a second that there might be pay to play politics.

    The only reason the term pay to play politics is such a common phrase is because the practice is widespread in America. Craig goes on to say: “One member of the transition staff, Rahm Emanuel, did have contacts of the type covered by your request. I discuss the nature of those contacts in the attached report”. Does this mean that there is a hidden document that will be used to cover up the flimsiness and lies of the published Craig whitewash or is this flimsy fraud all there is?

    The characters in this sordid Chicago style conspiracy are all old time friends of each other, and they talk in code that only they know because someone may overhear them. These people are from the State of Illinois or have been employed by the Governor of Illinois. These people include Rod Blagojevich, Barack Obama, Rahm Emmanuel, Eric Holder, Tony Rezko, and Jesse Jackson Junior who is Senate Candidate 5 in the FBI files.

    If we look at the Thesaurus, we will see other words that mean appreciation, and the further down the alphabet the word starts with, the higher the bribe offer. Here are words in alphabetical order that all mean the same thing: acknowledgment, appreciation, gratefulness, gratitude, indebtedness, recognition, thanks, tribute. The American politicians may not use the word pay tribute, because it would be too suspicious. This is because the word tribute is normally associated with a payment of money, but the word thanks is proper for the circumstances.

    The word appreciation is code for a small bribe, whereas the saying thanks would mean a large bribe. The only reason Blagojevich even mentioned selling the Senate seat was because everyone knew there was a market for it, especially Obama and his Team.

    It could very likely be that the word appreciation is code for a small bribe; whereas, the word thanks would have been a large bribe because of being further down the alphabet in the Thesaurus. The CIA will give every American politician a copy of this comment, and the clever American politicians will only speak in code. The clever ones have been speaking in code for over a hundred years, and people have their own theories as to why this is not the case here.

    There are many American citizens who would like to see some democratic reforms in America to lower the level of corruption in Government. They want 100% public funding for elections, and free media time and space for a few weeks before Election Day. They want correspondences to be in writing to ensure that they are formal and courteous correspondences. These written correspondences will ensure that politicians and their staff adhere strictly to their Constitutions, and not trample on State’s Rights.

    Obama and his Team had no right or business in Illinois selection of a Senator, and they wanted to influence the selection, and was it for a 5 figure dollar appreciation, or a 6 figure dollar appreciation? America’s corrupt and bribe offering and bribe taking Politicians are either too busy, too indifferent, or too lazy. The only reason they spend more of their time than they need to is influence matters, and hopefully to win friends along the way if possible. Other reasons that American politicians bother to do anything is for a payback, to advance their own careers, or to cover up for themselves.

    It is said that Obama and his Team answered questions from the FBI, and these questions could have been easy or even questions of no genuine purpose. They could have asked “Are you going to give an ‘account’ of these matters to your carefully selected ‘investigator’, and afterwards, are you going to give us a written copy of it? That is two questions, and that satisfies the condition that questions have been asked by the authorities to the Obama Team. This also satisfies the criteria that the Obama Team have answered with a yes to the authorities ‘tough questions’. There are many people who believe that this was not an oversight, but was deliberately not mentioned for convenience. American people would like to know all the questions that were asked of the Obama Team by the authorities and the answers given by each member of the Obama Team. Blagojevich meet and spoke to Obama on several topics on December 2 2008 at a meeting of the National Governors Association.

    On December 5, 2008 Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn demanded today that Governor Rod Blagojevich immediately explain himself to the public following the Media’s disclosure that the Governor has been secretly taped by federal authorities investigating corruption in Illinios. The Media revealed that one of Blagojevich long-time confidants and lobbyist John Wyma is cooperating with federal prosecutors in the three year probe.

    There is the long held where an American President pretends to know nothing that is connected to any wrongdoing. The President’s staff has to take the blame for their lack of care or incompetence as part of the job description, even if the leader is to blame. This gave the Obama Team confidence to say that Obama knew nothing about this matter, but many others of Obama’s Team could not cover up their actions with a lie. This is because in an organization of crooks, the only one that can be said to be ‘innocent’ is the leader as the structure cannot provide excuses for the other crooks.

    This gave Obama and his Team enough warning and time to scheme a cover up. Obama may have known that the State of Illinois was under investigation a long time ago. In July of 2008, Barack Obama promised 1,000 new FBI agents, a move John McCain's campaign has criticized as political posturing. Could it be that it was not political posturing, but a bribe Obama pays the FBI to drop all charges against Obama, if Obama helps set up Blagojevich? If Obama had to make the FBI look good, then Obama would make himself look good and pretend to be Mr Clean.

    President-elect Obama said “Obviously like the rest of the people of Illinois I am saddened and sobered by the news that came out of the US attorney’s office today”. It could be that Obama got his payback on Blagojevich for not getting his way with his favourite Candidate Jarrett. Obama was neither saddened nor sobered but delighted, and it could be becauseObama paid his dues to the FBI for not proceeding with charges against Obama. If Obama is a secret Muslim, then his ‘loyalty’ to the Israeli Rahm Emmanuel will give Obama the cover that he needs. There were a lot of Black Muslims who were associated with Martin Luther King Junior, and some said that they converted to Christianity, but did they really?

    If Obama is a secret Muslim, then perhaps he wants Jarrett to be near him, as Muslims can have up to four wives. It could be that the Mastermind behind this is Bill Clinton who wants more women in Government.

    Blagojevich meet and spoke to Obama on several topics on December 2 2008, at a meeting of the National Governors Association.On December 9 2008 Barack Obama said: “I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so I was not aware of what was happening. On December 10 2008 Barack Obama said: “I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening. We see by these similar yet differing statements that the Obama Team were confident that Obama could get away with saying that he did had no knowledge of matter. Obama quickly realized that there was no way that he could cover for his Team by saying we had no knowledge as much as he would want to be able to speak that lie.

    If you type the words Obama’s list of lies in an internet search engine you will see that many Americans believe that Obama has been lying through his teeth since he became a known politician and probably before that.

    The response from team Obama goes on to say “We have found nothing wrong with anything we have ever done. After searching our ‘consciences’, we have reconfirmed that we have always had pure unselfish motives and are loyal to a fault to the American people. Anyone who says or thinks otherwise is racist, is stupid, or is generally an awful human being”.

    Why was Jarrett discussing the Senate seat with the official from the SEIU? Is this SEIU official who is Tom Balanoff one of many co-conspirators to the conversations on the wiretaps where they discuss the 501c4 issue? Why is there nothing stated at all about possible deals for positions for the wife of the Governor of Illinois? Why does the Craig whitewash mention Axelrod’s ‘mis-statement’ in regards to Obama discussing, or even more likely negotiating a Senate Candidate with the Governor of Illinois? Why does the Craig ‘investigation’ mention all the names that Obama said were ‘qualified’ and ‘equally acceptable’ to Obama? And why does Craig mention that Obama did not want to show any preference for one over another? Did the Craig whitewash list all those names to cover up and make it looks like Obama would be more than happy with any one of them?

    Many people think that the tapes show a different view of Jesse Jackson Junior, because why else would the Governor of Illinois threaten to put Candidate No. 5 who is Jesse Jackson Junior in the seat as punishment for Obama’s unwillingness to show a better ‘appreciation’?

    The Obama Team did their own biased investigation and decided that they did not do anything wrong. There would be a lot of dishonest people who wish they could audit themselves and ‘discover’ after much ‘honest careful research’ and that they do not owe the Government any taxes for 2008. There is one standard for politicians, and yet another standard for the decent, hard working, and honest people of America.

    The first rule of agreeing to have an investigation is to be certain of what the rigged ‘finding’ will say, and the second rule is to ensure enough time to make up needed lies.

    After such a long wait, Obama finally releases the Craig whitewash on Team Obama’s contacts with Team Blagojevich. It was very cunning for Obama to do this on the afternoon of December 23 2008, when both Obama and Emanuel are literally thousands of miles away, and will not be available for interview. The Obama Team thought one way to solve this would be for Obama to show his Abs hoping that this would absolve him in this scandal.

    Would someone please tell the American people how any of this is different from Chicago and even American politics for the last 150 years?

    Mr. Emanuel is claimed to have had one or two telephone calls with the Governor of Illinois, but how many email exchanges, text messages, fax messages, face to face meetings, or third parties negotiating for each Team were there? Although withholding information is not lying, it is nonetheless an inappropriate attempt to conceal inconvenient facts because of the need to cover up lies that have already been told.

    The phone calls, described as ‘formal courtesy calls’, came as Emanuel was named Chief of Staff for Obama. The tapes reveal just how formal and just how courteous they really were. However, Emanuel had closer contacts and more serious conversations with Illinois Governor’s chief of staff John Harris, who later resigned. The only reason Harris resigned was because he knew that this was corrupt, and Harris wanted, even as most Illinois politicians want Blagojevich to take all the blame.

    It may not be illegal to fail to report such an obvious attempt to sell the seat, but it would show a monumental gap between the campaign rhetoric of Obama and the reality of how he governs.

    What Craig's whitewash very reluctantly and unavoidably does confess to is that the Obama Team had several conversations with the Governor of Illinois or his staffers about the Senate discussions.

    It has been widely reported that the Governor of Illinois insulted the Obama Team and said that they offered nothing but appreciation if he played along. If the Governor of Illinois did not explore the idea of getting a reward in his or his staff's conversations with Obama or his Team, then how did the Governor of Illinois know that Obama was offering nothing but appreciation? There is a saying that I want to hear it from the boss’s mouth or his trusted staff, before I make a deal.

    Perhaps that question will be answered when transcripts of the conversations with Emanuel are made public if they ever are, and if the tapes or the transcripts are not changed in the name of America’s interests.

    It is an absurd coincidence to suggest that the person everyone reported as being Obama’s replacement in the Senate suddenly withdrew her name because Obama wanted Jarret in the White House. The more likely scenario is that Jarrett wanted the Senate seat because the SEIU official Mr Balanoff was persistently negotiating for her.

    They knew that Blagojevich was demanding bribe otherwise Blagojevich would not have said what he said, when he heard that Obama was using the word appreciation rather than the more lucrative word thanks. Many thinking American people are wondering why Obama did not report this to the Federal authorities. If Obama did report this to the authorities then that may explain how he knew there was an ongoing investigation. Obama said he would not answer the journalist legitimate questions, and said that he had no extra knowledge from the rest of America on the day Blagojevich was arrested.

    He might not have done anything wrong in that narrow legalistic sense, but it was a lapse of ethics and reveals the sort of good ole boy network of Chicago crooks that he’s used to wading through.

    An American free press is only free to print what the rich call the truth, and not the actual facts! It is not just the press, it is the radio, the internet, the cable news outlets, where everyone wants to have an opinion, share it, and be well compensated for their lies. What happened to the days when America and Americans did not care about what people thought but strived to hear the facts, and when truth and justice were the America way?

    People’s knowledge is based on keen observation and experience that favours in American politics and in many other endeavours are an indisputable proven fact. Why did Obama’s favoured Candidate Jarrett, give up her long held senatorial ambitions two days before this story was made public unless Obama and his Team knew exactly what was going on?

    Fitzgerald has said Obama is not accused of any wrong doing as a result of their investigation. Just because Obama is conveniently not accused of wrongdoing, does not necessarily mean that he has done no wrongdoing. We all know that Nixon was not accused of any wrongdoing to begin with, but he certainly was the Master Mind of the Watergate wrongdoing.

    Fitzgerald simply said that Obama was not named as the object in this particular complaint. Obama was interviewed by the Federal authorities recently and as it turns out he had a much bigger part in all of this than he previously stated and claimed that he was absolutely certain of.

    What kind of Chief of Staff would Emanuel be if he was confused about Obama wanting him to push a preferred Candidate for the Senate seat? As has happened before, it is either a lie, a sign of real ineptitude, or that they consider that Obama is only there for show.

    We can see what is described as a formal and courteous affair by the Obama Team is in reality, an attept by the American dictators to ignore the Law and the Constitution.

    U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald accused the Illinois Governor of participating in a political corruption crime spree in the latest pay-to-play scheme in Illinois politics, and said it was appalling and cynical behaviour that reached a truly new low. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald said it was a sad day for governments of America, and a very sad day for Illinois government and accused Governor Blagojevich of taking Americans to a truly new low. FBI Special Agent-in-Charge in Chicago Robert Grant said that Illinois is very high up on the list of corrupt states in the United States of America. Who are these other states of America, and why are there no charges against their politicians? Why this the police acting as judge and jury, have the other states bribed the FBI to keep silent, or are their some lies from the Federal authorities amongst these statements? Many Americans are not surprised because Obama comes from the cesspool of political corruption, bribery, shady politics, and any dirty trick goes for your own benefit that is known as Chicago.

    It was most unfair for the Federal authorities to make certain phrases public, as all people have unguarded moments, and are entitled to some privacy. This was done deliberately to try to make a non existent case appear stronger. The sinister illegal objective by many American politicians particularly leading Democrats and some law enforcing agents was to deny an American citizen of his constitutionally guaranteed Rights. These rights include the right to due process, the presumption of innocence, and especially the right to a fair trial in an unbiased court of law that has not been paid off, rather than by the corrupt media.

    The leading Democrats are saying that they will be against the culture of corruption, yet they are now adding to their corrupt practices that have been mentioned. They are doing this by ignoring that States have rights, and by slandering Illinois’ constitutional, legal, and proper appointment to the Senate.

    Roland Burris would be a better senator to represent Illinois than Obama has been, and that is why Obama only wanted those on his list to make Obama’s Senate record look good.

    The Illinois Secretary of State whose name is Mr White, wants to prevent a qualified and decent black Roland Burris from serving the people of Illinois in the U.S. Senate. Could it be that some black people whose name is white are subliminally advertising that they will be servile to their white Masters, especially the Clinton’s who will be the real presidents for the coming years.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:21 AM |  

    This comment is to show that in American politics, certain individuals have changed THE parties that they were once members of. I wrote the last comment, but I forgot to write the as THE to identify myself. I guess anyone could pretend to be me, and this is why people should just concentrate on the arguments rather than the person making them.

    Roland Burris may think of joining the Republicans for the 2010 elections if the Democrats do not show him the consideration he deserves after all those years of loyal service to the American Democrats. I do not think that the Republicans would want the Blagojevich to join their party, because most of America’s politicians need a scapegoat to ‘prove’ their ‘purity’.

    The Federal authorities say that they want a trial, but they do not because if Blagojevich can be made to leave politics, then they will say that they wish to be merciful to him, but the others do not want the courts to discover all the Democrat dirt. Perhaps if two thirds of both legislative houses sitting at a joint sitting could recommend a person of integrity, then a special election might not be needed. I have read that Roland Burris is a person who has a faultless record of public service, and whose integrity is beyond all reproach. It could be that because the Governor of Illinois wants to obey the Constitution that the leading Democrats will now try to slander Roland Burris. There are many American people who think that all sides should respect the law and the constitution, and let things return to normal.

    The following paragraphs are from a web page by an analyst who has studied THE Federal complaint concerning Blagojevich.

    EXHAUSTIVE ANALYSIS: More Questions about Obama and Blagojevich in the Wake of Obama’s Latest Gambit at Transparency.

    By TruthtellercloseAuthor: Truthteller Name: Truthteller.

    The following paragraph is Obama attempting to deceive and perplex the public and the bootlicking and obedient media.

    “I have never spoken to the governor on this subject. I am confident that no representatives of mine would have any part of any deals related to this seat. I think the materials released by the U.S. attorney reflect that fact,” Obama said at a Chicago news conference. “I’ve asked my team to gather the facts of any contacts with the governor’s office about this vacancy so that we can share them with you over the next few days.”

    Obama, in other words, will ask his staff to compile documents that reveal when they established contact with Blagojevich’s office. But what about the many ‘advisors’ and other individuals who appear to be relaying information between Blagojevich and Obama in the conversations transcribed and summarized in the criminal complaint filed by Special Agent of the FBI David Cain? I ask this question, as it is clear to me that communication between Obama and Blagojevich was occurring between third parties. While they may not embroil his immediate advisors in any scheme that involving pay to play, it does reveal that others who served as emissaries for Blagojevich and Obama did embroil themselves and, by implication, Blagojevich and Obama in such conversations. There are e-mails, untapped telephone lines, coded text messages, and probably other ways that third parties could have done the communicating for Obama.

    Obama, according to Advisor B, one of Blagojevich’s advisors cited on page 68 of the complaint, wanted to avoid any “fingerprints” in any arrangement made with Blagojevich. And Blagojevich, according to page 57 of the complaint, sought to “conduct indirectly … a negotiation” with Obama. Nothing could be in writing, and everything must be indirect: this is why Obama’s attempt to appear transparent with a release of all direct communications with Blagojevich’s office is irrelevant. What is relevant are all the indirect communications that occurred. Who are the Advisors mentioned in the complaint? Who spoke with the SEIU representative? Why was Blagojevich on the telephone with “advisors” in Washington, DC? And who on the Obama staff was speaking to these “advisors?”

    Let us review the chronology as it is outlined in the criminal complaint.

    Conservation 1: November 3, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Deputy Governor A discuss the possibility of an open US Senate seat the day before the Presidential election. Blagojevich threatens to assume the seat if he is not offered anything. With whom was Deputy Governor A communicating? And is Deputy Governor A considered a member of Blagojevich’s office?

    Conversation 2: November 3, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with Advisor A. Blagojevich tells Advisor A that he is aware of media reports of Senate Candidate 1’s interest in the open US Senate seat; Blagojevich states he will only offer Valerie Jarrett the Senate seat if he gets “something real good;” he reiterates his intention to assume the seat and to drive a “hard bargain”. With whom was Advisor A communicating?

    Conversation 3: November 4, 2008.

    Deputy Governor A broaches the topic of the Senate seat, and he asks Blagojevich to draft of list of wants for the seat. Blagojevich notes that nothing can be written down. Blagojevich states he is interested in an ambassadorship. With whom was Deputy Governor A speaking? Why is Deputy Governor A asking for a list? To whom would such a list be submitted?

    Conversation 4: November 4, 2008

    Blagojevich speaks with John Harris, his Chief of Staff. Blagojevich mentions the “trick” of conducting negotiations with Obama “indirectly”. He hypothetically asks Obama what Obama is willing to offer for the seat, and he again reiterates his intention to assume the seat himself. With whom was John Harris in communication? And what is this “trick” of negotiating “indirectly?” Does this explain the presence of Washington, DC, advisors in later telephone calls?

    Conversation 5: November 5, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with Deputy Governor A regarding position he can assume if he were to offer the Senate seat to Obama’s chosen candidate. Secretary of Health and Human Services and ambassadorships are discussed; also discussed is Secretary of Energy and Blagojevich’s connection to the coal industry. Notice how the conversation with Deputy Governor A has become more specific, and notice how they discuss possibilities within the Obama administration. With whom was Deputy Governor A in contact? Was this information relayed to team Obama through an intermediary?

    Conversation 6: November 5, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with John Harris. They discuss federal positions that could be traded for the Senate seat, and Blagojevich mentions the private sector and whether Obama could put something “big” together there. Harris mentions private foundations, and Blagojevich tells Harris to do “homework” right away on the possibility. The Red Cross is mentioned, but Harris states that it would have to be a private foundation under the influence of a President Obama.

    Blagojevich knows he is the subject of a federal probe, and he speaks in code as a result. What “homework” was assigned to Harris? To whom was Harris relaying this information about federal positions and private foundation positions that could be traded for the Senate seat? And why did Harris mention that any private foundation would have to be under the influence of a President Obama? With whom did Harris do his homework?

    Conversation 7: November 5, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with Harris and with Deputy Governor A. They discuss potential private foundations heavily dependent on federal aid, as this would place it under the influence of Obama. With whom did Harris and Deputy Governor A speak on November 5? How did they determine that a private foundation would be an option for Blagojevich?

    Conversation 8: November 5, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks to Advisor A. Blagojevich mentions how Obama could remove someone from the Board of a private foundation and appoint Blagojevich. Blagojevich voices demands for something for the seat, and he reiterates an intention to appoint himself to the seat. With whom is Advisor A in contact? To whom is Advisor A relaying information about foundations and about Blagojevich’s various threats?

    Conversation 9: November 6, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with Spokesman. Blagojevich instructs Spokesman to leak information to the Chicago Sun-Times about Senate Candidate 2, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, and Blagojevich’s interest in Senate Candidate 2, which the Chicago Sun-Times published. Blagojevich instructed Spokesman to leak such information, as he desired to communicate dissatisfaction to the Obama campaign about Valerie Jarrett and what he thought they were offering for her appointment. What prompted Blagojevich to send a threat to the Obama campaign through print media? Who communicated that information to Blagojevich? How did Blagojevich know he had to threaten the Obama team with a Madigan appointment if they were not in contact either directly or indirectly? And why does the Obama campaign deploy Blagojevich’s strategy of communication through the media later? Did the Obama campaign know Blagojevich was hedging his bets with the article in the Chicago Sun-Times? And if they knew, how did they know? Who communicated that information to them?

    Conversation 10: November 7, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with Advisor A. Blagojevich tells Advisor A he will offer the seat to Jarrett if he is appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services. To whom did Advisor A communicate Blagojevich’s offer? With whom is Advisor A in contact? And why was this offer made after the column was printed? Did Blagojevich print the article and then submit the offer in order to pressure the Obama campaign? And if so, who relayed the offer to the Obama campaign?

    Conversation 11: November 7, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with Harris and Advisor B, a Washington, DC, consultant. Blagojevich indicates that he will offer Jarrett the Senate seat if he is appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services, but Harris notes that any deal cannot appear to be a quid pro quo. Blagojevich notes his financial situation, and Harris states that “they” are considering it. Blagojevich, Advisor B and Harris then discuss the possibility of a three way deal involving Blagojevich, Obama and “Change to Win,” an organization tied to SEIU (Service Employees International Union). Harris mentions how such a deal would conceal a quid pro quo. Advisor B, who is in DC, is pleased with the notion of a three way deal, and he states that Obama should be leveraged with this deal, as it is better than Madigan as Senator and Blagojevich continuing as Governor. Notice that the notion of a Cabinet position has been abandoned. Who indicated that Obama did not want Blagojevich in the Cabinet? How did Harris know that there were concerns about the appearance of quid pro quo, of “pay to play?” And how does Advisor B in DC intend to leverage Obama? With whom is DC Advisor B in contact? Also notice how much more elaborate the negotiations over a Jarrett appointment are becoming. Clearly there is a line of communication, even if it is indirect.

    Conversation 12: November 8, 2008

    Blagojevich and Harris speak. Discussed is the potential of a financial benefit for Blagojevich’s wife, who he believes can work in New York or DC with her Series 7 license. An interim position at Change to Win for Blagojevich’s wife is also discussed. Notice that Blagojevich is upping the ante here. Who communicated this to the Obama campaign? With whom is Harris in contact?

    Conversation 13: November 10, 2008.

    Blagojevich, his wife, Harris, Governor General Counsel and various Washington, DC, advisors, including Advisor B, speak on a conference call. Blagojevich mentions his connections in Obama’s teams, and he asks how that can be parlayed into financial and political benefits for him and his wife. Blagojevich mentions how he can assume the Senate seat in order to avoid impeachment in Illinois, and he agrees that Obama will not appoint him to a Cabinet position, as he is too controversial. Blagojevich asks what he can obtain for the Senate seat, and he mentions that Governor General Counsel believes Blagojevich can be appointed to a private sector Board in exchange for appointing Jarrett to the Senate, but it would have to be a Board not directly connected to Obama. Blagojevich’s wife also mentions her desire to be appointed to a Board, and Blagojevich mentions his wife’s experience and Series 7 license. Blagojevich mentions that he does not want to be Governor anymore. Blagojevich complains that the advisors on the phone are telling him that he must “suck it up” for another two years. Blagojevich complains that he will receive nothing in return for appointing Jarrett, and he threatens to appoint Senate Candidate 4, one of the three Deputy Governors of Illinois, in retaliation. Blagojevich mentions how his wife is more qualified to sit on corporate boards than a “specifically named individual,” who is most probably Michelle Obama. Harris and Blagojevich remind advisors of the problem of Blagojevich’s financial security, and Blagojevich indicates that without something in return he will not appoint Jarrett. Harris broaches the three way deal with Obama, Blagojevich and the SEIU involving “Change to Win;” such a deal will occur in two years. A Blagojevich advisor admonishes Blagojevich to be “leery” of promises for events to occur to two years from now. Blagojevich then discusses other manners whereby he can earn money. During this conference call with Washington, DC, advisors and Blagojevich’s inner circle, it becomes clear that Blagojevich’s attempt to parlay the Jarrett appointment for a position for him and his wife has deteriorated: he learns he is too controversial; he learns that Obama’s team has no intention to give him anything; he learns that they want him to complete the final two years of his term as Governor; and he realizes that any attempt to gain anything by a Jarrett appointment will result in nothing. How did he and the advisors on the telephone learn this? Who communicated the Obama team’s intention not to appoint Blagojevich to corporate boards to the Obama’s Cabinet to the Washington, DC, advisors on the call? But notice the SEIU deal with “Change to Win” is still an option. Obama, it seems, does not want to consider the other options, as he and his team hope to avoid the appearance of quid pro quo. But how was this communicated to the DC advisors on the telephone with Blagojevich? Who were the intermediaries, and how was this knowledge disseminated?

    Conversation 14: November 10, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Advisor A discuss the open Senate seat. Blagojevich asks if Obama could appoint his wife to a Board. If Obama cannot or will not appoint Blagojevich’s wife to a corporate Board, then Blagojevich will appoint Jesse Jackson, Jr. to the Senate seat. Here it is clear that Blagojevich and his advisor have learned that the Obama campaign will not appoint Blagojevich to anything. Here they are determining whether or not the wife can be appointed to the position. But notice that although Blagojevich will not receive any direct financial benefit, his wife can. Also notice that the Obama campaign still desires Jarrett to hold the Senate seat. This explains why there are all these conversations and negotiations. It also explains why Blagojevich exploded during Conversation 13: he knows they want the seat for Jarrett, but they are not willing to offer what he wants. Instead, they think they can ask him to wait two years. That is still a promise, however.

    Conversation 15: November 10, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Advisor A discuss the open Senate seat again. Blagojevich asks Advisor A to leak to the Chicago Sun-Times that he is seriously considering Jesse Jackson, Jr., for the open Senate seat. Blagojevich considers this to be another threat to the Obama campaign, who still desires Jarrett. It is clear that Blagojevich has not intention of selection Jackson; he simply hopes to apply pressure to the Obama campaign. Notice that after negotiations with Obama through various advisors and intermediaries disintegrates, Blagojevich resorts to planting an article in the Chicago Sun-Times in order to compel the Obama team to reconsider their terms. How did Blagojevich and his advisors learn that Obama and his team refused to meet Blagojevich’s terms? Who communicated this? And what did the Obama campaign intend to offer Blagojevich in two years? What was the line of communication between advisors on the call in DC and Obama’s team?

    Conversation 16: November 11, 2008.

    Blagojevich and John Harris discuss the open Senate seat. Blagojevich suggests the creations of a 501(c)(4) he could run that would be funded by Warren Buffett or other wealthy Obama allies. Blagojevich also mentions that he could appoint Senate Candidate 4, Illinois Deputy Governor Louanner Peters, who will vacate it if Blagojevich is impeached and in need of a political office. Blagojevich knows Obama will not offer him what he wants in exchange for appointing Jarrett. Blagojevich apparently knows Obama will not consider his terms, which explains why he is discussing these other options with his Chief of Staff. But Blagojevich still believes there is room for negotiation. How did Blagojevich know Obama refused to consider his terms? Who communicated this to the advisors who speak with Blagojevich? Who relayed this information between Blagojevich and Obama?

    Conversation 17: November 11, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Advisor A discuss the open Senate seat. Advisor A mentions how he is attempting to leak the story about Jesse Jackson, Jr., to the Chicago Sun-Times, and Blagojevich asks about the viability of the creation of a 501(c)(4) to be bankrolled by wealthy Obama allies. Blagojevich mentions how he could run such an organization, and he mentions how Senate Candidate 6, an Illinois millionaire who may be Blair Hull, can bankroll the organization, but Advisor A explains how it would be difficult for Blagojevich to appoint Senate Candidate 6 to the open seat. Blagojevich explains how Senate Candidate 6 is better than receiving nothing for selecting Valerie Jarrett, and he asks Advisor A to locate someone who could broach the possibility of bankrolling a 501(c)(4) with Senate Candidate 6. Blagojevich at this point has learned that the Obama campaign will not consider his terms, as they believe he should wait two years. Again, there was a network of communication between the people surrounding Blagojevich and those surrounding Obama. But notice that Blagojevich is now pursuing alternatives. Apparently someone connected to Obama made it very clear to someone connected to Blagojevich that Obama will only appoint Blagojevich to a Board to the Cabinet after Blagojevich finishes his term. But at this point the Obama campaign still believes they can convince Blagojevich to select Jarrett.

    Conversation 18: November 12, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with John Harris. Blagojevich and Harris learn through CNN that Jarrett has withdrawn her name from consideration for the US Senate seat. Harris interprets it as a tactic of the Obama team. Blagojevich broaches the topic of a 501(c)(4) again, and he mentions how Obama and allies can fund it while he is still Governor and Jarrett is Senator; Blagojevich also mentions that Senate Candidate 6 can help bankroll the issues advocacy group to be led by Blagojevich. They agree this is easier for Obama than for Obama to appoint Blagojevich to a position. Obviously Team Obama learned that Blagojevich was upset and willing to consider other candidates for the open Senate seat. Why else did they leak a story to one of their stenographers at CNN? But how did they learn this? Who communicated Blagojevich’s refusal to wait for two years to Obama and his team? And notice how Blagojevich and Harris view the leaked news report as a tactic: they still believe they can negotiate with Obama, and they still believe a 501(c)(4) can be created. All this is indirect communication at its best.

    Conversation 19: November 12, 2008.

    Blagojevich discusses the open Senate seat with Advisor B. Blagojevich discusses the option of a 501(c)(4) with Advisor B, who says the “Change for Win” option is better, for from Obama’s perspective, there would be fewer “fingerprints” of Obama’s involvement. Advisor B mentions that “Change for Win” is a better option, as there will not be stories in four years of how Obama bought Blagojevich off. Blagojevich mentions how a 501(c)(4) will exist in two years, while “Change to Win” may not. Harris was right: the leaked CNN story was a tactic. Here is Blagojevich on the phone with one of his DC contacts, who mentions an anxiety of “fingerprints” and future news stories. The Obama campaign wants to strike a deal with Blagojevich, but they do not want direct involvement. This is why they think a “Change to Win” position in two years is favorable. But now Blagojevich is negotiating for a 501(c)(4). Negotiations are still occurring, and there is still a line of communication between Obama and Blagojevich.

    Conversation 20: November 12, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with a different DC advisor about the open Senate seat. Blagojevich mentions the 501(c)(4), but the advisor in DC reiterates the reason why “Change to Win” is more desirable: it is one step removed from the President-elect. Negotiations are still occurring, and the Obama campaign seems to think the “Change to Win” position in two years is the best option, as Obama wants to be nowhere near Blagojevich. Notice that someone else in DC spoke with Blagojevich about this option in the same day. Who was speaking to whom? How was this information disseminated from Obama to Blagojevich and vice versa?

    Conversation 21: November 12, 2008.

    Blagojevich speaks with an SEIU official, someone named Balanoff, who was in DC, about the open Senate seat. SEIU official met with Blagojevich the previous week, and Blagojevich understood Stern was an emissary of Jarrett. Blagojevich tells Balanoff he heard Obama was considering candidates other than Jarrett for the open seat, and Balanoff states he would discuss this with Jarrett. Blagojevich mentions the 501(c)(4) advocacy group option to Balanoff, and he mentions how that advocacy group could assist Jarrett. Balanoff says he will “put that flag up and see where it goes”. Someone informed Blagojevich that Obama was now considering different candidates. How did he learn his, and who communicated it? What is the line of communication between Obama and Blagojevich? And what is the role of Balanoff? Was Balanoff communicating information from Blagojevich to Jarrett, who then spoke with Obama? Jarrett is, after all, Co-Chair of the Obama Transition Team. While the contact is not direct, it was only mediated by one third party. Notice Balanoff was in DC when this conversation occurred.

    Conversation 22: November 12, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Advisor B discuss the open Senate seat. Blagojevich tells Advisor B that he asked Stern to broach the topic of a 501(c)(4) with Jarrett, Co-Chair of the Obama Transition Team.

    Conversation 23: November 12, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Harris discuss the open Senate seat. Blagojevich mentions how he will decide how he will select a candidate for the Senate seat, and he mentions his legal situation as the most important variable. Harris reminds him that his legal situation is the hardest one to satisfy, and Blagojevich claims it can be satisfied if he appoints himself to the seat. It is becoming increasingly clear that Blagojevich’s legal situation is the reason Obama is chary to appoint him to a Board immediately. Here it seems Blagojevich is realizing negotiations with Obama through Jarrett and through other advisors will yield nothing, unless, of course, he is willing to wait two years for a position on “Change to Win.”

    Conversation 24: November 13, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Harris discuss the open Senate seat. Blagojevich tells Harris he wants to speak directly to “President-elect Advisor” about the 501(c)(4) option and how it could be bankrolled. Blagojevich says he wants “President-elect Advisor” to receive word of the 501(c)(4) option on that day, for when “President-elect Advisor” asks about the open fifth Congressional district Seat, it will be in the advisor’s mind. Blagojevich may have the power to appoint a Representative to Illinois’s fifth Congressional district seat, which was previously occupied by Rahm Emanuel. Here Blagojevich is going for broke, and he believes the 501(c)(4) option in exchange for Jarrett can occur if he broaches the topic of the open fifth Congressional district seat. But Blagojevich wants it mention in a manner in which it is not connected to the Senate seat. I guess this is more indirect communication and negotiation. He wants to speak to the advisor directly, and he wants to speak to the advisor now. Who is this advisor? Some assume it is Rahm Emanuel, as Rahm Emanuel occupied the fifth Congressional Seat before becoming a member of the Obama Transition Team.

    Conversation 25: November 13, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Advisor A discuss open Senate seat. Blagojevich mentions how he hopes the 501(c)(4) is in the head of the “President-elect Advisor,” but he hopes it is implanted in that person’s mind in a manner in which it is not connected to the open Senate seat or the open House seat. When asked by Advisor A if it is, Blagojevich responds, “it’s unsaid. It’s unsaid”. Blagojevich seems to think that if “President-elect Advisor” hears of the 501(c)(4) proposal, he or she may consider it. Again, Blagojevich is going for broke, and he thinks someone in the inner sanctum of Obama can be swayed. But notice that he does not want it mentioned in relation to the open Senate and House seats. This is indirect communication, although all the involved parties will know, as this has been relayed through intermediaries.

    Conversation 26: November 13, 2008.

    Blagojevich and Advisor A discuss open Senate seat. Blagojevich asks Advisor A to contact Individual A and ask Individual A to contact “President-elect Advisor” about the 501(c)(4). Advisor A asks if it should be mentioned outside of the open Senate and House seats, and Blagojevich says yes. Advisor A asks if Blagojevich wants Individual A to contact “President-elect Advisor” as Blagojevich thinks there is still “life” in Valerie Jarrett. Blagojevich thinks there is still life in Jarrett, but he also thinks there are other options. Here it is clear that contacting “President-elect Advisor” with the 501(c)(4) option is the final gambit. And notice that they are in contact with people who can reach advisors of Obama. But Blagojevich wanted to ensure a specific advisor knew of the 501(c)(4) option. Apparently that advisor has a vested interest in the fifth Congressional district seat. The twenty-six conversations summarized in the criminal complaint reveal that Blagojevich, Obama and their surrogates were communicating and negotiating through an elaborate network of advisors, friends and allies. Notice how the recorded conversations reveal that new terms and offers were submitted by each party as time passed, and notice how a line of communication was established between Blagojevich, Balanoff and Jarrett, who is Co-Chair of the Obama Transition Team. Also interesting is how both parties responded to each others’ attempts to parlay their terms through media contacts. Communication occurred, and at one point it was almost direct. Blagojevich, we notice, instructed Balanoff to discuss the 501(c)(4) option with Jarrett, Co-Chair of the Obama Transition Team who is also Senate Candidate 1. Obama can claim he and his team were not in direct contact with Blagojevich’s office. That is not the problem, however. The problem is that an indirect line of communication was created as a result of their knowledge of Blagojevich’s legal problems. All involved parties knew Blagojevich was a target of a federal probe, but the Obama team still wanted to negotiate with him over the open Senate seat to which they had hoped to appoint Valerie Jarrett. There was communication, and it appears that the offer of a position at “Change to Win” in 2010 was made. Is that “pay to play”? I certainly think so, just as I believe that the criminal complaint filed by FBI Special Agent Cain reveals that Obama and Blagojevich were communicating, even if that communication lacks wet fingerprints. The fingerprints may have evaporated, but the traces still remain. Indeed, Obama or someone close to him spoke with Blagojevich about the Senate appointment.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:51 AM |  

    Here is an article that I found on the internet, and people are curious as to THE nature of this situation. As with many situations, different people can see an opportunity for themselves, as long as the main objective comes first. There are those who scheme and their advisors say that we could achieve that objective, and at the same time, these few or even many other objectives could be achieved at the same time.

    I believe one of the reasons is to make Serbian people look bad to the rest of the world which is the American dictators on going policy. This is because the Governor of Illinois is ethnically a Serb, and the American and Nazi European dictators want there to be collective guilt of the Serbian people. They want to further demonize the Serbian people in the minds of Americans in an attempt complete their evil purposes.

    Obama or Someone Close to Him Spoke with Blagojevich About Senate Appointment

    Why is the Obama team turning an opportunity for making the case that they did the right thing in rejecting Blagojevich’s effort to shake them down into a story that will dog them and may blow up? Sometime between 7 November and 10 November, someone on the Obama team spoke with Illinois Rod Blagojevich and would only promise the Governor “appreciation.” If you look at p. 66 of the criminal complaint you can read that Blagojevich is telling his indicted co-conspirator, John Harris on 11 November about that conversation:

    Later in the conversation, the Governor of Illinois said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation”.

    How does Blagojevich know what the President-elect wants unless he has spoken to Obama or Axelrod or Emmanuel?

    I do not understand why Barack is digging a hole for himself. As presented in last night’s story by Uppity Woman, Obama and Axelrod were telling different stories–Obama claimed he had not talked with the Governor but Axelrod said yes.

    The A.P. told the story this way: Obama told reporters he was “saddened and sobered.” “I had no contact with the governor or his office and so I was not aware of what was happening. As I said, it is a sad day for Illinois. Beyond that I don’t think it’s appropriate to comment,” he said.

    Obama senior adviser David Axelrod had said on November 23 in an interview with Fox News Chicago that Obama had “talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.”

    Axelrod issued a brief written statement on Tuesday saying he had been wrong.

    “I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the president-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject,” Axelrod said.

    Either Obama or one of his senior aides talked to Blagojevich about possible replacements and it is on tape. You can be sure of that. And, unless Fitzgerald is sitting on some tape more damning, it appears that the Obama team wisely resisted the Blagojevich shake down. Why can’t Obama admit that? Very curious.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:00 AM |  

    Here is an article that shows that evidence that Obama and Blagojevich meet to discuss THE Senate seat occurred, and the evidence may be kept with the Clintons or others if Obama will not fully puppetize to his White Supremacist Masters.

    Who will fill Obama’s senate seat? : News : KHQA
    Nov 5, 2008 … Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Barack Obama will meet this afternoon in Chicago to discuss filling Obama’s seat in the US Senate.
    www.connecttristates.com/news/news_story.aspx?id=217582 - Similar pages

    Wednesday, November 05, 2008: Now that Barack Obama will be moving to the White House, his seat in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois will have to be filled. That’s one of Obama’s first priorities today. He’s meeting with Governor Rod Blagojevich this afternoon in Chicago to discuss it. Note that Mr. Obama met with Mr. Blagojevich the day after the election. This issue was that important to him.

    Weirdly enough, the above article has since been removed from the local CBS affiliate’s website.

    But KHQA even published a follow-up story, three days later, which has yet to be scrubbed from their website:

    Obama Met With Blagojevich in Chicago On Nov. 5 To Discuss Senate Seat
    Gateway Pundit ^

    From the governor's press release: Governor Blagojevich Congratulates President-elect Obama and Discusses U.S. Senate Seat To fill President-Elect Barack Obama’s Senate seat, Governor will use deliberate process to select suitable replacement.

    Later in the day on November 5, 20008, Blagojevich held a news conference to talk about Barack Obama's replacement in the US Senate:

    Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich discusses his plans for filling President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008 in Chicago. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

    Obviously, it does not look like Barack Obama is being honest about his contact with Blagojevich.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  39. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    I found this on the internet, and it shows how the devious manipulate THE gullible and desperate people to advance themselves.

    In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky outlines his strategy in organizing, writing in the prologue,

    "There's another reason for working inside the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families - more than seventy million people - whose income range from $5,000 to $10,000 a year [in 1971]. They cannot be dismissed by labelling them blue collar or hard hat. They will not continue to be relatively passive and slightly challenging. If we fail to communicate with them, if we don't encourage them to form alliances with us, they will move to the right. Maybe they will anyway, but let's not let it happen by default."

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  40. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:04 AM |  

    Here is a comment that describes how America is a corrupt country that pretends to be THE example for others.

    Obama rode to Washington on a message of a new, transparent, honest Government; change that people can believe. Even if the conversations between Emanuel and the Governor of Illinois are completely honourable, the fact that Obama's knee-jerk reaction was to lie about it, demonstrates that he is not a new kind of politician. People lie because they have something to conceal, because the questions would just keep coming. There is only one thing to know and that is that every American politician tells lies, offers bribes, and takes bribes.

    The question for the American political establishment is are they going to prosecute the symptoms, or are they going to rectify the causes of those symptoms?

    I think 100% public funding for elections, and free media time and space for a few weeks before Election Day is what the State of Illinois should implement. The problem with this is that if the Government of Illinois were to do the right thing, then the corporations would increase unemployment in Illinois. This is why these reforms should be America wide or do not bother at all with democratic reforms.

    People say that the Governor of Illinois is not good for the economy because of the allegations. Businesspeople look at how efficiently and how hard people will work, and they are there to create jobs and make money, and they have no further interests in the running of the State.

    If it is not this scandal or this controversy, then it will be another scandal or another controversy that will be the subject of attention. If businesspeople were to wait for there to be no scandals either real or manufactured, then there would be no business at all anywhere on this planet.

    If the Governor of Illinois is guilty or innocent, or if there is not due process and natural justice, or if there is due process and natural justice does not concern businesspeople. I am not implying for one second that businesspeople indifferent or callous, but their concern is making money, doing business, and creating jobs. The question for the people of Illinois is do they value the principles of due process, natural justice, and a fair trial?

    The transcript of wiretaps that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald released the day he arrested the Governor of Illinois provide an interesting insight into the way Government really works in the ‘world's greatest democracy’.

    The Illinois Governor’s caught-on-tape unguarded thoughts were disappointing for the desperation to raise campaign funds, and highlights that American politicians horse-trading is just business as usual.

    The oppressors are trying to get the Governor of Illinois is to incriminate himself by pressuring him to resign. They are trying to incriminate him by having him impeached before a Court of Law has investigated the matter. They have done their best to incriminate him by intimidating or bribing some employees of the Governor of Illinois to resign, and by having him needlessly arrested. The U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald could have spoken to the Governor of Illinois at his office and charged him there, instead of arresting and making him pay bail. This was done to make the dirty work of the conscienceless media easier to vilify the Governor of Illinois. This is turn would make it easier to pressure him to resign, which would in turn make it easier for the Governor of Illinois to incriminate himself by the very fact that he was no long the Governor of Illinois. The oppressors would then use all this ‘proof’ to say that he must be guilty because he ‘confessed’ to it by no longer being Governor, and especially because the self serving conscienceless media say it.

    Numerous corrupt politicians say that the Governor of Illinois has abused his power for too long and must be stopped now. If these liars were speaking the truth, then why has he not been impeached long ago? I guess it depends on your definition of abuse of power, or is the Illinois Constitution itself an abuse of power? The truth of the matter is that the Governor of Illinois had a disagreement with the Bank of America, and the following day, he is arrested. The banks have just recycled 700 Billion Dollars of taxpayers money, and now they are even richer to bribe anyone in a position of authority, and manipulate the situation the way the want.

    The media thinks that they are in any position to judge the Governor of Illinois before hearing all the evidence. This is after the media’s long history of criminality and bias, and it is judges and jurors who should do the judging not the media.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:05 AM |  

    Here is an article that I found on the internet, and it describes the timeline of THE Senate seat puzzle.

    Jim Lindgren, December 10, 2008:

    The Blagojevich Timeline: Everything Fits Easily Except Obama's Monday Denial.

    Most people have misunderstood the timeline of the Blagojevich Senate scandal. Pretty much everything fits except Barack Obama's statement yesterday that he knew nothing about it.

    If we didn't have Obama's denial to contend with, the actions of all the parties, including those purporting to speak for Obama, are consistent with Obama and his staff learning about Blagojevich's corrupt plans on Monday, Nov. 10.

    Consider the timeline, as revealed in the complaint and press reports:

    1. On the weekend of Nov. 8-9, Obama lets it be known that his choice for Senate is Valerie Jarrett. Aides tell WLS-TV in Chicago and CNN, which announces Obama’s choice on Sunday. Nov. 9.

    2. On Monday, Nov. 10, Blagojevich holds an incredible 2-hour conference call with multiple consultants: “ROD BLAGOJEVICH, his wife, JOHN HARRIS, Governor General Counsel, and various Washington-D.C. based advisors, including Advisor B,” discussing his corrupt schemes. He follows this with two calls with Advisor A.

    3. That very night, Monday, Nov. 10, at 7:56pm, CNN reported:

    Two Democratic sources close to President-elect Barack Obama tell CNN that top adviser Valerie Jarrett will not be appointed to replace him in the U.S. Senate.

    "While he (Obama) thinks she would be a good senator, he wants her in the White House," one top Obama advisor told CNN Monday.

    Over the weekend, Democratic sources had told CNN as well as Chicago television station WLS-TV that Jarrett was Obama's choice to fill his Senate seat.

    So what happened? The likeliest scenario is that one of the many participants in Blagojevich’s Monday phone calls either floated his plans to the Obama transition team to assess their response or tipped off the Obama camp about the reckless ideas that Blagojevich had planned.

    In any event, within hours of Blagojevich substantially expanding his circle of confidants, the Obama camp withdrew Jarrett’s name from consideration and attributed that withdrawal to the President's wanting Jarrett in the White House. And the Obama staffers went out of their way to depict this as Obama's choice, rather than Jarrett's, which would have been more common. The report claims Obama's involvement in the decision and suggests a direct effort to undercut the idea that Obama was pressuring Blagojevich to appoint Jarrett.

    4. Moreover, by the next day, Tuesday, Nov. 11, Blagojevich already had received his answer from the Obama camp that no quid pro quo would be forthcoming: “ROD BLAGOJEVICH said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation.”

    5. On Wednesday, Nov. 12, Blagojevich pitched his corrupt bargain idea to an SEIU Official who, according to Ben Smith, is President Andy Stern. [On Dec. 11, the New York Times identified the official as Tom Balanoff, head of Illinois' largest union and Obama's biggest union supporter. The SEIU official] agreed to convey the offer to the relevant actors. Blagojevich understood [the SEIU official] to be contacting Jarrett herself, the co-chairwoman of the Obama transition team:

    109. On November 12, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH spoke with SEIU Official, who was in Washington, D.C. Prior intercepted phone conversations indicate that approximately a week before this call, ROD BLAGOJEVICH met with SEIU Official to discuss the vacant Senate seat, and ROD BLAGOJEVICH understood that SEIU Official was an emissary to discuss Senate Candidate 1’s interest in the Senate seat.

    During the conversation with SEIU Official on November 12, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH informed SEIU Official that he had heard the President-elect wanted persons other than Senate Candidate 1 to be considered for the Senate seat.

    SEIU Official stated that he would find out if Senate Candidate 1 wanted SEIU Official to keep pushing her for Senator with ROD BLAGOJEVICH. ROD BLAGOJEVICH said that “one thing I’d be interested in” is a 501(c)(4) organization.

    ROD BLAGOJEVICH explained the 501(c)(4) idea to SEIU Official and said that the 501(c)(4) could help “our new Senator [Senate Candidate 1].” SEIU Official agreed to “put that flag up and see where it goes.”

    110. On November 12, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH talked with Advisor B. ROD BLAGOJEVICH told Advisor B that he told SEIU Official, “I said go back to [Senate Candidate 1], and, and say hey, look, if you still want to be a Senator don’t rule this out and then broach the idea of this 501(c)(4) with her.”

    6. The complaint doesn’t say whether [the SEIU official] contacted Jarrett or other members of the Obama transition team, but it is likely that he did. [On Dec. 11, the New York Times reported that Balanoff did ferry messages from the Blagojevich camp to the Obama camp.] Whether [the SEIU official] was horrified by Blagojevich’s corrupt idea and wanted to warn Obama or intrigued by the deal and wanted to assess its chances, I can’t think of a good reason why [the SEIU official] wouldn’t have conveyed the idea to the Obama camp.

    7. On Thursday, Nov. 13:

    ROD BLAGOJEVICH asked Advisor A to call Individual A and have Individual A pitch the idea of the 501(c)(4) to “[President-elect Advisor].” Advisor A said that, “while it’s not said this is a play to put in play other things.” ROD BLAGOJEVICH responded, “correct.” Advisor A asked if this is “because we think there’s still some life in [Senate Candidate 1] potentially?” ROD BLAGOJEVICH said, “not so much her, but possibly her. But others.”

    8. If, as seems likely, Individual A then pitched Blagojevich’s corrupt bargain to the “President-elect Advisor” and that advisor is Rahm Emanuel, as has been suggested by others, then Emanuel would then have known of the bribery attempt.

    9. By 6:10pm on Friday, Nov. 14, CNN is reporting:

    Valerie Jarrett tells CNN contributor Roland Martin that President-elect Barack Obama offered and she accepted a position in the Obama administration – she will be the Senior Adviser to the President and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison.

    10. Nov. 14 to early December: After occasionally feeding speculation about who might fill Obama’s seat, the Obama transition team suddenly goes remarkably silent about his preference.

    11. On Nov. 23, Obama’s “senior adviser David Axelrod appeared on Fox News Chicago,” answering a question about the Senate seat.

    While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a "kingmaker," Axelrod said, "I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them."

    Note the language used. While on Nov. 9, Obama staffers were telling multiple news outlets whom Obama wanted for his Senate seat, by Nov. 23, Axelrod was distancing Obama not only from any individual choice, but he used the pejorative term “kingmaker” to emphasize Obama’s avoidance of any even marginally corrupt influence. It is likely that Axelrod had in mind the corrupt bargain that Obama’s camp had already turned down.

    12. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, Obama denies personal knowledge of the corrupt proposal.

    "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening."

    As I’ve said before, as with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama’s words should be read carefully to see what he is saying and not saying. Apparently, Obama started to say that “we were not” “aware of what was happening," but corrected himself by saying that “I was not aware of what was happening."

    That language leaves open the possibility that his staff was aware, but he personally was not. But why would Obama’s staff withhold information from him? I assume that Obama is telling the truth about not having spoken to the governor himself, since that might be easily refuted.


    From the evening of Nov. 10 until yesterday, Blagojevich, Obama, and his transition team acted in ways that are consistent with a knowledge of Blagojevich’s bribery attempt and a rejection of that attempt. What doesn't fit easily with the timeline is Obama's statement yesterday.

    It should be noted that it is not a crime to fail to report a bribery attempt. The federal misprision of felony statute would seem to make it a federal crime to fail to report a federal felony:

    Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. 18 USC s.4.

    But case law has conclusively determined that mere non-reporting is not enough. Active concealment or the acceptance of a benefit for concealing is required.

    Yet, looking at this timeline of Blagogate, it seems quite possible that someone in the Obama Camp is either lying or at least not revealing what they know. I also find it hard to believe that Obama’s closest advisors were hiding major corruption from him, especially as he was making decisions about where to place Senate candidates such as Jarrett.

    Something important is missing from this story. Let's hope that, whatever it is, the absent fact or explanation will allow the narrative to fit Obama's denial more naturally.

    Since by all accounts, the Obama camp refused Blagojevich’s bribery attempt, it would be extremely unwise to lie about it. Remember, it’s not the crime that trips you up; it’s the cover-up.

    It would strongly suggest that Obama knew long ago what was happening, and the Craig whitewash is saying that Obama and his Team were not working secretly with the Federal authorities. As with all American politicians new lies to cover up old lies could come at any time, and so the official story could change at any time.

    Obama said he had never talked about the Senate seat with Rod Blagojevich. But when he was asked whether his staff had, he clammed up. From the interview:

    Q: Have you ever spoken to [Illinois] Gov. [Rod R.] Blagojevich about the Senate seat?

    Obama: I have not discussed the Senate seat with the governor at any time. My strong belief is that it needed to be filled by somebody who is going to represent the people of Illinois and fight for them. And beyond that, I was focused on the transition.

    Q: And that was before and after the election?

    Obama: Yes.

    Q: Are you aware of any conversations between Blagojevich or [chief of staff] John Harris and any of your top aides, including Rahm [Emanuel]?

    Obama: Let me stop you there because . . . it's an ongoing.... investigation. I think it would be inappropriate for me to, you know, remark on the situation beyond the facts that I know. And that's the fact that I didn't discuss this issue with the governor at all.

    They say that the last refuge for a scoundrel is patriotism, and it is only now that Obama says that he is ‘patriotically co operating’ with the authorities.

    Obama was indeed drawing a distinction between what he wants to say he knew and what his staff definitely were aware of long ago.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  42. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    Here is an article that I found on the internet and it is a journalist’s opinion about THE next American President. It is a long article, and the entire article on the internet, and it is a good read, and it starts at the next paragraph.

    I am writing this in the last days of 2008 as I watch with dismay as vast numbers of people across the world, including many who should know better, have been duped by the mind-game called Operation Obama. Even people with some understanding of the conspiracy have said things like: 'Well, at least he's not Bush' and 'Well, at least it's great to see such a new spirit of hope'. No, he's not Bush - he's potentially far more dangerous; and what is the use of a spirit of 'hope' if it's based on a lie? In fact, what use is 'hope' at all?

    Obama's wife, Michelle, who I wouldn't trust to tell me the date in a calendar factory, said that 'everything begins and ends with hope'. Utter nonsense. Hope is a meaningless emotion because its fruits are always in the future and, by definition, never in the NOW. Hope is like riding a carousel horse; no matter how fast you go you never get closer to the one in front. The idea, however, is to persuade you to stay on the horse, despite the evitable disappointment, in the 'hope' that things will change. But they don't because the very system is designed to prevent it. That's the way 'hope' is employed by the dastardly and devious - take the rubbish we are giving you now in the 'hope' that things will get better (but we know they won't). Barack Obama is a purveyor of 'hope' because his masters want the people to accept what they are given now in the hope that good times will come. Just do what we demand, oops, sorry, Barack demands, and in return he'll inspire you to hope that it is all leading to the Promised Land. It isn't, but, by the time you realise that, it's too late.

    What terrifies the manipulators is that people will abandon hope, as a future, sometime-never projection, and start to demand fairness, justice and freedom now. To avoid this nightmare they need to keep those desires as something to aspire to, not to actually have. Thus, their man, Obama, sells 'hope' as a diversion technique, a holding position, to keep the masses from truly rebelling. We have no job, no food on the table and our home has been foreclosed, but at least we have 'hope'. Phew, thank goodness for that.

    'I'm hungry, mum, can I have some hope, please?'

    'I'm so sorry, darling, you can't have hope today, only tomorrow - hope is always tomorrow.'

    'So will I eat tomorrow, mum?'

    'We can hope so now, dear, but when we get to tomorrow, we can only hope it's the next day.'

    On and on it goes. That's how 'hope' works. Or rather doesn't.

    Obama's predominant mantra has been 'change'. Indeed, his massively-funded, record-breaking campaign was based on that one word - change. This is a technique used by Bill Clinton and many others and it is highly effective because, at any point, the system ensures that most people are not happy with the way life is. So, when you don't like the status quo, 'change' can be a potent message, even if, like Obama, you don't say what it means.

    It has been vital to his success, and that of his controllers, that he has never specified what his 'hope', 'change', and that other mind-control trigger-word, 'believe', were referring to in terms of policy and the way society in general will be affected. Hope for what? Change what? Believe in what? To answer those questions with specifics would have been fatal to Obama's appeal.

    I studied the military/government mind-control programmes and techniques in great detail for many years during the late-1990s and across 2000, and the Obama 'phenomenon' is the most blatant mass-mind control operation you could wish to see.

    At its core the plan has been to make Obama the focus of everything you hope for, believe in and want to change. This is why it has been crucial for him not to specify and detail what is meant by his 'hope, 'change' and 'believe'.

    However, I can tell you what those words mean in the context of the Obama mind-game. They mean whatever you decide they mean or want them to mean. The idea is for you to project all that you stand for onto him and so he becomes the symbol of you and how you see the world. Specifics would destroy that 'I am whatever you want me to be' scenario and so you don't get any detail, just 'hope', 'change', and 'believe'.

    Obama comes from the same stable, but on a massively bigger scale and with a whole network of advisors and controllers steeped in the art of manipulating minds, opinions and actions.

    Obama's written-for-him speeches are not from the heart, but from the autocue. The 'heart' bit comes from extensive training and his Bill Clintonesque ability to 'mean it when he says it', a state of delivery that goes beyond mere acting. Tony Blair was trained in the same way.

    But if you take a step back and look at these people dispassionately you can clearly see the techniques they consciously employ. Blair is the most blatant fraud in the way he delivers a line, stops in mid-sentence for emphasis and looks down for fake emotional effect. Obama is a little more slick, but, from where I have been looking this past year, not much. And how have people not seen those cold eyes just above the painted smile?

    Obama may not look like Hitler, nor sound like Hitler, but the themes are just the same. Germany was in a terrible state economically and militarily in the 1930s in the aftermath of the First World War and the reparations inflicted on the country by the Rothschild/Illuminati-controlled Versailles 'Peace' Conference in 1919.

    From amid the chaos came the man that Germans saw then in much the same way that so many see Obama today. His name was Adolf Hitler and his oratory and rhetoric, again supported by a ritualistic presentation founded on mind-control techniques, made him appear to be the German 'messiah', the German Obama.

    Hitler promised 'change', 'hope' and something to 'believe in' amidst the consequences of war and financial collapse. He spoke to vast rallies of adoring followers and a mass movement emerged in support of Hitler's vision of a new tomorrow.

    As the writer Webster Tarpley points out, fascism in its true sense is not just a Police State imposed by a tiny hierarchy. It might end up like that, but first it is brought to power by a mass movement from within the people who have no understanding of what the 'change', hope' and 'believe' they are being offered really means. They just know that they want some because, as with Obama, they make it mean what they want it to mean. Only later do they see, to their horror, what they have signed up for.

    Obama's America ...

    ... Hitler's Germany.

    There may seem to be a world of difference, but the techniques are just the same.

    Obama is far more dangerous than Bush because he can sell a line to those who are in the trance while Boy Bush could not do that on anything like the same scale. Bush was a transparent idiot with no communication skills who needed massive fraud at the polls to get him officially 'elected'. He could never be the figurehead to inspire a mass movement of the people to support some vacuous 'hope', 'change' and 'believe' when they don't even know what those words are supposed to mean.

    The cabal will be anxious to squeeze every minute from Obama's honeymoon period and we can expect to see events move quickly after his inauguration in January.

    Apart from the unspecified 'hope, 'change' and 'believe', few have any idea what Obama's policies will be. Public perception comes from having an 'image' of him, or a self-projection, not the fine print because Obama doesn't do fine print until the votes are cast and even then he will hide it in his windbag words.

    He claims to be a 'uniter', which is exactly what Bush said about himself before he came to office, but unity in and of itself is not the issue. Nazi Germany had unity in the early years of the war, but was that a good thing? What matters is what the unity is designed to achieve and Obama's much-vaunted 'unity' is to 'inspire' a mass movement to support the Orwellian plans of the Illuminati.

    And a question: Does anyone really believe that someone, a 'man of the people', would simply appear from apparently nowhere to run the slickest and best-funded presidential campaign in American history? He was chosen long ago by those who wish to enslave the very people that Obama says he wants to 'set free'.

    The sources of Obama funding read like a Wall Street Who's Who - Goldman Sachs, UBS, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and so on. No wonder he went back on his pledge to accept the limitations of public funding for his campaign and instead took the no-limit option of 'private' funding.

    And those people are going to support a candidate who does not represent their best interests?? Oh please.

    Emanuel was appointed by Bill Clinton to the board of the mortgage giant Freddie Mac in 2000 and his tenure coincided with a stream of scandals and financial irregularities. It famously had to be bailed out by the taxpayer amid the sub-prime mortgage debacle.

    Emanuel, like Obama himself, is an asset of the 'Illinois Combine', a cross-party network of politicians and business interests that conspires to manipulate Chicago politics for their own benefit. Even before taking over at the White House Emanuel faced calls for his resignation for alleged connections with the Rod Blagojevich scandal.

    In December 2008 Blagojevich, the Illinois governor and associate of Obama, was arrested over a conspiracy involving massive corruption and moves to sell Obama's Senate seat in Chicago made vacant by his election to the presidency. It is yet another example of the staggering web on ongoing and infamous corruption in Chicago by the very networks that spawned Obama.

    A close friend of Rahm Emanuel is another clone of the Illinois Combine, the Zionist, David Axelrod, who ran Obama's election campaign and will no doubt be highly influential in the Obama administration. Axelrod is a veteran of Chicago politics, one of the most corrupt political systems in the world and he worked for many Chicago mayors in the 1990s and on Obama's senate campaign in 2004.

    Bill Clinton took his Arkansas cabal to Washington when he became president in 1993 and Obama is uploading his Chicago mob and handing them key positions of national power and influence. And these guys don't take prisoners. All of this may be many things, none of them pleasant, but 'change' it isn't.

    Obama is a monumental fraud who talks a good story, but lives a very different one. He won his first political office as a state senator in Chicago in 1996, not through the power of his policies, but by coldly abusing the electoral process.

    Instead of running against his opponents and letting the people decide, he had his cronies challenge hundreds of names on the nomination papers of his Democratic primary rivals until they were all forced off the ballot by technicalities. He then ran unopposed. One of them, Gha-is Askia, says that Obama's behaviour belied his image as a champion of the little guy and crusader for voter rights:

    'Why say you're for a new tomorrow, then do old-style Chicago politics to remove legitimate candidates? He talks about honour and democracy, but what honour is there in getting rid of every other candidate so you can run scot-free? Why not let the people decide?'

    Why? Because he would probably have lost and Obama isn't interested in losing by playing fair. He wants to win by any means necessary. The only voter-right he's interested in is the right to vote for him. He has also used his hatchet-men like Axelrod to employ scandal to discredit opponents to ensure his election when the real scandal is the truth about Obama himself.

    He is a classically corrupt main-chancer spawned from the Chicago political cesspit. His close connections, therefore, too seriously dodgy 'businessmen' and fraudsters like the now-jailed slum landlord Tony Rezko are exactly what you would expect.

    Rezko, yet another snout in the trough of the Illinois Combine, has heavily funded Obama's political career and that of the now-arrested Rod Blagojevich, and in return they have supported massive sums being paid to Rezko by Chicago taxpayers to run 'public housing'.

    Rezko and Obama toured the $1.6 million mansion in Hyde Park, Chicago, which the Obamas bought at $300,000 below the asking price in 2005 while the Rezkos purchased the adjoining land at the full asking price. Some of this land was later bought by the Obamas. Rezko contributed a quarter of a million dollars to Obama's political career and served on Obama's Senate campaign finance committee, which raised more than $14 million.

    Then there is Obama's close association with the terrorists, William Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn.

    The case against Ayers and Dohrn was thrown out because of then illegal wire-taps and Ayers is now a professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar.

    Ayers recruited Obama to serve as chairman on the $100 million Chicago Annenberg Challenge and they worked together for seven years handing out grants to the 'educational' projects of people like ... William Ayers. They also worked together on another tax-exempt foundation, the Woods Fund in Chicago, which awarded grants to Obama's own Trinity United Church, home to his controversial pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

    Obama's political career was effectively launched in 1995, just after he was made chairman of the Annenberg Challenge, at a meeting at the Chicago home of ... William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. They have been connected to his circle ever since if the truth be told.

    The Chicago Annenberg Challenge, run by Obama and Ayers, didn't fund schools directly, but instead insisted that they affiliate with 'external partners' who were granted the money. These turned out to be far-left 'community organisers' so beloved of Bill Ayers and these groups included the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or Acorn).

    'Mr. Clean' Obama has a deeply dirty background, but for now no scale of evidence will stop the swooning Obama zombies from believing the hype or burst their reality bubble. That is going to take hard experience and it could take some time and a lot of disappointment before they are released from the clutches of cognitive dissonance and have to admit to themselves they have been had.

    It is the same for all the black people who voted for what they thought was the first black president when, in truth, he is a man in a black mask representing the interests of the white-faced Illuminati cabal, the very families and networks that ran the slave trade.

    I don't want to be the bringer of bad news or the thwarter of dreams, but honesty demands it. The man is a trickster controlled by super tricksters. A sock puppet controlled by bigger sock puppets who serve an even greater and darker evil. To his masters, Obama is just a means to an end and if it suits them to assassinate him to trigger civil war and upheaval in the United States then that is what they will do.

    Oh dear Oprah, how will you cope when reality dawns? But, then, will it ever??

    I can understand the appeal of Obama because people want him to be what he claims to be, but isn't. They are sick of the conflict, the corruption, the struggle we call 'life' and they want it all to change. But Obama's change is illusory and represents only the continued transformation of society in the image envisaged by Orwell.

    It could take two years, maybe much more, before cognitive dissonance (lying to yourself) loses it current grip on the minds of the Obama faithful. Until then they will make endless excuses for him (lie to themselves) to keep the 'dream' alive.

    But one day they will have to admit, by the power of the evidence before them, that they bought a dream and got a nightmare. What a pity they can't see the obvious now and save them themselves such painful disappointment.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  43. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    Here is an article to prove that black males can be anything in America except to be a Senator in THE U.S. Federal Senate.

    The civil rights movement has to start again in America, because of the fact that the U.S. will not allow black males to join the Senate.

    This is supposedly in a post racial era and this with a ‘black’ President. If black males are allowed in the U.S. Senate then the White Supremacist Racists like Harry Reid will want them to be Uncle Toms at the very least, but Bill Clinton only want female Senators.

    Roland Burris will be told to forget about being equal before the law by his White Masters, the Clintons, and that he must do their bidding because it is their whim.

    Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white person, and will Roland Burris who has every right to his Senate seat give it up because his White Masters order him to?

    I know that Roland Burris is not as young as he used to be, and he may be pressured or bribed to leave the U.S. Senate because Harry Reid may not want black people in his White Senate.

    Will Mr White who is the Secretary of State SS for Illinois do the bidding of the White Master Race, and obey the White Senators in the U.S. Senate?

    It would be interesting if the Clintons, Obama, and Blagojevich were all Republican spies and we get a Republican President Obama and Republican Congress and Senate in two years time.

    It could be that Blagojevich might publish a book just before the 2010 elections to help the Republicans get their clean sweep while people think that they have a Democrat President. It could be that the Republicans have given 15 million dollars to Blagojevich that he deposited in a Swiss bank account.

    I do not think that the politicians of Illinois have set things up like this to blackmail more than their fair share of funds from the Federal Government. I have already stated that I think that this incident is America trying to demonize the Serbian people.

    The Democrats may want to go slowly with this because Obama and Blagojevich may be secret Republicans. If I was an Illinois Democrat politician I would have said perhaps the Illinois Senate politicians should wait for the results of the criminal trial first, and if and only if the Governor is found guilty in a Court of Law, then consider the possibility of impeachment.

    This is because if Obama and Blagojevich are secret Republicans, then it may be better to maintain the status quo for a while at least until the Democrats can think of how to foil the Republicans cunning strategy.

    Attorney Timothy Wright called on the Senate leaders to grant the people of Illinois the representation the U.S. Constitution affords them.

    Senate Leader Harry Reid opposed the appointments of black males to the U.S. Senate, but was not honest enough to admit that he, Bill Clinton, and other male Senators only want black females in the U.S. Senate, if there were to be any black people in the U.S. Senate.

    Many Americans find it frightening to contemplate the extent to which some in this country are able and willing to undermine the principles on which an American Constitutional Democracy was founded.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  44. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:46 AM |  

    This comment is regarding the blatant racism and gross and callous injustice by the White Supremacist Racists in the exclusive Plantation Style PS United States Senate.

    We hear Senate Dictator Reid lying to everyone, and saying that he did not think black males would be re-elected, and that this is the ‘only’ reason for his ‘concern’. If a Senator cannot not be re-elected, then get another person to run for the Senate seat at the next election. The Democrats should give a black male a few years in the Senate to see if the polls show that he will be re-elected.

    That would be only be fair and logical, but would that provide dirty thoughts at night or possibly more than just dirty thoughts for Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and other white male chauvinists in America’s ‘democracy’?

    Dictator Reid said that Roland Burris is a tainted appointment, and the word tainted means to be coloured. We know that Roland Burris is black, as is Mr White who is the Illinois Secretary of State SS, and obeys orders from the White Master Race just like Obama does.

    Many Americans are wondering if Dirty Harry’s hand was on the American Flag or elsewhere when he was making these elaborate excuses for not having even one black male in the U.S. Senate.

    If a majority of Illinois’ Senator would recommend Roland Burris would Reid then resultantly concede that he not corrupt? This unless of course the U.S. Senate knows that the majority of their Senators of Illinois are as corrupt as the U.S. senate. It would be interesting to put to a vote in Illinois, and see just how many Illinois politicians would vote against appointing Roland Burris. If a majority were in favour of appointing a black male, then many Americans think that dirty Harry should stay faithful to just one partner.

    On December 3 2008, Dirty Harry strongly suggested that the Governor of Illinios appoint one of two women to the Senate which is the same as ordering or intimidating his inferiors to obey. They say that a week is a long time in politics because a few days later the Governor of Illinois was arrested unnecessarily, and he was made to pay bail even though no charges were laid. The complaint against Blagojevich should have been slightly censored because everyone it entitled to some privacy.

    It is not my position to say if Blagojevich is guilty or innocent of any crime, but my opinion is that he is as capable of being Governor as much as most Illinois politicians. This is of course with the information that is available today, but he may be pressured to become the scapegoat for leading American Democrat politicians like Dirty Harry.

    The American Dictators want to impeach a Governor, and because they do not have the tapes from the Federal authorities, they want to see want they can ‘find’ from the past because the orders have come from the Dictators that a scapegoat is desperately needed. I just hope that if there is a decision to send it to the Senate for impeachment, that it last as long as Bill Clinton’s impeachment hearing. I say this because I suspect that Bill Clinton is behind this payback for not allowing his female friend to join the Senate.

    At a news conference, Representative Bobby Rush condemned Democratic leaders for rejecting Burris and said that the Dirty Harry’s thinking was based on plantation politics. That statement did bring vivid images to mind of the truly evil old days and of the cruel and callous plantation owner who had no use for an old male Negro.

    Plantation Owner Harry Reid, has infected his perverted thinking into the U.S. Senate which he considers to be the plush White Only Mansion. If the plush White Only U.S. Senate Mansion ever did have a resident House, it would only be a female like Bill Clinton’s friend, Ms Jarrett.

    I know that Roland Burris is not as young as he used to be, and he may be pressured or bribed to leave the U.S. Senate because Plantation Owner Reid does not want black males in the U.S. Senate.
    I am not saying that Roland Burris is too old for the Senate, as he is an average age for the U.S. Senate. I am just saying that he may be ordered to put the party first before himself, whereas the male chauvinist Democrat and racist leaders always put themselves first.

    I would say to Roland Burris that he should pursue his rightful entitlements if he has any sense of self worth, and disregard the carefully crafted lies of Harry Reid. I am sure that that Mr Burris and his many supporters will firstly know, and secondly want to obtain justice a cool tempered, polite, patient yet unrelenting manner.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  45. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:29 AM |  

    This comment will quote a famous poem, and will give the lyrics of a song to comfort THE innocent.

    Comment number 32 in this section regarding the Stanford University Experiment proves beyond all doubt that the honest American politicians will have to lie, to offer bribes, and to accept bribes. That is how it is with the honest American politicians, and you can then be100% certain that all of America’s politicians do the same because they will tell you this if they are honest.

    I do not have all the information, but it would appear that the Governor of Illinois is accused of not perfect thoughts or actions. We are all guilty of that, and people can say that the Governor should have known better and been better, but it is impossible for an imperfect human to be perfect. The same can be said for those who smoke or those who drink alcohol to excess.

    As has already been proven, if you place the American politicians in the situation of having to raise funds for elections, then pressure will be on them to find ways to do that.

    My advice to everyone is that honesty is the best policy, and if you are guilty then confess it, show genuine remorse, and you will be shown mercy. If I were the Governor of Illinois it would give me a wonderful opportunity to write a book on how to minimize corruption in American politics by given a detailed program of possible reforms. I would believe that I was qualified to suggest certain reforms of the American democratic system even though I had disappointed many people who voted for me.

    I know that this may seem strange to many people, and that is because they have never been a politician. I would argue my case that I am both guilty and innocent, and that for most of the times the welfare of those who voted for me was my main concern.

    I would inform people that the current political system makes every American politician guilty in one way, and only those who confess become innocent.

    I have copied a poem that I read recently, and after reading it, I would like to publish THE poem. The poem was written by Rudyard Kipling, and it is titled by the one word, and that word is If.

    IF by Rudyard Kipling

    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
    But make allowance for their doubting too,
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
    If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breath a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
    If all men count with you, but none too much,
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
    And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

    I have copied the words of a song, and I hope that is provides some hope, comfort, and encouragement for all innocent people.

    Innocent Man Lyrics:

    Some people stay far away from the door
    If there's a chance of it opening up
    They hear a voice in the hall outside
    And hope that it just passes by

    Some people live with the fear of a touch
    And the anger of having been a fool
    They will not listen to anyone
    So nobody tells them a lie

    I know you're only protecting yourself
    I know you're thinking of somebody else
    Someone who hurt you
    But I'm not above
    Making up for the love
    You've been denying you could ever feel
    I'm not above doing anything
    To restore your faith if I can
    Some people see through the eyes of the old
    Before they ever get a look at the young
    I'm only willing to hear you cry
    Because I am an innocent man
    I am an innocent man
    Oh yes I am

    Some people say they will never believe
    Another promise they hear in the dark
    Because they only remember too well
    They heard somebody tell them before

    Some people sleep all alone every night
    Instead of taking a lover (spouse) to bed
    Some people find that it's easier to hate
    Than to wait anymore

    I know you don't want to hear what I say
    I know you're gonna keep turning away
    But I've been there and if I can survive
    I can keep you alive
    I'm not above going through it again
    I'm not above being cool for a while
    If you're cruel to me I'll understand

    Some people run from a possible fight
    Some people figure they can never win
    And although this is a fight I can lose
    The accused is an innocent man
    I am an innocent man
    Oh yes I am
    An innocent man

    You know you only hurt yourself out of spite
    I guess you'd rather be a martyr tonight
    That's your decision
    But I'm not below
    Anybody I know
    If there's a chance of resurrecting a love
    I'm not above going back to the start
    To find out where the heartache began

    Some people hope for a miracle cure
    Some people just accept the world as it is
    But I'm not willing to lay down and die
    Because I am an innocent man

    I am an innocent man
    Oh yes I am
    An innocent man

    I know that it is easy to be overly cynical when it comes to American politicians, and they are greedy and selfish more than the public. However, I have discovered that all the politicians in my country do wish to do as much as they can for the people. They all differ as to how much they wish to do for themselves and for others. However, I have never noticed even one politician in my country who has no concern for the people, or who is totally concerned only with themselves.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  46. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:20 AM |  

    This comment is an update on a comment that I have published, because several days have passed since I wrote THE comment.

    Comment number 32 in this section regarding the Stanford University Experiment proves beyond all doubt that the honest American politicians will have to lie, will offer bribes, and will accept bribes. That is how it is with the honest American politicians, and you can then be100% certain that all of America’s politicians do the same to varying degrees because they will tell you this if they are honest. At the very least and as a concession more honest ones who have a lesser role American politics, they all know these things to be true. The CIA gives the American politicians a copy of my comments, and the American politicians can pass those democratic reforms, and George Bush can pardon all the American politicians.

    I do not have all the information, but it would appear that the Governor of Illinois is accused of not having perfect thoughts or actions. We are all guilty of that, and people can say that the Governor should have known better and behaved better, but no human is perfect. The same can be said for those who smoke or those who drink alcohol to excess.

    As has already been proven, if you place the American politicians in the situation of having to raise funds for elections, then pressure will be on the party leaders to find ways to do that.

    My advice to everyone is that honesty is the best policy, and if you are guilty then confess it, show genuine remorse, and you will be shown mercy.

    My advice to anyone who is guilty and innocent is to plead innocent so that the jury will hear the extenuating circumstances that are needed to set the record straight, and to maximize the chances that justice may prevail.

    Even though I knew that I was guilty to some extent, I would plead innocent because of many complex and lengthy extenuating circumstances.

    I would plead my innocence, and let the impartial jury gradually become aware that I was in fact both guilty and innocent. This would make the jury go over the trial notes several times, and possibly just possibly they would declare that they cannot pronounce me guilty and innocent, and I may just be fortunate enough to be found innocent by the jury.

    I could not plead guilty and innocent because that is not on the option of how I will be asked to plead. I could not plead guilty because that would not be the proper category. I could not plead guilty because the dictators would say that we do not have to hear anything more on the subject, and I would not get to tell my story with its complex and lengthy extenuating circumstances.

    If the court allowed a category to plead guilty and innocent, and it provided me with what I felt was adequate time to explain the complex and lengthy extenuating circumstances, then that is how I would plead. However, because I must choose a category to plead my lawyer would more than likely advise that I enter a plea of innocent.

    The American dictators say they think that others should do the right thing, but they conveniently ‘forget’ to acknowledge that two wrongs do not make a right. There is the Law, the Constitution, the illegal refusal of Illinois’ Secretary of State to sign the Burris papers, and the U.S. senate acting illegally by not seating Mr Burris. This is a blatant trampling of State’s Rights and an ignoring of the Illinois Constitution, even by Illinois politicians who have sworn to uphold that very document. There is the right to a fair trial by an unbiased court and not the media, due process, and the presumption of innocence. There is a total disregarding of the separation of powers between the Executive, the Legislature, and the judiciary. The lying, bribe offering, and bribe taking hypocritical dictators of America together with the corrupt putrid media and even the U.S. Attorney and the FBI have set themselves up the judge and jury. The dictators say that the Governor of Illinois should resign, but why should he, and many people want the dictators to resign. Have they heard all the evidence, and are these hypocrites judging others for what they do even more of except they have not been caught on tape.

    This is the ‘legal’ and ‘ethical’ environment, or should I say the law of the jungle that American politicians have to contend with.

    I have never been to America, and for all these reasons and probably more, and unless there is some genuine evidence, then many people think that the Governor of Illinois is innocent of any crime, and possibly deserves an award.

    The media have not fulfilled their obligation in a democracy but have sided with the hypocrites and haters of the American Constitution and State Constitutions which should be the supreme law of America.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois it would give me a wonderful opportunity to write a book on how to minimize corruption in American politics by given a detailed program of genuine reforms. I would believe that I was better qualified to suggest certain reforms of the American democratic system regardless of the fact that I had disappointed many people who voted for me.

    I would write the book as a true story, as a science fiction novel of how an ancient nation of say Atlantis was not a proper democracy. I would not write any American politicians names, but I would use ancient names but the events would be true. I would mention in the Foreword that I will neither confirm nor deny that all the characters are Democrats, or are all Republicans, or any mixture of both. I would mention that it would be wise to avoid litigation, as the dictators have too much in their advantage, and the only purpose is to reform the corrupt American political system. I would mention that the very presence of the novel proves that I have not succumbed to bribery or intimidation to keep silent on how America’s dictatorship really works, and suggest reforms of the system.

    I would apologize to everyone that I offended and disappointed, and put this apology in the Foreword. I would start writing the novel immediately, and hopefully publish it before the trial.

    I think that the Illinois Republican Senators should examine all the material carefully and vote on impeachment no earlier than January of 2011. The Republicans in the legislature could vote with the Democrat puppets to hold an impeachment trial. However, the Senate Republicans should take as much time as necessary to see that justice by the Governor’s peers is in accordance with the highest standards the spirit of Illinois’ Constitution. Many legal experts think that this is now even more important given the fact that due process and the presumption of innocence have been discarded. Many legal experts think that any possible impeachment proceedings both Houses of Legislature should now take longer than what may have been the case under proper circumstances.

    The disgraceful and shameful conduct of the U.S. Senate wilfully and joyfully showing disrespect to an elderly gentleman and even to one of their own was distressing to every genuine American. The U.S. Senate claims to be bastion of Democracy but failed to show even the minimum standard of dignity to the rightful Senator for Illinois, and whose record of public service is more distinguished than all theirs put together.

    I read statements by the criminal press who say that he has lost elections and that is why he should not be a Senator. The reason he lost elections was probably because of the corrupt, biased, and bribed media, and lack of campaign funds.

    I know that Roland Burris is not as young as he used to be, and he may be pressured or bribed to leave the U.S. Senate because Plantation Owner Reid does not want black males in the U.S. Senate. I think that Mr Burris is too good a person to associate with the criminals in the U.S. Senate.

    The Roland Burris affair may have a silver lining in that it may slow down the impeachment process because who will fill the vacant Senate seat, and how will it be done is now occupying the time of the Illinois Houses of Legislature. I think that Mr Burris should be given first preference if he wants to be a U.S. Senator. I know that it is unfair on Mr Burris to have to have a special election and have to contest the seat. I think that both candidates will have to be black so that people cannot say that race was an issue, and so that there can be even one black person in the U.S. Senate. It could be that the Illinois Republican Senators will only impeach the Governor if a Republican wins the Senate seat as a type of pay to play. It could be that the Governor may say that the Senate election is a type of ‘referendum’ on his overall performance, and if Mr Burris win the seat, then it is a sign that the Illinois Democrats should not proceed with impeachment. It is for this reason, and in fairness to Mr Burris that many people think he should have his papers signed and take his seat in the U.S. senate.

    Perhaps the Illinois politicians should wait a week to collect their thoughts and discuss amongst themselves this matter that has now been complicated by the U.S. Senate’s refusal to obey the Constitution of America and Illinois. There are more urgent matters at the moment, and a delay of a few days will enable the Members of the Illinois Legislature to gain a fresher and more purposeful perspective on it, but more importantly to act in a more honourable manner.

    There could be those who think that because the Federal Authorities want more time to examine the evidence, then the Illinois Legislatures should conduct an informed and detailed investigation based in part on their findings or recommendations to ensure that justice was not only done, but seen to be done.

    I know that this may seem strange to many people, and that is because they have never been an American politician. I would argue my case that I am both guilty and innocent, and that for most of the times the welfare of those who voted for me was my main concern.

    I know that it is easy to be overly cynical when it comes to American politicians, and they are greedy and selfish more than the public. However, I have discovered that all the politicians in my country do wish to do as much as they can for the people. They all differ as to how much they wish to do for themselves and for others. However, I have never noticed even one politician in my country who has no concern for the people, or who is totally concerned only with themselves.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  47. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:28 AM |  

    This comment is to clarify a point and to give some further information that I should have mentioned in THE comment I wrote.

    There could be those who think that because the Federal Authorities want more time to examine the evidence, then the Illinois Legislatures should conduct an informed and detailed investigation based in part on the findings or recommendations of the Federal Authorities to ensure that justice was not only done, but seen to be done.

    I forget to mention the criminal action of the Illinois Attorney General to get the Supreme Court to deny the Governor due process and pervert the course of justice. There is also the matter of denying the Governor funds to meet legal expenses for the purpose of perverting the course of justice.

    If people want many names of ancient people for a novel then they can find these names in the Bible and especially in the first few paragraph of the First Book of Chronicles.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  48. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:59 AM |  

    Here is a comment to update what is going on with the impeachment in THE State of Illinois. I want to say to anyone who agrees with some of what I wrote to please plagiarize, plagiarize, and continue to plagiarize as you have my permission. I can assure you that I will not sue you for copyright as that will make it easier for the American dictators to find me.

    The Illinois Senate will give the appearance of being very cautious and very professional and very fair about the presentation of evidence because of the farce the world has seen up till now.

    It may be called a trial and involve the trappings of a courtroom, from a judge to exhibits and objections, but experts will tell you that the event will be political farce, not legal. The senators are free to base their decisions on old feuds and popular opinion if they want, rather than fine points of the law, or even secret deals they all made to each other.

    The real pay to play in politics in America that is mainly known to the American politicians that all American politicians must have dirt on them so that they can be removed at a moments notice if the system needs it.

    This is why they all allow each other to not only take bribes and offer bribes, but the insistence is to break laws.

    The Illinois House has made the allegation that there has been a pattern of abuse of power. This means that this is arbitrary and if you can get sufficient arbitrary ‘opinions’ based on grudges and vested interests from American politicians who are the dictatorial garbage filth of the earth, then that shall be deemed to true and pure.

    The public sentiment has been manipulated by the Federal authorities and so now the Pilates in the Illinois Senate will say “What is Truth”.

    There was one Illinois politician, Milton Patterson who is black and who voted against impeachment, and we can only speculate as to why.

    Could this have been a lone voice of reason, was it a lone voice of honesty, was it for appearances to the world, or was it because he suspects that the Clintons, Obama, and Blagojevich of being secret Republicans.

    As regards Roland Burris, it Americans back to the days when Democrats stood in front of desegregated schools to keep Negro children from entering. It brought back memories of the Democrats’ attempts to block the civil rights amendment and their creation of Jim Crow laws. How curious it is that with such a long history of the Democrats discriminating against people of colour, most Negroes call themselves Democrats, despite the fact that the Republicans have historically been their best advocate.

    Democratic sources say Reid and Durbin underestimated the storm that would be caused by their attempt to deny a seat to a 71-year-old African-American. "Reid operates in this tight, little circle with Durbin and Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Patty Murray," complained one veteran Democratic senator, granted anonymity to speak candidly. "He needs to talk to more people, and maybe these kinds of situations won't occur again." If he talked to more people he would know that there is a Constitution, law, due process, presumption of innocence, State’s Rights etc. They are saying that this has become a circus and people can see that the clowns are in the U.S. Senate.

    Durbin said that there will be no Senate seat for Burris there is no signature, but that is really code for no blacks or if there has to be a black in the U.S. Senate then it is only one House Negro, preferably a female.

    Other Democratic insiders put some of the blame on Obama, complaining that he kept his distance from the Burris controversy then jumped in at the end to claim the mantle of peacemaker.

    We the American politicians will no longer tolerate the culture where we are suspected of corruption by those Americans who are not stupid. This is why the Americans politicians will use the Governor of Illinois as a scapegoat that will hopefully make the corrupt American politicians look pure to the stupid gullible public.

    The Democrats surely want to impeach him not because he has committed a crime, but because he further taints the already tainted Democrats. He especially taints all the Illinois politicians because he wants to introduce proper reforms to government.

    Those who wish to continue to lie and to be bribed say that he should not be there for the reforms, because they want no reforms at all. That is like saying that a smoker is not qualified to stop smoking, or that he should not be there to stop smoking. He taints the Democrats because the Clintons have set him up and because of the lesser Democrats guilt and puppetship they need to deflect these things by continuing to say that he is tainted.

    The Republicans will want to impeach because he appointed someone to the Senate and denied the Republicans their special election which they would have easily won with all the controversy. They are not going to forget the Governor for obeying the Constitution of Illinois and wanting due process. The Republicans are not going to forget the Governor because he did not obey their orders not to appoint anyone to the Senate.

    If by some persuasive legal argument the Governor escapes this impeachment, he might be impeached again for the Fitzgerald allegations. The only difference is that the Republicans have the luxury to carefully examine all the evidence for historical rather than electoral reasons, but the Democrats could not care less about the Constitution, the law, or due process, because they need a quick cover up.

    House Negro Jesse White knows that Mr Burris is a fine and decent man who not only deserves to be a Senator for Illinois. White falsely claims that he really hopes that Mr Burris will be the next senator, but he will do everything in his power to prevent it and has made ‘conscience’ his ‘excuse’.

    To be an Uncle Tom or a House Negro is a pay to play and people remember favours as a pay to play even if cash, a job, or a promotion is given years later.

    This self professed giant of morality and conscience believes that putting his signature to a truth, the Constitution, the law, due process, the presumption of innocence, and State’s Rights mean nothing if his White Masters tell him that. This conscienceless Uncle Tom politician falsely claims that he is worried that Washington might become tainted if a politician went there. I think that Roland Burris is too good a person to associate himself with the criminal filth of the U.S. Senate.

    Roland Burris is disqualified for Bill Clinton because he is not a female, for Harry Reid because he is a Negro, and for Barack Obams because he is not an Uncle Tom.

    This will have nothing to do with law or what is proper and all to do with expediency, payback, and cover up by both parties. I think that the Governor of Illinois is no more pure or no more corrupt than the average Illinoisan politician, so why all the fuss and hypocrisy about ‘cleaning up’ the system. The politicians of Illinois should put up a program of reform, but if they did that they would be confessing that they participate in such activity or know of it but have not told the police who may be collecting bribes themselves.

    An American wrote the following: “While I can find few of my friends who have much if any trust in the current crop of politicians, some trust could be earned if they would simply find a code of ethics and stick to it”. Has anyone heard of the Constitution, the law, due process, the presumption of innocence, and State’s Rights?

    Consider the case of the Illinois Governor who recently appointed a replacement for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by incoming President Barack Obama - a simple procedure, whereby politicians appoint politicians of a like mind to such positions. Had this governor sought quid-pro-quo at a private cocktail party, or at a golf course, there would be no outcry from the press nor from politicians.

    Consider the case of the New York governor who will appoint a replacement for the seat to be vacated by U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton. Qualifications and background notwithstanding, it looks as he will name an aristocrat from a rich and famous and political family. Little more than a hint that campaign money or support can be provided or denied could be considered as quid-pro-quo.

    There are those who are trying to say that the Governor of Illinois is responsible for the entire bribe taking in Illinois, and as if he invented it. There is such a thing as the Democrat Party Machine that is now the Obama bribe taking machine, and the only way to be rid of it is for all, that right all American politicians to confess to it and pardon themselves. They must first introduce the reforms I mentioned like 100% public funding for elections and free media time a few weeks before Election Day, and for serious correspondences to be only in writing. The wish to continue in their corruption and they need a scapegoat and to demonize the Serbian people at the same time.

    The Corrupt conspiratorial American dictators are the ones that are doing their utmost to make Illinois a laughingstock to the world because of their ulterior and evil motives.

    They say that the Governor has made Illinois a laughing stock to the world, but the truth is that America has made themselves a disgrace to the human race. America wants to shift attention away from its own filth and get a scapegoat. The entire illegal, unnecessary, and unconstitutional; manner regarding the Governor will not go unnoticed by the world.

    If this set up was not needed then this is how the situation should have been handled. If the Federal Authorities had a complaint against the Governor, then they could have spoken to him in his office with his lawyer present. They could not charge him and so they had to arrest him and release him on bail to give the impression of criminality.

    The Illinois Supreme Court gave their decision that Roland Burris does not need the signature of that House Negro and Uncle Tom so aptly named Mr White. The conscienceless puppet Uncle Tom presumptuously set himself up as Judge and Jury or more likely was ordered to obey the White Master Race, as blacks are not paid to think. House Negroes are not to use their brain and say that the Governor has not even been indicted or impeached, but Uncle Toms are to obey those with more intelligence who are white people. This means nothing to the other Whites like Clinton, Reid, and Obama, and Mr White will be rewarded by the White Master Race for obeying orders to advertise that there is an incentive if you become a House Negro. I have said that there is a separation of powers and that Plantation owner Reid is not qualified to be prosecutor, Judge, and jury.

    We now learn that Mr White disobeyed his ‘conscience’ because he signed a document that testifies to truth, but he was on orders from his White Masters who are his superiors, because they needed to backtrack.

    The American dictatorial putrid media say that the Governor is defiant because he wants a fair trial. They say the he is disgraced, but he would only be a disgrace like the most of America’s politicians if he did not do his best to get a fair trial.

    Plantation owner Harry Reid's office said he was consulting the senate parliamentarian, legal counsel and the secretary of the senate “as we scheme to commit criminality”. Durbin warned that any legal suit would likely last much longer than the impeachment process.

    They are saying race card in the age of Obama as if 100% of people voted for him on anti racism. There are Americans who think that Obama is an honest as it gets for Chicago politician, and probably a little less than that. Obama’s got Spiderman on his side and so he should tell America if he knows of any an Uncle Toms or House Negroes in American politics.

    President Nixon was asked during the Watergate affair if he knew of and crooks in Washington.

    And the effort continues to depict this scandal as an isolated incident involving a solitary, corrupt individual. This is all about protecting Obama after he bungled the sale of his own Senate seat.

    The reason no previous governors had not been impeached is because the public was not as aware of the shenanigans.

    And the lesson learned here, is not to interfere with Bill Clinton’s Senate selections, and let this be a lesson to Roland Burris.

    Do not believe the American undemocratic dictatorial politicians because in their desperation this just one of those countless attempts to demonize the Serbian people. They pretend to be democratic in order to create the impression to other countries that they are pure, fair minded, and of course democratic, but, in reality, that’s not the case here.

    Actually it seems like the focal point of western conduct has been and remains Serbia, and the Governor of Illinois is simply being used as a tool. As we all know, tools are being put away when they are not needed any longer, and this is the reason for the disgraceful impeachment.

    I am not saying that to hold an impeachment hearing is what is disgraceful in itself, but it is the indecent haste, how it is held that the world is now aware of. This could have been avoided if the American dictators had just treated others like they would want to be treated, and obeyed the law and their Constitution. As we all know the American dictators believe that the law does not apply to them, and this is why the Senate situation is in a state of disarray.

    We should compare this to the Bill Clinton impeachment to see if their will be equal treatment under the law, especially given that Bill Clinton schemed this. The following paragraph is from Wikipedia, and it gives a brief summary of the Bill Clinton impeachment.

    Bill Clinton, President of the United States was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, and acquitted by the Senate on February 12, 1999. The charges, perjury, obstruction of justice and abuse of power arose from the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the Paula Jones law suit. The trial proceedings were largely party-line, with no Democratic Senators voting for conviction and only five Democratic Representatives voting to impeach. In all, 55 senators voted not guilty, and 45 voted guilty on the obstruction charge. The Senate also acquitted on the charge of perjury with 50 votes cast as not guilty, and 50 votes as guilty. It was only the second impeachment of a President in American history, following the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in 1868.

    It would appear that if there is a special election for the Senate seat, then there would have to be both male black candidates. If the Republicans say they will put up a male black candidate, they could change their mind and put up a female candidate. The Democrats may say that they will put up a black male candidate, but Bill Clinton will order them to put up a female candidate. It is logical to most people except the hard liners like Clinton, Reid, and their puppet Obama that the only sensible course of action after all what has occurred is to seat Roland Burris.

    These events prove that the American Democrats are a totalitarian dictatorship with Bill and Hillary Clinton as the dictators.

    Obama has stupidly provided Republicans with multiple opportunities to expose the stench of choices during confirmation hearings. If the Republicans are genuinely concerned about good Government then they should properly scrutinize Hillary Clinton, Carol Eric Holder, and others. As the Richardson fiasco unfolds, we learn that implicated in his pay to play scheme is one Chris Romer, the son of former Colorado democrat governor Roy Romer.

    Maybe the people of Illinois should just clean house themselves and not vote any of the present politicians back in office. To Senators the same goes for you just clean house and vote new people into office.

    December 9: "No appointment by this governor under these circumstances could produce a credible replacement."

    December 10: "We write to insist that you step down as governor of Illinois and under no circumstance make an appointment to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat."

    December 30: "This is not about Mr. (Roland) Burris; it is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat. Anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic Caucus."

    January 4: David Gregory: "But there sounds to me like there may be some room here to negotiate and actually seat Burris?" Reid: "Hey, listen, David, I'm an old trial lawyer. There's always room to negotiate."

    January 7: "He's going to go answer any other questions they might have. He's not trying to avoid any responsibility and trying to hide anything. Once that's done, we'll be in a different position and see what we are going to do."

    The White Supremacist Racists want to tell blacks in a fancy way that now that you got your symbolic black, we want you Negroes to go back to the cotton fields.

    What is the next decree in this story we can only guess and perhaps we see why it is difficult to be a Governor of an American State, because the American dictators will change their position as often as they want.

    On top of all this there is a disregard for the Constitution, the law, and for proper standards, and a breaking of the politicians’ secret rule to bribe and let bribe. In politics you will make enemies, and your career is uncertain and there is a ‘secret code of honour’ amongst politicians. This helps prevent politicians become poor after their opponents make sure they cannot find work. I do not agree with this ‘code of honour’ of lying, offering bribes, or taking bribes, however I can understand how it become not only necessary, but mandatory because criminals usually do not inform on other criminals.

    To be an Uncle Tom or a House Negro is a pay to play and people remember favours as a pay to play even if cash, a job, or a promotion is given years later.

    If the federal judge who originally authorized the wiretaps understood that Fitzgerald would use the material for such political purposes, would he have gone along with it? Fitzgerald has asked for an extension to April to produce an indictment, and it's a good question as to whether he will be able to deliver one then.

    Consider this: Since 1784, approximately 1,900 different men and women have served in the Senate, but only three have been black.

    I am only guessing as to the reason or reasons, but the media is very influential in shaping people’s behaviour and attitudes. This could possibly be because even Negroes think that other Negroes have on average lower IQ’s than most other races. It could possibly be that they have been brainwashed by Plantation politics of the White Master Race to think of themselves as being an inferior servant race. It is disgusting how such racist attitudes have allowed go unchallenged by black people who knew these facts long ago. There are those who say they take offence at the terms Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima, and House Negro, but the real offence is that only 3 black Senators have ever been allowed to the Plantation House which is the U.S. Senate. Where these people allowed there because they were House Negroes, and is this the real reason the Democrats do not want a black Senator because Roland Burris believes that he is equal to a white person?

    We now know why the Media is a puppet of the Democrats because the White Elites need the media to lie to you that the Democrats are not racist, and are the champions of Africans. Bill Clinton knows that the white women in America go to the Media, and in Africa there could be more discretion.

    The news reveals that the Roland Burris spoke to lobbyist Lon Monk, Blagojevich's former chief of staff, in the fall and told him of his interest in the Senate seat. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama learned Roland Burris could be a rival to Ms Jarret, and they planned a set up to impeach the Governor because Ms Jarret would not be the Senator. Ms Jarret will be able to be close to Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama because she will have a job in Washington.

    I do not think that the Illinois politicians set things up like this to blackmail the Federal Government for more money, and they are thinking that a Governor under suspicion is a valuable thing.

    The following is taken from an article is what a journalist wrote about the Governor of Illinois, and it is the subject of the impeachment.

    While it's easy to point to his Dec. 9 arrest as the tipping point for his downfall, the governor's behavior has been vexing to most observers since he took office in 2003. Rather than smoothly trying to build consensus after 26 years of Republican rule, the governor employed an in-your-face policy on nearly every action he's taken. His sometimes bizarre style of governing, which has now put him in the history books, started at the very beginning. On his first day in office, he walked into the Capitol and fired a number of Republican holdovers from George Ryan's administration. That wasn't a shock. Soon after, the governor's office would become a bunker. He installed locks on the doors of his Capitol offices as if he was hiding something. He began sneaking in the Capitol through basement tunnels. He refused to live in the Executive Mansion, instead commuting between Chicago and Springfield at taxpayer's expense. Among his first major acts in office was to tap into the state's employee pension funds in order to cover state operating costs. It should be noted that lawmakers, most of whom are now lined up against him, went along with the scheme. Yet, even after that multi-billion-dollar arbitrage scheme went through, the state's money problems didn't improve. The state now faces a horrific backlog of bills and the possibility of ending the year with a record-setting deficit. Observers agree his whole administration has been shaky from the start. Some people noticed this right away. Among them was House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, who Blagojevich has tried to blame for numerous pitfalls the state has endured since he took office. As early as 2004, Blagojevich thought it might be a good idea to try and smooth over differences with his fellow Democrats by meeting with more than 50 of them in a private, three-hour question-and-answer session. Among items on the agenda was a tape of a radio interview in which Blagojevich called state Rep. John Bradley, D-Marion, a "wallflower of Madigan" for supporting the speaker in that year's budget standoff. Suffice to say, fences went unmended even at that early juncture. In 2007, Blagojevich tried his magic on state Sen. Mike Jacobs, an East Moline Democrat. Hoping to muster enough votes to get a massive expansion of health insurance programs on track, he called Jacobs into his office for some horse-trading. Jacobs emerged from the meeting in a rage, saying "bring it on." "If this governor would have been in East Moline at one of my local taverns, I would have kicked his tail end," Jacobs said. In the end, the health insurance proposal went down in flames. In fact, most of the governor's initiatives have fallen apart. Now, his administration and his future are in tatters. For those who believe his downfall is more about his governing style than anything criminal, here's this: In his first term, he tried to take over the state's Board of Education. He demonized it as a Soviet-style bureaucracy at the very same time he was centralizing the state's press offices so his taxpayer-paid public information officers would speak on his behalf with one voice. Perhaps Blagojevich didn't realize that by trying to gather up all the power in his hands he would be blamed for everything that went wrong.

    That is what those who experienced the Governor, and Blagojevich was deliberately picked to demonize the Serbian people because it is the desire of that that pieces of filth the Clintons better known to us as Wicked King Ahab and Evil Queen Jezebel and most of the American ‘democratic’ dictators. They did it also because of what I have written here over the last 2 years, and if they want to accuse me of being paranoid, then that is my right to paranoid, but I am not paranoid.

    Regardless of the Governor of Illinois, he may have saved America from a dictatorship by bringing the American citizens back to the Constitution, the law, due process, States’ Rights, and the presumption of innocence. This may be what he was trying to express, the other day, and there could be an argument that if people do not like the style of a Governor, then that is a matter for the voters.

    I want to say that the Governor’s elections were rigged to help in this conspiracy, and in America they will rig any election they want to if it furthers their evil purposes. The timing is just as Obama is to take office, and others can say those Serbs are all the same because they have a Balkans policy. It will be interesting to see how the American dictators try to cover this one up, and what new lies they will invent, and people can always learn by observing them.

    If Hillary Clinton thinks that the Democrats are going to replace her as Secretary of State SS, then she might stay in the Senate and try to become leader of the senate as it is closer to the Presidential line of succession.

    I think the real reason is because Blagojevich is Serbian and the American dictators want to continue to demonize the Serbs and tell the world that they are a dog race. There are other issues, but Blagojevich got in the way of the Clintons and he was as good a Serb as anyone to demonize the Serbian people. If Blagojevich had obeyed the Plantation owners, then the American dictators would have found another Serb, even though Blagojevich is totally American and as pure or as corrupt as the average American politician. They are trying to blame the Governor for the world wide recession that has affected Illinois, but that is ridiculous.

    “If you believe he is incapacitated and his actions are reprehensible, how can you accept this appointment and claim legitimacy to it?” Durkin asked. If people believe that Durkin is incapacitated and his actions are reprehensible, how can you accept his authority or opinion? If you say the majority will on its own, then even Hitler had majority support of the Germans. Those who wrote the Constitution did it knowing full well that the sly and cunning speakers and the intimidators would make America a dictatorship unless people obeyed the Constitution.

    Roland Burris did not pass with flying colours because he is of Negro colour and can never pass. The Democrats will reluctantly have to accept another male Negro, but not Roland Burris because he is not an Uncle Tom.

    This is the attitude of the White Elites: “Listen Boy this Republican and Democrat thing is all trash because we are White before anything else, and Burris has refused to be a House Negro and so he is unacceptable to us Plantation owners”.

    One major obstacle still remains to Burris’ path to the U.S. Senate. Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White’s has yet to officially certify Burris’ appointment. After that obstacle is cleared or found to be ‘invalid’ we White Elitists are going to find some other reason to keep that Negro away from us because he has the audacity to believe that he is equal to us Whites.

    Dear Puppet Blagojevich:

    We write to dictatorially demand that you step down as Governor of Illinois and under no circumstance make appoint a black male Negro to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat. In light of your carefully planed arrest yesterday by the Clintons on alleged federal corruption charges related to that Senate seat, any appointment by you would raise serious questions as to our own involvement and corruption. It is within the authority of the Illinois legislature to remove your power to make this appointment by providing for a special election. But a decision by you to resign or to step aside under Article V of the Illinois Constitution would be the most expeditious way for a female Senator to be chosen and seated in a manner that would please Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama considers it imperative that a female be seated as soon as possible so that Illinois because Muslims can have up to 4 wives. Please understand that should you decide to ignore the request of the Senate Democratic Caucus and make an appointment we would be forced to exercise our Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 5, to determine whether such a person should be seated.

    We have already prejudged the outcome of the criminal charges against you and we in fact set you up. But for the good of the Senate and our nation, we implore you to refrain from making appointing a male Negro because he may have a lower IQ than others here, but especially because he is a male, black, and is not an Uncle Tom.

    Dictatorially yours,
    All Democrat Racist U.S. Senators.

    The U.S. Constitution also guarantees Illinois, honest, decent, and hardworking taxpayers the right to representation by two U.S. Senators in the U.S. Senate. Given these facts, the Senate's refusal to allow Roland Burris to be sworn in and to assume his rightful position as member of the U.S. Senate violates the U.S. Constitution.

    It is not surprising to see how these dictatorial hypocrites want others to always obey the law but for them it is optional.

    You can debate the wisdom of President-elect Barack Obama's ‘decision’ to name Hitlery Rotten Clinton as Secretary of State. The more interesting question is whether Clinton's appointment would violate the Constitution, namely Article I, Section 6. As every school child knows, that provision reads: No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time: and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. Clinton was re-elected to the Senate in 2006. During her current term, the salary for Cabinet officers was increased from $186,600 to $191,300.

    It is not surprising to see how these dictatorial hypocrites want others to always obey the law but for them it is optional.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:52 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois.

    Governor Rod Blagojevich ignored everyone who had dictatorially ordered him not to ensure that Illinois had its rightful representation in the U.S. Senate to work for the interests of the citizens of Illinois.

    Despite the injustice and abuse of power that has clearly been demonstrated against the Governor, by the Federal Authorities, the Media, and nearly every American politician he knew that he had to attend to the affairs of State. There are those American dictators and liars who say that he should not have filled the Senate seat. The Democrats wanted the Governor to self incriminate himself by resigning so that they could get the Lieutenant Governor Quinn to become the new Governor so that Ms Jarret could be given the Senate seat.

    The Democrats did not want a special election, because they thought they would most likely lose given the circumstances, and Obama did not want this to be a reflection on himself. The Republicans did want a special election because they had nothing to lose even if Ms Jarret did win the seat in an election, because she was the one that Obama wanted in the Senate.

    The Governor appointed an experienced public servant, who has an unblemished reputation and a genuine desire to serve the community. Mr. Roland Burris humbly accepted the honour, privilege, and responsibility to lobby the Federal Government on several infrastructure programs that will provide jobs for the citizens of Illinois. This was one of the most important reasons the Governor could wait any longer than he did for the Illinois legislature to pass legislation for a special election.

    The Governor in his unwavering adherence to, and protection of the Constitution, the presumption of innocence, due process the right to a fair trial, and States’ Rights nominated a likeable, highly capable, a very worthy, and greatly respected person to the Senate.

    This infuriated the Democrats and displeased the Republicans, and the Democrats are going to be much spiteful about. The White supremacist Racist Media, along with any House Negro journalists who are the Democrats puppets showed malicious ill will and a desire to hurt the reputations of individuals because they were motivated by vindictiveness.

    The putrid media continues to slander, to judge, and to manipulate rather than just report the facts in an unbiased manner. They have done their best, and will continue to do their best to deprive the Governor of a fair trial. They want him to be found guilty in the ‘court’ of public opinion first because this will make it easy for the Illinois Senate to abuse their power. They say that the Governor has pulled a fast one, that he outwitted the Democrats, and that he is now laughing to himself over it. They say these lies because they want to give the Illinois politicians an ‘excuse’ to say to the voters that we will see who has the last laugh. They are now going as far as to suggest that Governor Blagojevich schemed the FBI investigation, his own arrest, and all the biased bad publicity in the media without help from other people.

    They have done their best to dehumanize him by hubristically referring to him as Blago rather than by his proper title of Governor Blagojevich.

    There are many Americans who do not think that this is a laughing matter at all, because they view it as a serious matter. I think that until there is proof the media should give the Governor the benefit of the doubt, and people would hope that the charge of laughing is not on the agenda for impeachment, but rather than justice be done under the law.

    Many people cannot see how he pulled a fast one, because he has said that he was in favour of a special election now that the Illinois politicians did not want the Governor to make an appointment. He realized that the Democrats only wanted him to resign so that he could incriminate himself, even though he has the Constitutional right not to incriminate himself.

    I have already stated my opinion on what the real conspiracy is why I believe it. Even though there is a main conspiracy, other minor yet substantially important objectives have been attached to it.

    If Governor Blagojevich did not appoint someone, then the Democrats and the Media would have made this a reason in itself for impeachment, and of course conviction. The Democrats and the Republicans were already locked into their dictate that the Governor should not make an appointment under any circumstances. The Republican Senators knew they had the numbers to ensure that the Governor was impeached only if a Republican won the seat. It is no mystery to political observers that the Democrats wanted Ms Jarret to have the Senate seat.

    It is the duty and responsibility of any Governor to make sure that an America State has its full representation in the Senate and the lawmakers refused to set up a special election to fill the seat.

    The time for the new U.S. Senate to convene was rapidly approaching, and so the Governor was left with no alternative other than to appoint a Senator, even though his first preference was for a special election.

    Most governors in that situation would want a special election, because if their party were going to impeach them, then they would see to it that the Republicans won the Senate election. This is because the Republican Senators may not convict them on impeachment if a vote came to the Senate.

    I have reconsidered an opinion of mine, and I no longer think that the Clintons, Obama, and Blagojevich are secret Republicans, but that they are all Democrats. In American politics it does not matter much what party you belong to, because the only interest is to further oneself.

    What we can be certain of is that we are not being told the true and full story, and that is why you need to have certain theories to see if they have merit. These theories may prove useful until further information is obtained, and some theories can be discarded. They say that if you want to know the reason, then just follow the money trail. I want to say that I know very little about American politics, and even seasoned analysts who are American citizens need time to analyse the latest political conspiracies. The old conspiracies are known, but the new ones need time to ponder on, but if the trail goes cold because of cover ups, we may never know what the conspiracy was.

    The resistance to the lawful and proper appointment of Mr. Burris proved to be such an obvious example of arrogant dictatorship that Obama himself very reluctantly reversed course, but only after the Clinton’s ordered him to.

    The U.S. Senate is said to be the greatest deliberative body in the world. The word deliberate means to be careful or slow in deciding a deliberate decision. The unanimous decision by all Federal Democrat Senators including Senator Hillary Clinton demanding Mr Blagojevich to resign and not make a Senate appointment strongly suggested a carefully planned conspiracy. Everyone wants to have the Clintons favour, and so they end up knowing everything everyone does. In this situation it is easy for the Clintons to plan and scheme a conspiracy to their advantage. The Clintons needed a white person from Chicago impeached in such a rough manner that it would not look racist when it came to Barack Obama being impeached gently This would enable Hillary Clinton to run for the Presidency as Obama would not be nominated for a second term. The obvious connection between Obama and Blagojevich with the rest of the Chicago scene is known to everyone.

    We should consider many possibilities, but some things are known to be true. It is a regrettable but known fact that many but not all politicians are more honest after they retire from politics than when they were politicians.

    The vote so far is that there was a 113-0 vote to set up a 21 member panel to impeach, there was a 21-0 vote by the panel recommending a vote on impeachment to the Illinois Legislature. Even though the voting up till then had been unanimous, the impeachment vote was 114 who voted for impeachment, but two did not favour impeachment. This is because in this case given all that has occurred, and what has to occur, a charge of abuse of power is particularly ambiguous, arbitrary, and most of all hypocritical.

    Even though the Illinois Senate has the legal right to sit in judgement over this matter, there are many people who think that they are not longer eligible given the prejudiced nature of they attitude, and the need to for self justification. The Illinois Democrats fear that if they do not impeach the Governor now, they will lose the next election to the Republicans, and so they need to impeach him for themselves, but especially for the Federal Democrats.

    If I had to vote on the matter of impeaching the Governor after all this has happened I would vote against conviction even if he was guilty. Legal experts and philosophers on the subject of justice will tell you that is it is better for ten guilty people to avoid punishment rather than one innocent person to be wrongly convicted. If I was an Illinoisan politician, I would know that I was guilty of the same offence, and as such my conscience would not allow me to in convict others for what I do myself. I would know that I would continue to be guilty of that offence, even after I had convicted someone else and I would consider it hypocritical and unjust. I would let the voters decide at the next election, if the Governor ran as an independent candidate.

    There may be some legislators who would say that only if the Governor can be found guilty in a Court of Law, then and only then the matter of impeachment should be considered.

    I know that he would not get a fair trial, but he would be intimidated or bribed to be a scapegoat for the other American politicians, most of whom are worse than what he is in this matter.

    I know that the media and even the new Illinois legislature, and the Senate have the luxury of appearing to be objective after knowing that the damage has irreparably been done. They may even vote a bit ‘softer’ but the decision to convict was decided and taken long ago.

    The conspiracy needs the Governor to either resign, or to be convicted by the Illinois Senate. The conspirators do not care if the Governor makes a deal because all that is nodded for this conspiracy is for either an impression of guilt, an admission of guilt or a conviction by the Senate.

    Representative Elga Jefferies abstained from voting, and Representative Milton Patterson, also a Chicago Democrat, voted against impeachment. These retiring Illinois politicians did not vote for impeachment, and the following paragraph is from the internet.

    State reps Milton Patterson and Elga Jeffries have something in common besides an unwillingness to vote for impeaching the governor: neither has to face voters again. Patterson is retiring after his current term ends--which, for all practical purposes, is today--and Jeffries lost her bid for re-election last year. Patterson said he wasn't comfortable with voting yes on impeachment. I think the committee did an excellent job in the report, it was just there was not enough for me to feel comfortable with a decision to do that. I did not feel comfortable voting based upon what I heard and read, simple as that. Rep. Elga Jefferies, a South Side Democrat, cast the sole present vote because, she said, a lot of this process was personal. Jefferies, whose term ends next week, said she suffered from personal vendettas in a rough primary campaign that she lost. I was torn between political and personal, Jefferies said.

    The overwhelming majority of the Illinois legislators demanded that the Governor should not under any circumstances make an appointment, because they wanted to taint the process.

    The Democrats became furious because an appointment to the Senate sent a signal that Governor Rod Blagojevich upholds the Constitution, due process, the presumption of innocence, States’ Rights, and the right to a fair trial.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:24 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois.

    The American dictators added to their disgrace and have shown themselves to unprincipled dictators by impeaching Governor Rod Blagojevich twice in one week.

    If I were in that position with a prejudiced Senate I would not attend the Senate hearing as I would not want to legitimize a clearly tainted process. I would say that I have stated why I should not be impeached, and I will give my explanations in a book that I am in the process of writing.

    I need to make some corrections to some of my sentences and provide new material, as I made some genuine grammatical errors and need to mention other things.

    The Governor could not wait any longer than he did for the Illinois legislature to pass legislation for a special Senate election. This is because the time was rapidly approaching to convene the new Senate and the Democrats were never going to hold an election regardless of their lies because they knew that the Republicans would win the election.

    The Republicans are secretly furious at the Governor that there was not a special election and have secretly vowed vengeance for not getting an election. We all know that the Governor tried his best to empower the voters of Illinois with an election. He did this because after the Republicans won the Senate seat they might see to it that he gets a fair trial as a type of pay to play politics.

    Even the Republicans are going to impeach him because he reminds the Republicans of their own hypocrisy now that the pay to play aspect of this is made clear. The Republicans are interested in genuine democratic reforms, and this can be seen by their self righteous attitude. They are not willing to be honest enough and confess that all American politicians, even the more honest and sincere ones are tainted to some degree.

    It is for this reason and for others reasons that the Republicans need a scapegoat rather than genuine reform. They say that before an alcoholic can stop drinking alcohol, he needs to admit to himself that he has a problem. The very fact that the Republicans will not confess to having a problem is because they do not want genuine democratic reforms.

    The Republicans have now discovered the Clinton’s conspiracy to have a plan to impeach Obama and the Republicans are now in agreement with plan, or have been since the start because of the need to avoid the suggestion of racism.

    These things could have been avoided if the American got rid of the office of President, Vice-President, State Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and any type of one man rule and copied the British Parliamentary System but having an elected Upper House.

    People who want a democracy should not think that they could improve on the British model except for an elected Upper House. If the majority of Illinois’ legislature had appointed a Senator then this would not have happened. If America had a Prime Minister rather than an entrenched President then there would not need to be impeachments. I know that to propose it now would appear to be racist, but Obama could be elected by the Congress to be Prime Minister if they wanted it. Many American people already know that Obama is basically a white man and the black people will learn this slowly one day soon.

    If you job is dependant not on a fixed term, but on the majority whim at any time, then this makes a politician more reasonable and likely to work harder for the people.

    The putrid media wants Governor Rod Blagojevich to be found guilty in the ‘court’ of public opinion because this will make it easy for the Illinois Senate to abuse their power. They say that the Governor has pulled a fast one, that he outwitted the Democrats, and that he is now laughing to himself over it. They say these lies because they want to give the Illinois politicians an ‘excuse’ to say to the voters that we will see who has the last laugh. They are now going as far as to suggest that Governor Blagojevich schemed the FBI investigation, his own arrest, and all the biased bad publicity in the media without help from other people.

    We see what power the media has because they can just accuse someone of laughing and induce the urge for revenge to a gullible public. The American people would hope that the charge of laughing is not on the agenda for impeachment, but rather that JUSTICE BE DONE UNDER THE LAW.

    Many people see that the American dictators tried to pull a fast one on the American people by deliberately going against The Constitution, due process, the presumption of innocence, States’ Rights, the Constitutionally guaranteed right not to incriminate oneself, and the right to a fair trial. The American dictators outwitted themselves, and now they want to take their anger out on the Governor.

    I think that it is a hateful lie to accuse the Governor of laughing at the prospect of America becoming a dictatorship because of cunning lying manipulators who truly hate democracy.

    I think that the Governor must be thinking of how can he help restore democratic principles to America, now that the dictators will take charge with Obama as their front man.

    I think that the Governor has found himself regretting some foolish things he said and done. I know that he may not want to discuss it, but I believe that he has shed a few tears over his imperfections and even for Illinois. I want to encourage the Governor not to be too hard on himself, and just remember that the system you work under is partly responsible, and that you are as pure and as corrupt as the average American State politician.

    It is the American dictators and the putrid media that have been hubristically laughing at the Governor of Illinois, and they plan to just keep on laughing at him.

    In their hubris and their arrogance they say to themselves that he is just a typical Serb, and that the Serbs are a dog race.

    The following paragraph is what I found on the internet and after reading the blatant lies and racist propaganda many people of all races consider this ‘journalist’ to be the Serbian Uncle Tom who loves money more than principles.

    Well, Blago's press conference was one of the greatest of recent vintage, no? "I will fight. I will fight! I will fight!! Until I take my last breath!" And Kipling no less.
    That was a very Serbian presentation. I'm half Serb by heritage, so I'm allowed to say it. Serbs love being under attack and scorned. It merely reinforces for them how correct they are. They love a fight, they have long memories and they like revenge. Remember, these are a people whose great national holiday. St. Vitus's Day, commemorates something that happened 600 years ago.

    The next paragraph is what I found on the internet and shows how the hypocritical Democrat dictators have no standards and must spoken to by the principled before they will grudgingly to do the right thing.

    Dear Colleagues:
    We're writing to let you know about an exciting new development for our Democratic Caucus. On the heels of an extraordinary showing on Nov. 4, which substantially increased our working majority in the Senate, we now have the opportunity to add still another Democratic member to our fold. We're pleased to announce that Roland Burris, the former Illinois state comptroller and attorney general, will soon be part of our caucus, serving out the unexpired term of Barack Obama. Mr. Burris comes to the Senate after a long and distinguished career, and has made clear his eagerness to join us in seeking solutions to the many problems that now afflict the American people. Note that this list supersedes all previous communications from our offices on this subject -- in particular, our memos of 12/15, 12/18, 12/21, 12/22, 12/23, 12/26, 12/29, 1/2, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8 and 1/9 -- and should be treated as the official (and final) position of the caucus. In place of the phrase "We've made it very clear to Gov. Blagojevich that he has forfeited his right to make this appointment," please substitute "The people of Illinois certainly deserve to be fully represented in the Senate." In place of the phrase "Nobody with an ounce of self-respect would ever agree to take this seat under these conditions," please substitute "Mr. Burris is not a man who stands on ceremony." In place of the phrase "The circumstances of Mr. Burris' appointment would make him permanently tainted," please substitute "We look forward to working with the new junior senator." In place of the phrase "We're prepared to take whatever procedural steps are necessary to keep this appointment from ever going through," please substitute "The American people are right to demand swift action on the new president's agenda." In place of the phrase "There's no way playing the race card is going to work against us Democrats," please substitute the phrase "We're always mindful of the need for this body to include people of diverse backgrounds." In place of the phrase "If Gov. Blagojevich thinks he can toy with us like we're his flunkies, he'd better think again," please substitute "All the paperwork seems to be in order." In place of the phrase "We know all about photo-ops in the rain," please substitute "We'll be happy to pay for the dry cleaning." And lastly: In place of the phrase "Don't you try to back us into a corner!" please substitute "Where do we sign?"

    The American dictators who call themselves Democrats are not going to apologize to Mr Roland Burris for the disgraceful way they treated him, nor will they thank the Governor of Illinois for giving them correct thinking.

    As Obama put it, “While Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning government and major decisions free of taint and controversy."

    Chicago style Mr. ‘clean’ and ‘pure’ should have mentioned to have a functioning Government the FBI, the media, the U.S. Senate, and the Illinois Senate should not abuse their power.

    What I have discovered is that slanderers are guilty of the things that they accuse their victims of. It is because the slanderers have no standards, and because if you repeat a lie often enough most people will believe it. Even so, you can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

    I have already stated my opinion on what the real conspiracy is why I believe it. Even though there is a main conspiracy, other minor yet substantially important objectives have been attached to it.

    Even though the Illinois Senate has the legal right to sit in judgement over this conspiracy, there are many people who think that they are no longer qualified to preside over this serious matter. They have often stated their prejudiced attitudes, and because of their need for self justification, the process will now be tainted.

    The Illinois Democrats fear that if they do not impeach the Governor now, they will lose the next election to the Republicans, and so they need to impeach him for themselves, but especially for the Federal Democrats.

    The Democrats are motivated not by justice, but by self interest, and the Republicans are too cowardly to speak up.

    I can understand this given the fact that they are a minority now, and if they did behave reasonably, they could be arrested by the American Mafia Dictatorship and given the same treatment.

    If I had to vote on the matter of impeaching the Governor after all this has happened I would vote against conviction even if he was guilty, but he could even be innocent, or as guilty as the average Illinoisan and American politician.

    Legal experts and philosophers on the subject of justice will tell you that is it is better for ten guilty people to avoid punishment rather than for one innocent person to be wrongly convicted. If I was an Illinoisan politician, I would know that I was guilty of the same offence, and as such my conscience would not allow me to in convict others for what I do myself. I would know that I would continue to be guilty of that offence, even after I had convicted someone else and I would consider it hypocritical and unjust. I would let the voters decide at the next election, if the Governor ran as an independent candidate.

    I know that he would not get a fair trial, but he would be intimidated or bribed to be a scapegoat for the other American politicians, most of whom are worse than what he is in this matter. I would say to the Illinoisan Senate that if you convict the Governor, you convict all of us. Firstly you convict those who are worse than he is, and secondly you convict those who do not have the courage to speak up against this obvious travesty and farce.

    The Democrats became furious because an appointment to the Senate sent a signal that Governor Rod Blagojevich upholds the Constitution, due process, the presumption of innocence, States’ Rights, the Constitutionally guaranteed right not to incriminate oneself, and the right to a fair trial.

    I am starting to think that Ralph Nader made references to Obama and Uncle Tom so that this would silence the matter for those who can think. I will just say that it is possible that Ralph Nader is a secret White Supremacist masquerading as a champion of the poor. After seeing how Obama treated Mr Burris it would not surprise me to discover that Obama is an Uncle Tom. It would not surprise me to discover that the Democrats offer Mr. Burris an ambassadorship so that the U.S. Senate can get a white Senator from Illinois.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  51. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:22 AM |  

    This is a comment on the continuing mockery that the American dictators are showing THE world what lies and frauds that truly are.

    If I were the governor of Illinois I would consider not speaking even one word to the ‘Senate” because they need a scapegoat to cover up their own filth. The Federal Government has interfered by saying that they will not give the Governor any security information or federal funds will go only to the Governor’s Department. They want to put pressure on the Illinois Senate to taint the already tainted process because these pigs need a scapegoat.

    I would just write what was needed to reform the corrupt American political system. After I sold enough copies I would put it on the internet. I would right the book as a science fiction of a country perhaps entitled Pretend Democracyland, but the stories would be based on fact. I would use different names for people and make a list of people like Bill Clinton could be Adam. If anyone needs ancient names, then the first few Chapters of the First Book Of Chronicles provides many ancient names, and why do things the hard way. The characters would be easy enough to identify, because you could write of the politician Adam who cheated on Eve and people would suspect that Bill Clinton is Adam and Hillary Clinton is Eve, but they could never prove that you are naming them. People on the internet could then discover this code and the more they worked on it the closer the jig saw puzzle would fit until it was close enough.

    If I were an Illinoisan politician I would say to the Illinoisan Senate that if you convict the Governor, you convict all the politicians of America. Firstly you convict those who are worse than he is, and secondly you convict those who do not have the courage to speak up against this obvious abuse of power.

    I have used a little poetic licence only occasionally and changed some of the words of American dictators. I did this because they are known liars, hypocrites, and thieves, and my changes could easily be closer to the truth than their lies.

    “We ordered our lawyers to ‘advise’ us that before the Senate begins to go to ‘trial’, we ought to move on this resolution today,” Madigan who is Mad at him again said.

    Even though I listen to music and quote lyrics I want to remind people that it is the Bible that is contains wisdom and God’s laws that I recommend.

    Here is a song for you lying thieving swine who are the scum of the earth, namely the American dictators who are strangers to the public and to the world.

    The Stranger Lyrics

    Well we all have a face
    That we hide away forever
    And we take them out and
    Show ourselves
    When everyone has gone
    Some are satin some are steel
    Some are silk and some are leather
    They're the faces of the stranger
    But we love to try them on

    Well we all fall in love
    But we disregard the danger
    Though we share so many secrets
    There are some we never tell
    Why were you so surprised
    That you never saw the stranger
    Did you ever let your lover (spouse) see
    The stranger in yourself?

    Don't be afraid to try again
    Everyone goes south
    Every now and then
    You've done it, why can't
    Someone else?
    You should know by now
    You've been there yourself

    Once I used to believe
    I was such a great romancer
    Then I came home to a woman (wife)
    That I could not recognize
    When I pressed her for a reason
    She refused to even answer
    It was then I felt the stranger
    Kick me right between the eyes

    Well we all fall in love
    But we disregard the danger
    Though we share so many secrets
    There are some we never tell
    Why were you so surprised
    That you never saw the stranger
    Did you ever let your lover (spouse) see
    The stranger in yourself?

    Don't be afraid to try again
    Everyone goes south
    Every now and then
    You've done it why can't
    Someone else?
    You should know by now
    You've been there yourself

    You may never understand
    How the stranger is inspired
    But he isn't always evil
    And he is not always wrong
    Though you drown in good intentions
    You will never quench the fire
    You'll give in to your desire
    When the stranger comes along.

    Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, chairman of the special House committee commissioned to determine if Blagojevich should be impeached, made it clear again that we need ignorant public to believe all our lies. “The totality of the set up and conspiracy that the Clintons schemed to impeach Obama has progressed too far now and we need the ignorant public to believe us dictators.

    This time we got it right and made sure that the only person who voted against impeachment was a relative of the Governor. We want to use this as ‘proof’ that that only a mentally sick person could not believe us liars, bribe takers, and hypocrites. We want to keep stealing from the public and we need a scapegoat to make us look pure.

    A typical mass e-mailing from the Illinois Republican Party declared: "Meet the Junior Senator from Illinois" It laments that Senator Roland Burris as a lawyer refused to defecate on the Constitution, due process, the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair trial, States’ Rights like the rest of us American dictators, thieves, and liars. A smear campaign by the American dictators of Burris is now more intense anything he has ever faced in his long career because the White Elitist American dictators need any excuse to keep a black away from committee assignments.

    “I have known the governor for more than 20 years and the charges in the impeachment were difficult to reconcile with the man and brother-in-law I know. I was told that if I voted against impeachment I would get a bribe. I regard that as a cunning ploy to just have a relative say he just an average Illinoisan politician, and the bribe was good enough to go along with it the sister in law of the Governor said. The American politicians are cunning, but let hope that people are gullible enough to believe that we will stop making easy money, the sister in law of the Governor said.

    Gov. Rod Blagojevich convened a new Illinois Senate and urged lawmakers to confess that they take bribes, tell lies, and abuse their power.

    Secretary of State Jesse White, a fellow Democrat who had refused to certify the appointment of Roland Burris to the U.S. Senate, presided over the swearing-in of the new Illinois House. White had refused to sign Burris' certification papers because he hates democracy.

    Bill Black who is a white man thanked White who is a black man for being the white people’s puppet and said that he would be rewarded even though a Negro made to the U.S. Senate said. Bill Black said thanks to Jesse White and if you look at the thesaurus you will see the code for a bribe. The word thanks is a very good bribe because the further down the alphabetical listing the bigger the cash payment. The alphabetical listing of the payment words are acknowledgment, gratefulness, gratitude, indebtedness, obligation, recognition, testimonial, thanks, tribute.

    We do not want to have Governor Blagojevich as a constant reminder to the taxpayers that we steal their money, and we want business as usual.

    If we had to go by this Senate's reasoning and also agree with their INELIGIBLE argument, then they have not "legally" been sworn in, because it's the same ineligible Governor performing the swearing in role, and the process would be tainted by their logic.

    What a bunch of self righteous hypocrites who will only give pretend reforms at best these Illinois state representatives are. Since the Governor will preside over the Senate and swear them in, does that mean they are all tainted? They would be more than tainted no matter who swore them to the Illinois Senate. Since this is a duty of the Governor as was the appointment to replace Obama, will all the Senators refuse to take their seats ? For be for hypocrites to be consistent in much except being consistent in continuing hypocrisy.

    I am starting to think that Ralph Nader made references to Obama and Uncle Tom so that this would silence the matter for those who can think. I will just say that it is possible that Ralph Nader is a secret White Supremacist masquerading as a champion of the poor. After seeing how Obama treated Mr Burris it would not surprise me to discover that Obama is an Uncle Tom. It would not surprise me to discover that the Democrats offer Mr. Burris an ambassadorship so that the U.S. Senate can get a white Senator from Illinois.

    I read comments on American blogs that people of mixed race can end up hating both races, and that the American people were promise Fantasy Island but may end up with a four year episode of Survivor.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  52. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update on what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois.

    Every State in America does not want Illinois to set the trend to end corruption in American politics because they are corrupt.

    It looks like only the Governor of Illinois, with possibly one lawmaker of the Illinoisan Legislature are the only ones who truly want genuine and lasting democratic reforms.

    It is yet to be seen how many Illinoisan Senators want democratic reforms, but we should not be surprised if there are none.

    This is because they are corrupt, and if I were the Governor of Illinois I would not speak even one word to the Senate ‘trial’. This is because I would not want to give dignity or even any hint at legitimizing what is now a tainted and corrupt process.

    The dictators say that they fair and wise enough to pronounce the Governor guilty without hearing a word from the Governor. If they are that fair and wise, then they will not need to hear a word from the Governor if they decide to do justice for a change and find that the Governor is innocent.

    This is not a tactic to sell more books in many languages, because the Governor’s silence will make booksellers of every language sell his book.

    I know that the Senate and the Media are putting on the appearance of fairness, but the decision to unanimously convict has already been made, and there is no purpose speaking at that tainted and corrupt ‘trial’.

    The Republicans and now realize that the Clinton’s scheme to impeach Barack Obama is what is needed, and the national interest overrides the individual interest as far as they are concerned. US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald knows that the Clintons can ensure his promotion as a type of pay to play. This is why Patrick Fitzgerald has told them what he knows of Obama, Blagojevich, and the rest of the Chicago scene in general.

    There is an old saying, and it is true that if you scratch my back, I will scratch your back, and this is a pay to play.

    Hillary Clinton is clever enough to stay in the Senate because Barack Obama may replace her as Secretary of State SS if she accepts that job. This is because it will make it harder for her to campaign for President if she in not in the Government or if she is not a Senator. Hillary Clinton will have to decide if she wants to be SS, and it looks like the Democrats are trying to lure her to accept the position of SS.

    The rights of the Illinois State are again been trampled on by the dictatorial Federal Government, and Illinoisan Senators are being bullied, threatened, and blackmailed by the dictatorial Federal Government.

    The dictatorial American Federal Government is not going to give funds to the Governor’s Department, and they will not give the Governor Security information. These things are unfair, illegal, and unconstitutional, and these things should be challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court.

    They constitute a type of pay to play politics, and the Illinoisan Senators know what is expected from them. Regardless of denials to the contrary by the dictators of America, these are the undeniable great pressures that the Illinoisan Senators who will conduct a ‘trial’ and act as ‘judges’ will be ‘judging’ the already convicted Governor. There is even bribe money for the Illinois Senators to make sure that the Clinton’s conspiracy continues.

    The Governor has been impeached twice because of the American dictators arrogance and hubris. He has convicted once already by the Senate, and the Senate in their arrogant hubris will surely convict the Governor twice.

    They want all Senators to convict the Governor twice, because they want the world to be their unanimous puppet just like the Illinois Senate is.

    I think that the most effective way the Governor of Illinois can restore democratic principles back to the American dictatorship is by silent protest. That means having nothing to do with the Illinois Senate, until they are honest enough to declare that the Governor is innocent.

    We all saw the Senate’s attitude to the Governor for even the short while he was with them as their lawful Governor, who they falsely claim has the presumption of innocence.

    The corrupt American dictators do not want the State of Illinois to be known worldwide as a State that respects the fundamental principles of democracy. They do not want the State of Illinois to have 100% public funding for elections. Their mean spirited and selfish thoughts are that they want Governor of Illinois to look guilty so that they can appear innocent.

    The sister in law of the Governor said: “I have known the governor for more than 20 years and the charges in the impeachment were difficult to reconcile with the man and brother-in-law. I was told that if I voted against impeachment I would get a bribe. I regard that as a cunning ploy to just say the Governor is no different to average Illinoisan politician. I regard it as a cunning ploy to give the appearance that only biased relative would have pity on an already prejudged individual. The bribe that all the Illinoisan Senators gave me was good enough to go along with it. The American politicians are cunning, but let us hope that enough people are gullible enough to believe that we will stop taking bribes and thieving from the taxpayers”, the sister in law of the Governor said.

    The Republicans have now discovered the Clinton’s conspiracy to have a plan to impeach Obama and the Republicans are now in agreement with the plan, or have been since the start because of the need to avoid the suggestion of racism.

    I think that the Governor must be thinking of how to restore democratic principles to America now that the dictators will take charge with Obama as their front man.

    I think that the Governor has found himself regretting some foolish things he said and done. I know that he may not want to discuss it, but I believe that he has shed a few tears over his imperfections and even for the coming American dictatorship.

    I want to encourage the Governor not to be too hard on himself, and just remember that the system you work under is responsible, and that you are as pure and as corrupt as the average American State politician.

    It is the American dictators, and the putrid media that have been hubristically laughing at the Governor of Illinois, and they plan to just keep on laughing at him.

    In their hubris and their arrogance they say to themselves that he is just a typical Serb, and that the Serbian people are a dog race.

    The word thanks is a very good bribe because the further down in the alphabetical listing a word is, the bigger the cash payment. The alphabetical listing of the payment words are acknowledgment, appreciation, gratefulness, gratitude, indebtedness, obligation, recognition, testimonial, thanks, tribute.

    The opposite words for appreciation are the following words: criticism, disparagement, disregard, and neglect. We can see why nearly everyone is practicing the you scratch my back, and I will scratch your back.

    We American politicians do not want to have Governor Blagojevich as a constant reminder to the taxpayers that we steal their money, and we want business as usual. This is why the Senate has been instructed to unanimously convict a person who is no better or worse that the average American State politician.

    Since this is a duty of the Governor as was the appointment to replace Obama, will all the Senators refuse to take their seats?

    Far be it for hypocrites to be consistent in much except being consistent in continuing their injustice and hypocrisy.

    Here are some of the ways to recognize a modern day Nazi; 1) a Nazi does not respect the United Nations Charter; 2) a Nazi does not respect United Nations Security Council Resolutions; 3) a Nazi does not respect International law; 4) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of his own country; 5) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of anther country; 6) a Nazi does not respect that everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence; 7) a Nazi does not respect that you should not punish the innocent because of the guilty; 8) a Nazi wants racial “purity” for his country at the very least, and for other countries as well; 9) a Nazi does not want to speak, read, write, study, in the one official language of his country, and a Nazi wants this policy for other countries because he knows that it could eventually lead to conflict; 10) a Nazi is a hardened liar; 11) a Nazi is a corrupt thief, especially of other people’s land; 12) a Nazi is a cold, calculated, and devious slanderer and schemer; 13) a Nazi is very nasty, completely twisted, totally untrustworthy, and devastatingly treacherous; 14) a Nazi is intolerant of any religion that is peace loving; 15) a Nazi will use smooth speech and pretend to be your friend, while plotting your downfall: 16) a Nazi believes in a final solution like the gas chambers or ethnic cleansing; 17) a Nazi believes that might makes right.

    After reading these things that are the identifying marks of a modern day Nazi we can see that the American Dictators and the Media as represented by the Illinois Senate are the modern day Nazis.

    I would never attend the Senate ‘trial’ even if the Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful impeachment. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced ‘trial’ to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book that would tell the American people what the other American politicians are like for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that I know that I would have to attend the Senate ‘trial’ and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    I am starting to think that Ralph Nader made references to Obama and Uncle Tom so that this would silence the matter for those who want genuine non-racist debate on the matter. I will just say that it is possible that Ralph Nader is a secret White Supremacist Racist masquerading as a champion of the poor. After seeing how Obama treated Mr Burris it would not surprise me to discover that Obama is an Uncle Tom. It would not surprise me to discover that the Democrats offer Mr. Burris an ambassadorship so that the U.S. Senate can get a white Senator from Illinois. The Democrats do not want Mr Burris in the Senate because they know that he is a good and decent man, and that is not what the dictatorial Nazi U.S Senators want.

    I read comments on American blogs that people of mixed race can end up hating both races, and that the American people were promised Fantasy Island, but may end up with a four year episode of Survivor.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  53. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:47 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois. It is a point that I should have given further explanation to, and we will see the cunning of the American dictators and how they work together as a team regardless of appearances.

    The sister-in-law of the Governor was the only one to vote against impeachment. This was a cunning ploy by the American dictators to say that a relative’s vote is biased, and that is supposed to ‘prove’ that the others are unbiased.

    This was done deliberately, because even after the Governor is impeached, there will be a small minority who will believe that he is innocent. The way to manage these people will be to suggest to the overwhelming majority that these people just like his ‘biased’ relative are biased, because they have not examined the ‘facts’.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  54. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:47 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois.

    The American dictators say that they acted with fairness and wisdom when they pronounced the Governor of Illinois guilty in December of last year. As is typical of these unprincipled dictators, they made their lying accusations without even hearing one word from the Governor in his own defence. If the Illinois Senators have so much fairness and wisdom, then the Senators will not need to hear even a single word from the Governor if they decide to do justice for a change, and find that the Governor is innocent.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  55. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:48 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois

    We all know that the American people want less corruption in government, but the corporations, the media, and their puppet politicians do not want reforms. The only other option now that the Governor is suspected of wrongdoing is to try to sweep it all under the carpet, or to find a scapegoat.

    If the Governor of Illinois were to set down even temporarily to be the much needed scapegoat, he will be considered to be a true patriot by the bribe taking American politicians, while others will think of him as a traitor to the cause of democratic reforms. The Governor has said that he is innocent, and we look forward to his explanations in the book that he is writing.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  56. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:31 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois

    The following shows that how difficult it can be to be a Governor of an American State because the dictators of America do not go by laws but by predictable bullying and unpredictable whims.

    Dear Colleagues:
    We're writing to let you know about an exciting new development for our Democratic Caucus. On the heels of an extraordinary showing on Nov. 4, which substantially increased our working majority in the Senate, we now have the opportunity to add still another Democratic member to our fold. We're pleased to announce that Roland Burris, the former Illinois state comptroller and attorney general, will soon be part of our caucus, serving out the unexpired term of Barack Obama. Mr. Burris comes to the Senate after a long and distinguished career, and has made clear his eagerness to join us in seeking solutions to the many problems that now afflict the American people. Note that this list supersedes all previous communications from our offices on this subject -- in particular, our memos of 12/15, 12/18, 12/21, 12/22, 12/23, 12/26, 12/29, 1/2, 1/5, 1/6, 1/8 and 1/9 -- and should be treated as the official (and final) position of the caucus. In place of the phrase "We've made it very clear to Gov. Blagojevich that he has forfeited his right to make this appointment," please substitute "The people of Illinois certainly deserve to be fully represented in the Senate." In place of the phrase "Nobody with an ounce of self-respect would ever agree to take this seat under these conditions," please substitute "Mr. Burris is not a man who stands on ceremony." In place of the phrase "The circumstances of Mr. Burris' appointment would make him permanently tainted," please substitute "We look forward to working with the new junior senator." In place of the phrase "We're prepared to take whatever procedural steps are necessary to keep this appointment from ever going through," please substitute "The American people are right to demand swift action on the new president's agenda." In place of the phrase "There's no way playing the race card is going to work against us Democrats," please substitute the phrase "We're always mindful of the need for this body to include people of diverse backgrounds." In place of the phrase "If Gov. Blagojevich thinks he can toy with us like we're his flunkies, he'd better think again," please substitute "All the paperwork seems to be in order." In place of the phrase "We know all about photo-ops in the rain," please substitute "We'll be happy to pay for the dry cleaning." And lastly: In place of the phrase "Don't you try to back us into a corner!" please substitute "Where do we sign?"

    After Mr Roland Burris was sworn in as U.S. Senator on January 15th of this year, Reid said that all the Democrats Senators welcome him as a colleague and a friend.

    The American dictators who call themselves Democrats are not going to apologize to Mr Roland Burris for the disgraceful way they treated him, nor will they thank the Governor of Illinois for appointing a humble, highly capable, and a most deserving individual to the U.S. Senate.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  57. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:50 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois

    The American dictators do not want to have Governor Blagojevich as a constant reminder that they steal the taxpayers money and take bribes. This is why the dictatorial Illinois Senators willingly wish to unanimously convict a person who is no better or worse that the average American State politician.

    Here are some of the ways to recognize a modern day Nazi; 1) a Nazi does not respect the United Nations Charter; 2) a Nazi does not respect United Nations Security Council Resolutions; 3) a Nazi does not respect International law; 4) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of his own country; 5) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of anther country; 6) a Nazi does not respect that everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence; 7) a Nazi does not respect that you should not punish the innocent because of the guilty; 8) a Nazi wants racial ‘purity’ for his own country at the very least, and for other countries too; 9) a Nazi does not want to speak, read, write, or study, in the one official language of his country, and a Nazi wants this policy for other countries, because he wants it to lead to conflict; 10) a Nazi is a hardened liar; 11) a Nazi is a corrupt thief, especially of other people’s land; 12) a Nazi is a cold, calculated, and devious slanderer and schemer; 13) a Nazi is very nasty, completely twisted, totally untrustworthy, and devastatingly treacherous; 14) a Nazi is not tolerant of any religion that is peace loving; 15) a Nazi will use smooth speech and pretend to be your friend, while plotting your downfall: 16) a Nazi believes in a final solution like the gas chambers or ethnic cleansing; 17) a Nazi believes that might makes right.

    After reading these things that are the identifying marks of a modern day Nazi we can see that the American Dictators and the American Media as represented by the Illinois Senate are the modern day Nazis.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would never attend the Senate ‘trial’ even if the Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful impeachment. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced ‘trial’ to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book to the American Federal Government for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that that I would have to attend the Senate ‘trial’ and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  58. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    Here is yet another comment to update what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois.

    Illinois Attorney-General Lisa Madigan ran into the Illinois Supreme Court with the novel theory that Governor Rod Blagojevich was unable to function as Governor due to an unspecified or prejudged ‘disability’. Madigan put her own credibility on the line, because at best the lawsuit was ridiculous. The Illinois Supreme Court denied Madigan’s request for an emergency injunction and refused to permit Madigan to file a formal complaint. The Illinois Supreme refused to give the public a reason because it would have embarrassed Madigan and the other conspirators and oppressors. The fact that the Illinois Supreme Court did not give an explanation suggests that they are part of the oppressive conspiracy. The Illinois Supreme Court should have given their reason because it would suggest that they are bribed by the dictators of America. Despite this vindictive tantrum that was based on jealousy because Madigan wants the Governorship, the Governor rightly attended to the affairs of State.

    The Illinois Democrats had no intentions to pass legislation to have a special election, because they knew that the Republicans would have easily won the election. As the time was rapidly approaching for the U.S. Senate to convene, the Governor appointed Roland Burris, a person who is both honourable and worthy to the U.S. Senate. Harry Reid and Dick Durbin both proclaimed that Burris never, ever, would be seated. Jesse White refused to perform the purely clerical function of co-signing the Certificate of Appointment, because he was ordered to by his White Masters. Governor Blagojevich was concerned to ensure that the State of Illinois had its full representation in the Senate to represent Illinois’ interests.

    The next two paragraphs are based on the work of someone who claims to be a Professor of Law, and after reading his work it sound correct. I want to say that it may be better not to say that you read something on the internet. This is because I suspect that the Government can scrub whatever they want from the internet. This means that if a person says it is on the internet, and if others look for it, then the person making the claim will look like a liar. It is more important for the Government to scrub embarrassing material from the internet, rather than make someone look like a liar.

    The Illinois House held impeachment ‘hearings’ which can only be described as a circus. Governor Blagojevich was not given the right to call witnesses pertinent to criminal accusations, or to subpoena documents regarding those accusations. The House committee relied heavily on the criminal complaint affidavit which Governor Blagojevich was not allowed to challenge, even though the document has no evidentiary value in the real world. This is because it merely is the equivalent of a prosecutor's closing statement loaded with selective evidence, hearsay, innuendo, rank conclusions, and argument. The non-criminal aspects of the impeachment articles sound like the whining of bully legislators who demand absolute power, and who see a Governor as the opposition. To all unbiased and informed Americans who watched the ‘hearings’, the House members looked like puppets being manipulated to a foregone result by the unseen hand of Michael Madigan. The American dictators got their man, but none of them should be proud of the way they did it.

    Governor Blagojevich is quite correctly refusing to participate in the Senate ‘trial’ because of the fact that the trial is fundamentally flawed and especially unfair. The Senate rules are extremely biased and the trial is stacking up to be a Stalin Era show trial. One readily noticeable signal was the absurdly fast track that even and ordinary person can easily detect. Bill Clinton was not impeached and tried in such a quick and prejudiced fashion, and the U.S. Senate was roughly evenly divided between political parties guaranteeing fair consideration. Even Legal experts all agree it is a done deal and that evidence really does not matter. The best indication for this was that the Senate rules accept the record in the House including the criminal complaint in evidence, and required Governor Blagojevich to file his response to the impeachment articles on the Martin Luther King Junior Holiday.

    Too much water has flowed under the bridge, and even if the rules were changed to make them fair, the decision to convict unanimously cannot and will not be reversed. If the rules are changed to make them fair, and the Governor is convicted unanimously as is planned, then people will ask why the rules were not fair to begin with, and the answer should be obvious.

    The Governor of Illinois has already claimed his innocence and will not attend the Senate ‘trial’ which is a monumental fraud and mockery of justice and democracy. The Governor knows that the media vultures will be there, and he wants to spare the public unnecessary publicity, and hopes that the Senate does their ‘work’ in private.

    It can be very difficult being a Governor at times, because so many people approach you their urgent needs, and you really want to help them because you care about them. The wheels of Government and bureaucracy can and do move too slowly at times. Sometimes, but not always, the end can justifies the means to help those with urgent needs, as long as the means are not immoral.

    The American people sense that there is something fundamentally flawed with the Illinois Senate. Perhaps you, like many others, are wondering if they have no shame. The basis of the entire ‘trial’ is self justification, and a vital need for a scapegoat to cover up the American politicians bribe taking. The Illinois Senators will lie to the public and say that they did their ‘duty’, but everyone knows that they must convict him unanimously for the sake of self justification. There strong need for a scapegoat will ensure that their lack of credibility will become known worldwide. They have believed that they would never get the international scrutiny for their actions. Did they ever feel overwhelmed by their wrongdoing, or ever stop and think that what they are doing is wrong, and did they ever feel ashamed?

    The Governor has either been innocent all along, or is now a reformed person because of the recent events, and is now eager to introduce democratic reforms. The Illinois Senators do not want him as Governor if he is innocent, and they certainly do not want him as Governor if he is reformed because they want to keep on offering bribes and especially taking bribes.

    The silent reception that the Governor received from the newly appointed Senators was all the evidence the Governor needed not to attend the ‘trial’. This only confirmed, if confirmation was necessary, that the prejudiced decision has been made before the ‘trial’ begins. The entire theme of the Illinoisan politicians comments regarding the Governor has been that of getting a new Governor, and so there decision is already made, and the ‘trial’ is totally unnecessary and is a monumental fraud and mockery of democracy.

    The Illinois Senators all know that there is a suitable compromise that is legally based and acceptable to all honest people. However, many Illinoisans do not think that this is what the Senators have in mind. The suggestion that the impeachment be delayed until the result of a fair trial in an unbiased court of law was rejected 117-1 in the Illinois Legislature. There could even be suggestions that the ‘trial’ has more to do with political and personal matters rather than legal matters.

    What is known is that the British political system and its Parliament are based on politeness. This is because each member has a free vote and the positions of Ministers, even the Prime Minister can change by majority vote. If Illinois had this Westminster system of government, then a majority of the Legislature would have made the appointment, and no further debate would have been necessary.

    There is a ridiculous sense of entitlement and superiority that comes from the dictatorial Federal American Government regarding their ‘relationship’ with State Governments. It sometimes overrides common sense, common decency, and even the U.S and State Constitutions. Obama and all the Federal U.S. Democrat Senators have ordered the Governor to resign, and Obama will put pressure on the Illinois Senators to obey his dictatorial decree.

    The Illinois Senate ‘trial’ raises important questions for the American people and that is do they want these dictators leading their nation, their states, their cities, and their industries. This is America, and the Illinois Senators are the people who represent what America has become. All genuine Americans are deeply and bitterly ashamed of the Illinois Legislature, but especially the Illinois Senate because it is supposed to be a house of impartial and genuine review.

    Legal experts have said that it is a foregone conclusion, and that the Governor would show his genuine concern for the people of Illinois and do Illinois proud by not participating in that mockery of democracy.

    The Governor of Illinois has already claimed his innocence and will not attend the Senate ‘trial’ which is a monumental fraud and is a mockery of justice and democracy. The Governor knows that the media vultures will be there, and he wants to spare the public unnecessary publicity, and hopes that the Senate does their ‘work’ in private.

    We all know that the American people want less corruption in government, but the corporations, the media, and their puppet politicians do not want reforms. The only other option now that the Governor is suspected of wrongdoing is to try to sweep it all under the carpet, or to find a scapegoat.

    If the Governor of Illinois were to set down even temporarily to be the much needed scapegoat, he will be considered to be a true patriot by the bribe taking American politicians, while others will think of him as a traitor to the cause of democratic reforms. The Governor has said that he is innocent, and we look forward to his explanations in the book that he is writing.

    The Governor’s lawyers have not had enough time to get ready for the Senate trial and do not have subpoena power to call their own witnesses, and so they cannot do justice to the Governor.

    House members voted 117-1 to impeach Governor Blagojevich, who now faces a trial in the Senate in a few days. The Senate knows that there is no reason to delay the trial because they know that they will convict him unanimously on all of the exaggerated charges.

    The ‘jurors’ are 59 politicians who have often feuded with Governor Blagojevich and who ultimately answer to voters. If they do not convict him unanimously on all of the exaggerated charges, then they will not be re-elected, which is a pay to play, and so the result is a foregone conclusion. There will be no provision of reasonable doubt because each Senator can decide independently what standard of ‘proof’ to use in reaching a ‘verdict’. Senators can also vote to overturn rulings by the judge presiding over the trial, if Illinois can find an unbiased judge.

    The Governor has been unnecessarily impeached twice because of the American dictators arrogance and hubris, and desire publicly humiliate him. He has convicted once already by the Senates silent reception of him, and by their comments to the media. The Illinois Senators who perfectly reflect the arrogant hubris of the Federal Government will surely convict the Governor twice.

    The American dictators have ordered all Illinois Senators to convict the Governor twice, because they want the world to be America’s unanimous puppet just like the Illinois Senate is.

    I think that the most effective way the Governor of Illinois can restore democratic principles back to the American dictatorship is by silent protest. That means having nothing to do with the Illinois Senate, until they are honest enough to declare that the Governor is innocent by majority vote.

    It is the American dictators, and the putrid media that have been hubristically laughing at the Governor of Illinois, and they plan to just keep on laughing at him after they further publicly humiliate him.

    In their callous arrogance they say to themselves that he is just a typical Serb, and that the Serbian people are a dog race.

    The Governor has asked the Illinois Senators to seek to find the truth, and to act with malice toward none, and with charity for all. However, there was no charity when the Governor left the Senate chamber, and there will be no charity during the Senate ‘trial’.

    I think that the Governor was expressing to the Illinois Senate that only person that he hates is himself, and invited the Illinois Senate to have a similar attitude.

    I think that the Governor should see be wrongfully convicted as an opportunity to not only write a book, but to start a democratic reform group called the Concerned Citizens For a Constitutional Democracy for the purpose of restoring democratic principles back to America. Such a group is needed because it has been discovered many times that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. I know that the Governor would much rather start this citizens group and be Governor of his beloved State of Illinois at the same time, but that is up to the Illinois Senate.

    Those who are committed to freedom and democracy in America should not worry about how the group will be funded, because the very desire of the American people will ensure that this group is funded for this necessary work.

    I Am Pegasus Lyrics

    I am Pegasus, my name mea-eans horse
    And I can fly-y with you
    But I've changed my course
    I am Michael, I am Jeffery and John
    And I don't have to leave you
    But I shall be gone

    I am Genesis, I have no-o fear
    I make my plans to land for
    I plan to stay here
    I am Simon, I am Demetrius and John
    And I don't want to leave you
    Unless you want me gone

    I am fly-ying, but let me down
    Oh I don't need the thi-ings
    That once kept me around
    It's not too late
    To know who I am
    I am Sagitarius

    I am fly-yin' but let me down
    Oh I don't need the thi-ings
    That once kept me around
    It's not too late
    Do you know who I a-am

    I am Pegasus, my name mea-eans horse
    And I can fly-y with you now
    But I've changed my course
    I am Michael, I am Jeffery and John
    And I don't have to leave you

    I am Pegasus, my name mea-eans horse
    And I ca-an fly-y with you now
    But I've changed my course
    I am Michael, I am Jeffery
    I am Demetrius and John
    And I don't have to leave you, no

    The American dictators do not want to have Governor Blagojevich as a constant reminder that they steal the taxpayers money and take bribes. This is why the dictatorial Illinois Senators willingly wish to unanimously convict a person who is no better or worse that the average American State politician.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would never attend the Senate ‘trial’ even if the Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful impeachment. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced ‘trial’ to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book to the American Federal Government for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that that I would have to attend the Senate ‘trial’ and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    I am thinking that it is possible that Ralph Nader made references to Obama and Uncle Tom so that this would silence the matter for those who want genuine non-racist debate on the matter. I will just say that it is possible that Ralph Nader is a secret White Supremacist Racist masquerading as a champion of the poor. After seeing how Obama treated Mr Burris it would not surprise me to discover that Obama is an Uncle Tom. It would not surprise me to discover that the Democrats offer Mr. Burris an ambassadorship so that the U.S. Senate can get a white Senator from Illinois. The Democrats do not want Mr Burris in the Senate because they know that he is a good and decent man, and that is not what the dictatorial Nazi U.S. Senators want.

    I read comments on American blogs that seem to suggest at least to me, that some people of mixed race can end up hating both races, and that the American people were promised Fantasy Island, but may end up with a four year episode of Survivor.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  59. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    This comment is an update on what is happening in the impeachment trial in THE State of Illinois. I may make one comment that summarizes the many comments I have made on Illinois. I think it may be better just to leave the Illinois Senators to their own schemes and comment after the Senate ‘trial’.

    I need to make some corrections to some of my sentences and provide new material, as I made some genuine grammatical errors and need to mention other things.

    The Governor is correct not to respond to or lend any legitimacy to that tainted and corrupt Senate ‘trial’. It is best for the Governor to let the book he is writing to explain the entire matter. The Governor has already stated that he has done no wrongdoing, and so there is no need for further correspondences either verbal or written with the Illinois Senate.

    The Illinoisan Senators may say that if only the Governor had attended the ‘trial’, then we would not have convicted him unanimously. That of course is a lie, and they have made up their minds to convict the Governor unanimously, and so the Governor would only be wasting his time, and bring unnecessary media attention to Illinois. If the Illinois Senators think that there was a chance that the Governor would not be convicted unanimously, then let them tell everyone why he is innocent.

    The Senate ‘trial’ is a monumental fraud; it is a travesty of justice, and it is a shameful mockery of democracy.

    The Governor should just quite properly attend to the affairs of State, and ignore the corrupt and biased Illinois Senate.

    If I were in the position of attempting to restore freedom and democracy to America, I would not attend the Senate ‘trial’. This is because I would not want to legitimize a clearly biased, very undemocratic, and a totally corrupt process. I would say that I have already stated that I have done no wrongdoing, and I will give my explanations in a book that I am writing now.

    The Governor has said that the Senate should seek truth, and that and the they should act with malice toward none, and that they should act with charity toward all.

    Many American people think that the Governor was expressing to the Illinois Senate that only person that he hates is himself, and he invited the Illinois Senate to have a similar attitude.

    Each Illinois Senator knows that if they do not convict the Governor because Dictator Obama and Dictator Media have ordered it, then they will not be re-elected. This is that truth that the Illinois Senators already know, and so other evidence does not matter to them. The Illinois Senators will act in their own interest rather than the interests of fairness and justice, or even for the freedom and democracy of the American people. This is because they have become puppetized and there is no majority so that they can confess and pardon themselves to restore freedom and democracy to the American people.

    The people of Illinois are being given false promises of reform if they get a new Governor, but they should be assured that they are all the same. The Media of course will tell you that everything is sweet now and hope that you are stupid enough to believe it.

    Who ever said that American politicians would put their own interest above that of the nation? The interest of the nation means obeying the Constitution, it means due process, it means the right not to incriminate oneself, it means States’ Rights, it means the presumption of innocence. It means not being tried by the putrid and biased puppet Media; but the right to a fair trial in an unbiased court with proper legal representation.

    Who ever could believe that American politicians would put their own interest above the interests of the American people?

    Every American politician knows that when they point an accusing finger at the Governor of Illinois, there are three fingers pointing back at them.

    We all know that the American politicians will not hold themselves accountable to the same standards of nit picking that they have with the Governor.

    It is for this reason and for others reasons that the Republicans need a scapegoat, and they certainly do not want genuine impartial reform. They say that before an alcoholic can stop drinking alcohol, he needs to admit to himself that he has a problem. The very fact that the Illinoisan Republican Senators will refuse to use the Senate as an impartial House of Review proves that they do not want genuine democratic reforms.

    If your elected position is dependant not on a fixed term, but on the majority decision of Parliament, then this makes a politician more reasonable and likely to work harder for the people. With this system, if there ever needed to be someone to resign, then it could be done with a minimum of fuss, embarrassment, and delay. There are those who have retired from parliament and they have said that it was for ‘personal’ reasons. This means that the leader of a country that had a Westminster Parliamentary System could be gently told that he does not have the numbers, and to resign for ‘personal’ reasons.

    George W Bush should have made America a proper democracy, but he knew that if he did, then the very next day he would have had to resign for ‘personal’ reasons.

    Who ever could believe that American politicians would put their own interest above the interests of the American people?

    If America had a Westminster System of Parliament, then they would not need to impeach Obama by means of Blagojevich, but could just say that he does not have the confidence of the House. The American political establishment knows that they do not have the flexibility that the British Parliamentary System has, and so they need elaborate schemes to change leaders.

    Many people see that the American dictators tried to pull a fast one on the American people by deliberately going against the Constitution, due process, the presumption of innocence, States’ Rights, the Constitutionally guaranteed right not to incriminate oneself, and the right to a fair trial. The American dictators outwitted themselves, and now they want to try to blame the Governor as use him as a scapegoat for their dictatorial attitude.

    Many Americans think that the Governor has found himself regretting the foolish things he said and done. I know that the Governor may not want to discuss it, but many Americans believe that he has shed a few tears over his own imperfections, and for his beloved State of Illinois. I want to encourage the Governor not to be too hard on himself, and just remember that the system you work under is responsible, and that you are as good and as good as the average American State politican.

    The American people should have enough intelligence to know that most American politicians act and speak like the Governor did, because that is how the ‘democratic’ system is set up.

    Obama said, “While Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning government and major decisions free of taint and controversy." Controversy does occur from time to time, and all that is needed is that no suspicion of taint be there if the politicians are good enough to cover it up.

    Chicago style Mr. ‘Clean’ and Mr. ‘Pure’ should have mentioned to have a functioning Government, then the FBI, the media, the U.S. Senate, and the Illinois Senate should not abuse their power.

    Perhaps Obama’s Chicago mafia connections may put pressure on the Governor to resign or to say that he would be safer in jail if he ‘confessed’.

    If the Governor of Illinois were to step down even temporarily to be the much needed scapegoat, he will be considered to be a true patriot by the bribe taking and corrupt American politicians, while the American people will think of him as a traitor to the cause of democratic reforms. The Governor has said that he is innocent, and we look forward to his explanations in the book that he is writing.

    Even though the Illinois Senate has the legal right to sit in judgement over this conspiracy, there are many people who think that they are no longer qualified to preside over this serious matter. They have often stated their prejudiced attitudes, and because of their need for self justification, the process will now be tainted and corrupt.

    The Democrats became furious because an appointment to the Senate sent a signal that Governor Rod Blagojevich upholds the Constitution, due process, the presumption of innocence, States’ Rights, the Constitutionally guaranteed right not to incriminate oneself, and the right to a fair trial.

    The American dictators do not want to have Governor Blagojevich as a constant reminder that they steal the taxpayers money and are corruptly take bribes. This is why the dictatorial Illinois Senators willingly wish to unanimously convict a person who is no better or worse that the average American State politician.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would never attend the Senate ‘trial’ even if the Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful impeachment. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced ‘trial’ to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book to the American Federal Government for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that that I would have to attend the Senate ‘trial’ and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year. This is because the world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and only a few honest ones.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    I am thinking that it is possible that Ralph Nader made references to Obama and Uncle Tom so that this would silence the matter for those who want genuine non-racist debate on the matter. I will just say that it is possible that Ralph Nader is a secret White Supremacist Racist masquerading as a champion of the poor. After seeing how Obama treated Mr Burris it would not surprise me to discover that Obama is a secret Uncle Tom. It would not surprise me to discover that the Democrats offer Mr. Burris an ambassadorship so that the U.S. Senate can get a white Senator from Illinois. The Democrats do not want Mr Burris in the Senate because they know that he is a good and decent man, and that is not what the dictatorial Nazi U.S. Senators want.

    I want to say that I think that that the Government can get search engines to not look up certain combinations of words, and that is why we are living in a era where the wording need to be generic.

    There could be some people who read comments from readers on American blogs that may get the impression that some people of mixed race can end up hating both races. They may get the impression from those comments from readers on American blogs that the American people were promised Fantasy Island, but may end up with a four year episode of Survivor.

    If the people of America want to restore freedom and democracy back to America, then they need to find alternative sources of information, and bypass the American Main Stream Media.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  60. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    Here is an update as to what is happening at the Illinois Senate Inquisition, and with THE Media.

    I will give a summary of the things that I have written on Illinois soon. Most of it is already written up as it is just plagiarizing and modifying what I have written, but it does need updated commentary.

    I have already proven by using the Stanford University experiment that even an honest person who becomes an American politician will soon become a liar, a bribe offerer, and a bribe taker, just like the rest of them.

    Is this the change that you can believe in if what, just like you can believe in fairies and men from Mars if you want?

    This is because there is not sufficient public funding and not sufficient free media time and space during elections that the media should give as their obligation to democracy. The American Media also accepts bribes from the American politicians and businesses, and so they are not a true Media because they are biased and they are liars. It is also because American politicians do not keep to their own patch or area of responsibility. Another reason is that they do not correspond in writing as much as they should so that the public can know what is being communicated.

    These reforms can never ensure that more subtle yet corrupt deals, and more discreet methods of correspondences will now be used in future.

    The question for the Illinois Senate is are they going to prosecute the symptoms by looking for a scapegoat or are they going to rectify the causes by confessing that they are all the same?

    There are basically three categories of American citizens in this context, and they are those who are stupid in the head, those that are hardened liars, and those that are honest.

    As regards those who are hardened liars, and those who are honest, they know what is going on. For those who are stupid in the head, they should be sent to school to learn that cash in is fact money, and what may be more difficult for some idiots to understand is that money is in fact cash. After those that are stupid in the head learn these complicated matters that will gradually come to understand that people like money. There is one fact that those who are stupid in the head should be told, and that is that politicians and journalists are people. We are now starting to see ever so slowly that because politicians and journalists are people, and because people like money, then politicians and journalists like money.

    I truly hope I do not have to more explanations of the situation, because if I had to, then that person would either be intellectually retarded, or would be too stupid that I would not waste my time trying to help someone who is that Stupid In The Head.

    If you have not understood what has already been mention up till now in this comment, then do not read the rest of this until you have understood these important foundational facts.

    If the Governor of Illinois in conjunction with his family, and friends, and employees decide to lie and be the scapegoats, they will be considered to be true patriots, while others will think of him as a traitor to the cause of freedom and democracy in America. The Governor of Illinois, his family his friends, and his employees are the typically average group of people in American politics. This is how they and probably many other groups sometimes behave when they think people are not looking or listening. The Governor of Illinois, his family, his friends, and his get to hear lots of things, and they are exactly in the same situation as all the American politicians and journalists.

    The Illinois Attorney-General Lisa Madigan claimed that their lawyers who work for cash money advised her that before the Senate begins to go to Inquisition, they ought to move on this resolution to impeach for a second time in one week. Madigan who is mad again said that the new Illinois Legislature always knew that they were going to impeach the Governor. To have two impeachments in one week was totally unjustified and totally unnecessary, but this is what the American dictators are like. It proved to the Governor that the Senate would just keep changing the goal posts, and the best he could do for freedom and democracy in America is to stay away from that unfair and dictatorial Senate Inquisition.

    It is for this reason the Illinois Legislature and Senate does not want to talk about U.S. Patrick Fitzgerald which has gone quite on the subject after describing it as a corruption crime spree.

    The Senate Inquisition has been set up so that the Governor cannot call anyone who would be of any use to his defence .If the Senate finds any facts favourable to the Governor, then the Senate will just say that it is inadmissible to the Inquisition. For this reason many people believe that the only proper course of action was not to submit any list to the Inquisition. This is because the Inquisition would say that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald needs to hear from everyone the Governor mentioned on his list, and so they could not give testimony to the Inquisition. The Senate can and will change the goal posts and the rules at any time they want. At the end of the day, the Senate has to obey what the Legislature said and convict the Governor regardless of the facts.

    Many Americans find it frightening to contemplate the extent to which some hardened dictators in America are able and willing to undermine the principles on which an American freedom and Constitutional Democracy was founded.

    The Governor of Illinois did the right thing as an innocent patriotic American and did not attend the inauguration of Hillary Clinton because of the controversy.

    There are some people who think that the controversy is that there are those who are too stupid in the stupid head to know that cash is money and that politicians and journalists like money.

    There could be those who think that Attorney Edward Genson resigned as the Governor’s Attorney because of the Chicago mafia frightened him away, or Obama bribed him. This could have been done to give the subliminal message to the world that he must be guilty if I will not be his Attorney.

    The Governor’s only chance to get a fair hearing is the Media, and we will see what the many issues really are.

    The Senate Inquisition has said that if the Governor goes to the Media as his only avenue to seek justice, then the Inquisition will hasten the already prejudiced ‘decision’.

    If I had to vote on the matter of convicting the Governor after all this has happened I would vote against conviction even if he was guilty. If I was an Illinoisan Senator I would know that I was guilty of the same offence, and as such my conscience would not allow me to in convict others for what I do myself. I would know that I would continue to be guilty of that offence, even after I had convicted someone else and I would consider it hypocritical and unjust. I would let the voters decide at the next election, if the Governor decided to run as an independent candidate.

    Jesus said to his betrayer Judas that what he was going to do he should do quickly. The Illinois Inquisition has the attitude of a fast ‘trial’ because they are the betrayers of American freedom and democracy.

    If American politicians want to offer hope and change, then they must first be honest. Liars and hypocrites will never save this planet, and the American dictators are on trial here. I am not saying that the American dictators should confess to the world what everyone knows they are, but that they should forget this Illinois Senate Inquisition.

    If I was writing a novel I would have a main character that was perhaps a journalist or an independent politician. This main character would say to the other politician of this ancient and far away land that liars and hypocrites have no right to live. I would then use this that statement to say that because liars and hypocrites have no right even to live, then they have no right to even be a politician and to sit in judgement of others.

    If the Governor of Illinois were to step down even temporarily to be the much needed scapegoat, he will be considered to be a true patriot by the bribe taking and corrupt American politicians and journalists, while the American people will think of him as a traitor to the cause of freedom and democracy in America. The Governor has said that he is innocent, and we look forward to his explanations in the book that he is writing.

    The Nazis had the legal right to sit in judgement of the Jewish people, but they did not have any moral right to do that.

    Even though the Illinois Inquisition has the legal right to sit in judgement over this conspiracy, there are many people who think that they are no longer morally qualified to preside over this serious matter. They have often stated their prejudiced attitudes, and because of their need for self justification, and because of their proven corruption, the process will now be tainted and corrupt.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would never attend the Senate Inquisition even if the American Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful conviction. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced Inquisition to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book to the American Federal Government for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that I would have to attend the Senate Inquisition and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year. This is because the world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and only a few honest ones.

    What we can be certain on is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there was much lies and hypocrisy in the world. It will be interesting to see what the Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never they put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If the people of America want to restore freedom and democracy back to America, then they need to find alternative sources of information, and bypass the American Main Stream Media.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible and study it, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

  61. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:52 AM |  

    Here is an update as to what is happening at the Illinois Inquisition, and with THE Media Inquisition.

    I realized that I needed to correct some grammar, and I have given some new information in this comment.

    I will give a summary of the things that I have written on Illinois soon. Most of it is already written up as it is just coping and modifying what I have written, but it does need updated commentary.

    There are basically three categories of American citizens in this context, and they are those who are stupid in the head, those who are hardened liars, and those who are honest.

    As regards those who are hardened liars, and those who are honest, they all know what is going on. For those who are stupid in the head, they should be sent to school to learn that cash in is fact money. What may be more difficult for some idiots to understand is that it money is in fact cash. After those that were stupid in the head learn these very complicated matters, these educated ones will gradually come to understand that people like money. There is another fact that those who are stupid in the head should be told, and that is that politicians and journalists are people. There will be those among the stupid ones who will be able to see ever so slowly, that because politicians and journalists are people, and because people like money, then politicians and journalists like money.

    I truly hope I do not have to give more explanations of this situation. This is because if I had to, then that person would either be intellectually retarded, or would be too stupid, or would be too much of a hardened liar. I would not waste my time on someone who is that Stupid In The Head, or a hardened liar.

    If you have not understood what has already been mention up till now in this comment, then please do not read the rest of this comment until you have understood these important foundational facts.

    I have already proven by using the Stanford University experiment that even an honest person who becomes an American politician will soon become a liar, a bribe offerer, and a bribe taker, just like the rest of them.

    Yes we can they say, but no we will not is how some people act. Is this the change that you can believe in if you want, just like you can believe in fairies and men from Mars if you want?

    There is another true saying and that is the more things ‘change’ or the more things seem to change, the more they stay the same. Hope and change means that you can hope all you want, but there will be no change.

    This is because there is not sufficient public funding and not sufficient free media time and space during elections that the Media should give as their obligation to democracy. The American Media also accepts bribes from the American politicians and businesses, and so they are not a true Media because they are biased, they are liars, and they are hypocrites. It is also because American politicians do not keep to their own patch or area of responsibility. Another reason is that they do not correspond in writing as much as they should so that the public can know some of the things that are being communicated.

    These reforms can never prevent corrupt deals, neither can they prevent the more subtle and discreet methods of correspondences that the American politicians will use from now on in their greedy quest for dirty money.

    This is because where there is a will there is a way, and where there is a way there is a day.

    The question for the Illinois Inquisition is; are they going to prosecute the symptoms by looking for a scapegoat or are they going to rectify the causes by confessing that they are all the American politicians and journalists are same? We should not be surprised if they decide to cover up and pay or threaten people to say what the Inquisitors want to hear them say at the Inquisition.

    They say that if you want to know what is going on then you should follow the money trail.

    The truth of the matter is that the Federal American Government or as some people describe as the Feral American Government is saying that if the insane dictatorial Illinios Inquisition does not convict the Governor, then Illinois will not get as much money as they could. The Feral American Government may not mind if one or two vote against convicting the Governor as long as the dirty job gets done.

    The Chicago mafia wants the Federal American Government money because the Illinois politicians must pay protection money to the Chicago mafia. The Chicago mafia have made people and journalists attending the Illinois Inquisition an offer they should not refuse. The Chicago mafia will be watching to see that no one says the wrong things at this Inquisition, because the Chicago mafia wants them to look after their health.

    The Republicans are not interested in genuine democratic reforms, and this can clearly be seen by their self righteous attitude. They are not willing to be honest enough and subliminally confess that all American politicians, even the more honest and sincere ones are tainted to some degree. The Republicans can show their commitment to democratic reforms by voting against conviction of the Governor.

    The Governor of Illinois has already claimed his innocence and will not attend the Illinois Inquisition which is a monumental fraud, a travesty of justice, and a shameful mockery of democracy.

    The Governor of Illinois, his family his friends, and his employees are the typically average group of people in American politics. This is how they and many other groups behave when they think people are not looking or not listening. The Governor of Illinois, his family, his friends, and his employees get to hear lots of things, and they are a mirror image of all the American politicians and journalists.

    The Illinois Attorney-General Lisa Madigan claimed that their lawyers who work for cash money paid by her gave her some advice. That pay to play advice was that before Illinois begins to go to Inquisition, the Legislature should to move on a resolution to impeach the Governor for a second time in one week. Madigan who was mad again said that the new Illinois Legislature always knew that they were going to impeach the Governor. The Illinois politicians could have arranged it for the Governor to be impeached only by the new Legislature which would have been more than sufficient for what to show the world that the Illinois politicians are sane. To have two impeachments in one week was totally unjustified and totally unnecessary, but this is what the insane American dictators are like. It proved to the Governor that the insane Inquisition would just keep changing the goal posts and the rules. The best the Governor could do to restore freedom and democracy in America is to stay away from that unfair and insane dictatorial Inquisition.

    It is for this reason the Illinois Inquisition does not want to talk about U.S. Patrick Fitzgerald which has gone very quiet on that subject after describing it as a corruption crime spree.

    The Illinois Inquisition has been set up so that the Governor cannot call anyone who would be of any use to his defence .If the Inquisition finds any facts favourable to the Governor, then the Inquisition will just say that it is inadmissible to the Inquisition. For this reason many people believe that the only proper course of action was not to submit any list to the Inquisition. Another reason was to protect those people from retribution because if anyone says anything favourable then those people will not have given their pay to play to the dictators of America. This is because the Inquisition would say that U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald needs to hear from everyone the Governor mentioned on his list, and so they could not give testimony to the Inquisition. The Inquisition and the dictators of America can and will change the goal posts and the rules at any time they want. At the end of the day, the Inquisition has to obey what the Legislature dictated and convict the Governor regardless of the facts.

    Obama who is a lawyer and campaigned to protect and uphold the Constitution said that while Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning Government and major decisions free of taint and controversy.

    There are some people who think that the controversy is that there are those who are too stupid in the stupid head to know that cash is money and that all politicians and all journalists like money.

    Chicago style Mr. ‘Clean’ and Mr. ‘Pure’ should have mentioned to have a functioning Government the FBI, the Media, the U.S. Senate, and the Illinois Senate should not abuse their power by being Inquisitions.

    Many Americans find it frightening to contemplate the extent to which some hardened dictators in America are able and willing to undermine the principles on which American freedom and Constitutional Democracy was founded.

    The Governor of Illinois did the right thing as a presumed innocent patriotic American and did not attend the inauguration of Hillary Clinton as President of the United States of America because of the Inquisition.

    There could be those who think that Attorney Edward Genson resigned as the Governor’s Attorney because of the Chicago mafia frightened him away, or the Clinton’s bribed him as a pay to play. This could have been done to give the subliminal message to the world that he must be guilty if Genson will not be his Attorney.

    The Governor’s only chance to get a fair hearing is the Media, and we will see what the many issues really are.

    The Illinois Inquisition has said that if the Governor goes to the Media as his only avenue to seek justice, then the Inquisition will hasten the already prejudiced ‘decision’.

    If I had to vote on the matter of convicting the Governor after all this has happened I would vote against conviction even if he was guilty. If I was an Illinoisan Senator I would know that I was guilty of the same offence, and as such my conscience would not allow me to convict others for what I have done, am doing, and will continue to do. I would know that I would continue to be guilty of that offence even after I had convicted someone else, and I would consider it hypocritical and unjust. I would let the voters decide at the next election, if the Governor decided to run as an independent candidate.

    Far be it for hypocrites to be consistent in much except being consistent in continuing their deceit, injustice and hypocrisy.

    Jesus said to his betrayer Judas that what the betrayer wanted to do he should do quickly. The Illinois Inquisition has the attitude of a fast ‘trial’ because the dictators of America are the betrayers of American freedom and democracy.

    If American politicians want to offer hope and change, then the first things they need to do is to be fair and be honest. Liars and hypocrites will never save this planet, and the American dictators are on trial here. I am not saying that the American dictators should confess to the world what they are truly like, because everyone already knows that. However, there are people who think that the dictators of America should forget this Illinois Inquisition.

    If I was writing a novel I would have a main character that was perhaps an independent journalist or an independent politician. This main character would say to the other politicians of this ancient and far away land that there might be some people who think that liars and hypocrites have no right to live. I would then use this statement to say that if liars and hypocrites have no right even to live, then they have no right to even be a politician, or to sit in judgement of others.

    If the Governor of Illinois were to step down even temporarily to be the much needed scapegoat, he will be considered to be a true patriot by the bribe taking and corrupt American politicians and journalists. However, the American people whose rights and freedoms have been taken away from them during the Bush years will think of the Governor as a traitor to the causes of freedom and democracy in America. The Governor has said that he is innocent, and we look forward to his explanations in the book that he is writing.

    The Nazis had the legal right to sit in judgement of the Jewish people, but they did not have any moral right to do that.

    Even though the insane Illinois Inquisition has the legal right to sit in judgement over this Clinton inspired conspiracy, there are many people who think that they are no longer morally qualified to preside over this serious matter. They have often stated their prejudiced attitudes, and because of their need for self justification, and because of their proven corruption, the process will now be totally corrupt.

    If I were the Governor of Illinois, I would never attend the Illinois Inquisition even if the American Federal Government gave me U.S. 15 million dollars to attend that mockery of democracy. I know that I would be found unanimously guilty if I attended or did not attend, and I may be tempted to take the U.S. 15 million dollars as compensation for wrongful conviction. I know that I would have to attend that fraud of a prejudiced Inquisition to get the money that would be in a Swiss Bank account. I would consider selling the rights to my book to the American Federal Government for U.S. 30 million dollars, and then the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I know that I would have to attend the insane Illinois Inquisition and be unanimously convicted, but it may be worth it.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year. This is because the world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and only a few honest ones.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world. It will be interesting to see what the Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If the people of America want to restore freedom and democracy back to America, then they need to find alternative sources of information, and bypass the American Main Stream Media.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

  62. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    Here is an update as to what is happening at the Illinois Inquisition, and with THE Media Inquisition.

    This comment contains new information that I found on the internet and it the following few paragraphs are what a Law Professor wrote.

    The Unjust and Unconstitutional Trial of Governor Rod Blagojevich

    On Monday, January 26, 2009, the impeachment trial of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich begins. Nominally, the trial will be held by the Illinois Senate with the Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court presiding. In reality, this case is, and always has been, under the control of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

    The impeachment process started just days after Fitzgerald held his now famous press conference on December 9, 2008, in which Fitzgerald announced that Blagojevich was guilty of various crimes while in office, most spectacularly the attempt to sell Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat. The charge was made in a press conference, and in a criminal complaint and supporting affidavit.

    During the press conference, Fitzgerald went to great lengths to quote colorful language used by Blagojevich, making a point of inserting the term "bleep" into the quoted transcripts. Fitzgerald could have brought the charges, and thereby thwarted any attempt by Blagojevich, without the highly inflammatory theatrics at the press conference. The press conference was the first step in Fitzgerald removing Blagojevich from office.

    The press conference made great theater, and poisoned the public against Blagojevich as Fitzgerald must have intended, but revealed very little of the evidence. At this point, a month and a half later, there still has been no indictment. Fitzgerald has obtained an extension of time until early April 2009 to bring an indictment, allowing him to maintain secrecy all the while proclaiming Blagojevich's guilt.

    The Fitzgerald press conference created a media and legislative frenzy, but Fitzgerald has made public almost none of the evidence in his possession to support his claims to assist the public in assessing the truth behind the criminal complaint. The affidavit supporting the criminal complaint contains excerpts of taped calls, but does not contain complete conversations, much less other conversations which might put the excerpt in context. Although you wouldn't know it from the press conference, cursing profusely is not a crime.

    The Illinois legislature has made the criminal complaint affidavit one of the centerpieces of the impeachment process. The other grounds for impeachment, such as violating separation of powers, are secondary. If the legislators were honest with the public, they would have to admit that the criminal complaint allegations are the reason for impeachment, and everything else is window dressing.

    While the criminal complaint allegations are the reason the impeachment process started, Fitzgerald has made sure that Blagojevich was not able to obtain the evidence necessary to defend himself in the impeachment process against such charges. At Fitzgerald's request, the House impeachment committee forbade Blagojevich or anyone else from inquiring into the evidence supporting the criminal complaint affidavit. Instead, the House took the affidavit to be true, and based much of the article of impeachment solely on the affidavit. The Illinois Senate has accepted the house impeachment record, which incorporates the criminal complaint affidavit, into evidence while forbidding anyone from challenging the record. (Senate Rule 8(b))

    The Senate also has forbidden anyone, including Blagojevich, from seeking any evidence which, in the sole estimation of Fitzgerald, would endanger the criminal case. (Senate Rule 15(f)). Blagojevich cannot call witnesses, such as Rahm Emanuel and Valerie Jarrett, who are believed to be persons referenced in the criminal complaint affidavit as persons to whom Blagojevich attempted to sell the Senate seat, despite denials by Emanuel and Jarrett that any such attempt was made. So Blagojevich cannot call material witnesses to cast doubt on the specific and overall reliability of the criminal complaint affidavit. Rule 15(f) violates fundamental fairness.

    More important, Rule 15(f) gives to Fitzgerald decision making power over the Senate trial. I believe this provision violates the Illinois Constitution, Article IV, Section 14, which states that "impeachments shall be tried by the Senate." Nothing in the Constitution vests the U.S. Attorney with the power to try a Governor, but here, the U.S. Attorney has been given the power to make decisions over the evidence permitted at the trial. The delegation of trial authority to Fitzgerald is unconstitutional, and is an irrevocable taint on the trial process.

    By analogy, nothing in the various constitutional and statutory provisions empowering the judiciary to decide cases empowers the judiciary to delegate decision making authority to others. It would be as if a judge decided that trial rulings would be made by the judge's neighbor. Only in the case of Rod Blagojevich is such outrageous conduct tolerated, because Fitzgerald successfully convicted Blagojevich in the court of public opinion without so much as an indictment, much less a trial.

    As I have noted before, the Illinois Senate rules do not allow for a fair trial, and in at least one respect clearly are unconstitutional. The Senate has turned over evidentiary control of the main impeachable offenses -- the criminal conduct alleged by Fitzgerald -- to Fitzgerald's complete discretion, in violation of the Illinois Constitution which requires that the Presiding Chief Justice and Senators hold the trial. It is shocking that there has not been more outrage that a prosecutor brings charges, delays indictment, refuses to release evidence to support the charges, then gets to decide which evidence can be presented in a state impeachment proceeding.

    The Illinois Senate will regret rigging the rules in order to achieve the result of Blagojevich being removed from office. With time the public will understand that in seeking to achieve justice for the people of Illinois, the Illinois legislature violated fundamental rules of fairness and itself violated the Illinois Constitution. The legacy will be that a Governor who had no respect for the law was removed by a legislature which had no respect for the law.

    After reading what the Law Professor said, we can clearly see that the Illinois Senate Inquisition is a gross injustice. It is a gross justice because it is a result of Fitzgerald using his bully pulpit to remove a Governor, and a legislature which willingly served this function in case the Whites need to impeach Obama. Governor Rod Blagojevich did deserve a fair and Constitutional process, but that cannot happen at an insane dictatorial Inquisition.

    There are a few Illinois Senators who are uncomfortable with the process, but they are afraid to be vocal about it in the current dictatorial climate.

    The Illinois Inquisition has rigged the rules in order to achieve their result removing a Governor from office by violating the Illinois Constitution. The legacy will be that a Governor was removed by a legislature which had no respect for the law, but was following dictatorial decrees.

    Obama and the Federal Democrats all dictatorially demanded that Governor Blagojevich resign, and even more so after he appointed Mr. Roland Burris to the U.S. Senate.

    I am willing to say that I do not think that the campaign against the Governor is not because he appointed a black male to the U.S. Senate. I does not matter what I think because other people will see it that way regardless of the facts. The American politicians have known a long time ago that you can never get 100% of Americans to see any situation in its setting. What this means is that any action against the Governor will be seen by a certain percentage of people as a payback from the White Elites because the U.S. Senate now has its only black Senator.

    The following information is from Wikipedia and it proves that Obama and the Federal Congress know the law of America, and are deliberately perverting the course of justice.

    Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review. He worked as a community organizer in Chicago prior to earning his law degree, and practiced as a civil rights attorney in Chicago before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, Obama was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.

    The following paragraph is what I found on the internet, and shows that the Federal Government guilty of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice for which they will not be impeach of course because the dictators of America are a law unto themselves.

    SEC. 1112. ADDITIONAL ASSURANCE OF APPROPRIATE USE OF FUNDS. None of the funds provided by this Act may be made available to the State of Illinois, or any agency of the State, unless (1) the use of such funds by the State is approved in legislation enacted by the State after the date of the enactment of this Act, or (2) Rod R. Blagojevich no longer holds the office of Governor of the State of Illinois.

    The Federal Government has also said that they will not give security information to the citizens of Illinois until the Illinois Inquisition perverts the course of justice and Illinois gets a new Governor.

    The insane Illinois Inquisitors leading the charge against the Governor falsely claim that the proceedings constituting an impeachment trial are not criminal in nature. They further falsely claim and that the requirements for fundamental fairness in proceedings designed to deprive a citizen of liberty do not necessarily apply. If this were true, then why are the Illinois Inquisitors violating their Constitution, and why have they set up a Fitzgerald Inquisition? Are the dictators of America trying to say that the U.S. Attorney’s office does not deal with crime and is a political entity?

    The ‘trial’ rules according to which the Governor’s future will be determined expressly prohibit him from obtaining evidence regarding those charges if doing so could ‘compromise’ the Feral Government’s ‘investigation’.

    To get people to talk under oath would not hinder an investigation, but it would help it. The true reason is that they want everyone to keep quite even the Governor because they protecting the conspirators.

    This renders it impossible for the Governor to defend himself against those charges. The Inquisition’s ‘rules’ deny the Governor the ability to any information, and do not allow him to subpoena people to give evidence under oath.

    If this Inquisition were truly political in nature then one would think that the Republicans who have enough votes to block conviction would vote to do that. The Republicans may or may not loose Illinois, but they could more easily regain the rest of America, and so it would make sense if you are a Republican to vote against convicting the Governor.

    The American people have had their rights and freedom slowly taken away fro them during the Bush years, and many Americans think that the Obama Administration is just continuing this trend until America is a Socialist Dictatorship.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    If this is a criminal case, then a Court with a fair Judge and a fair Jury should have decided the matter before it went to the Senate.

    I have had to correct some grammar and I have given a little new information to some of my comments.

    I think that a proper democracy should have 100% public funding and sufficient free media time and free media space during elections as the Media’s obligation to a real democracy. The American Media accepts bribes from the American politicians and businesses, and so they are not a true Media because they are biased, they are liars, and they are hypocrites. There are many American citizens that think that American politicians should keep to their own patch or area of responsibility. There are many American citizens who think that their public officials should correspond in writing to a much greater extent than they presently do, so that the public can know some of the things that are being communicated.

    I know that the American Constitution allows people to give contributions, but the politicians can refuse to take contributions because they now have 100% public funding of elections.

    People should not vote for any politician who accepts contributions even legally after the introduction of 100% public funding for elections.

    These reforms can never prevent corrupt deals, neither can they prevent the more subtle and discreet methods of correspondences that the American politicians will use from now on in their greedy quest for dirty money.

    This is because where there is a will, there is a way, and where there is a way, there is a day.

    All American politicians know these things, and this is why they just want a scapegoat with no reforms.

    The question for the Illinois Inquisition is; are they going to prosecute the symptoms by looking for a scapegoat or are they going to rectify the causes by confessing that all the American politicians and journalists are same? We should not be surprised if they decide to cover up and either bribe or threaten people to say what the Inquisitors want to hear them say at the Inquisition.

    They say that if you want to know what is going on then you should follow the money trail.

    The truth of the matter is that the Federal American Government is saying that if the insane dictatorial Illinios Inquisition does not convict the Governor, then Illinois will not get any Federal money.

    There are people who after reading some comments on American blogs get the thought that the Chicago mafia rules Illinois. The mafia love money and the Illinois Legislature is looking for Federal money and to raising taxes. Those who benefit from this money will ‘donate’ some of it to the Democrats for the next election, but the donations will really be bribes.

    The Governor of Illinois has already claimed his innocence and will not attend the Illinois Inquisition which is a monumental fraud, a travesty of justice, and a shameful mockery of democracy.

    The Illinois politicians could have arranged it for the Governor to be impeached only once and only by the new Legislature.

    That would have been more than sufficient for them wanting to show the world that the Illinois politicians are sane.

    To have two impeachments in one week was totally unjustified and totally unnecessary, but this is what the insane American dictators are like.

    There are many people who believe that the only proper course of action was not to submit any list to the Inquisition because those people would be vilified and would lose their jobs, and because the Chicago mafia would be listening.

    Obama who is a lawyer and campaigned to protect and uphold the Constitution said that while Governor Blagojevich is entitled to his day in court, the people of Illinois are entitled to a functioning Government and major decisions free of taint and controversy.

    Chicago style Mr. ‘Clean’ and Mr. ‘Pure’ should have mentioned to have a functioning Government the FBI, the Media, the U.S. Senate, and the Illinois Senate should not abuse their power by being Inquisitions. We can see the ‘entitlement’ to his day in Court, and the Governor was correct to describe it as a sham.

    Many Americans find it frightening to contemplate the extent to which some hardened dictators in America are able and willing to undermine the principles on which American freedom and Constitutional Democracy was founded.

    There could be those who think that Attorney Edward Genson resigned as the Governor’s Attorney because of the Chicago mafia frightened him away, or the Clinton’s bribed him as a pay to play. This could have been done to give the subliminal message to the world that he must be guilty if Genson will not be his Attorney.

    The Governor’s only chance to get a fair hearing is the Media, and we will see what the many issues really are.

    If I was writing a novel I would have a main character that was perhaps an independent journalist or an independent politician or possibly a lawyer.

    The Nazis had the legal right to sit in judgement of the Jewish people, but they did not have any moral right to do that.

    Even though the insane Illinois Inquisition has the legal right to sit in judgement over this Clinton inspired conspiracy, there are many people who think that they are no longer morally qualified to preside over this serious matter. They have often stated their prejudiced attitudes, and because of their need for self justification, and because of their proven corruption, the process will now be totally corrupt.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year. This is because the world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and only a few honest ones.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world. It will be interesting to see what the Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

  63. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:32 AM |  

    Here is an update as to what is happening at the Illinois Inquisition, and with THE Media Inquisition.

    I realized that I need to correct some grammar, and to make a few other points.

    There are many Americans who think that the Illinois Senate Inquisition violates the Illinois Constitution and is a gross injustice. It is a gross injustice because it is a result of Fitzgerald using his bully pulpit to remove a Governor, and a legislature which willingly served this function in case the Whites need to impeach Obama. Governor Rod Blagojevich did deserve a fair and Constitutional process, but that cannot happen at an insane dictatorial Inquisition.

    There are a few Illinois Senators who are uncomfortable with the process, but they are afraid to be vocal about it in the current dictatorial climate.

    The Illinois Inquisition has rigged the rules in order to achieve their result removing a Governor from office by violating the Illinois Constitution. The legacy will be that a Governor was removed by a legislature which had no respect for the law, but was following dictatorial decrees of leading Democrats.

    The American Federal Government is guilty of a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice for which they will not be impeached because the dictators of America are a law unto themselves.

    This is because they are trying to influence the decision in a criminal trial by getting the Illinois Senate to convict the Governor.

    The American federal Government has said that they will not deal with a person who has the presumption of innocence if the U.S. Constitution is valid. The American Federal Government has also said that they will not give security information to the citizens of Illinois until the Illinois Inquisition perverts the course of justice and Illinois gets a new Governor.

    I am not a lawyer, but I think that these things are highly illegal and unconstitutional, and Illinois should take these issues to the U.S, Supreme Court and get compensation.

    The American people have had their rights and freedom slowly taken away from them during the Bush years, and many Americans think that the Obama Administration is just continuing this trend until America becomes a Socialist Dictatorship.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    If this is a criminal case, then a Court with a fair Judge and a fair Jury should have decided the matter before it went to the Senate. This is because only an unbiased Court with an honest Judge and a fair Jury is qualified to render a verdict. At the same time, the defendant needs to have by competent legal representation. The Governors lawyers have all stated that the Senate Inquisition is a tainted process and advised the Governor not to attend the Inquisition.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year.

    It should be kept in mind that even people who have no intention of lying are fallible, and even what they say is not always correct.

    This is because the world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and only a few honest ones.

    What can be known to be true is that God always speaks the truth, and what He wants us to know He had recorded for us in the Bible.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world. It will be interesting to see what the Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

  64. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:22 AM |  

    Here is an update as to what is happening at the Illinois Inquisition, and with THE Media Inquisition.

    The Governor of Illinois has said that he would like to give his side of the story, and we will wait to see if the Illinois Inquisition will allow him even that.

    It has been said to me that I should never make up my mind over a dispute until I have heard both sides of the story, and then given myself a reasonably sufficient time to decide. I have found that this was very sensible advice for those who want to be honest, and I am glad that I listened to it.

    The world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and with only a few honest ones.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year.

    It should be kept in mind that even people who have no intention of deliberately lying are fallible, and even what they say is not always correct.

    My opinion of the situation is that Governor should have waited to give his explanation along with suggestions for proper democratic reforms in his book. Even the Governor’s lawyers and the Governor himself are of the opinion that he will be convicted by unanimous vote of the Illinois Inquisition.

    I want to say that the Governor f Illinois knows Illinois and what is going on there more than I could ever know it. Even though all Inquisitors will vote for conviction it is proper that the Governor faces his accusers and speaks at the Inquisition.

    I am sure that the Governor is also concerned about the image of his beloved State of Illinois, and wants to make the Senate ‘trial’ at least appear slightly ‘dignified’ given that the result is a foregone conclusion. I am certain that the Governor has not forgotten that he is a patriotic American citizen. He wants the world to see that America is a place that allows its citizens who have been accused of wrongdoing the opportunity to speak in their own defence.

    I can and do understand such noble sentiments and dedication to public service. I understand how these matters weighed heavily on the Governor’s mind to lead him to his decision to speak at the Illinois Inquisition. However, if I were in that position, I would be thinking of how I could restore freedom and democracy to America first, and then try to help Illinois.

    I would be thinking of starting a group called the Concerned Citizens for a Constitutional Democracy or CCCD.

    I think that it would be better if the Illinois Inquisition vote will be by secret ballot because it will show the true extent of how far Illinois has slipped away from American values during this dictatorial climate in America.

    A secret ballot will enable a future jury to know how the Governor’s peers view either his guilt or his innocence. The Illinois Senators know that if they do not vote to convict, then they will not be re-elected. This is why a secret ballot lifts this burden on politicians to choose between public interest and self interest. Even so, each Senator may think that any vote other than a unanimous vote would be bad publicity for Illinois. I guess there are arguments for and against a secret ballot, but given the circumstances many people think it will not matter.

    There are many Illinoisan voters who would like to have a special election to vote for a new Governor or to re-elect the current Governor if he decides to run as an independent candidate. The Republicans only hope to get the Democrats to agree to this is for the Republicans to use their numbers and vote against convicting the Governor. If the Governor is convicted I do not think that the Democrats would agree to a totally unnecessary election which they would in all probability lose. If however, the Governor remains the Governor, then the Democrats would want a special election, because there are many selfish Democrats who covet the position of Governor.

    Even if the Governor is not convicted by the Inquisition, I would not blame him if he did resign if a special election is decided to be held. The Governor can serve the interests of all Americans by writing a book and by starting a group call the Concerned Citizens for a Constitutional Democracy.

    I do not think that the Governor has been threatened by the dictators of America and by the Chicago mafia to tell lies and make a false confession. I assume that his attendance at the insane dictatorial Inquisition is to defend himself against slander, and to defend American democratic values.

    The Following few paragraphs are what a Law Professor wrote, and they clearly show us what the quality of the material on the tapes.

    The tapes purport to show Blagojevich extorting a campaign contribution from a horse race track owner in exchange for Blagojevich signing legislation favorable to the race track. But all the tapes actually show is Blagojevich's chief of staff urging Blagojevich to pressure the race track owner to pay up on a previously promised campaign contribution, and Blagojevich trying to confirm that the payment will be made. Nothing on the tapes states that Blagojevich would refuse to sign the legislation, already passed by a substantial majority in the legislature (including many of the Senators voting on impeachment), if there were no payment. You may be able to make the connection, but these tapes don't do it. We would need much more evidence to show extortion or even conspiracy to extort.

    The only real value of the tapes was to finally hear Blagojevich's voice. I say "finally" because Fitzgerald has not released the other tapes quoted in the criminal complaint affidavit. When you hear the media say "we have heard the tapes" and Blagojevich must go, what you really are hearing is the media saying "we have read transcripts of excerpts of the tapes chosen by the prosecutor" and we'll suspend our normal distrust of prosecutors to believe that the excerpts are accurate, complete, and not misleading.

    The suspension of disbelief, however, is not warranted yet. In its 20-second news clips, and in the writings in the print media, no one is commenting on the absurdity of yesterday's proceeding. FBI agent Daniel Cain, signatory of the affidavit on which the Senate rests much of its case against Blagojevich, was on the witness stand most of the day. The day went like this: Senate Prosecutor reads a paragraph from the affidavit quoting a portion of a transcript of a taped call, and then Cain says the paragraph was "true and accurate" at the time he signed the affidavit.

    Why go through this exercise, when Cain already affirmed in signing the affidavit that the contents were true and accurate, and the affidavit already is in evidence? Drama. Allowing the Senate Prosecutor to read out loud the transcript excerpts, with all the "bleeps," was supposed to be dramatic. To this listener, the drama wore off after a few minutes, and the evidence seemed less, not more, overwhelming.

    Although not the first time I noticed this, when hearing the affidavit read out loud it became clear that much of the "evidence" against Blagojevich is double and triple hearsay based on questionable witnesses. Something along the lines of "John Smith, who is under investigation and trying to cut a deal for himself, testified that Mary Jones told him that Rod Blagojevich wanted a campaign contribution in exchange for ...."

    The other thing that jumped out when listening to the tapes and hearing Cain's testimony in response to questions from Senators, is how truncated are the excerpts. With an Assistant U.S. Attorney at his side, Cain repeatedly refused to answer questions as to how the excerpts were selected, what else was on the tapes, or who else (including Senators voting on impeachment) was on the tapes (Transcript, 292-293) When Cain refused to answer if any other Senators were on the tapes, the transcript indicates that an unidentified person at the Senate trial said "Thank God." (Tr. 293) So we may have potential targets of, or witnesses in, Fitzgerald's investigation voting on whether that most famous target, Blagojevich, stays in office. Great.

    Cain refused to answer whether the excerpts in the affidavit put events in "the proper context" (Tr. 293) or whether he has learned anything in the seven weeks since he signed the affidavit which "would make any of the statements in your affidavit untrue?" (Tr. 299).

    The Senators' questions and Cain's repeated refusals to answer were extremely damaging to the Senate prosecution, not that anyone seems to care. The Senate is relying almost exclusively on the Cain affidavit to prove the criminal allegations against Blagojevich. Yet Cain will not testify to anything other than what is in the affidavit, will not verify that the tape excerpts in the affidavit are in proper context, will not reveal what else is on the tapes, and will not even state that his affidavit is true and accurate based upon what he knows today as he is testifying.

    Any fair-minded person would be moving towards the conclusion that the Senate Rules, which do not allow Blagojevich or the Senators to challenge the evidence selected by Fitzgerald, are resulting in a trial which in fact is unfair. But there don't seem to be many fair-minded people around when it comes to Blagojevich's Senate trial.

    They are the findings of a Law Professor, and to many Illinoisans it would be proof that there needs to be a special election in Illinois for Governor. The Democrats have stampeded the process to where it is today, and the Republicans have allowed themselves to go along with it. The correct procedure is to have due process with the presumption of innocence, but that is not how the unprincipled dictators of America think.

    The Republicans were afraid that if they stood up for principles, they might one day even be proven to have acted properly and in the interest of the American people.

    Here are some of the ways to recognize a modern day Nazi;

    1) a Nazi does not respect the United Nations Charter; 2) a Nazi does not respect United Nations Security Council Resolutions; 3) a Nazi does not respect International law; 4) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of his own country; 5) a Nazi does not respect the Constitution of anther country; 6) a Nazi does not respect that everyone has the right to the presumption of innocence; 7) a Nazi does not respect that you should not punish the innocent because of the guilty; 8) a Nazi wants racial “purity” for his country at the very least, and for other countries as well; 9) a Nazi does not want to speak, read, write, study, in the one official language of his country, and a Nazi wants this policy for other countries because he knows that it could eventually lead to conflict; 10) a Nazi is a hardened liar; 11) a Nazi is a corrupt thief, especially of other people’s land; 12) a Nazi is a cold, calculated, and devious slanderer and schemer; 13) a Nazi is very nasty, completely twisted, totally untrustworthy, and devastatingly treacherous; 14) a Nazi is intolerant of any religion that is peace loving; 15) a Nazi will use smooth speech and pretend to be your friend, while plotting your downfall: 16) a Nazi believes in a final solution like the gas chambers or ethnic cleansing; 17) a Nazi believes that might makes right.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    What can be known to be true is that God always speaks the truth, and what He wants us to know He had recorded for us in the Bible.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there are many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world. It will be interesting to see what the Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

  65. Anonymous Anonymous | 7:30 AM |  

    The former Governor of Illinois has given a short summary of his side of the story, and most people knew that the insane dictatorial Illinois Inquisition would vote unanimously to convict him if he naively decided to attend THE Illinois Inquisition.

    The insane dictatorial Illinois Inquisition did prove to be a monumental fraud, a travesty of justice, and a shameful and brazen mockery of democracy. It is obvious that the Illinois politicians are trying to cover something up.

    I want to say that the former Governor of Illinois knows Illinois and what is going on there more than I could ever know it. Even though all Inquisitors will vote for conviction it is proper that the Governor faces his accusers and speaks at the Inquisition. Although it is proper, my opinion is that it was naïve and counterproductive, but that is my possibly fallible opinion. As we have all seen, the dictators of America are unprincipled, and if you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

    I think that the former Governor was truly concerned about the image of his beloved State of Illinois, and wanted to make the Illinois Inquisition at least appear slightly ‘dignified’ given that the result was a foregone conclusion. I am certain that the former Governor has not forgotten that he is a patriotic American citizen. He hoped that Americans could see America as a place that allows its citizens the opportunity to speak in their own defence, before the inevitable dictatorship comes.

    I do not know if the former Governor was given U.S. 30 million Dollars that was placed in a Swiss Bank Account to attend the Inquisition. I do not know if the former Governor sold the rights to his book to the American Federal Government so that the American Federal Government can keep it Top Secret. I am sure that many Americans would like to read how to have American politics that does not work on bribery and pay to play.

    I want to say that I am not the former Governor’s agent, and I will not be collecting 10% of U.S. 30 Million Dollars because I neither know him, and I do not know if he made a deal with the American Federal Government to not write a book on democratic reforms. If the former Governor has sold the rights to his book to the American Federal Government on how to prevent bribe taking in American politics, then it may either be a legal transaction, or it could be pay to play.

    It really does not matter at all to the American Media or to the corrupt bribe taking American politicians what you think, because they know for a fact, that right a proven fact, that most of you are not intelligent enough to remember of their schemes in a week’s time.

    I want to say that while I would rather that people thought of me as honest, because I am an honest person, I am not going to overly worry what any human being thinks of me.

    For those that I have offended, I think that if they are decent people, then they should just overlook it. I want to say that I will not rely on others overlooking my imperfections, but I do humbly and sincerely apologize for everything I have done wrong to others.

    We are going to read stories like the statement by the former Governor was unconvincing, and now Illinois in for a new era where the words corruption, lies, and bribes will not be in the dictionary because everyone is just so pure, especially the Chicago mafia.

    Come the impeachment and conviction comrades, and the streets will be paved with gold.

    The putrid puppet Media who will be paid in cash will tell that the former Governor was grandstanding by wanting a fair trial, and that Senator Burris had an ego problem because he wanted what belongs to him.

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year. The world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and with only a few honest ones. It should be kept in mind that even people who have no intention of deliberately lying are fallible, and even what they say is not always correct.

    There are basically three categories of American citizens in this context, and they are those who are stupid in the head, those who are hardened liars, and those who are honest. As regards those who are hardened liars, and those who are honest, they all know what is going on. For those who are stupid in the head, they should be sent to school to learn that cash in is fact money. What may be more difficult for some idiots to understand is that it money is in fact cash. After those stupid ones learn these very ‘complicated’ matters, they will gradually come to understand that people love money. There is another fact that those who are stupid in the head should be told, and that is that politicians and journalists are people. There will be those among the stupid ones who will be able to see ever so slowly, that because politicians and journalists are people, and because people love money, then politicians and journalists love money.

    The Illinios Media will receive their money from Patrick Quinn and the Democrats after they raise State taxes because they worked together as a team for the love of money. The Illinois Politicians and the Illinois Media are privately saying that they pulled a fast one on those easily manipulated morons who are told what to think, because they are too stupid think for themselves.

    The new Governor dictator Patrick Quinn has asked that the former Governor not have any security because the Chicago mafia ordered Quinn to do that. This is because of what the Chicago mafia heard the Governor say that he did not want to raise taxes. Obama who has Chicago links knows that dead men tell no tales, and Fitzgerald can ‘find’ all the ‘evidence’ to smear the former Governor, and to help the Clinton’s impeach Obama. It is now easier to intimidate the former Governor into confessing to something that he has not done because of saying that he will be safe in jail.

    I hope that people do not say that Mr. Roland Burris is not eligible to be a U.S. Senator. I would have been equally happy with whatever person the former Governor of Illinois chose for Senator because it would have been a legal appointment. I congratulate Senator Roland Burris for his appointment to the U.S. Senate, and I am happy that he is a Senator because he is a decent person. I want to say that I just that little bit happier for Mr. Roland Burris because he had to earn what he was in fact entitled to.

    Plantation owner Harry Reid sent a strong message that the White Democrats do not want any more black Senators. He has done this by dictating that the former Governor be impeached for appointing a black Senator to the Whites Only Plantation House. Reid has also done this by refusing to immediately resign his Senate seats to let a black Senator take his Senate seat to better represent Multi Ethnic America.

    The dictators of America will fabricate any ‘evidence’ they want to further their evil purposes and to cover up. It just seems that if Fitzgerald had anything he would not have needed extra time for a supposed ‘investigation’ that was going on for years of a supposed corruption crime spree.

    It has been said to me that I should never make up my mind over a dispute until I have heard both sides of the story, and then given myself a reasonably sufficient time to decide. I have found that this was very sensible advice for those who want to be honest, and I am glad that I always follow that just principle.

    The Following few paragraphs are what a Law Professor wrote, and they clearly show us what the quality of the material on the tapes.

    The following words are those of a Law Professor who has been studying this case, and is an unbiased person.

    Just Say No To The Flawed Impeachment Of Rod Blagojevich.

    I didn't expect to end up opposing the impeachment of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. When the news first broke that Blagojevich was charged, among other things, with attempting to "sell" Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat, I was inclined to follow the media and pundits in throwing the bum out based on U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald's press conference. I've now come to a different conclusion, not because Blagojevich isn't a bum, but because the process and politics behind the impeachment are so flawed that the cure is worse than the disease.

    I won't repeat all of what I've said in over 50 posts over the past seven weeks, so here is the short version of why Illinois Senators should say no to this impeachment:

    The process is unconstitutional. The Senate delegated trial decision-making authority to Fitzgerald, in violation of the Illinois Constitution, which vests such authority exclusively in the Presiding Chief Justice and Senators. Fitzgerald started this process with his press conference, has made public only such evidence as supported his goal of removing Blagojevich from office, and has insulated that evidence from challenge. This fundamental flaw in the process has tainted the trial beyond remedy.

    The process is fundamentally unfair, in that it restricted Blagojevich's ability to challenge the evidence against him as to the criminal complaint affidavit upon which the Senate relies almost exclusively for the allegations of criminal conduct. While we can debate to what extent Blagojevich is entitled to "due process," we all should want removal of an elected Governor to require a fundamentally fair process and trial, which has been absent here.
    The non-criminal offenses do not rise to the level of impeachable offenses. While the Illinois Constitution does not define what is an impeachable offense, any reasonable understanding requires that the conduct be so extreme as to be the functional equivalent of a high crime or misdemeanor. The non-criminal offenses charged boil down to a political battle between the executive branch and the legislature as to the proper balance of powers. Such separation of powers contests properly are left to the courts to sort out. Impeachment on such matters merely becomes a tool for the legislature to assert its primacy in the political power game; but the players in a game should not also be the referees, which is what is happening in this impeachment proceeding.

    There you go. Do the right thing, even if it is not politically easy. Just say no to this flawed impeachment.

    They were the words of a Law Professor who has studied this matter, and who is unbiased, and who has represented clients before juries. I do not know if this is true it came to my notice that Illinois Attorney-General Lisa Madigan has never represented a client before a jury.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If you have been paying attention or you could check for yourself, the word rod was used in my comment before the current Governor Rod Blagojevich matter.

    “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4)

    “A whip is for the horse, a bridle is for the donkey, and a rod is for the backs of fools” (Proverbs 26:3).

    There are those who think that it is a conincidence, but if they do not have sufficient wisdom that is their problem.

    Ralph Nader said that the choice for Obama was if he was going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Tom for the corporations. Perhaps Ralph Nader should have asked if Obama is going to be Uncle Sam for the people, or Uncle Adolf for the Constitution.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor. Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models of what America will need in increasing numbers because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind. Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    What can be known to be true is that God always speaks the truth, and what He wants us to know He had recorded for us in the Bible.

    What we can be certain of is that God exists and that the Bible is true. Jesus said that he would come at a time when there are many liars and hypocrites in America and the rest of the world.

    It is possible that the politicians of Illinois were trying to help you to understand the truth because many of them are decent people to some extent, even though they are Secret Devil worshippers.

    It could be that Satan made them vote unanimously against the former Governor because they would have been tortured in the invisible realm otherwise.

    God has allowed the demons to attack me on a few occasions, and I believe that this was so I could tell others my story. I do understand what those politicians who do not have God’s protection, or who have been seduced to serve Satan like Bush, Clinton, Solana, and Tadic can expect if they refuse to be puppets.

    The demons are vicious, and it was like torture when the demons attacked me because it was torture.

    “They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won't torture me! ”For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area”. (Mark 5:1-10)

    It was interesting to see the unanimous Illinois Inquisition vote is, but they will never put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    Regardless of the vote at the Illinois Inquisition, the fact of the matter is that God exists and that the Bible is true.

    I will start writing comments at the next section below this one, and I want to start a new theme. I will start with a comment that I have already written and you can read it again if you want.

    The wise thing to do to waste no time getting to know the Bible properly, because your life depends on it.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible, study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

    “For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marvelled at among all who have believed—for our testimony to you was believed. To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfil every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-12)

  66. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:20 AM |  

    This comment uses some poetic licence to compensate for the fact that the American Dictators constantly lie.

    A little poetic licence often brings us closer to reality, and I have used this with the Democrats Senators’ letter to the then Governor of Illinois.

    Puppet Nigger Blagojevich,

    Even though we, the Democrats Senators have no legal authority, we dictatorially demand that you step down as Governor of Illinois, and under no circumstance appoint a Negro male to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat.

    In light of your carefully planned arrest yesterday, masterminded by the Clintons on alleged federal corruption charges related to that Senate seat, any appointment by you would raise serious questions as to our own involvement and corruption, and especially how Barack Obama bungled the sale of his own Senate seat.

    The Illinois legislature can remove your power to make this appointment by providing for a special election, but we are concerned that a Republican will win Obama’s vacant Senate seat.

    However, a decision by you to resign or to step aside under Article V of the Illinois Constitution would be the most expeditious way for a female Senator to be chosen and seated in a manner that would please Bill Clinton and others.

    Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, us perverts, lesbian Senators, and bi-sexual female Senators consider it imperative that a female be seated as soon as possible, because we want to have equal opportunities with other polygamists.

    Should you decide to follow Illinois Law, and appoint a loyal Illinoisan, then we would be forced to exercise our Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 5, to determine whether a Negro male should be a United States Senator.

    We have already prejudged the outcome of the criminal charges against you, because, we in fact we set you up.

    However, for the convenience of us Dictatorial Plantation owners, we strictly order you to refrain from appointing a male Negro, because he is a male, is a real black, and is not an Uncle Tom.

    Dictatorially yours,

    All Democrat Racist United States Plantation Senators.

    The U.S. Constitution also guarantees Illinois, honest, decent, and hardworking taxpayers the right to representation by two U.S. Senators in the U.S. Senate.

    Given these facts, the Senate's refusal to allow Roland Burris to be sworn in and to assume his rightful position as member of the United States Senate violates the United States Constitution.

    An interesting question is whether Hitlery Rotten Clinton's appointment violates the Constitution, namely Article I, Section 6.

    That provision reads: No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he (or she) was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments (salary) whereof shall have been increased during such time: and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office.

    Hilary Clinton was re-elected to the Senate in 2006, and during her last term, the salary for Cabinet officers was increased from $186,600 to $191,300 per year.

    It is not surprising to see how these dictatorial hypocrites want others to always obey the law, but for them, it is always optional.

    It will take courage, compassion, and wisdom by the non-elected spokespeople to speak up for the weak, the uneducated, the vulnerable, and the poor.

    Ralph Nader and others are perfect examples and role models that America will need in increasing numbers, because Nazism is on the increase in America.

    We, the people of Democracyland, whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law, are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind.

    Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

  67. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    The Spanish Presidency should work hard to ensure that the Dutch give away their racist attitudes.

    This will be extremely difficult if not impossible, because the Dutch will tell the Spaniards that the Dutch are real Whites.

    The Dutch will say that they are of the Nordic Master Race, and that the Dutch are of the Germanic Master Race.

    The White Supremacist Dutch privately refer to the Serbs, the Spaniards, and other Europeans as blacks and untermenschen.

    The real problem with the Dutch is that they just cannot shake off their Colonial attitudes of being of the White Master Race.

    We know that it was the Dutch that created the Apartheid regime in South Africa, and the only place left for them to have an Apartheid regime is in the Balkans.

    The Dutch are influencing other European countries by offering a visa regime that does not include all races in Serbia.

    There is a group of Serbian citizens who want the EU to refer to them as the Kosovar race.

    Here is definite proof at last that certain elements within the EU pursue racially discriminatory policies.

    Policies that are based on race are Unconstitutional for the Serbian Parliament, but we know that the current Serbian Government is just a puppet to the Nazis of Europe.

    This is why the Dutch oppose the SAA Agreement with Serbia, and any fancy excuses given by the Apartheid Dutch should be ignored by the knowledgeable.

    It would not surprise me if the Dutch ask the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm so that they can then have a cover for their mean spiritedness and their hypocrisy.

  68. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    The Spanish Presidency should work hard to ensure that the Dutch give away their racist attitudes.

    This will be extremely difficult if not impossible, because the Dutch will tell the Spaniards that the Dutch are real Whites.

    The Dutch will say that they are of the Nordic Master Race, and that the Dutch are of the Germanic Master Race.

    The White Supremacist Dutch privately refer to the Serbs, the Spaniards, and other Europeans as blacks and untermenschen.

    The real problem with the Dutch is that they just cannot shake off their Colonial attitudes of being of the White Master Race.

    We know that it was the Dutch that created the Apartheid regime in South Africa, and the only place left for them to have an Apartheid regime is in the Balkans.

    The Dutch are influencing other European countries by offering a visa regime that does not include all races in Serbia.

    There is a group of Serbian citizens who want the EU to refer to them as the Kosovar race.

    Here is definite proof at last that certain elements within the EU pursue racially discriminatory policies.

    Policies that are based on race are Unconstitutional for the Serbian Parliament, but we know that the current Serbian Government is just a puppet to the Nazis of Europe.

    This is why the Dutch oppose the SAA Agreement with Serbia, and any fancy excuses given by the Apartheid Dutch should be ignored by the knowledgeable.

    It would not surprise me if the Dutch ask the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm so that they can then have a cover for their mean spiritedness and their hypocrisy.

  69. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:21 AM |  

    The British Politicians are cunning, and that they have ulterior motives while pretending to be pure.

    On the 17th of December 2009, the British Prime Minister said that he was pushing for gay rights in the EU.

    The next day, the Portuguese Government says that they will push for gay marriage, and this means that the Britain and America knows what is going on in every EU country.

    Britain and America are dictating policies to the EU, and Britain pretends to be the puppet of the rest of the EU, while in fact controlling the EU.

    Britain is using this ploy for many reasons, and people believe one reason among a group British Politicians is that they see it as a way to gain access to adopted children for child sex.

    They would do this by having paedophiles pretend to be gay that would adopt children.

    These paedophiles can get jobs and promotions and become the friends of British Politicians by leaving the adopted children to spend the night at certain British Politicians houses.

    This type of favour gaining arrangement could be happening with a group of British Politicians.

    Anglo-America wants to break up the EU, because they see it as competition to their hegemony, and they think that this will help.

    Perhaps Britain wants to leave Afghanistan, but does not want to say it to America, and so they may want to give non-paedophile countries reasons why Anglo-America should not be in their country.

    We have read how an activist was murdered in Honduras because he was demonstrating against the miliary coup.

    We know that the former Polish President; and the others who perished in the recent plane crash were against a paedophile EU, and many people suspect the Looney Left of Britain and America.

    The British Government is of the ‘Left’, and by supporting homosexual causes, they help the right wing in Latin America and elsewhere, because there is no ‘left’ or ‘right’ with Anglo-America, but only what helps Anglo-America.

    I want to say that beating or murdering homosexuals is wrong, but not all people think like that.

    I want to say that homosexuals and paedophile do believe in beating and murdering people, but they cannot do that until they become a majority.

    I think it is unjust for the invisible demons to overpower someone and make them homosexual, and then to have the ignorant beat or murder the homosexual.

    I know that once the invisible demons make a person homosexual, they can then make them paedophiles.

    The invisible demons do make some heterosexuals into paedophiles by overpowering those who do not ask God to keep them invisible demons away from them.

    The British Politicians are only doing what the invisible demons want them to do, and the invisible demons are behind most cases homosexuality, and of paedophilia.

    We already know that even though the British have the most democratic system, it is worthless because they all the British Politicians serve the invisible demons.

    There probably are other reasons why Britain is pushing for homosexual causes, and others have probably thought of it.

    The invisible demons may even use their human servants to try to set me up by having child pornography ‘found’ on me, or my body made to look like it belongs to me.

    We know the Nazis know how to slander and scheme, but the Bible remains true, and our fate will individually depend on how we respond to God’s Word of Truth.

    “But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, "'As I live,' says the Lord, 'to me every knee will bow. Every tongue will confess to God.' So then each one of us will give account of himself to God” (Romans 14:10-12).

  70. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:21 AM |  

    The Lunatic Left realizes that if they cannot win the argument by fair tactics, they will bring America’s army back to deal with everyone who is against paedophilia.

    The American Left Politicians want Homosexual marriage so that even people who pretend to be homosexual can adopt children for them to molest.

    It was interesting how just after Massachusetts Senate vote against Chappaquiddick, the American Army was ordered to remove all Scriptures from their weapons.

    The Left is doing this because they do not want the American Army to think of morality when they come back to slaughter a disarmed and defenceless American population.

    The illegal aliens will support legal paedophilia as long the American Democrats make the American taxpayers pay for it.

    The American soldiers have been tempted by the homosexuals in the Military, and many have succumbed to perversions.

    We know that President Hillary Clinton invented the policy of do not ask, and do not tell, and that covers those heterosexual soldiers who have become bi-sexual, and been unfaithful to their spouses or partners.

    There are many American Generals and other citizens who think that homosexuals should not be in the American Military.

    We should all know that the Lunatic left want to break up families, and completely feralize, which means to make all Americans lowlife feral filth.

    They want to do this because this is what they are themselves, and they can only feel comfortable, and practice their paedophilia if everyone else is a lowlife feral.

    We know that whenever the Looney Left cannot win an argument using reason and logic, then they will resort to violence, because essentially they are putrid and evil.

    Blair and Clinton used violence with Kosovo, and Blair as a bad associate even corrupted the Republican Bush over Iraq.

    We all know that if the Lunatic Left in America cannot win an argument using truth, reason, and logic; then they will resort to lies, slander, and violence.

    This is because they are evil, while pretending to be honest, tolerant, fair, just, and pure.

  71. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:30 AM |  

    Ferals talk about gay rights, but people do Not have rights unless others exercise their human responsibilities and obligations to others in the first place.

    Once the morally bankrupt Ferals say that my opinions on homosexuality and paedophilia are hate speech, then they have taken away my right to be human.

    They do Not care about that, because they gave up on being human a long time ago, and now they want everyone else to be the same lowlife filth that they are.

    The Ferals do Not care in the slightest about human rights, because they only promote human wrongs.

    The Ferals are selfish and only care about themselves, and how they can continue in their perversions.

    The Ferals are very cunning with the use of their ‘arguments’, because they are instructed by the invisible demons on what to say to create more Ferals.

  72. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:26 AM |  

    There is a video on a program from the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer where Wolf Blitzer interviews the former President of America, Bill Clinton.

    The video is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU4H-V8EbU4, unless the CIA changes it to make me look like a Secret Devil Worshipping deviant.

    It should be able to be found by typing Bill Clinton Warns Tea Party Dangerous into the video search engine.

    Bill Clinton was trying his best Not to laugh when he was describing the Waco murders of American children, but he did smirk while he was talking on that matter.

    This is proof of his insolence, scorn, offensive smugness, and pride that he has for murdering innocent American children, where he said that it was public officials and their families that were the MAIN victims there.

    As Bill and Hillary Clinton were the MAIN public officials at the time, they would like to have sympathy for murdering innocent American children.

    We know that the Presidents Clintons were more than happy to murder 500,000 innocent Iraqi children; and so a ‘few’ innocent American children was no problem for these vampires.

    Bill Clinton could Not look the interviewer in the eye except at the end of the interview where he spoke the truth about technical things.

    We need to know that certain journalist media in America can be tempted to paedophilia and Devil Worship, and certain journalists are Secret Devil Worshippers.

    America may bring just the homosexual and bisexual soldier back to America, and have the heterosexual American soldiers die off in foreign useless wars.

    There are many Americans who think that the soldiers who come back to America should be selected at random by a machine.

    This is because all types of reasons can be made for selecting the homosexual and bisexual soldiers to come back to America to set up a Paedophile Dictatorship in America.

    Even a machine can be rigged, and that is why Americans should know to ensure the proper mix of ‘safe’ American soldiers to ‘protect’ other American citizens who have human ‘rights’.

    I think people should view the video, and see how the Anal Left in America are scheming against the American people.

    The thing to know about the murdering Dark Left is; that once they cannot murder foreigners, they will gladly murder their own citizens.
    The Left will set up America just the same way they set Iraq up, because in both these cases there is a hidden agenda by the Radical Left Regime that should properly be called, the Dark Left.

  73. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:56 AM |  

    The Dark Left is extremely cunning in what appears to be the use of a professional liar, who then retracts his statements to make Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton appear innocent.

    I am referring to Dick Morris and Wikipedia says: “Dick Morris is an American political author and commentator who previously worked as a pollster, political campaign consultant, and general political consultant. A long-time friend and advisor to Bill Clinton during his time as Governor of Arkansas, Morris became a political adviser to the White House after Clinton was elected president in 1992.

    Dick Morris says at his website that it was Slick Willie himself who gave the OK for Janet Reno to invade the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX. Seems President Clinton better do some self-examination regarding cause and effect of violence in the United States. Last I looked; no Tea Party group has been accused of invading and killing woman and children.

    A few days later, Dick Morris says that his comment was taken out of context, and that the presidents Bill and Hillary Clinton are as pure.

    There are many who have called him Dick the dick Morris, because of his playing the boy who cried wolf role to make the guilty look innocent.

    Americans were later saying that that compulsive liar and slanderer, Dick the dick Morris tried to slander the ever so innocent Clintons who knew nothing of the Waco matter.

    If you can honestly believe that the Bill and Hillary Clinton knew nothing about Waco, then you must believe that they were Not doing their jobs as Presidents of America.

  74. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:59 AM |  

    There have been allegations of racism by those who feel uncomfortable with American citizens exercising their Democratic Rights at Tea Parties in America.

    They say that black people do Not exercise their Democratic Rights, and this is proof of racism.

    Firstly, I have seen black people at Tea Parties, and the fact that there are Not more black people in attendance could be because of racial affiliation.

    This is where black people are racist because they do Not want to criticize a black President, because he is black.

    If the Democrats had a White President, I am convinced that there would be many more black people at the Tea Parties, and that just shows that all races are racist to varying degrees.

    President Hillary Clinton is on the record as saying: “I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration. We are Americans, We have the right to participate and debate any administration.”

    People should be allowed to have private health insurance, because National Health Care could be a way to murder the non-Ferals and increase the percentage of Ferals in America.

  75. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    There is much speculation that the reason America wants to print new 100 Dollar notes is that they can print money to give to the poor.

    The American Government wants to keep the economy ‘going’ until the next election, and to get other countries pay for America’s wars with worthless American monopoly money.

    They say that it is to prevent counterfeiting, but now they are free to counterfeit the smaller money notes to increase the money supply in secret.

    America wants to be able to buy other people’s goods with worthless money, before people realize it, and inflation sets in America.

    Other countries should pursue only proper money economic and financial schemes, and Not be motivated by temporary Political motives.

  76. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    We all know that there can never be peace between Ferals and Non-Ferals, and that Ferals want to murder all the non-Ferals.

    There are many American citizens who want the ‘tolerant’ American Politicians to say that they are perfectly fine with people saying that homosexuality is filth caused by invisible demons.

    They further want a sufficiently long national public address to the nation that the ‘tolerant’ American Politicians say that they are perfectly fine with people saying that homosexuality is filth caused by invisible demons, as long as it is done in a loving manner.

    This will increase tolerance of normal people’s opinions, and it is the responsibility of anyone who is President, or even pretends to be President to say these things to educate the American people on the subject of tolerance.

    This is why President Hillary Clinton, and Resident Barack Obama should talk of normal people’s ‘rights’, and especially, ever so especially of ‘tolerance’, and the ‘right to have freedom of thought, and that the President is for President for all Americans, and all that other worthless Yankee lies’.

    This will Not happen, because the Feral Dark Left do Not believe in rights for others.

    They only believe in using slick language and lies until they make all of America Ferals one way or another; either by conversion, or by murdering their opponents.

    We all know that there can never be peace between Ferals and Non-Ferals, and that Ferals want to murder all the non-Ferals.

    We have studied in Chapter 11 of the Bible Book of Daniel how the King of the South pushes the King of the North into retaliating against the King of the South.

    The King of the South is America, and the American Government will use the tactics on non-Ferals that they used on the King of the North to cause a retaliation to ‘justify’ the Ferals attack on the non-Ferals.

    The other option is that there will be a surprise attack on all non-Ferals in a satanic attempt to murder all non-Ferals.

    “Bloodthirsty men hate a man of integrity and seek to kill the upright” (Proverbs 29:10).

    “An evil man is disgusting to the upright, and he who is upright is disgusting to evil-doers” (Proverbs 29:27).

    There is an old saying that says that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

    The invisible demons have come to the American soldiers at bedtime, and tempted them to homosexuality, bisexuality, and paedophilia with great success.

    It was extremely cunning of Hillary Clinton to have a Do Not Ask, and do Not Tell policy; because this way the homosexuals and other deviants have infiltrated and corrupted the American Milliary.

    The homosexual, bisexual, and paedophile American Military has become Hillary Clinton’s Army, and she has become the Dictator of America.

    Bill Clinton is just like Wicked King Ahab, and President Hillary Clinton is just like Evil Queen Jezebel who tried to kill all the non-Ferals.

    America has become already become a military dictatorship, with Hillary Clinton as its real President.

    It should Not comes as a surprise that America is a Military Dictatorship, considering that the President of America is the Commander in Chief of America’s military.

    The same tactics that the Albanians used against the non-Albanians is what the Ferals will use against the non-Ferals in America, Canada, and other satanic countries.

  77. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:16 AM |  

    If we look at what Yugoslavia was before it became Democratic, and we compare the region of the former Yugoslavia it to what is today, we will see why democracy is Not that good.

    Yugoslavia was prosperous and multicultural under Tito, and it was only after democracy came to Yugoslavia that wars, poverty, racism, and legitimate accusations of genocide are the daily reality there.

    The invisible Satan will order the leaders of Serbia and Croatia to drop their genocide cases against each other, but especially will the puppet regime of Tadic obey the invisible Satan more than Croatia.

    I think that if a naive Chinese activist could just know how America has destroyed and impoverish countries with democracy, then they would write a book against democracy.

    I think that countries should have Television programmes to show what happened to, and continues to happen to the region of the Yugoslavia under democracy.

    Slovenia, Croatia, FYROM, and Montenegro are Nazi countries, they are bankrupt, and the situation the Albanians have brought Not only the Balkans but the entire world with even the United Nations Charter at risk of being declared illegal by corrupt and bribed Judges.

    The EU should really disband, because these Nazis never act as a Union, but go their own way to their own detriment, and are a disgrace to the human race.

  78. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I want give you my belief of how and why the term HUMAN RIGHTS originated, and what it cunningly disguises.

    Firstly, I will say that the term Human Rights is a disguise of the term Demonic Wrongs.

    We know that the Secret Devil worshippers could Not use the term Demonic Wrongs to promote their evil.

    These Secret Devil worshippers do Not want people to know and understand that invisible demons exist who only want to do what is wrong.

    That is why they had to change the word demon to human, and they had to change the word wrongs to rights.

    “Cursed are those who give the name of good to evil, and of evil to what is good: who make light dark, and dark light: who make bitter sweet, and sweet bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

    It is the invisible demons who are behind the evil, cunning, and misleading speech of the Dark Left.

    After reading the Bible, I cannot find any human right that people have except the right to worship and serve their Creator.

    That human right involves exercise a person’s human responsibilities and obligations firstly to God, and then to all other fellow humans.

    The Dark Left and their feral followers talk about gay rights, but people do Not have rights but only human responsibilities and obligations to others.

    Once the morally bankrupt Ferals say that my opinions on homosexuality and paedophilia are hate speech, then they have taken away my right to be human.

    This is because encouraging people Not to sin is Not a hate crime. but an act of love.

    They do Not care about that, because they gave up on being human a long time ago, and now they want everyone else to be the same lowlife filth that they are.

    The Ferals do Not care in the slightest about human rights, because they only promote demon wrongs, and present them as human rights.

    The Ferals are selfish and only care about themselves, and how they can continue in their selfish perversions.

    “A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths” (2 Timothy 4:3, 4).

    The Ferals are very cunning with the use of their ‘arguments’, because they are instructed by the invisible demons on what to say to create more Ferals.

  79. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    I think we can all see that the terrible murders of innocent American children at Waco was rather amusing to former President Bill Clinton.

    The video where Wolf Blitzer interviews the former President of America, Bill Clinton is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU4H-V8EbU4, unless the CIA changes it to make me look like a Secret Devil Worshipping deviant.

    It should be able to be found by typing Bill Clinton Warns Tea Party Dangerous into the video search engine.

    I think that if Bill Clinton knew that no one was watching he would have laughed hysterically.

    It would not surprise me if President Hillary Hilarious Clinton feels the same way as Bill Clinton that the murders of innocent American children is a laughing matter.

    We noticed the tell tale sign of lying by former President Bill Clinton by the fact that he could Not look into the eyes of the interviewer, except at the end where he discussed truthful technical matters concerning the incident.

    Bill Clinton spoke of preparing for it and guarding against situations like Waco, and that they are now better prepared for it.

    What that means is that President Hilarious Clinton is preparing a set up for the non-Ferals, and that they have done their homework and are prepared for it.

    Bill Clinton failed to mention left wing extremists, but felt free to mention right wing extremists.

    It was very convenient for a known liar and slanderer like Dick Morris to say the truth that Bill Clinton personally ordered the Waco murders, and then deny it in next few days.

    I have read on American blogs how those who the Clintons do Not like, they seem to end up dead in suspicious circumstances with no suspects, unless they are framed up by the Clintons.

    I now realize why a person was willing to stay in jail rather than testify against the Clintons in the Whitewater criminal affair.

    I guess I cannot blame Dick Morris for changing his story like the Clintons wanted him to say it a few days after he told the truth that Bill Clinton personally order the Waco murders.

    It is said that the Oklahoma City bombing by an American Army veteran Timothy McVeigh was in revenge for the Waco siege by the Clintons.

    A thought just came to my mind, and I beginning to think that the American Elites need and want a strong dictatorship in America.

    This dictatorship must have started with President Bush the Senior while he was in his guise as Vice President to Ronald Reagan, and it continues to this day President Hillary Clinton in her guise as Secretary of State of America.

    I am starting to think that the American Elites and even the American public need and want a dictator to protect the American people from themselves.

    So as Not to create controversy the Bush-Clinton Dictatorship had to prevent it from becoming too obvious, and that is where they employed Ronald Reagan in the past, and Barack Obama today to give America the appearance of a Constitutional Democracy.

    We all know that there can never be peace between Ferals and Non-Ferals, and that Ferals want to murder all the non-Ferals.

    We have studied in Chapter 11 of the Bible Book of Daniel how the King of the South pushes the King of the North into retaliating against the King of the South.

    America is the Evil King of the South, and as far as the American Government is concerned the American people are the King of the North.

    After the American Military can no longer murder foreigners, the American Government, and the American soldiers, especially the deviants will continue to crave to murder people, and so the American public is conveniently there for that purpose.

    We know that before America attacks a country, they put economic sanctions on that country, and the American Government has put economic sanctions on America by means of deliberately faulty economic and financial policies by the Clinton Administration.

  80. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    I want to talk about the artificially created word that was invented by homosexuals.

    That word is homophobe, and there is even a spell-check on this Word Processor, but there is no spell-check for the word heterophobe.

    I do Not accept the label homophobe because it the equivalent of some calling you a theifophobe, or drugophobe if you do Not agree with stealing or taking drugs.

    I wonder how many of those who think that I am a disgusting homophobe would consider themselves to be disgusting tobaccophobes if they do Not smoke cigarettes.

    I wonder how many people could speak to an Amery veteran who protected there freedoms, and consider them to be disgusting because they have been labelled as a homophobe.

    In other words, even though you do Not know how much a person has contributed to society, and worked hard and paid their taxes so that you could have an education, as far as some people are concerned that makes no difference, because that person has been labelled a homophobe.

    It is cunning how the deviant use the Greek word philia that means love to those paedophiles who hate.

    Americans are the best for inventing phoney language, because they get this help from the invisible demons.

    It is the invisible demons who have this agenda, and so, they tell the Dark Left how to invent phoney language to mislead people.

    It is amazing how the words heteroplile and heterophobe comes up as a spelling error on the Word processor, but I think that they should be used commonly.

    In other words the deviants have called paedophiles child lovers, rather than child haters.

    I think that the normal people should invent language to counteract Satan’s phoney language.

    We know that Human Rights are the words that the invisible demons to try to ‘justify’ Demonic Wrongs.

    There are many American citizens who want the ‘tolerant’ American Politicians to say that they are perfectly fine with people saying that homosexuality, paedophilia, and bestiality are detestable to God, and that it is caused by invisible demons.

    “And if a man has sex relations with a man, the two of them have done a disgusting thing: let them be put to death; their blood will be on them. And if a man has sex relations with a beast, let him be put to death, and let the beast be put to destruction. And if a woman goes near a beast and has sex relations with it, you will put an end to the woman and the beast: their blood will be on them” (Leviticus 20:13-15, 16).

    They further want a sufficiently long national public address to the nation that the ‘tolerant’ American Politicians say that they are perfectly fine with people saying that homosexuality, paedophilia, and bestiality are detestable to God, and that it is caused by invisible demons, as long as it is done in a gentle, respectful, and loving manner.

  81. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:32 AM |  

    I want to talk about the artificially created word that was invented by homosexuals.

    That word is homophobe, and there is even a spell-check on this Word Processor, but there is no spell-check for the word heterophobe.

    I do Not accept the label homophobe because it the equivalent of some calling you a theifophobe, or drugophobe if you do Not agree with stealing or taking drugs.

    I wonder how many of those who think that I am a disgusting homophobe would consider themselves to be disgusting tobaccophobes if they do Not smoke cigarettes.

    I wonder how many people could speak to an Amery veteran who protected there freedoms, and consider them to be disgusting because they have been labelled as a homophobe.

    In other words, even though you do Not know how much a person has contributed to society, and worked hard and paid their taxes so that you could have an education, as far as some people are concerned that makes no difference, because that person has been labelled a homophobe.

    It is cunning how the deviant use the Greek word philia that means love to those paedophiles who hate.

    Americans are the best for inventing phoney language, because they get this help from the invisible demons.

    It is the invisible demons who have this agenda, and so, they tell the Dark Left how to invent phoney language to mislead people.

    It is amazing how the words heteroplile and heterophobe comes up as a spelling error on the Word processor, but I think that they should be used commonly.

    In other words the deviants have called paedophiles child lovers, rather than child haters.

    I think that the normal people should invent language to counteract Satan’s phoney language.

    We know that Human Rights are the words that the invisible demons to try to ‘justify’ Demonic Wrongs.

    There are many American citizens who want the ‘tolerant’ American Politicians to say that they are perfectly fine with people saying that homosexuality, paedophilia, and bestiality are detestable to God, and that it is caused by invisible demons.

    “And if a man has sex relations with a man, the two of them have done a disgusting thing: let them be put to death; their blood will be on them. And if a man has sex relations with a beast, let him be put to death, and let the beast be put to destruction. And if a woman goes near a beast and has sex relations with it, you will put an end to the woman and the beast: their blood will be on them” (Leviticus 20:13-15, 16).

    They further want a sufficiently long national public address to the nation that the ‘tolerant’ American Politicians say that they are perfectly fine with people saying that homosexuality, paedophilia, and bestiality are detestable to God, and that it is caused by invisible demons, as long as it is done in a gentle, respectful, and loving manner.

  82. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    The following comment is a comment that I posted on the internet at B92, and I thought I would publish it here, but I did slightly modified it.

    I am a Serb in a rich English speaking country in the Southern Hemisphere, but I always put principle before money.

    I want to say that I do not understand what is so good about the EU, but it must have some attractions, even if it escapes both moral and financial bankruptcy.

    Perhaps people should ask a few decent EU countries to veto Serbia for the next 10 years on all Chapters, and that is to be guaranteed by Serbia’s friends.

    The way I see it, and could be wrong, because I know very little on economics, is that Serbia has to get their priorities right first.

    If the EU really wants Kosovo in the EU, then Kosovo below the Ibar River can join the EU in a Cyprus type situation.

    After listening to all that EU talk, I think that the EU morally owes some part of Serbia entry into the EU, and it can be Kosovo below the Ibar River in a Cyprus type situation.

    If I were a friendly country to Serbia, I would guarantee a 10 years veto on all Serb territories, so that they can be free to gain intelligence in the brain, and decide to be intelligent.
    All that you need for a good economy is a good patriotic Government that follows proper economic policies.

    The problem Serbia has is that they have an incompetent and corrupt puppet Government, and on top of that, the Serbian voters are gullible for voting for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP.

    My country in not in the EU, yet it has money, and yes, people can talk about how it has natural resources.

    If we remember, Japan became the second wealthiest country with no natural resources, other than its own human resources.

    There is no magic wand to create money, and it requires that you work for it.

    All that you need for a good economy is a good patriotic Government that follows proper economic policies.

    The problem with many Governments is that they are corrupt and give money to their friends and relatives.

    I think people are delusional if they think that anyone, even that ‘masterpiece’ of ‘human ingenuity’, like the EU wants to give away money without getting a profit from it.

    Spare me this non-sense on how the rich EU countries need the stability and trade, because they do not need anything that they do not already have, except proper principles, but they do not want those either.

    If your foundation is rotten, then the building will collapse, and I am not a fan of the EU for the Serbian people.

    I want to say that I am not against the EU for those countries that want to be Members of the European Union.

  83. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    After the ICJ says that the United Nations Charter is illegal, then the last chance to protect the United Nations Charter is to have a Global Online Lottery on Kosovo.

    The ICJ case on Kosovo is in reality a case to decide if globally, different races have the legal right to live together in peace.

    The Albanians have never wanted to live with other races, and now this issue has come to the highest Court in the World.

    The ICJ is also an easy Court to corrupt, intimidated, bribe, and politically manipulate.

    That is the issue regardless of all the lies that will be associated with the ICJ case on Kosovo.

    Britain and America have never liked different races living in peace, because they make money on the divide and rule principle.

    Britain and America have planned that the Albanians get Bulgaria, that Turkey gets a bankrupt Greece, and that the rest of the Balkans will be a launching pad for an Islamic takeover of Europe.

    Serbia is doing the right thing by itself, and the rest of the world, including the Disunited Sates of America by refusing to accept that the United Nations Charter is illegal.

    This is regardless of what a corrupted and bribed ICJ under American pressure will say.

    The law-abiding non-Nazi nations of this world are doing the right thing by struggling for the right for different races to live together in peace, even in the Disunited States of America.

    I think that a Global Online Lottery on Kosovo should have already been in existence while the corrupt and bribed ICJ Judges were considering the legality of the United Nations Charter

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Criminality, and say that they are Serbian citizens.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia with no interference by America.

  84. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:45 AM |  

    We all know that there are more than enough of the leading EU countries that will Not allow Serbia to join the EU, until after Kosovo becomes independent.

    What we need to understand is that America is the leading EU country, even though it is Not an EU country on paper.

    We know that Britain and America will break up the EU after they get what they want, and that is an independent Kosovo.

    Britain, America, Germany, France, Holland, and Italy want Kosovo to put America’s black prisoners, and other unwanted people in Kosovo.

    The Albanians should be grateful that the Ahtisaari Plan did Not pass in the United Nations Security Council.

    The Ahtisaari Plan would have given the Title Deed to NATO, and that is Britain, America, and to a lesser extent France and Germany.

    This will save America a lot of money each year, because America has 2 million prisoners that cost America 50, 000 Dollars a year to keep in prison.

    That equates to 100 Billion Dollars a year, and that does Not include the cost of the police, the courts, social workers, and the insurance Americans have to pay because of the Feral criminals.

    These American undesirables, and the undesirables of other countries will push the Albanians back to Albania.

    The Albanian leaders are comfortable with this deal, because America and the Nazis of Europe will give the Albanian leaders money, and they will give Bulgaria to the Albanians.

    Britain and America will give the Albanians the country of Bulgaria as compensation to keep the Albanians as allies.

    There are two reasons why the decent EU countries do Not say to the EU that they will veto any country that wants to join the EU if they do Not revoke their support for Albanian Criminality.

    These countries should veto everything the EU wants to do until the EU is broken up, because the EU is Not worth a pinch of excrement.

    These countries know that they will have to default on all their debts after the EU is dissolved, and then Europe can be on the road to prosperity once they are debt-free.

    They can then create a new EU, but Britain, America, France, Holland, and Germany must never be allowed to join the new EU.

    The decent EU countries have Not told Croatia, FYROM, Montenegro, Turkey, and Albania that they will be vetoed on all chapters until they revoke their support for Albanian criminality.

    The only logical reasons why they have Not done this is because of Nazi threats and blackmail, or because of what the Serbian Puppets, traitors, and Janissaries have said to there few decent EU countries.

    The most likely reason is Tadic and company have told these countries that Serbia will recognize Kosovo, but that they just need time to deceive the gullible Serb voters.

    It is a combination of both these logical reasons, but the greater is the double-dealing treachery of Tadic and company.

    Britain and America will reward handsomely any and all EU countries that help break up the EU, but only after NATO owns Kosovo.

    Russia is doing the right thing by insisting that Camp Bondsteel be destroyed if it does Not remain on Serbian Territory.

  85. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:16 AM |  

    The first thing I need to say is that it is only some aspects of some of my opinions that are worth considering.

    Even then, a Committee of experts in that field should be set up to improve on many of any good suggestion I propose.

    I want to firstly state that I do Not need to be lectured on the fact that all of Kosovo is Serbia.

    I use the terms North Kosovo for that area above the Ibar River and surrounding regions, and I use the term South Kosovo for Kosovo below the Ibar River and surrounding areas.

    We all know that the Nazis of Europe deceive Serbia when they negotiated the SAA Agreement by Not including North Kosovo with the rest of Serbia.

    This would have prevented the Nazi EU countries of recognizing Kosovo’s Declaration of Criminally, because they could only recognize South Kosovo.

    At the same time, if the visa free and trade free area included North Kosovo, then this would be a subtle way for the all those EU countries to revoke their support for Albanian Criminality.

    As we all know, if Serbia joins the EU, it will be the next and most successful phase of the genocide against the Serbian people.

    This is what Tadic and Company want; and, these traitors have been working on that for a long time, by double-dealing the Serbian people.

    The Nazis of Europe have been softening up Serbia up till now, and they will afterwards destroy Serbia with massive debts, paying Serbia’s professionals to leave Serbia, and with Islamic immigration.

    I think that Serbia should re-negotiate the SAA Agreement, but this time they should negotiate a better SAA Agreement.

    If the EU really wants South Kosovo in the EU, then Serbia should allow South Kosovo to join the EU in a Cyprus type situation.

    If South Kosovo cannot join the EU in a Cyprus type situation, then the Serbian people can be certain that Serbia cannot join the EU unless it recognizes South Kosovo.

  86. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:56 AM |  

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Criminality, and say that they are Serbian citizens.

    There could be a subtle way to have Serbia and Kosovo attend the Conference, but the suggestion needs to be carefully considered by a Committee of Legal Experts.

    It involves Serbia passing a law to establish a North Kosovo and a South Kosovo, but that they are defined ambiguously, but legally as the following.

    The ambiguous but legal term North Kosovo represents that region above the Ibar River and some surrounding regions, and the ambiguous but legal term South Kosovo represents that area Kosovo below the Ibar River and surrounding areas.

    The use of the term regions and areas is to give Serbia greater legal protection in a corrupt deal that the America and the Nazis of Europe will Not respect.

    I use the term regions to imply that it is a greater term to describe territory than areas, even though both terms are undefined and ambiguous.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia with no interference by America.

    I think that Serbia should share the compensation money, from the Nazis of Europe with 25% with Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Criminality.

    If the Albanians will Not revoke their Declaration of Criminality, then I think that Serbia should share 50% of the compensation money with the 5 countries in the EU that do Not support Nazi Albanian Criminality, and any other EU country that follows the legal path, and do this on a per capita basis.

    If the EU countries that support Serbia have a combined population of 100 million people, and if Serbia receives 100 Billion Euros in compensation, then that is 50 Billions Euros to share with 100 million people.

    That is 500 Euros for every man, woman, and child in those countries that support the legal non-Nazi path.

    Another option is to sell South Kosovo to America for no less than 50 Billion Euros, but only as a last resort.

    This deal would include that Camp Bonsteel remain in North Kosovo, and that South Kosovo could never join any other country.

    I think that Serbia should forget about joining the EU, and gear its economy with the East, and with some of the EU.

    South Kosovo would have to be militarily neutral by means of a United Nations Security Council Resolution.

    Russia is to be given 100 square kilometres in Serbia as a new country, or even new countries in the Balkans to help facilitate the Free Trade Agreement Serbia has with Russia.

  87. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    I realized that I should have said that the ambiguous but legal terms of North Kosovo and South Kosovo are as yet ambiguous; they are two definite separate regions, both comprising minimum percentages of the total area of all of Kosovo.

    I should have mentioned minimum percentages, where the minimum percentage by total area North Kosovo is 25% of all of Kosovo, and the minimum percentage of Southern Kosovo by total area is 50% of all of Kosovo.

    Tadic and company keep saying that they believe in Europe and Kosovo, and even an idiot believes that Europe and Kosovo exist.

    What that Puppet, Traitor, and Janissary really is saying that he believes that Serbia can join the EU for the price of Kosovo.

    If Tadic really believes his own lies, then he should be campaigning for Southern Kosovo to join the EU in a Cyprus type situation, or he should forget that he is a Politician even for one minute, and stop lying to the Serbian people.

    If Tadic and company cannot get the EU to accept Southern Kosovo in a Cyprus type situation, then that means that Serbia will have to give up Southern Serbia to join the EU.

    If the DS, The G-17 Plus, and the LDP get a majority in the next election, they under Nazi EU orders will change Vojvodina’s Status to that of an independent country, and let Vojvodina join the EU in a Cyprus type situation.

  88. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:20 AM |  

    I thought that it would be better that I should clarify, that if the Albanians attend the Conference as South Kosovo or Southern Kosovo, then it legally means that it is exactly the same as attending the Balkans Conference as UNMIK-Kosovo.

    If these things are Not accepted publicly by all the participants at the Balkans Conference, then Serbia should Not attend that Balkans Conference, because it is another set up by the Nazis of Europe.

  89. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:20 AM |  

    If the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP gain a majority in the Serbian Parliament at the next election, then there are certain things we can be certain of.

    Vojvodina and Kosovo will gain independence, Serbia will join NATO, and Serbia will be broken up into small pieces called decentralization and regionalization, and Serbia will disappear.

    I hope that the Serbian people, but more importantly the Serbian public are Not too gullible so as Not to capable understand these simple elementary things.

    Tadic and company will put on the appearance that they are patriots, but surely the Serbian people know what the puppets want to do if they had a majority in the Serbian Parliament.

    The Puppets will always lie because they want to implement their treason secretly, while pretending to be patriots.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Janissaries at the next election.

  90. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:21 AM |  

    The following Scriptures are how the invisible demons overwhelmed the pilots at Smolensk recently, and it is why Radovan Karadzic was ‘captured’ some time ago.

    If the Secret Devil worshipping Serbian Politicians make up some story of death threats, then they can always cover up their lies by getting the invisible demons to torture those who do Not serve God to admit to something that they did Not do.

    A person who is already a Secret Devil Worshipper may volunteer to serve Satan’s cause to cover up for the lies of Serbian Politicians by confessing to things they have Not done, and the police and others will go along with Satan’s scheme.

    1) They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes.2) When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an (invisible) evil spirit came from the tombs to meet him. 3) This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him any more, not even with a chain. 4) For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5) Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. 6) When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him.

    7) He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!” 8) For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you evil spirit!” 9) Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many (invisible demons).” 10) And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area. 11) A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12) The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.”

    13) He gave them permission, and the evil spirits (invisible demons) came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. 14) Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15) When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 16) Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. 17) Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region. 18) As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19) Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20) So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed (Mark 5:1-20).

  91. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    We all know that Europe can be spoken of as Western Europe or Eastern Europe, and even Northern Europe and Southern Europe, but these areas are in Europe, and they are Europe.

    The same can be said for Kosovo, as it can be spoken of as Northern Kosovo, and Southern Kosovo, but these areas are in Kosovo, and they are Kosovo which is an integral part of Serbia.

  92. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I hope that the Republic of Srpska has had Committees looking at my suggestions and the suggestions of others.

    I think that the Republic of Srpska should hold an International Conference on recent Balkan events as I described.

    I cannot say if it would be better before, during, or immediately after the Referendum Vote to confirm the Republic of Srpska continuing support for the International Dayton Peace Accords that was signed with the International Community.

    I guess I should have mentioned that timing of matters is something I poorly understand when it comes to these things that I mentioned in regard to the Summit Conference of Expert to clear the Republic of Srpska to establish the facts.

    If the Republic of Srpska thinks that they should begin the Summit Conference of impartial Experts before the Referendum Vote, then the Republic of Srpska can delay the Referendum Day.

    If the Balkans Conference is to be of benefit, then the participants should prepare properly for the event.

  93. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    I think that the Krajina area should be added to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    As this territory is Serbian, it seems that it is more natural for it to belong to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    If the Balkans Conference is attended by some or all participants in their legal roles, then this can be included in the discussions.

  94. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    This comment is a slightly modified version of a comment that I have already written.

    After the ICJ says that the United Nations Charter is illegal, then the last chance to protect the United Nations Charter is to have a Free Global Online Lottery on Kosovo, and related Balkan and Nazi matters.

    The ICJ case on Kosovo is in reality, a case to decide if, globally, different races have the legal right to live together in peace.

    The Albanians have never wanted to live with other races, and now this issue has come to the highest Court in the World.

    This is evident by the Albanians Declaration that they do Not want to live with other races at their League of Prizren Declaration in 1878, and continues to this day.

    That is the issue regardless of all the lies that will be associated with the ICJ case on Kosovo.

    The ICJ is an easy Court to corrupt, intimidated, bribe, and politically manipulate.

    Britain and America have never liked different races living in peace, because they steal territory, make blood money, and build Empires on the divide and rule tactic.

    Serbia is doing the right thing by itself, and the rest of the world, including the America by refusing to accept that the United Nations Charter is illegal.

    This is regardless of what a corrupted and bribed ICJ under American pressure will say.

    The law-abiding non-Nazi nations of this world are doing the right thing by struggling for the right for different races to live together in peace.

    I think that a Free Global Online Lottery on Kosovo should have already been in existence while the corrupt and bribed ICJ Judges were considering the legality of the United Nations Charter.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are citizens of Serbia.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia with no interference by America.

  95. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    This comment is a comment to clarify and correct statement that I made concerning my opinions.

    It is only some aspects of some of my personal opinions that are worth considering.

    Even for those suggestions that are worth considering, a Committee of competent people, should and will be able, most of thew times, to improve on any good suggestions that I mentioned.

    If people wonder why I revise my comments, it is because, there needs to be more than one person for a committee.

    It is only with the passage of time that I can think more on what I wrote, and that is the reason for modifying my comments.

  96. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    This comment is an example of how I have modified my suggestion for a new EU.

    I think that the new EU should have France, Scotland, Wales, and all of Ireland, but England would Not be permitted to join the new EU.

    The new EU should Not have Germany, Holland, and England, but would include only European countries that are entirely in the Continent of Europe.

    That means that a country like Russia would Not qualify under those rules to join the new European Union.

    France is a country that because of bad association with Nazi Germany has fallen to Nazism, just like Austria; however, I think that these two countries can be redeemed.

    France, along with Italy, would be the leaders of the new EU that should include all of the rest of Europe that qualifies to join the new European Union.

  97. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I think that Camp Bondsteel should be part of North Kosovo rather than South Kosovo.

    This should be done even if all that Serbia owes is a strip of land a little wider than the road that connects Camp Bondsteel to land above the Ibar River.

    However, Serbia should own one kilometre of land around Camp Bondsteel, and put a fence on that one kilometre perimeter.

    If there ever was the ambiguous yet legal terms of North Kosovo and South Kosovo, these would have to be defined by negotiations.

  98. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    I have been considering an opinion that the have had for a while, but I have reconsidered it.

    It is concerning my opinion of a dictatorship of America under President George Bush Senior, and President George Bush Junior.

    I do Not believe that America was a serious dictatorship to its own citizens during the Bush Era, but America is always a dictator to other nations.

    We need to remember that George Bush Senior was elected as Vice-President, and then he was elected President.

    George Bush Senior would have advised President Ronald Reagan while he was Vice president, but President Ronald Reagan also received advice from others, and was the real President of America.

    George Bush Junior was elected, and it would be more of a case of Nepotism rather than serious dictatorship as far as the America citizens were concerned, but America is always a dictator to other nations.

    However, America has become a Dictatorship to its own citizens under the Clinton Administration, and America is always a dictatorship to other nations.

    President Hillary Clinton has already served two terms as President with Bill Clinton as the scam.

    President Hillary Clinton is now serving as President with Resident Barack Obama as the scam, and her role as Secretary of State as her guise.

    I think that America started as a Dictatorship to its own citizens by President Hillary Clinton, and they run America under bribery, intimidation, fear and violence.

    As time goes on, this Dictatorship of fear, bribery, and intimidation will even puppetize the Republicans Politicians in America.

    It could be President Hillary Clinton ordered the Waco murders, and used a pretend Right Wing person Timothy McVeigh.

    Timothy McVeigh may be a Dark Left person, and he may be rich and alive in another country as his reward for obeying President Hillary Clinton.

    If anyone knows how to fake films it is Hollywood with their Dark Left supporters in the Film industry.

    There are some interesting points on the Timothy McVeigh matter on a video entitled: Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined

    It could be that Bill Clinton is trying to create a situation that does Not exist with his talk of Right Wing extremism.

    He may be doing this to help Hillary Clinton resides in the Whites’ House, even though she is the real President of America.

    They may want to blame Resident Barack Obama, because this way President Hillary Clinton can secure the Democratic Party nomination for the 2012 Presidential Election.

    I think that the Bill Clinton is like Wick King Ahab, and Hillary Clinton is like Evil Queen Jezebel.

    There is a real difference between an unnatural and insatiable Dictatorial lust for power, and a desire to serve the public.

    “Jesus answered, It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” Matthew 4:4).

  99. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    Another indication that these are interesting times can be reasoned on the following Scriptures quoted in this comment.

    I know that this has happened even in the past, and I do not present it as an end time prophecy, but just as a point of interest.

    I have already shown you many Scriptures that make direct reference to the fact that Jesus is coming to judge all the people of the world very soon.

    The real indication that Jesus is coming back very soon to judge the people of the world is that as every day goes by, we are getting closer to that day.

    “Under three things the earth quakes, And under four, it cannot bear up: Under a slave when he becomes king, And a fool when he is satisfied with food, Under an unloved woman when she gets a husband, And a maidservant when she supplants her mistress” (Proverbs 30:21-23).

    We see that the once mighty Anglo-Saxon Empire is being ruled by Scots and Blacks as it were.

    We see that fool Bill Clinton chasing after other women when he already has a woman who loves him.

    We see the unloved woman as President Hillary Clinton who in all likelihood may be cheated on again by her husband.

    Could it be that Bill Clinton will divorce Hillary and marry his Secretary or just cheat discreetly?

    “Let your fountain be blessed, And rejoice in the wife of your youth. As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times; Be exhilarated always with her love. For why should you, my son, be exhilarated with an adulteress And embrace the bosom of a foreigner? For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD, And He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, And he will be held with the cords of his sin. He will die for lack of instruction, And in the greatness of his folly he will go astray” (Proverbs 6:18-23).

    The wise thing to do is to have your own copy of the Bible, and study it, and obey God, because Jesus is coming to judge all the people of the world very soon.

    “Jesus answered, It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” Matthew 4:4).

  100. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:01 AM |  

    It is Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge to know that God is always Good, God is always Just, God is always Correct, and God is always in the Right.

  101. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:01 AM |  

    This comment is an example of how an opinion can be made better after thinking on that matter.

    It also highlights that it is better for a Committee to examine this, and to deliberate on it before a suggestion is published for consideration.

    Regarding a new EU, my original opinion mentioned that Britain, America, France, Holland, and Germany must never be allowed to join the new EU.

    I then thought on that opinion, and changed it to: I think that the new EU should have France, Scotland, Wales, and all of Ireland, but England would Not be permitted to join the new EU.

    The new EU should Not have Germany, Holland, and England, but would include only European countries that are entirely in the Continent of Europe.

    I then thought of places like Cyprus, Iceland, and Greenland, etc, who have European Traditions, History, and Associations, and I think that countries or territories like these should be allowed to be part of the new EU.

    I do Not want Great Britain to break up, and so British areas like Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland should be allowed to join the new EU in a Cyprus type situation.

    There would be a Committee to suggest a new EU from each potential new EU country.

    There would be a variety of opinion, and probably some people would suggest that all the territories of geographical Europe be in the new EU.

    That would mean that a good percentage of Russia; and a small percentage of Turkey would be allowed to join the new EU.

    There should be at least 3 people on this Committee from each potential new EU country.

    There would probably be others who would agree with me and say that any European area can join the new EU in a Cyprus type situation.

    That European area would include countries, provinces, and disputed areas like Serbia’s territory of South Kosovo.

    The Serbian Territory of South Kosovo could join the new EU in a Cyprus type situation, after it has been legally defined by proper negotiations, and without any interference from America.

    These are the suggestions that I would submit for discussion, if I were on a Committee discussing this matter.

  102. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:30 AM |  

    I realized that I should have mentioned a few extra suggestions concerning a new European League of Nations.

    I want to say that Not all aspects of my opinions are worth considering, because firstly. I am a fallible human, and secondly they are just my opinions.

    I think that after reading this comment we will be able to discern why a Committee is vital at times.

    The first is that all the new EU Members have their Government as close as possible to the British Parliamentary System.

    The second is that elections for all new EU Parliaments be held on the same fixed day, and for every 4 years.

    The election for the new European Parliament be held every four years on a fixed date, but these elections are held two years after the countries of the new EU have their national elections.

    The new EU Constitution is to be as simple and short as possible, and the same applies for the Constitutions of the countries of the new EU.

    Every new EU Member will have the right of veto on any proposal, and only one veto is sufficient to stop any proposal.

    To begin with, only the minimum agreed recommendations by the various Committees will agreed on as far as the new EU is concerned.

    This may result in only a few countries starting the new EU, but that is how the old EU started, and then added Member States.

    I think that the new EU could and should start with Eastern European and Balkan countries, and then add Members from the current EU, except for England, Germany, and Holland.

    There should Not be a common currency, and there should Not be any loans from the IMF.

    Each country can borrow money from its own Federal Reserve Bank by printing it, and paying it back with no interest on the loan.

    The printing of the money would be done at an economically and financially responsible and sensible rate.

    The paying back of the money to the Federal Reserve Bank would be done at an economically and financially responsible and sensible rate.

    There would be other recommendations that the Committees would make, but they are my opinions for a new European League of Nations.

  103. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    It is only some aspects of some statements that that Puppets, Traitors, Janissaries, and Nazis on rare occasions actually speak the truth.

    However, even on these occasions, great care must be exercised, because although the some aspects of their statements are true, deception and treachery are never far behind.

    I am referring to the comments of Boris Janissary Tadic, and he statement that both the State and the people were responsible for the recent flooding.

    We see the cunning of these Janissaries by using the word State rather than the Government, or the Minister who is responsible for these matters.

    The DS are to blame for standing for elections in the first place, and the people are to blame for voting for the DS.

    We are now starting to see how this statement of truthful fact can be said without lying, because it is true.

    However, treachery and deception are never far behind, because there could be numerous secret reasons for this.

    The flooding could have been planned to enable DS politicians to buy damaged houses cheaply to make money.

    It could have been deliberate, because the builders will contribute to the DS for the next election.

    In the system of Ministerial Responsibility, the Minister is held personally responsible for his or her area of responsibility.

    To reduce corruption, any proper democracy has 100% public funding for elections.

  104. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    After watching the video titled: Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined, I thought that the Dark Left may be more responsible for 9/11 than allegations that the Bush Administration orchestrated it.

    The video can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO24XmP1c5E, unless of course the CIA change things to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    It is vital in this world that is saturated with lies and conspiracies; that most of us only believe approximately 50% of what we see, hear, and read in any year.

    There are some interesting points on the Timothy McVeigh matter on a video entitled: Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined.

    Timothy McVeigh may be a Dark Left person, and he may now be rich and alive in another country as his reward for obeying President Hillary Clinton.

    If anyone knows how to fake films it is Hollywood with their Dark Left supporters in the Film industry.

    We know that the actors in a Hollywood movie do Not die, but that it is only a movie.

    People do Not expect their Governments or their Mainstream Media to lie to them, but sadly they do lie, and they do that quite often.

    I am Not accusing anyone of anything, but experience shows us that those who appear the least likely suspects are on rare occasions the culprit.

    We have heard a Clintonite, Joe Klein saying that he made some notes accusing others of treason.

    The use of the guise of notes on a napkin is cunning because it deceptively suggests that days or even weeks were Not spent on this slander, and that this slander was planed by more than one person.

    I guess in today’s America under the Dark Left, it is considered by the Dictator of America to be treason to have your own opinions.

  105. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    The Westminster Parliamentary Democratic System is superior to others Democratic Systems for small countries in my opinion.

    The fact that there are individual Constituencies, or Parliamentary Seats, enables the Parliamentarians and the voters to elect the best Candidates to Parliament.

    The fact that there is no President allows those who truly know the Parliamentarians to select a person who can be the Prime Minister.

    It allows the replacement of the Prime Minister, or other Ministers with a minimum of delay, fuss, or disruption to the country.

    It also restrains the Prime Minister, and other Ministers from acting dictatorially on occasions.

    There are many other advantages associated with the Westminster Parliamentary System in my opinion.

  106. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    We have all heard on several occasions, that if the Government of Serbia ever joins NATO, then Russia will recognize an independent Kosovo.

    This is Not pressure, blackmail, or interference by a foreign country, because Russia has said that it will support a compromise on Kosovo that is acceptable to both sides.

    Russia has said that it cannot be more Serbian than the Serbs, and if they tried to be more Serbian than the Serbs, then that would be interference by a foreign country.

    As far as Russia is concerned, their interests are that Serbia recognizes Kosovo, because then Serbia will join the Russian Federation.

    However, Russia has given its firm commitment and word, that Russia will support a compromise on Kosovo that is acceptable to both sides.

    The Albanians know that a puppet of America is allowed to be a war criminal with impunity, and Albania would Not allow the Serbs to be America’s puppet with Albanians of Kosovo.

    The use of a Referendum by Serbia to join that criminal dictator Nazi NATO, is a cunning disguised scheme by America and the Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament to recognize Kosovo.

    If Serbia votes to join NATO, then Albania and other countries will veto Serbia’s entry in NATO until Serbia gives up Kosovo.

    The Albanians know from history and personal experience that a puppet of America is allowed to be a war criminal with impunity.

    We all know that the Albanians would Not allow the Serbs to be America’s puppet with Kosovo Albanians.

    The Janissaries will say that the Constitution has been changed because of the Referendum, and that Albania’s veto, and other Nazi countries veto can only be lifted by Serbia recognizing Kosovo.

    The Janissaries will say that because of the Referendum Result, which will be rigged, Serbia MUST join now NATO.

    The Serbian Janissary Supreme Court will say that Serbia Must now do what it needs to join NATO, because the people have ‘spoken’.

    I hope we all know that the only thing that prevents Serbia recognizing Kosovo and joining NATO is that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP do Not have a Parliamentary majority.

    If the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP ever did have a Parliamentary majority, they would recognize Kosovo, but they want a scheme where they can join NATO first, and then recognize Kosovo.

    This is because if the Janissaries recognized Kosovo first, they could Not join NATO that easily.

    If the Janissaries join NATO first, then the Janissaries can both NATO and recognizing Kosovo by using only one strategy.

    We should know that Nazis and Janissaries do not respect the Law, and that they will find a way to do what they want.

    The Janissary Supreme Court will say that Serbia’s legal obligation is now to recognize Kosovo because a majority of voters voted to join NATO.

    In their cunning these Janissary ‘intellectuals’ at the SANU, and the Janissaries in Parliament have been able to convince Patriotic Serbs to support a NATO Referendum, but Serbia should NOT have ANY Referendum on that.

    China has a policy of non-interference in other countries, and they will vote exactly the same as Russia in the Security Council, and this could mean an independent Kosovo.

    The Janissaries liars in the Serbian Parliament have done the wrong thing again by the Serbian people by trying their best to join NATO.

    The Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament will join NATO if given a majority in the Parliament by gullible voters.

    The Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament; although they are Serbian, they are in reality the equal of the foreign enemies, invaders, and occupiers of Serbia.

    This is why they are very eager to join other foreign enemies, invaders, and occupiers of Serbia.

    We can all see that Russia has done the right thing again by Serbian people, by being a friend to them by being honest with them.

  107. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:32 AM |  

    It is interesting that at this time that the European Union signed the SAA Agreement with Montenegro.

    There could be some people who speculate that the EU did this so that Montenegro can now revoke its recognition of Albanian Criminality.

    America and the Europeans know that America is Not welcome in Europe anymore, and so a way to help the Albanian Politicians to revoke their Declaration of International Racism and Criminality may be by means of Montenegro.

    The American have never done the right thing by any Balkans people, and so America who has the prime responsibility to revoke support for Albanian Racism and Criminality cannot bring itself to join the Human Race.

    The American and Albanian Politicians cannot bring themselves to join the Human Race, because they are the Criminals and Racists of the Earth.

    This could be why Puppet Montenegro has been given the SAA Agreement, so that they can the Puppet dirty work for both the American and Albanian Politicians in this time of their need, by revoking support for the Criminals and Racists of the Earth.

  108. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    It should be kept in mind that if ever the DS led Janissaries Government looks patriotic, it is only because Britain and America and the have been cornered, and so they let the Janissaries appear to be patriots.

    Britain and America do this because they want their Janissaries to gain a majority at the next election.

    Britain and America can, and will, wait for a more opportune time to allow the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries to betray the Serbian people.

  109. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    The Workers of Europe are celebrating, because they think that it is their day to celebrate.

    It is May Day, the Workers Day, and to large extent they have made advances in pay and conditions.

    What needs to be understood is that if people do Not work, everyone will be poor.

    This means that a worker’s has to work, and there is a limit to wages and conditions, even for the benefit of the workers.

    Image a country where instantly everyone had a 15 Million Dollars, and the prices for all goods and all services remained the same.

    This imaginary country would be self sufficient with resources, and it would Not trade or need any other country for anything.

    There would be no one to work, because they do Not have to work.

    Imagine a country where the postman does Not bring letters, where farmers do Not work, where taxi Drivers and Mechanics do Not work.

    The list can be extended, because no one would work, and so before long, the geniuses would realize that people have to work.

    What this means is that people need a reason to work, and poverty, and the lack of wealth are the reasons why people work.

    What this means is that Businesses and Government have to give people just a little more than what they need, otherwise the country will collapse.

    This is true, regardless of if there is a Left Wing Government, or a Right Wing government, because these things are just unavoidable facts.

    I am Not saying that Unions have Not done things for workers, but that I would never join a Workers Union, because they to know the facts that workers have to work.

    The Unions know that there can only be a very few wealthy people in an economy, and even a few Unionists have been known to start up and run their own businesses, because they know that businesses are vital to an economy.

  110. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:02 AM |  

    I have said on many occasions that what I know about economics is Not even worth considering.

    It will be interesting to see if Greece defaults to the IMF loan sharks, and then joins the East, or if some other arrangements will be negotiated.

    I have Not been able to read much on the options before Greece, and so I just hope that the experts can repair the world economy, because that will enable EU countries to pay back money they owe to the EU Federal Bank.

  111. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    There are people who think that the region known as Serbian Krajina should join Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    They could join under the International Dayton Peace Accords, and they would be just like a second Republic of Srpska.

    I think that the Croatian part of Bosnia and Herzegovina should be independent, or at least like the Republic of Srpska, but only a Croatian version of the Republic of Srpska.

    I think that the Republic of Srpska should hold an International Summit Conference of Historians and Experts to help facilitate a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which may recommend a Free Global Online Lotteries on recent history of the Balkans.

  112. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    Foreigner Vuk Janissary Jeremic told daily Večernje novosti that Kosovo cannot be represented as a State at the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sarajevo.

    A Secret CIA Agent cannot be represented as a CIA Agent, however, the reality can be deduced.

    Foreigner Vuk Janissary Jeremic said that it would be good for “all voices of the region to be heard in Sarajevo,” and that is why Serbia is working on finding a way in which the UNSC Resolution 1244 and Serbia’s principal stance on not recognizing the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo’s independence would not be compromised.

    There is an old saying that Not everyone should believe everything certain Politicians say.

    It would appear that no country will appear as a State, and yet States will be there, and so by that logic, Kosovo is just another State recognized by Serbia, like all those other States that will be there and recognized by Serbia.

    If Kosovo is Not to be represented as a State, then, Kosovo needs to be represented as UNMIK-Kosovo, or Serbian Province of Kosovo, and then any ‘clear’ or unclear ‘asymmetry’ in Kosovo’s representation and participation will be unnecessary.

    Foreigner Vuk Janissary Jeremic said that Belgrade is practicing “policies in full continuity with the last government,” because Kosovo cannot be a topic of partisan debates, adding that all parties “must breathe as one” when Kosovo is in question, because that is the only chance for success.

    Again, there is an old saying that Not everyone should believe everything certain Politicians say.

    The Janissaries do Not want Kosovo to be the topic of partisan debates, because they want to recognize Kosovo in a cunning way.

    There is a truthful saying that most of us should only believe approximately 50% of what we see, hear, and read in any year.

    Regardless of how good a job Britain and America let the DS led Janissary Government do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

  113. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    We have all just seen how the Undemocratic British Electoral Gerrymander ensures that there will be political instability and political gridlock in Britain for some time to come.

    This comes at a time when the EU, more than ever, needs political stability and political predicability because of the Global economic recession.

    This may be the reason why the EU will have to ask England, or even all of Britain to leave the EU, or perhaps insists that all of Britain joins the Euro zone.

    There will now be calls by people of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland for independence, because of this Undemocratic and Unrepresentative British Parliament.

    Using the exact figures for the Liberal Democrats and for the other Political Parties, and then just swapping the figures for the Labour Party and the Conservatives, we can see the extent of this Undemocratic Gerrymander.

    The Liberal Democrats have gained approximately 22.9% of the vote, and the minor Political Parties have gained approximately 11.8% of the votes.

    The following seats are calculated using a proper scientific election calculator that is found on UK Polling Report website.

    All three major Political Parties in Britain knew of this for the last 5 years, but they have not said anything, except for token lip service, because all the major Political Parties in Britain are, and they remain fundamentally Undemocratic.

    The proof of this is that the Undemocratic Gerrymander was Not an election issue, and will Not be mentioned in any meaningful way after the election, except for some quickly forgotten lip service by all three major Political Parties in Britain.

    Labour has gained approximately 29.2% of the votes, and the Conservatives have gained approximately 36.1% of the votes, giving the Labour Party 271 seats in Parliament, and giving the Conservatives 288 seats in Parliament.

    If we reverse the figures for Labour and Conservatives, by given Labour 36.1% and Conservatives 29.2%, then this gives the Labour Party 372 seats, and the Conservatives 181 seats.

    Whereas one result is nearly the same number of seats, the other gives the Labour Party more than twice the number of seats than what the Conservative Party.

    The same figures show that the Labour Party only needs 1% more votes than the Conservatives to give the Labour Party a working majority in Parliament of 4 seats.

    The figures show that if the Conservatives have a 12% lead of the Labour Party, then they will Not have a majority in Parliament until they have a 13% lead of the Labour Party.

    The figures further show that the Conservatives need 13% more votes than the Labour Party to give the Conservatives a small working majority in Parliament of 26 seats.

    Any illusion that Britain is a Democracy has now for all time been completely shattered by these undeniable facts.

    We now have undeniable proof that Britain has rejected Democracy, while at the same time, Britain and America lectures others on Democracy.

    Britain no longer has any right to lecture others on Democracy, and America also has lost any right it May once have had to lecture others on Democracy.

    We the people of Democracyland, whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law, are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind.

    Democracyland will be a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

  114. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:26 AM |  

    If the Americans want a new United Nations Security Council Resolution, then the Serbian Constitution only allows for a new Resolution to start with the words of the next sentence.

    Reaffirming the Commitment of all United Nations Member States to the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of the Federal Republic of Serbia, and the other European States, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act, the Serbian Constitution, and International Law.

    That Legal Statement should be used several times in any new Security Council on Kosovo, and it should mention several times that Kosovo is Not a unique case.

    There are many people who suspect that the EU gave the SAA Agreement to Montenegro as a bribe, so that Montenegro can now revoke its support of the longstanding Albanian Racism, Criminality, and Terrorism.

    Nazi America and the Europeans may be looking for a way to help the Albanians to revoke their longstanding Racism, Terrorism, and Criminality, and they may want Montenegro to be the first bribed nation to do something just and honest with their bribe.

    The Americans have never done the right thing by the people of the Balkans, and so America who has the prime responsibility to revoke support for Albanian Racism, Terrorism, and Criminality, just cannot bring itself to join the Human Race.

    More importantly, the overwhelming majority of Albanians cannot bring themselves to join the Human Race, because they are the foremost Racists, Terrorists, and Criminals of the Earth.

    This could be why Puppet Montenegro has been given the SAA Agreement, so that Montenegro can do the Puppet dirty work for Britain and America in this time of their need, by being the first bribed country to revoke support for Albanian Racists, Terrorists, and Criminals.

    The use of a Referendum by Serbia to join that criminal dictator Nazi NATO, is a cunning disguised scheme by America and the Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament to recognize Kosovo.

    If Serbia votes to join NATO, then Albania and other countries will veto Serbia’s NATO membership until Serbia recognizes Kosovo.

    The Janissaries will say that the Constitution has been changed because of the Referendum, and that Albania’s veto, and other Nazi countries veto can only be lifted by Serbia recognizing Kosovo.

    The Janissaries will say that because of the Referendum Result, which will be rigged, Serbia MUST now join NATO, but that Serbia MUST recognize Kosovo at the same time.

    The Serbian Janissary Supreme Court will say that Serbia MUST now do what it needs to do in order to join NATO, because the people have ‘spoken’.

    The Janissaries will say that Serbia’s Constitution has been changed to the extent that the Serbian Government can legally recognize Serbia.

    I hope we all know that the only thing that prevents Serbia recognizing Kosovo and joining NATO is that the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP do Not have a Parliamentary majority.

    If the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP ever did have a Parliamentary majority, they would recognize Kosovo, but they want a scheme where they can both join NATO and recognize Kosovo using the one strategy.

    This is because if the Janissaries cannot recognize Kosovo until they have a Parliamentary majority.

    We should know that Nazis and Janissaries do not respect the Constitution, the Law, or the United Nations Charter, and that they will find a way to do what they want with the help of NATO on Serbia’s territory.

    The Janissary Supreme Court will say that Serbia’s legal obligation is now to recognize Kosovo because a majority of voters voted to join NATO.

    The Traitors, Puppets, and Janissaries in the Serbian Parliament will join NATO and they will recognize Kosovo if they are given a majority in the Parliament by gullible voters.

  115. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    We all know of the plan by the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries to give away Kosovo by using a Referendum to join NATO.

    The same tactic, with the same result can be used by the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries with a more innocent looking Referendum for Serbia to join the EU.

    If Serbia votes to join the EU, then, the Serbian Janissary Supreme Court will say that Serbia’s Constitution has been changed, and as a result of that change, Serbia must give away Kosovo; because, it is a condition by America and the Nazis of Europe.

    There are many Serbian people who would be in favour of a majority of Serbian Voters saying NO to exchanging Kosovo for the EU, by means of a deceptive and treacherous Janissary organized Referendum.

  116. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    It will be interesting to see what is said during the Obama Sedition and Treason Trial.

    The Obama Sedition and Treason Trial will be organized by The Honourable James David Manning PhD; and information is available at http://atlah.org/, and http://www.youtube.com/user/ATLAHWorldwide, and http://www.atlah.org/CIAColumbiaObamaTrial/home.html.

    The Trial is scheduled to start on May the 14th 2010, and to conclude on May the 19th 2010.

  117. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:30 AM |  

    We hear much talk of Status Neutral proposals concerning the Serbian province of Kosovo.

    We hear it from the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries; and we even hear it from the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon, who is Nazi America’s puppet.

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon recently reaffirmed his commitment to status- neutral engagements, rather than to Status-Legal proposals.

    We all know that United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon is a puppet of Nazi America, and we know he uses the deceptive term that sounds proper in order to deceive the people of the world.

    It comes as no surprise that the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries who use the same language as another fellow puppet.

  118. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:31 AM |  

    We all knew that it would only be a matter of time before the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries were back to their original treacherous schemes.

    Serbia has said that they are prepared to drop genocide charges against Croatia, and they are using the pathetic ‘reason’ of that Croatia is making progress towards even stronger Nazism.

    Of course, the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries do Not use the words stronger Nazism, but they use the deceptive term of Croatia is making progress toward the EU.

    The fact of the matter is that Croatia is even to this day practicing genocide against the Serbian people by recognizing, agreeing with, and supporting the theft of Serbia’s province of Kosovo.

    I think that the victims of Croatian Nazism deserve their justice, and if Croatia is making or is Not making progress toward the Nazi EU is an entirely different matter.

    The Traitors are Not only ignoring Croatia’s past and present genocide against the Serbian people, but they are rewarding Croatia for it.

    Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić stated in Zagreb that Serbia supports Croatia’s accession in the European Union.

  119. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:46 AM |  

    The Traitors, Puppets, and Janissaries want to do bidding of the Evil American Empire and their Nazi cohorts and break Serbia up until it is completely gone.

    This process will of course have a fancy name and platform that sounds good to the gullible; and, that deceptive word to be used instead of the words break up is, Regionalization, and the political platform is United Regions.

  120. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    We all know that many leaders and citizens of many countries have had problems with Jews because they knew them to be Secret Devil Worshippers.

    Those who know their Bibles will know the Scriptures to back these points up, but I want to provide Scriptural References in another comment.

    I want to say that I am Not advocating violence against anyone, but I think this is the strategy that the American Democrats will use to bring Dictatorship to America.

    I was thinking what it would be like to be Jewish, knowing that the History of my nation was known by the entire world by means of billions of Bibles throughout the world.

    A Jew could and would most certainly study the Bible sufficiently to know that the only two choices were to be a Christian or to serve the invisible Devil and his invisible demons.

    Even though Alolf Hitler did Not telling people that he was also a Secret Devil Worshipper, he knew that 99% of Jews were Secret Devil Worshippers, and that their cunning evil was destroying Germany.

    It was the lies, and the injustices of the Jews that led Hitler to think of the only solution for Secret Devil Worshippers was death.

    I have been reading a lot about Jews, and I am just surprise with myself that I did Not realize that the invisible Satan the Devil and the invisible demons would use a race that were dedicated Secret Devil Worshippers to do their bidding.

    If Hitler had had foolishly told the truth that he was a Secret Devil Worshipper, then Hitler and his supporters would have been killed along with the Jews.

    Jews are everywhere in American influential society, and it is no wonder that Barack Obama as a Secret Devil Worshipper likes having Jews in positions of influence.

    The truth of the matter is that a Jew can never be a loyal American citizen or any other country except Israel.

    This is just like an Albanian cannot be a loyal citizen of any country other than Albania.

    Education is Not the cure here, but only death or total racial segregation is the cure here.

    With these truths in mind, we can see why many American citizens will less Jews in positions of influence in America.

    These positions of influence would include Government, Media, Military, Business, Entertainment, and Media, etc.

    We have seen how the Jew Woody Allen, a supporter of Roman Polanski, thinks that it would be good for Obama to be Dictator for a ‘few years’ and take guns away from the decent Americans, and have the armed criminals and armed sexual deviants help Obama’s Dictatorship.

    According to that sad pathetic man, Woody Allen, Obama could get a few things done in that time.

    The truth of the matter is that Dictators and those who support them just do Not retire in a few years, because they do Not like the taste of lead.

    The Jews want to bring in illegal aliens to kill the white people, and later the Jews will put the black people back to slavery, because this is Jewish and White Dictators thinking.

    Obama may say that the only way to disprove rumours of him being a Dictator is to impose Martial Law in America.

    There are many people who think that the economic depression in America was deliberately engineered for the express purpose to use as a pretext to impose Martial Law in America.

    If I wanted to disprove rumours of wanting to impose Martial Law, then I would resign as leader of my country.

    The American people have the advantage of knowing that a non-American who believes in freedom and liberty wrote this, and so there can be no suggestions of domestic ‘terrorist threats’.

    It could be that the Jews, Obama, and the American Democrats have deliberately chosen an impostor to be resident of the Whites’ House, or to sow that much suspicion that trust in the Political and Judicial System in America is completely gone.

    This would give the Dictators of America to say that thy must impose Martial Law in America because we have deliberately, and will continue to deliberately make the citizens distrustful of the American Government.

  121. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    The following are comments that are more likely made by American citizens rather than foreigners, although foreign agitators cannot be totally dismissed.

    Yeah, all this coming from a guy who married his step daughter. Old Woody’s no different than all the other immoral, filthy, liberal trash who shouldn’t have a political voice in the United States to begin with. This Republic has taken blow after blow from the Progressive/liberal heathens, who demoralize the Nation with their perverted ideological madness and then spout off about how much they love America. They don’t love America at all, in fact, they don’t even understand what America truly is, or was. They love this distorted Politically Correct Marxist system that is the ruins of what was once America. America was founded on Laws and virtue, two things most liberals happen to be dead set against.

    I suspect after he adopted this woman, he began an illegal intimate relationship with her while she was a minor, and then married her after she turned 18. This guy is obviously an old child molester. If he would prey upon his own daughter, then for sure he will prey upon society. I can only hope that our government will stage its next false flag in Hollywood and rid us of the Communist Bohemian grove elites and do us all a favour.

    Socialism is the expression of intellectual arrogance. Those who can’t abide the “disorder” resulting from personal choice want to “straighten it up” through central planning.

    Good point……. That is the same for all of Hollywood…….It is one enormous smoke screen to keep you distracted while the Globalist plan out the future of men……in this defunct monetary system…… In the ENDGAME California will be destroyed completely. For those who seek fame and fortune will be slaughter in a flash in an instant for their selfishness and their blindness to the crimes to humanity………It is written…..

    Everyone should watch Jim Condit’s video on the Zionist collaboration and funding of Adolf Hitler called ‘The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler’. You can watch it at Wide Eye Cinema for free in one piece. Oh, and Woody Allen is an untalented paedophile. He also has defended Roman Polanski for his rape of a what? - 13 year old girl? They should both be starved and then catapulted into the sun.

    “The Elite” has a connotation of power with a presumption of exceptionalism. Our entertainment icons have become the elders of our tribe. It is as if in times of old, a king receiving counsel from a court jester. And just exactly from where does our entertainer’s power come? How do they receive their exalted position of royalty? We bestow unto them their empowerment by our patronage of their wares. If we were to boycott their pitiful contribution to our social talent pool, then they will fall from grace, and hopefully remember what it means to be Americans. As an afterthought I’d like to add this; I wonder what this nation would look like if we regulated ourselves to 1 hour of TV a day.

    He’ll answer to his maker soon enough. As will all of his kind. In the meantime, much to our chagrin, free will is still allowed by God. How it must break His heart to see how people misuse it and abuse each other. As for me and my house, we’ll serve the Lord and do what’s in our power to treat people with dignity and respect.

    I’m sure you can rationalize and empathize with a lot of morally-corrupt people say they cannot understand, but the forum members are just questioning, why?? Sure I could empathize with serial killers who sincerely had rough childhoods, but the ends don’t justify the means. At the end of the day, Woody married his step-daughter, half his age, and it is wrong on so many levels.

    Woody Allen said Polanski had served time - albeit a short spell - in custody for his actions and that law enforcers should concentrate their efforts on other offenders.

  122. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I now that I wrote a comment on a possible weapon system called a beached whale.

    A beached whale is a torpedo that goes under the water and lands on the beach just like a beached whale does.

    The beached whale could carry genetically engineered lethal viruses, or it could carry another type of weapon system.

    I know that after I wrote this, there has been the South American earthquake and tsunami, and the oil spill in Gulf of Mexico.

    America may have deliberately caused the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as revenge on Britain for Not being able to steal The Falkland Islands’ Oil.

    America may be using nuclear powered submarines to provide the power to tunnel into Holland’s dikes to place a powerful weapon in the tunnel to puppetize Holland.

    Russia can do the same and puppetize Holland, and because Holland cannot be allies of both countries, it will become militarily neutral and leave NATO.

    America and the European know that America has achieved its mission to restore Democracy to all of Europe, and that America will soon leave Continental Europe for good.

    Of course, America will give a speech on Democracy, and then leave Continental Europe.

    America will say how it along with other Democracies, have restored Democracy to the entire European Continent.

    It will be a type of E-D-Day, but the D will stand for Democracy, and it will be European Democracy Day.

  123. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    The following paragraph is a news article that is on B92, and it deals with Serbia’s Kosovo province.

    The unilaterally declared independence by Kosovo poses the biggest threat to Serbia, Chief Of General Staff of the Serbian Army Lieutenant General Miloje Miletić says. "The territory of Kosovo and Metohija is a stronghold of organized crime and it is currently the biggest security challenge for Serbia," Miletić in told Belgrade's Večernje Novosti today. When asked whether he expects a new wave of violence in Kosovo after a decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), he replied that a "violent threat is an already tried and used method of Kosovo Albanians use to impose pressure on the international community". "If the court decision is not in keeping with their interests, which I sincerely hope it won't be, destabilization and violence are possible. I have received assurances by the KFOR commander that their troops will prevent any such event," said Miletić. Underscoring that "according to the experience so far, any instability in Kosovo and Metohija directly jeopardizes security in the region as a whole, particularly in the south region of central Serbia", he said, adding that the Serbian Army "is ready to respond to such a scenario and has enough capacity to secure peace in the area".

    The first thing to be kept in mind is that many people think that the Jewish leaders and Adolf Hitler joined up as a team to steal Palestine.

    It could be that the American Jews Nazi Germany are teaming up and they are ordering their puppet Tadic to let Kosovo be represented in Sarajevo as a State.

    This is because they want the Highest Court in the World, the ICJ, will say that different races do Not have any right to live ion peace in the same country.

    They want this because the Jews want to use the bribed and corrupt ICJ announcement to impose Martial Law in America, and Germany wants to engineer a civil war in America as revenge on America because of the two World Wars.

    The Jews of America want Tadic and the DS to follow the Jewish and German plan, because they want to see how the Serbian Army will kill all DS Politicians to restore trust and stability.

    The Jews want to bring in illegal aliens to kill the white people, and later the Jews will put the black people back to slavery, because this is Jewish and White Dictators thinking.

    Obama may say that the only way to disprove rumours of him being a Dictator is to impose Martial Law in America.

    There are many people who think that the economic depression in America was deliberately engineered for the express purpose to use as a pretext to impose Martial Law in America.

    The American people have the advantage of knowing that a non-American who believes in freedom and liberty wrote this, and so there can be no suggestions of domestic ‘terrorist threats’.

    It could be that the Jews, Obama, and the American Democrats have deliberately chosen an impostor to be the Resident of the Whites’ House, or to sow that much suspicion that trust in the Political and Judicial System in America is completely gone.

    It needs to be kept in mind that Barack Obama has refused reasonable requests to prove his entitlement to the Residency of the Whites’ House.

    There are many Americans who think that the system has had more that enough time to produce forged documents, and to cover up for their conspiracy.

    This would give the Dictators of America to ability to then say that they must impose Martial Law in America because we have deliberately, and will continue to deliberately make the citizens distrustful of the American Government.

    If there are any suggestions that Kosovo will be represented as other than a Serbian Province, then Serbia should Not attend that set up of a ‘Conference’.

  124. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    We should all know by now that the Secret Devil Worshipping American Jews, the Serbian Puppets, and the Dutch may all ask the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm.

    If they do this, then Ratko Mladic would Not be able resist, as he is a Secret Devil Worshipper, but that does Not necessarily make him a war criminal.

    Everyone will say that it was good police work that was responsible; however, those who know better will be censored in the Media, and the gullible will be deceived yet again.

    Serbia would like the SAA Money if possible, because Serbia can then default all IMF loans.

    If Serbia defaults on all IMF loans first, then Serbia will Not be able to get the SAA Money.

    Serbia does Not want to default, but the economics of today’s world make it the only plausible option.

    After that, Britain, America, and Israel do Not mind if an earthquake destroys Holland’s dikes.

    Britain, America, and the Jews know that one event will destroy the already nearly dead EU, but they need the Balkans to be taken over by the Muslims before that occurs.

    This is because Britain, America, and Israel want all of the Balkans as their lands.

    This would include all territories of European Balkans including the Turkish territory, and all of Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, FYROM, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, and the Islands of those regions.

    Britain, America, and Israel know that the Islands of those regions would have marine resources, and could even have OIL.

  125. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:50 AM |  

    We should all know by now that the Secret Devil Worshipping American Jews, the Serbian Puppets, and the Dutch may all ask the invisible demons to torture Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm.

    If they do this, then Ratko Mladic would Not be able resist, as he is a Secret Devil Worshipper, but that does Not necessarily make him a war criminal.

    Everyone will say that it was good police work that was responsible; however, those who know better will be censored in the Media, and the gullible will be deceived yet again.

    Serbia would like the SAA Money if possible, because Serbia can then default all IMF loans.

    If Serbia defaults on all IMF loans first, then Serbia will Not be able to get the SAA Money.

    Serbia does Not want to default, but the economics of today’s world make it the only plausible option.

    After that, Britain, America, and Israel do Not mind if an earthquake destroys Holland’s dikes.

    Britain, America, and the Jews know that one event will destroy the already nearly dead EU, but they need the Balkans to be taken over by the Muslims before that occurs.

    This is because Britain, America, and Israel want all of the Balkans as their lands.

    This would include all territories of European Balkans including the Turkish territory, and all of Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, FYROM, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, and the Islands of those regions.

    Britain, America, and Israel know that the Islands of those regions would have marine resources, and could even have OIL.

  126. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:31 AM |  

    This comment is an update on a comment, and it contains new information.

    Any unbiased Scholar and Historian will know that it is Logical that people want money, and that people are intimidated and puppetized by threats made by Anglo-Saxon Governments.

    The Jews with the help of Britain and America, used the might is right principle, and said that the Palestinians are of no consequence, because according to these Jewish and Anglo-Saxon Nazis, two wrongs make a right.

    The Zionists wanted to steal Palestine, and Britain and America wanted to be in the Middle East where the OIL=MONEY is, and I heard that some Jewish leaders also love MONEY.

    This is where Adolf Hitler was a useful idiot, and the Jewish leaders gave him reasons to commit the Holocaust.

    The Zionists told Adolf Hitler discreetly, but sufficiently that if he did Not destroy the Jews in Europe, the Jews would destroy Germany.

    It should be kept in mind that many credible unbiased people who study history think that the Jewish leaders and Adolf Hitler each played their socially engineered role to ensure the genocide of the Jewish people took place in Europe.

    The Jewish leaders did this so that they could play the victim card in order to ‘justify’ their long held plan to steal Palestine.

    It could be that the Jews and Nazi Germany are teaming up again, and they are ordering their puppet Tadic to let Kosovo be represented in Sarajevo as a State.

    This is because they want the Highest Court in the World, the ICJ, to say that different races do Not have any right to live in peace in the same country.

    They will use the findings of the ICJ that different races have no right to live together in peace to ‘justify’ the suspension of the American Constitution, and the imposition of Martial Law in America.

    They want this because the Jews want to use the bribed and corrupt ICJ announcement to impose Martial Law in America, and Germany wants to engineer a civil war in America as revenge on America because of the two World Wars.

    Jews are everywhere in American influential society, and it is no wonder that Barack Obama as a Secret Devil Worshipper likes having many Jews in positions of influence.

    The truth of the matter is that a Jew can never be a loyal American citizen of any other country except Israel.

    This is exactly the same as an Albanian cannot be a loyal citizen of any country other than Albania.

    Education is Not the cure here, but only death for the corrupt is the cure, or total racial segregation is the cure.

    With these truths in mind, we can see why many true American citizens will want fewer, and preferably no Jews in positions of influence in America, but Jews control the system behind the scenes by means of money.

    These positions of influence do include Government, Literature, the Arts, Media, Military, Business, Entertainment, Legal, Judicial, and Media, etc.

    The Jews want to bring in illegal immigrants to kill the white people with the help of black criminals.

    After that, the Jews, and the White Supremacists will put the black people back to slavery, because this is Jewish and White Dictators thinking.

    This is because this is the only way many lazy black people (non-racist statement) will ever work.

    There are many people who think that the economic depression in America was deliberately engineered by the Jews for the express purpose to use the resultant social disruption as a pretext to impose Martial Law in America.

    If I wanted to disprove rumours of wanting to impose Martial Law, then I would resign as leader of my country.

    Britain, America, and Israel want the territories of European Balkans including the Turkish territory, and all of Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, FYROM, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Cyprus, and the Islands of those regions.

    Britain, America, and Israel want the Dutch lands that are above sea level to sell to the Muslims to make MONEY.

    Britain, America, and Israel know that the Islands of those regions would have marine resources, including OIL.

  127. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:46 AM |  

    The following comment is what I wrote in November 2006, on this website, and the tread is titled: Minister: We warn States against recognizing Kosovo.

    I have corrected a few grammatical and spelling errors, and I have provided clarification, as I wrote the comment quickly and briefly at the time.

    They (Britain, America, and Israel) want the Turks and the Albanians to religiously and ethnically cleanse Greece, Bulgaria, (and surrounding regions) before they (Britain and America) go on their Crusade.

    This Axis Of Evil, needs people to think that they are pure and honest, and they will use Albanian Islamic terrorists and foreign terrorists to religiously cleanse the orthodox religions from all the Balkans and Bulgaria.

    The Capitalists can take their money out of Greece; then, there can come turmoil, and then the Nazi Catholic EU can evict Greece from the EU.

    Then with the Albanians on one side of Greece, and the Turks on the other of Greece, and then FYROM and Bulgaria will be next.

    If you really want to say to yourselves that it cannot happen to us because we are a part of the United Nations, then you will have to respect the UN Charter.

    The Serbs have been accused of being ultranationalists and hardline nationalists. Can these people tell me what is the difference between a nationalist and a hardline nationalist?

    If the Americans said that Alaska belong to America and that we are going to try to keep Alaska would this make then nationalists or ultranationalists?

    If the Americans said that who ever wants to can have Alaska would this make them nationalists or traitors?

    As regards today, we all know that the Prime Minister of Greece, the Right Honourable George Papandreou, recently declared that he is not ruling out taking legal action against American Investment Banks, for their role in creating the spiralling Greek debt crisis.

    The American Financial Institutions were are all bailed out by the hardworking American taxpayers, because the American Financial Institutions encouraged and deceived Greece to borrow money using the Americans FRAUDULENT ACCOUNTING methods.

    That is what wrote on this website in November 2006, and people can make up their own minds, but I think that the financial crisis in the EU was deliberately engineered by Jews in Britain and America.

    I have said on several occasions that I think that the EU should print Euros, and pay it back to themselves, just like America does with their own Dollar.

    I have mentioned an EMF that is the Reserve Bank of the EU.

    The EMF lends money are no interest rate to EU countries, and it does Not deal with the lying, thieving, and criminal IMF.

  128. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    The principle of fair treatment and the presumption of innocence, should be given to everyone.

    If the Dutch Government does a survey, and discovers that most of the Muslims in Holland have houses above sea level, then this does Not make it a planned conspiracy.

    We need to keep in mind that Muslims are more accustomed to deserts rather than regions that are watery.

    This would account for why many Muslims choose the inland areas of Holland rather than the beachfront.

    Other considerations such as employment, and family and friends will also be a determinant for the choice of locality.

    The Dutch Government should also keep in mind that unscrupulous Real Estate Agents might spread fears and rumours to make more sales and to earn greater commissions from the sale of Real Estate.

    The proper thing to do when looking at the latest Dutch Census Information is to wait on expert analysis on what any demographics might initially suggest.

    I hope that Dutch Government Officials do Not use any data they have to deliberatively inflate property prices in order to line their own pockets at the expense of other Dutch citizens.

    It is the responsibility of the Dutch Government, and Dutch Government Officials to pursue balanced, and non-discriminatory policies.

    It is the responsibility of the Dutch Media to present impartial, balanced, and accurate information to the citizens of Holland.

    Britain, America, and Israel want the Dutch lands that are above sea level to sell to the Muslims to make Money.

    It needs to be kept in mind that currency speculators make money by spreading lies and rumours, and so certain Real Estate Agents may follow their example.

    We all know that the Jews and the Arabs are related to Abraham as their common forefather.

    There are unbiased Scholars and Historians who would discuss the probability that the leaders of Zionism, and the Islamic leaders, in conjunction with Anglo-America, are working together, to exchange Continental Europe for Palestine.

  129. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    This is a critical time for Europe and for the entire Free Democratic World.

    Serbia has the most democratic Constitution in the history of the Human Race.

    The non-Albanian people of Kosovo anxiously awaits the pronouncements of a bribed and corrupt United Nations Court that has strong links to Nazism.

    Many people believe the Judges at the ICJ have been bribed with large Secret Swiss Bank Accounts, and with a lifelong supply of vaccines against genetically engineered lethal viruses.

    The non-Albanian and non-Muslim people of Kosovo hope that the ICJ denies the demands of the Fundamentalist Islamic Terrorist Al-Qaeda Albanians for independence, and grants them highest level of autonomy to bring them under the Rule of Law.

    We have a democratic Serbia, and we need a democratic autonomous Kosovo.

    The European Union, now under the leadership of Germany, a former Nazi Dictatorship, can help by ensuring a common EU position in support of autonomy, the Helsinki Final Act, International Law, the United Nations Charter, and United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.

    Most of the Albanians of Kosovo and the rest of the world are completely racist, cunning liars, murders, thieves, undemocratic, and totally intolerant of any other religion.

    These attitudes and practices do not belong in Europe; and it was the Turks who put the Albanians in Europe, and this is why Albanians are Not European.

    We can learn from Hitler that to appease thugs will not get far in the long run.

    With Anglo-American credibility in tatters over Iraq, let me assure people that the Anglo-Saxons has a long history of supporting dictators and murders, and Kosovo is just another example.

    These Albanian terrorists manufactured their own victim hood with the help of the Americans who were bribed by with free oil for the Islamists in exchange for an Islamic Terrorist nation in Europe.

    These Fundamentalists do not want to live in a democratic multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation because they intensely hate people who are different.

    The Nazis keep saying that not giving Kosovo independence is keeping Serbia form joining the EU, but they never give their reasons, because they know that Albanians could never qualify to join the EU.

    Perhaps the EU war criminals who helped create this mess, just like the Anglo-Saxon war criminals who created the mess in Iraq could help these Albanians qualify.

    Serbia can wait until the Albanians qualify to reach European Standards; and, we all know this will never happen because the Albanians came from Turkey.

    The effort the Nazis of Europe used to help Kosovo become independent; is less than how much the EU does Not want the Albanians to ever join the European Union.

  130. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:00 AM |  

    This comment is an update on a comment, and it contains new information.

    Any unbiased Scholar and Historian will know that it is Logical that people love money, and that people are intimidated and puppetized by threats made by Anglo-Saxon Governments.

    The Jews with the help of Britain and America, used the might is right principle, and said that the Palestinians are of no consequence.

    This is because according to these Jewish and Anglo-Saxon Nazis, two wrongs make a right.

    The Zionists wanted to steal Palestine, and Britain and America wanted to be in the Middle East where the OIL=MONEY is, and I heard that some Jewish leaders also love MONEY.

    This is where Adolf Hitler was a useful idiot, and the Jewish leaders gave him reasons to commit the Holocaust.

    The Zionist leaders told Adolf Hitler discreetly, but sufficiently that if he did Not destroy the Jews in Europe, the Jews would destroy Germany.

    The Jewish leaders did this so that they could play the victim card in order to ‘justify’ their long held plan to steal Palestine.

    It could be that the Jews and Nazi Germany are teaming up again, and they are ordering their puppet Tadic to let Kosovo be represented in Sarajevo as a State.

    The truth of the matter is that a Jew can never be a loyal American citizen of any other country except Israel.

    This is exactly the same as an Albanian cannot be a loyal citizen of any country other than Albania.

    Education is Not the cure here, but only death for the corrupt is the cure, or total racial segregation is the cure.

    Adolf Hitler knew that Jews could never be loyal citizen of Germany, and he also knew that the Jews did Not want to segregate themselves.

    This is why the Jewish Ghettos were set up, and this led to further segregation in the form of Concentration Camps.

    These Work Camps where an opportunity for the Jew to be loyal Germany by working for Germany rather than against Germany.

    The motto of these Work Camps were Arbeit Macht Frei, which means that Work Makes You Free.

    In other words, if the Jews stated to work for their country rather than working against it, then this would free them of their treason.

    With these truths in mind, we can see why many true American citizens will want fewer, and preferably, no Jews in positions of influence in America.

    However, Jews control America and much of the rest of the world behind the scenes by means of Banks and money.

  131. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    It is difficult to know what the results of the negotiations would have been between the Serbs and Albanians of Serbia, if America had not interfered two years ago.

    I hope we are all convinced that America was never going to allow proper negotiations.

    This is primarily because of Camp Bondsteel, and secondly for the temporary fleeting interests of their allies.

    Camp Bondsteel, and other American Military Bases on Continental Europe are an essential part of British and American plans to break up the EU.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says, the Albanians or their backers will have to revoke their Declaration or recognition of the Albanians Declaration of Independence before real negotiations can commence.

    There are people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutual agreement with Serbia.

    The puppets of the Balkans only have their poverty to lose, and their dignity to gain if they ignore their Evil Puppet Master, America, and start making decisions to benefit themselves.

    I think that Serbia should share the compensation money, from the Nazis of Europe with 25% with Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are citizens of Serbia.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia with no interference by America.

  132. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:51 AM |  

    This is an explanation of a comment I wrote on this website three and a half years ago, and then just republished it with a few alterations.

    I want to explain the nature and reasons for the change, and to show that there is no attempt to mislead on what I wrote.

    As we all know, I plagiarized the work of, in my opinion, an Unbiased Scholar and Historian.

    The fact that my opinion that the work of the Scholar and Historian is accurate and unbiased does Not of itself mean that everyone else will necessarily see it that way.

    To complicate matters, I made an unintended typing error, where I wrote that I was a Secret Devil Worshiper, and what I really wanted to say was that I am NOT a Secret Devil Worshipper.

    We have seen in one of my other comments; that after thousands of years of knowing the truth, that 99% of Jews are informed, committed, and dedicated servants of the invisible Devil and the invisible demons.

    To further complicate matters, I was timid to mention what the Scholar and Historian said concerning Jews, because of possible legal consequences of having free thinking.

    This is why Satan uses the Jews throughout the world and why British and American Governments prosecute thinking on the subject of Jews.

    While I value the work of an experts, I would prefer that a group of Unbiased Scholars and Historians, gave their analysis, and that is why I suggested on many occasions that a Summit Conference to Unbiased Experts.

    It is proper to correct any grammatical and spelling errors, and I have provided clarification, or additional information without any insinuation of historical revision, because many times I wrote my comments quickly and briefly at the time.

    If in one comment, I said that I went Shopppppping, but afterwards said that I went Shopping at a Hardware Shop, then it is Not revising History, but simply proving additional information.

    If I another comment and say that I purchased spanners at the Hardware Shop, then it is Not revising history, but it is simply proving further information.

    The following Scripture shows us the further complication, that once a Conspiracy is known; then, the Conspirators try a different method to achieve the same evil goal.

    “How useless to spread a net in full view of all the birds!” (Proverbs 1:17).

    The following is a segment of a comment that I wrote in November 2006, on this website, and the tread is titled; Minister: We warn States against recognizing Kosovo.

    The Capitalists can take their money out of Greece; then, there can come turmoil, and then the Nazi Catholic EU can evict Greece from the EU.

    Then with the Albanians on one side of Greece, and the Turks on the other of Greece, and then FYROM will be next closely followed by Bulgaria.

    If you really want to say to yourselves that it cannot happen to us because we are a part of the United Nations, then you will have to respect the UN Charter.

    As regards today, we all know that the Prime Minister of Greece, the Right Honourable George Papandreou, recently declared that he is not ruling out taking legal action against American Investment Banks, for their role in creating the spiralling Greek debt crisis.

    The American Financial Institutions were are all bailed out by the hardworking American taxpayers, because the American Financial Institutions encouraged and deceived Greece to use the Americans FRAUDULENT ACCOUNTING MEHODS.

    The Americans knew that they were planning a global depression, and that secret coupled with the Fraudulent Accounting Methods they puppetized Greece to use, ensured the current planned financial crisis in Greece.

    That is what wrote on this website in November 2006, and people can make up their own minds, but I think that the financial crisis in the EU was deliberately engineered by Jews in Britain and America.

  133. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:15 AM |  

    It could be that the Evil Plan by the Jews of America is to bribe the Judges of the International Court of Justice to say the following.

    Different Races Have No Legal Right To live in Peace with Other Races in the Same Country.

    Obama will then use this finding of the ICJ that was ordered to say this to suspend the American Constitution, and impose Martial Law in America.

    After Obama is the absolute and undisputed Dictator of America, Obama, as a Secret Muslim posing as a Christian, will tell America what he knows about the Jews, and then put all the Jews in FEMA Factory Camps.

    There are approximately 6 million Jews in America, the same number that Adolf Hitler killed in WW2.

    America will make the Jews and others work free 6 days a week in the FEMA Factories.

    This is because it is the only way America can compete with China and Mexico in order to feed the lazy and unwashed black people, who with the help of the heavily armed non-black Hispanics and certain Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas will be next in the FEMA Factories.

  134. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:34 AM |  

    Obama will use this finding of the ICJ that was ordered to say this to suspend the American Constitution, and impose Martial Law in America.

    Obama has the support of both of both the American Congress, Senate, and the American Army, because Obama has secretly promised to legalize paedophilia to these groups.

    After Obama is the absolute and undisputed Dictator of America, Obama, as a Secret Muslim posing as a Christian, will tell America what he knows about the Jews, and then put all the Jews in FEMA Factory Camps.

    Further information is found on the video titled: Mexican President Wants to Disarm Americans on the Alex Jones website.

    The video can be found at http://www.infowars.com/mexican-president-wants-to-disarm-americans/#comments, unless of course the CIA has changed it to make me look like a liar, or a deviant, or both.

    The truth of the matter is that a Jew can never be a loyal American citizen of any other country except Israel.

    This is exactly the same as an Albanian cannot be a loyal citizen of any country other than Albania.

  135. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:56 AM |  

    The American Bill of Rights prohibits Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, guarantees free speech, free press, free assembly and association and the right to petition government for redress, forbids infringement of "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

    The Bill of rights prohibits the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. In federal criminal cases, it requires indictment by a grand jury for any capital or "infamous crime", guarantees a speedy, public trial with an impartial jury composed of members of the state or judicial district in which the crime occurred, and prohibits double jeopardy.

    In addition, the Bill of Rights states that "the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people," and reserves all powers not specifically granted to the federal government to the people or the States.

    Most of these restrictions were later applied to the States by a series of decisions applying the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which was ratified in 1868, after the American Civil War.

  136. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    The video: Glenn Beck, You Don't Shred The Constitution Ever, can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqyAXCxml9o, unless of course the CIA has changed it to make me look like a liar, or a deviant, or both.

    It is interesting what information, the CIA could get on Obama and other American Politicians if CIA interrogation methods were used on these hardened, determined, and proven liars with double standards when they speak.

    Imagine haw many Iraqi lives could of being saved if President George Bush, and Prime Minister Tony Blair had underwent CIA interrogation methods and the presumption of being guilty before the presumption of innocence for these and other Secret Devil Worshipping Anglo-American Politicians.

  137. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:51 AM |  

    The Dictators of America will bribe the corrupt ICJ Judges to say Different Races Have No Legal Right To live in Peace with Other Races in the Same Country.

    The Dictators of America will then use this ‘finding’ to say that the only way to ensure Racial Harmony in America is to suspend the American Constitution, and impose Martial Law.

    This is the Evil Plan of the American Jewish Elite have long planned as their first step to ruling the entire world.

  138. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:51 AM |  

    I realized that I should have mentioned that the money saved on illegally and immorally invading and occupying Iraq could have saved many American lives.

    This would be because of having better and safer roads, and better Medical treatment.

    Imagine haw many Iraqi lives could of being saved if President George Bush, and Prime Minister Tony Blair had underwent CIA interrogation methods.

    These War Criminals and murderers of their own citizens would never want the presumption of being guilty before the presumption of innocence for these and other Secret Devil Worshipping Anglo-American Politicians.

  139. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    Many people strongly suspect that the Jews have an Evil Plan to rule the world.

    If we look at how France has a Jewish President, and a Jewish Foreign Minister, we can now understand France wants an Independent Muslim Country in Europe.

    There is no surprise when it comes to Nazi Germany, because we have already seen their evil motives.

  140. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    I should have mentioned that there are many similarities with the Jews and the Albanians in regards to the damage they do to any country where they reside.

    The Jews are richer, more educated, and more subtle, whereas the Albanians are poorer, less educated, and more obvious.

  141. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    The Dark Left that is in favour of disarming the American people to put them in FEMA Factories will use interesting arguments to betray the American people.

    This Dark Left that is in favour of legalized paedophilia will say that guns harm more people than what paedophiles do.

    That may be true, depending on how you look at things now, but a disarmed society, the paedophiles will have the guns and access to children.

    America can be proud of the fact that they had 234 years of freedom and liberty, and that is very good, especially when complained to most other countries of the world.

    We have seen Mayor Daley of Mafia Chicago, that is Obama’s school want to disarm people because the Dark Left want to ‘protect’ people by using the Chicago Protection Racket.

    Mayor Daley of Mafia Chicago wants people to pay for their Daley Daily ‘protection’, and what people want to know is how much is he charging on a Daley Daily rate.

    Mayor Daley of Mafia Chicago of a person who always walks around with bodyguards, but wants others to forgo their Constitutional Rights.

  142. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    There is a call for Economic Patriotism, by Boris Tadic; he says he favours it, and it is a good phrase.

    Tadic went on to say how companies and businesses should pay their taxes, but that raises a question of what have these Puppets, Traitors, and janissaries been doing for the last two years they have been in Government.

    They say the last refuge for a scoundrel is Patriotism, and the last refuge for an economic scoundrel is Economic Patriotism.

    Since Serbia is struggling to ensure that Different Races Have The Right To Live Together In Peace In The Same Country, then Serbia should Default on all IMF loans.

    Serbia should default on all IMF loans, and then Not borrow money again from the IMF if America will Not revoke its support for Racists and Criminals.

    Serbia is morally entitled to default on that money in order to preserve the most basic Human Patriotism for every country in the world, and domestically, defaulting on all IMF loans would be Economic Patriotism.

  143. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    We can see that the French Foreign Minister can correctly be called the Foreign Agent Bernard Jew Kouchner.

    Referring to Serbia’s Foreign Minister Jeremic, as Foreign Agent Vuk Janissary Jeremic is a better way to understand the DS led Janissary Government.

  144. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    It is difficult to know what the results of real negotiations would have been between the Serbs and Albanians of Serbia, if America had not interfered three years ago.

    I hope we are all convinced that America was never going to allow proper negotiations.

    This is primarily because of Camp Bondsteel, and secondly for the temporary fleeting interests of countries that think America is their ally and friend.

    Camp Bondsteel, and other American Military Bases on Continental Europe are an essential part of British and American plans to break up the EU.

    Regardless of what the ICJ says, the Albanians or their backers will have to revoke their Declaration or recognition of the Albanians Declaration of Independence before real negotiations can commence.

    There are people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago that they are Serbian citizens, and come to mutually agreeable arrangement with Serbia.

    The puppets of the Balkans only have their poverty to lose, their security to gain, and their dignity to gain, if they ignore their Evil Puppet Master, America, and start making decisions to benefit themselves.

    I think that Serbia should share the compensation money, from the Nazis of Europe with 25% going to Kosovo if the Albanians revoke their Declaration of Independence.

    I think that Serbia should Not attend any Conference on the Balkans until the Albanians revoke, even subtly their Declaration of Criminality and Racism.

    The Albanians of Kosovo can do this by saying and accepting that they are of Serbian citizens.

    There are many people who think that the Albanians should have said years ago, that they are Serbian citizens, and come to a negotiated compromise with Serbia, and done this with no interference by America.

  145. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    The following article is what I found on the internet; it is presented in two parts, and the article is titled: Oil Spill = Illuminati's Covert War on America.

    We think of war in terms of missiles and tanks and bombs. But a far superior form of war is to disguise attacks as false flag terrorism like 9-11, natural disaster like Katrina or an accident like the April 20 BP oil spill. This way the victim is not aware of his attacker, and cannot take countermeasures. The parallels between the oil spill and Katrina are uncanny. In both cases, the American Gulf coast was attacked, and the Presidential response was deemed tardy and ineffective. In the case of Katrina, the levees were blown up 12 hours after the hurricane had passed. The "tell" is the failure of the Obama Administration to declare a State of Emergency and take immediate action to stop the gusher. It is hard to believe that an Administration facing a national election in six months would sit on its hands while oil poured onto America's Gulf coast. Last week, Obama was announcing a commission to study the causes while failing to address the blow-out itself. It is hard to believe that an industry which hosts hundreds of deep sea oil wells has not developed measures for such an eventuality. Hard to believe that the richest and most technologically advanced country in the world appears helpless in the face of this disaster. The optics for Obama are terrible. Even the Huffington Post, which is a Murdoch-sponsored Obama cheering section could not hide its exasperation and impatience with Obama's tepid response. But the Rothschilds treat Presidents like Kleenex -- use and throw away. Every President in my lifetime has left office in some kind of disgrace. The purpose is to demoralize Americans and make them lose faith in their government and democracy. Who owns BP? The Rothschilds. Who owns Barack Obama? The Rothschilds. How hard would it be to stage this accident and then ensure a failed response?

    CONTEXT: The BP oil spill must be seen in the context of an ongoing covert war against America waged by the Illuminati, i.e. the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel led by the Rothschilds. Concurrent with the BP blow-out, world financial markets are gyrating because European banks again are being bailed out by taxpayers to the tune of over a trillion dollars. The loans are to Greece, Portugal etc. but the creditors are the German and French banks owned by the Rothschild etc. whose stocks are soaring again. The loans were created out of thin air but the taxpayers will repay them with their freedom and prosperity. Just six months ago, we were in the throes of a man-made swine flu pandemic that required mass inoculation. Just 14-20 months ago, we were wrestling with the world financial crisis caused by the banks deliberately giving inflated mortgages to insolvent people. Lest we forget, on Sept. 11 2001, the Illuminati attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and blamed it on ‘Muslim terrorists’. How stupid do they think we are? Again, the government response was tardy and inadequate, on purpose. We are under constant attack by Illuminati bankers and their lackeys in government and media. The two world wars, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, are all forms of Illuminati attack on America. They also attack our moral and social fabric by promoting sexual ‘liberation’ (promiscuity), feminism, homosexuality, public obscenity, violence, paedophilia and porn in music and in the mass media in general. So why do we look at an ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico as if it were occurring in isolation?

    The second part of this comment is on the next comment.

  146. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:20 AM |  

    THE KEY TO OUR EXASPERATION: The explanation can be found in a book that we have been trained Pavlov-style to reject. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the work of a Jewish Masonic secret society. Caught red-handed, they attempted to confuse the issue of world domination with anti-Semitism. The vast majority of Jews are not aware, let alone in favour of this plot for world government dictatorship by a small Jewish financial elite and their Masonic allies. In the Protocols, the author, who I suspect was Lionel Rothschild (1808-1879) writes that their goal is: “To wear everyone out by dissensions, animosities, feuds, famine, inoculation of diseases, want, until the Gentiles see no other way of escape except by appeal to our money and our power” (Protocol 10). “We will so wear out and exhaust the Gentiles by all this that they will be compelled to offer us an international authority, which by its position will enable us to absorb without disturbance all the governmental forces of the world and thus form a super-government” (Protocol 5).

    CONCLUSION: We will continue to be pummelled until we acknowledge this long-term undeclared war and expose and neutralize the enemy. Desperate times require desperate measures. The only solution to this mess is to nationalize the Fed, and disown that portion of the national debt that was created out of thin air. Then, we must break up the media cartels and ensure that elections are publicly funded. The power of the Israel lobby must be broken and all pro-Zionist candidates renounced. (Zionism is a tool of the bankers.) Frankly, I am not optimistic. Our leaders -- political, cultural and economic -- are all beholden to the current self- destructive system. And we are not in the habit of taking strong medicine. But if we don't, we will sink deeper into a malignant web fashioned by Satanists.

    That is the article, and the following is a comment from a reader on that article.

    Henry--absolutely correct--except the oil spill is an attack on the entire planet. There are reports that the oil has already reached New Jersey and is on its way to Canada, Europe and the Arctic. There is no 'Obama administration'. He was created and is controlled by the same evil that is perpetrating everything you have mentioned in this article. Our 'leaders' are no different. They will do and say what the money controllers tell them to. This is a war against humanity and we will lose. We have been programmed to swallow all the garbage we are indoctrinated with while these same evil cause the 'problems' to occur. All to further their control over the planet. Sadly there is no one to vote for and no one to lead us. The only way these 'leaders' get to their position in the first place is to pledge allegiance to the evil. Sadly, money has become our only concern for survival. We have no concept that our food sources are being contaminated and destroyed with the blessing and support of our 'leaders', who support the Zionist financial elite who see it in their own interests to decimate the population of the planet. We can't eat money. We have become our own worst enemy. It is up to us to change the direction of this destruction. Knowledge and courage are needed.

  147. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:31 AM |  

    The Bible tells us that the Jews have known the truth for thousands of years; however, their tendency has always been to serve Satan more often than serving God.

    “Is there any advantage, then, in being a Jew? Or is there any value in being circumcised? There are all kinds of advantages. First of all, God entrusted them with his word” (Romans 3; 1, 2).

    After Jesus came to earth, and told the Jews the truth, the Jews have, with very few exceptions chosen to unrepentantly serve the invisible demons.

    “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour (1 John 2:18)

    “Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist-he denies the Father and the Son” (1John 2:22).

    “But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world” (1 John 4:13).

    “Many deceivers (Satanic Jews who actually saw Jesus and saw the miracles), who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist” (1John 1:7)

    “It is impossible for those who (Vast majority of Ancient Jews) have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace” (Hebrews 6:4-6).

    “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the Law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:26-31).

    A thought came to my mind because of the BP oil spill, and because of the British and American Governments’ inaction.

    “The nations (that serve Satan) were angry; and Your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding Your servants the prophets and Your saints and those who reverence Your name, both small and great--and for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).

    America is the Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 and Chapter 19, and perhaps we could look at those Scriptures concerning America at another time.

    We have seen Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George Bush share a venue and speak to people on many occasions.

    Most of the times, the British Prime Minister in on the right hand side of the American President, possibly to copy the in some way the meaning of the next Scriptures, but as a Secret Devil Worshipping false prophet.

    “Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy” (Exodus 15:6).

    “Look, he (Stephan) said, I see heaven open and the Son of Man (Jesus) standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).

    And the Beast (America) was taken, and with him the False Prophet (possibly Britain) who did the signs before him (America), by which they were turned from the true way those who had the Mark of the Beast, and who gave worship to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire. (Revelation 19:19-21).

    This thought that came into mind because of recent events, and we should all search the internet, and do research on this topic.

  148. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:02 AM |  

    This is a continuation of a thought that recently came to my mind concerning the BP oil spill.

    We have all seen the callous disregard shown of the British and American Governments’ inaction over this environmental and ecological disaster.

    “The nations (that serve Satan, Britain and America) were angry; and Your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding Your servants the prophets and Your saints and those who reverence Your name, both small and great--and for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).

    We see how Britain and America are angry with God, because they are Secret Devil Worshippers, and this is why they are destroying the earth with this oil-spill.

    However, part of the anger that these Secret Devil Worshippers have, is to try their best to deceive people as to what or more correctly is behind all this.

    This is where a ‘sign’ of how the False Prophet can say the world is needed by Satan.

    America is the Beast, and therefore it is the False Prophet’s (possibly Britain) task to clean up the mess as BP is British Petroleum.

    It does Not need a genius to know that Britain and America are partners, and because the territory is America, we should Not be surprised if America helps in the clean up if Satan gives the British and American Politicians permission to very reluctantly stop the quick destruction of the planet.

    America is the Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 and Chapter 19, and perhaps we could look at those Scriptures concerning America at another time.

    We have seen Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George Bush share a venue and speak to people on many occasions.

    Most of the times, the British Prime Minister in on the right hand side of the American President, possibly to copy the in some way the meaning of the next Scriptures, but as a Secret Devil Worshipping false prophet.

    “Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy” (Exodus 15:6).

    “Look, he (Stephan) said, I see heaven open and the Son of Man (Jesus) standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).

    “Because of the signs he (possibly Britain) was given power to do on behalf of the first Beast (America), he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honour of the Beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived” (Revelation 13:14)

    Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the Dragon (Invisible Satan), out of the mouth of the Beast (America) and out of the mouth of the False Prophet (Possibly Britain).

    “And I saw the Beast (America) and the kings of the earth (NATO countries) with their armies gathered to make war against Him who was sitting on the white horse (Jesus) and against His army of invisible angels). And the Beast (American Government) was captured (destroyed), and with it the False Prophet who in its (American Government’s) presence had done the signs (told good lies, and put on a good deceptive act) by which he deceived those who had received the Mark of the Beast and those who worshiped its image. These two (Britain and America) were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulphur. And the rest (of the Secret Devil Worshippers) were slain by the sword that came from the mouth of Him (Jesus) who was sitting on the white horse, and all the birds were gorged with their (The Other Secret Devil Worshippers’) flesh.

  149. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:16 AM |  

    If someone asked me if the invisible demons like to ruin the earth more than what they love to deceive people, then that would be a good question.

    The answer is that they love both of them, but I think they love to ruin people by deceiving them slightly more than they love to ruin God’s Creations.

    We have all seen the callous disregard shown of the British and American Governments’ inaction over this environmental and ecological disaster.

    The invisible Devil and the other invisible demons hate God, and they hate God’s Creations.

    God created the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, and we see that Satan and the demons hate this Creation of God because of their promotion of Homosexual marriage.

    Another Creation of God that the invisible Devil and the other invisible demons intensely hate is God’s word the Bible.

    God’s word of truth is the only hope for Humankind; yet, the Secret Devil Worshippers refer to the Bible it as Hate Speech, and try to ban it.

    “And the Devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulphur, where the Beast (American Government) and the False Prophet (Possibly British Government) had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever” (Revelation 20:10).

    This is just a thought that came into mind because of recent events; and, we should all search the internet, and do research on this topic.

    We all know that Britain and America have a special co-operative relationship, and that they are almost one country as far a foreign policy is concerned.

    With this in mind, it would be difficult to think of any other country that would perform lying signs to deceive other countries for the benefit of America other than Britain.

    Ever since my youth, I have always thought that the English are the best liars, actors, and deceivers in the world.

    I do Not want to say for certain if this is the correct interpretation of who the False Prophet is, until I do sufficient research on the internet to see what others have said.

  150. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:31 AM |  

    A deceptive sign of how Satan’s chosen Servant, Anglo-America will ‘show’ that they can Save The World is needed by the invisible Satan the Devil.

    With this in mind, that Satan’s False Prophet (possibly Britain) will be used to utter some pronouncement in that regard.

    We need to keep in mind that BP is British, and the territory affected is America, and so there could be pronouncements by both Britain and America.

    Satan could of course use another country that is in the vicinity, like Mexico, as his spokesperson or ‘prophet’ in order to deceive people.

    However, without Anglo-American willingness to stop the flow of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, then the oil will keep flowing into the gulf, as it has for the last 5 weeks.

    A thought came to my mind because of the BP oil spill, and because of the British and American Governments’ inaction.

    “The nations (that serve Satan, Britain and America) were angry; and Your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding Your servants the prophets and Your saints, and those who reverence Your name, both small and great--and for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).

    America is the Beast of Revelation Chapter 13 and Chapter 19, and perhaps we could look at those Scriptures concerning America at another time.

    We have seen Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George Bush share a venue and speak to people on many occasions.

    We have all seen the callous disregard shown of the British and American Governments’ inaction over this environmental and ecological disaster.

    We see how Britain and America are angry with God, because they are Secret Devil Worshippers, and this is why they are destroying the earth with this oil-spill.

    However, part of the anger that these Secret Devil Worshippers have, is to try their best to deceive people as to what or more correctly who (invisible demons) are behind all this.

    This is where a ‘sign’ of how the False Prophet can Save The World is needed by Satan.

    America is the Beast, and therefore it is the False Prophet’s (possibly Britain) task to clean up the mess, as BP is British Petroleum.

    It does Not need a genius to know that Britain and America are partners, and because the territory is America, we should Not be surprised if America helps in the clean up.

    This is if invisible demons very reluctantly give the British and American Politicians permission stop the quick destruction of the planet.

    “And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the Dragon (invisible Satan the Devil), and out of the mouth of the Beast (America) and out of the mouth of the False Prophet (possibly Britain), three unclean spirits like frogs. For they are (invisible) demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world (NATO countries), to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty. (Revelation 16:13, 14).

    “And I saw the Beast (America) and the kings of the earth (NATO countries) with their armies gathered to make war against Him who was sitting on the white horse (Jesus) and against His army (of invisible angels). And the Beast (American Government) was captured, and with it the False Prophet (possibly Britain) who in its (the Beast which is the American Government’s) presence had done the signs (told good lies, and put on a good deceptive act) by which he deceived those who had received the Mark of the Beast, and those who worshiped its image. These two (Britain and America) were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulphur. And the rest (of the Secret Devil Worshippers) were slain by the sword (instrument of destruction) that came from the mouth of Him (Jesus) who was sitting on the white horse, and all the birds were gorged with their (The Other Secret Devil Worshippers’) flesh” (revelation 19:19-21).

    We can all be certain that the British Prime Minister, and the American President have been masturbating to full orgasmic pleasure over the destruction of the planet.

  151. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:02 AM |  

    We can all be certain that the British Prime Minister; the American President, and most Anglo-American Politicians; both male and female have been masturbating to full orgasmic pleasure over the destruction of the planet.

    We can see how Satan is using the Media as a motivator, with such very recent articles as: Is oil spill becoming Obama’s Katrina?

    Another Media article is Florida Governor Charlie Secret Devil Worshipper Crist announces Florida oil spill ad campaign.

    The invisible demons are even using others knowingly, or unwittingly, with this news article: Academics flexing research muscles to analyse extent, effects of oil spill.

    I checked the news item using last hour setting regarding the oil spill, and I just kept refreshing the news page.

    These and other items are just after I published or was writing my other comment just before this one.

    A deceptive sign of how Satan’s chosen Servant, Anglo-America will ‘show’ that they can Save The World is needed by the invisible Satan the Devil.

    The invisible demons saw what I was writing, and now the deceptive False Prophet arrangement of Britain saying That America Can And Will Save The Planet is under way.

    We have seen a diversionary oil spill at Singapore that Satan made look like an ‘accident’ to shift focus temporarily away from the Anglo-American oil spill.

    Another example of Britain and America ruining the earth is their use of depleted uranium, and the callousness of Not cleaning it up afterwards.

    “The nations (that serve Satan, Britain, America, and NATO) were angry; and Your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding Your servants the prophets and Your saints, and those who reverence Your name, both small and great--and for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:18).

    The wise thing to do is to get your own copy of the Bible; study it, and serve God, because Jesus is coming back very soon, to judge all the people of the world.

    “And he said to me, Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near. Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy. Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Revelation 22:10-12).

  152. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    It is interesting that the oil-spill was allowed to go on for that long by the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left who say they are opposed to offshore oil drilling needed the deliberately engineered ecological diaster to gain votes for homosexual causes with Satanic links to paedophilia.

    This comes at the same e time that the American Armed Services Committee passes repeal of Do Not Ask Do Not Tell by 16 votes to12 votes, and the American Congress passes the repeal of Do Not Ask Do Not Tell by 234 votes to 194 votes.

    We need to remember that the deliberately engineered oil spill happened while the Dark Left was the Government of Satan’s False Prophet, Great Britain.

    An article linked from the David Icke website is titled: Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile, and at http://thetruthseeker.co.uk/ is where I found that article.

    The article claims that Investigative journalist confirms connection of leading political and legal figures to Scottish paedophile ring and Dunblane child killer Thomas Hamilton. In the early months of 2003, just prior to the illegal invasion of Iraq, and working in conjunction with a London-based freelance journalist who had thoroughly double-checked exposures published by the Scottish ‘Sunday Herald’ newspaper, I publicised details of a child-sex ring linked to senior ministers within the Blair government. I initially published my findings, stemming from discreet leaks from a secret list provided by the American FBI to the ‘Sunday Times’ newspaper, and concomitantly discovered that Tony Blair had issued a gagging order to suppress all further discussion of a scandal that would most certainly have brought a swift end to his administration and made Britain’s collusion in the destruction of Iraq impossible. The articles I wrote concerning the “Operation Ore” cover-up and the 100-year blackout order imposed upon the report concerning the Dunblane massacre of children used and abused by senior Scottish Labour government ministers can still be found here: Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine, Massive Cover-Up www.propagandamatrix.com/alleged_pedophiles.html [Ref. 1] Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Ring Spells the End For His Career. www.propagandamatrix.com/blair_protection.html [Ref. 2] Blackout in Britain: Alleged Pedophiles Helm Blair's War Room. www.counterpunch.org/james01292003.html Blackout in Britain: Alleged Paedophiles at Helm of Britain’s War Machine. http://thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=8257 Tony Blair Caught Protecting Elite Paedophile Ring. http://thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=8258 Cremation of Care: The New World Order and the Dunblane Shootings. www.cremationofcare.com/the_nwo_dunblane.htm Dunblane Secret Documents Contain Letters by Tory and Labour Ministers. www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=600 These stories, which also implicated the Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith, former NATO Boss Lord Robertson, and the Svengali of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown’s rise to power, the flamboyant homosexual Peter Mandelson (now Lord Mandelson), were widely publicised on the Internet, excited debate within numerous online forums, and inspired Robert Kilroy-Silk’s former Veritas Party to undertake a detailed examination of the extent to which senior and junior ministers close to Gordon Brown were given free licence to engage in paedophiliac activities under the protection of the British intelligence services.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  153. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:20 AM |  

    This comment is more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Sunday Herald’s incendiary story (“Child Porn Arrests Too Slow”, 19 January 2003), written by its Home Affair’s correspondent Neil Mackay, disappeared rapidly from the Internet within weeks of my exposure. Mackay’s editor, at first cooperative, subsequently refused to answer any further enquiries put to him by myself and the freelance journalist Bob Kearley. Each and every letter I sent to the British Home Office, Scotland Yard and the Sunday Times solicited not one single reply. Lord Robertson, a self-confessed Freemasonic member of Edinburgh’s sinister “Speculative Society” lodge, who enjoyed a peculiarly close personal relationship with Thomas Hamilton, the mass murderer of abused children in Dunblane, failed to sue the Sunday Herald for libel and promptly disappeared from public life. Police records revealed that Robertson had helped expedite the process by which the Manchurian Candidate, Hamilton, already a convicted child molester with known affiliations to the British elite, was able to obtain gun licenses. Robertson worked in collusion with Michael Forsyth (Secretary of State for Scotland), a fellow “Speculative Freemason” and Robert Bell, an associate of Malcolm Rifkind (British Foreign Secretary). Robertson, at the behest of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, had a vested interest in ‘wasting’ children who were beginning to talk. On 13 March 1996, Thomas Hamilton, a former Boy Scout leader walked into Dunblane Primary School armed with two 9 mm pistols and two .357 Magnum revolvers. He killed sixteen small children and a teacher. The subsequent police investigation revealed that Hamilton had loaded the magazines for his Browning with an alternating combination of fully metal-jacketed and hollow point ammunition. This horrific event led to the banning of handguns in the UK. [How convenient.] The Judge who conducted the inquiry into the atrocity, during which two teachers claimed to have seen another mysterious man “guiding” Hamilton onto the premises, was Lord Cullen. Cullen, also a member of the Freemasonic Speculative Society and an associate of Labour “Scottish Mafia” figures such as Lord Robertson, Tony Blair, John Reid and Gordon Brown, was accused by leading journalists and emergency service personnel of having achieved a cover-up.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  154. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:21 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    According to journalist Marcello Mega, in The News of the World, 28 December 2003: A top Scottish Freemason, Former Grand Master Lord Burton, has said that Lord Cullen's inquiry into the Dunblane massacre was a cover-up. Lord Burton says Cullen's inquiry suppressed crucial information to protect high-profile legal figures. These high-profile legal figures may belong to a secretive 'Super-Mason' group called The Speculative Society. Lord Burton said: "I have learned of an apparent connection between prominent members of the legal establishment involved in the inquiry, and the secretive Speculative Society. The society was formed in Edinburgh University through Masonic connections so I accept that there might be a link by that route." Reportedly, members of the Speculative Society have included Lord Cullen and a number of other judges, sheriffs and advocates. Some of these high-profile people had links to the Queen Victoria School 'where gunman Thomas Hamilton was allowed to roam free before the 1996 atrocity'. Reportedly the police are investigating claims that pupils at Queen Victoria School were regularly taken away and sexually abused. Former housemaster Glenn Harrison told the News of the World how he even found Hamilton, 43, creeping around the dormitories at night. He said Hamilton had close links to a top policeman. Glenn was never called to give evidence at the Cullen Inquiry. Lord Burton said: "I tried repeatedly to raise concerns about the inquiry during my time in the Lords, and I was bullied and threatened by powerful peers loyal to the Conservative Government of the day, who warned me of dire consequences if I continued to embarrass them." (According to this source Cached - 'Malcolm Rifkind's friend and his then Chairman of his constituency party at Edinburgh Pentlands, Robert Bell, according to the front page lead of the Edinburgh Evening News on 23 March 1996, sold guns and ammunition to Thomas Hamilton only a few weeks before the Dunblane massacre, and it was reported he said he would sell him guns again.') Glenn Harrison had kept dozens of files from pupils alleging bullying and abuse while he was at the Queen Victoria School and wrote to parents warning of the dangers in 1991. It led to him being ousted from the school and just days before he left, police raided his home and confiscated the files. Glenn states that Hamilton had been a friend of Ben Philip, the senior housemaster at QVS. Mr Philip died in December 1993, aged 46, when he fell from a ladder while hanging decorations. http://scot-land.blogspot.com/2007/12/lord-cullen-dunblane-lockerbie.html. Alan Milburn, a close ally of Tony Blair, also resigned dramatically from the senior benches of the Labour Party government shortly after Scotland Yard’s anti-paedophile investigation was suppressed by the Blair administration, citing the need to “spend more time with my family”. For some reason, the abduction of Scottish children for the purpose of rape and murder, always closely linked to senior Labour Party political figures, continues unabated. Pressure on Police to Release Paedophile Dossier. www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/scotland/article708514.ece

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  155. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:29 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    Although Labour Supremo Peter Mandelson’s alleged role in the kidnapping of young girls and boys for the “pleasuring” of the European Union’s elite commissioners in Brussels was the subject of intense speculation long before the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, I can now bring to a close all speculation as to the name of Tony Blair’s most “highly placed and senior politician” who fell not only under the scrutiny of Scotland Yard for crimes against children, but was also identified by the FBI as an active member of the paedophile ring run by Thomas Hamilton. That name was first revealed to me by Norman Lamont at a private party in Clapham in 1986, during which time I worked as a scriptwriter for the British television media. Lamont later became Chancellor of the Exchequer under John Major’s Conservative administration. Following investigations in 2003 on both my and Bob Kearley’s part, that name cropped up time and time again, and I passed the details to Internet journalist Paul Joseph Watson. Gordon Brown, the current British Prime Minister, is a practising paedophile whose activities are known not only to the British, American and Israeli intelligence services, but also by Rupert Murdoch and his senior editor at the Sunday Times. Michael James, an English patriot, is a blacklisted and surveilled former freelance journalist resident in Zionist-occupied Germany since 1992 with additional long-haul stays in East Africa, Poland and Switzerland. He advocates a Leaderless Resistance to destroy the Soviet European Union and is actively working towards a free and independent England.

    A child-sex scandal that threatened to destroy Tony Blair's government last week has been mysteriously squashed and wiped off the front pages of British newspapers. Operation Ore, the United Kingdom's most thorough and comprehensive police investigation of crimes against children, seems to have uncovered more than is politically acceptable at the highest reaches of the British elite. In the 19th of January edition of The Sunday Herald, Neil Mackay sensationally reported that senior members of Tony Blair's government were being investigated for paedophilia and the "enjoyment" of child-sex pornography: "The Sunday Herald has also had confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore suspects. The Sunday Herald has been given the politician's name but, for legal reasons, can not identify the person. There are still unconfirmed rumours that another senior Labour politician is among the suspects. The intelligence officer said that a 'rolling' Cabinet committee had been set up to work out how to deal with the potentially ruinous fall-out for both Tony Blair and the government if arrests occur." The allegations are the most serious yet levelled at an administration that prides itself on the inclusion in its ranks of a high quota of controversial and flamboyant homosexual men, and whose First Lady, Cherie Blair, has come under the spotlight for her indulgence in pagan rituals that resemble Freemasonic rites. Unconfirmed information also suggests that the term "former Labour Cabinet minister" is misleading and that the investigation has identified a surprisingly large number of alleged paedophiles at the highest level of British government, including one very senior cabinet minister (known to Propaganda Matrix.com).

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  156. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:51 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    The Blair government has responded by imposing a comprehensive blackout on the story, effectively removing it from the domain of public discussion. Attempts on the part of this journalist to establish why the British media has not followed up on the revelations have met with a wall of silence. Editors and journalists of The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Observer, The Sunday Telegraph, The Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Mirror, The Sun, the BBC, Independent Television News and even The Sunday Herald have refused to discuss the matter. Speaking from London, freelance journalist Bob Kearley told me: "Whether or not a D-Notice has been issued is not clear. But based on some of the feedback I've been getting it's apparent that editors and media owners have voluntarily agreed not to cover the story at this time. Operation Ore is still being reported, but not in regard to government ministers, and it's taking up very few column inches on the third or fourth page. Don't forget that the intelligence services are involved here, and Blair is anxious to ensure that the scandal does not rock the boat at a time when the country is about to go to war." You can imagine the effect this would have on the morale of troops who are about to commit in Iraq. In fact morale is reportedly quite low anyway, with service personnel throwing their vaccines into the sea en route to the battlefront and knowing how unpopular the war is with the British people. And a lot of squaddies I've met think there's something weird going on between Bush and Blair. If you're then told that the executive responsible for the conduct of the war is staffed by child-molesters ... well, then Saddam suddenly looks like the sort of bloke with whom you can share a few tins [beer]." In an E mail to Paul Joseph Watson, Mike James identified his sources as "people I knew in London who used to work for the Treasury department throughout the 1980s, one being a private secretary at a senior level....my sources will definitely refuse to support my claims - both are doing extremely well financially and career-wise."] References:

    Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings Spells the End For His Career. NATO boss and Blair government insider Lord Robertson has threatened to sue Scotland's leading independent newspaper over internet allegations that he not only used his influence as a Freemason to procure a gun licence for child killer Thomas Hamilton, but was also a member of a clandestine paedophile ring reportedly set up by Hamilton for the British elite. On 13 March 1996, Hamilton, armed with four hand-guns, opened fire on a junior school class, killing 16 children and one teacher before turning the gun on himself, shattering forever the idyllic 13th century Scottish town of Dunblane. The controversy is certain to topple the Blair government, which has already issued a D-Notice to gag the press from revealing the names of known paedophiles within the British executive, including at least two senior ministers; and the case highlights the government's antipathy toward the Sunday Herald and its brand of independent journalism that has, among other things, exposed the role played by the domestic security agency, MI5, in helping the IRA to carry out terrorist atrocities.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  157. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:14 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    "Peter Mandelson began political life as a member of the Communist Party, soon "seeing the light" and instead getting involved with the CIA/MI6-financed Socialist International youth wing and the Labour Party, through which he rose in parallel with his experience working at London Weekend Television with other A-list regulars like John Birt and Michael Maclay, now public mouthpiece of Hakluyt, the private sector spook outfit run by a bunch of "ex" MI6 types including the widow of ex-Labour leader John Smith. This sort of background and connections makes Mandelson very useful in the sort of corridors-and-alleyways diplomacy and networking that is the real substance of international relations and intelligence gathering. If Mandelson is indeed the suspect, then the damage this could cause may fatally wound Blair." "An interesting development that may, or may not, be related to this, is the publication of an article in last Sunday's Observer by David Aaronovitch. He and Mandelson are long-time friends, having been together in the Communist Party and at London Weekend TV. Aaronovitch was, until recently, a leading political commentator for the Independent, on whose "international advisory board" (the standard vanity collection of august persons put together for the ego of newspaper proprietors like Tony O'Reilly and Conrad Black) sits Peter Mandelson." "Since switching to the Guardian Media Group at the beginning of this year or thereabouts, Aaronovitch authored an article on child abuse in which he pleads for common sense to prevail, rather than the lynch mob: 'Strangely I trust the police to act sensibly (because, like the analysts, they’ve seen it all): it's the rest of us I worry about.'" "That much depends upon the behaviour of the US Justice Department, which ultimately has responsibility for the investigation, must be a worry for Blair. One need only imagine how this must colour the views of John Ashcroft regarding the moral fibre of British cabinet ministers and the laxity of the prime minister who chose them in the first place. How easy would it be for the suspect to be named in a story that miraculously surfaced outside of the UK (thereby circumventing the D Notice and leading potentially to a re-run of the Spy catcher fiasco of 1987)? "Whoever is on the suspects' list, we can see that already this 'rolling' cabinet committee is busy leaking stories that serve at least to delay the shock of the inevitable, eventual revelation, buying valuable time if nothing else. Thus you can depend on the Guardian to save the day for Tony, and here's some helpful tip-offs courtesy of MI6 that help to distract from what's really going on, whilst bolstering the reputation for integrity and financial propriety that has marked Blair's dealings with businesspeople like Bernie Ecclestone, Richard Desmond, Lakshmi Mittal, etc."

    "I have come to the considered conclusion," says a correspondent of Keaney, William Palfreman, "that the events surrounding the Dunblane massacre, and the subsequent submissions to the Cullen enquiry that have been put under to 100 years of secrecy, far out weigh in political significance issues such as our opposition to the EU [and] what it entails. It is inconceivable that T Blair, Jack Straw [and] Gordon Brown can survive in office as this matter becomes known. It totally undermines the Labour government, and could easily be a case of the Queen feeling she has to use reserve powers to call an emergency general election, such would be the loss of confidence."

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  158. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:14 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    "This scandal is far more important that anything that has happened here in living memory, in fact I can think of no parallel for it. It certainly pisses all over anything that happened to Kennedy or was done by Nixon. I am surprised, given the gravity of this matter, that an attempt has yet to be made on his life, for surely we are dealing with desperate people here. It also explains a few strange things, such as just why T Blair & co. were so keen to ban all handguns, and why such obviously talentless nobodies like George Robertson have risen from being backbench nobodies a couple of years ago to Defence Secretary, and now Secretary-General ofNATO." Now where in this is there a national security risk so great, that documents part of the public enquiry are now state secrets to be held for 100 years? Funny kind of public enquiry. Why, when Thomas Hamilton's application for a gun licence was turned down, due to him being regarded as a man of unsound character and him being the object of several paedophilia investigations, did his MP, our friend George Robertson (now Lord Robertson, Secretary-General of NATO), write him a glowing character reference, and personally see to it that his application was successful, when he knew the grounds for the original refusal were because he was suspected of procuring boys for sexual services?" "Or take a certain boat seized on Loch Ness by the Strathclyde Police. It is a very rare thing for assets to be seized in the UK, as there are no asset-forfeiture laws. When it does happen, there is normally a trial at least, with things only being seized if they are proven to be bought with money proven to be consequence of a proven crime. Even then, they are sold by public auction. How come, then, was this very valuable boat sold for the tiny sum of £5000, without an auction, to none other than our friend Thomas Hamilton, a man of no financial means whatsoever, nor a sailor, nor lived anywhere near any open water. Why did not the boats owners complain about having their property stolen from them in this manner? I can only conclude because it was being used for some very serious criminal activity, and those on board were merely glad to escape prosecution. Also, it seems rather odd in such circumstances that not only were the owners happy to avoid prosecution enough to lose a valuable boat, but that the Strathclyde Police were not willing to prosecute. And yet, after these improbable events, it wound up in none other than our friend Hamilton's hands. Could he have been a blackmailer as well as a paedophile?" "But the main thing is what might explain sections of the public enquiry are now under the hundred year rule. There are only three levels of secrecy in the UK for state secrets, the 30 year rule, the 80 year rule and the 100 year rule. Normal secrets, like Cabinet discussions, government papers, espionage, all that, are under the 30 year rule. Only a very small number of things ever reached the 80 year rule, particularly events in the Sudan with Kitchener in 1902, where it seems that an act of genocide was committed, and some things that happened 1914-18, as well as things like potential peace negotiations in 1941, and just about everything to do with the IRA (after all, people are still alive after 30 years) come under the 80 year rule. Of them, the darkest of state secrets, when the events of '02 were getting a bit close to their limit for comfort, a further class of secrets was created to last a hundred years, and tiny number of things were put in it - e.g. Kitchener in '02, some World War I things."

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  159. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:16 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.
    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

    But none of these things can be said to apply to Dunblane. That was a case of a common criminal and sexual pervert committing some fairly ordinary murders, of a kind that happen from time to time. Even if a backbench Labour MP was implicated, or may have been involved in a large paedophile ring in Scotland, that is not a matter of vital national importance. You have a prosecution, there is a bit of a scandal, everyone is disgusted and one MP goes to prison. Big deal: such things happen. You certainly would not make such information a state secret just to save one unnamed backbench nobody's miserable neck. Governments simply don't go to such extreme lengths to save nobodies - power broking just doesn't work like that. There must be issues of profound national importance working here, and I put it to you that anything that involves certain events in Scotland is more likely to be someone of cabinet level than anything else. If the physiologically flawed [although Thomas Hamilton was these were the words of Tony Blair when speaking of Gordon Brown] Thomas Hamilton was the centre of a paedophile ring in Scotland that procured boys to people of the amongst the highest rank, and Tony Blair [and] Jack Straw covered this up by the Official Secrets Act (They would do the covering, as both the Prime Minister's [and] Home Secretary's permission is needed to put some something under the 100 year rule.) it is hard to see how they or their close colleges could possibly remain in office, even if they were never inclined to such flawed behaviour themselves. The government would fall." That prospect seems to be energising a government now considered to be fighting for its political life, even to the extent of killing the review process by which some of the banned sections of the Cullen Report would be made public, arguing that freedom of information would somehow harm other abused children in Dunblane. In a recent interview with the Guardian newspaper, Michael Matheson, the Scottish National Party's shadow deputy justice minister, said: "There are more documents covered by the 100-year rule than this police report. Some of them have nothing whatsoever to do with children. We need to look at why such a lengthy ban has been imposed on them. I have been contacted by a number of families affected by the tragedy who are anxious to ensure this information becomes public. And so far we have no guarantee that it will. We only have a review." "It is important we make available, if it is at all possible, any information that is available about people in the public eye," said the Scottish first minister, Jack McConnell. When Tony Blair took office following a landslide victory in 1997, few commentators would have suggested that this man would be willing to drag his country into a war of unjustified aggression against a people that have done no harm to the British public. Nor would anyone have surmised that a Labour government would hitch its political fortunes to a shabby cabal of fanatical neoconservative Zionists working to make real their much-touted biblical Armageddon. And no one could have predicted that Blair's nominally "Christian" administration would transform itself into a licentious club of flamboyant homosexual cruisers and out-of-control paedophiles.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  160. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:22 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    But it is now becoming shockingly clear that the slavish adherence of Tony Blair and Jack Straw to the Bush line on Iraq may have less to do with principled arguments, and much more to do with the fear of CIA and FBI revelations that would make them two of the most hated politicians in modern British political history. There is only one way out for Tony Blair - resign.

    Robertson considers action over web allegation
    Alleged Pedophiles at Helm of Britain's War Machine
    Call to lift veil of secrecy over Dunblane
    MP aide facing porn charge
    Child porn arrests 'too slow'
    Don't look now

    "Perceptions" note: email below is from a long-time contributor. However, subject matter - a mass killing of school-children by a pedophile reputed to have had friends in power - might offend some. Victims Of Masonic Ill Treatment 10 January 2004. The unlawful sectioning of George Farquhar by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital on the basis that he accused Cullen on his Website of a Masonic cover-up of paedophiles in Scotland's high society calls for the removal of Dr Chrichton from the medical register and the removal from the bench of Sheriff Lothian. The same abuse of power and of the corruption of the psychiatric process by Carstairs State Hospital to silence Mr Arnold McCardle calls for similar penalties against the psychiatrists and judges involved in the McCardle case. Carstairs also has another paedophile friendly "doctor" who is being investigated for using the title "doctor". In support of evidence submitted with the Public Petitions Committee in relation to the above petitions PE652 and PE685, please find enclosed a copy of an article of serious significance by Marcello Mega that appeared in the News of the World on Sunday, 28 December 2003.

    It further bolsters my earlier submitted News of the World article by Marcello Mega of 9 November 2003, along with an article that appeared in the Herald on Wednesday, 13 November 2003. I apologise if I appear overly pushy with this supplication, but I am sure the entire PPC will appreciate the enormity of it, especially in the light of Lord Burton's revelations in the News of the World. The "News of the World Investigates" article by Marcello Mega, published on 28 December 2003, is typed out verbatim below. The inquiry into the Dunblane massacre was a massive cover-up, a top Scots Freemason has sensationally claimed. Former Grand Master Lord Burton says that Lord Cullen's official probe suppressed crucial information to protect high-profile legal figures.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  161. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:30 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    He says they may belong to a secretive "Super-Mason" group called The Speculative Society. Some had links to the Queen Victoria School where gunman Thomas Hamilton was allowed to roam free before the 1996 atrocity. [DUNBLANE SCHOOL KILLINGS] And Lord Burton revealed that he was bullied and threatened by other peers when he tried to raise his concerns in the House of Lords. Last night the 79 year-old aristocrat said: "There's no escaping the fact that there's something sinister about the whole affair." He was prompted into action after reading in the News of the World last month that police are investigating claims that pupils at QVS were regularly taken away and sexually abused. The Cullen Inquiry failed to investigate why suspected paedophile Hamilton was allowed to wander around the school whenever he liked, running camps and using the shooting range. Former housemaster Glenn Harrison told us how he even found Hamilton, 43, creeping around the dormitories at night. He said Hamilton, who murdered 16 pupils and a teacher at Dunblane Primary School in 1996, had close links to a top cop. Glenn said he was aghast that he was never called to give evidence at the Cullen Inquiry. He said: "I was one of the people who was making a fuss about Hamilton long before he killed those children, but no one wanted to listen." Now Lord Burton has contacted him at his new home in the Shetland Islands, saying he believes Glenn wasn't called to give evidence to avoid the embarrassment of top legal names being dragged into it. The QVS is for schoolchildren of the military services and has long-standing links to high office; its current patron is the Duke of Edinburgh. Whoever holds the position of secretary of State for Scotland becomes president and Scotland's second-most senior judge, the Lord Justice-Clerk, becomes a commissioner. Lord Burton said: "I was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland at the time and I'm aware that most of the conspiracy theories around Dunblane revolve around allegations of a Masonic conspiracy. I do have some difficulty with that, but I have learned of an apparent connection between prominent members of the legal establishment involved in the inquiry, and the secretive Speculative Society. The society was formed in Edinburgh University through Masonic connections so I accept that there might be a link by that route. But Hamilton was never a Mason. His grandfather was." [Petitioner's interjection: Thomas Hamilton enrolled as a member of Lodge Garrowhill (Lanarkshire Middle Ward) No. 1413, Garrowhill Drive, Garrowhill, Glasgow, in 1977, the same year he was granted a firearms certificate. Without any shadow of a doubt, his files connecting him to Freemasonry would be destroyed after the atrocities on 13 March 1996.] Current members of the Speculative Society include Lord Cullen and a number of other judges, sheriffs and advocates. Lord Burton has been trying for years to get to the bottom of the conspiracy theories, using his influence in the House of Lords until the reforms meant he was no longer entitled to sit in Westminster. Last night he said: "I tried repeatedly to raise concerns about the inquiry during my time in the Lords, and I was bullied and threatened by powerful peers loyal to the Conservative government of the day, who warned me of dire consequences if I continued to embarrass them."

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  162. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:59 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    [Petitioner's interjection - Bear in mind, Malcolm Rifkind was the Foreign Secretary at the time - and they do not come much higher in government than that - and Malcolm Rifkind's friend and his then Chairman of his constituency party at Edinburgh Pentlands, Robert Bell, according to the front page lead of the Edinburgh Evening News on 23 March 1996, sold guns and ammunition to Thomas Hamilton only a few weeks before the Dunblane massacre, and it was reported he said he would sell him guns again. I sent this information to Lord Cullen in a letter dated 27 February 2003, a copy with which the Public Petitions Committee were all provided as additional evidence to PE652.] But the determined peer pressed on and on and in 1999, asked a question in the Lords which revealed that documents from the inquiry had been locked up for 100 years. Among them was a police report revealing that Hamilton had been accused of sexually abusing boys and had been considered by some officers unfit to hold a firearms licence. Lord Burton added: "We still need to know why that was necessary. Who was the secrecy protecting?" Although the official reason is to protect the families of possible abuse victims, it's unusual for documents to be locked up unless for matters of national security. In July, Dunblane ambulance worker Sandra Uttley told the News of the World how she and friend Doreen Hagger had drawn up a 50-point, 5,000-word dossier calling for secrecy surrounding the tragedy to be lifted. They claimed that dozens of questions have gone unanswered and crucial lines of enquiry were ignored. Former ambulance worker Sandra said: "There may be other individuals who should face prosecution." Glenn Harrison had kept dozens of files from pupils alleging bullying and abuse while he was at the QVS and wrote to parents warning of the dangers in 1991. It led to him being ousted from the school and just days before he left, police raided his home and confiscated the files. When Glenn read Sandra's story, he went back to the police - and this time they agreed to investigate. Last night he said he in turn had been glad to receive the call from Lord Burton ... He added: "I've been making noises for years and I sometimes despair and think it's time to just accept we'll never get to the truth. "But I think we owe it to all the people who were so affected by the killings to continue to demand questions that were never asked." Glenn told us that Hamilton had been a friend of Ben Philip, the senior housemaster at QVS. Mr Philip died in December 1993, aged 46, when he fell from a ladder while hanging decorations. Glenn said: "They were friends so Hamilton was a regular visitor to the school and I was introduced to him. "Ben Philip was a decent guy who was very trusting. I think he thought he and Hamilton shared interests in things like the outdoors, and he couldn't see that Hamilton had another motive for wanting to be around the school. "Hamilton ran camps in the school grounds and he used the shooting range freely. He came and went as he pleased, almost as if he owned the place, and no one has ever tried to explain why he had such freedom.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  163. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    This comment is yet more of the information on the article of the Dark Left.

    The Dark Left may remove some of the links that are on that article or change them, in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    I am still haunted by the memory of pick up my newspaper on March 14 1996 and reading about what had occurred at Dunblane Primary School the day before. I just knew the killer had to be Thomas Hamilton. He should have been stopped." Demands have already been made to the Scottish Executive to investigate the influence of the Speculative Society. It was formed in 1764 as an off-shoot of the Masons and has counted Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Hugh McDiarmid among its most celebrated members. The Spec, as it is known, is described by its members as a debating club. They meet in candlelit vaults below Edinburgh University's Old College in the winter. Prospective members are normally approached while still studying at the university. Its membership - which was secret until a year ago - reads like a Who's Who of the rich and powerful in Scotland. Campaigners were determined to reveal the membership amid concerns, many expressed by senior lawyers who are not members, of the disproportionate influence the Spec is said to wield. One legal figure who has long been suspicious of the Spec said: "Members laugh off the suspicions and say it's just a debating club. But, given that the members are picked as undergrads and almost without exception go on to reach the pinnacle of their careers, you have to think either that those making the selection are very astute at spotting potential, or that membership gives you a big leg up in life. I know which option I favour." I will be much obliged if you could respond at your earliest convenience. Please also keep me abreast of any progress with PE652, which was heard over two months ago, and of any proposed date for the hearing of PE685.

    These Secret Devil Worshippers are prepared and have committed every evil there is as to get their jobs in the Anglo-American Governments.

    That is the article, and we can see that some people in very high places in Britain love to fondle, kiss, and caress young children’s genitals.

    We can see how the Dark Left and other deviants want to silence free speech in a ‘Democracy’, so that they can legalize sexual deviancy with a view to eventually legalizing paedophilia.

  164. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    We have seen from the published comments that there is proof for paedophilia in high places.

    We should Not be surprised if some ICJ some Judges have been corrupted with paedophilia, and can now be blackmailed by Britain, America, and the Nazis of this world.

    This is why any non-Janissary Serbian Government should Not rest until 100% of ICJ Judges say that Law is Legal.

  165. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:52 AM |  

    This comment is an update on a comment I wrote; it better explains what I want to say, and it contains new information.

    We have seen how the alleged probably forged diaries that are claimed to have been written by General Mladic have been given to the Nazi Hague Inquisition.

    I am Not suggesting to anyone that they lie; however, and I am just make a TRUTHFUL STATEMENT, that most countries with even minimum intelligence do lie when they need to.

    I do Not need to be lectured that lying is a sin, but I am just refreshing the mind of the retards of the common fact that truth is the first casualty of war.

    That is simply a statement of PROVEN FACT, and any digression from that proven fact should and needs to be analysed and explained.

    At the very least, most militaries would have made two sets of diaries just like a tax cheat makes two sets of books.

    At the very least, two sets of diaries could easily have been made by General Mladic, as 1995 was a long time ago.

    The diaries could in fact even be computer generated forgery made at the American State Department with the blessing of the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries in the Serbian Government.

    If the diaries were Not good for Serbia, then those diaries, and all other bad records would have been destroyed as soon as possible, unless of course Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries are in control of Serbia.

    The Military language always is that words are spoken in lies, and to make yourself and your country look pure.

    Either way, any NORMAL COUNTRY would either have destroyed those records, or would have submitted them for their purity value long ago.

    It is interesting why these diaries were submitted after Tadic and company apologized for Srebrenica without any independent investigation.

    The Traitors wanted to use these ‘diaries’ that no one can be sure of as ‘evidence’ for apologizing for Srebrenica that had nothing to do with Serbia.

    Of course, these ‘diaries’ allegedly and conveniently mention Milosevic and Mladic’s conversations between each other.

    Everyone knows that some things never get recorded, and that if Mladic had a conversation with Milosevic, or took orders from Milosevic, then it would remain an undocumented and unrecorded secret.

    I will now explain why I have Not suggested, neither would I suggest that anyone speak lies.

    Having said that however, there are people who would lie, and there are people would want others to lie.

    It would be nice if Russia at the next Serbian election had a Free Online Lotteries for Serbs only.

    This Free Online Lotteries that is for Serbs only, would convince the Serbian voters that only threat of Global Online Lottery is what kept Tadic and company from recognizing Kosovo, because America and the Albanians begged Russia Not to hold such a Global Online Lottery on Kosovo.

    As I have said, I am Not advising Russia to lie, because Russia would Not lie, but many Serbs would be GLAD if Russia was economical with the truth at the next Serbia election.

    It would be pointless to lie, especially when the truth is more than sufficient.

    The Serbian Voters can easily be made to understand the consequences of giving the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP a majority at the next election.

    For the benefit of those who are hard of thinking, it would be independent Vojvodina, independent, Kosovo, the further break up of Serbia, and Serbia joining NATO.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries at the next election.

  166. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:26 AM |  

    It is interesting how the Nazis of Europe want to make it look like Tadic is qualified to negotiate other people’s territorial disputes.

    At the same time, the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries are disregarding principles, and want to drop a genocide case against the Serbia people.

    We hear the Puppets, traitors, and Janissaries speak of Economic Patriotism, because they cannot speak of the more important Territorial Patriotism.

    It would Not surprise many of us if this is the Nazis way of saying that if this arrangement is a set up made to fail, in order to made Serbia look bad before the ICJ makes its possible paedophile bribed announcements.

    We have seen from the published comments that there is proof for paedophilia in high places.

    We should Not be surprised if some ICJ some Judges have been corrupted with paedophilia, and can now be blackmailed by Britain, America, and the Nazis of this world.

    This is why any non-Janissary Serbian Government should Not rest until 100% of ICJ Judges say that Law is Legal.

    We have seen from the published comments that there is proof for paedophilia in high places.

    We should Not be surprised if some ICJ some Judges have been corrupted with paedophilia, and can now be blackmailed by Britain, America, and the Nazis of this world.

    This is why any non-Janissary Serbian Government should Not rest until 100% of ICJ Judges say that Law is Legal.

    I think that the majority of the world’s countries will support Serbia’s efforts to legalize the right of different races to live together in peace in the same country.

    Many people believe that the Albanians are to Europe what the Jews are to the rest of the world, especially America.

    Even though a country says that they will do something, they have a right to change their mind.

    Russia has shown that it is a good friend of Serbia, Europe, and the rest of the world.

    Russia is too generous because I would exchange Kosovo for those territories that want to join Russia, if Serbia wants to let all or some of Kosovo become independent.

    The United Nations Charter was written that any Permanent Member of the Security Council can veto for any reason they want.

    There cannot be any unique case, because that would be arbitrary and it would be discriminatory.

    We now have conclusive proof that Russia is the friend of Serbia, Europe, and the rest of the world.

    We can clearly see this by the fact that Russia respects, and works with the United Nations Charter.

  167. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:51 AM |  

    I found the following article on the internet that is titled: Oil Spill Threatens Total Destruction.

    The British Petroleum oil spill is threatening the entire eastern half of the North American continent with "total destruction," reports say. An ominous report by Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources warned of the impending disaster resulting from the British Petroleum (BP) oil and gas leak in the Gulf of Mexico, calling it the worst environmental catastrophe in all of human history, the European Union Times reported. Russian scientists believe BP is pumping millions of gallons of Corexit 9500, a chemical dispersal agent, under the Gulf of Mexico waters to hide the full extent of the leak, now estimated to be over 2.9 million gallons a day.Experts say Corexit 9500 is a solvent four times more toxic than oil. The agent, scientists believe, has a 2.61ppm toxicity level, and when mixed with the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, its molecules will be able to “phase transition.” This transition involves the change of the liquid into a gaseous state, which can be absorbed by clouds. The gas will then be released as “toxic rain” leading to “unimaginable environmental catastrophe” destroying all life forms from the “bottom of the evolutionary chart to the top,” the report said.

    There is an interesting article that is titled: It Is Raining Oil In Florida, and that article can be found at http://www.rense.com/.

    I do Not know of anything about the Oil Industry, but to me it just looks like it is a big bottle top that needs a big cork.

    What perplexes me is why have there Not been several open and shut taps or valves installed under the seafloor and above the seafloor.

    If the first thirty metres above the seafloor had been a strong pyramid shaped structure with the tip of the pyramid at the top of course, then the break would have occurred above the tip of the cone.

    There could have been at least two open and shut taps or valves, that could have been quickly and readily accessed to stop any flow of oil.

    I know that I do Not know anything about how to harvest offshore oil.

    However, I do believe that if I, or anyone ordinary person of average intelligent who was Not a Secret Devil Worshipper was on a Committee with two experts in the field, we would be able within a week, a month at most to devise methods to minimize future oil spills.

    I am Not suggesting that the Oil spill will take a month to put a cork in this bottle, but that many ordinary people who are Not working for the invisible demons could devise systems or better security against future oil spills.

    Perhaps the pipe section that is one hundred metres below the seafloor, and the pipe section that is one hundred metres above the sea floor should be threaded.

    This threading would be both inside the pipe and outside the pipe.

    This would allow for the screwing of a section of pipe with a open and shut tap or valve onto the existing broken pipe.

    The tap or valve would remain open until the pipe was screwed on to the broken pipe, and then the tap or valve would be switched off.

    This method would be used along with the use of the pyramid structure.
    Another possibility would be to fit a tight fitting pipe that allow flow into the existing pipe, by hammering it into the existing pipe, and hold it down by weights.

    After that, repeat the procedure with another tight fitting pipe, until the pipe is very small, and the plug it the pipe.

    I am sure that there might be some aspects of some opinions that would be worthy of considering for non-Devil Worshipping Experts to consider.

    If the Experts are Secret Devil worshippers, then all the Politicians in Britain and America know that they will deliberately lie to the people with the expressed blessing of the Anglo-American Politicians.

  168. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:50 AM |  

    The Spanish Presidency should work hard to ensure that the Dutch give away their racist attitudes.

    This will be extremely difficult if not impossible, because the Dutch will tell the Spaniards that the Dutch are real Whites that belong to the Master Race.

    The Dutch will say that they are of the Nordic Master Race; and furthermore, that the Dutch are of the Germanic Master Race.

    The White Supremacist Dutch privately refer to the Serbs, the Spaniards, and other Europeans as Blacks and Untermenschen.

    The problem with the Dutch is that they just cannot shake off their Colonial attitudes of being of the White Master Race.

    We know that it was the Dutch that created the Apartheid regime in South Africa, and that the only place left for them to have an Apartheid regime is in the Balkans.

    The Dutch are influencing other European countries by offering a visa regime that does not include all Races in Serbia.

    There is a group of Serbian citizens who want the EU to refer to them as the Kosovar Race.

    Here is extra proof that certain elements within the EU actively pursue racially discriminatory policies.

    Policies that are based on Race are Unconstitutional for the Serbian Parliament, but we know that the current Serbian Government is just a puppet to the Nazis of Europe.

    This is why the Dutch oppose the SAA Agreement with Serbia, and any fancy excuses given by the Apartheid Dutch should be ignored by all those who are knowledgeable.

    It would not surprise me if the Dutch ask the invisible demons to torture General Ratko Mladic in the invisible realm; just so that they can then have an illegitimate cover for their mean spiritedness, but especially for their hypocrisy.

  169. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:51 AM |  

    I just realized that if the first long enough section of tight fitting pipe could be hammered in to the broken pipe, then this pipe possibly should have an internal thread.

    After the first pipe is installed, then it should be welded to the broken pipe to make the join better secured, and to stop any small leaks.

    There could then be a cylinder that opens and shuts with a hinge that will then be sufficiently long, and properly engineered to grip the two different diameter pipes together.

    The purpose of this procedure is to make the repaired pipe section stronger than the original pipe.

    After this another pipe that has an open and shut tap or valve attached to it, can be screwed into the now added threaded pipe section.

    After that the tap or valve can be closed to at least stop the flow of oil in the ocean.

    After that, the pyramid structure that I mentioned should be in place in the advent of future need.

    There is an advantage with having external thread if that it will not corrode because of having no oil or other methods on its surface to prevent corrosion.

    This is because smaller diameter pipes restrict to some degree the flow of oil.

    This should be taken into consideration when designing the diameter of the pipe that will be below the seafloor, and up to one hundred metres above the seafloor.

    I am sure that there might be some aspects of some opinions that would be worthy of considering for non-Devil Worshipping Experts to consider.

    If the Experts are Secret Devil worshippers, then all the Politicians in Britain and America know that they will deliberately lie to the people with the expressed blessing of the Anglo-American Politicians.

  170. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    I just thought of a possibility that the broken oil pipe could have a thread put on it.

    Plumbers are able to thread pipes both internally and externally, and perhaps this is a job for the plumbers.

    If the thickness of the pipe wall is sufficient, then it will enable an internal thread to be made.

    If the thickness of the pipe wall is Not that sufficient, then a more modest thread can be made to enable that the new pipe can screwed onto the broken pipe.

    There should Not be any problems even if the broken pipe end is not at right angles to the broken pipe.

    If the broken pipe end is Not circular, but has become oval in shape, it may need to be cut to ensure a circular shape.

    The broken pipe end could be bent or panel beaten back into shape if that is plausible given the circumstances.

    Another alternative is to shape the new pipe shape to fit the broken pipe, and forget about having an internal thread.

    The jagged edges of the broken pipe will Not matter, and would even help because it would mean more welding, resulting in greater strength of the joined pipe.

    The pyramid structure that I mentioned should use triangle and cables to give it added strength.

    The pyramid structure should be connected at each of the four corners by right-angled metal, and it should be connected diagonally by right-angled metal.

    The fact that the oil pipe will be in the centre is Not a problem if a right-angled square structure that joins the diagonal right-angled metal is built around the oil pipe.

    That right-angled square structure that joins the diagonal right-angled metal should be sufficiently large enough Not to interfere with any future repair or maintenance work.

    I am sure that there might be some aspects of some opinions that would be worthy of considering for non-Devil Worshipping Experts to consider.

    If the Experts are Secret Devil worshippers, then all the Politicians in Britain and America know that they will deliberately lie to the people with the expressed blessing of the Anglo-American Politicians.

  171. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    The pyramid structure that I mentioned should use triangle and cables to give it added strength.

    The pyramid structure should be connected at each of the four corners by right-angled metal, and it should be connected diagonally by right-angled metal.

    The Committee for safer oil harvesting should contain at least one plumber who will pretend Not to be a Secret Devil Worshipper by doing a good job.

    The fact that the oil pipe will be in the centre is Not a problem if a right-angled square structure that joins the diagonal right-angled metal is built around the oil pipe.

    That right-angled square structure that joins the diagonal right-angled metal should be sufficiently large enough Not to interfere with any future repair or maintenance work.

    I am sure that there might be some aspects of some opinions that would be worthy of considering for non-Devil Worshipping Experts to consider.

    If the Experts are Secret Devil worshippers, then all the Politicians in Britain and America know that they will deliberately lie to the people with the expressed blessing of the Anglo-American Politicians.

  172. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:20 AM |  

    This comment better expresses certain points that I made in a few comments, and it contains new information.

    We should Not be surprised if some ICJ some Judges have been corrupted with paedophilia, and can now be blackmailed by Britain, America, and the Nazi Zionist Bankers of this world.

    This is why any non-Janissary Serbian Government should Not rest until 100% of ICJ Judges say that Law is Legal.

    The diaries that claim to be written General Ratko Mladic could in fact even be computer generated forgery made at the American State Department with the blessing of Tadic and company.

    A computer programme can analyse the writing, and it can copy it exactly, even the different pressure rates that the pen applies to the paper to make it look authentic.

    In future all military diaries will be computer written to add the element of a question mark to them.

    It is interesting how the Nazis of Europe want to make it look like Tadic is qualified to negotiate other people’s territorial disputes.

    At the same time, the Ustacha Government are disregarding principles, and want to drop a genocide case against the Serbian people that the Serbian people are owed.

    These Ustacha want to have military cooperation with Nazi Croatia because this is the backdoor to joining NATO and recognizing Kosovo.

    We hear the Puppets, traitors, and Janissaries speak of Economic Patriotism, because they cannot speak of the more important Territorial Patriotism.

    However, these Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries fail even on the economy, because their every thought is treason against Serbia.

    The Traitors are saying that IMF package to help poor, but that is CODE for to help us Traitors win votes from those who have a poor IQ.

    The Traitors have said that the latest negotiations with the IMF were completely geared towards social policies, but that is what they said last time, and that is what they will always say.

    This is because they cannot go against their election contributors who are rich tax cheats.

    The Nazis of Europe will make sure that Tadic’s set up ‘mediation’ fails, in order to say to the ICJ, that Serbia cannot mediate, and therefore we propose that criminality is law.

    We have seen from the published comments that there is proof for paedophilia in high places.

    I think that the majority of the world’s countries will support Serbia’s efforts to legalize the right of different races to live together in peace in the same country.

    Many people believe that the Albanians are to Europe what the Jews are to the rest of the world, especially America.

    Even though a country says that they will do something, they have a right to change their mind.

    Russia or China may propose for the sake of Global Peace that their imposed autonomy solution is what will be the law, rather than any negotiated solution, or Nazi imposed solution.

    Russia and China have that right, and they may say that because things have Not been handled correctly in the first place, there will be a Free Online Global Lottery on Kosovo, paid for by contributions from non-Nazi countries.

    This is why America should do the right thing by the European people and leave Continental Europe as soon as practicable.

    America should make some fancy speech about how they are just so wonderful; how they restored democracy to all of Europe, and then leave Continental Europe for good.

    The Serbian Voters can easily be made to understand the consequences of giving the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP a majority at the next election.

    For the benefit of those who are hard of thinking, it would be independent Vojvodina, independent, Kosovo, the further break up of Serbia, and Serbia joining NATO.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries at the next election.

  173. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    I found the following comment on the internet, and the Experts will know if it is correct.

    This is happening because, as I wrote in my exclusive article for you, we have encountered one of Nature’s Three Laws of Thermodynamics, and it has no respect for us mere mortals. What we have here is an oil volcano, erupting at tremendous pressures, very hot at first. One of the first facts one learns in a High School physics class is that a liquid cannot be compressed. Precisely because it can’t, we use this principle to make small hydraulic jacks, so handy for lifting tons with one hand! Has anybody ever capped a volcano? So no matter how much BP tries to cap this, the pressure MUST find a way of relief. This new plume is likely an offset from the main casing, prompted by BP’s efforts to cap the blow-out. Remember the Walt Disney cartoon movie of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”? And here we are!

    The following suggestions are suggestions where pressure is a problem, or even where pressure is Not a problem.

    I think that oil rigs should Not be used, but should be replaced by smaller oil tankers that send down a flexible pipe like a fire hose.

    The oil tanker collects the oil and can even separate the oil and water to a high degree from this oil spill.

    The oil rig holding tanker should have a least two holding tanks then pumps the oil into other oil tankers that take the oil to the oil refineries.

    It would be advisable to have a few of these specially designed oil tankers, but perhaps all oil tankers could be modified or built this way in the future.

    Any new model oil tankers need to also be like luxury ocean liners for the workers who work on them.

    Another ship or ships that take the at least 95% water to oil ratio will then separate the oil water to 99.9% water and 0.01% oil.

    If the percentage of water in the mix is very low then possibly it could all go into the refining process.

    Depending on the amount of water in the mix, it might be easier and more economical to separate the water on land rather than at sea.

    After that, the correct amount of dispersants can be added to the 99.9% water, which can be returned to the ocean.

    There could be a funnel that goes sufficiently deep into the seafloor around the broken oil pipe.

    This will reduce the amount of water that enters the funnel and pipe a the top the upside down funnel will be joined to flexible pipe by means of at least one clamp, and preferably two clamps.

    Each section of flexible pipe could be joined to the other by means of it fitting it tightly over a metallic pipe and securing it with clamps.

    The pipe that goes to the oil tanker from the ocean will be metallic and it will be curved at the top of the oil tanker.

    I think that had the funnel arrangement been there to begin with, it would have been easy to attach the flexible pipe onto it.

    This would take the oil and water mix to the oil tanker from where the oil can be processed and sent to the oil refinery.

    The funnel arrangement should be incorporated with the pyramid structure that I mention for added security.

    I think that a plumber and an irrigator who would know how to direct and control the flow of liquids should be on any Committee to help solve this oil spill, and to help prevent future oil spills.

    However, I do believe that if I, or anyone ordinary person of average intelligent who was Not a Secret Devil Worshipper was on a Committee with two experts in the field, we would be able within a week, a month at most to devise methods to minimize future oil spills.

    If the base plate at the seafloor was perfectly flat and smooth, then a funnel that had a good and suitable gasket would ensure that heavy funnel would not allow water to enter the oil flow.

    If the funnel is to be screwed on the specially designed base plate, then it would Not need to be as heavy as one that just sits there.

    I am sure that there might be some aspects of some opinions that would be worthy of considering for any non-Devil Worshipping Experts to consider.

  174. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:01 AM |  

    It was only too predictable that the Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries would want to buy army uniforms from Ustacha Croatia.

    Tito was smart for his own cause, and infiltrated what the ordinary Serbs were the Serbian Leadership with the Serbian Ustacha, and Serbian Janissaries.

    These Serbian Ustacha and Serbian Janissaries who now inhabit the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP, made sure that their treachery would continue to rule the Serbian people.

    Serbia should expect that these uniforms from Ustacha Croatia would be radioactive, or that they would cause cancer or even mental diseases by other means.

    This would be because of the slowly dissolving chemicals from the uniforms that mixes with the perspiration of the soldiers to make harmful chemicals.

    This could give off special rays so that with special equipment it can be seen at night or even during the day by the enemy.

    Dragan Ustacha SatanNATOvac wants the Serbian soldiers to become sick while they are on peace keeping mission in other counties to cover up the conspiracy.

    Boris Ustacha Tadic and company wants to drop the genocide case against brother Ustacha Croatia and have military cooperation brother Ustacha Croatia, even while Ustacha Croatia continues their genocide against the Serbian people.

    Boris Ustacha Tadic says that he wants reward Ustacha Croatia for all of this by begging the EU to allow Ustacha Croatia to join the EU.

    The Serbian Voters need to understand the consequences of giving the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP a majority at the next election.

    For the benefit of those who are Not so much hard of hearing, but hard of thinking, it would be independent Vojvodina, independent, Kosovo, the further break up of Serbia, and Serbia joining NATO.

    The gullible Serbs should Not say that this is Unconstitutional, because any Treacherous majority in Parliament will defecate on your ‘Constitution’.

    If the Ds, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP gain a majority at the next election, that is all they will need to legitimize their policies, and your ‘Constitution’, and will become pathetic and useless toilet paper.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

    The important thing for Serbia is to free itself of Puppets, Traitors, and Janissaries at the next election.

  175. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    I realized that I should have mentioned some of the ways that Ustacha Croatia is continuing to commit genocide against the Serbian people.

    One way is by supporting the theft of Serbian land; namely Kosovo and Metohija.

    Another way is the refusal to allow Serbs to return to their homes and properties in Krajina, and the discrimination against Serbs.

    There are other ways, but I thought I would just mention the more obvious ones for those people who are Not that familiar with the Balkans.

    I realized that I forgot to mention that any uniforms manufactured in Ustacha Croatia could be detected using the four legged dogs.

    This is because of the dogs’ ability to smell the uniforms because of the special material that was used to make it.

    These dogs could be trained to recognize that smell, whereas, any other untrained dog would Not respond to it even though it could smell that material.

    This seems to suggest that dogs may be trained to detect these materials, much the same as they are trained to detect drugs.

    To lower the number of land line causalities the army boots should be designed appropriately for this.

    The heels and soles of the boots should have hollow metal or flexible plastic hollow cylinders in them going from one side of the boot to the other side of the boot.

    If needed metal rods that are strong and long enough would go thorough these hollow cylinders; and, then weights can be put on the metal rods as close as possible to the boots on both sides of the boots.

    After this the soldier can slip out of his boot, and the land mine can be render harmless by pulling the boot together with the weights away from the boot with a sting attached to the boot.

    It could be better at times to use Velcro shoe laces, rather than tradition shoelaces.

    We can all be certain that Britain and America have invented this technology, and would even be using it.

  176. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:02 AM |  

    I just thought of ways of collecting as much of the oil that is spilled, rather than wasting it.

    This would involve using the oil and water separation techniques, which are simple to say the least.

    Any oil that is at the bottom of the ocean can be sucked up to an oil tanker using pumps.

    The ocean surface that is covered in oil could be scoped onto smaller ships that are really fast large boats, and the oil and water could be separated on the large boats, or the cargo could be taken to the oil tanker for processing.

    The smaller boats that separate the oil and water could even use dispersants on very low percentage oil in the water mix, and return that processed water back to the ocean.

    The intention of the method is to use the least amount of necessary chemical dispersant, while collecting as much spilled oil as possible.

    There could be an entire industry built around this ecological rescue mission which would create temporary employment, and clean up the environment.

    People should be given money to convert their large boats and small ships to clean up the environment.

    There could be a lot of oil recovered, and oil companies owe it to the world to put the environment above money.

    There are many people who think that is oil spill was deliberately created, and it continues as a deliberate Anglo-American policy.

    We know that most times that Anglo-America schemes, there is more than one policy objective.

    It could be that Britain and America want to change to green energy to devalue the price of oil for Russia, but especially for the Muslims.

    This could be their way holding onto to their Global Hegemony for a few more years.

    They would do this by making the price of recovering oil more than its sale price.

    If Anglo-America did Not buy oil anymore, then the price of oil would really be low.

    Anglo-America would have to create new industries, like the car industry that is now in public ownership.

    Anglo-America have had the plans long ago, and the other countries will be caught by surprise, and find it difficult to catch up the full employment in Britain and America.

    I think that people should ignore the theatrics and the lies of Britain and America on this matter.

    I think that the non-Anglo-American countries need to form a Trading Bloc, and bypass British and American schemes.

    It is obvious to most people that this simple problem could have been resolved long ago.

    Even the American Left do Not care, because they have been promised sexual deviancy and paedophilia, and a Socialist full employment America.

    I have thought for a long time that if anyone had a proper plan to make Socialism work, then it would be Britain and America.

  177. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I wrote the following two sentences in many of my comments, and we can now how Britain and America changed it decades ago in an attempt to fulfil their greedy desire for Global Hegemony.

    We, the people of Democracyland, whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter, and International Law, are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind.

    Democracyland, will be a true democracy, by having no military alliances, by being 100% against racism, by having no genetically modified crops, by planting many trees, and by having 100% recycling.

    I wrote several times that those things are just deceptive hype on the cause of ‘democracy’, but if we are talking democracy, then let us talk democracy.

    It does Not matter if we all had a perfect environment, a perfect ‘democracy’, perfect peace and abundant prosperity, because the real issue is that we must choose between Satan and God.

    This is because God’s Word is always true; and, Jesus will soon judge all of us regardless of what the planet, or the people on it are like.

    It is obvious to most people that this simple oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could have been resolved long ago.

    Britain and America could have asked for Global help, but they even rejected that help.

    I do Not know if other countries have the legal right to prevent this ecological disaster, if it happens to be in International Waters.

    If it is in Mexican Waters, then perhaps Mexico could be given the money to address this matter.

    Even the American Left who are the ‘Greenies’ do Not care, because they have been promised sexual deviancy leading to legalized paedophilia, and a Socialist full employment America.

    I have thought for a long time that if anyone had a proper plan to make Socialism work, then it would be Britain and America.

    We can now understand how Britain and America viewed the potential of those sentences, and it is the next sentences.

    We, the Governments of Britain and America, who do Not care about the United Nations Charter, or International Law, are committed to the highest form of Global Hegemony known to Mankind.

    Britain and America will be a true Schemeocracy Dictatorship, by bullying many countries into military puppet alliances, by being 100% against racism in our countries only, have genetically modified crops, plant a few trees for show only, by scheming against other countries, and by destroying the environment.

  178. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:32 AM |  

    This is a summary of the updated main points that would make offshore oil drilling more environmentally friendly.

    There should be remote controlled arrangements installed at or near the seafloor, and there must be at least two oil producing oil shafts from the same oil deposit, that commence production on the same day.

    If sufficient metres above the seafloor had been protected by a strong cube structure, then any damage or breakage would have occurred above the tip of the cube, which gives plenty of good pipe above the seafloor with which to work with.

    The pipe section at the blow hole should be much thicker pipe and be threaded, which becomes two pipes in a Y shape, with valves on both pipes.

    This allows for the attaching of a section of flexible or hard pipe with certain equipment or devises onto the oil pipe.

    The versatile, practical, and strong cube could have a strong roof for working on, and to place equipment or devices on it, and it would allow access to robots.

    A conical shaped chimney that looks like an upside-down funnel, with the mouth of that funnel on the seafloor, should be in the cube over the oil blow hole.

    An oil rig should be a small oil tanker, which has an oil rig at the back of the oil tanker.

    The small oil rig tankers should have at least two independent oil holding tanks, which are all capable of separating oil and water.

    Each oil holding tank should have its own pump and pipes to transfer its oil onto larger oil tankers.

    There should be a few of these specially designed oil rig tankers, and perhaps many existing oil tankers could be modified or built with some or all of these features in the future.

    Other ships could take the oil water mix, and separate the oil and water.

    The correct amount of dispersants should be added to water that contains a very low amount of oil, and the treated water can then be returned to the ocean.

    A chimney that goes sufficiently deep into the seafloor around the oil blow hole should be installed.

    This will reduce the amount of water that enters the chimney, and the cylindrical thinner top section of the conical chimney will be joined to the pipe that takes the oil to the small oil rig tanker, or any oil tanker.

    If the chimney is there to begin with, it is easier to attach the flexible pipe onto it.

    The chimney should be incorporated with the cube structure for added strength and security.

    At least one very good plumber and at least one very good irrigator who know how to direct and control the flow of liquids should be on the Committee to help solve this oil spill, and to help prevent future oil spills.

    If a base plate shaped like a giant washer with the oil blow hole in the middle of the giant washer’s hole at the seafloor was perfectly flat and smooth, then a heavy chimney with a good and suitable gasket would not allow water to enter the oil flow.

    A circular waterproof lighter chimney that is fastened onto the circular base plate large washer would Not need to be that heavy.

    Any oil that is at the bottom of the ocean can be sucked up to an oil tanker using pumps.

    The oil on the ocean surface should be scoped onto smaller ships that are really fast large boats, and the oil and water could be separated on these vessels, or the cargo could be taken to other facilities for processing.

    The larger boats, possibly Coast Guard boats, which separate the oil and water, would use dispersants on the processed water that is returned to the ocean.

    The intention of the method is to use the least amount of chemical dispersants, while collecting as much spilled oil as possible.

    There could be an entire industry built around this ecological rescue mission, which would create temporary employment, and clean up the environment.

    Oil companies should give people the money and the expertise to convert their large boats or their small ships into vessels that clean up the environment.

  179. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:51 AM |  

    I found the following article on the oil spill in America on the internet; and it is presented in three parts.

    The efforts to contain, the oil pill since April the 20th seem to be disingenuous, and we now have an environmental disaster for the Gulf coast, and possibly slowing seeping elsewhere. There is an estimated 12,000 barrels to 19,000 barrels per day of oil is escaping into the ocean. The American National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration closed twenty five percent of the federal Gulf waters for fishing. This is clearly an environmental catastrophe, and a very significant environmental crisis and catastrophe.

    The crude oil, even when in contact with water, stays together as a blob known as mousse. This blob floats on water and sticks to anything it comes in contact with, and unfortunately many marine animals mistake the mousse for floating food, thus poisoning them. Chemical dispersants look like a clever idea to get rid of some of the problems above. Dispersant react with crude oil to extract different chemical components from it, much like a refinery does. Some of these separated chemicals can mix with water; others are heavier than water and sink to the bottom, to be digested by benthic organisms. In other words, dispersants help the oil droplets disintegrate into smaller droplets for easy decomposition. Truth be told, dispersants are far from a panacea. They are first and foremost a public relation tool to manipulate public opinion into believing the oil spill is disappearing, digested by microbes. The dispersants keep the oil underwater and together have created a deadlier mix than oil and water. Out of sight, out of mind, and the American public, with an increasingly short attention span buys into it. In reality an oil spill treated with chemical dispersants poses an even greater ecological threat than the oil spill left alone.

    Corexit is an extremely toxic chemical dispersant. It was favoured by BP over other alternative dispersants more ecologically friendly and with a better track record, mostly for cost reasons. It is estimated that more than 870,000 gallons (3.2 million litres) of Corexit has been used so far, either sprayed on the surface or released underwater-150,000 gallons (570,000 litres). Dispersants rely on wave movements shearing the oil film mechanically in order to refine crude oil into separate chemicals. This may have worked to some extent on the Exxon Valdez spill of Alaska where waves are big but in the Gulf of Mexico? Ever heard of a surfing competition in the gulf? The waves are just not there for the dispersant to work. Seven cleanup workers were hospitalized last week after complaints of headache, dizziness, breathing problems and nausea. The workers are said to have told the doctors, according to the medical centre sources, that the chemical dispersant used to break up oil had made them sick. Doctors believe the likely cause to be chemical irritation as well as dehydration from working in the heat.

    The second part of this article is on the next comment.

  180. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:56 AM |  

    Acute Symptoms: Excessive exposure may cause central nervous system effects, nausea, and vomiting, aesthetic or narcotic effects.

    Chronic Symptoms: Repeated or excessive exposure to butoxyethanol may cause injury to red blood cells (hemolysis), kidney or the liver.

    According to a study by Exxon, Corexit 9527 and Corexit 9580 have low to "moderate toxicity to most aquatic organisms in laboratory tests." Corexit 9527 is also known to damage the red blood cells, leaving fishes to bleed to death. As this is being written, a large cloud of dissolved hydrocarbons has been discovered undersea. The contaminants are invisible and the reasons may be due to the application of the dispersants that a portion of the petroleum has extracted itself away from the crude and is now incorporated into the waters with solvents and detergents.

    This is in addition to the two submerged oil plumes, the largest 22 miles long, also said to be the result of dispersants. And, it's less clear the exact damage the oil plumes will cause when they eventually emerge to the surface/reach shore.

    Further, environmental scientists fear the oil plume entering the loop current-the conveyor belt that carries warm ocean current from Gulf of Mexico through the Straits of Florida. And Florida has extensive coral reefs near its coast. Though oil has already entered the current, scientist say that the oil is caught in a circular eddy that was breaking off the loop current.

    The Hurricane season.

    Know this: Most of the hydrocarbon chemicals extracted by the dispersants stay at the surface. They are the first ones to evaporate alongside water into clouds overhead that later fly over the continent and provide rain to the southern states.

    We are talking about chemicals causing cancer or kidney failure such as benzene, and pretty much any possible chemical that can be extracted from crude oil. These chemicals would end up in water supplies, rain on crops, and eventually imbibed by humans and animals alike.

    The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season began on June 1 and The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts 8-14 hurricanes ,14-23 storms, and 3-7 major hurricanes-the figures higher than normal years. During the next few hurricanes, extreme shearing at the surface of the sea will boost the chemical action of dispersants which separate petroleum chemicals and suddenly increase the concentration of noxious chemicals evaporating from the spill. These hurricanes will carry this noxious cocktail across the southern US and north of Mexico, polluting the water supply and all that depend on it. Some environmental scientist say that the hurricane could also clean-up as the combined effect of wind and wave action could hasten the decomposition of the oil. Still, a cause for worry as the hurricane would carry the hydrocarbons-laden water to the coastal wetlands. In particular, winds pull out colder water from beneath the surface, so the oil plume may rear its head faster than expected, not to mention the additional pressure on the sea floor.

    The third part of this article is on the next comment.

  181. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:56 AM |  

    Would the current American Administration want to cause more panic during the next hurricane than there usually is?

    How to recognize the signs that the spill aftermath rained inland:

    if after a downpour you notice that the road is slicker than usual, this is a sign the rain water may be contaminated.

    if after a downpour any foliage appears waxy, and any white surface stained.

    crops and plants which whither unexpectedly after a downpour. The oily substance coating the leaves block respiration and photosynthesis. A lot of herbicides are petroleum-based (but so are fertilizers).

    Effects of the oil spill.

    Microbes that ingest oil deplete oxygen from the sea, creating dead zones for fishes. This, realistically, is a tale of doom as some species like the blue fin tuna spawn in the Gulf region and the dead zone could lead to their extinction. The gulf may already have many of these dead zones, and many more new ones created with every drop of oil added.

    The breeding grounds of birds are compromised. On shore, oil evaporates leaving behind tar which is either washed away or is subjected to microbial action. But on marshy surface, the oil gets locked down and sinks below. Here, the microbial action is slow and the land takes a long time, at times even decades, to recover.

    The coating of oil on birds makes the feathers heavy decreasing their ability to fly, so they sink or drown. Also birds try to clean themselves of the oil, thus ingesting the poison.

    Many birds and seal pups also die to hypothermia as the insulating capacity of feathers and woolly fur (lanugo) is reduced, respectively. Oil spill also damages the eyes of marine mammals causing ulcer or conjunctivitis, even blindness resulting in death. It also decreases the thickness of egg shells, and cause organ failure in birds with the oil entering the lungs and liver of animals.

    Feeding and spawning areas of fishes are damaged and the spill could poison the food chain starting from plankton. Small fishes may take in the oil droplets laced with dispersants and transfer the poison to higher animals in the food chain. Further, dispersants not only kill coral reef but affects their re-growth too.

    Prolonged exposure to crude oil and the dispersants also pose significant danger to public health. The tiny air borne particles from the crude oil pollutes the air, and cause people to fall sick with headache nausea, sore eyes and neurological diseases in the long term.

    For one thing, this oil spill has become the worst environmental disaster in America. And the oil is expected to gush until at least August, leaving both BP and the government powerless in the face of this tragedy. As hurricanes begin to hit the gulf, this southern tragedy may soon take a global turn for the worse.

    We can see the effects of deregulation, and there should have and easily could have been plenty of safety measures that would have solved the problem in less than one week.

    There are many American citizens who think this incompetence and inaction was deliberately engineered to achieve several policy Anglo-American objectives.

    Perhaps America thinks that Cuba can be conquered by this method of destroying the environment.

    The American Left thinks that they can sell Nationalized Health Care, now that everyone including illegal immigrants needs it.

    The American Left may use this to impose Martial Law to set up their long wet dreamed of Paedophile Dictatorship.

    There are many other policy objectives that could be part of the package of reasons why this environmental disaster was firstly engineered, and then ignored by Britain and America.

  182. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:01 AM |  

    The first thing I want to say is that if there is any copyright attached to any of the suggestions I gave for the safety procedures in the offshore oil industry, then I waive any copyright to it, and any country can use any suggestions.

    I know that in all likelihood that most of the suggestions on this matter that I gave can be improved on, because even I have thought of improvements after reading and thinking on this subject.

    I am hoping to soon publish my new modifications, but I am confident that experts can come to the same or even better solutions regarding offshore oil drilling.

    It is good that some or even most of the oil that is going into the gulf is now being directed onto oil tankers.

    Even after the limited amount of reading and research what I have done on this subject, I think that even if the oil spill was an accident; the ‘handling’ or non-handling of it was deliberate State Sponsored Terrorism.

    The solutions could have and probably already have been known by BP and the British an American Governments.

    I would have vacuumed the oil onto oil tankers, and even though this would result in taking water on the oil tankers, it could easily be separately.

    I would have put an enormous inverted funnel possibly the size of a small house over the entire thing, and that would have stopped most of the oil from going into the ocean.

    I know that my suggestion of the cube with a strong flat roof that acts as a seafloor from which the apparatus starts would enable an enormous or sufficiently large chimney to be placed on it, and for the chimney to have a watertight seal.

    I would have put one hundred million dollars as rewards for the best one hundred suggestions for solving this and future problems regarding offshore oil drilling.

    That is only one Dollar per working person in Britain and America, and I am sure that they would come up with some brilliant proposals.

    It should have been, and is the responsibility of those who paid to work in the relevant Government Departments to have thought of these things, rather than just to sit on their lazy overpaid under worked ‘public service’ tails.

    It was the responsibility of American legislators to make sure that there were enough checks and balances in the System regarding Oil Industry Legislation and Oil Industry Regulation.

  183. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:01 AM |  

    I realized that after having said what I said concerning certain ‘public servants’, there is another group that cannot be said to be without blame.

    I am talking of Greenies or ‘Greenies’ and I am thinking of the Left Wing Voters or Liberals as they are known over there in America.

    If this environmental disaster had happened while George Bush was President, then we would never had heard the end of it, and the protests would rival, and many would argue should rival the Vietnam protests.

    The Right Wing is also to blame for Not protesting enough, but then again, who wants to be labelled Racist?

    It is interesting how the White British and American Politicians did Not care if their condemnation of Idi Amin was considered Racist by the supposedly Politically Correct.

    We now know that the ‘compensation’ for White America to pay for the ill-treatment of the Black People is for more ill-treatment of Black People by the Scheming State Sponsored Environmental Terrorists, and their parasite self-serving lackeys.

    I know that my suggestion of the cube with a strong flat roof that acts as a seafloor from which the apparatus starts would enable an enormous or sufficiently large inverted funnel that can be termed a chimney to be placed on it.

    This cube arrangement would enable the chimney to have a watertight seal.

    The Oil Industries, and the British and American Governments should have put one hundred million dollars as rewards for the best one hundred suggestions for solving this, and for solving future problems regarding offshore oil drilling.

    That is only one Dollar per adult in America, and I am sure that many people would come up with some brilliant proposals that work.

    It should have been, and is the responsibility of those who paid to work in the relevant Government Departments to have thought of these things, even if it was in their spare time, and it was free of charge.

    It should have been, and is the responsibility of those in the Oil industries, and the Britain and American governments to ask paid experts for this knowledge.

    I know that the Environmental Movement and Fossil Fuel Companies have different agendas.

    However, even the Greenies should have had a Plan that they could have submitted to the Oil Companies and Governments.

    It was the responsibility of American legislators to make sure that there were enough checks and balances in the System regarding Oil Industry Legislation and Oil Industry Regulation.

  184. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:32 AM |  

    There is a lot of talk of just how bad things are for the black people in America.

    They speak of the fact that their ancestors were slaves, and that is an obvious and great injustice.

    However, many black people in America should come to grips with the fact that, as wrong and as bad as it was, that if their ancestors did Not come to America, then they would be in black Africa, rather than in America.

    I wonder just how many black people would Not want to be in any other country than America, regardless of why they are in America.

    I wonder just how many black people think that America is the best country to a citizen; and that they now could Not care less how the happen to be in America.

    As any large group of people will always have different opinions, I wonder just how many black people secretly revel in the fact that their ancestors were slaves.

    As with any group of people some will answer the question truthfully, and others will lie.

    That fact that everyone will speak Politically Correct means that some have to be speak lies.

    This is called Political Correctness, because lying and deceiving is the Politically Correct thing to do for the Politically Correct.

    I wonder just how many black people would betray their own race and become Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas.

    I guess it would be the same percentage as the percentage of White American politicians who betray white people for their own financial benefit.

    I wonder just how many black people were always proud of America,

    Political Correctness is Satan’s way of deceiving people and making people lie, because Satan just loves lies.

    We all know that the Gulf Oil Volcano was deliberate, and it is so that the Barack IDI AMIN istration can suspend the American Constitution and declare Marshall Law.

    The Dictators of America, by means of the Puppet Uncle Barack IDI AMINistration need to keep the oil polluting long enough until the bribed and corrupt ICJ verdict says that different races do Not have ant legal right to live together in peace.

    It is one thing on if different races can or want to live with each other in peace, and something quite evil and sinister for the Highest Court in the World to say that DIFFERENT RACES DO NOT EVEN HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO LIVE TOGETHER IN PEACE.

    The Uncle Betrayer IDI AMINistration who manufactured the crisis in the first place will then be able to say that the Highest Court in the World has said that all Niggers in America must be killed.

    America will then suspend the Constitution and impose Marshal Law, and use the deliberately manufactured reason that this is the only way to protect the black people of America after the ICJ Ruling.

    Of course the ICJ opinion will say these things in fancy terms, and it will only be a few months after the ICJ says in a fancy way that all Niggers in America must die, that the Resident Uncle Barack Obama will put on an act of ‘concern’ and say what has the ICJ really said and what are the implications?

    This will be the same Academy Award Winning Act of ‘concern’ he has shown for the Oil Volcano in the Gulf of Mexico.

    We know that just as many black people really do Not care how they came to America, it also Politically Correct that many non-black people will use Political Correctness and say that they would never kill the black people of America to make a clean America.

    These same non-black American people will use Political Correctness to say that they would Not even want the black people to go back to Africa to make a clean America.

    There are people who want proof of what I am saying, and that proof will have to be supplied by themselves.

    We know that the American Democrats want to bring Mexicans to America to replace the black people there, because Mexicans will work.

    If people Do Not believe this, then they can ask themselves if any non-Native Americans of Mexicans really cares how America came to be the racial mix of what it is today.

  185. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:01 AM |  

    The Uncle Barack IDI AMINistration has no desire to do anything about the oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico.

    This thing was planned long and hard, and the American Traitors are just too committed to it now.

    This is a great distraction for Obama’s Sedition and Treason Trial, and for Obama’s bungled sale of his own Senate Seat to ensure that the American Senate remained non-black.

    This is why the former Governor of Illinios will be the scapegoat for Uncle Resident Barack Obama winning a Nobel Prize for trying his best to prevent the non-Uncle Tom Roland Burris becoming the only black American Senator.

    The former Governor of Illinios will be found guilty, and is in fact part of the set up to rid America of all black people, and set up what they call a Clean America.

    I want to say that I do Not agree with such evil plans, because everyone is equal, and equally has a right to live, and to an existence.

    There are good people and worthless people in every race, even my own race.

    He will spend a little time in prison, but after what is termed a clean America emerges, he will be pardoned.

    The former Governor of Illinios is also part of the conspiracy to disarm the American people, because these Dictators want all Americans to realize that everyone knows that the American Politicians no longer have any right to live.

    They will do this by saying that we convict the former Governor of Illinios for doing what we all do, and by this method we prove to everyone that the American Politicians no longer have any moral right to live, and must therefore be destroyed.

    This together with the bribed, corrupted, and carefully planned ICJ announcement; and the deliberately engineered oil volcano is what we need to Suspend the American Constitution and Impose Martial Law.

    This brazen plan by the American Politicians to prove to the American people that they no longer have any right to live is the pretext to Martial Law.

    It is just like the Obama want Americans to come to the opinion that he no longer has any right to live ever since his election.

    The American Politicians are putting pressure on their own citizens in the hope that some American group will say that the American Politicians no longer have any right to live.

    They will then be able to justify the disarming of America, because even vile filth and low life cowards can justify self-defence for themselves.

    America will then suspend the Constitution and impose Marshal Law, and use the deliberately manufactured reason that this is the only way to protect the black people of America after the bribed and corrupt ICJ Ruling.

    Of course, the ICJ announcement will say these things in fancy terms, and it will only be a few months after the bribed and corrupt ICJ announcement is made that Liberal Lawyers on Liberal Media will say that have decoded the ICJ announcements, and that is says: YOOZ GONNA DIE NIGGER.

    Of course the bribed and corrupt ICJ announcement will say that in a fancy way, and Resident Uncle Barack Obama will put on an act of ‘concern’ and say what has the ICJ really said and what are the real implications?

    This will be the same Academy Award Winning Act of ‘concern’ he has shown for the Oil Volcano in the Gulf of Mexico.

    I want to say that I do Not agree with such evil plans, because everyone is equal, and equally has a right to live, and to an existence.

    There are good people and worthless people in every race, even my own race.

    This is proved by the fact that the Serbian Parliament of Traitors has Not rehabilitated Draza Mihajlovic who was a true patriot, and a good human being.

    It would Not surprise me to discover that the Ustachas in the Serbian Parliament or elsewhere will slander Draza Mihajlovic, because those lowlife pieces of vermin would Not even equal a piece of excrement of Draza Mihajlovic.

    Draza Mihajlovic was the one who helped free Europe of Nazism, and we see how the Ustachas in the Serbian High Society, and their self-serving parasite lackeys view that great human being.

  186. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:31 AM |  

    The Stanford University experiment shows that even an honest person who becomes an American politician will soon become a liar, a bribe offerer, and a bribe taker, just like the rest of them.

    Is this the change that you can believe in if what, just like you can believe in fairies and men from Mars if you want to?

    This is because America does Not have 100% public funding, or sufficient free media time and space during elections that the media should give as their minimum obligation to democracy.

    The American Media also accepts bribes from the American politicians and businesses, and so they are Not a true Media, because they are biased and they are liars.

    The corrupt and conspiratorial Illinois Senate Inquisition failed on an important question.

    Were they going to prosecute the symptoms of pay to play by looking to scapegoat the former Governor, or were they going to rectify the causes by confessing that they are all the same?

    If I had to vote on the matter of convicting the former Governor of Illinois, I would vote against conviction even if he was guilty.

    If I was an Illinoisan Senator, I would know that I was guilty of the same offence, and my conscience would not allow me to convict others for what I do myself.

    As an American Politician, I would continue to be guilty of pay to play, even after I had convicted someone else, and I would consider it hypocritical, and unjust.

    Jesus said to his betrayer Judas that what he was going to do he should do quickly.

    The Illinois Senate Inquisition had the attitude of a fast ‘trial’ because they are the betrayers of American freedom and democracy.

    If American politicians want to offer hope and change, then they must first be honest.

    Liars and hypocrites will never save this planet, and the American Dictators are the ones who are really on trial here.

    I am saying that the American dictators should confess to the world what everyone knows them to be.

    If I were writing a novel, I would have a main character that was perhaps a journalist or an independent politician.

    This main character would say to the other politicians of this ancient and far away land, that liars and hypocrites have no right to live.

    I would then use that statement to say that because liars and hypocrites have no right even to live, then they have no right to even be a politician and to sit in judgement of others.

    The Nazis gave themselves the legal right to sit in judgement of the Jewish people, but they did Not have any moral right to do that; and, will the ICJ copy the Nazis?

    There is a true saying and that is that you should only believe approximately 50% of what you see, hear, and read in any year.

    This is because the world is full of trickery, and the world is a stage with many deceptive actors, and only a few honest ones.

    What we can be certain on is that God exists and that the Bible is true.
    Jesus said that he would come at a time when there was much lies and hypocrisy in the world.

    It is interesting to see the Illinois Senate Inquisition vote was 100%, however, they will never they put themselves up to the same level of accountability.

    We see what you do, and we hear what you say, but what is the real motive behind it?

    If the people of America want to restore freedom and democracy back to America, then they need to find alternative sources of information, and bypass the American Main Stream Media.

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind.

    Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    Regardless of what is happening in the world, the fact of the matter is that God exists, and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible and study it, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

  187. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:56 AM |  

    We all know that the oil volcano that is causing ecological devastation was planned in advance.

    I found the following article on the internet, and it is titled: Feds knew of Gulf spill risks in 2000, document shows.

    WASHINGTON — A decade ago, U.S. government regulators warned that a major deepwater oil spill could start with a fire on a drilling rig, prove hard to stop and cause extensive damage to fish eggs and wetlands because there were few good ways to capture oil underwater. The disaster scenario — contained in a May 2000 offshore drilling plan for the Shell oil company that McClatchy has obtained — is now a grim reality in the Gulf of Mexico. Less predictably, perhaps, the author of the document was the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service, the regulatory agency that's come under withering criticism in the wake of the BP spill for being too cosy with industries it was supposed to be regulating. The 2000 warning, however, indicates that some federal regulators were well aware of the potential hazards of deepwater oil production in its early years, experts and former MMS officials told McClatchy.

    Yet over the past decade, the risks faded into the background as America thirsted for new oil sources, the energy industry mastered new drilling technologies and the number of deepwater wells in the Gulf swelled into the thousands. Then-President George W. Bush ushered in the new era with an executive order on May 18, 2001, that pushed his new administration to speed up the search for oil. "I think it was certainly overwhelmed by the excitement of all the oil and gas that was starting to show up in the seismic studies and the technical excitement of how to drill these reservoirs," said Rick Steiner, a veteran environmental scientist who reviewed the document for McClatchy. "I think that had a way of subduing the real concern about the risk of these things."

    We can see that the New World Order Conspirators were planning this long and hard.

    What we have come to refer to as the Obama AMINistration will Not want to loose the next election, because that would be RACIST, RACIST, RACIST, and we cannot have that now, can we; because, as we have seen, what is needed is Politically Correctness which is the new slavery.

    America has paid for its slave past by becoming a slave to Political Correctness, and Not being able to vote for a white person, even if the white person is a better public servant.

  188. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:02 AM |  

    Tito was smart for his own cause, and infiltrated what the ordinary Serbs thought was honest Serbian Leadership with the Serbian Ustacha, and Serbian Janissaries.

    These Serbian Ustacha and Serbian Janissaries who now inhabit the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP, made sure that their treachery would continue to rule the Serbian people.

    The Serbian Voters need to understand the consequences of giving the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP a majority at the next election.

    For the benefit of those who are Not so much hard of hearing, but hard of thinking, it would be independent Vojvodina, independent, Kosovo, the further break up of Serbia, and Serbia joining NATO.

    The gullible Serbs should Not say that this is Unconstitutional, because any Treacherous majority in Parliament will defecate on your ‘Constitution’.

    If the Ds, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP gain a majority at the next election, that is all they will need to legitimize their policies, and your ‘Constitution’, and will become pathetic and useless toilet paper.

    Regardless of how good a job the Nazis of Europe allow the DS led Janissary Government to do, it would be wise Not to vote for the DS, the G-17 Plus, and the LDP at the next election.

  189. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:04 AM |  

    The first thing I want to say is that if there is any copyright attached to any of the suggestions I gave for the safety procedures in the offshore oil industry, then I waive any copyright to it, and any country can use any of the suggestions I made.

    I know that in all likelihood that most of the suggestions on this matter that I gave can be improved on, because even I have thought of improvements after reading and thinking on this subject.

    I am hoping to soon publish my new modifications, but I am confident that experts can come to the same or even better conclusions and solutions regarding offshore oil drilling.

  190. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:22 AM |  

    This comment is what I have discovered, and many others already knew regarding Obama’s responsibility to America.

    If I was the Dunce in Chief of country, then I would first of all abolish the Office of President.

    If for some reason everyone wanted to have a Dunce in Chief for the oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, then this is how I would handle the matter.

    I would set up a Committee of people who would be able to very quickly set up a competent Committee to handle this matter.

    I would insist that all the information on the problem was available to the public by means of a website site link to every internet search engine that is used in America.

    This means that every time someone gets on the internet, the first page they see is the Official Website for the Oil Volcano problem.

    Only those who have an interest can continue to view that Website, and only those can help should comment on that Website.

    There are many people who could Not see what was happening, because of all that oil, and so animation should be used.

    We should realize that besides creating a Dictatorship in America, there is a lot of money the America Politicians can make from this disaster.

    I hope I do Not give too much intelligence when I enlighten people that American Politicians and Main Stream Journalists are murders by nature, and so if they should be liars, schemers, and thieves, then I hope people are Not too surprised.

    They want BP shares to drop, and then they will buy them at the rock bottom price, and make enormous profits.

    We need to keep in mind all that ocean front real estate that will be purchased cheaply, and sold expensively by the vampire Banks who caused the housing bubble and the recession.

    There are people who are asking if the Bankers have lost the moral right to live.

    The graphics of offshore oil drilling should be animated, and all details given as to the dimensions of the equipment such as the riser pipe.

    I did Not know that they use a riser pipe, and I have looked for it dimensions on the internet, but could only find illustrations of it without its height.

    If the riser pipe is 100 metres tall, then the funnel I spoke of should be at least 130 metres tall.

    I would have 100 prizes with each prize valued at one million dollars for the best one hundred improvements to the system.

    This means that a person does Not have to invent an entirely new system, but just some aspect of it.

    For example, if the thought of having a cube on which the riser pipe sits is one of the best of the 100 improvements, then it wins a prize.

    I have been able to see the riser pipe, and the blow out preventer, and now it think that something like a rectangular coffee table arrangement that is only one metre high is all that is needed.

    The fact that I have a sketchier notion of the system, I would say the funnel would be rectangular rather than the shape of a circular based big bell.

    The funnel would have two pressure release valves that would allow oil to be discharged into the ocean if the pressure was too high in the funnel, or it would allow seawater to enter the funnel if the pressure was too low inside the funnel.

    There are many good improvements that can be made, but I know that the American Politicians serve Satan to have the invisible demons enter them to give them very good and satisfying orgasms.

    We now know that Nero fiddled with his penis while Rome burned, because Nero was a Secret Devil Worshipper and hated the Bible.

    We now all know that President Barack Obama and other American Politicians and American High Public Officials have been earning dirty money.

    We now all know that President Barack Obama, other American Politicians, American High Public Officials, and American Businesspeople, both male and female have been masturbating every day, while being demon possessed, and enjoying very good and satisfying orgasms, while America goes to ruins.

  191. Anonymous Anonymous | 3:31 AM |  

    This comment is to give some suggestions for coping with oil spills, regardless of if they are unforseen, or they are deliberately engineered.

    What I will do is give suggestions for future solutions, but the experts will be able to adapt any of the good suggestions to current needs.

    I found a good illustration of an oil riser pipe on the image search on the internet at http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/files/OGL05017.jpg.

    I hope that the CIA does Not change that location in order to make me look like a liar or a deviant.

    If we look at the illustration of the riser pipe, then we can see that it is held upright by supports on the sea floor.

    I would make the support for a new oil riser pipe in the shape of a very large coin, but it would need to be hollow, and has a hole in the middle so that the riser pipe could go below the sea floor.

    Seawater should be allowed in the hollow ‘coin’ by means of a tap, and there are triangles or upright pipes bolted into it for strength.

    The purpose is to provide a flat and strong surface if an inverted funnel or chimney has to be placed in the ‘coin’.

    I would prefer bolts and gaskets rather than welding, because it is easier to repair if the robot can manage with that.

    The maintenance and repair robot should have a hose that is attached to a strong pump to clean away any sand if a chimney has to be lowered onto the ‘coin’ which is the base.

    All structures that acts as the chimney or other containment devise should have two valves that allow oil to enter the ocean is the pressure is too high, or to allow seawater to enter if the pressure was too low.

    Upon this ‘coin’ there would be upright structures from which to build any needed contingency arrangements.

    The new model blow out preventer apparatus would be longer at the bottom, and decrease in length as they could up the riser pipe.

    There would be attachments or on built mechanisms that would allow the fastening of containment structures that would seal sections by section of the length of the riser pipe.

    The oil riser pipe should be as short as practical, because this will allow the chimney to be smaller if it is needed.

    As regards the current oil spill, I have Not been able to find any good animations or illustrations, because the oil screen is acting like a smokescreen.

    Imagine if there had been an attached plate that was like a large thick washer, and it had holes drilled in it.

    That could be used to bolt some arrangement onto it that looks like the bottom of a pressure cooker, and the lid that has a 30 inch pipe in the middle could be attached just the same way you do with a pressure cooker with its rubber seal.

    The 30 inch pipe could then be attached to the hose going up to the oil tanker.

    A small chimney with a gasket could be bolted using onto large and thick washer with holes in it, and that would be connected to the hose going to the oil tanker.

    I think that a specially designed large thick washer that comes in two pieces should be bolted as high up the riser pipe, and then ship the oil to the oil tanker.

    A strong and flexible rubber hose that is separated at right angles so that it can slip over the leaking hose should be used.

    It fits very tightly over a leaking hose should have right angle strong metal attached to both separation points.

    It can then be used as a bandage and held over the leaking pipe by means of what looks like a modified strong paper clamp.

    The two right angled metal pieces could have hole in them, and then they are bolted together to stop the leak.

    I think that if a ‘bandage’ of Velcro material had been wound over the leaking hose; it would have sealed the leak, and prevented this ecological and humanitarian disaster.

    As we have all seen this was an act of premeditated and continued State Sponsored Terrorism to entrench a Communist Dictatorship in America by enriching the elites of this world at the expense of the hardworking, honest, and decent American citizens.

  192. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:56 AM |  

    The following sentence is a news item that I found on the internet.

    Billionaire ‘investor’, schemer and terrorist George Soros said “we have just entered Act 2” of the crisis as Europe’s fiscal woes worsen and Governments are pressured to curb budget deficits that may push the global economy back into recession.

    The following paragraph is how an American citizen wrote a comment on a blog.

    Had the Government let the markets liquidate the companies that needed to fail, we’d be seeing the end of the storm by now. But instead they decided to print worthless paper, bail everyone out and put off the problem for another day. Well that day is here and it’s going to be 5 times worse than it would have had they left the “Free” markets to work freely. When mass amounts of Americans start losing their homes, jobs and when their loved ones start dropping off from disease and starvation, people are going to see to it that those who are responsible pay. The government has ignored the people, mocked the people, they’ve provoked and called the angered masses “Americas enemies”, or “Extremists”. The government has pandered to corporate special interests and allowed this crisis to unfold, so as far as I’m concerned, the establishment heads have everything they’ve dished out, come back to them!!! Those in the Federal Government believe that their #1 priority is to assure continuity of Government, but this is not constitutional, so therefore it is not so. It is up to We The People to assure continuity of a constitutional form of government and to defend this country from it’s enemies, both foreign and domestic. If those who are in office refuse to abide by the constitution, then it is they who are the enemy. Further more, they lack the authority to do what they have been doing, therefore proving themselves unfit and obsolete. The actors in Washington can claim they are the “Government” all they want, but unless they have the constitutional authority and/or consent of the governed, they are only playing the role of government, nothing more. So if things don’t start changing for the better in November, then the establishment will leave the people with no other choice than to remove them from power by means of Revolution. No body wants this, but it would be better for the American public to revolt, than to continue on as complacent sheep, or accomplices in their tyranny. It’s time to restore the Republic!!!!! President John Kennedy said: “A Government that makes peaceful revolution impossible; makes violent revolution inevitable”.

    The American Banks and Corporation were Not too big to fail, but they were too big in several ways, and that is why they did fail, and will continue to fail.

    We can see that the Dictators of America are pushing their citizens to say that American Politicians have lost the right to live.

    The American people, especially the American Politicians know that Communism and Fascism cannot bring prosperity, because people are Not encourage to work, or if the do work it only to lock people up.

    The American people have seen the pig, and now they will be shown the lipstick by the American Democrats.

    They will either do this, but if they think that they will loose the election in November, they may Suspend the Constitution and Declare Martial Law.

    The American Democrats have strong links to the Mob or the Chicago Mafia.

    These people know from their ‘protection’ racket that even though they create the demand, they can remain in power.

    The oil spill is a good way for the Chicago Mafia to go ‘legit’, and they have used their street thug in the Whits’ House to launder their money.

    The fact that the oil spill chemical will make everyone sick will mean that the Democrat policy of Nationalized Medicine is here to stay, because it is just another protection racket.

    What we should all know is that if the lunatic and evil Left cannot win an argument with evidence and logic, then they will resort to lies violence to achieve their evil goals.

  193. Anonymous Anonymous | 5:20 AM |  

    I think that there should be a Tertiary Education Course that teaches people how to set up a Committee.

    I have advised America to get rid of the Office of President, and replace it with the British System, and have the Speaker of either House perform whatever formalities that might be needed.

    In Britain there would be a responsibly Minister to oversee an oil spill, and he or she would be the Minister for Emergency Situations, that would have its own Department.

    If anything is Not up to standard, then the Parliament can remove that Minister, and even if the Prime Minister were black or even Scottish there could be no hint of ‘Racism’.

    America may be examining the possibility of changing to the British System if it ensures a Dictatorial Constitution after the ‘democratic’ amendments.

    I use the term ‘democratic’ amendments, because we know that Politicians can do a lot with words, and it is in their dirty evil minds to make America a Communist Dictatorship that basically employs little Hitler ‘public servants’.

    They need this to have the invisible demons enter them so that they can enjoy good orgasm of sexual deviancy.

    The invisible demons set the trap by addicting a person to sexual deviancy, and then Not giving those people there next fix until they progress into further deviancy.

    The invisible demons want to set up a Dictatorship in America for legalized paedophilia and legalized bestiality.

    Many American Politicians are at the point of homosexuality and paedophilia, and Satan has ordered the oil spill to create a Paedophile Dictatorship in America.

    We can all see how the oil spill, the trial of the Serbian former Governor of Illinois, and the corrupt and bribed ICJ announcements are perfectly time to set up an American Dictatorship for legalized paedophilia and legalized bestiality.

    We know that the American Democrats want to bring Mexicans to America to replace the black people there, because Mexicans will work, and because they can be considered to be white.

    The Democrats keep saying that there are too many people in America, and the blacks are the weakest link in that weak chain.

    I wonder just how many black people were always proud of America, because they can live in luxury, possibly even in the Whites’ House, rather than starving in a dirty little African Village.

    If people Do Not believe this, then they can ask themselves if any race other than Native Americans or Mexicans really cares how America came to be the racial mix of what it is today.

    Mexicans love prosperity, and American Indians love alcohol, and many of them do Not care if 20 million native America Indians were murdered to make America what it is today.

    The Bible tells us that the American Politicians serve Satan to have the invisible demons enter them to give them very good and satisfying orgasms.

    Ancient Roman Emperor Nero had a true satanic spirit, and he deliberately destroyed Ancient Rome by setting it on fire, and then blamed it on the innocent Christians.

    We now know that Ancient Roman Emperor Nero fiddled with his penis and masturbated while Rome burned, because Emperor Nero was a Secret Devil Worshipper and hated the Bible.

    We now all know that President Barack Obama and other American Politicians and American High Public Officials have been earning dirty money.

    We now all know that President Barack Obama, other American Politicians, American High Public Officials, and American Businesspeople, both male and female have been masturbating every day, while being demon possessed, and enjoying very good and satisfying orgasms, while America goes to ruins.

  194. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    I want to say that I do Not know anything about economics, banking, and finance.

    However, I do have opinions on these, and I just thought that I would share with others.

    I did believe the lies that the Banks needed money because I do Not understand economics, banking, and finance.

    I wrote in one of my comments that if the Banks needed one Trillion Dollars, then the American Government should give it to them by means of paying one trillion Dollars of debts.

    This way the savings the home owners made would have been a perpetual stimulus passage that was properly funded.

    The Banks only used it to buy other Banks, and cause a bad recession in America; because, according to the American Democrats there are too many people in America, and the black people need to be disarmed as they are the weakest link in a weak chain.

  195. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:15 AM |  

    If a bandage is used to stop a leaking pipe, then to begin the grip, the following procedure should be used.

    A strong and flexible rubber hose that is separated at right angles so that it can slip over the good part of the hose near where the leak is should be used.

    It fits very tightly over good hose should have right angle strong metal attached to both separation points.

    It can then be used to secure the start of the bandage and held over good pipe by means of what looks like a modified strong paper clamp.

    The two right angled metal pieces could have hole in them, and then they are bolted together to secure the Velcro bandage.

    I think that if a ‘bandage’ of Velcro material had been wound over the leaking hose; it would have sealed the leak, and prevented this ecological and humanitarian disaster.

    As we have all seen this was an act of premeditated and continued State Sponsored Terrorism to entrench a Communist Dictatorship in America by enriching the elites of this world at the expense of the hardworking, honest, and decent American citizens.

  196. Anonymous Anonymous | 6:16 AM |  

    The Dutch Freedom Party Leader has just announced that he will do his best to prevent Serbia joining the EU.

    It is because he knows that the Albanians are Muslims, but there is also the problem with Serbia’s finances.

    If Tadic and his fellow puppets were more serious that what they are about joining the EU, then they should strengthen the Balkans’ finances and the Balkans’ position by defaulting on all IMF loans.

  197. Anonymous Anonymous | 1:16 AM |  

    I found the following comment based on an article on the internet, and the article is on several websites on the internet.

    News unfolding from the oil crisis in the Gulf of Mexico has linked media censorship to investment bankers at Goldman Sachs (GS) stewarding the Vatican's wealth, and increasing evidence that the explosion was intended. A near total news blackout from independent sources, and arrests of anyone caught photographing and filming the devastation, show the Halliburton-British Petroleum (BP) oil crisis is being criminally controlled, implicating some of Wall Street's heaviest hitters. According to a report issued by frightened, yet faithful, documentary filmmaker, James Fox, interviewed from the Gulf's Grand Isles by Mel Fabregas on the Internet's Veritas Radio Show, "There is a complete media blackout" on news coverage broadcast from the region. "They are arresting people with cameras and anyone off camera that is caught talking to a reporter," Fox testified. Another reporter told Fox, "You call this a free country? Right here, in the United States of America, there's no freedom of press. There's no freedom of speech. They're closing down the airspace above the oil spill, so reporters can't fly over to determine how bad these oil plumes really are." Suspicious pieces of this deadly puzzle feature Halliburton, the world's second largest oil field services company, headquartered in Houston and Dubai, whose negligence is blamed for the timely and profitable explosion. Three weeks before the "natural gas leak," the George Bush/Dick Cheney 9-11-linked Halliburton company negotiated the purchase of the world's largest oil-spill cleanup firm (Boots & Coots) at the exact time keen observers on Wall Street--financial intelligence agents at Goldman Sachs (GS; often called "Government Sachs")--unloaded 44% of their stock in BP.

    We can see the corruption in high places, because of the American voters’ insistence or on their gullibility in allowing Mafia based Bush Clinton Dynasties to rule America.

    The American Main Stream Media is also part of this Nepotism, where the leaders of both main Political Parties tell the others how to vote for their interests of Bush and Clinton crony Mafia Dynasties.

    We all know of America’s debts, and of America’s huge unfunded liabilities in Medicare, and Social Security and others.

    It could be that the American Democrats who engineered the oil diaster to have the Chicago Mafia go ‘legit’ with green energy deceived Bush and Cheney to do their ‘public duty’ and buy up the oil cleaning company.

    The Democrats could have done this to make all American Politicians look bad, so as to equalize or spread the disgust American voters have with the Democrats and give some of to the Republicans in order to help the Democrats at the next election.

    The American Democrats have strong links to the Mob, or the Chicago Mafia, and they want to launder dirty money by creating green energy and Nationalized ‘Health Care’ for the Mafia to invest their money.

    We know that America is bankrupt, and the Nationalized ‘Heath Care’ could be used by the Dark Left to rid America of all those who are against paedophilia, or are unemployed blacks, or are critics of the Dark Left.

    The Nationalized ‘Heath Care’ is the new discreet Auschwitz, where people could be given lethal injections or cancer causing ‘medication’.

    It would have been better for the retired Republican Politicians to keep their greedy pig snouts away from the trough of controversy.

    This, and the trial of the former Governor of Illinois could be part of the essential plan of the American Dictators to make the American people say that all American Politicians have lost the right to live, and must therefore be killed.

    The American Dictators want to push the American people to this point so that they can ‘justify’ suspending the American Constitution and imposing Martial ‘Law’.

  198. Anonymous Anonymous | 2:50 AM |  

    I found the following animated solutions to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on the internet.

    I typed Gulf of Mexico oil spill at the riser pipe animation into a search engine, and clicked onto oil spill gulf mexico animation Videos Online - VideoSurf Video Search 4 May 2010 ... Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill Well Repair Explained Animation. YouTube ... Bp Ritt Riser Insertion Tube Tool For Gulf Oil Spill Con. ... www.videosurf.com/videos/oil+spill+gulf+mexico+animation - Cached








    There are many other animations, and I just thought I would provide a few, and thee are many other websites with animations of solutions to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

    It is obvious that the oil rig should have Not been allowed to take the pipe down with it.

    If the hose near the surface had air bags, and it would disconnect from thew oil rig, then oil booms could have contained the oil for shipping onto an oil tanker.

    There are many experts who do Not fear for being murdered by the Dictators of America who will say that this problem was deliberately manufactured, and that it could have been solved long ago.

  199. Anonymous Anonymous | 4:46 AM |  

    I have comment on what was described as a crime and corruption spree, regarding the then Serbian Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich.

    That commentary is from comment 24 to 67 on this particular thread that is titled: Noam Chomsky About Serbia, Kosovo, Yugoslavia and NATO War Part 1.

    After having seen so much of American Presidents, I would recommend that America changes its Constitution in the following simple ways.

    The President will have only one term, and the President will Not be allowed to do anything other than veto legislation.

    The Congress can override any Presidential veto with a two thirds majority, if the Congress and the Senate have both approved the legislation.

    There should be 100% public funding of elections with unbiased free Media time in the run up those elections.

    After a President has been impeached, there will be new Presidential elections, and the newly elected President will Not be able to be impeached for vetoing the legislation that the other President was impeached for.

    Finest Hour Lyrics

    What a moment this is
    It is good to be alive
    There is still time for changing the world
    I believe it can happen
    God has given us life
    He has given us breath
    And the sun is not set
    We are not finished yet
    And I tell you there must be a reason


    This could be your finest hour
    This could be your greatest day
    This could be your finest hour
    Don't throw it away

    'Cause you just never know
    You never know what's around the next bend
    There are answers to prayer
    So you just can't stop caring
    This is not the end
    It's not only the young
    No not just the fast or the strong
    But to the one who is wise
    Who will open their eyes
    To the spirit of God
    To His power


    This could be your finest hour
    Are you ready to shine?

    We the people of Democracyland whose national borders are defined by the United Nations Charter and International Law are committed to the highest form of democracy known to Mankind.

    Democracyland will be a true democracy, have no military alliances, be 100% against racism, have no genetically modified crops, plant many trees, and have 100% recycling.

    Regardless of what is happening in the world, the fact of the matter is that God exists, and that the Bible is true.

    The truly wise thing to do is to get a copy of the Bible and study it, because Jesus is coming to judge the people of the world very soon.

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